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  #81 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a
Default Penzeys: What's the hype all about???

Christine Dabney > wrote in

> On Mon, 09 Aug 2004 03:50:28 GMT, Wayne > wrote:
>>This might be the time to write on your list, "one of each"! <g>

> I know I already have a shelf full of spices from them, that I
> bought over the past 6 months. I went hog wild when I stopped in
> Houston to visit a friend, and then I replenished all my old spices a
> few months ago from them. About the only thing I didn't get from them
> are the several versions of Spanish paprika, such as smoked, and
> bittersweet.

That reminds me, I have to reorder the sweet Hungarian paprika. I make
several Hungarian recipes that call for quite a bit of it.

> Did you see that Phoenix is going to get a Penzeys store? Wish they
> would open it before I leave here, but I realize it isn't likely.
> But at least I come through this way often enough, that I can stop by
> and replenish my stock. And add to it.

That's great news! I didn't know. Did they indicate the location? For
some reason I don't have a current catalog, and I didn't see any mention
of it on their website.

> Oh, I want to thank you for giving me the heads up on the Superstition
> Ranch market. It is a godsend to me! Reminds me a tiny bit of one
> of my favorite markets in the SF bay area: Monterey Market. Also
> discovered another neat market, also called Ranch Market, but in this
> case it is Mexican. So things are looking up a bit.

Oh, you're very welcome. Glad you liked it! Ah, is that the West Phoenix
Ranch Market on West Thomas? I've heard of it, but never been there.
There is also a 99 Ranch Market (Asian) at 668 N. 44th Street near the
Loop 202. They have an amazing array of things there. It's located at
the Chinese Cultural Center complex, and there are several nice Asian
restaurants there, although nothing like Chinatown.

Wayne in Phoenix

*If there's a nit to pick, some nitwit will pick it.
*A mind is a terrible thing to lose.
  #82 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

Christine Dabney > wrote in

> On Mon, 09 Aug 2004 03:50:28 GMT, Wayne > wrote:
>>This might be the time to write on your list, "one of each"! <g>

> I know I already have a shelf full of spices from them, that I
> bought over the past 6 months. I went hog wild when I stopped in
> Houston to visit a friend, and then I replenished all my old spices a
> few months ago from them. About the only thing I didn't get from them
> are the several versions of Spanish paprika, such as smoked, and
> bittersweet.

That reminds me, I have to reorder the sweet Hungarian paprika. I make
several Hungarian recipes that call for quite a bit of it.

> Did you see that Phoenix is going to get a Penzeys store? Wish they
> would open it before I leave here, but I realize it isn't likely.
> But at least I come through this way often enough, that I can stop by
> and replenish my stock. And add to it.

That's great news! I didn't know. Did they indicate the location? For
some reason I don't have a current catalog, and I didn't see any mention
of it on their website.

> Oh, I want to thank you for giving me the heads up on the Superstition
> Ranch market. It is a godsend to me! Reminds me a tiny bit of one
> of my favorite markets in the SF bay area: Monterey Market. Also
> discovered another neat market, also called Ranch Market, but in this
> case it is Mexican. So things are looking up a bit.

Oh, you're very welcome. Glad you liked it! Ah, is that the West Phoenix
Ranch Market on West Thomas? I've heard of it, but never been there.
There is also a 99 Ranch Market (Asian) at 668 N. 44th Street near the
Loop 202. They have an amazing array of things there. It's located at
the Chinese Cultural Center complex, and there are several nice Asian
restaurants there, although nothing like Chinatown.

Wayne in Phoenix

*If there's a nit to pick, some nitwit will pick it.
*A mind is a terrible thing to lose.
  #83 (permalink)   Report Post  
Roy Jose Lorr
Posts: n/a
Default Penzeys: What's the hype all about???

PENMART01 wrote:

> >"Richard Periut" wrote:
> >>
> >> I can get the whole spices much cheaper at Indo Pakistani stores, and
> >> Latino markets.

> Cheap is expensive... and is a disease (Chronic Cheap ******* Disease).
> Spices sold at ethnic markets are the least fresh of all, firstly they're what
> sits in importer's warehouses perhaps for years, then as surplus is finally
> auctioned to wholesalers who in turn package it in cheap cellophane under
> fictitious ethnic sounding monikers... and then could sit in the local
> neighborhood ethnic market for years before someone purchases it. Conversely
> Penseys IS the importer, what they sell is the freshest possible, essentially
> as fresh as though you picked it yourself.
> >
> >Not everyone has access to those markets. I don't think there is a whole
> >peppercorn within 30 miles of where I live. Pakistani? Maybe about 75
> >miles. Latino? I know of one only 48 miles away.
> >>
> >> And if you have to resort to premixed rubs and other condiments, then
> >> that's not distinct from taking a can of cream soup and making a
> >> casserole (chemical casseroles I like to call them,) and calling that a
> >> quality meal.

> >
> >I agree to a point. I've used some of the blends and they do a good job or
> >getting the ratios in proper order while many of us would have to do a lot
> >of experimenting.

> Penzeys blends are freshly ground from fresh whole ingredients. All one has to
> do is use your sense; Look at the colors, everything bright and true to color,
> even herbs are bright green, no stinkin' brown, use your Nose, stupidmarket
> spices have no smell whatsoever.
> I've purchased black peppercorns from ethnic markets, figured I found a
> bargain, big plastic jars for cheap, took one look at home and tossed em in the
> trash... look carefully... at least 2% is clearly varifiable rodent turds.
> Next time you dine at that fancy schmancy joint and the waiter comes around
> with that humongous pepper grinder just wave him away and pull out your own
> travel grinder (yes, I have one), unless yoose like freshly ground mouse turds
> and roach wings on your Ceasar. Yoose don't even wanna touch the preground
> found at 99% of eateries... and I bet some of yoose actually sprinkle some of
> that black dust what comes in little paper packets on your egg mcmuffin...
> Ahahahahahaha. . . .

Adulteration in the spice trade is a given. Let's suppose for instance you're in
market for a ton or so of opium. Some of the adulterants you'd be well advised
to look for: sand, stone, clay, ashes, shot bullets, charcoal, gypsum, litharge;
starch, gums (acacia, tragacanth), sugar, molasses; aloes, pitch, resins, extract
capsules and herbs (Papaver, Lactuca, Glyeyrrhiza, Celidonium), pulp of apricots,
figs and grapes; camel dung, pounded capsules, leaves, stems, moisture,
exhausted opium.

  #84 (permalink)   Report Post  
Roy Jose Lorr
Posts: n/a

PENMART01 wrote:

> >"Richard Periut" wrote:
> >>
> >> I can get the whole spices much cheaper at Indo Pakistani stores, and
> >> Latino markets.

> Cheap is expensive... and is a disease (Chronic Cheap ******* Disease).
> Spices sold at ethnic markets are the least fresh of all, firstly they're what
> sits in importer's warehouses perhaps for years, then as surplus is finally
> auctioned to wholesalers who in turn package it in cheap cellophane under
> fictitious ethnic sounding monikers... and then could sit in the local
> neighborhood ethnic market for years before someone purchases it. Conversely
> Penseys IS the importer, what they sell is the freshest possible, essentially
> as fresh as though you picked it yourself.
> >
> >Not everyone has access to those markets. I don't think there is a whole
> >peppercorn within 30 miles of where I live. Pakistani? Maybe about 75
> >miles. Latino? I know of one only 48 miles away.
> >>
> >> And if you have to resort to premixed rubs and other condiments, then
> >> that's not distinct from taking a can of cream soup and making a
> >> casserole (chemical casseroles I like to call them,) and calling that a
> >> quality meal.

> >
> >I agree to a point. I've used some of the blends and they do a good job or
> >getting the ratios in proper order while many of us would have to do a lot
> >of experimenting.

> Penzeys blends are freshly ground from fresh whole ingredients. All one has to
> do is use your sense; Look at the colors, everything bright and true to color,
> even herbs are bright green, no stinkin' brown, use your Nose, stupidmarket
> spices have no smell whatsoever.
> I've purchased black peppercorns from ethnic markets, figured I found a
> bargain, big plastic jars for cheap, took one look at home and tossed em in the
> trash... look carefully... at least 2% is clearly varifiable rodent turds.
> Next time you dine at that fancy schmancy joint and the waiter comes around
> with that humongous pepper grinder just wave him away and pull out your own
> travel grinder (yes, I have one), unless yoose like freshly ground mouse turds
> and roach wings on your Ceasar. Yoose don't even wanna touch the preground
> found at 99% of eateries... and I bet some of yoose actually sprinkle some of
> that black dust what comes in little paper packets on your egg mcmuffin...
> Ahahahahahaha. . . .

Adulteration in the spice trade is a given. Let's suppose for instance you're in
market for a ton or so of opium. Some of the adulterants you'd be well advised
to look for: sand, stone, clay, ashes, shot bullets, charcoal, gypsum, litharge;
starch, gums (acacia, tragacanth), sugar, molasses; aloes, pitch, resins, extract
capsules and herbs (Papaver, Lactuca, Glyeyrrhiza, Celidonium), pulp of apricots,
figs and grapes; camel dung, pounded capsules, leaves, stems, moisture,
exhausted opium.

  #85 (permalink)   Report Post  
Christine Dabney
Posts: n/a
Default Penzeys: What's the hype all about???

On Mon, 09 Aug 2004 05:19:04 GMT, Wayne > wrote:

>That's great news! I didn't know. Did they indicate the location? For
>some reason I don't have a current catalog, and I didn't see any mention
>of it on their website.

This is from their website:

"As we said, the goal of the contest was not to punish whoever came in
second, so we will be heading to Phoenix to look for a location next
week as well."

>Oh, you're very welcome. Glad you liked it! Ah, is that the West Phoenix
>Ranch Market on West Thomas? I've heard of it, but never been there.
>There is also a 99 Ranch Market (Asian) at 668 N. 44th Street near the
>Loop 202. They have an amazing array of things there. It's located at
>the Chinese Cultural Center complex, and there are several nice Asian
>restaurants there, although nothing like Chinatown.

Yes, that is the one.

And I found the 99 Ranch Market as well. I was used to that, cause
there are several in the San Francisco bay area. I also found the Lee
Lee market.

As you can see, I have been traipsing all over the area. Next, I
want to find the Italian markets that you mentioned.


  #86 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a
Default Penzeys: What's the hype all about???

"Richard Periut" > wrote in message
.. .
> Nexis wrote:
> > "Richard Periut" > wrote in message
> > .. .
> >
> >>What's all the hype about Penzeys? I don't understand the capriciousness
> >>of many people here.

> >
> >
> > This is a company many people on this ng have favored for years. That

> > hardly a whim, my friend. Are you sure you know the meaning of
> > capriciousness?

> Main Entry: ca·pri·cious
> Pronunciation: k&-'pri-sh&s, -'prE-
> Function: adjective
> : governed or characterized by caprice : IMPULSIVE, UNPREDICTABLE
> synonym see INCONSTANT
> - ca·pri·cious·ly adverb
> - ca·pri·cious·ness noun
> Pretty clear to me.

Again, a company that people have enjoyed for years. What is unpredictable
about it? Where's the whim? What is inconstant?

> >
> >>I found them expensive, and excluding the whole spices, the rest of what
> >>they sell are blends (and God knows what other crap they include in
> >>these,) and pre ground stuff.

> >
> >
> > God knows, and so do I, since they clearly state what is in each hand
> > blended mixture of spices.
> >
> >
> >>I can get the whole spices much cheaper at Indo Pakistani stores, and
> >>Latino markets.

> >
> >
> > Then do so. I don't recall anyone ordering you to purchase spices from
> > Penzeys...did they?
> >

> No, but again, I'm interested in finding out what's the hype? Care to
> answer the question? If not, then don't answer the post.
> >>And if you have to resort to premixed rubs and other condiments, then
> >>that's not distinct from taking a can of cream soup and making a
> >>casserole (chemical casseroles I like to call them,) and calling that a
> >>quality meal.

> >
> >
> > A hand blended mix of spices that I would mix anyway is hardly akin to
> > canned soup. They are not any less fresh or high quality if they are in

> > jar or several.
> >
> >

> No, but why pay for blends that IMO are more expensive. Can't follow a
> recipe?
> >>Sorry, that's just me. Maybe others share my opinion or perhaps can
> >>convince me to think otherwise.
> >>
> >>TIA,
> >>
> >>Rich

> >
> >
> > Why do you want others to convince you?

> It's a question that I posed; it's not mandatory.
> For me personally, and I'm sure for
> > most people out there, I can honestly tell you, I wouldn't give a hoot

> > you never purchased a thing from Penzeys. It would be your loss, as far

as I
> > can tell.

> Well good for you, cause I don't give a hoot about the way you handle a
> simple polemic with such a combative attitude.

Combative? Hardly. I just found it amusing that you expect other people to
convince you what to like. Why not go out on a limb, try it and form an
opinion on your own?

> Perhaps you are an agent for them? But I suspect you just follow the
> cause blindly.
> Care to buy the Brooklyn bridge? I just remade some of its foundation
> R

I wandered into Penzey's when I lived 1/2 block from them. At the time, I
was pregnant with my daughter, and had never heard of RFC. Wow, I'd guess
that makes me a leader rather than a follower! Cool.


> >
> > kimberly
> >
> >
> >>
> >>
> >>--
> >>"Dum Spiro, Spero."
> >>
> >>As long as I breath, I hope.
> >>
> >>Cicero
> >>

> >
> >
> >

> --
> "'Who knows for certain? Who shall here declare it?
> Whence was it born, whence came creation?
> The gods are later than this world's formation;
> Who then can know the origins of the world?
> None knows whence creation arose;
> And whether he has or has not made it;
> He who surveys it from the lofty skies.
> Only he knows-or perhaps he knows not.'
> And this is tempered by another, perhaps still greater:
> That men are not the dreams of the gods but that the gods are the
> dreams of men."
> The Rig Veda
> Circa 1500 B.C.

  #87 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a
Default Penzeys: What's the hype all about???

"PENMART01" > wrote in message
> >Yep. Very few spices in the grocery store are under $4
> >a package, and you don't have a choice of sizes. (Every
> >time I have bought the minimum pkg of something at
> >Penzey's as a sample,I end up wishing I had bought larger.)
> >
> >gloria p

> The smallest size I buy from Penzeys is 8 ounces, but with most items I

buy the
> 1 pound size.
> I really like Penzeys toasted onions.

Ooo I love those. I love to sprinkle them in my bowl of (chicken) soup, so
they're still kinda crunchy. Yum. I also like to whir a few in the spice
grinder and toss it in with the bread crumbs and parmesan for these parmesan
crusted chicken breasts we love. It adds a nice flavor and everyone is
always trying to guess what I used (since they don't see it )


> ---= BOYCOTT FRANCE (belgium) GERMANY--SPAIN =---
> ---= Move UNITED NATIONS To Paris =---
> *********
> "Life would be devoid of all meaning were it without tribulation."
> Sheldon
> ````````````

  #88 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a
Default Penzeys: What's the hype all about???

"PENMART01" > wrote in message
> >Yep. Very few spices in the grocery store are under $4
> >a package, and you don't have a choice of sizes. (Every
> >time I have bought the minimum pkg of something at
> >Penzey's as a sample,I end up wishing I had bought larger.)
> >
> >gloria p

> The smallest size I buy from Penzeys is 8 ounces, but with most items I

buy the
> 1 pound size.
> I really like Penzeys toasted onions.

Ooo I love those. I love to sprinkle them in my bowl of (chicken) soup, so
they're still kinda crunchy. Yum. I also like to whir a few in the spice
grinder and toss it in with the bread crumbs and parmesan for these parmesan
crusted chicken breasts we love. It adds a nice flavor and everyone is
always trying to guess what I used (since they don't see it )


> ---= BOYCOTT FRANCE (belgium) GERMANY--SPAIN =---
> ---= Move UNITED NATIONS To Paris =---
> *********
> "Life would be devoid of all meaning were it without tribulation."
> Sheldon
> ````````````

  #89 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a
Default Penzeys: What's the hype all about???

>> I really like Penzeys toasted onions.
>Ooo I love those. I love to sprinkle them in my bowl of (chicken) soup, so
>they're still kinda crunchy. Yum. I also like to whir a few in the spice
>grinder and toss it in with the bread crumbs and parmesan for these parmesan
>crusted chicken breasts we love. It adds a nice flavor and everyone is
>always trying to guess what I used (since they don't see it )

Yup, Penzeys toasted onions are great in meatloaf, much better tasting than
those in soup packets and without all that salt, so you can add a lot.

I like their dehy bell peppers too, good ground and sprinkled on egg, tuna,
macaroni, potato salads... of course they're invaluable for those times you
need a bell pepper for a suup/stew and the one you thought you had has rotted,
or it's mid winter and crumby looking bell peppers are $3/lb.. I get the red
and green blend, and if necessary it's easy to pick out the color you want...
the super fresh flavor of Penzeys dehy pepper is intense, wait till you open
the pack and get a whiff.

---= Move UNITED NATIONS To Paris =---
"Life would be devoid of all meaning were it without tribulation."
  #90 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a
Default Penzeys: What's the hype all about???

Christine Dabney > wrote in

> On Mon, 09 Aug 2004 05:19:04 GMT, Wayne > wrote:
>>That's great news! I didn't know. Did they indicate the location?
>>For some reason I don't have a current catalog, and I didn't see any
>>mention of it on their website.

> This is from their website:
> "As we said, the goal of the contest was not to punish whoever came in
> second, so we will be heading to Phoenix to look for a location next
> week as well."

Thanks, Christine. Obviously, I didn't read close enough. I'm really
looking forward to that! I hope you're planning on staying quite a
while, since they haven't even finalized a location.

> As you can see, I have been traipsing all over the area. Next, I
> want to find the Italian markets that you mentioned.

Hope you like these. They are small "deli" type shops, but have very
good deli counters with good cured meats and cheeses. One, I forget
which, has extraordinarily good fresh mozzarella.

Wayne in Phoenix

*If there's a nit to pick, some nitwit will pick it.
*A mind is a terrible thing to lose.

  #91 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a
Default Penzeys: What's the hype all about???

Christine Dabney > wrote in

> On Mon, 09 Aug 2004 05:19:04 GMT, Wayne > wrote:
>>That's great news! I didn't know. Did they indicate the location?
>>For some reason I don't have a current catalog, and I didn't see any
>>mention of it on their website.

> This is from their website:
> "As we said, the goal of the contest was not to punish whoever came in
> second, so we will be heading to Phoenix to look for a location next
> week as well."

Thanks, Christine. Obviously, I didn't read close enough. I'm really
looking forward to that! I hope you're planning on staying quite a
while, since they haven't even finalized a location.

> As you can see, I have been traipsing all over the area. Next, I
> want to find the Italian markets that you mentioned.

Hope you like these. They are small "deli" type shops, but have very
good deli counters with good cured meats and cheeses. One, I forget
which, has extraordinarily good fresh mozzarella.

Wayne in Phoenix

*If there's a nit to pick, some nitwit will pick it.
*A mind is a terrible thing to lose.
  #92 (permalink)   Report Post  
Jack Schidt®
Posts: n/a
Default Penzeys: What's the hype all about???

"PENMART01" > wrote in message
> >> I really like Penzeys toasted onions.

> >
> >
> >Ooo I love those. I love to sprinkle them in my bowl of (chicken) soup,

> >they're still kinda crunchy. Yum. I also like to whir a few in the spice
> >grinder and toss it in with the bread crumbs and parmesan for these

> >crusted chicken breasts we love. It adds a nice flavor and everyone is
> >always trying to guess what I used (since they don't see it )
> >
> >kimberly

> Yup, Penzeys toasted onions are great in meatloaf, much better tasting

> those in soup packets and without all that salt, so you can add a lot.
> I like their dehy bell peppers too, good ground and sprinkled on egg,

> macaroni, potato salads... of course they're invaluable for those times

> need a bell pepper for a suup/stew and the one you thought you had has

> or it's mid winter and crumby looking bell peppers are $3/lb.. I get the

> and green blend, and if necessary it's easy to pick out the color you

> the super fresh flavor of Penzeys dehy pepper is intense, wait till you

> the pack and get a whiff.

A-men, brudda! Not to mention the quality of their dried chiles and ground
chiles. The chipotle is outta sight! Their dehy celery is good too, when
you want that celery flavor AND sop up some water.

Jack Dry

  #93 (permalink)   Report Post  
Jack Schidt®
Posts: n/a
Default Penzeys: What's the hype all about???

"PENMART01" > wrote in message
> >> I really like Penzeys toasted onions.

> >
> >
> >Ooo I love those. I love to sprinkle them in my bowl of (chicken) soup,

> >they're still kinda crunchy. Yum. I also like to whir a few in the spice
> >grinder and toss it in with the bread crumbs and parmesan for these

> >crusted chicken breasts we love. It adds a nice flavor and everyone is
> >always trying to guess what I used (since they don't see it )
> >
> >kimberly

> Yup, Penzeys toasted onions are great in meatloaf, much better tasting

> those in soup packets and without all that salt, so you can add a lot.
> I like their dehy bell peppers too, good ground and sprinkled on egg,

> macaroni, potato salads... of course they're invaluable for those times

> need a bell pepper for a suup/stew and the one you thought you had has

> or it's mid winter and crumby looking bell peppers are $3/lb.. I get the

> and green blend, and if necessary it's easy to pick out the color you

> the super fresh flavor of Penzeys dehy pepper is intense, wait till you

> the pack and get a whiff.

A-men, brudda! Not to mention the quality of their dried chiles and ground
chiles. The chipotle is outta sight! Their dehy celery is good too, when
you want that celery flavor AND sop up some water.

Jack Dry

  #94 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a
Default Penzeys: What's the hype all about???

>"Jack Schidt®" speakseasy:
>> >>"PENMART01" wrote:
>> >>
>> >> I really like Penzeys toasted onions.
>> >
>> >
>> >Ooo I love those. I love to sprinkle them in my bowl of (chicken) soup,

>> >they're still kinda crunchy. Yum. I also like to whir a few in the spice
>> >grinder and toss it in with the bread crumbs and parmesan for these

>> >crusted chicken breasts we love. It adds a nice flavor and everyone is
>> >always trying to guess what I used (since they don't see it )
>> >
>> >kimberly

>> Yup, Penzeys toasted onions are great in meatloaf, much better tasting

>> those in soup packets and without all that salt, so you can add a lot.
>> I like their dehy bell peppers too, good ground and sprinkled on egg,

>> macaroni, potato salads... of course they're invaluable for those times

>> need a bell pepper for a suup/stew and the one you thought you had has

>> or it's mid winter and crumby looking bell peppers are $3/lb.. I get the

>> and green blend, and if necessary it's easy to pick out the color you

>> the super fresh flavor of Penzeys dehy pepper is intense, wait till you

>> the pack and get a whiff.

>A-men, brudda! Not to mention the quality of their dried chiles and ground
>chiles. The chipotle is outta sight! Their dehy celery is good too, when
>you want that celery flavor AND sop up some water.
>Jack Dry

I love their big plump Anchos too... whiz em up in the blender, seeds too,
great in chili or a terrific rub for a chick. But my most favorite Penzey
product is their Adobo... don't eat pork without it.

---= Move UNITED NATIONS To Paris =---
"Life would be devoid of all meaning were it without tribulation."
  #95 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a
Default Penzeys: What's the hype all about???

>"Jack Schidt®" speakseasy:
>> >>"PENMART01" wrote:
>> >>
>> >> I really like Penzeys toasted onions.
>> >
>> >
>> >Ooo I love those. I love to sprinkle them in my bowl of (chicken) soup,

>> >they're still kinda crunchy. Yum. I also like to whir a few in the spice
>> >grinder and toss it in with the bread crumbs and parmesan for these

>> >crusted chicken breasts we love. It adds a nice flavor and everyone is
>> >always trying to guess what I used (since they don't see it )
>> >
>> >kimberly

>> Yup, Penzeys toasted onions are great in meatloaf, much better tasting

>> those in soup packets and without all that salt, so you can add a lot.
>> I like their dehy bell peppers too, good ground and sprinkled on egg,

>> macaroni, potato salads... of course they're invaluable for those times

>> need a bell pepper for a suup/stew and the one you thought you had has

>> or it's mid winter and crumby looking bell peppers are $3/lb.. I get the

>> and green blend, and if necessary it's easy to pick out the color you

>> the super fresh flavor of Penzeys dehy pepper is intense, wait till you

>> the pack and get a whiff.

>A-men, brudda! Not to mention the quality of their dried chiles and ground
>chiles. The chipotle is outta sight! Their dehy celery is good too, when
>you want that celery flavor AND sop up some water.
>Jack Dry

I love their big plump Anchos too... whiz em up in the blender, seeds too,
great in chili or a terrific rub for a chick. But my most favorite Penzey
product is their Adobo... don't eat pork without it.

---= Move UNITED NATIONS To Paris =---
"Life would be devoid of all meaning were it without tribulation."

  #96 (permalink)   Report Post  
Curly Sue
Posts: n/a
Default Penzeys: What's the hype all about???

On Sun, 8 Aug 2004 23:29:39 -0700, "Nexis" > wrote:

>"Richard Periut" > wrote in message
. ..
>> Nexis wrote:
>> > "Richard Periut" > wrote in message
>> > .. .
>> >
>> >>What's all the hype about Penzeys? I don't understand the capriciousness
>> >>of many people here.
>> >
>> >
>> > This is a company many people on this ng have favored for years. That

>> > hardly a whim, my friend. Are you sure you know the meaning of
>> > capriciousness?

>> Main Entry: ca·pri·cious
>> Pronunciation: k&-'pri-sh&s, -'prE-
>> Function: adjective
>> : governed or characterized by caprice : IMPULSIVE, UNPREDICTABLE
>> synonym see INCONSTANT
>> - ca·pri·cious·ly adverb
>> - ca·pri·cious·ness noun
>> Pretty clear to me.

>Again, a company that people have enjoyed for years. What is unpredictable
>about it? Where's the whim? What is inconstant?
>> >
>> >>I found them expensive, and excluding the whole spices, the rest of what
>> >>they sell are blends (and God knows what other crap they include in
>> >>these,) and pre ground stuff.
>> >
>> >
>> > God knows, and so do I, since they clearly state what is in each hand
>> > blended mixture of spices.
>> >
>> >
>> >>I can get the whole spices much cheaper at Indo Pakistani stores, and
>> >>Latino markets.
>> >
>> >
>> > Then do so. I don't recall anyone ordering you to purchase spices from
>> > Penzeys...did they?
>> >

>> No, but again, I'm interested in finding out what's the hype? Care to
>> answer the question? If not, then don't answer the post.
>> >>And if you have to resort to premixed rubs and other condiments, then
>> >>that's not distinct from taking a can of cream soup and making a
>> >>casserole (chemical casseroles I like to call them,) and calling that a
>> >>quality meal.
>> >
>> >
>> > A hand blended mix of spices that I would mix anyway is hardly akin to
>> > canned soup. They are not any less fresh or high quality if they are in

>> > jar or several.
>> >
>> >

>> No, but why pay for blends that IMO are more expensive. Can't follow a
>> recipe?
>> >>Sorry, that's just me. Maybe others share my opinion or perhaps can
>> >>convince me to think otherwise.
>> >>
>> >>TIA,
>> >>
>> >>Rich
>> >
>> >
>> > Why do you want others to convince you?

>> It's a question that I posed; it's not mandatory.
>> For me personally, and I'm sure for
>> > most people out there, I can honestly tell you, I wouldn't give a hoot

>> > you never purchased a thing from Penzeys. It would be your loss, as far

>as I
>> > can tell.

>> Well good for you, cause I don't give a hoot about the way you handle a
>> simple polemic with such a combative attitude.

>Combative? Hardly. I just found it amusing that you expect other people to
>convince you what to like. Why not go out on a limb, try it and form an
>opinion on your own?
>> Perhaps you are an agent for them? But I suspect you just follow the
>> cause blindly.
>> Care to buy the Brooklyn bridge? I just remade some of its foundation
>> R

>I wandered into Penzey's when I lived 1/2 block from them. At the time, I
>was pregnant with my daughter, and had never heard of RFC. Wow, I'd guess
>that makes me a leader rather than a follower! Cool.

It appears that he hasn't even tried Penzey's. His negative
assessment was based solely on perusing the catalog.

Lead me not into temptation... I can find it myself!
  #97 (permalink)   Report Post  
Curly Sue
Posts: n/a
Default Penzeys: What's the hype all about???

On Sun, 8 Aug 2004 23:29:39 -0700, "Nexis" > wrote:

>"Richard Periut" > wrote in message
. ..
>> Nexis wrote:
>> > "Richard Periut" > wrote in message
>> > .. .
>> >
>> >>What's all the hype about Penzeys? I don't understand the capriciousness
>> >>of many people here.
>> >
>> >
>> > This is a company many people on this ng have favored for years. That

>> > hardly a whim, my friend. Are you sure you know the meaning of
>> > capriciousness?

>> Main Entry: ca·pri·cious
>> Pronunciation: k&-'pri-sh&s, -'prE-
>> Function: adjective
>> : governed or characterized by caprice : IMPULSIVE, UNPREDICTABLE
>> synonym see INCONSTANT
>> - ca·pri·cious·ly adverb
>> - ca·pri·cious·ness noun
>> Pretty clear to me.

>Again, a company that people have enjoyed for years. What is unpredictable
>about it? Where's the whim? What is inconstant?
>> >
>> >>I found them expensive, and excluding the whole spices, the rest of what
>> >>they sell are blends (and God knows what other crap they include in
>> >>these,) and pre ground stuff.
>> >
>> >
>> > God knows, and so do I, since they clearly state what is in each hand
>> > blended mixture of spices.
>> >
>> >
>> >>I can get the whole spices much cheaper at Indo Pakistani stores, and
>> >>Latino markets.
>> >
>> >
>> > Then do so. I don't recall anyone ordering you to purchase spices from
>> > Penzeys...did they?
>> >

>> No, but again, I'm interested in finding out what's the hype? Care to
>> answer the question? If not, then don't answer the post.
>> >>And if you have to resort to premixed rubs and other condiments, then
>> >>that's not distinct from taking a can of cream soup and making a
>> >>casserole (chemical casseroles I like to call them,) and calling that a
>> >>quality meal.
>> >
>> >
>> > A hand blended mix of spices that I would mix anyway is hardly akin to
>> > canned soup. They are not any less fresh or high quality if they are in

>> > jar or several.
>> >
>> >

>> No, but why pay for blends that IMO are more expensive. Can't follow a
>> recipe?
>> >>Sorry, that's just me. Maybe others share my opinion or perhaps can
>> >>convince me to think otherwise.
>> >>
>> >>TIA,
>> >>
>> >>Rich
>> >
>> >
>> > Why do you want others to convince you?

>> It's a question that I posed; it's not mandatory.
>> For me personally, and I'm sure for
>> > most people out there, I can honestly tell you, I wouldn't give a hoot

>> > you never purchased a thing from Penzeys. It would be your loss, as far

>as I
>> > can tell.

>> Well good for you, cause I don't give a hoot about the way you handle a
>> simple polemic with such a combative attitude.

>Combative? Hardly. I just found it amusing that you expect other people to
>convince you what to like. Why not go out on a limb, try it and form an
>opinion on your own?
>> Perhaps you are an agent for them? But I suspect you just follow the
>> cause blindly.
>> Care to buy the Brooklyn bridge? I just remade some of its foundation
>> R

>I wandered into Penzey's when I lived 1/2 block from them. At the time, I
>was pregnant with my daughter, and had never heard of RFC. Wow, I'd guess
>that makes me a leader rather than a follower! Cool.

It appears that he hasn't even tried Penzey's. His negative
assessment was based solely on perusing the catalog.

Lead me not into temptation... I can find it myself!
  #98 (permalink)   Report Post  
Rick & Cyndi
Posts: n/a
Default Penzeys: What's the hype all about???

"Wayne" <
> That's great news! I didn't know. Did they indicate the location? For
> some reason I don't have a current catalog, and I didn't see any mention
> of it on their website.

<snip>> --
> Wayne in Phoenix


Doh! Thanks for the reminder, I haven't informed them of our change of
address! Thanks Wayne!


  #99 (permalink)   Report Post  
Jack Schidt®
Posts: n/a
Default Penzeys: What's the hype all about???

"PENMART01" > wrote in message
> >"Jack Schidt®" speakseasy:
> >
> >> >>"PENMART01" wrote:
> >> >>
> >> >> I really like Penzeys toasted onions.
> >> >
> >> >
> >> >Ooo I love those. I love to sprinkle them in my bowl of (chicken)

> >so
> >> >they're still kinda crunchy. Yum. I also like to whir a few in the

> >> >grinder and toss it in with the bread crumbs and parmesan for these

> >parmesan
> >> >crusted chicken breasts we love. It adds a nice flavor and everyone is
> >> >always trying to guess what I used (since they don't see it )
> >> >
> >> >kimberly
> >>
> >> Yup, Penzeys toasted onions are great in meatloaf, much better tasting

> >than
> >> those in soup packets and without all that salt, so you can add a lot.
> >>
> >> I like their dehy bell peppers too, good ground and sprinkled on egg,

> >tuna,
> >> macaroni, potato salads... of course they're invaluable for those times

> >you
> >> need a bell pepper for a suup/stew and the one you thought you had has

> >rotted,
> >> or it's mid winter and crumby looking bell peppers are $3/lb.. I get

> >red
> >> and green blend, and if necessary it's easy to pick out the color you

> >want...
> >> the super fresh flavor of Penzeys dehy pepper is intense, wait till you

> >open
> >> the pack and get a whiff.
> >>

> >
> >
> >A-men, brudda! Not to mention the quality of their dried chiles and

> >chiles. The chipotle is outta sight! Their dehy celery is good too,

> >you want that celery flavor AND sop up some water.
> >
> >Jack Dry

> I love their big plump Anchos too... whiz em up in the blender, seeds too,
> great in chili or a terrific rub for a chick. But my most favorite Penzey
> product is their Adobo... don't eat pork without it.

Yep it's necessary. I've been using Goya's Mojo Criollo for chicken and
pork as well. Sometimes I marinade with it, other times I make a sauce out
of it, with the pureed ancho. Sho good eatin'!

Jack Puerco

  #100 (permalink)   Report Post  
Jack Schidt®
Posts: n/a
Default Penzeys: What's the hype all about???

"PENMART01" > wrote in message
> >"Jack Schidt®" speakseasy:
> >
> >> >>"PENMART01" wrote:
> >> >>
> >> >> I really like Penzeys toasted onions.
> >> >
> >> >
> >> >Ooo I love those. I love to sprinkle them in my bowl of (chicken)

> >so
> >> >they're still kinda crunchy. Yum. I also like to whir a few in the

> >> >grinder and toss it in with the bread crumbs and parmesan for these

> >parmesan
> >> >crusted chicken breasts we love. It adds a nice flavor and everyone is
> >> >always trying to guess what I used (since they don't see it )
> >> >
> >> >kimberly
> >>
> >> Yup, Penzeys toasted onions are great in meatloaf, much better tasting

> >than
> >> those in soup packets and without all that salt, so you can add a lot.
> >>
> >> I like their dehy bell peppers too, good ground and sprinkled on egg,

> >tuna,
> >> macaroni, potato salads... of course they're invaluable for those times

> >you
> >> need a bell pepper for a suup/stew and the one you thought you had has

> >rotted,
> >> or it's mid winter and crumby looking bell peppers are $3/lb.. I get

> >red
> >> and green blend, and if necessary it's easy to pick out the color you

> >want...
> >> the super fresh flavor of Penzeys dehy pepper is intense, wait till you

> >open
> >> the pack and get a whiff.
> >>

> >
> >
> >A-men, brudda! Not to mention the quality of their dried chiles and

> >chiles. The chipotle is outta sight! Their dehy celery is good too,

> >you want that celery flavor AND sop up some water.
> >
> >Jack Dry

> I love their big plump Anchos too... whiz em up in the blender, seeds too,
> great in chili or a terrific rub for a chick. But my most favorite Penzey
> product is their Adobo... don't eat pork without it.

Yep it's necessary. I've been using Goya's Mojo Criollo for chicken and
pork as well. Sometimes I marinade with it, other times I make a sauce out
of it, with the pureed ancho. Sho good eatin'!

Jack Puerco

  #101 (permalink)   Report Post  
Richard Periut
Posts: n/a
Default Penzeys: What's the hype all about???

Curly Sue wrote:
> On Sun, 8 Aug 2004 23:29:39 -0700, "Nexis" > wrote:
>>"Richard Periut" > wrote in message
>>>Nexis wrote:
>>>>"Richard Periut" > wrote in message
>>>>>What's all the hype about Penzeys? I don't understand the capriciousness
>>>>>of many people here.
>>>> This is a company many people on this ng have favored for years. That

>>>>hardly a whim, my friend. Are you sure you know the meaning of
>>>Main Entry: ca·pri·cious
>>>Pronunciation: k&-'pri-sh&s, -'prE-
>>>Function: adjective
>>>: governed or characterized by caprice : IMPULSIVE, UNPREDICTABLE
>>>synonym see INCONSTANT
>>>- ca·pri·cious·ly adverb
>>>- ca·pri·cious·ness noun
>>>Pretty clear to me.

>>Again, a company that people have enjoyed for years. What is unpredictable
>>about it? Where's the whim? What is inconstant?
>>>>>I found them expensive, and excluding the whole spices, the rest of what
>>>>>they sell are blends (and God knows what other crap they include in
>>>>>these,) and pre ground stuff.
>>>>God knows, and so do I, since they clearly state what is in each hand
>>>>blended mixture of spices.
>>>>>I can get the whole spices much cheaper at Indo Pakistani stores, and
>>>>>Latino markets.
>>>>Then do so. I don't recall anyone ordering you to purchase spices from
>>>>Penzeys...did they?
>>>No, but again, I'm interested in finding out what's the hype? Care to
>>>answer the question? If not, then don't answer the post.
>>>>>And if you have to resort to premixed rubs and other condiments, then
>>>>>that's not distinct from taking a can of cream soup and making a
>>>>>casserole (chemical casseroles I like to call them,) and calling that a
>>>>>quality meal.
>>>>A hand blended mix of spices that I would mix anyway is hardly akin to
>>>>canned soup. They are not any less fresh or high quality if they are in

>>>>jar or several.
>>>No, but why pay for blends that IMO are more expensive. Can't follow a
>>>>>Sorry, that's just me. Maybe others share my opinion or perhaps can
>>>>>convince me to think otherwise.
>>>>Why do you want others to convince you?
>>>It's a question that I posed; it's not mandatory.
>>>For me personally, and I'm sure for
>>>>most people out there, I can honestly tell you, I wouldn't give a hoot

>>>>you never purchased a thing from Penzeys. It would be your loss, as far

>>as I
>>>>can tell.
>>>Well good for you, cause I don't give a hoot about the way you handle a
>>>simple polemic with such a combative attitude.

>>Combative? Hardly. I just found it amusing that you expect other people to
>>convince you what to like. Why not go out on a limb, try it and form an
>>opinion on your own?
>>>Perhaps you are an agent for them? But I suspect you just follow the
>>>cause blindly.
>>>Care to buy the Brooklyn bridge? I just remade some of its foundation

>>I wandered into Penzey's when I lived 1/2 block from them. At the time, I
>>was pregnant with my daughter, and had never heard of RFC. Wow, I'd guess
>>that makes me a leader rather than a follower! Cool.

> It appears that he hasn't even tried Penzey's. His negative
> assessment was based solely on perusing the catalog.
> Sue(tm)
> Lead me not into temptation... I can find it myself!

To the generals and sergeants of the Penzeys brigade:

I merely asked a question, and had some opinions as well. Let me remind
you that this (USA,) is a country where free speech prevails. If you
felt offended by my comments, I already apologized--it was not my
intention to offend. Otherwise, you have the freedom not to read my
posts. I'm sorry that some of you people have such pathetic frustrated
lives. Thanks for being so friggin counterproductive.

For those (not included in the aforementioned paragraph) that answered
intelligently and with a productive polemic; once again thanks. I am
more open minded about the place, but that doesn't mean I'm totally
loyal to them. I don't trust businesses that much, and have yet to see
one in which you see 100% customer satisfaction. 99.9% may exist, but
not 100%. I take every advice with a grain of salt.


"Dum Spiro, Spero."

As long as I breath, I hope.


  #102 (permalink)   Report Post  
Richard Periut
Posts: n/a

Curly Sue wrote:
> On Sun, 8 Aug 2004 23:29:39 -0700, "Nexis" > wrote:
>>"Richard Periut" > wrote in message
>>>Nexis wrote:
>>>>"Richard Periut" > wrote in message
>>>>>What's all the hype about Penzeys? I don't understand the capriciousness
>>>>>of many people here.
>>>> This is a company many people on this ng have favored for years. That

>>>>hardly a whim, my friend. Are you sure you know the meaning of
>>>Main Entry: ca·pri·cious
>>>Pronunciation: k&-'pri-sh&s, -'prE-
>>>Function: adjective
>>>: governed or characterized by caprice : IMPULSIVE, UNPREDICTABLE
>>>synonym see INCONSTANT
>>>- ca·pri·cious·ly adverb
>>>- ca·pri·cious·ness noun
>>>Pretty clear to me.

>>Again, a company that people have enjoyed for years. What is unpredictable
>>about it? Where's the whim? What is inconstant?
>>>>>I found them expensive, and excluding the whole spices, the rest of what
>>>>>they sell are blends (and God knows what other crap they include in
>>>>>these,) and pre ground stuff.
>>>>God knows, and so do I, since they clearly state what is in each hand
>>>>blended mixture of spices.
>>>>>I can get the whole spices much cheaper at Indo Pakistani stores, and
>>>>>Latino markets.
>>>>Then do so. I don't recall anyone ordering you to purchase spices from
>>>>Penzeys...did they?
>>>No, but again, I'm interested in finding out what's the hype? Care to
>>>answer the question? If not, then don't answer the post.
>>>>>And if you have to resort to premixed rubs and other condiments, then
>>>>>that's not distinct from taking a can of cream soup and making a
>>>>>casserole (chemical casseroles I like to call them,) and calling that a
>>>>>quality meal.
>>>>A hand blended mix of spices that I would mix anyway is hardly akin to
>>>>canned soup. They are not any less fresh or high quality if they are in

>>>>jar or several.
>>>No, but why pay for blends that IMO are more expensive. Can't follow a
>>>>>Sorry, that's just me. Maybe others share my opinion or perhaps can
>>>>>convince me to think otherwise.
>>>>Why do you want others to convince you?
>>>It's a question that I posed; it's not mandatory.
>>>For me personally, and I'm sure for
>>>>most people out there, I can honestly tell you, I wouldn't give a hoot

>>>>you never purchased a thing from Penzeys. It would be your loss, as far

>>as I
>>>>can tell.
>>>Well good for you, cause I don't give a hoot about the way you handle a
>>>simple polemic with such a combative attitude.

>>Combative? Hardly. I just found it amusing that you expect other people to
>>convince you what to like. Why not go out on a limb, try it and form an
>>opinion on your own?
>>>Perhaps you are an agent for them? But I suspect you just follow the
>>>cause blindly.
>>>Care to buy the Brooklyn bridge? I just remade some of its foundation

>>I wandered into Penzey's when I lived 1/2 block from them. At the time, I
>>was pregnant with my daughter, and had never heard of RFC. Wow, I'd guess
>>that makes me a leader rather than a follower! Cool.

> It appears that he hasn't even tried Penzey's. His negative
> assessment was based solely on perusing the catalog.
> Sue(tm)
> Lead me not into temptation... I can find it myself!

To the generals and sergeants of the Penzeys brigade:

I merely asked a question, and had some opinions as well. Let me remind
you that this (USA,) is a country where free speech prevails. If you
felt offended by my comments, I already apologized--it was not my
intention to offend. Otherwise, you have the freedom not to read my
posts. I'm sorry that some of you people have such pathetic frustrated
lives. Thanks for being so friggin counterproductive.

For those (not included in the aforementioned paragraph) that answered
intelligently and with a productive polemic; once again thanks. I am
more open minded about the place, but that doesn't mean I'm totally
loyal to them. I don't trust businesses that much, and have yet to see
one in which you see 100% customer satisfaction. 99.9% may exist, but
not 100%. I take every advice with a grain of salt.


"Dum Spiro, Spero."

As long as I breath, I hope.


  #103 (permalink)   Report Post  
Richard Periut
Posts: n/a
Default Penzeys: What's the hype all about???

Curly Sue wrote:
> On Sun, 8 Aug 2004 23:29:39 -0700, "Nexis" > wrote:
>>"Richard Periut" > wrote in message
>>>Nexis wrote:
>>>>"Richard Periut" > wrote in message
>>>>>What's all the hype about Penzeys? I don't understand the capriciousness
>>>>>of many people here.
>>>> This is a company many people on this ng have favored for years. That

>>>>hardly a whim, my friend. Are you sure you know the meaning of
>>>Main Entry: ca·pri·cious
>>>Pronunciation: k&-'pri-sh&s, -'prE-
>>>Function: adjective
>>>: governed or characterized by caprice : IMPULSIVE, UNPREDICTABLE
>>>synonym see INCONSTANT
>>>- ca·pri·cious·ly adverb
>>>- ca·pri·cious·ness noun
>>>Pretty clear to me.

>>Again, a company that people have enjoyed for years. What is unpredictable
>>about it? Where's the whim? What is inconstant?
>>>>>I found them expensive, and excluding the whole spices, the rest of what
>>>>>they sell are blends (and God knows what other crap they include in
>>>>>these,) and pre ground stuff.
>>>>God knows, and so do I, since they clearly state what is in each hand
>>>>blended mixture of spices.
>>>>>I can get the whole spices much cheaper at Indo Pakistani stores, and
>>>>>Latino markets.
>>>>Then do so. I don't recall anyone ordering you to purchase spices from
>>>>Penzeys...did they?
>>>No, but again, I'm interested in finding out what's the hype? Care to
>>>answer the question? If not, then don't answer the post.
>>>>>And if you have to resort to premixed rubs and other condiments, then
>>>>>that's not distinct from taking a can of cream soup and making a
>>>>>casserole (chemical casseroles I like to call them,) and calling that a
>>>>>quality meal.
>>>>A hand blended mix of spices that I would mix anyway is hardly akin to
>>>>canned soup. They are not any less fresh or high quality if they are in

>>>>jar or several.
>>>No, but why pay for blends that IMO are more expensive. Can't follow a
>>>>>Sorry, that's just me. Maybe others share my opinion or perhaps can
>>>>>convince me to think otherwise.
>>>>Why do you want others to convince you?
>>>It's a question that I posed; it's not mandatory.
>>>For me personally, and I'm sure for
>>>>most people out there, I can honestly tell you, I wouldn't give a hoot

>>>>you never purchased a thing from Penzeys. It would be your loss, as far

>>as I
>>>>can tell.
>>>Well good for you, cause I don't give a hoot about the way you handle a
>>>simple polemic with such a combative attitude.

>>Combative? Hardly. I just found it amusing that you expect other people to
>>convince you what to like. Why not go out on a limb, try it and form an
>>opinion on your own?
>>>Perhaps you are an agent for them? But I suspect you just follow the
>>>cause blindly.
>>>Care to buy the Brooklyn bridge? I just remade some of its foundation

>>I wandered into Penzey's when I lived 1/2 block from them. At the time, I
>>was pregnant with my daughter, and had never heard of RFC. Wow, I'd guess
>>that makes me a leader rather than a follower! Cool.

> It appears that he hasn't even tried Penzey's. His negative
> assessment was based solely on perusing the catalog.
> Sue(tm)
> Lead me not into temptation... I can find it myself!

To the generals and sergeants of the Penzeys brigade:

I merely asked a question, and had some opinions as well. Let me remind
you that this (USA,) is a country where free speech prevails. If you
felt offended by my comments, I already apologized--it was not my
intention to offend. Otherwise, you have the freedom not to read my
posts. I'm sorry that some of you people have such pathetic frustrated
lives. Thanks for being so friggin counterproductive.

For those (not included in the aforementioned paragraph) that answered
intelligently and with a productive polemic; once again thanks. I am
more open minded about the place, but that doesn't mean I'm totally
loyal to them. I don't trust businesses that much, and have yet to see
one in which you see 100% customer satisfaction. 99.9% may exist, but
not 100%. I take every advice with a grain of salt.


"Dum Spiro, Spero."

As long as I breath, I hope.


  #104 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a
Default Penzeys: What's the hype all about???

"Jack Schidt®" > wrote in message
> "PENMART01" > wrote in message
> ...
> > >> I really like Penzeys toasted onions.
> > >
> > >
> > >Ooo I love those. I love to sprinkle them in my bowl of (chicken) soup,

> so
> > >they're still kinda crunchy. Yum. I also like to whir a few in the

> > >grinder and toss it in with the bread crumbs and parmesan for these

> parmesan
> > >crusted chicken breasts we love. It adds a nice flavor and everyone is
> > >always trying to guess what I used (since they don't see it )
> > >
> > >kimberly

> >
> > Yup, Penzeys toasted onions are great in meatloaf, much better tasting

> than
> > those in soup packets and without all that salt, so you can add a lot.
> >
> > I like their dehy bell peppers too, good ground and sprinkled on egg,

> tuna,
> > macaroni, potato salads... of course they're invaluable for those times

> you
> > need a bell pepper for a suup/stew and the one you thought you had has

> rotted,
> > or it's mid winter and crumby looking bell peppers are $3/lb.. I get

> red
> > and green blend, and if necessary it's easy to pick out the color you

> want...
> > the super fresh flavor of Penzeys dehy pepper is intense, wait till you

> open
> > the pack and get a whiff.
> >

> A-men, brudda! Not to mention the quality of their dried chiles and

> chiles. The chipotle is outta sight! Their dehy celery is good too, when
> you want that celery flavor AND sop up some water.
> Jack Dry

I was just thinking about the celery when I was reading Sheldon's post on
the peppers. I like to give the celery a whir in the spice grinder
too...that way I can get it in more dishes without my daughter noticing. I
get the flavor without the "yuck I hate celery".


  #105 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a
Default Penzeys: What's the hype all about???

"Jack Schidt®" > wrote in message
> "PENMART01" > wrote in message
> ...
> > >> I really like Penzeys toasted onions.
> > >
> > >
> > >Ooo I love those. I love to sprinkle them in my bowl of (chicken) soup,

> so
> > >they're still kinda crunchy. Yum. I also like to whir a few in the

> > >grinder and toss it in with the bread crumbs and parmesan for these

> parmesan
> > >crusted chicken breasts we love. It adds a nice flavor and everyone is
> > >always trying to guess what I used (since they don't see it )
> > >
> > >kimberly

> >
> > Yup, Penzeys toasted onions are great in meatloaf, much better tasting

> than
> > those in soup packets and without all that salt, so you can add a lot.
> >
> > I like their dehy bell peppers too, good ground and sprinkled on egg,

> tuna,
> > macaroni, potato salads... of course they're invaluable for those times

> you
> > need a bell pepper for a suup/stew and the one you thought you had has

> rotted,
> > or it's mid winter and crumby looking bell peppers are $3/lb.. I get

> red
> > and green blend, and if necessary it's easy to pick out the color you

> want...
> > the super fresh flavor of Penzeys dehy pepper is intense, wait till you

> open
> > the pack and get a whiff.
> >

> A-men, brudda! Not to mention the quality of their dried chiles and

> chiles. The chipotle is outta sight! Their dehy celery is good too, when
> you want that celery flavor AND sop up some water.
> Jack Dry

I was just thinking about the celery when I was reading Sheldon's post on
the peppers. I like to give the celery a whir in the spice grinder
too...that way I can get it in more dishes without my daughter noticing. I
get the flavor without the "yuck I hate celery".


  #106 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a
Default Penzeys: What's the hype all about???

On Mon, 09 Aug 2004 05:19:04 GMT, Wayne >

> There is also a 99 Ranch Market (Asian) at 668 N. 44th Street near the
> Loop 202.

I have one close to me too. I finally found packages of
mung beans (the unsprouted kind) there. I haven't found
them in any of the local major super markets for the past
couple of years, so it was a pleasant surprise.

Practice safe eating - always use condiments
  #107 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a
Default Penzeys: What's the hype all about???

On Mon, 09 Aug 2004 05:19:04 GMT, Wayne >

> There is also a 99 Ranch Market (Asian) at 668 N. 44th Street near the
> Loop 202.

I have one close to me too. I finally found packages of
mung beans (the unsprouted kind) there. I haven't found
them in any of the local major super markets for the past
couple of years, so it was a pleasant surprise.

Practice safe eating - always use condiments
  #108 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a
Default Penzeys: What's the hype all about???

On Mon, 9 Aug 2004 10:32:48 -0700, "Nexis" >
> I was just thinking about the celery when I was reading Sheldon's post on
> the peppers. I like to give the celery a whir in the spice grinder
> too...that way I can get it in more dishes without my daughter noticing. I
> get the flavor without the "yuck I hate celery".

Just don't over do it, or else she'll taste it anyway.

Practice safe eating - always use condiments
  #109 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a
Default Penzeys: What's the hype all about???

On Mon, 9 Aug 2004 10:32:48 -0700, "Nexis" >
> I was just thinking about the celery when I was reading Sheldon's post on
> the peppers. I like to give the celery a whir in the spice grinder
> too...that way I can get it in more dishes without my daughter noticing. I
> get the flavor without the "yuck I hate celery".

Just don't over do it, or else she'll taste it anyway.

Practice safe eating - always use condiments
  #110 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a
Default Penzeys: What's the hype all about???

"sf" > wrote in message
> On Mon, 9 Aug 2004 10:32:48 -0700, "Nexis" >
> wrote:
> > I was just thinking about the celery when I was reading Sheldon's post

> > the peppers. I like to give the celery a whir in the spice grinder
> > too...that way I can get it in more dishes without my daughter

noticing. I
> > get the flavor without the "yuck I hate celery".
> >

> Just don't over do it, or else she'll taste it anyway.
> sf
> Practice safe eating - always use condiments

She actually doesn't dislike the taste, just the texture. She is alot like
me in that way...with alot of the food she "dislikes", it is more about the
texture than the taste. Mushrooms are a great example. I like the
flavor...the texture gags me. Onions too, which I grate, or use dried.


  #111 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a
Default Penzeys: What's the hype all about???

"sf" > wrote in message
> On Mon, 9 Aug 2004 10:32:48 -0700, "Nexis" >
> wrote:
> > I was just thinking about the celery when I was reading Sheldon's post

> > the peppers. I like to give the celery a whir in the spice grinder
> > too...that way I can get it in more dishes without my daughter

noticing. I
> > get the flavor without the "yuck I hate celery".
> >

> Just don't over do it, or else she'll taste it anyway.
> sf
> Practice safe eating - always use condiments

She actually doesn't dislike the taste, just the texture. She is alot like
me in that way...with alot of the food she "dislikes", it is more about the
texture than the taste. Mushrooms are a great example. I like the
flavor...the texture gags me. Onions too, which I grate, or use dried.


  #112 (permalink)   Report Post  
Melba's Jammin'
Posts: n/a
Default Penzeys: What's the hype all about???

In article <tVQRc.7384$xk.196@fed1read01>, "Nexis" >
> She actually doesn't dislike the taste, just the texture. She is alot
> like me in that way...with alot of the food she "dislikes", it is
> more about the texture than the taste. Mushrooms are a great example.
> I like the flavor...the texture gags me. Onions too, which I grate,
> or use dried.

> kimberly

Oy, you and WhatshisnamehisnameisJamie.
-Barb, <> An update on 7/22/04.

  #113 (permalink)   Report Post  
Melba's Jammin'
Posts: n/a

In article <tVQRc.7384$xk.196@fed1read01>, "Nexis" >
> She actually doesn't dislike the taste, just the texture. She is alot
> like me in that way...with alot of the food she "dislikes", it is
> more about the texture than the taste. Mushrooms are a great example.
> I like the flavor...the texture gags me. Onions too, which I grate,
> or use dried.

> kimberly

Oy, you and WhatshisnamehisnameisJamie.
-Barb, <> An update on 7/22/04.

  #114 (permalink)   Report Post  
Melba's Jammin'
Posts: n/a
Default Penzeys: What's the hype all about???

In article <tVQRc.7384$xk.196@fed1read01>, "Nexis" >
> She actually doesn't dislike the taste, just the texture. She is alot
> like me in that way...with alot of the food she "dislikes", it is
> more about the texture than the taste. Mushrooms are a great example.
> I like the flavor...the texture gags me. Onions too, which I grate,
> or use dried.

> kimberly

Oy, you and WhatshisnamehisnameisJamie.
-Barb, <> An update on 7/22/04.

  #115 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a
Default Penzeys: What's the hype all about???

Melba's Jammin' wrote:

> In article <tVQRc.7384$xk.196@fed1read01>, "Nexis" >
> wrote:
> (snip)
>>She actually doesn't dislike the taste, just the texture. She is alot
>>like me in that way...with alot of the food she "dislikes", it is
>>more about the texture than the taste. Mushrooms are a great example.
>>I like the flavor...the texture gags me. Onions too, which I grate,
>>or use dried.


> Oy, you and WhatshisnamehisnameisJamie.

No kidding. I just don't get it. I can't imagine being so picky, myself?


  #116 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a
Default Penzeys: What's the hype all about???

Melba's Jammin' wrote:

> In article <tVQRc.7384$xk.196@fed1read01>, "Nexis" >
> wrote:
> (snip)
>>She actually doesn't dislike the taste, just the texture. She is alot
>>like me in that way...with alot of the food she "dislikes", it is
>>more about the texture than the taste. Mushrooms are a great example.
>>I like the flavor...the texture gags me. Onions too, which I grate,
>>or use dried.


> Oy, you and WhatshisnamehisnameisJamie.

No kidding. I just don't get it. I can't imagine being so picky, myself?


  #117 (permalink)   Report Post  
Curly Sue
Posts: n/a
Default Penzeys: What's the hype all about???

On Mon, 09 Aug 2004 15:31:53 GMT, Richard Periut >

>Curly Sue wrote:

>> It appears that he hasn't even tried Penzey's. His negative
>> assessment was based solely on perusing the catalog.

>To the generals and sergeants of the Penzeys brigade:
>I merely asked a question, and had some opinions as well.

To the passive-aggressive person who started this subject:

I "merely" asked a question as well: "What did you buy from Penzey's
that disappointed you?" and you didn't answer. Therefore, the
conclusion I came to, after also noticing that in no post did you
mention actually buying anything, is that you did not. In that case,
you had no basis for your comments which, of course, you are free to
make. But then...

> Let me remind
>you that this (USA,) is a country where free speech prevails.

And it works the other way too. People can comment on your comments.
What is so difficult about that?

I still assume that you didn't answer my question because you had no
good answer. The loudly-proclaimed business about your selecting
which posts to answer based on whether the responses were
"productive," "intelligent," or met whatever other criteria you
mentioned (that, supposedly, mine did not meet) was just a smokescreen
to cover up the fact that you haven't tried Penzey's. Either that or,
with regard to being "combatitive," you can dish it out but can't take
it, because you did throw the first punch (which in fine
passive-aggressive form you deny) and continue to jab despite your
claimed "apology" embedded in insults.

> If you
>felt offended by my comments, I already apologized--it was not my
>intention to offend. Otherwise, you have the freedom not to read my
>posts. I'm sorry that some of you people have such pathetic frustrated
>lives. Thanks for being so friggin counterproductive.

This guys feelings are hurt by "non-productive" responses? I don't
think so. You're just begging for it, just like a true

So there it is. Enjoy!

Lead me not into temptation... I can find it myself!
  #118 (permalink)   Report Post  
Curly Sue
Posts: n/a
Default Penzeys: What's the hype all about???

On Mon, 09 Aug 2004 15:31:53 GMT, Richard Periut >

>Curly Sue wrote:

>> It appears that he hasn't even tried Penzey's. His negative
>> assessment was based solely on perusing the catalog.

>To the generals and sergeants of the Penzeys brigade:
>I merely asked a question, and had some opinions as well.

To the passive-aggressive person who started this subject:

I "merely" asked a question as well: "What did you buy from Penzey's
that disappointed you?" and you didn't answer. Therefore, the
conclusion I came to, after also noticing that in no post did you
mention actually buying anything, is that you did not. In that case,
you had no basis for your comments which, of course, you are free to
make. But then...

> Let me remind
>you that this (USA,) is a country where free speech prevails.

And it works the other way too. People can comment on your comments.
What is so difficult about that?

I still assume that you didn't answer my question because you had no
good answer. The loudly-proclaimed business about your selecting
which posts to answer based on whether the responses were
"productive," "intelligent," or met whatever other criteria you
mentioned (that, supposedly, mine did not meet) was just a smokescreen
to cover up the fact that you haven't tried Penzey's. Either that or,
with regard to being "combatitive," you can dish it out but can't take
it, because you did throw the first punch (which in fine
passive-aggressive form you deny) and continue to jab despite your
claimed "apology" embedded in insults.

> If you
>felt offended by my comments, I already apologized--it was not my
>intention to offend. Otherwise, you have the freedom not to read my
>posts. I'm sorry that some of you people have such pathetic frustrated
>lives. Thanks for being so friggin counterproductive.

This guys feelings are hurt by "non-productive" responses? I don't
think so. You're just begging for it, just like a true

So there it is. Enjoy!

Lead me not into temptation... I can find it myself!
  #119 (permalink)   Report Post  
Karen O'Mara
Posts: n/a
Default Penzeys: What's the hype all about???

"Nexis" > wrote in message news:<CYERc.7245$xk.5789@fed1read01>...
> Ooo I love those. I love to sprinkle them in my bowl of (chicken) soup, so
> they're still kinda crunchy. Yum. I also like to whir a few in the spice
> grinder and toss it in with the bread crumbs and parmesan for these parmesan
> crusted chicken breasts we love. It adds a nice flavor and everyone is
> always trying to guess what I used (since they don't see it )

We must patronize the toasted onions! Penzeys took them off their list
for a while, but they were brought back due to popular demand. Keep
buying the toasted onions, use generously and buy more... we don't
want to lose these again.

  #120 (permalink)   Report Post  
Karen O'Mara
Posts: n/a
Default Penzeys: What's the hype all about???

"Nexis" > wrote in message news:<CYERc.7245$xk.5789@fed1read01>...
> Ooo I love those. I love to sprinkle them in my bowl of (chicken) soup, so
> they're still kinda crunchy. Yum. I also like to whir a few in the spice
> grinder and toss it in with the bread crumbs and parmesan for these parmesan
> crusted chicken breasts we love. It adds a nice flavor and everyone is
> always trying to guess what I used (since they don't see it )

We must patronize the toasted onions! Penzeys took them off their list
for a while, but they were brought back due to popular demand. Keep
buying the toasted onions, use generously and buy more... we don't
want to lose these again.


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