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  #41 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a
Default Is It Just Me....

In article <2ikPc.233097$XM6.65938@attbi_s53>,
notbob > wrote:

> On 2004-08-02, Gregory Morrow >
> wrote:
> >
> > ...or does anyone else think that groceries have gotten more expensive in
> > the last year or so? Beef, chicken, and dairy products have for various
> > reasons spiked up in price, but most everything seems to have gone up at
> > least a little....

> No, it's not just you. Prices have gone up way more than 'a little'. I've
> been ranting about it for over two years now and it's gone into overdrive in
> the last year. Naturally, out here in CA, where all prices are beyond
> insane, it will seem even more extreme, but reletively the prices have still
> jumped at least 25-50% in the last year. Some examples of current prices:
> butter $5+ lb
> bacon $6+ lb
> eggs $3-4 doz
> bread $3.50+ loaf
> Amrcn cheese $5 per 16 cnt
> cereal $4-5 box

Sheeeeit! I need to go into the mail order grocery business! :-o
I can still get eggs for 79 to 99 cents per dozen! Butter runs about
$3.00 per lb. (and that is considered high), bread is 79 cents per loaf
for the generic whole wheat, American cheese (in fact most cheese) is
still around $3.50 per lb. Cereal and bacon, I have no idea as I dont
generally buy it, but I can get "bacon ends and pieces" in a 3 lb. box
for bean flavoring for under $2.00 per lb...

I can still get chicken hindquarters for 79 cents per lb. nearly all the
time, and catfish nuggets for under $1.50 per lb. I hate tilapia. :-P


> Fish is now 'off the hook!'. Talapia fillets, which were considered trash
> fish just 2 yrs ago and went for $ 4 lb, now go for $6-8 lb.
> The one saving grace is, all this stuff eventually goes on sale. Seriously,
> I don''t buy anything that is not AT LEAST 50% OFF!! And, it all goes on
> sale eventully. The key is, save your money, do without, wait for that
> sale, and buy a shit load!! Well, buy a bunch. (bone in chicken breast
> just went on sale for $.99lb. Guess what I'm gonna do
> nb

Sprout the Mung Bean to reply...

>,,<Cat's Haven Hobby Farm>,,<Katraatcenturyteldotnet>,,< id=katra
  #42 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a
Default Is It Just Me....

notbob > wrote in

> No, it's not just you. Prices have gone up way more than 'a little'.
> I've been ranting about it for over two years now and it's gone into
> overdrive in the last year. Naturally, out here in CA, where all
> prices are beyond insane, it will seem even more extreme, but
> reletively the prices have still jumped at least 25-50% in the last
> year. Some examples of current prices:
> butter $5+ lb
> bacon $6+ lb
> eggs $3-4 doz
> bread $3.50+ loaf
> Amrcn cheese $5 per 16 cnt
> cereal $4-5 box

I thought our prices were bad, but these are insane! I can still get
butter for around $2/lb, bacon $3/lb, eggs $1.20/doz. Cereal is almost
as high as yours, as is American Cheese. What gets me is ordinary ground
beef for $5-6/lb.

Wayne in Phoenix

If there's a nit to pick, some nitwit will pick it.
  #43 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a
Default Is It Just Me....

notbob > wrote in

> No, it's not just you. Prices have gone up way more than 'a little'.
> I've been ranting about it for over two years now and it's gone into
> overdrive in the last year. Naturally, out here in CA, where all
> prices are beyond insane, it will seem even more extreme, but
> reletively the prices have still jumped at least 25-50% in the last
> year. Some examples of current prices:
> butter $5+ lb
> bacon $6+ lb
> eggs $3-4 doz
> bread $3.50+ loaf
> Amrcn cheese $5 per 16 cnt
> cereal $4-5 box

I thought our prices were bad, but these are insane! I can still get
butter for around $2/lb, bacon $3/lb, eggs $1.20/doz. Cereal is almost
as high as yours, as is American Cheese. What gets me is ordinary ground
beef for $5-6/lb.

Wayne in Phoenix

If there's a nit to pick, some nitwit will pick it.
  #44 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a
Default Is It Just Me....

On Mon, 02 Aug 2004 00:58:50 -0500, Katra
> wrote:

> catfish nuggets for under $1.50 per lb.

I don't think I've ever seen that, just fillets.
What are catfish nuggets?

> I hate tilapia. :-P

Me too!

Practice safe eating - always use condiments
  #45 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a
Default Is It Just Me....

On Mon, 02 Aug 2004 00:58:50 -0500, Katra
> wrote:

> catfish nuggets for under $1.50 per lb.

I don't think I've ever seen that, just fillets.
What are catfish nuggets?

> I hate tilapia. :-P

Me too!

Practice safe eating - always use condiments

  #46 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a
Default Is It Just Me....

In article >,
sf > wrote:

> On Mon, 02 Aug 2004 00:58:50 -0500, Katra
> > wrote:
> > catfish nuggets for under $1.50 per lb.

> I don't think I've ever seen that, just fillets.
> What are catfish nuggets?

The nuggets are just the upper body meat.
They tend to be a little fatty, but are ok breaded with spiced corn meal
and quick fried, but lately I've learned to use my new foreman grill for
them and they come out much better!

> > I hate tilapia. :-P

> Me too!

I've really tried to like it too as it tends to be cheap. <sigh>
Frankly, I'd rather eat whiting than tilapia! :-P

> sf
> Practice safe eating - always use condiments


Sprout the Mung Bean to reply...

>,,<Cat's Haven Hobby Farm>,,<Katraatcenturyteldotnet>,,< id=katra
  #47 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a
Default Is It Just Me....

In article >,
sf > wrote:

> On Mon, 02 Aug 2004 00:58:50 -0500, Katra
> > wrote:
> > catfish nuggets for under $1.50 per lb.

> I don't think I've ever seen that, just fillets.
> What are catfish nuggets?

The nuggets are just the upper body meat.
They tend to be a little fatty, but are ok breaded with spiced corn meal
and quick fried, but lately I've learned to use my new foreman grill for
them and they come out much better!

> > I hate tilapia. :-P

> Me too!

I've really tried to like it too as it tends to be cheap. <sigh>
Frankly, I'd rather eat whiting than tilapia! :-P

> sf
> Practice safe eating - always use condiments


Sprout the Mung Bean to reply...

>,,<Cat's Haven Hobby Farm>,,<Katraatcenturyteldotnet>,,< id=katra
  #48 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a
Default Is It Just Me....

"Gregory Morrow" > wrote in
> ...or does anyone else think that groceries have gotten more expensive in
> the last year or so? Beef, chicken, and dairy products have for various
> reasons spiked up in price, but most everything seems to have gone up at
> least a little....

Yes, I definitely noticed an across-the-board jump in beer prices. ":^)

  #49 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a
Default Is It Just Me....

"Gregory Morrow" > wrote in
> ...or does anyone else think that groceries have gotten more expensive in
> the last year or so? Beef, chicken, and dairy products have for various
> reasons spiked up in price, but most everything seems to have gone up at
> least a little....

Yes, I definitely noticed an across-the-board jump in beer prices. ":^)

  #50 (permalink)   Report Post  
Gregory Morrow
Posts: n/a
Default Is It Just Me....

Katra wrote:

> In article >,
> sf > wrote:
> > On Mon, 02 Aug 2004 00:58:50 -0500, Katra
> > > wrote:
> >
> > > catfish nuggets for under $1.50 per lb.

> > I don't think I've ever seen that, just fillets.
> > What are catfish nuggets?

> The nuggets are just the upper body meat.
> They tend to be a little fatty, but are ok breaded with spiced corn meal
> and quick fried, but lately I've learned to use my new foreman grill for
> them and they come out much better!

They are very handy for stir - fries, too....


  #51 (permalink)   Report Post  
Gregory Morrow
Posts: n/a
Default Is It Just Me....

Katra wrote:

> In article >,
> sf > wrote:
> > On Mon, 02 Aug 2004 00:58:50 -0500, Katra
> > > wrote:
> >
> > > catfish nuggets for under $1.50 per lb.

> > I don't think I've ever seen that, just fillets.
> > What are catfish nuggets?

> The nuggets are just the upper body meat.
> They tend to be a little fatty, but are ok breaded with spiced corn meal
> and quick fried, but lately I've learned to use my new foreman grill for
> them and they come out much better!

They are very handy for stir - fries, too....


  #52 (permalink)   Report Post  
Gregory Morrow
Posts: n/a
Default Is It Just Me....

zuuum wrote:

> "Gregory Morrow" > wrote in
> message
> >
> > ...or does anyone else think that groceries have gotten more expensive

> > the last year or so? Beef, chicken, and dairy products have for various
> > reasons spiked up in price, but most everything seems to have gone up at
> > least a little....
> >

> Yes, I definitely noticed an across-the-board jump in beer prices. ":^)

Actually I've noticed that likker prices have held *fairly* steady...but
still a 12 - pack of beer that was $5.99 a year ago is now going for $6.99
or even $7.49....


  #53 (permalink)   Report Post  
Gregory Morrow
Posts: n/a
Default Is It Just Me....

zuuum wrote:

> "Gregory Morrow" > wrote in
> message
> >
> > ...or does anyone else think that groceries have gotten more expensive

> > the last year or so? Beef, chicken, and dairy products have for various
> > reasons spiked up in price, but most everything seems to have gone up at
> > least a little....
> >

> Yes, I definitely noticed an across-the-board jump in beer prices. ":^)

Actually I've noticed that likker prices have held *fairly* steady...but
still a 12 - pack of beer that was $5.99 a year ago is now going for $6.99
or even $7.49....


  #54 (permalink)   Report Post  
Paul M. Cook©®
Posts: n/a
Default Is It Just Me....

"Gregory Morrow" > wrote in
> ...or does anyone else think that groceries have gotten more expensive in
> the last year or so? Beef, chicken, and dairy products have for various
> reasons spiked up in price, but most everything seems to have gone up at
> least a little....
> The only real exception I've noticed is orange juice - there has been a
> bumper crop of oranges and because of the Atikins mania fewer are drinking
> it, so OJ is a relative bargain these days....
> I hew to a fairly strict grocery budget, use coupons, cook a lot from
> scratch, and tend to buy stuff only when it's on sale...I'm not the type

> get a hundred bucks from the ATM and go grocery shopping just because it's

> fun thing to do. I always make a list and stick to it.
> Anyone else notice this or is it just me?

No it is not just you. Food prices are skyrocketing. Produce in my area is
now more expensive than beef. Seriously. A head of lettuce is 1.35.
Mushrooms are 3.25 a pound. We grow produce not 30 miles from where I live
yet the price is as high as meat. Milk is off the chart, cheese is 4 bucks
a pound and butter has been 5 bucks for well over a year now. One reason in
SoCal is the cost of water as it is drying up, pun intended, very rapidly.


  #55 (permalink)   Report Post  
Paul M. Cook©®
Posts: n/a
Default Is It Just Me....

"zuuum" > wrote in message
> "Gregory Morrow" > wrote in
> message
> >
> > ...or does anyone else think that groceries have gotten more expensive

> > the last year or so? Beef, chicken, and dairy products have for various
> > reasons spiked up in price, but most everything seems to have gone up at
> > least a little....
> >

> Yes, I definitely noticed an across-the-board jump in beer prices. ":^)

Wine prices are stable. Thank Christ!


  #56 (permalink)   Report Post  
Paul M. Cook©®
Posts: n/a
Default Is It Just Me....

"zuuum" > wrote in message
> "Gregory Morrow" > wrote in
> message
> >
> > ...or does anyone else think that groceries have gotten more expensive

> > the last year or so? Beef, chicken, and dairy products have for various
> > reasons spiked up in price, but most everything seems to have gone up at
> > least a little....
> >

> Yes, I definitely noticed an across-the-board jump in beer prices. ":^)

Wine prices are stable. Thank Christ!


  #57 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a
Default Is It Just Me....

On Mon, 02 Aug 2004 00:39:41 GMT, "Gregory Morrow"
> wrote:

>...or does anyone else think that groceries have gotten more expensive in
>the last year or so? Beef, chicken, and dairy products have for various
>reasons spiked up in price, but most everything seems to have gone up at
>least a little...

Not just you. Everything I buy seems to have gone up, and quite a bit,
in the past year. $1.49 for a bunch of celery. $1.79 "special" for an
artichoke? I try to buy chicken breasts on sale -- $1/lb bone in;
$2/lb seedless -- and the 'specials' are now about 25% higher.
Supermarket bakery doughnuts went from 3/$1 to 50 cents each, which is
a !!50%!! increase.
  #58 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a
Default Is It Just Me....

On Mon, 02 Aug 2004 00:39:41 GMT, "Gregory Morrow"
> wrote:

>...or does anyone else think that groceries have gotten more expensive in
>the last year or so? Beef, chicken, and dairy products have for various
>reasons spiked up in price, but most everything seems to have gone up at
>least a little...

Not just you. Everything I buy seems to have gone up, and quite a bit,
in the past year. $1.49 for a bunch of celery. $1.79 "special" for an
artichoke? I try to buy chicken breasts on sale -- $1/lb bone in;
$2/lb seedless -- and the 'specials' are now about 25% higher.
Supermarket bakery doughnuts went from 3/$1 to 50 cents each, which is
a !!50%!! increase.
  #59 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a
Default Is It Just Me....

>"kilikini" slips a new AAA cell in her ear and spurts:
>>"PENMART01" wrote:
>> > "Gregory Morrow" writes:
>> >
>> >...or does anyone else think that groceries have gotten more expensive in
>> >the last year or so? Beef, chicken, and dairy products have for various
>> >reasons spiked up in price, but most everything seems to have gone up at
>> >least a little....
>> >
>> >The only real exception I've noticed is orange juice - there has been a
>> >bumper crop of oranges and because of the Atikins mania fewer are

>> >it, so OJ is a relative bargain these days....
>> >
>> >I hew to a fairly strict grocery budget, use coupons, cook a lot from
>> >scratch, and tend to buy stuff only when it's on sale...I'm not the type

>> >get a hundred bucks from the ATM and go grocery shopping just because

>it's a
>> >fun thing to do. I always make a list and stick to it.
>> >
>> >Anyone else notice this or is it just me?

>> Blame the ****ing moslems. The ****ing moslems initiated a religious war

>> so the cost of black gold went through the roof. Because of the ****ing
>> moslems everything that moves costs considerably more. Because of thE

>> moslems moving food to market costs a heap more. Because of the ****ing

>> farm equipment, farM equipment all over the world, costs much more to
>> operate... yoose think those 360 Horsepower John Deeres out in the
>> corn/wheat/etc fields run on Horseshit... hell no, because of the ****ing
>> moslems the price of diesel has doubled since 9/11. Because of the

>> moslems food processing costs considerably more, especially cooking fuel.
>> Fortunately Americans don't have it so bad (food represents a relatively

>> percentage of disposable income), but because of the ****ing moslems

>> people all over the world are hungry, many are starving to death. Now

>> of the ****ing moslems the scientists at all the US national laboratories

>> diligently working at perfecting energy sources other than ****ing moslem
>> oil... and very soon ALL the ****ing moslems are going to starve, to

>death. I
>> have no use for any ****ing moslem... I find a ****ing moslem drowning I'd

>> on it.
>> ---= BOYCOTT FRANCE (belgium) GERMANY--SPAIN =---
>> ---= Move UNITED NATIONS To Paris =---
>> *********
>> "Life would be devoid of all meaning were it without tribulation."
>> Sheldon
>> ````````````

>You're repeating yourself, Sheldon. We understand your viewpoint.

Thanks for the quote... yer welcome.

---= Move UNITED NATIONS To Paris =---
"Life would be devoid of all meaning were it without tribulation."
  #60 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a
Default Is It Just Me....

>"kilikini" slips a new AAA cell in her ear and spurts:
>>"PENMART01" wrote:
>> > "Gregory Morrow" writes:
>> >
>> >...or does anyone else think that groceries have gotten more expensive in
>> >the last year or so? Beef, chicken, and dairy products have for various
>> >reasons spiked up in price, but most everything seems to have gone up at
>> >least a little....
>> >
>> >The only real exception I've noticed is orange juice - there has been a
>> >bumper crop of oranges and because of the Atikins mania fewer are

>> >it, so OJ is a relative bargain these days....
>> >
>> >I hew to a fairly strict grocery budget, use coupons, cook a lot from
>> >scratch, and tend to buy stuff only when it's on sale...I'm not the type

>> >get a hundred bucks from the ATM and go grocery shopping just because

>it's a
>> >fun thing to do. I always make a list and stick to it.
>> >
>> >Anyone else notice this or is it just me?

>> Blame the ****ing moslems. The ****ing moslems initiated a religious war

>> so the cost of black gold went through the roof. Because of the ****ing
>> moslems everything that moves costs considerably more. Because of thE

>> moslems moving food to market costs a heap more. Because of the ****ing

>> farm equipment, farM equipment all over the world, costs much more to
>> operate... yoose think those 360 Horsepower John Deeres out in the
>> corn/wheat/etc fields run on Horseshit... hell no, because of the ****ing
>> moslems the price of diesel has doubled since 9/11. Because of the

>> moslems food processing costs considerably more, especially cooking fuel.
>> Fortunately Americans don't have it so bad (food represents a relatively

>> percentage of disposable income), but because of the ****ing moslems

>> people all over the world are hungry, many are starving to death. Now

>> of the ****ing moslems the scientists at all the US national laboratories

>> diligently working at perfecting energy sources other than ****ing moslem
>> oil... and very soon ALL the ****ing moslems are going to starve, to

>death. I
>> have no use for any ****ing moslem... I find a ****ing moslem drowning I'd

>> on it.
>> ---= BOYCOTT FRANCE (belgium) GERMANY--SPAIN =---
>> ---= Move UNITED NATIONS To Paris =---
>> *********
>> "Life would be devoid of all meaning were it without tribulation."
>> Sheldon
>> ````````````

>You're repeating yourself, Sheldon. We understand your viewpoint.

Thanks for the quote... yer welcome.

---= Move UNITED NATIONS To Paris =---
"Life would be devoid of all meaning were it without tribulation."

  #61 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a
Default Is It Just Me....

"Wayne" > wrote in message
> notbob > wrote in
> news:2ikPc.233097$XM6.65938@attbi_s53:
> > No, it's not just you. Prices have gone up way more than 'a little'.
> > I've been ranting about it for over two years now and it's gone into
> > overdrive in the last year. Naturally, out here in CA, where all
> > prices are beyond insane, it will seem even more extreme, but
> > reletively the prices have still jumped at least 25-50% in the last
> > year. Some examples of current prices:
> >
> > butter $5+ lb
> > bacon $6+ lb
> > eggs $3-4 doz
> > bread $3.50+ loaf
> > Amrcn cheese $5 per 16 cnt
> > cereal $4-5 box
> >

> I thought our prices were bad, but these are insane! I can still get
> butter for around $2/lb, bacon $3/lb, eggs $1.20/doz. Cereal is almost
> as high as yours, as is American Cheese. What gets me is ordinary ground
> beef for $5-6/lb.
> --
> Wayne in Phoenix
> If there's a nit to pick, some nitwit will pick it.

I'm paying those high prices too. Milk is $7.99 a gallon.


  #62 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a
Default Is It Just Me....

"Wayne" > wrote in message
> notbob > wrote in
> news:2ikPc.233097$XM6.65938@attbi_s53:
> > No, it's not just you. Prices have gone up way more than 'a little'.
> > I've been ranting about it for over two years now and it's gone into
> > overdrive in the last year. Naturally, out here in CA, where all
> > prices are beyond insane, it will seem even more extreme, but
> > reletively the prices have still jumped at least 25-50% in the last
> > year. Some examples of current prices:
> >
> > butter $5+ lb
> > bacon $6+ lb
> > eggs $3-4 doz
> > bread $3.50+ loaf
> > Amrcn cheese $5 per 16 cnt
> > cereal $4-5 box
> >

> I thought our prices were bad, but these are insane! I can still get
> butter for around $2/lb, bacon $3/lb, eggs $1.20/doz. Cereal is almost
> as high as yours, as is American Cheese. What gets me is ordinary ground
> beef for $5-6/lb.
> --
> Wayne in Phoenix
> If there's a nit to pick, some nitwit will pick it.

I'm paying those high prices too. Milk is $7.99 a gallon.


  #63 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a
Default Is It Just Me....

"Gregory Morrow" > wrote in
> zuuum wrote:
> > "Gregory Morrow" > wrote in
> > message
> > >
> > > ...or does anyone else think that groceries have gotten more expensive

> in
> > > the last year or so? Beef, chicken, and dairy products have for

> > > reasons spiked up in price, but most everything seems to have gone up

> > > least a little....
> > >

> >
> > Yes, I definitely noticed an across-the-board jump in beer prices. ":^)
> >

> Actually I've noticed that likker prices have held *fairly* steady...but
> still a 12 - pack of beer that was $5.99 a year ago is now going for $6.99
> or even $7.49....
> --
> Best
> Greg

A 12-pack of Coors Light is $11.99 here! A six pack of "good" beer is


  #64 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a
Default Is It Just Me....

"Gregory Morrow" > wrote in
> zuuum wrote:
> > "Gregory Morrow" > wrote in
> > message
> > >
> > > ...or does anyone else think that groceries have gotten more expensive

> in
> > > the last year or so? Beef, chicken, and dairy products have for

> > > reasons spiked up in price, but most everything seems to have gone up

> > > least a little....
> > >

> >
> > Yes, I definitely noticed an across-the-board jump in beer prices. ":^)
> >

> Actually I've noticed that likker prices have held *fairly* steady...but
> still a 12 - pack of beer that was $5.99 a year ago is now going for $6.99
> or even $7.49....
> --
> Best
> Greg

A 12-pack of Coors Light is $11.99 here! A six pack of "good" beer is


  #65 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a
Default Is It Just Me....

"Paul M. Cook©®" > wrote in message
> "Gregory Morrow" > wrote in
> message
> >
> > ...or does anyone else think that groceries have gotten more expensive

> > the last year or so? Beef, chicken, and dairy products have for various
> > reasons spiked up in price, but most everything seems to have gone up at
> > least a little....
> >
> > The only real exception I've noticed is orange juice - there has been a
> > bumper crop of oranges and because of the Atikins mania fewer are

> > it, so OJ is a relative bargain these days....
> >
> > I hew to a fairly strict grocery budget, use coupons, cook a lot from
> > scratch, and tend to buy stuff only when it's on sale...I'm not the type

> to
> > get a hundred bucks from the ATM and go grocery shopping just because

> a
> > fun thing to do. I always make a list and stick to it.
> >
> > Anyone else notice this or is it just me?

> No it is not just you. Food prices are skyrocketing. Produce in my area

> now more expensive than beef. Seriously. A head of lettuce is 1.35.
> Mushrooms are 3.25 a pound. We grow produce not 30 miles from where I

> yet the price is as high as meat. Milk is off the chart, cheese is 4

> a pound and butter has been 5 bucks for well over a year now. One reason

> SoCal is the cost of water as it is drying up, pun intended, very rapidly.
> Paul

I can't believe you're paying as much for food as we do here in Hawaii.
Your prices match ours just about EXACTLY.


  #66 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a
Default Is It Just Me....

"Paul M. Cook©®" > wrote in message
> "Gregory Morrow" > wrote in
> message
> >
> > ...or does anyone else think that groceries have gotten more expensive

> > the last year or so? Beef, chicken, and dairy products have for various
> > reasons spiked up in price, but most everything seems to have gone up at
> > least a little....
> >
> > The only real exception I've noticed is orange juice - there has been a
> > bumper crop of oranges and because of the Atikins mania fewer are

> > it, so OJ is a relative bargain these days....
> >
> > I hew to a fairly strict grocery budget, use coupons, cook a lot from
> > scratch, and tend to buy stuff only when it's on sale...I'm not the type

> to
> > get a hundred bucks from the ATM and go grocery shopping just because

> a
> > fun thing to do. I always make a list and stick to it.
> >
> > Anyone else notice this or is it just me?

> No it is not just you. Food prices are skyrocketing. Produce in my area

> now more expensive than beef. Seriously. A head of lettuce is 1.35.
> Mushrooms are 3.25 a pound. We grow produce not 30 miles from where I

> yet the price is as high as meat. Milk is off the chart, cheese is 4

> a pound and butter has been 5 bucks for well over a year now. One reason

> SoCal is the cost of water as it is drying up, pun intended, very rapidly.
> Paul

I can't believe you're paying as much for food as we do here in Hawaii.
Your prices match ours just about EXACTLY.


  #67 (permalink)   Report Post  
Greg Zywicki
Posts: n/a
Default Is It Just Me....

Katra > wrote in message >...

> As much as I hate to even get involved with such a racist post,
> he does have a point. :-( Somewhat...
> Shel' honey, there are other sources of oil other than what the Arabs
> are supplying. We have plenty of our own reserves, and Mexico and Russia
> are also suppliers and I think Russia is part of OPEC. African oil
> sources are being opened up shortly. And there is plenty of oil in
> Alaska. With proper management, oil wells do not have to damage the
> wildlife.
> Part of the blame has to fall on our greedy-assed oil barons here in the
> US. If they would not buy arabian oil, (boycott it if it gets over a
> certain price), they would be forced to bring the prices back down.
> We do NOT have to buy Moslem oil!
> K.

You can't "boycott" oil from a particular nation. Oil is a commodity,
and prices are based on the general supply from everywhere. Mid-east
oil affects the price whether or not we buy a single barrel from the

As for grocery prices - there probably are some other commodity issues
(milk futures) that have something to do with prices. Considering all
the talk a year ago about how dairy farmers were getting shafted,
maybe it's not so bad that prices have crept up. If the farmers are
getting more, that is.

Greg Zywicki
  #68 (permalink)   Report Post  
Greg Zywicki
Posts: n/a
Default Is It Just Me....

Katra > wrote in message >...

> As much as I hate to even get involved with such a racist post,
> he does have a point. :-( Somewhat...
> Shel' honey, there are other sources of oil other than what the Arabs
> are supplying. We have plenty of our own reserves, and Mexico and Russia
> are also suppliers and I think Russia is part of OPEC. African oil
> sources are being opened up shortly. And there is plenty of oil in
> Alaska. With proper management, oil wells do not have to damage the
> wildlife.
> Part of the blame has to fall on our greedy-assed oil barons here in the
> US. If they would not buy arabian oil, (boycott it if it gets over a
> certain price), they would be forced to bring the prices back down.
> We do NOT have to buy Moslem oil!
> K.

You can't "boycott" oil from a particular nation. Oil is a commodity,
and prices are based on the general supply from everywhere. Mid-east
oil affects the price whether or not we buy a single barrel from the

As for grocery prices - there probably are some other commodity issues
(milk futures) that have something to do with prices. Considering all
the talk a year ago about how dairy farmers were getting shafted,
maybe it's not so bad that prices have crept up. If the farmers are
getting more, that is.

Greg Zywicki
  #69 (permalink)   Report Post  
Michel Boucher
Posts: n/a
Default Is It Just Me....

Katra > wrote in

>> Judaism cherishes life in the here and now. Islam promises a
>> nice life in the hereafter, especially if one is a "martyr" for
>> Allah. That's one of the reasons why Islam as it is practiced
>> now is such a backwards belief system - they cherish death.

> Sad isn't it?
> Too bad we cannot just spay and neuter them all, and give the
> remaining children a _real_ ecucation instead of training them all
> to be Imams (or however the hell you spell that!)

I suppose that by adding injury to insult you'll make things a lot
better. Yes, that's a plan. Instead of treating them like human
beings, let's not. That will really improve matters. Oh, and let's
westernize their children because after all western civilizations
have been so very very kind to everyone throughout history, and a
constant source of tolerance and love of everyone that these ****ers
should be nuked if they can't see it.

Hmmmm. Better tongue can only reach so far into my cheek
before I could give myself a cramp.


Please note that this post contains no overt anti-USAian statements
of any sort, nor is it designed to excite the political passions of
the morally bankrupt right-wing supporters of the emerging fascist
states...unfortunately :-)
  #70 (permalink)   Report Post  
Michel Boucher
Posts: n/a
Default Is It Just Me....

Katra > wrote in

>> Judaism cherishes life in the here and now. Islam promises a
>> nice life in the hereafter, especially if one is a "martyr" for
>> Allah. That's one of the reasons why Islam as it is practiced
>> now is such a backwards belief system - they cherish death.

> Sad isn't it?
> Too bad we cannot just spay and neuter them all, and give the
> remaining children a _real_ ecucation instead of training them all
> to be Imams (or however the hell you spell that!)

I suppose that by adding injury to insult you'll make things a lot
better. Yes, that's a plan. Instead of treating them like human
beings, let's not. That will really improve matters. Oh, and let's
westernize their children because after all western civilizations
have been so very very kind to everyone throughout history, and a
constant source of tolerance and love of everyone that these ****ers
should be nuked if they can't see it.

Hmmmm. Better tongue can only reach so far into my cheek
before I could give myself a cramp.


Please note that this post contains no overt anti-USAian statements
of any sort, nor is it designed to excite the political passions of
the morally bankrupt right-wing supporters of the emerging fascist
states...unfortunately :-)

  #71 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a
Default Is It Just Me....

>Miquuchel *allah* Bin Boucher salaamed:
>Katra wrote:
>>> Judaism cherishes life in the here and now. Islam promises a
>>> nice life in the hereafter, especially if one is a "martyr" for
>>> Allah. That's one of the reasons why Islam as it is practiced
>>> now is such a backwards belief system - they cherish death.

>> Sad isn't it?
>> Too bad we cannot just spay and neuter them all, and give the
>> remaining children a _real_ education instead of training them all
>> to be Imams (or however the hell you spell that!)

>I suppose that by adding injury to insult you'll make things a lot
>better. Yes, that's a plan. Instead of treating them like human
>beings, let's not. That will really improve matters.

****ing moslems abandoned humanity eons ago, they've since been less than

>Oh, and let's westernize their children

Drowning is a far better option.

>that these ****ers should be nuked.

Now yer tawkin'... shoulda nuked every moslem territory by noon 9/11/02...
Bush, with his big yap, ****ed up.... did Macys tell Gimbles... there's no more

>Hmmmm. Better tongue can only reach so far into my cheek
>before I could give myself a cramp.

You lick yer own ass... told ya ****ing moslems is pigs!

---= Move UNITED NATIONS To Paris =---
"Life would be devoid of all meaning were it without tribulation."
  #72 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a
Default Is It Just Me....

>Miquuchel *allah* Bin Boucher salaamed:
>Katra wrote:
>>> Judaism cherishes life in the here and now. Islam promises a
>>> nice life in the hereafter, especially if one is a "martyr" for
>>> Allah. That's one of the reasons why Islam as it is practiced
>>> now is such a backwards belief system - they cherish death.

>> Sad isn't it?
>> Too bad we cannot just spay and neuter them all, and give the
>> remaining children a _real_ education instead of training them all
>> to be Imams (or however the hell you spell that!)

>I suppose that by adding injury to insult you'll make things a lot
>better. Yes, that's a plan. Instead of treating them like human
>beings, let's not. That will really improve matters.

****ing moslems abandoned humanity eons ago, they've since been less than

>Oh, and let's westernize their children

Drowning is a far better option.

>that these ****ers should be nuked.

Now yer tawkin'... shoulda nuked every moslem territory by noon 9/11/02...
Bush, with his big yap, ****ed up.... did Macys tell Gimbles... there's no more

>Hmmmm. Better tongue can only reach so far into my cheek
>before I could give myself a cramp.

You lick yer own ass... told ya ****ing moslems is pigs!

---= Move UNITED NATIONS To Paris =---
"Life would be devoid of all meaning were it without tribulation."
  #73 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a
Default Is It Just Me....

Michel Boucher wrote:

> Hmmmm. Better stop... my tongue can only reach so far into my cheek
> before I could give myself a cramp.

I have a cat that does that...

Best regards, ;-)
  #74 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a
Default Is It Just Me....

Michel Boucher wrote:

> Hmmmm. Better stop... my tongue can only reach so far into my cheek
> before I could give myself a cramp.

I have a cat that does that...

Best regards, ;-)
  #75 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a
Default Is It Just Me....

"Gregory Morrow" > wrote in
> ...or does anyone else think that groceries have gotten more expensive in
> the last year or so? Beef, chicken, and dairy products have for various
> reasons spiked up in price, but most everything seems to have gone up at
> least a little....
> The only real exception I've noticed is orange juice - there has been a
> bumper crop of oranges and because of the Atikins mania fewer are drinking
> it, so OJ is a relative bargain these days....
> I hew to a fairly strict grocery budget, use coupons, cook a lot from
> scratch, and tend to buy stuff only when it's on sale...I'm not the type

> get a hundred bucks from the ATM and go grocery shopping just because it's

> fun thing to do. I always make a list and stick to it.
> Anyone else notice this or is it just me?
> --
> Best
> Greg

The following is from the CPI for June in the DFW area:

"Grocery store costs slipped 0.2 percent in June after increasing 1.6
percent in May.
Lower prices for ground beef, fresh vegetables -- particularly lettuce and
tomatoes, and fresh
fruits more than offset higher prices for cheese and nonalcoholic beverages.
Over the year,
grocery prices increased 3.6 percent placing the food at home index (CPI-U,
1982-84=100) for
Dallas-Fort Worth at 168.8 in June. The index means that a typical basket of
grocery items
priced at $100.00 in 1982-84 cost area consumers $168.80 last month."

So it ain't just you.


  #76 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a
Default Is It Just Me....

In article . net>,
"Gregory Morrow" > wrote:

> Katra wrote:
> > In article >,
> > sf > wrote:
> >
> > > On Mon, 02 Aug 2004 00:58:50 -0500, Katra
> > > > wrote:
> > >
> > > > catfish nuggets for under $1.50 per lb.
> > > I don't think I've ever seen that, just fillets.
> > > What are catfish nuggets?

> >
> > The nuggets are just the upper body meat.
> > They tend to be a little fatty, but are ok breaded with spiced corn meal
> > and quick fried, but lately I've learned to use my new foreman grill for
> > them and they come out much better!

> They are very handy for stir - fries, too....

Yes indeed!
They don't flake away like fillets do.
They stay together nicely even when cut into chunks.


Sprout the Mung Bean to reply...

>,,<Cat's Haven Hobby Farm>,,<Katraatcenturyteldotnet>,,< id=katra
  #77 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a
Default Is It Just Me....

In article . net>,
"Gregory Morrow" > wrote:

> Katra wrote:
> > In article >,
> > sf > wrote:
> >
> > > On Mon, 02 Aug 2004 00:58:50 -0500, Katra
> > > > wrote:
> > >
> > > > catfish nuggets for under $1.50 per lb.
> > > I don't think I've ever seen that, just fillets.
> > > What are catfish nuggets?

> >
> > The nuggets are just the upper body meat.
> > They tend to be a little fatty, but are ok breaded with spiced corn meal
> > and quick fried, but lately I've learned to use my new foreman grill for
> > them and they come out much better!

> They are very handy for stir - fries, too....

Yes indeed!
They don't flake away like fillets do.
They stay together nicely even when cut into chunks.


Sprout the Mung Bean to reply...

>,,<Cat's Haven Hobby Farm>,,<Katraatcenturyteldotnet>,,< id=katra
  #78 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a
Default Is It Just Me....

In article >,
Michel Boucher > wrote:

> Katra > wrote in
> :
> >> Judaism cherishes life in the here and now. Islam promises a
> >> nice life in the hereafter, especially if one is a "martyr" for
> >> Allah. That's one of the reasons why Islam as it is practiced
> >> now is such a backwards belief system - they cherish death.

> >
> > Sad isn't it?
> > Too bad we cannot just spay and neuter them all, and give the
> > remaining children a _real_ ecucation instead of training them all
> > to be Imams (or however the hell you spell that!)

> I suppose that by adding injury to insult you'll make things a lot
> better. Yes, that's a plan. Instead of treating them like human
> beings, let's not.

If they don't act like human beings, why should we treat them as such?
If they acted like human beings, we'd have no need for this discussion!

Get real. Most arabs are worse than animals!
There are some civilized ones, but they don't live in the mid-east.

Even prisoners here in the US lose all of their civil rights.

> That will really improve matters. Oh, and let's
> westernize their children because after all western civilizations
> have been so very very kind to everyone throughout history, and a
> constant source of tolerance and love of everyone that these ****ers
> should be nuked if they can't see it.

As long as there are Arab muslims, we will never have a chance in hell
of world peace! Those morons have been fighting for thousands of years
and they seem to revel in it. If they are not trying to kill everyone
else, they are trying to kill each other! Tribalism. :-P

> Hmmmm. Better tongue can only reach so far into my cheek
> before I could give myself a cramp.

Ok. ;-)

I don't feel good about my viewpoint, but I'm a realist.


Sprout the Mung Bean to reply...

>,,<Cat's Haven Hobby Farm>,,<Katraatcenturyteldotnet>,,< id=katra
  #79 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a
Default Is It Just Me....

In article >,
Michel Boucher > wrote:

> Katra > wrote in
> :
> >> Judaism cherishes life in the here and now. Islam promises a
> >> nice life in the hereafter, especially if one is a "martyr" for
> >> Allah. That's one of the reasons why Islam as it is practiced
> >> now is such a backwards belief system - they cherish death.

> >
> > Sad isn't it?
> > Too bad we cannot just spay and neuter them all, and give the
> > remaining children a _real_ ecucation instead of training them all
> > to be Imams (or however the hell you spell that!)

> I suppose that by adding injury to insult you'll make things a lot
> better. Yes, that's a plan. Instead of treating them like human
> beings, let's not.

If they don't act like human beings, why should we treat them as such?
If they acted like human beings, we'd have no need for this discussion!

Get real. Most arabs are worse than animals!
There are some civilized ones, but they don't live in the mid-east.

Even prisoners here in the US lose all of their civil rights.

> That will really improve matters. Oh, and let's
> westernize their children because after all western civilizations
> have been so very very kind to everyone throughout history, and a
> constant source of tolerance and love of everyone that these ****ers
> should be nuked if they can't see it.

As long as there are Arab muslims, we will never have a chance in hell
of world peace! Those morons have been fighting for thousands of years
and they seem to revel in it. If they are not trying to kill everyone
else, they are trying to kill each other! Tribalism. :-P

> Hmmmm. Better tongue can only reach so far into my cheek
> before I could give myself a cramp.

Ok. ;-)

I don't feel good about my viewpoint, but I'm a realist.


Sprout the Mung Bean to reply...

>,,<Cat's Haven Hobby Farm>,,<Katraatcenturyteldotnet>,,< id=katra
  #80 (permalink)   Report Post  
Michel Boucher
Posts: n/a
Default Is It Just Me....

Katra > wrote in

>> I suppose that by adding injury to insult you'll make things a
>> lot better. Yes, that's a plan. Instead of treating them like
>> human beings, let's not.

> If they don't act like human beings, why should we treat them as
> such? If they acted like human beings, we'd have no need for this
> discussion!

The point is that they *are* human beings and the only person you
demean with this discourse is yourself. Just as a certain central
European nation before, you won't make any friends by threatening to
sterilize entire populations on the flimsy grounds that YOU
personally do not like how they live.

> There are some civilized ones, but they don't live in the
> mid-east.

Well, as I've read posted by another, it doesn't matter where they
live, they should be returned to the Middle East. So, darned if you
do and darned if you don't, if you're swarthy skinned, eh?. What
about non-swarthy European Muslims? What about Black Muslims?

> Even prisoners here in the US lose all of their civil rights.

And where does this fit in? Are you suggesting that Muslims outside
the Middle East are prisoners without civil rights? There are
overarching documents that are more fundamental that US civil rights,
the Universal Declaration of Human Rights for one, which the US
agreed to in 1948 which states in its first articles:

Article 1.

All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights.
They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards
one another in a spirit of brotherhood.

Article 2.

Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth
in this Declaration, without distinction of any kind, such as race,
colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national
or social origin, property, birth or other status. Furthermore, no
distinction shall be made on the basis of the political,
jurisdictional or international status of the country or territory to
which a person belongs, whether it be independent, trust, non-self-
governing or under any other limitation of sovereignty.

Article 3.

Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person.


Article 30

Nothing in this Declaration may be interpreted as implying for
any State, group or person any right to engage in any activity or to
perform any act aimed at the destruction of any of the rights and
freedoms set forth herein.

That cuts both ways. This means you can't use violence by others as
a justification for violence by yourself and those you elect? By the
way, the Universal Declaration was drafted by a Canadian.

> As long as there are Arab muslims, we will never have a chance in
> hell of world peace!

And the way you're going about it, you're going to make damned sure
it doesn't happen, whether that's what you want to achieve or not.

> I don't feel good about my viewpoint, but I'm a realist.

How is elaborating a complex plan to eliminate millions of people
being a realist? If you were a realist, you would face the fact that
the problems stem from abuse by western powers and their toadies
(including the House of Saud and Saddam Husayn) and develop plans to
correct it, redressing the wrongs that have been done and restoring
Islam to dignity. It would be better, a realist would say, to have
them as friends than enemies.


Please note that this post contains no overt anti-USAian statements
of any sort, nor is it designed to excite the political passions of
the morally bankrupt right-wing supporters of the emerging fascist
states...unfortunately :-)
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