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  #121 (permalink)   Report Post  
Larry Smith
Posts: n/a
Default Is It Just Me....

PENMART01 wrote:
> ****ing moslems [...] ****ing moslems [...] ****ing
> moslems [...] ****ing
> moslems [...] ****ing moslems
> [...] ****ing
> moslems [...] ****ing
> moslems [...] ****ing moslems [...] ****ing moslems
> [...] ****ing moslem
> [...] ****ing moslems [...] ****ing moslem [...]
> ****ing moslem [...] ****ING MOSLEMS.

You know, muslim sexual preferences really have nothing to
do with anything.

> "Life would be devoid of all meaning were it without tribulation."
> Sheldon

And I find such a post with this signature added to be
****ing hysterical...

..-. .-. .---. .---. .-..-.|Experts in Linux/Unix:
| |__ / | \| |-< | |-< > / |"Making the bazaar more commonplace"
`----'`-^-'`-'`-'`-'`-' `-' |Check out my new novel: "Cloud Realm" at:|

  #122 (permalink)   Report Post  
Larry Smith
Posts: n/a
Default Is It Just Me....

Michel Boucher wrote:
> "Gregory Morrow" > wrote
> in

>>Islam is an *evil*, EVIL religion and therefore *every* single
>>adherent to Islam is evil simply by dint of association.

> Put Jews instead of Muslims and you have exactly the same discourse
> being held a hundred years ago by the likes of Édouard Drumont and
> Henry Ford. Plus çà change plus c'est la même chose.

The big difference is that you don't see Jews flying
airplanes into crowded office buildings.

..-. .-. .---. .---. .-..-.|Experts in Linux/Unix:
| |__ / | \| |-< | |-< > / |"Making the bazaar more commonplace"
`----'`-^-'`-'`-'`-'`-' `-' |Check out my new novel: "Cloud Realm" at:|

  #123 (permalink)   Report Post  
Larry Smith
Posts: n/a
Default Is It Just Me....

Michel Boucher wrote:
> "Gregory Morrow" > wrote
> in

>>Islam is an *evil*, EVIL religion and therefore *every* single
>>adherent to Islam is evil simply by dint of association.

> Put Jews instead of Muslims and you have exactly the same discourse
> being held a hundred years ago by the likes of Édouard Drumont and
> Henry Ford. Plus çà change plus c'est la même chose.

The big difference is that you don't see Jews flying
airplanes into crowded office buildings.

..-. .-. .---. .---. .-..-.|Experts in Linux/Unix:
| |__ / | \| |-< | |-< > / |"Making the bazaar more commonplace"
`----'`-^-'`-'`-'`-'`-' `-' |Check out my new novel: "Cloud Realm" at:|

  #124 (permalink)   Report Post  
Larry Smith
Posts: n/a
Default Is It Just Me....

Michel Boucher wrote:

> But they will not accept to live under any sort of abject
> circumstances and spiralling poverty. Would you accept it if armed
> Muslims told you you had to live like they do now in the Gaza strip?
> Be honest here. How would you react? Again, be honest.

I can tell you how I would NOT react: I wouldn't
celebrate if my kid blew himself to Kingdom come
in order to kill a few muslims eating ice cream
or getting on a bus.

..-. .-. .---. .---. .-..-.|Experts in Linux/Unix:
| |__ / | \| |-< | |-< > / |"Making the bazaar more commonplace"
`----'`-^-'`-'`-'`-'`-' `-' |Check out my new novel: "Cloud Realm" at:|

  #125 (permalink)   Report Post  
Larry Smith
Posts: n/a
Default Is It Just Me....

Michel Boucher wrote:

> But they will not accept to live under any sort of abject
> circumstances and spiralling poverty. Would you accept it if armed
> Muslims told you you had to live like they do now in the Gaza strip?
> Be honest here. How would you react? Again, be honest.

I can tell you how I would NOT react: I wouldn't
celebrate if my kid blew himself to Kingdom come
in order to kill a few muslims eating ice cream
or getting on a bus.

..-. .-. .---. .---. .-..-.|Experts in Linux/Unix:
| |__ / | \| |-< | |-< > / |"Making the bazaar more commonplace"
`----'`-^-'`-'`-'`-'`-' `-' |Check out my new novel: "Cloud Realm" at:|

  #126 (permalink)   Report Post  
Larry Smith
Posts: n/a
Default Is It Just Me....

Michel Boucher wrote:

> But they will not accept to live under any sort of abject
> circumstances and spiralling poverty. Would you accept it if armed
> Muslims told you you had to live like they do now in the Gaza strip?
> Be honest here. How would you react? Again, be honest.

I can tell you how I would NOT react: I wouldn't
celebrate if my kid blew himself to Kingdom come
in order to kill a few muslims eating ice cream
or getting on a bus.

..-. .-. .---. .---. .-..-.|Experts in Linux/Unix:
| |__ / | \| |-< | |-< > / |"Making the bazaar more commonplace"
`----'`-^-'`-'`-'`-'`-' `-' |Check out my new novel: "Cloud Realm" at:|

  #127 (permalink)   Report Post  
Larry Smith
Posts: n/a
Default Is It Just Me....

kilikini wrote:

> I'm paying those high prices too. Milk is $7.99 a gallon.

I'm sorry but I really can't drum up much sympathy. California's
problems with dairy product prices are almost entirely self-inflicted.
They have successfully arranged to isolate their dairy markets from any
competition from out-of-state products and then Californians wonder why
their prices keep going up. If you could simply drink the same kind of
milk as the rest of us and drop the "enrichment" provisions, your prices
would be the same as anyone else's.

California demands special equipment for cars, special milk, special
rules for picking produce, special gasoline - and then it complains
when these things cost more. And their solution to all these problems
is to send people to Congress with a grim determination to make the
rest of the country do exactly the same thing.

..-. .-. .---. .---. .-..-.|Experts in Linux/Unix:
| |__ / | \| |-< | |-< > / |"Making the bazaar more commonplace"
`----'`-^-'`-'`-'`-'`-' `-' |Check out my new novel: "Cloud Realm" at:|

  #128 (permalink)   Report Post  
Larry Smith
Posts: n/a
Default Is It Just Me....

kilikini wrote:

> I'm paying those high prices too. Milk is $7.99 a gallon.

I'm sorry but I really can't drum up much sympathy. California's
problems with dairy product prices are almost entirely self-inflicted.
They have successfully arranged to isolate their dairy markets from any
competition from out-of-state products and then Californians wonder why
their prices keep going up. If you could simply drink the same kind of
milk as the rest of us and drop the "enrichment" provisions, your prices
would be the same as anyone else's.

California demands special equipment for cars, special milk, special
rules for picking produce, special gasoline - and then it complains
when these things cost more. And their solution to all these problems
is to send people to Congress with a grim determination to make the
rest of the country do exactly the same thing.

..-. .-. .---. .---. .-..-.|Experts in Linux/Unix:
| |__ / | \| |-< | |-< > / |"Making the bazaar more commonplace"
`----'`-^-'`-'`-'`-'`-' `-' |Check out my new novel: "Cloud Realm" at:|

  #129 (permalink)   Report Post  
Larry Smith
Posts: n/a
Default Is It Just Me....

Greg Zywicki wrote:

> You can't "boycott" oil from a particular nation. Oil is a commodity,
> and prices are based on the general supply from everywhere. Mid-east
> oil affects the price whether or not we buy a single barrel from the
> mid-east.

And always remember we buy oil because it is a luxury we can
afford. The US is sitting on top of coal reserves that dwarf
the oil reserves in the Middle East and we refuse to use it
because of air pollution concerns. Maybe valid ones, maybe
not, the point is that we use oil by choice, not because we
have no alternatives.

..-. .-. .---. .---. .-..-.|Experts in Linux/Unix:
| |__ / | \| |-< | |-< > / |"Making the bazaar more commonplace"
`----'`-^-'`-'`-'`-'`-' `-' |Check out my new novel: "Cloud Realm" at:|

  #130 (permalink)   Report Post  
Larry Smith
Posts: n/a
Default Is It Just Me....

Greg Zywicki wrote:

> You can't "boycott" oil from a particular nation. Oil is a commodity,
> and prices are based on the general supply from everywhere. Mid-east
> oil affects the price whether or not we buy a single barrel from the
> mid-east.

And always remember we buy oil because it is a luxury we can
afford. The US is sitting on top of coal reserves that dwarf
the oil reserves in the Middle East and we refuse to use it
because of air pollution concerns. Maybe valid ones, maybe
not, the point is that we use oil by choice, not because we
have no alternatives.

..-. .-. .---. .---. .-..-.|Experts in Linux/Unix:
| |__ / | \| |-< | |-< > / |"Making the bazaar more commonplace"
`----'`-^-'`-'`-'`-'`-' `-' |Check out my new novel: "Cloud Realm" at:|

  #131 (permalink)   Report Post  
Larry Smith
Posts: n/a
Default Is It Just Me....

Michel Boucher wrote:
> Oh, and let's
> westernize their children because after all western civilizations
> have been so very very kind to everyone throughout history

Any culture that trains their children to commit murder
in the very act of suicide is a culture that does not
deserve to _have_ children.

..-. .-. .---. .---. .-..-.|Experts in Linux/Unix:
| |__ / | \| |-< | |-< > / |"Making the bazaar more commonplace"
`----'`-^-'`-'`-'`-'`-' `-' |Check out my new novel: "Cloud Realm" at:|

  #132 (permalink)   Report Post  
Larry Smith
Posts: n/a
Default Is It Just Me....

Michel Boucher wrote:
> Oh, and let's
> westernize their children because after all western civilizations
> have been so very very kind to everyone throughout history

Any culture that trains their children to commit murder
in the very act of suicide is a culture that does not
deserve to _have_ children.

..-. .-. .---. .---. .-..-.|Experts in Linux/Unix:
| |__ / | \| |-< | |-< > / |"Making the bazaar more commonplace"
`----'`-^-'`-'`-'`-'`-' `-' |Check out my new novel: "Cloud Realm" at:|

  #133 (permalink)   Report Post  
Larry Smith
Posts: n/a
Default Is It Just Me....

Michel Boucher wrote:

> The point is that they *are* human beings and the only person you
> demean with this discourse is yourself. Just as a certain central
> European nation before, you won't make any friends by threatening to
> sterilize entire populations on the flimsy grounds that YOU
> personally do not like how they live.

No one has a problem with how they live. The problem
is with how they murder those who do not think as they

> Well, as I've read posted by another, it doesn't matter where they
> live, they should be returned to the Middle East. So, darned if you
> do and darned if you don't, if you're swarthy skinned, eh?. What
> about non-swarthy European Muslims? What about Black Muslims?

Well, let's see, have they rammed any airplanes into
major populated landmarks? No? Can't think of any.
So black muslims are just people like any other. QED.

> Article 1.
> All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights.
> They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards
> one another in a spirit of brotherhood.

Okay, so the arab countries are in clear violation
of article 1.

> Article 2.
> Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth
> in this Declaration, without distinction of any kind, such as race,
> colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national
> or social origin, property, birth or other status. Furthermore, no
> distinction shall be made on the basis of the political,
> jurisdictional or international status of the country or territory to
> which a person belongs, whether it be independent, trust, non-self-
> governing or under any other limitation of sovereignty.

....and article 2.

> Article 3.
> Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person.

....and article 3.

> Article 30
> Nothing in this Declaration may be interpreted as implying for
> any State, group or person any right to engage in any activity or to
> perform any act aimed at the destruction of any of the rights and
> freedoms set forth herein.

And article 30. Since you elided 4...29 I can only
presume they are also in violation of those.

> That cuts both ways. This means you can't use violence by others as
> a justification for violence by yourself and those you elect? By the
> way, the Universal Declaration was drafted by a Canadian.

The Universal Declaration was not intended as a means
of prohibiting people from defending themselves against
murderous maniacs.

> How is elaborating a complex plan to eliminate millions of people
> being a realist? If you were a realist, you would face the fact that
> the problems stem from abuse by western powers and their toadies
> (including the House of Saud and Saddam Husayn)

Total, unmitigated, crap.

..-. .-. .---. .---. .-..-.|Experts in Linux/Unix:
| |__ / | \| |-< | |-< > / |"Making the bazaar more commonplace"
`----'`-^-'`-'`-'`-'`-' `-' |Check out my new novel: "Cloud Realm" at:|

  #134 (permalink)   Report Post  
Larry Smith
Posts: n/a
Default Is It Just Me....

Michel Boucher wrote:

> The point is that they *are* human beings and the only person you
> demean with this discourse is yourself. Just as a certain central
> European nation before, you won't make any friends by threatening to
> sterilize entire populations on the flimsy grounds that YOU
> personally do not like how they live.

No one has a problem with how they live. The problem
is with how they murder those who do not think as they

> Well, as I've read posted by another, it doesn't matter where they
> live, they should be returned to the Middle East. So, darned if you
> do and darned if you don't, if you're swarthy skinned, eh?. What
> about non-swarthy European Muslims? What about Black Muslims?

Well, let's see, have they rammed any airplanes into
major populated landmarks? No? Can't think of any.
So black muslims are just people like any other. QED.

> Article 1.
> All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights.
> They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards
> one another in a spirit of brotherhood.

Okay, so the arab countries are in clear violation
of article 1.

> Article 2.
> Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth
> in this Declaration, without distinction of any kind, such as race,
> colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national
> or social origin, property, birth or other status. Furthermore, no
> distinction shall be made on the basis of the political,
> jurisdictional or international status of the country or territory to
> which a person belongs, whether it be independent, trust, non-self-
> governing or under any other limitation of sovereignty.

....and article 2.

> Article 3.
> Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person.

....and article 3.

> Article 30
> Nothing in this Declaration may be interpreted as implying for
> any State, group or person any right to engage in any activity or to
> perform any act aimed at the destruction of any of the rights and
> freedoms set forth herein.

And article 30. Since you elided 4...29 I can only
presume they are also in violation of those.

> That cuts both ways. This means you can't use violence by others as
> a justification for violence by yourself and those you elect? By the
> way, the Universal Declaration was drafted by a Canadian.

The Universal Declaration was not intended as a means
of prohibiting people from defending themselves against
murderous maniacs.

> How is elaborating a complex plan to eliminate millions of people
> being a realist? If you were a realist, you would face the fact that
> the problems stem from abuse by western powers and their toadies
> (including the House of Saud and Saddam Husayn)

Total, unmitigated, crap.

..-. .-. .---. .---. .-..-.|Experts in Linux/Unix:
| |__ / | \| |-< | |-< > / |"Making the bazaar more commonplace"
`----'`-^-'`-'`-'`-'`-' `-' |Check out my new novel: "Cloud Realm" at:|

  #135 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a
Default Is It Just Me....

"Larry Smith" > wrote in message
> kilikini wrote:
> > I'm paying those high prices too. Milk is $7.99 a gallon.

> I'm sorry but I really can't drum up much sympathy. California's
> problems with dairy product prices are almost entirely self-inflicted.
> They have successfully arranged to isolate their dairy markets from any
> competition from out-of-state products and then Californians wonder why
> their prices keep going up. If you could simply drink the same kind of
> milk as the rest of us and drop the "enrichment" provisions, your prices
> would be the same as anyone else's.
> California demands special equipment for cars, special milk, special
> rules for picking produce, special gasoline - and then it complains
> when these things cost more. And their solution to all these problems
> is to send people to Congress with a grim determination to make the
> rest of the country do exactly the same thing.
> --

Well, that's all fine and dandy, but I don't live in California. Milk
prices are $7.99, butter is about $4.39, eggs are $2.37, boneless breast of
chicken is $4.99/lb.

My car leaks so much oil that I have to put in at least 3 quarts a week
because it's over 20 years old and I can't afford a new one because my rent
is too dang high. Gas prices are over $3 a gallon - so I don't have

Why do I live here? Because I can't afford to leave. Plain and simple.


  #136 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a
Default Is It Just Me....

sf wrote:
> On Tue, 3 Aug 2004 00:55:25 -0400, "Saerah"
> > wrote:
>> sf wrote in message ...
>> >On Mon, 02 Aug 2004 12:16:22 GMT, "kilikini"
>> > wrote:
>> >
>> >>
>> >> A 12-pack of Coors Light is $11.99 here! A six pack of "good" beer is
>> >> $9.99.
>> >
>> >So, the "imported" stuff is less? All brands?
>> >

>> coors isnt imported.

> I agree - but now that you've mentioned it... Hmmmm.
> Kili what you call Coors? To me it's as domestic as Bud.
> FYI: On the West COAST, Coors isn't considered "the good
> stuff".


Well I beg to differ!! I've lived on the West Coast close to 50 years
and rarely have I found anyone who didn't consider Coors a notch or more
above Bud, Miller or any of the other 'domestic' stuff. Most Coors
bashers I've seen have been mostly because of their non-union brewery in

  #137 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a
Default Is It Just Me....

sf wrote:
> On Tue, 3 Aug 2004 00:55:25 -0400, "Saerah"
> > wrote:
>> sf wrote in message ...
>> >On Mon, 02 Aug 2004 12:16:22 GMT, "kilikini"
>> > wrote:
>> >
>> >>
>> >> A 12-pack of Coors Light is $11.99 here! A six pack of "good" beer is
>> >> $9.99.
>> >
>> >So, the "imported" stuff is less? All brands?
>> >

>> coors isnt imported.

> I agree - but now that you've mentioned it... Hmmmm.
> Kili what you call Coors? To me it's as domestic as Bud.
> FYI: On the West COAST, Coors isn't considered "the good
> stuff".


Well I beg to differ!! I've lived on the West Coast close to 50 years
and rarely have I found anyone who didn't consider Coors a notch or more
above Bud, Miller or any of the other 'domestic' stuff. Most Coors
bashers I've seen have been mostly because of their non-union brewery in

  #138 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a
Default Is It Just Me....

In article >,
Larry Smith > wrote:

> Michel Boucher wrote:
> > The point is that they *are* human beings and the only person you
> > demean with this discourse is yourself. Just as a certain central
> > European nation before, you won't make any friends by threatening to
> > sterilize entire populations on the flimsy grounds that YOU
> > personally do not like how they live.

> No one has a problem with how they live. The problem
> is with how they murder those who do not think as they
> do.
> > Well, as I've read posted by another, it doesn't matter where they
> > live, they should be returned to the Middle East. So, darned if you
> > do and darned if you don't, if you're swarthy skinned, eh?. What
> > about non-swarthy European Muslims? What about Black Muslims?

> Well, let's see, have they rammed any airplanes into
> major populated landmarks? No? Can't think of any.
> So black muslims are just people like any other. QED.
> > Article 1.
> >
> > All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights.
> > They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards
> > one another in a spirit of brotherhood.

> Okay, so the arab countries are in clear violation
> of article 1.
> > Article 2.
> >
> > Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth
> > in this Declaration, without distinction of any kind, such as race,
> > colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national
> > or social origin, property, birth or other status. Furthermore, no
> > distinction shall be made on the basis of the political,
> > jurisdictional or international status of the country or territory to
> > which a person belongs, whether it be independent, trust, non-self-
> > governing or under any other limitation of sovereignty.

> ...and article 2.
> > Article 3.
> >
> > Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person.

> ...and article 3.
> > Article 30
> >
> > Nothing in this Declaration may be interpreted as implying for
> > any State, group or person any right to engage in any activity or to
> > perform any act aimed at the destruction of any of the rights and
> > freedoms set forth herein.

> And article 30. Since you elided 4...29 I can only
> presume they are also in violation of those.
> > That cuts both ways. This means you can't use violence by others as
> > a justification for violence by yourself and those you elect? By the
> > way, the Universal Declaration was drafted by a Canadian.

> The Universal Declaration was not intended as a means
> of prohibiting people from defending themselves against
> murderous maniacs.
> > How is elaborating a complex plan to eliminate millions of people
> > being a realist? If you were a realist, you would face the fact that
> > the problems stem from abuse by western powers and their toadies
> > (including the House of Saud and Saddam Husayn)

> Total, unmitigated, crap.



Sprout the Mung Bean to reply...

>,,<Cat's Haven Hobby Farm>,,<Katraatcenturyteldotnet>,,< id=katra
  #139 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a
Default Is It Just Me....

In article >,
Larry Smith > wrote:

> Michel Boucher wrote:
> > The point is that they *are* human beings and the only person you
> > demean with this discourse is yourself. Just as a certain central
> > European nation before, you won't make any friends by threatening to
> > sterilize entire populations on the flimsy grounds that YOU
> > personally do not like how they live.

> No one has a problem with how they live. The problem
> is with how they murder those who do not think as they
> do.
> > Well, as I've read posted by another, it doesn't matter where they
> > live, they should be returned to the Middle East. So, darned if you
> > do and darned if you don't, if you're swarthy skinned, eh?. What
> > about non-swarthy European Muslims? What about Black Muslims?

> Well, let's see, have they rammed any airplanes into
> major populated landmarks? No? Can't think of any.
> So black muslims are just people like any other. QED.
> > Article 1.
> >
> > All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights.
> > They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards
> > one another in a spirit of brotherhood.

> Okay, so the arab countries are in clear violation
> of article 1.
> > Article 2.
> >
> > Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth
> > in this Declaration, without distinction of any kind, such as race,
> > colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national
> > or social origin, property, birth or other status. Furthermore, no
> > distinction shall be made on the basis of the political,
> > jurisdictional or international status of the country or territory to
> > which a person belongs, whether it be independent, trust, non-self-
> > governing or under any other limitation of sovereignty.

> ...and article 2.
> > Article 3.
> >
> > Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person.

> ...and article 3.
> > Article 30
> >
> > Nothing in this Declaration may be interpreted as implying for
> > any State, group or person any right to engage in any activity or to
> > perform any act aimed at the destruction of any of the rights and
> > freedoms set forth herein.

> And article 30. Since you elided 4...29 I can only
> presume they are also in violation of those.
> > That cuts both ways. This means you can't use violence by others as
> > a justification for violence by yourself and those you elect? By the
> > way, the Universal Declaration was drafted by a Canadian.

> The Universal Declaration was not intended as a means
> of prohibiting people from defending themselves against
> murderous maniacs.
> > How is elaborating a complex plan to eliminate millions of people
> > being a realist? If you were a realist, you would face the fact that
> > the problems stem from abuse by western powers and their toadies
> > (including the House of Saud and Saddam Husayn)

> Total, unmitigated, crap.



Sprout the Mung Bean to reply...

>,,<Cat's Haven Hobby Farm>,,<Katraatcenturyteldotnet>,,< id=katra
  #140 (permalink)   Report Post  
Larry Smith
Posts: n/a
Default Is It Just Me....

kilikini wrote:

> Well, that's all fine and dandy, but I don't live in California.

Yes, I know, you live in Maui. However, the rest of the thread
was largely people on the Wrong Coast, I just picked "you"
generically to reply to without bothering to check on "you,"

Mea culpa. Typically I never generalize. =)

> My car leaks so much oil that I have to put in at least 3 quarts a week
> because it's over 20 years old and I can't afford a new one because my rent
> is too dang high. Gas prices are over $3 a gallon - so I don't have
> insurance.

Ah - a classic example of the unexpected consequence. The
tree-hugging lobby has managed to get so much pollution
equipment mandated that customers can't afford the clean
new cars, so they continue to use junkers - and then the
tree-huggers use the lack of progress in reducing air
pollution as an excuse to add yet more pollution control
equipment into newer cars. I just love positive feedback
loops. I love the loud BANG they make when the system

> Why do I live here? Because I can't afford to leave. Plain and simple.

You have my sympathy - but as much as I disrespect
Californias for living in a desert and complaining
about the lack of water, or living in an earthquake
zone and telling me how wonderful the weather is,
I have to say that living on top of a live volcano
is not a big improvement. One-way tickets are not
THAT expensive.

..-. .-. .---. .---. .-..-.|Experts in Linux/Unix:
| |__ / | \| |-< | |-< > / |"Making the bazaar more commonplace"
`----'`-^-'`-'`-'`-'`-' `-' |Check out my new novel: "Cloud Realm" at:|

  #141 (permalink)   Report Post  
Larry Smith
Posts: n/a
Default Is It Just Me....

kilikini wrote:

> Well, that's all fine and dandy, but I don't live in California.

Yes, I know, you live in Maui. However, the rest of the thread
was largely people on the Wrong Coast, I just picked "you"
generically to reply to without bothering to check on "you,"

Mea culpa. Typically I never generalize. =)

> My car leaks so much oil that I have to put in at least 3 quarts a week
> because it's over 20 years old and I can't afford a new one because my rent
> is too dang high. Gas prices are over $3 a gallon - so I don't have
> insurance.

Ah - a classic example of the unexpected consequence. The
tree-hugging lobby has managed to get so much pollution
equipment mandated that customers can't afford the clean
new cars, so they continue to use junkers - and then the
tree-huggers use the lack of progress in reducing air
pollution as an excuse to add yet more pollution control
equipment into newer cars. I just love positive feedback
loops. I love the loud BANG they make when the system

> Why do I live here? Because I can't afford to leave. Plain and simple.

You have my sympathy - but as much as I disrespect
Californias for living in a desert and complaining
about the lack of water, or living in an earthquake
zone and telling me how wonderful the weather is,
I have to say that living on top of a live volcano
is not a big improvement. One-way tickets are not
THAT expensive.

..-. .-. .---. .---. .-..-.|Experts in Linux/Unix:
| |__ / | \| |-< | |-< > / |"Making the bazaar more commonplace"
`----'`-^-'`-'`-'`-'`-' `-' |Check out my new novel: "Cloud Realm" at:|

  #142 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a
Default Is It Just Me....

"Larry Smith" > wrote in message
> kilikini wrote:
> > Well, that's all fine and dandy, but I don't live in California.

> Yes, I know, you live in Maui. However, the rest of the thread
> was largely people on the Wrong Coast, I just picked "you"
> generically to reply to without bothering to check on "you,"
> specifically.
> Mea culpa. Typically I never generalize. =)
> > My car leaks so much oil that I have to put in at least 3 quarts a week
> > because it's over 20 years old and I can't afford a new one because my

> > is too dang high. Gas prices are over $3 a gallon - so I don't have
> > insurance.

> Ah - a classic example of the unexpected consequence. The
> tree-hugging lobby has managed to get so much pollution
> equipment mandated that customers can't afford the clean
> new cars, so they continue to use junkers - and then the
> tree-huggers use the lack of progress in reducing air
> pollution as an excuse to add yet more pollution control
> equipment into newer cars. I just love positive feedback
> loops. I love the loud BANG they make when the system
> overloads...
> > Why do I live here? Because I can't afford to leave. Plain and simple.

> You have my sympathy - but as much as I disrespect
> Californias for living in a desert and complaining
> about the lack of water, or living in an earthquake
> zone and telling me how wonderful the weather is,
> I have to say that living on top of a live volcano
> is not a big improvement. One-way tickets are not
> THAT expensive.
> --

Yes, that's true, but relocating IS. Plane ticket, apartment, rent,
deposits, shipping items, etc. All my money goes into surviving here. It's
just simply not that easy.


  #143 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a
Default Is It Just Me....

"Larry Smith" > wrote in message
> kilikini wrote:
> > Well, that's all fine and dandy, but I don't live in California.

> Yes, I know, you live in Maui. However, the rest of the thread
> was largely people on the Wrong Coast, I just picked "you"
> generically to reply to without bothering to check on "you,"
> specifically.
> Mea culpa. Typically I never generalize. =)
> > My car leaks so much oil that I have to put in at least 3 quarts a week
> > because it's over 20 years old and I can't afford a new one because my

> > is too dang high. Gas prices are over $3 a gallon - so I don't have
> > insurance.

> Ah - a classic example of the unexpected consequence. The
> tree-hugging lobby has managed to get so much pollution
> equipment mandated that customers can't afford the clean
> new cars, so they continue to use junkers - and then the
> tree-huggers use the lack of progress in reducing air
> pollution as an excuse to add yet more pollution control
> equipment into newer cars. I just love positive feedback
> loops. I love the loud BANG they make when the system
> overloads...
> > Why do I live here? Because I can't afford to leave. Plain and simple.

> You have my sympathy - but as much as I disrespect
> Californias for living in a desert and complaining
> about the lack of water, or living in an earthquake
> zone and telling me how wonderful the weather is,
> I have to say that living on top of a live volcano
> is not a big improvement. One-way tickets are not
> THAT expensive.
> --

Yes, that's true, but relocating IS. Plane ticket, apartment, rent,
deposits, shipping items, etc. All my money goes into surviving here. It's
just simply not that easy.


  #144 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a
Default Is It Just Me....

> Well I beg to differ!! I've lived on the West Coast close to 50 years
> and rarely have I found anyone who didn't consider Coors a notch or more
> above Bud, Miller or any of the other 'domestic' stuff. Most Coors
> bashers I've seen have been mostly because of their non-union brewery in
> Colorado.

coors, bud, miller and all mass produced american beer is **** water.
evidently you don't know what good beer is

  #145 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a
Default Is It Just Me....

> Well I beg to differ!! I've lived on the West Coast close to 50 years
> and rarely have I found anyone who didn't consider Coors a notch or more
> above Bud, Miller or any of the other 'domestic' stuff. Most Coors
> bashers I've seen have been mostly because of their non-union brewery in
> Colorado.

coors, bud, miller and all mass produced american beer is **** water.
evidently you don't know what good beer is

  #146 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a
Default Is It Just Me....

>"kilikini" writes:
>"Larry Smith" > wrote in message
>> kilikini wrote:
>> > Well, that's all fine and dandy, but I don't live in California.

>> Yes, I know, you live in Maui. However, the rest of the thread
>> was largely people on the Wrong Coast, I just picked "you"
>> generically to reply to without bothering to check on "you,"
>> specifically.
>> Mea culpa. Typically I never generalize. =)
>> > My car leaks so much oil that I have to put in at least 3 quarts a week
>> > because it's over 20 years old and I can't afford a new one because my

>> > is too dang high. Gas prices are over $3 a gallon - so I don't have
>> > insurance.

>> Ah - a classic example of the unexpected consequence. The
>> tree-hugging lobby has managed to get so much pollution
>> equipment mandated that customers can't afford the clean
>> new cars, so they continue to use junkers - and then the
>> tree-huggers use the lack of progress in reducing air
>> pollution as an excuse to add yet more pollution control
>> equipment into newer cars. I just love positive feedback
>> loops. I love the loud BANG they make when the system
>> overloads...
>> > Why do I live here? Because I can't afford to leave. Plain and simple.

>> You have my sympathy - but as much as I disrespect
>> Californias for living in a desert and complaining
>> about the lack of water, or living in an earthquake
>> zone and telling me how wonderful the weather is,
>> I have to say that living on top of a live volcano
>> is not a big improvement. One-way tickets are not
>> THAT expensive.
>> --

>Yes, that's true, but relocating IS. Plane ticket, apartment, rent,
>deposits, shipping items, etc. All my money goes into surviving here. It's
>just simply not that easy.

In other words if someone offered to pay for your plane ticket, paid to ship
your personal effects, and paid your initial apt fees you'd leave.

---= Move UNITED NATIONS To Paris =---
"Life would be devoid of all meaning were it without tribulation."
  #147 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a
Default Is It Just Me....

>"kilikini" writes:
>"Larry Smith" > wrote in message
>> kilikini wrote:
>> > Well, that's all fine and dandy, but I don't live in California.

>> Yes, I know, you live in Maui. However, the rest of the thread
>> was largely people on the Wrong Coast, I just picked "you"
>> generically to reply to without bothering to check on "you,"
>> specifically.
>> Mea culpa. Typically I never generalize. =)
>> > My car leaks so much oil that I have to put in at least 3 quarts a week
>> > because it's over 20 years old and I can't afford a new one because my

>> > is too dang high. Gas prices are over $3 a gallon - so I don't have
>> > insurance.

>> Ah - a classic example of the unexpected consequence. The
>> tree-hugging lobby has managed to get so much pollution
>> equipment mandated that customers can't afford the clean
>> new cars, so they continue to use junkers - and then the
>> tree-huggers use the lack of progress in reducing air
>> pollution as an excuse to add yet more pollution control
>> equipment into newer cars. I just love positive feedback
>> loops. I love the loud BANG they make when the system
>> overloads...
>> > Why do I live here? Because I can't afford to leave. Plain and simple.

>> You have my sympathy - but as much as I disrespect
>> Californias for living in a desert and complaining
>> about the lack of water, or living in an earthquake
>> zone and telling me how wonderful the weather is,
>> I have to say that living on top of a live volcano
>> is not a big improvement. One-way tickets are not
>> THAT expensive.
>> --

>Yes, that's true, but relocating IS. Plane ticket, apartment, rent,
>deposits, shipping items, etc. All my money goes into surviving here. It's
>just simply not that easy.

In other words if someone offered to pay for your plane ticket, paid to ship
your personal effects, and paid your initial apt fees you'd leave.

---= Move UNITED NATIONS To Paris =---
"Life would be devoid of all meaning were it without tribulation."
  #148 (permalink)   Report Post  
Sam Wellens
Posts: n/a
Default Is It Just Me....

Katra > wrote in message >...

> As long as there are Arab muslims, we will never have a chance in hell
> of world peace!

The two world wars started in Europe, the birthplace of Western
civilization. Probably other people in the world at that time were
saying the very same thing you are now.

> Those morons have been fighting for thousands of years
> and they seem to revel in it.

Of course, the period from 600 AD to 1900 AD has never seen a war or
massacre in Europe. Everyone lived ever peacefully. Whenever a
European went to a foreign land, the only things he did were
exchanging recipes and inquiring about exotic spices.

> If they are not trying to kill everyone
> else, they are trying to kill each other! Tribalism.

WWI and WWII. Europeans killing Europeans.
  #149 (permalink)   Report Post  
Sam Wellens
Posts: n/a
Default Is It Just Me....

Katra > wrote in message >...

> As long as there are Arab muslims, we will never have a chance in hell
> of world peace!

The two world wars started in Europe, the birthplace of Western
civilization. Probably other people in the world at that time were
saying the very same thing you are now.

> Those morons have been fighting for thousands of years
> and they seem to revel in it.

Of course, the period from 600 AD to 1900 AD has never seen a war or
massacre in Europe. Everyone lived ever peacefully. Whenever a
European went to a foreign land, the only things he did were
exchanging recipes and inquiring about exotic spices.

> If they are not trying to kill everyone
> else, they are trying to kill each other! Tribalism.

WWI and WWII. Europeans killing Europeans.
  #150 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a
Default Is It Just Me....

On Tue, 3 Aug 2004 16:06:43 -0400, "A.C."
> wrote:

> coors, bud, miller and all mass produced american beer is **** water.
> evidently you don't know what good beer is

There was a time (which Coas****cher remembers) when Coors
was a boutiquelike beer and it was "imported" from the

Practice safe eating - always use condiments

  #151 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a
Default Is It Just Me....

On Tue, 3 Aug 2004 16:06:43 -0400, "A.C."
> wrote:

> coors, bud, miller and all mass produced american beer is **** water.
> evidently you don't know what good beer is

There was a time (which Coas****cher remembers) when Coors
was a boutiquelike beer and it was "imported" from the

Practice safe eating - always use condiments
  #152 (permalink)   Report Post  
Rick & Cyndi
Posts: n/a
Default Is It Just Me....

"Gregory Morrow" > wrote in
> kilikini wrote:
> > I'm paying those high prices too. Milk is $7.99 a gallon.
> >

> Well let's look on the bright side: per gallon milk is still a good

> as compared to the ink in inkjet printer cartridges :-|
> --
> Best
> Greg
> ===========

Oh my gosh! That's outrageous! <snort> Of course, I just about had a cow
(!) when I saw the prices here, in Florida (after leaving Illinois). Prices
up there were just under $ 2.00 (USD) and they were $ 4.00 down here! Maybe
they use gold or platinum in the labeling...!!


  #153 (permalink)   Report Post  
Rick & Cyndi
Posts: n/a
Default Is It Just Me....

"Gregory Morrow" > wrote in
> kilikini wrote:
> > I'm paying those high prices too. Milk is $7.99 a gallon.
> >

> Well let's look on the bright side: per gallon milk is still a good

> as compared to the ink in inkjet printer cartridges :-|
> --
> Best
> Greg
> ===========

Oh my gosh! That's outrageous! <snort> Of course, I just about had a cow
(!) when I saw the prices here, in Florida (after leaving Illinois). Prices
up there were just under $ 2.00 (USD) and they were $ 4.00 down here! Maybe
they use gold or platinum in the labeling...!!


  #154 (permalink)   Report Post  
Robin Cowdrey
Posts: n/a
Default Is It Just Me....

You can also blame the ****ing Americans when it comes to the price of beef.
When BSE was identified in a single beef carcase in northern Alberta in May,
2003 (the animal was from a farm operated by a recent immigrant from the
US), the US closed the border to Canadian beef, in spite of the fact that
there had been unlimited movement back and forth across the border for
decades, i.e. we share our germs. The US producers welcomed the ban since
it enabled the price of their beef to increase because of decreased imports.
The Canadian public rallied around their farmers and bought lots of beef but
wondered why, since there was such a glut, the price didn't come down.
Today a report was issued by the Alberta auditor general enlightening us as
to why this happened. The US owned packing plants in Alberta apparently
bought cheap and sold at the market price. Along the way they increased
their profitability almost three fold. They also had the unmitigated gall
to take over two hundred million dollars from the Alberta government in
handouts to the industry because of the crisis. When pressed to open their
records to investigators, they refused. Now, of couse, we know why! The
North American Free Trade treaty is being used as a way of ripping off
Canada and Mexico.

I shouldn't be surprised since this is the American way. Profit rules!

I haven't been near this ng for quite a while but have monitored it for the
last week or two and seen quite a few familiar faces. I must admit that I
like you individually and have even met one or two of you. But collectively
I don't like you. And I understand why the rest of the world doesn't.

I've read suggestions that we should start hitting you back where it hurts,
i.e. restricting energy exports (and we have a lot of that here - once the
oil and gas runs out we have plentiful supplies of oil sand and coal). Hard
to do against a country that takes 88% of our exports (Did any of you know
that? We are your biggest trading partner. Obviously we have to look further
afield since you continue to abuse us.). Sounds like "The Mouse That Roared"
but those of us that think are p*ss*d you guys and f*ck*ng Ralph,
our premier.

"PENMART01" > wrote in message

> Blame the ****ing moslems. >

> Sheldon
> ````````````

  #155 (permalink)   Report Post  
Robin Cowdrey
Posts: n/a
Default Is It Just Me....

You can also blame the ****ing Americans when it comes to the price of beef.
When BSE was identified in a single beef carcase in northern Alberta in May,
2003 (the animal was from a farm operated by a recent immigrant from the
US), the US closed the border to Canadian beef, in spite of the fact that
there had been unlimited movement back and forth across the border for
decades, i.e. we share our germs. The US producers welcomed the ban since
it enabled the price of their beef to increase because of decreased imports.
The Canadian public rallied around their farmers and bought lots of beef but
wondered why, since there was such a glut, the price didn't come down.
Today a report was issued by the Alberta auditor general enlightening us as
to why this happened. The US owned packing plants in Alberta apparently
bought cheap and sold at the market price. Along the way they increased
their profitability almost three fold. They also had the unmitigated gall
to take over two hundred million dollars from the Alberta government in
handouts to the industry because of the crisis. When pressed to open their
records to investigators, they refused. Now, of couse, we know why! The
North American Free Trade treaty is being used as a way of ripping off
Canada and Mexico.

I shouldn't be surprised since this is the American way. Profit rules!

I haven't been near this ng for quite a while but have monitored it for the
last week or two and seen quite a few familiar faces. I must admit that I
like you individually and have even met one or two of you. But collectively
I don't like you. And I understand why the rest of the world doesn't.

I've read suggestions that we should start hitting you back where it hurts,
i.e. restricting energy exports (and we have a lot of that here - once the
oil and gas runs out we have plentiful supplies of oil sand and coal). Hard
to do against a country that takes 88% of our exports (Did any of you know
that? We are your biggest trading partner. Obviously we have to look further
afield since you continue to abuse us.). Sounds like "The Mouse That Roared"
but those of us that think are p*ss*d you guys and f*ck*ng Ralph,
our premier.

"PENMART01" > wrote in message

> Blame the ****ing moslems. >

> Sheldon
> ````````````

  #156 (permalink)   Report Post  
Robin Cowdrey
Posts: n/a
Default Is It Just Me....

You can also blame the ****ing Americans when it comes to the price of beef.
When BSE was identified in a single beef carcase in northern Alberta in May,
2003 (the animal was from a farm operated by a recent immigrant from the
US), the US closed the border to Canadian beef, in spite of the fact that
there had been unlimited movement back and forth across the border for
decades, i.e. we share our germs. The US producers welcomed the ban since
it enabled the price of their beef to increase because of decreased imports.
The Canadian public rallied around their farmers and bought lots of beef but
wondered why, since there was such a glut, the price didn't come down.
Today a report was issued by the Alberta auditor general enlightening us as
to why this happened. The US owned packing plants in Alberta apparently
bought cheap and sold at the market price. Along the way they increased
their profitability almost three fold. They also had the unmitigated gall
to take over two hundred million dollars from the Alberta government in
handouts to the industry because of the crisis. When pressed to open their
records to investigators, they refused. Now, of couse, we know why! The
North American Free Trade treaty is being used as a way of ripping off
Canada and Mexico.

I shouldn't be surprised since this is the American way. Profit rules!

I haven't been near this ng for quite a while but have monitored it for the
last week or two and seen quite a few familiar faces. I must admit that I
like you individually and have even met one or two of you. But collectively
I don't like you. And I understand why the rest of the world doesn't.

I've read suggestions that we should start hitting you back where it hurts,
i.e. restricting energy exports (and we have a lot of that here - once the
oil and gas runs out we have plentiful supplies of oil sand and coal). Hard
to do against a country that takes 88% of our exports (Did any of you know
that? We are your biggest trading partner. Obviously we have to look further
afield since you continue to abuse us.). Sounds like "The Mouse That Roared"
but those of us that think are p*ss*d you guys and f*ck*ng Ralph,
our premier.

"PENMART01" > wrote in message

> Blame the ****ing moslems. >

> Sheldon
> ````````````

  #157 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a
Default Is It Just Me....

"PENMART01" > wrote in message
> >"kilikini" writes:
> >
> >"Larry Smith" > wrote in message
> ...
> >> kilikini wrote:
> >>
> >> > Well, that's all fine and dandy, but I don't live in California.
> >>
> >> Yes, I know, you live in Maui. However, the rest of the thread
> >> was largely people on the Wrong Coast, I just picked "you"
> >> generically to reply to without bothering to check on "you,"
> >> specifically.
> >>
> >> Mea culpa. Typically I never generalize. =)
> >>
> >> > My car leaks so much oil that I have to put in at least 3 quarts a

> >> > because it's over 20 years old and I can't afford a new one because

> >rent
> >> > is too dang high. Gas prices are over $3 a gallon - so I don't have
> >> > insurance.
> >>
> >> Ah - a classic example of the unexpected consequence. The
> >> tree-hugging lobby has managed to get so much pollution
> >> equipment mandated that customers can't afford the clean
> >> new cars, so they continue to use junkers - and then the
> >> tree-huggers use the lack of progress in reducing air
> >> pollution as an excuse to add yet more pollution control
> >> equipment into newer cars. I just love positive feedback
> >> loops. I love the loud BANG they make when the system
> >> overloads...
> >>
> >> > Why do I live here? Because I can't afford to leave. Plain and

> >>
> >> You have my sympathy - but as much as I disrespect
> >> Californias for living in a desert and complaining
> >> about the lack of water, or living in an earthquake
> >> zone and telling me how wonderful the weather is,
> >> I have to say that living on top of a live volcano
> >> is not a big improvement. One-way tickets are not
> >> THAT expensive.
> >>
> >> --

> >
> >Yes, that's true, but relocating IS. Plane ticket, apartment, rent,
> >deposits, shipping items, etc. All my money goes into surviving here.

> >just simply not that easy.

> In other words if someone offered to pay for your plane ticket, paid to

> your personal effects, and paid your initial apt fees you'd leave.

Well, yes! You offering? I've got two cats and a dog. Can I come stay
with you?


  #158 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a
Default Is It Just Me....

"PENMART01" > wrote in message
> >"kilikini" writes:
> >
> >"Larry Smith" > wrote in message
> ...
> >> kilikini wrote:
> >>
> >> > Well, that's all fine and dandy, but I don't live in California.
> >>
> >> Yes, I know, you live in Maui. However, the rest of the thread
> >> was largely people on the Wrong Coast, I just picked "you"
> >> generically to reply to without bothering to check on "you,"
> >> specifically.
> >>
> >> Mea culpa. Typically I never generalize. =)
> >>
> >> > My car leaks so much oil that I have to put in at least 3 quarts a

> >> > because it's over 20 years old and I can't afford a new one because

> >rent
> >> > is too dang high. Gas prices are over $3 a gallon - so I don't have
> >> > insurance.
> >>
> >> Ah - a classic example of the unexpected consequence. The
> >> tree-hugging lobby has managed to get so much pollution
> >> equipment mandated that customers can't afford the clean
> >> new cars, so they continue to use junkers - and then the
> >> tree-huggers use the lack of progress in reducing air
> >> pollution as an excuse to add yet more pollution control
> >> equipment into newer cars. I just love positive feedback
> >> loops. I love the loud BANG they make when the system
> >> overloads...
> >>
> >> > Why do I live here? Because I can't afford to leave. Plain and

> >>
> >> You have my sympathy - but as much as I disrespect
> >> Californias for living in a desert and complaining
> >> about the lack of water, or living in an earthquake
> >> zone and telling me how wonderful the weather is,
> >> I have to say that living on top of a live volcano
> >> is not a big improvement. One-way tickets are not
> >> THAT expensive.
> >>
> >> --

> >
> >Yes, that's true, but relocating IS. Plane ticket, apartment, rent,
> >deposits, shipping items, etc. All my money goes into surviving here.

> >just simply not that easy.

> In other words if someone offered to pay for your plane ticket, paid to

> your personal effects, and paid your initial apt fees you'd leave.

Well, yes! You offering? I've got two cats and a dog. Can I come stay
with you?


  #159 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a
Default Is It Just Me....

"PENMART01" > wrote in message
> >"kilikini" writes:
> >
> >"Larry Smith" > wrote in message
> ...
> >> kilikini wrote:
> >>
> >> > Well, that's all fine and dandy, but I don't live in California.
> >>
> >> Yes, I know, you live in Maui. However, the rest of the thread
> >> was largely people on the Wrong Coast, I just picked "you"
> >> generically to reply to without bothering to check on "you,"
> >> specifically.
> >>
> >> Mea culpa. Typically I never generalize. =)
> >>
> >> > My car leaks so much oil that I have to put in at least 3 quarts a

> >> > because it's over 20 years old and I can't afford a new one because

> >rent
> >> > is too dang high. Gas prices are over $3 a gallon - so I don't have
> >> > insurance.
> >>
> >> Ah - a classic example of the unexpected consequence. The
> >> tree-hugging lobby has managed to get so much pollution
> >> equipment mandated that customers can't afford the clean
> >> new cars, so they continue to use junkers - and then the
> >> tree-huggers use the lack of progress in reducing air
> >> pollution as an excuse to add yet more pollution control
> >> equipment into newer cars. I just love positive feedback
> >> loops. I love the loud BANG they make when the system
> >> overloads...
> >>
> >> > Why do I live here? Because I can't afford to leave. Plain and

> >>
> >> You have my sympathy - but as much as I disrespect
> >> Californias for living in a desert and complaining
> >> about the lack of water, or living in an earthquake
> >> zone and telling me how wonderful the weather is,
> >> I have to say that living on top of a live volcano
> >> is not a big improvement. One-way tickets are not
> >> THAT expensive.
> >>
> >> --

> >
> >Yes, that's true, but relocating IS. Plane ticket, apartment, rent,
> >deposits, shipping items, etc. All my money goes into surviving here.

> >just simply not that easy.

> In other words if someone offered to pay for your plane ticket, paid to

> your personal effects, and paid your initial apt fees you'd leave.

Well, yes! You offering? I've got two cats and a dog. Can I come stay
with you?


  #160 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a
Default Is It Just Me....

>> In other words if someone offered to pay for your plane ticket, paid to
>> your personal effects, and paid your initial apt fees you'd leave.

>Well, yes! You offering? I've got two cats and a dog. Can I come stay
>with you?

Stay with me... "stay" implies free for nothing, as in *guest*... what happened
to your apt? How do you intend to pay your share of the living expenses...
this is a fairly expensive hacienda and I don't imagine you'd settle for a
pallet in the barn. LOL

---= Move UNITED NATIONS To Paris =---
"Life would be devoid of all meaning were it without tribulation."
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