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Default (2009-12-09) NS-RFC: Vegan fare
Chatty Cathy
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Default (2009-12-09) NS-RFC: Vegan fare

ChattyCathy wrote:

So far, 3 have voted and we all agree. What ARE the odds??

I've never eaten something deliberately vegan, but certainly I have
eaten things that qualify. As far as eating vegan at someone's
house, you wouldn't think it but I'm pretty easygoing, I'll eat what's
served, within reason. I don't really see the problem, so it's vegan
for dinner, pass the salad. I mean, there should be something on the
menu I wouldn't object to is what I'm getting at.

If people are vegan or vegetarian because they find eating meat
to be repulsive, I really can't see insisting it be cooked in their
kitchen. Why all the drama over one meal.

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Default (2009-12-09) NS-RFC: Vegan fare

Nancy Young wrote:
> ChattyCathy wrote:

> So far, 3 have voted and we all agree. What ARE the odds??
> (laugh)
> I've never eaten something deliberately vegan, but certainly I have
> eaten things that qualify. As far as eating vegan at someone's house,
> you wouldn't think it but I'm pretty easygoing, I'll eat what's
> served, within reason. I don't really see the problem, so it's vegan
> for dinner, pass the salad. I mean, there should be something on the
> menu I wouldn't object to is what I'm getting at.
> If people are vegan or vegetarian because they find eating meat to be
> repulsive, I really can't see insisting it be cooked in their kitchen.
> Why all the drama over one meal.
> nancy

That would depend on the meal. I would not object to a regular vegan
meal. If it is Christmas, Thanksgiving, Easter... I want meat. If it is
a BBQ event, I want meat. No burgers or wienies made out of soy.

We don't try to feed vegetarians phony fruits and vegetables made out of
meat. I don't want meat <?> made out of vegetables.
  #4 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default (2009-12-09) NS-RFC: Vegan fare

On Dec 9, 9:00 am, "Nancy Young" > wrote:
> ChattyCathy wrote:
> >

> So far, 3 have voted and we all agree. What ARE the odds??
> (laugh)
> I've never eaten something deliberately vegan, but certainly I have
> eaten things that qualify. As far as eating vegan at someone's
> house, you wouldn't think it but I'm pretty easygoing, I'll eat what's
> served, within reason. I don't really see the problem, so it's vegan
> for dinner, pass the salad. I mean, there should be something on the
> menu I wouldn't object to is what I'm getting at.>
> If people are vegan or vegetarian because they find eating meat
> to be repulsive, I really can't see insisting it be cooked in their
> kitchen. Why all the drama over one meal.

Why all the drama indeed? I'm very surprised at all the heat this
issue raises. Maybe it's the misplaced focus on the food itself. I
mean, when we're invited to someone's house for dinner we go for the
company first, because they are friends or family, and the food is
secondary. If we expect to enjoy ourselves, we go. If we don't, we
decline. It's not as though we have to agree about everything--some
of our friends are even Republicans, so what's a vegan or two?

If we're the guests we don't dictate what is to be served. Sometimes
we don't even recognize the food, and sometimes, mirabile dictu, we
have learned something new....imagine that! -aem

  #5 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default (2009-12-09) NS-RFC: Vegan fare

Dave Smith wrote:
> Nancy Young wrote:
>> ChattyCathy wrote:

>> So far, 3 have voted and we all agree. What ARE the odds??
>> (laugh)
>> I've never eaten something deliberately vegan, but certainly I have
>> eaten things that qualify. As far as eating vegan at someone's
>> house, you wouldn't think it but I'm pretty easygoing, I'll eat
>> what's served, within reason. I don't really see the problem, so
>> it's vegan for dinner, pass the salad. I mean, there should be
>> something on the menu I wouldn't object to is what I'm getting at.
>> If people are vegan or vegetarian because they find eating meat to be
>> repulsive, I really can't see insisting it be cooked in their
>> kitchen. Why all the drama over one meal.

> That would depend on the meal. I would not object to a regular vegan
> meal. If it is Christmas, Thanksgiving, Easter... I want meat. If it
> is a BBQ event, I want meat. No burgers or wienies made out of soy.
> We don't try to feed vegetarians phony fruits and vegetables made out
> of meat. I don't want meat <?> made out of vegetables.

We're actually in agreement there because I don't want tofurkey
or any such thing. No offense meant to anyone, I'll just have the

As far as meat on the holidays, it's just not a deal breaker for me.
I can have meat another day. We almost didn't have turkey on
Thanksgiving, it wouldn't have bothered me. We're having turkey
dinner today, coincidentally. All the trimmings.


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Default (2009-12-09) NS-RFC: Vegan fare

ChattyCathy > wrote:

My only problem with the survey is question 2. It would be
difficult to have not eaten some "vegan" food at some point
in a normal life. I mean, if I'm munching on a carrot or
celery stick I'm eating vegan food. Nothing special about
it. It doesn't have to be tofu masquerading as something
else to be vegan, it just has to not use animal products.

In my wife's chocolate shop there are some items that are
vegan by their nature. Bittersweet chocolate of the brand
she uses contains no dairy and is vegan.
There are other items, hard candys, etc. which also qualify
as vegan, not because anyone went out of their way to make
them so but just because they are so by their nature.

Now, to make a vegan truffle she has to use soy or nut milk
and some sort of butter substitute, but she only does that
on occasion for holidays or special orders.

With all that said, I am in no way, shape or form, a vegan
or vegetarian. I firmly believe that humans are essentially
rat like in nature when it comes to food. We can, and will,
eat pretty much anything that doesn't eat us first and is not
actively poisonous. That is our true nature, veganism is
a modern day fetish. It's OK if you are vegan. I won't try
to convince you to be otherwise. I just don't consider it
normal for human beings.

Bill Ranck
Blacksburg, Va.
  #7 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default (2009-12-09) NS-RFC: Vegan fare

"ChattyCathy" > wrote in message
> --
> Cheers
> Chatty Cathy

#1 MCNL. I'd have no objections to eating vegan food but I'd offer the
option of guests eating other items which they brought with them. Some of
us (incl me) are carnivores and always will be.

#2 Of course I've eaten vegan food. Steamed vegetables, served sans
butter, I eat them all the time. Or roasted vegetables without any added
animal fat... it's considered "vegan". I eat pasta tossed simply with olive
oil and herbs. Also considered "vegan"

#3 No, I wouldn't expect them to cook meat. Would I expect them to let me
bring meat to the party because I know people who are attending eat meat?
Absolutely. The host doesn't have to handle it or eat it. I don't believe
in mandating what your guests can eat.

Strisce Colorate (Rainbow Vegetables)

1 sweet yellow bell pepper
1 medium eggplant
4 plum tomatoes
1 sweet red bell pepper
2 zucchini squash
1 red onion
5 Tbs. extra virgin olive oil
salt & pepper

Seed the peppers and cut into thin strips. Peel the onion and cut into
rings. Cut the zucchini into thin slices lengthwise. Cut the eggplant in
half lengthwise; remove the seeds and then cut into thin strips. Skin the
tomatoes; cut in half, remove the seeds and slice into thin rounds.

Arrange vegetables in a shallow casserole, alternating colors across the
dish (i.e. onion, then eggplant, peppers, zucchini and tomatoes). Sprinkle
with salt & pepper. Drizzle olive oil over all.

Cover with foil and bake at 325 F for about 1 hour, until vegetables are
fairly dry and very tender (will appear wrinkled). May be served hot or
cold. Serves 4.

Absolutely delicious, and I don't have to be a vegan to enoy it


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Default (2009-12-09) NS-RFC: Vegan fare


> ChattyCathy > wrote:
> My only problem with the survey is question 2. It would be
> difficult to have not eaten some "vegan" food at some point
> in a normal life. I mean, if I'm munching on a carrot or
> celery stick I'm eating vegan food. Nothing special about
> it. It doesn't have to be tofu masquerading as something
> else to be vegan, it just has to not use animal products.

Quite so. That's what the "Yes" option was for...


> It's OK if you are vegan. I won't try
> to convince you to be otherwise. I just don't consider it
> normal for human beings.

Can't wait to see what other rfc-ers have to say about this particular
remark. <eg>

Chatty Cathy
  #9 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default (2009-12-09) NS-RFC: Vegan fare

jmcquown wrote:

> "ChattyCathy" > wrote in message
> ...

> #1 MCNL. I'd have no objections to eating vegan food but I'd offer
> the option of guests eating other items which they brought with them.
> Some of us (incl me) are carnivores and always will be.

You're a carnivore?? B...bu...but, how come you're famous for your
butternut squash soup? Oh, you must mean "omnivore". Now I geddit.
> #2 Of course I've eaten vegan food. Steamed vegetables, served sans
> butter, I eat them all the time.

Glad to hear it.
> #3 No, I wouldn't expect them to cook meat. Would I expect them to
> let me bring meat to the party because I know people who are attending
> eat meat? Absolutely. The host doesn't have to handle it or eat it.
> I don't believe in mandating what your guests can eat.

If you say so...

BTW, is Kate on vacation already - or something?
Chatty Cathy
  #10 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default (2009-12-09) NS-RFC: Vegan fare

On Wed, 9 Dec 2009 12:38:11 -0500, "jmcquown" >

>#3 No, I wouldn't expect them to cook meat. Would I expect them to let me
>bring meat to the party because I know people who are attending eat meat?
>Absolutely. The host doesn't have to handle it or eat it. I don't believe
>in mandating what your guests can eat.

Oh, for heaven's sake. You'd eat kosher food if you went to the home
of someone who ate Kosher for religious or health reasons. So if
you're eating in the home of a known vegan, eat what they serve you or
eat out.

I love cooking with wine.
Sometimes I even put it in the food.

  #11 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default (2009-12-09) NS-RFC: Vegan fare

Hey - just being invited OUT is nice enough for me. If the person
serves a vegan meal - so be it. Not end of the world. Who knows -
one might be introduced to some pretty nice stuff. No one ever died
from a meatless day, I don't believe.

I was invited to a Christmas dinner once and the hostess made
jambalaya, with a salad and bread. Fine by me. I don't think it's up
to the guest to dictate or even request what is to be served, whether
it's a holiday or any other day, or get in a snit cuz it wasn't a
traditional meal.
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Default (2009-12-09) NS-RFC: Vegan fare

ChattyCathy wrote:

The person who says they've never eaten vegan food is either mistaken or
the most interesting person I'd ever want to meet. Really? NO vegan
food at all? No oatmeal? No fresh, crisp apple? No celery with peanut
butter? No unbuttered popcorn? No green salad with vinaigrette? No
french bread? Never tasted a fresh watermelon on a hot summer day? Never
ate a bag full of peanuts at a baseball game?

I'd be very surprised if anyone here has never eaten vegan food. Very
surprised indeed.


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  #13 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default (2009-12-09) NS-RFC: Vegan fare

On Dec 9, 12:25*pm, "Nancy Young" > wrote:
> Dave Smith wrote:
> > Nancy Young wrote:
> >> ChattyCathy wrote:
> >>>

> >> So far, 3 have voted and we all agree. *What ARE the odds??
> >> (laugh)
> >> I've never eaten something deliberately vegan, but certainly I have
> >> eaten things that qualify. *As far as eating vegan at someone's
> >> house, you wouldn't think it but I'm pretty easygoing, I'll eat
> >> what's served, within reason. *I don't really see the problem, so
> >> it's vegan for dinner, pass the salad. *I mean, there should be
> >> something on the menu I wouldn't object to is what I'm getting at.
> >> If people are vegan or vegetarian because they find eating meat to be
> >> repulsive, I really can't see insisting it be cooked in their
> >> kitchen. Why all the drama over one meal.

> > That would depend on the meal. I would not object to a regular vegan
> > meal. If it is Christmas, Thanksgiving, Easter... I want meat. If it
> > is a BBQ event, I want meat. *No burgers or wienies made out of soy.

> > We don't try to feed vegetarians phony fruits and vegetables made out
> > of meat. I don't want meat <?> made out of vegetables.

> We're actually in agreement there because I don't want tofurkey
> or any such thing. *No offense meant to anyone, I'll just have the
> vegetables.
> As far as meat on the holidays, it's just not a deal breaker for me.
> I can have meat another day. *We almost didn't have turkey on
> Thanksgiving, it wouldn't have bothered me. *We're having turkey
> dinner today, coincidentally. *All the trimmings. *
> nancy- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

The real dilemma is this: an omnivore eating a vegan meal without soy
protein fake food is not a problem because the omnivore will get their
protein from other sources, possibly that same day, (eggs for
breakfast?) certainly the day before and after. One meal or even one
entire day without meat won't cause an omnivore to suffer malnutrition
because their diet is somewhat balanced overall. The vegan relies on
the veggie based proteins for their health. What the vegan needs to do
when planning a meal for omnivores to enjoy is to have the vast
majority of the dishes without the "weird vegan stuff" like tofu, soy
burgers, etc. Most non-vegans will eat a pasta dish with vegetables in
it. Or a rice and beans casserole. Even brown rice or barley stuffed
peppers, for example. It's probably not a big stretch to state that
most meat eaters are not going to be comfortable eating fake soy-meat
as a protein source.
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Default (2009-12-09) NS-RFC: Vegan fare

Being a devout carnivore I think I would consider most vegans as prey.
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Default (2009-12-09) NS-RFC: Vegan fare

aem wrote:
> On Dec 9, 9:00 am, "Nancy Young" > wrote:
>> ChattyCathy wrote:

>> If people are vegan or vegetarian because they find eating meat
>> to be repulsive, I really can't see insisting it be cooked in their
>> kitchen. Why all the drama over one meal.

> Why all the drama indeed? I'm very surprised at all the heat this
> issue raises. Maybe it's the misplaced focus on the food itself. I
> mean, when we're invited to someone's house for dinner we go for the
> company first, because they are friends or family, and the food is
> secondary.

Maybe it sounds like we're angling for sainthood or something,
not even close, I really don't go to anyone's house for the food.
I really am there for the company. I can make good food at
home, or go to a restaurant if that's my goal.

> If we're the guests we don't dictate what is to be served. Sometimes
> we don't even recognize the food, and sometimes, mirabile dictu, we
> have learned something new....imagine that!

There's the thing, I'm not the most adventurous eater in the world,
sometimes I find something new I like. Years ago I found out I
just love hot Italian sausage (no jokes) because my then sil served

Of course, that can backfire ... like when someone puts out
meatballs and you take two because you love meatballs. Then
you find out about grape jelly/chili sauce meatballs.


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Default (2009-12-09) NS-RFC: Vegan fare

aem > wrote:

>Why all the drama indeed? I'm very surprised at all the heat this
>issue raises. Maybe it's the misplaced focus on the food itself. I
>mean, when we're invited to someone's house for dinner we go for the
>company first, because they are friends or family, and the food is
>secondary. If we expect to enjoy ourselves, we go. If we don't, we

I see it oppositely. A person with a sufficient interest in
food is cognizant of, and at least somewhat curious about,
the concept of vegetarian dining. To thoroughly reject
the idea, to the point of not wanting to eat even one
vegetarian meal in a year, implies to me a lack of serious
interest in food as a subject area.

I agree with whoever said the whole thing is about control.

  #17 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default (2009-12-09) NS-RFC: Vegan fare

Janet Baraclough wrote:

> Two of the best cooks I know, are vegans (unrelated) .It's always a
> real treat to eat with them.
> Your notion that vegan food is about soyburgers and rice could not be
> further from the delicious varied recipes
> they both serve. They are also, very healthy, radiant, energetic people
> who do a lot of strenuous excercise.

I have eaten several meals in a vegetarian (not vegan) Indian restaurant
and thoroughly enjoyed them. It is nice for a change. They use lentils
and chick peas for protein, not those silly meat wannabees.

My nephew and his wife are vegetarians. While they did seem to have a
nice healthy look until the last few years, they seem to be putting on
the pounds lately, unlike a lot of vegetarians I have known.

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Default (2009-12-09) NS-RFC: Vegan fare

On Wed, 9 Dec 2009 09:21:36 -0800 (PST), aem wrote:

> On Dec 9, 9:00 am, "Nancy Young" > wrote:
>> ChattyCathy wrote:

>> So far, 3 have voted and we all agree. What ARE the odds??
>> (laugh)
>> I've never eaten something deliberately vegan, but certainly I have
>> eaten things that qualify. As far as eating vegan at someone's
>> house, you wouldn't think it but I'm pretty easygoing, I'll eat what's
>> served, within reason. I don't really see the problem, so it's vegan
>> for dinner, pass the salad. I mean, there should be something on the
>> menu I wouldn't object to is what I'm getting at.>
>> If people are vegan or vegetarian because they find eating meat
>> to be repulsive, I really can't see insisting it be cooked in their
>> kitchen. Why all the drama over one meal.

> Why all the drama indeed? I'm very surprised at all the heat this
> issue raises. Maybe it's the misplaced focus on the food itself. I
> mean, when we're invited to someone's house for dinner we go for the
> company first, because they are friends or family, and the food is
> secondary. If we expect to enjoy ourselves, we go. If we don't, we
> decline. It's not as though we have to agree about everything--some
> of our friends are even Republicans, so what's a vegan or two?


i bet the republicans aren't vegans, though.

your pall,
  #19 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default (2009-12-09) NS-RFC: Vegan fare

In article >,
ChattyCathy > wrote:


Nice common sense results. :-)
Peace! Om

"Human nature seems to be to control other people until they put their foot down."
--Steve Rothstein

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  #20 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default (2009-12-09) NS-RFC: Vegan fare

In article
aem > wrote:

> It's not as though we have to agree about everything--some
> of our friends are even Republicans, so what's a vegan or two?

<lol> That's -sig line material!
Peace! Om

"Human nature seems to be to control other people until they put their foot down."
--Steve Rothstein

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  #21 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default (2009-12-09) NS-RFC: Vegan fare

In article >,
George Shirley > wrote:

> Being a devout carnivore I think I would consider most vegans as prey.

Okay, that was funny...

and more -sig material. <lol>
Peace! Om

"Human nature seems to be to control other people until they put their foot down."
--Steve Rothstein

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  #22 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default (2009-12-09) NS-RFC: Vegan fare

"Nancy Young" expressed it well:

> If people are vegan or vegetarian because they find eating meat to be
> repulsive, I really can't see insisting it be cooked in their kitchen.
> Why all the drama over one meal.

Precisely! If your host served a vegan meal without telling you ahead of
time, would you walk out or would you, perhaps, just notice that there was
no meat on the table?

There are a whole lot of meals that qualify as vegan but don't scream "I'm
vegan" at you.

Your host selects the food served. Eat it and enjoy the company!


  #23 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default (2009-12-09) NS-RFC: Vegan fare

Christine wrote on Wed, 09 Dec 2009 11:29:26 -0800:

>> I see it oppositely. A person with a sufficient interest in
>> food is cognizant of, and at least somewhat curious about,
>> the concept of vegetarian dining. To thoroughly reject
>> the idea, to the point of not wanting to eat even one
>> vegetarian meal in a year, implies to me a lack of serious
>> interest in food as a subject area.

> I disagree. I know of quite a few folks who really don't like
> vegetarian food, per se. Yet they are very, very interested in
> the food world, and some are quite involved in it.
> Some of the more notable folks are Mario Batali, and Anthony
> Bourdain. Mario is quite the accomplished chef, and he is
> pretty outspoken about his being a carnivore..and not really
> wanting to eat vegetarian food. Same with Bourdain.

I must admit that I have attended a *vegetarian* (not guaranteed vegan)
Thanksgiving given by some relatives. The company was a lot more fun
than the food. Last Xmas, my son and daughter-in-law brought a tofurkey
that they cooked in addition to the regular stuff that the rest of us
ate. I was polite about the tofurkey but no one but them had seconds.


James Silverton
Potomac, Maryland

Email, with obvious alterations:

  #24 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default (2009-12-09) NS-RFC: Vegan fare

Christine Dabney > wrote:

> (Steve Pope) wrote:

>>I see it oppositely. A person with a sufficient interest in
>>food is cognizant of, and at least somewhat curious about,
>>the concept of vegetarian dining. To thoroughly reject
>>the idea, to the point of not wanting to eat even one
>>vegetarian meal in a year, implies to me a lack of serious
>>interest in food as a subject area.

>I disagree. I know of quite a few folks who really don't like
>vegetarian food, per se. Yet they are very, very interested in the
>food world, and some are quite involved in it.
>Some of the more notable folks are Mario Batali, and Anthony Bourdain.
>Mario is quite the accomplished chef, and he is pretty outspoken about
>his being a carnivore..and not really wanting to eat vegetarian food.

I think we differ in that I tend to discount alot of what
celebrity food people say as positioning. Carnivorism has a mass
appeal in the U.S., and Batali is playing to that. Sure,
he's serious about food and talented, but it would be difficult to
ascertain that he never ever made any sort of investigation into
vegetarian main dishes -- at minimum sometime during his training.
I would hazard a guess he is far more familiar with the vegetarian
food world than are the relatives of the vegan questioner in this thread.
I would say these relatives are rejecting vegetarianism out
of hand, whereas Batali is probably publically rejecting it from a
position of much more familiarity, with a strong dose of marketing
thrown in.

>I don't think it shows a lack of interest in food as a subject area.
>For instance, I have almost no interest in the molecular food
>arena....but most people who know me, know that I am very interested
>in food. Just not that area.

And how prevalent, worldwide, is molecular food relative to vegetarian
food? 0.1% or so as prevalent is my guess. It's not as major a subject
area. It's less core to a foodie, at least so far. Juse my opinion.

  #25 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default (2009-12-09) NS-RFC: Vegan fare

ChattyCathy > wrote:
> wrote:

> > ChattyCathy > wrote:
> >>
> >
> > My only problem with the survey is question 2. It would be
> > difficult to have not eaten some "vegan" food at some point
> > in a normal life. I mean, if I'm munching on a carrot or
> > celery stick I'm eating vegan food. Nothing special about
> > it. It doesn't have to be tofu masquerading as something
> > else to be vegan, it just has to not use animal products.

> Quite so. That's what the "Yes" option was for...

My point is that the question implys that vegan food is
something one could avoid completely and I don't see how.
I don't see how anyone could truthfully answer "No," so
why ask?

It's not important, though.

Bill Ranck
Blacksburg, Va.

  #26 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default (2009-12-09) NS-RFC: Vegan fare

On Wed, 09 Dec 2009 18:43:24 +0200, ChattyCathy
> wrote:


Thanks for turning the tables on the pinheads.

I wouldn't care if a vegan, a vegetarian, or even a glat kosher Jew
invited me to dinner, I'd find what to eat. But if I invite folks who
happen to have strict dietary stipulations they can either accept or
refuse but I'm not going out of my way to accomodate. I would expect
those who eat any kind of kosher to refuse because my home is not
kosher and certainly not my kitchen. But anytime I've prepared any
meal for guests there are always more than a few dishes to satisfy the
herbivores and the vegans can pick choose and refuse as they see
fit... but if anyone expects me to remove my meat dishes from the
table they had better be prepared to listen to my hysterical laughter,
yoose want me to do what??? Ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. . . .
  #27 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default (2009-12-09) NS-RFC: Vegan fare

I put MCINL for question 1 since I'm not sure what vegan vs.
vegetarian is. Certainly, I'd have no objection to a vegetarian meal.
No big deal. Family get-together is more important.

  #28 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default (2009-12-09) NS-RFC: Vegan fare

On Wed, 09 Dec 2009 12:07:15 -0500, Dave Smith
> wrote:

>Nancy Young wrote:
>> ChattyCathy wrote:

>> So far, 3 have voted and we all agree. What ARE the odds??
>> (laugh)
>> I've never eaten something deliberately vegan, but certainly I have
>> eaten things that qualify. As far as eating vegan at someone's house,
>> you wouldn't think it but I'm pretty easygoing, I'll eat what's
>> served, within reason. I don't really see the problem, so it's vegan
>> for dinner, pass the salad. I mean, there should be something on the
>> menu I wouldn't object to is what I'm getting at.
>> If people are vegan or vegetarian because they find eating meat to be
>> repulsive, I really can't see insisting it be cooked in their kitchen.
>> Why all the drama over one meal.
>> nancy

>That would depend on the meal. I would not object to a regular vegan
>meal. If it is Christmas, Thanksgiving, Easter... I want meat. If it is
>a BBQ event, I want meat. No burgers or wienies made out of soy.
>We don't try to feed vegetarians phony fruits and vegetables made out of
>meat. I don't want meat <?> made out of vegetables.

But then the remedy couldn't be more simple, don't accept the
invite... I know were it important to me to celebrate a holiday by
dining on meat then I'd politely reject the invite and with no
explanation whatsoever... it's not my party, I don't make the rules.
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Default (2009-12-09) NS-RFC: Vegan fare

On Wed, 9 Dec 2009 10:32:06 -0800 (PST), none of your business
> wrote:

>On Dec 9, 12:25*pm, "Nancy Young" > wrote:
>> Dave Smith wrote:
>> > Nancy Young wrote:
>> >> ChattyCathy wrote:
>> >>>

>> >> So far, 3 have voted and we all agree. *What ARE the odds??
>> >> (laugh)
>> >> I've never eaten something deliberately vegan, but certainly I have
>> >> eaten things that qualify. *As far as eating vegan at someone's
>> >> house, you wouldn't think it but I'm pretty easygoing, I'll eat
>> >> what's served, within reason. *I don't really see the problem, so
>> >> it's vegan for dinner, pass the salad. *I mean, there should be
>> >> something on the menu I wouldn't object to is what I'm getting at.
>> >> If people are vegan or vegetarian because they find eating meat to be
>> >> repulsive, I really can't see insisting it be cooked in their
>> >> kitchen. Why all the drama over one meal.
>> > That would depend on the meal. I would not object to a regular vegan
>> > meal. If it is Christmas, Thanksgiving, Easter... I want meat. If it
>> > is a BBQ event, I want meat. *No burgers or wienies made out of soy.

>> > We don't try to feed vegetarians phony fruits and vegetables made out
>> > of meat. I don't want meat <?> made out of vegetables.

>> We're actually in agreement there because I don't want tofurkey
>> or any such thing. *No offense meant to anyone, I'll just have the
>> vegetables.
>> As far as meat on the holidays, it's just not a deal breaker for me.
>> I can have meat another day. *We almost didn't have turkey on
>> Thanksgiving, it wouldn't have bothered me. *We're having turkey
>> dinner today, coincidentally. *All the trimmings. *
>> nancy- Hide quoted text -
>> - Show quoted text -

>The real dilemma is this: an omnivore eating a vegan meal without soy
>protein fake food is not a problem because the omnivore will get their
>protein from other sources, possibly that same day, (eggs for
>breakfast?) certainly the day before and after. One meal or even one
>entire day without meat won't cause an omnivore to suffer malnutrition
>because their diet is somewhat balanced overall. The vegan relies on
>the veggie based proteins for their health. What the vegan needs to do
>when planning a meal for omnivores to enjoy is to have the vast
>majority of the dishes without the "weird vegan stuff" like tofu, soy
>burgers, etc. Most non-vegans will eat a pasta dish with vegetables in
>it. Or a rice and beans casserole. Even brown rice or barley stuffed
>peppers, for example. It's probably not a big stretch to state that
>most meat eaters are not going to be comfortable eating fake soy-meat
>as a protein source.

Knock it off with the pinheadedness, it's not a whit to do with
malnourishment... no one is malnourished from missing an occasional
meal or three. This is not about diet, it's all about choice. I know
that when I get invited to Thanksgiving dinner I may ask if one
turkey leg will be reserved for me, If I'm told there won't be any
turkey or any meat then most likely I'll politely say I won't be
attending but yoose all have a grand time, my choice.

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On Wed, 9 Dec 2009 09:21:36 -0800 (PST), aem >

>On Dec 9, 9:00 am, "Nancy Young" > wrote:
>> ChattyCathy wrote:
>> >

>> So far, 3 have voted and we all agree. What ARE the odds??
>> (laugh)
>> I've never eaten something deliberately vegan, but certainly I have
>> eaten things that qualify. As far as eating vegan at someone's
>> house, you wouldn't think it but I'm pretty easygoing, I'll eat what's
>> served, within reason. I don't really see the problem, so it's vegan
>> for dinner, pass the salad. I mean, there should be something on the
>> menu I wouldn't object to is what I'm getting at.>
>> If people are vegan or vegetarian because they find eating meat
>> to be repulsive, I really can't see insisting it be cooked in their
>> kitchen. Why all the drama over one meal.

>Why all the drama indeed? I'm very surprised at all the heat this
>issue raises. Maybe it's the misplaced focus on the food itself. I
>mean, when we're invited to someone's house for dinner we go for the
>company first, because they are friends or family, and the food is
>secondary. If we expect to enjoy ourselves, we go. If we don't, we
>decline. It's not as though we have to agree about everything--some
>of our friends are even Republicans, so what's a vegan or two?
>If we're the guests we don't dictate what is to be served. Sometimes
>we don't even recognize the food, and sometimes, mirabile dictu, we
>have learned something new....imagine that! -aem

Zactly. And when it's my dinner then I set the menu. It's really not
that difficult to feed vegans... I have a pantry filled with beans and
grains of all kinds and plenty of produce in the fridge... of course
they may choose to forage in my yard with the deer. hehe

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"ChattyCathy" > wrote in message
> jmcquown wrote:
>> "ChattyCathy" > wrote in message
>> ...

>> #1 MCNL. I'd have no objections to eating vegan food but I'd offer
>> the option of guests eating other items which they brought with them.
>> Some of us (incl me) are carnivores and always will be.

> You're a carnivore?? B...bu...but, how come you're famous for your
> butternut squash soup? Oh, you must mean "omnivore". Now I geddit.

Yeah, I'm an omnivore Who heartily endorses eating grilled steaks,
grilled pork chops, fish, eggs, cheese, butter. But if someone wants to eat
just vegetables, whatever.

>> #2 Of course I've eaten vegan food. Steamed vegetables, served sans
>> butter, I eat them all the time.

> Glad to hear it.
>> #3 No, I wouldn't expect them to cook meat. Would I expect them to
>> let me bring meat to the party because I know people who are attending
>> eat meat? Absolutely. The host doesn't have to handle it or eat it.
>> I don't believe in mandating what your guests can eat.

> If you say so...

Yeah, I say so. They can bring over whatever they want.

> BTW, is Kate on vacation already - or something?
> --
> Cheers
> Chatty Cathy

Which Kate? And why would I know if she's on vacation?


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On Dec 9, 4:07 pm, "Dora" > wrote:
> I put MCINL for question 1 since I'm not sure what vegan vs.
> vegetarian is. Certainly, I'd have no objection to a vegetarian meal.
> No big deal. Family get-together is more important.

Ther are a lot of great, honest, vegan and vegetarian dishes. I like
tofu if it is honest about being tofu. I draw the line at tofurky,
soy burgers, other approximeat. Fry up a bean/rice/vegetable
patty, but don't give me a fake hamburger, or that nasty saitan stuff
that is supposed to taste like chicken.

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I had friends once, who, after twenty-plus years of being vegetarian,
decided to start eating meat. He said they were trying to find a way
to make chicken taste like tofu.


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bulka wrote:
> On Dec 9, 4:07 pm, "Dora" > wrote:
>> I put MCINL for question 1 since I'm not sure what vegan vs.
>> vegetarian is. Certainly, I'd have no objection to a vegetarian meal.
>> No big deal. Family get-together is more important.

> Ther are a lot of great, honest, vegan and vegetarian dishes. I like
> tofu if it is honest about being tofu. I draw the line at tofurky,
> soy burgers, other approximeat. Fry up a bean/rice/vegetable
> patty, but don't give me a fake hamburger, or that nasty saitan stuff
> that is supposed to taste like chicken.

That is the problem when my brother goes to his son's place. They grill
fake meat patties and wienies and tell him that it tastes just like real
meat. If they were used to eating meat that tasted like foam plastic
they might think so. Maybe they have just forgotten how meat really
tastes and they sleeping taste buds are fooling them.

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Christine Dabney wrote:
> I disagree. I know of quite a few folks who really don't like
> vegetarian food, per se. Yet they are very, very interested in the
> food world, and some are quite involved in it.
> Some of the more notable folks are Mario Batali, and Anthony Bourdain.
> Mario is quite the accomplished chef, and he is pretty outspoken about
> his being a carnivore..and not really wanting to eat vegetarian food.
> Same with Bourdain.

Last time I checked the term carnivorous meant "flesh eating"...

Or as M-W defines it:

"subsisting or feeding on animal tissues"

So do Mario and Anthony *only* eat meat? Just curious.

Changing the subject a bit (but still keeping it food-related <gasp>):
What are your thoughts on 'man-made meat'?
Chatty Cathy

  #36 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default (2009-12-09) NS-RFC: Vegan fare

On Dec 9, 2:16 pm, bulka > wrote:
> I had friends once, who, after twenty-plus years of being vegetarian,
> decided to start eating meat. He said they were trying to find a way
> to make chicken taste like tofu.

Cure, but also easy. Start with a boneless, skinless chicken breast
and boil it for 45 minutes. -aem

  #37 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default (2009-12-09) NS-RFC: Vegan fare

"Nancy Young" > wrote in message
> ChattyCathy wrote:

> So far, 3 have voted and we all agree. What ARE the odds??
> (laugh)
> I've never eaten something deliberately vegan, but certainly I have
> eaten things that qualify. As far as eating vegan at someone's house, you
> wouldn't think it but I'm pretty easygoing, I'll eat what's
> served, within reason. I don't really see the problem, so it's vegan
> for dinner, pass the salad. I mean, there should be something on the
> menu I wouldn't object to is what I'm getting at.
> If people are vegan or vegetarian because they find eating meat to be
> repulsive, I really can't see insisting it be cooked in their kitchen.
> Why all the drama over one meal.

I'm not sure that's the point. I often eat a veggie meal because I can't be
bothered to cook meat but for some, it's a religion and even a power trip.
Who needs friends like that?

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> wrote in message ...
> ChattyCathy > wrote:

> My only problem with the survey is question 2. It would be
> difficult to have not eaten some "vegan" food at some point
> in a normal life. I mean, if I'm munching on a carrot or
> celery stick I'm eating vegan food. Nothing special about
> it. It doesn't have to be tofu masquerading as something
> else to be vegan, it just has to not use animal products.

I used to take a UK cooking magazine and there was a long-running advert
offering VEGAN CONDOMS!!!!!!! Seriously!! A German company makes them.

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Nancy Young wrote:
> Why all the drama over one meal.

Going vegan is a political or religious decision. Politics and religion
are drama central.

There are vegatarians who believe that it's more healthy. Depending on
what they are comparing it against they might or might not be correct.
Compare against the ridiculous "Super Size Me" system and they are
correct. RFC being a bunch of foodies it is likely that nearly all of
us eat foods that are varied enough that it's incorrect.

But vegan eating is deficient in assorted essential nutrients. Careful
planning and consideration is needed to not get sick from it. Healthy
can not be in the list of considerations for a rational decision to go
vegan. Alrighty then, irrational joins the previously listed politics
and religion for drama central.

The drama is not surprising to me.
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