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Paul 20-01-2004 10:34 PM

Using a Meat Thermoneter?

I have a meat thermometer, its one of the ones with spike and big dial
on the other end. I'm wondering if it will work okay if left in the meat
while in the oven? Or do i just remove the meat from the oven and test it?


Default User 20-01-2004 11:41 PM

Using a Meat Thermoneter?
Paul wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a meat thermometer, its one of the ones with spike and big dial
> on the other end. I'm wondering if it will work okay if left in the meat
> while in the oven? Or do i just remove the meat from the oven and test it?

Those are designed to be left in all the time. The reason the dial is so
big is so you can read it (theoretically) through the oven window.
Instant read thermometers, the skinny ones with the small dial, are not.

I use an electronic probe thermometer now though.

Brian Rodenborn

Default User 21-01-2004 12:38 AM

Using a Meat Thermoneter?
Dog3 wrote:

> From the original poster's description; I interpreted the thermometer as an
> instant read. I wonder if the big "dial" is the actual dial or is the head
> of the thermometer depicting the varying temperatures.

The instant-reads that I've seen have a dial that is about 3/4 inch
across. The ones I pictured him asking about are like this:

Brian Rodenborn

Pennyaline 21-01-2004 12:50 AM

Using a Meat Thermoneter?
"Default User" wrote:
> Dog3 wrote:
> > From the original poster's description; I interpreted the thermometer as

> > instant read. I wonder if the big "dial" is the actual dial or is the

> > of the thermometer depicting the varying temperatures.

> The instant-reads that I've seen have a dial that is about 3/4 inch
> across. The ones I pictured him asking about are like this:

Okay, that's what you think he's asking about, but stores in my area sell
*large dial* instant read thermometers as well as small. Instant reads must
not be left in the oven.

Paul, is the dial covered with glass or plastic? If glass, it's probably a
leave-in. If plastic, it's an instant read.

The best tip yet though is to read the directions that come with the

Nancy Young 21-01-2004 02:13 AM

Using a Meat Thermoneter?
Pennyaline wrote:

> Paul, is the dial covered with glass or plastic? If glass, it's probably a
> leave-in. If plastic, it's an instant read.

The glass thermometer that came with my Weber, well, a certain
someone who shall remain nameless tried using it in the oven.
Cracked city. I wouldn't assume.


Pennyaline 21-01-2004 05:20 AM

Using a Meat Thermoneter?
"Nancy Young" wrote:
> Pennyaline wrote:
> > Paul, is the dial covered with glass or plastic? If glass, it's probably

> > leave-in. If plastic, it's an instant read.

> The glass thermometer that came with my Weber, well, a certain
> someone who shall remain nameless tried using it in the oven.
> Cracked city. I wouldn't assume.

Nor would I. That's why I said it's probably a leave-in.

I still heartily recommend following the instructions.

Melba's Jammin' 21-01-2004 04:51 PM

Using a Meat Thermoneter?
In article > , Dog3
<dognospam@adjfkdla;not> wrote:
> From the original poster's description; I interpreted the thermometer
> as an instant read. I wonder if the big "dial" is the actual dial or
> is the head of the thermometer depicting the varying temperatures.
> Michael

Huh? What's the difference?
A good friend will come and bail you out of jail;
a true friend will be sitting next to you saying, "Damn,that was fun!"

Default User 21-01-2004 05:45 PM

Using a Meat Thermoneter?
Pennyaline wrote:

> >

> Okay, that's what you think he's asking about, but stores in my area sell
> *large dial* instant read thermometers as well as small. Instant reads must
> not be left in the oven.

While they may sell such a thing, I think the normal large dial ones are
the kind I showed. As you say though, we need more information from the

Brian Rodenborn

Melba's Jammin' 21-01-2004 09:12 PM

Using a Meat Thermoneter?
In article >, Dog3
<dognospam@adjfkdla;not> wrote:

> Melba's Jammin' > deliciously posted in
> :
> > In article > , Dog3
> > <dognospam@adjfkdla;not> wrote:
> > (snip)
> >> From the original poster's description; I interpreted the thermometer
> >> as an instant read. I wonder if the big "dial" is the actual dial or
> >> is the head of the thermometer depicting the varying temperatures.
> >>
> >> Michael

> >
> > Huh? What's the difference?
> > -B

> One type is an instant read and the other you leave in during the entire
> cooking process. We can't tell which type the original poster has. We
> need
> more info.
> Michael

Yeah, yeah, yah. I understand the difference between instant read and
t'other. What I didn't understand is the difference between "if the big
"dial" is the actual dial or is the head of the thermometer depicting
the varying temperatures." To me, the dial and the head of the
thermometer depicting the varying temperatures is the same thing. What
am I missing?
A good friend will come and bail you out of jail;
a true friend will be sitting next to you saying, "Damn,that was fun!"

hahabogus 21-01-2004 09:39 PM

Using a Meat Thermoneter?
Melba's Jammin' > wrote in news:barbschaller-

> To me, the dial and the head of the
> thermometer depicting the varying temperatures is the same thing. What
> am I missing?

There is (in that picture) a red bar (hard to see) you can place on the
temp you are going for. It appears you can rotate this little bar and place
it where you want. I just use my digital remote thermometer.

Once during Prohibition I was forced to live for days on nothing but food
and water.

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