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  #41 (permalink)   Report Post  
Melba's Jammin'
Posts: n/a
Default Penzeys: What's the hype all about???

In article >, Richard
Periut > wrote:

> What's all the hype about Penzeys?

Seems to be people who have purchased their products, are very happy
with those purchases, and tout the products and their satisfaction with
same to others.

>I don't understand the capriciousness of many people here.

ca?pri?cious adj
tending to make sudden and unpredictable changes
(Encarta dictionary)
What sudden and unpredictable changes are you speaking about?

> I found them expensive, and excluding the whole spices, the rest of what
> they sell are blends (and God knows what other crap they include in
> these,) and pre ground stuff.

I don't think they put crap in their blends - at least I've never seen
it listed. The ingredients in the blends are listed on the containers.
I think their per pound prices are reasonable enough; the plastic and
glass jars are more expensive because of the packaging, I'm sure. Just
like buying cans of stuff in the supermarket is a helluva lot more
expensive than buying bulk at my food co-op.

> I can get the whole spices much cheaper at Indo Pakistani stores, and
> Latino markets.

I don't doubt it.

> And if you have to resort to premixed rubs and other condiments, then
> that's not distinct from taking a can of cream soup and making a
> casserole (chemical casseroles I like to call them,) and calling that a
> quality meal.

D'ya think? I like their blends - they've combined the various
ingredients for me, usually quite to my satisfaction, without the need
for me to acquire and store quantities of the component ingredients,
some of which I just don't use frequently. Or to decide what ratios to
use in anything I might mix up myself.

> Sorry, that's just me. Maybe others share my opinion or perhaps can
> convince me to think otherwise.

Gosh, Rich, I know there are folks who share your opinion. A gourmet
cooker I know doesn't use Penzeys stuff because she has ready access to
high quality herbs and spices where she lives and doesn't mind traveling
across town for one ingredient. Lots of folks here don't have that
ready access and are happy to order from an online provider with a
reputation for high quality goods and good customer service. Their
"friends" have told them about a great source for spices and herbs.
Convince you? Mmmmm, I don't think I'd even want to try. To each one's

> TIA,

You're welcome.
> Rich

-Barb, <> An update on 7/22/04.

  #42 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a
Default Penzeys: What's the hype all about???

zxcvbob wrote:

> I was really pleased with the quality of Penzey's spices that I ordered
> a few years ago. The blends are probably just as good, I don't know; I
> generally don't like to use blends (except pickling spice and crab
> boil). I haven't ordered from Penzey's again because I didn't think the
> extra quality, real or imagined, was worth the cost.

I still use them almost exclusively and have no complaints. They do
continue to toss in samples with my ordres. I don't usually buy blends
as I buy all the separate ingredients and can mix up things as I want.
One "blend" I do buy and like is their medium hot chili powder. Good stuff!!
Goomba <happy as a clam to be back in RFC... damned comcast!>

  #43 (permalink)   Report Post  
Gregory Morrow
Posts: n/a
Default Penzeys: What's the hype all about???

Edwin Pawlowski wrote:

> "Brent97G" > wrote in message
> >
> > Then why not try the Spice House in Chicago?

> Because I live about 950 miles from Chicago.



  #44 (permalink)   Report Post  
Gregory Morrow
Posts: n/a
Default Penzeys: What's the hype all about???

Chuck wrote:

> I agree with Sheldon, never talk about anything that is not thread

> Always stick to the sthread topic, right Shel?

Sheldon however is correct about the low quality of cheapo ethnic spices.
Go to Devon Avenue (lotsa Paki and Indian places) here in Chicago and pick
up some of those cheap'll soon learn that they might as well
market colored dust...which in fact is what those cheapo spices are...same
goes for the junk sold in Chinese, etc. stores.

And additionally you always have to be concerned about cleanliness issues
with *anything* you buy in an Indian or Paki place, the stores themselves
are invariably appallingly FILTHY...gawd knows wot's in them "spices" they
purvey...that's why I will never EVER go to an Indian or Paki restaurant,
either, no matter how nice or upscale. I put the kibbosh on that years ago
when I saw a worker pick her nose whilst putting out some sweets in a
display case in a local Indian bakery/resto, and if that's what they do in
*public* fact the very smell of curry anymore makes me puke, and most
all Indians and Pakis reek of the stuff. I've had my share of neighbors
from those places, they'll stink up the whole nabe....

I buy from the Spice House, and it's first - rate stuff....good prices, too:


  #45 (permalink)   Report Post  
Gregory Morrow
Posts: n/a
Default Penzeys: What's the hype all about???

Chuck wrote:

> I agree with Sheldon, never talk about anything that is not thread

> Always stick to the sthread topic, right Shel?

Sheldon however is correct about the low quality of cheapo ethnic spices.
Go to Devon Avenue (lotsa Paki and Indian places) here in Chicago and pick
up some of those cheap'll soon learn that they might as well
market colored dust...which in fact is what those cheapo spices are...same
goes for the junk sold in Chinese, etc. stores.

And additionally you always have to be concerned about cleanliness issues
with *anything* you buy in an Indian or Paki place, the stores themselves
are invariably appallingly FILTHY...gawd knows wot's in them "spices" they
purvey...that's why I will never EVER go to an Indian or Paki restaurant,
either, no matter how nice or upscale. I put the kibbosh on that years ago
when I saw a worker pick her nose whilst putting out some sweets in a
display case in a local Indian bakery/resto, and if that's what they do in
*public* fact the very smell of curry anymore makes me puke, and most
all Indians and Pakis reek of the stuff. I've had my share of neighbors
from those places, they'll stink up the whole nabe....

I buy from the Spice House, and it's first - rate stuff....good prices, too:


  #46 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a
Default Penzeys: What's the hype all about???

"PENMART01" > wrote in message
> >(Brent97G) shit stirred:
> >
> >>penmart01 wrote:

> >
> >>Penseys IS the importer, what they sell is the freshest possible,

> >
> >Then why not try the Spice House in Chicago?

> Because the topic of this thread is about Penseys (can't you read).

Penzeys (can't you spell?)


  #47 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

"PENMART01" > wrote in message
> >(Brent97G) shit stirred:
> >
> >>penmart01 wrote:

> >
> >>Penseys IS the importer, what they sell is the freshest possible,

> >
> >Then why not try the Spice House in Chicago?

> Because the topic of this thread is about Penseys (can't you read).

Penzeys (can't you spell?)


  #48 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a
Default Penzeys: What's the hype all about???

"Richard Periut" > wrote in message
.. .
> What's all the hype about Penzeys? I don't understand the capriciousness
> of many people here.
> I found them expensive, and excluding the whole spices, the rest of what
> they sell are blends (and God knows what other crap they include in
> these,) and pre ground stuff.
> I can get the whole spices much cheaper at Indo Pakistani stores, and
> Latino markets.
> And if you have to resort to premixed rubs and other condiments, then
> that's not distinct from taking a can of cream soup and making a
> casserole (chemical casseroles I like to call them,) and calling that a
> quality meal.
> Sorry, that's just me. Maybe others share my opinion or perhaps can
> convince me to think otherwise.
> TIA,
> Rich

So buy what you can locally. For the stuff that you can't get at home, that
is what Penzy's is for. And for blends that you would need too many
different ingredients (read as cost) to do at home.

  #49 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a
Default Penzeys: What's the hype all about???

"Richard Periut" > wrote in message
.. .
> What's all the hype about Penzeys? I don't understand the capriciousness
> of many people here.
> I found them expensive, and excluding the whole spices, the rest of what
> they sell are blends (and God knows what other crap they include in
> these,) and pre ground stuff.
> I can get the whole spices much cheaper at Indo Pakistani stores, and
> Latino markets.
> And if you have to resort to premixed rubs and other condiments, then
> that's not distinct from taking a can of cream soup and making a
> casserole (chemical casseroles I like to call them,) and calling that a
> quality meal.
> Sorry, that's just me. Maybe others share my opinion or perhaps can
> convince me to think otherwise.
> TIA,
> Rich

So buy what you can locally. For the stuff that you can't get at home, that
is what Penzy's is for. And for blends that you would need too many
different ingredients (read as cost) to do at home.

  #50 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a
Default Penzeys: What's the hype all about???

"Gregory Morrow" > wrote in

> I buy from the Spice House, and it's first - rate stuff....good prices,


I just did a comparison on Vietnamese cassia cinnamon on the Spice House and
Penzeys websites. For 4oz, 8oz and 16oz, Penzeys is $6.29, $11.49, and
$20.90 respectively. Spice House is $4.49, $8.29 and $15.99. Quite a

I'll be switching to Spice House for my next order. Thanks to those who
recommended it.


  #51 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

"Gregory Morrow" > wrote in

> I buy from the Spice House, and it's first - rate stuff....good prices,


I just did a comparison on Vietnamese cassia cinnamon on the Spice House and
Penzeys websites. For 4oz, 8oz and 16oz, Penzeys is $6.29, $11.49, and
$20.90 respectively. Spice House is $4.49, $8.29 and $15.99. Quite a

I'll be switching to Spice House for my next order. Thanks to those who
recommended it.


  #52 (permalink)   Report Post  
Richard Periut
Posts: n/a
Default Penzeys: What's the hype all about???

Edwin Pawlowski wrote:
> "Richard Periut" > wrote in message
>>Not everyone has access to those markets. I don't think there is a whole
>>peppercorn within 30 miles of where I live. Pakistani? Maybe about 75
>>miles. Latino? I know of one only 48 miles away.
>>Do most people here live in such places?

> I'm sure many of us do. I don't have the statistics though. Some are just
> willing to pay for the convenience. How far can you drive to save $3 on
> your spices?
>>I agree to a point. I've used some of the blends and they do a good job

> or
>>getting the ratios in proper order while many of us would have to do a lot
>>of experimenting.
>>That's why there are recipes? Right?

> Right. Matter of choice though. One fault with your soup analogy is the
> final result. Penzeys, (as well as other spice houses) are giving you spices
> and herbs, not condensed versions that you add your own chlorinated water
> to. You do pay a premium for the convenince, but I don't think quality
> suffers.
>> >
>> > Sorry, that's just me. Maybe others share my opinion or perhaps can
>> > convince me to think otherwise.


>>I dunno; still think they are expensive. I love commerce a la Americana;
>>stick a fancy and artful label, place it in an exotic bottle or
>>container of some sort, and people buy into this--especially when there
>>is a $$$ commercial on TV or magazine, with a catchy tune.

> Some are expensive, others are cheap, especially when compared to the
> pre-packaged stuff that is in the supermarkets. There are other sources
> that are much cheaper, you have to have access to them. You have that good
> fortune. I'd have to drive 96 miles round trip so there would be no
> savings. The gas alone is about eight bucks, but factor in all the other
> costs of automobile ownership and it is an expensive trip.

I use reverse osmosis water : )
>>BTW, there are two cups of coffee that you can buy in a famous Japanese
>>restaurant; one that is for 1 the equiv to one dollar, and one that is
>>the equiv to 120 dollars. No difference as stated by the owners and
>>waiters except for price. Most people at this expensive restaurant
>>order the 120 dollar one; go figure... It's either keeping up with the
>>Jones, or sheer pride and stupidity!

> Scams are all around us. I can buy pork loins for $2 a pound at BJ's. Today
> I was in a supermarket that had the boneless chops on sale, buy one, get two
> free. The price was $5.99 a pound. People grabbed lots of that bargain. Of
> course some of the locals don't have the ability to drive 30 miles to the
> BJ's store and buy enough to make it pay for the travel cost.

"Dum Spiro, Spero."

As long as I breath, I hope.


  #53 (permalink)   Report Post  
Richard Periut
Posts: n/a
Default Penzeys: What's the hype all about???

Bob wrote:

> Rich was offensively inept at clipping his post, but wrote:
>>Do most people here live in such places?

> I live in a small town 45 miles northeast of Sacramento. There's not a
> single white peppercorn to be had for at least fifty miles.
>>That's why there are recipes? Right?

> People buy spice blends because they like the flavor of the blend. The
> ingredients are listed on the label, but it could take many expensive tries
> to get the proportions right if you wanted to duplicate it. Hey, you're a
> proponent of Indo-Pakistani markets, so let me ask you this: Have you ever
> seen garam masala for sale in one of those markets? Or have you ever seen
> the Goya spice blends in those Latino markets you tout? There are recipes
> for THOSE, right? And unlike Penzeys, which clearly lists ALL the
> ingredients on its containers, those blends can contain all manner of
> mystery ingredients.

I would never ruin my food, with Goza seasonings (salt, coloring, et
cetera,) unless we are talking about whole spices.

> Moreover, is there any kind of guarantee that the spices you buy in your
> local ethnic markets haven't been sitting around for years and years?
>>I dunno; still think they are expensive. I love commerce a la Americana;
>>stick a fancy and artful label, place it in an exotic bottle or
>>container of some sort, and people buy into this--especially when there
>>is a $$$ commercial on TV or magazine, with a catchy tune.

> I love the implication that Penzeys packages its spices in a fancy way or
> conducts any kind of expensive advertising campaign. Sounds like you're
> bashing them without knowing anything about them.

It was to convey a message.

>>BTW, there are two cups of coffee that you can buy in a famous Japanese
>>restaurant; one that is for 1 the equiv to one dollar, and one that is
>>the equiv to 120 dollars. No difference as stated by the owners and
>>waiters except for price. Most people at this expensive restaurant
>>order the 120 dollar one; go figure... It's either keeping up with the
>>Jones, or sheer pride and stupidity!

> This sounds false. Can you back it up with facts?
> Your claim elsewhere that the rfc readers who buy from Penzeys are
> capricious has already been refuted, but maybe you didn't notice. Kimberly
> wrote, "This is a company many people on this ng have favored for years."
> See, if something goes on for YEARS, then it isn't CAPRICIOUS.
> Bob

Capriciousness can be something on going. But that's another story. In
the Spanish language, the meaning is not that strict.

"Dum Spiro, Spero."

As long as I breath, I hope.


  #54 (permalink)   Report Post  
Richard Periut
Posts: n/a
Default Penzeys: What's the hype all about???

Bob wrote:

> Rich was offensively inept at clipping his post, but wrote:
>>Do most people here live in such places?

> I live in a small town 45 miles northeast of Sacramento. There's not a
> single white peppercorn to be had for at least fifty miles.
>>That's why there are recipes? Right?

> People buy spice blends because they like the flavor of the blend. The
> ingredients are listed on the label, but it could take many expensive tries
> to get the proportions right if you wanted to duplicate it. Hey, you're a
> proponent of Indo-Pakistani markets, so let me ask you this: Have you ever
> seen garam masala for sale in one of those markets? Or have you ever seen
> the Goya spice blends in those Latino markets you tout? There are recipes
> for THOSE, right? And unlike Penzeys, which clearly lists ALL the
> ingredients on its containers, those blends can contain all manner of
> mystery ingredients.

I would never ruin my food, with Goza seasonings (salt, coloring, et
cetera,) unless we are talking about whole spices.

> Moreover, is there any kind of guarantee that the spices you buy in your
> local ethnic markets haven't been sitting around for years and years?
>>I dunno; still think they are expensive. I love commerce a la Americana;
>>stick a fancy and artful label, place it in an exotic bottle or
>>container of some sort, and people buy into this--especially when there
>>is a $$$ commercial on TV or magazine, with a catchy tune.

> I love the implication that Penzeys packages its spices in a fancy way or
> conducts any kind of expensive advertising campaign. Sounds like you're
> bashing them without knowing anything about them.

It was to convey a message.

>>BTW, there are two cups of coffee that you can buy in a famous Japanese
>>restaurant; one that is for 1 the equiv to one dollar, and one that is
>>the equiv to 120 dollars. No difference as stated by the owners and
>>waiters except for price. Most people at this expensive restaurant
>>order the 120 dollar one; go figure... It's either keeping up with the
>>Jones, or sheer pride and stupidity!

> This sounds false. Can you back it up with facts?
> Your claim elsewhere that the rfc readers who buy from Penzeys are
> capricious has already been refuted, but maybe you didn't notice. Kimberly
> wrote, "This is a company many people on this ng have favored for years."
> See, if something goes on for YEARS, then it isn't CAPRICIOUS.
> Bob

Capriciousness can be something on going. But that's another story. In
the Spanish language, the meaning is not that strict.

"Dum Spiro, Spero."

As long as I breath, I hope.


  #55 (permalink)   Report Post  
Richard Periut
Posts: n/a
Default Penzeys: What's the hype all about???

Scharone wrote:

> "Gregory Morrow" > wrote in
> message
>>I buy from the Spice House, and it's first - rate stuff....good prices,

> too:

> I just did a comparison on Vietnamese cassia cinnamon on the Spice House and
> Penzeys websites. For 4oz, 8oz and 16oz, Penzeys is $6.29, $11.49, and
> $20.90 respectively. Spice House is $4.49, $8.29 and $15.99. Quite a
> difference.
> I'll be switching to Spice House for my next order. Thanks to those who
> recommended it.
> S.

To all here at RFC:

I didn't anticipate such an overwhelming response, and I didn't intend
to offend anyone here.

I was merely curious as to why so many people here buy at Penzeys, and I
now have formulated the many reasons that I was ignorant to.

I apologize if I offended anyone. I guess I'll have to choose my words
more carefully so that the Dictionary police doesn't capricious ; )

BTW, the word is used very much by Cubans, and they use it very loosely.

Thanks again to all who responded.


"Dum Spiro, Spero."

As long as I breath, I hope.


  #56 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a
Default Penzeys: What's the hype all about???

>to offend anyone here.
>I was merely curious as to why so many people here buy at Penzeys, and I
>now have formulated the many reasons that I was ignorant to.

Good luck picking out mouse turds out of those dusty old spices haji-boo-boo
sold you. Never worry about how much other people spend on things.
  #57 (permalink)   Report Post  
Richard Periut
Posts: n/a
Default Penzeys: What's the hype all about???

Fx199 wrote:
>>to offend anyone here.
>>I was merely curious as to why so many people here buy at Penzeys, and I
>>now have formulated the many reasons that I was ignorant to.

> Good luck picking out mouse turds out of those dusty old spices haji-boo-boo
> sold you. Never worry about how much other people spend on things.

To this day, I have not noticed any droppings along with my spices. But
the person that made that remark, is generalizing (as always,) and seems
to be a bigot.


"Dum Spiro, Spero."

As long as I breath, I hope.


  #58 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a
Default Penzeys: What's the hype all about???

"Jack Schidt®" wrote:
> Penzey's works. There are other places that may be a bit cheaper, or
> closer, whatever but not closer to me. I've been buying from Penzey's for
> almost 10 years and they've been dependable and consistent. I hardly feel
> I'm capricious in my buying habits there. Sounds like another troll thread
> to me: never tried the product, but bash it anyway. Shame.
> Jack Spice

I love the spices I have gotten from Penzey's. The only
one I have visited in real life is in CT and it made me wish
we had one close by.

I have a feeling the OP meant spendthrift instead of
capricious, but everyone's entitled to splurge on
SOMETHING fer cripes sake, and spices are a lot cheaper
than mink or diamonds!

gloria p
  #59 (permalink)   Report Post  
Nancy Young
Posts: n/a
Default Penzeys: What's the hype all about???

Puester wrote:

> I have a feeling the OP meant spendthrift instead of
> capricious, but everyone's entitled to splurge on
> SOMETHING fer cripes sake, and spices are a lot cheaper
> than mink or diamonds!

Holy crow, every time I hear about Penzeys being expensive, I have to
laugh. Try buying those ancient spices from the supermarket, then
see how much you saved. I'll just buy the good stuff from Penzey's,

  #60 (permalink)   Report Post  
Nancy Young
Posts: n/a
Default Penzeys: What's the hype all about???

Puester wrote:

> I have a feeling the OP meant spendthrift instead of
> capricious, but everyone's entitled to splurge on
> SOMETHING fer cripes sake, and spices are a lot cheaper
> than mink or diamonds!

Holy crow, every time I hear about Penzeys being expensive, I have to
laugh. Try buying those ancient spices from the supermarket, then
see how much you saved. I'll just buy the good stuff from Penzey's,


  #61 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a
Default Penzeys: What's the hype all about???

>To this day, I have not noticed any droppings along with my spices. But

<snicker> not surprisingly.
You still don't need to worry about how much someone else spends on what they
buy. You neglected to respond to many replies on this.
  #62 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

>To this day, I have not noticed any droppings along with my spices. But

<snicker> not surprisingly.
You still don't need to worry about how much someone else spends on what they
buy. You neglected to respond to many replies on this.
  #63 (permalink)   Report Post  
Richard Periut
Posts: n/a
Default Penzeys: What's the hype all about???

Fx199 wrote:

>>To this day, I have not noticed any droppings along with my spices. But

> <snicker> not surprisingly.
> You still don't need to worry about how much someone else spends on what they
> buy. You neglected to respond to many replies on this.

I was never worried, merely curious. I answered to intelligent
responses, not to hatred.


"Dum Spiro, Spero."

As long as I breath, I hope.


  #64 (permalink)   Report Post  
Richard Periut
Posts: n/a

Fx199 wrote:

>>To this day, I have not noticed any droppings along with my spices. But

> <snicker> not surprisingly.
> You still don't need to worry about how much someone else spends on what they
> buy. You neglected to respond to many replies on this.

I was never worried, merely curious. I answered to intelligent
responses, not to hatred.


"Dum Spiro, Spero."

As long as I breath, I hope.


  #65 (permalink)   Report Post  
Richard Periut
Posts: n/a
Default Penzeys: What's the hype all about???

Fx199 wrote:

>>To this day, I have not noticed any droppings along with my spices. But

> <snicker> not surprisingly.
> You still don't need to worry about how much someone else spends on what they
> buy. You neglected to respond to many replies on this.

I was never worried, merely curious. I answered to intelligent
responses, not to hatred.


"Dum Spiro, Spero."

As long as I breath, I hope.


  #66 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a
Default Penzeys: What's the hype all about???

Fx199 wrote:

> Good luck picking out mouse turds out of those dusty old spices haji-boo-boo
> sold you. Never worry about how much other people spend on things.

Hey, how else to vegans get their B12 but the intestinal cells coating
those mouse turds?
who also forgot to mention that she has gotten **more compliments** on
the gift packages than any other present she has given. Even my
king-of-the-understated old dad was impressed.
  #70 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a
Default Penzeys: What's the hype all about???

Nancy Young wrote:
> Puester wrote:
> > I have a feeling the OP meant spendthrift instead of
> > capricious, but everyone's entitled to splurge on
> > SOMETHING fer cripes sake, and spices are a lot cheaper
> > than mink or diamonds!

> Holy crow, every time I hear about Penzeys being expensive, I have to
> laugh. Try buying those ancient spices from the supermarket, then
> see how much you saved. I'll just buy the good stuff from Penzey's,
> thanks.
> nancy

Yep. Very few spices in the grocery store are under $4
a package, and you don't have a choice of sizes. (Every
time I have bought the minimum pkg of something at
Penzey's as a sample,I end up wishing I had bought larger.)

gloria p

  #71 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

>Yep. Very few spices in the grocery store are under $4
>a package, and you don't have a choice of sizes. (Every
>time I have bought the minimum pkg of something at
>Penzey's as a sample,I end up wishing I had bought larger.)
>gloria p

The smallest size I buy from Penzeys is 8 ounces, but with most items I buy the
1 pound size.

I really like Penzeys toasted onions.

---= Move UNITED NATIONS To Paris =---
"Life would be devoid of all meaning were it without tribulation."
  #72 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a
Default Penzeys: What's the hype all about???

>Yep. Very few spices in the grocery store are under $4
>a package, and you don't have a choice of sizes. (Every
>time I have bought the minimum pkg of something at
>Penzey's as a sample,I end up wishing I had bought larger.)
>gloria p

The smallest size I buy from Penzeys is 8 ounces, but with most items I buy the
1 pound size.

I really like Penzeys toasted onions.

---= Move UNITED NATIONS To Paris =---
"Life would be devoid of all meaning were it without tribulation."
  #73 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a
Default Penzeys: What's the hype all about???

fx199 complained:>You neglected to respond to many replies on this.

Neglected? Neglected? Gee, is that a rule?

  #74 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

fx199 complained:>You neglected to respond to many replies on this.

Neglected? Neglected? Gee, is that a rule?

  #79 (permalink)   Report Post  
Christine Dabney
Posts: n/a
Default Penzeys: What's the hype all about???

On Mon, 09 Aug 2004 03:50:28 GMT, Wayne > wrote:

>This might be the time to write on your list, "one of each"! <g>

I know I already have a shelf full of spices from them, that I
bought over the past 6 months. I went hog wild when I stopped in
Houston to visit a friend, and then I replenished all my old spices a
few months ago from them. About the only thing I didn't get from them
are the several versions of Spanish paprika, such as smoked, and

Did you see that Phoenix is going to get a Penzeys store? Wish they
would open it before I leave here, but I realize it isn't likely.
But at least I come through this way often enough, that I can stop by
and replenish my stock. And add to it.

Oh, I want to thank you for giving me the heads up on the Superstition
Ranch market. It is a godsend to me! Reminds me a tiny bit of one
of my favorite markets in the SF bay area: Monterey Market. Also
discovered another neat market, also called Ranch Market, but in this
case it is Mexican. So things are looking up a bit.

  #80 (permalink)   Report Post  
JeanineAlyse in 29 Palms
Posts: n/a
Default Penzeys: What's the hype all about???

As to purchasing quantity, Sheldon tells....
>The smallest size I buy from Penzeys is
>8 ounces, but with most items I buy the 1
>pound size.
>I really like Penzeys toasted onions.

Sheldon, thanks for this mention of a "really like" on the toasted
onions. I'd only thought on that one, but will now add it to my next

Picky ~JA~

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