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Tis' the season for pies, but whatever happened to the once - ubiquitous
mince pie? I can't say I've even ever tasted one.... Long and fascinating article about the mince pie...I've chosen some excerpts. The author even attempts to duplicate a long - ago recipe: http://www.chicagoreader.com/chicago...nt?oid=1267308 "The Real American Pie Mince pie was once inextricable from our national identity. Blamed for bad health, murderous dreams, the downfall of Prohibition, and the decline of the white race, it nonetheless persisted as an American staple through the 1940s. So what happened? As an icon of the American way, apple pie is a johnny-come-lately, a usurper, a pale pretender to its pastry throne. The phrase as American as apple pie is of 20th-century origin and didn't attain wide currency until the 1940s. Perhaps not coincidentally, the 40s are also when mince pie went into eclipse as our defining national dish. But to its 19th- and early-20th-century admirers, mince pie was "unquestionably the monarch of pies," "the great American viand," "an American institution" and "as American as the Red Indians." It was the food expatriates longed for while sojourning abroad. Acquiring an appreciation for it was proof that an immigrant was becoming assimilated. It was the indispensable comfort dish dispatched to American expeditionary forces in World War I to reinforce their morale with the taste of home. "Mince pie is mince pie," as an editorialist for the Washington Post put it in 1907. "There is no other pie to take its place. Custard pie is good and so is apple pie, but neither has the uplifting power and the soothing, gratifying flavor possessed by mince pie when served hot, with a crisp brown crust." Moreover, unlike apple pie or anything else on the American menu before or since, mince pie dominated in multiple categories. It was beloved as an entree, as dessert, and, in parts of New England, as breakfast. And although more popular in winter than summer, and absolutely mandatory at Thanksgiving and Christmas, mince pie was eaten year round, unconfined to the holiday ghetto it now shares with iffy ritual foods like eggnog, green bean casserole, and marshmallow candied yams. Most remarkably, mince pie achieved and maintained its hegemony despite the fact that everyone-including those who loved it-agreed that it reliably caused indigestion, provoked nightmares, and commonly afflicted the overindulgent with disordered thinking, hallucinations, and sometimes death. Consider the case of Albert Allen of Chicago, arrested in 1907 for shooting his wife in the head. "It was this way," Allen was quoted as saying by the Trenton Times, "I ate three pieces of mince pie at 11 o'clock and got to dreaming that I was shaking dice. The other fellow was cheating and I tried to shoot his fingers off. When I awoke, I was holding the pistol in my hand and my wife was shot." So maybe it happened that way and maybe it didn't. The point is that newspapers from the time of the Early Republic through the 1930s abounded with comparable cautionary anecdotes-as well as a lot of jokes-about the dangers of mince pie. Supposing Allen's excuse was on the level, he got off lightly compared to poor George Humphreys, whose death at sea, initially ascribed to yellow fever, was subsequently determined to have resulted from his gluttonous consumption of three mince pies-or so the Philadelphia Inquirer reported in 1888. Not rotten or poisoned or contaminated mince pies, mind you: just mince pies. The mince pie we speak of here bears only passing resemblance to present-day mincemeat pie, that gooey vegetarian article sitting next to the store-bought gingerbread men at office holiday parties. The mincemeat savored by our forebears was made with actual meat (beef, typically, or sometimes venison), flavored with substantial quantities of booze (usually brandy but sometimes rum and/or Madeira). I set out recently to bake two large mince pies by scaling down recipes published in the 1890s by the Chicago Tribune and the San Francisco Chronicle. (The former I chose for its local provenance and wealth of detailed instructions, the latter for its reassuring headline: "Harmless Mince Pies: They Are Said to Be Hygienic and Safe to Eat.") Cautious investigator that I am, I decided to spread the risk around. My plan was to take these beefy dishes to the Thanksgiving dinner I'd been invited to, persuade or coerce the guests there to try them, and canvass their reactions. My quest began with a stop at my local butcher shop, where I scored a three-pound roast of beef and a pound-and-a-half of suet. Suet, if you don't know, is raw, shredded beef fat, ideally harvested from the regions around the loins and kidneys. Except for people who stuff their birdfeeders with it in wintertime, there's not much call for this commodity in these cholesterol-conscious times, but the butcher at Villager Foods in Oak Park (Illinois, a suburb of Chicago_ was kind enough to run off a greasy, maggot-white batch especially for me at a reasonable price. Next I was off to the grocer's to procure sweet (unfermented) apple cider, raisins, currants, a big bag of Granny Smith apples, and a pint of brandy. Back home I reluctantly submerged the gorgeous top-round roast in boiling water, then left it to simmer for three hours. Simultaneously I boiled the cider until its volume was reduced by 85 percent, which yielded the syrupy goo known (logically enough) as boiled cider. As my pots steamed and bubbled away on the stovetop, I assiduously soaked and rinsed the currants per the Trib's advice, so that they wouldn't introduce any dirt into my pies. This effort was probably wasted-I believe our current currant producers have found a technological fix for the dirt problem. But the instruction helped me make sense of an enticing 1905 advertisement I'd read in the Anaconda (Montana) Standard touting a local bakery's mince pies as "absolutely free from grit." (The grit question in turn put me in mind of advice promulgated in 1899 by the National Society for the Promotion of Health, recommending that pie eaters ready their stomachs for mince by swallowing six five-grain capsules of "sand from the shores of Lake Michigan," a precaution that would enable them to safely "digest food as chickens do.") Once the simmering roast had come to term, I fished its gray, shrunken mass from the pot and laboriously whittled it into pea-sized chunks, taking pains per both recipes to remove all gristle and fat. (Heaven forbid any fat should sneak into a dish that calls for fistfuls of suet.) My meat minced and my cider boiled, I combined these two ingredients with a mountain of chopped and peeled apples, a foothill each of raisins and currants, two cups of molasses, and a terrifying three-quarters of a pound of suet. Dividing the resultant glop into two batches-Trib and Chronicle-I heavily seasoned both with cloves, allspice, and cinnamon. The Chronicle recipe additionally called for grated citrus peel, orange and lemon juice, grape jelly, and mouth-numbing quantities of nutmeg and mace. [...] Mince pie was brought to American shores by the British religious dissenters who settled New England, but it arrived under a cloud. English Puritans regarded the dish as inherently popish, and during the rule of Cromwell mince had been banned, along with such related pagan folderol as Christmas, maypoles, gambling, and musical instruments in church. Several New England colonies likewise had laws against mince (and Christmas). Yet the dish somehow survived suppression, and as Puritan theocracy waned and a relative pluralism bloomed, it thrived. In an age before refrigeration, making mince was a useful way of preserving meat, and doubtless it provided a nice change from dried beef and salt pork. And preserve mince definitely did, thanks primarily to its gooey, concentrated sugars (which, as in jellies and preserves, keep bacteria at bay by sucking the moisture out of their bodies) and redolent spices (also powerful antibacterial agents). Among their many other amazing attributes, mince pies were said to remain "good" almost indefinitely Over time mince oozed its way out of New England, south down the coast and inland via the river systems and canals. By the mid-19th century it was popular in every section of the country settled by Europeans. But it never quite shed its aura of theological dodginess, and throughout its long reign as America's "monarch of pies," mince remained taboo for Protestant clergymen. Many men of the cloth actively sermonized against it, perhaps none more eloquently than prominent abolitionist and health nut Reverend Thomas Wentworth Higginson, who in 1860 described the pie as "very white and indigestible upon the top, very moist and indigestible at the bottom, with untold horrors in between." [...] In an age impressed by Darwinian science but still largely wedded to the fallacy that acquired traits could be inherited, mince pie appeared to some as a threat to the very survival of the American people. Thus, Dr. Fenton B. Turck of Chicago warned a conference of the Mississippi Valley Medical Association in 1910 that the "armor-plate mince pie diet indulged in by all America" was rapidly bringing about "race deterioration not only in Connecticut and Maine, but in other states." Turck's dire views were later echoed and amplified by Dr. Andre Tridon, a French immigrant and Manhattan's leading Freudian psychoanalyst, who in 1921 cautioned Caucasian America that the national diet, with its "atrocious corned beef and cabbage and horrible mince pie," would ultimately undermine white supremacy and put the rising black race in control. [...] Mince's bad reputation was also reinvigorated by the rise of the temperance movement. The Puritans' objection to mince in colonial times had had absolutely nothing to do with alcohol; in fact it was accepted practice among them to begin one's strenuously pious days with a flip, a toddy, a "phlegm-cutter," or one of several other traditional rum-based breakfast cocktails. But the evangelical anti-booze crusaders of the 19th century were a different stripe of zealot. We're talking here about people who declared jihad on backyard apple trees because apples could be turned into cider, so you can imagine how receptive they were to the argument that brandy was just a flavoring extract whose intoxicating content evaporated in the oven. Thus in 1885, Marion Howland, Christian gentlewoman and author of the best-selling homemaker's manual Common Sense in the Household, felt obliged to respond in print to the evangelical critic who harshed on her book, with its brandy-fueled mince recipe, as a work that "stifled and sickened the Christian reader." [...] Liquor would [again] be legal for culinary purposes druping Prohibition, though subject to regulation through a system of licensing. But as with all similar exemptions to the Dry Law (medical, industrial, ritual), much of the product earmarked for mince pies and plum puddings wound up on the black market. And mince itself could be retooled as a camouflaged liquor-delivery medium: In 1919 the Chicago Tribune reported that the average alcohol content of canned mince samples on display at a trade show for the hotel business had spiked to 14.12 percent, offering a far more efficient buzz than legal near beer, with its measly .5 percent. "I love pie," declared one attendee. "Here's how!" leered his companion, and they clinked their plates together like cocktail glasses. [...] God help me if I like this stuff, I thought while building my two mince pies. But now I just say God help me, because, man, those mince pies were pretty awesome if I do say so myself. The family resemblance of old-fashioned mince to modern mincemeat is unmistakable, but the real deal is stronger and yet more subtle, miles deeper, and yields an infinitely more complex concert of flavors. The crazy taste is accompanied by a hot, fatty mouth feel that's almost obscenely pleasing. It takes some getting used to, I will allow, but by my third slice I was pretty much hooked. That was the one I tried with ice cream on top, per the fashion pioneered in New York in 1904. Obviously my objectivity is open to question here, given my investment in the subject. But of the 11 tasters I enlisted in my baking experiment, only two found my mince pie displeasing. Other responses ranged from "weird but good" to "good" to "great." [...] Which raises a question I have yet to find an answer to: What the hell happened to mince pie? How did it fall from grace so quickly and completely? Meat shortages during World War II might have had something to do with it-but then why didn't comparable shortages during World War I have the same effect? Perhaps the 19th Amendment killed mince pie: Gaining the right to vote may have empowered housewives to strike against the drudgery of home mince production. Subsequently the inferior manufactured version could have skunked the entire brand, much as stale gas-station Krispy Kreme donuts have eroded the popularity of the fresh-fried item. It's conceivable that technology drove the change in eating habits: In the era under consideration, constantly improving methods of refrigeration were altering American systems of food production and distribution at every level, from farm to factory to rail car to kitchen. The greater availability of fresh and frozen provender may have altered the public palate such that mince no longer tasted like ambrosia. At very least, the icebox and home fridge undercut the rationale for candying a prime pot roast before it rotted. But these are only explanatory trial balloons (which I would be happy to license out to any grad student looking for an important dissertation topic). For the time being, mince's overnight decline remains an unexampled mystery. Imagine, by way of analogy, that Americans abruptly and collectively lost their taste for cheeseburgers. Imagine the cheeseburger demoted to the same rank as eggnog, ritually consumed only on, say, July 4th. Suppose furthermore that the vestigial cheeseburgers served on America's birthday were prepared without meat. Now suppose that a condition of cultural amnesia set in such that we all forgot, within the space of a decade or so, that cheeseburgers had ever been considered the iconic centerpiece of our nation's diet. I can't shake the feeling that the abrupt fall of mince signaled some profound but undiagnosed shift in American culture, some seismic rearrangement of who we are-since we are, after all, what we eat. I promise to keep researching (and baking) until I figure it out or die trying. Until then, I leave you with this thought from the editorial page of the Montpelier Argus and Patriot for March 10, 1880: "Mince pie, like Masonry, arouses curiosity from the mystery attaching to it. Its popularity shall never wane until faith is lost in sight." For more antiquarian oddities, patronize Cliff Doerksen's new blog, Bad News From the Past, at: chicagoreader.com/badnewsfromthepast </> |
Posted to rec.food.cooking
![]() "Gregory Morrow" > wrote in message news ![]() > Tis' the season for pies, but whatever happened to the once - ubiquitous > mince pie? I can't say I've even ever tasted one.... > snip It wasn't part of my family tradition, but I did acquire a recipe from a friend and made it once long ago. It was o.k., but it never interested me to make it again. Janet |
Posted to rec.food.cooking
On Sat, 19 Dec 2009 20:28:54 -0700, "Janet Bostwick"
> wrote: > >"Gregory Morrow" > wrote in message >news ![]() >> Tis' the season for pies, but whatever happened to the once - ubiquitous >> mince pie? I can't say I've even ever tasted one.... >> >snip >It wasn't part of my family tradition, but I did acquire a recipe from a >friend and made it once long ago. It was o.k., but it never interested me >to make it again. It wasn't part of my childhood either. Not sure if I've ever tasted one, fruit or meat. I felt like I was breaking the mold by making pecan pie. ![]() -- I love cooking with wine. Sometimes I even put it in the food. |
Posted to rec.food.cooking
Janet Bostwick wrote:
> "Gregory Morrow" > wrote in message > news ![]() >> Tis' the season for pies, but whatever happened to the once - >> ubiquitous mince pie? I can't say I've even ever tasted one.... >> > snip > It wasn't part of my family tradition, but I did acquire a recipe > from a friend and made it once long ago. It was o.k., but it never > interested me to make it again. The term "heavy" came to mind when reading that article...back in the day you needed all those calories for the manual labor that was the norm for many people. By the 1940's machines had rendered moot a lot of that 19th century drudgery... I'm surprised the author did not bring this up... -- Best Greg |
Posted to rec.food.cooking
![]() "Gregory Morrow" > wrote in message m... > Janet Bostwick wrote: > >> "Gregory Morrow" > wrote in message >> news ![]() >>> Tis' the season for pies, but whatever happened to the once - >>> ubiquitous mince pie? I can't say I've even ever tasted one.... >>> >> snip >> It wasn't part of my family tradition, but I did acquire a recipe >> from a friend and made it once long ago. It was o.k., but it never >> interested me to make it again. > > > The term "heavy" came to mind when reading that article...back in the day > you needed all those calories for the manual labor that was the norm for > many people. By the 1940's machines had rendered moot a lot of that 19th > century drudgery... > > I'm surprised the author did not bring this up... > -- > Best > Greg > When I wrote my original reply I toyed with words to describe the taste. Heavy, yes, but overly strong tasting in spice and raisins. A small piece went a long way. For me, it was just too much. Janet |
Posted to rec.food.cooking
![]() "Wayne Boatwright" > wrote in message 5.247... | If you aren't accustomed to it, I think it's an acquired taste for today's | palates. I happen to like heavy strongly flavored pies. You might also | not enjoy a rich authentic chess pie either. Nobody doesn't like rich authentic chess pie. Nobody. For shame. :} pavane |
Posted to rec.food.cooking
On Sun, 20 Dec 2009 05:32:58 GMT, Wayne Boatwright
> wrote: >You're absolutely right! Unfortunately, I bet there are countless numbers >who've never even heard of it, much less tasted it. :-( > I've heard of it but never tasted. I wouldn't even know which recipe to use. I saw buttermilk, lemon and chocolate pecan right off the bat. It seems to be a custard pie. -- I love cooking with wine. Sometimes I even put it in the food. |
Posted to rec.food.cooking
Janet Bostwick wrote:
> "Gregory Morrow" > wrote in message > news ![]() >> Tis' the season for pies, but whatever happened to the once - ubiquitous >> mince pie? I can't say I've even ever tasted one.... >> > snip > It wasn't part of my family tradition, but I did acquire a recipe from a > friend and made it once long ago. It was o.k., but it never interested me > to make it again. > Janet > > We make our own pear mincemeat and then use it to make pies with a cream cheese topping. My grandmother used to make "real" mincemeat pies and, IIRC, the meat was actually beef tallow in hers. Left a nasty taste in the mouth and coated your lips with tallow. Only thing that old biddie made that was good was chicken and dumplings, rolled dumplings, not those drop things. |
Posted to rec.food.cooking
On Sat, 19 Dec 2009 22:38:24 -0800, sf > wrote:
-->On Sun, 20 Dec 2009 05:32:58 GMT, Wayne Boatwright > wrote: --> -->>You're absolutely right! Unfortunately, I bet there are countless numbers -->>who've never even heard of it, much less tasted it. :-( -->> -->I've heard of it but never tasted. I wouldn't even know which recipe -->to use. I saw buttermilk, lemon and chocolate pecan right off the -->bat. It seems to be a custard pie. You're not still talking about mincemeat? |
Posted to rec.food.cooking
![]() "Wayne Boatwright" > wrote in message 5.247... > On Sat 19 Dec 2009 10:01:02p, pavane told us... > >> >> "Wayne Boatwright" > wrote in message >> 5.247... >> >>| If you aren't accustomed to it, I think it's an acquired taste for >>today's >>| palates. I happen to like heavy strongly flavored pies. You might also >>| not enjoy a rich authentic chess pie either. >> >> Nobody doesn't like rich authentic chess pie. Nobody. For shame. :} >> >> pavane > > You're absolutely right! Unfortunately, I bet there are countless numbers > who've never even heard of it, much less tasted it. :-( > Uh, me . . . I just raised my hand. I never heard of chess pie. Explain please. Thank you Janet |
Posted to rec.food.cooking
Wayne Boatwright wrote:
> If you aren't accustomed to it, I think it's an acquired taste for today's > palates. I happen to like heavy strongly flavored pies. You might also > not enjoy a rich authentic chess pie either. > Are any of those strongly flavored, Wayne? -- Jean B. |
Posted to rec.food.cooking
Christine Dabney wrote:
> On Sun, 20 Dec 2009 08:20:45 -0700, "Janet Bostwick" > > wrote: > >> "Wayne Boatwright" > wrote in message >> 5.247... >>> On Sat 19 Dec 2009 10:01:02p, pavane told us... >>> >>>> "Wayne Boatwright" > wrote in message >>>> 5.247... >>>> >>>> | If you aren't accustomed to it, I think it's an acquired taste for >>>> today's >>>> | palates. I happen to like heavy strongly flavored pies. You might also >>>> | not enjoy a rich authentic chess pie either. >>>> >>>> Nobody doesn't like rich authentic chess pie. Nobody. For shame. :} >>>> >>>> pavane >>> You're absolutely right! Unfortunately, I bet there are countless numbers >>> who've never even heard of it, much less tasted it. :-( >>> >> Uh, me . . . I just raised my hand. I never heard of chess pie. Explain >> please. >> Thank you >> Janet >> > > > Ooh...chess pie. Love that pie!! > > The origin of the name has many versions. I know of at least 2, and > maybe 3. Some of the other southern cooks on this group might know of > more. > > One says that it refers to the answer that was given when asked about > what kind of pie it was. "Jes' pie" is the answer that was given... > Another suggestion for the name came from where the pies were stored > after being made: a pie chest. So it becomes Chest Pie..or evolved to > Chess Pie. > And some say it evolved from the 'cheese" pie that was made back > then....which really wasn't a cheese pie, but was the name for those > types of pies. > > I make the version from the late grande dame of Southern Cooking, Edna > Lewis. Her's is a lemon chess pie. Has buttermilk, a bit of > cornmeal, eggs, lemon and I forget what else in the pie. Very easy to > make. That recipe is found in The Gift of Southern Cooking, the book > she did with Scott Peacock. > > Hmm...maybe I will find me some buttermilk when I go out in a bit. I > have a bit of food exploring planned, with a trip to the Marin farmers > market as the first stop. Meyer lemons are in season now, and I > wonder how they would work for lemon chess pie? I am now thinking > that this might be a nice pie for taking down to my friends in San > Jose on Christmas Day. > > Christine, who will visit one of her favorite farmers markets in a > bit, maybe stop by Berkeley Bowl West and a few other foodie sites, > including Grocery Outlet. I love it when you talk like that (speaking of food history)! :-) -- Jean B. |
Posted to rec.food.cooking
Wayne Boatwright wrote:
> On Sun 20 Dec 2009 08:24:34a, Jean B. told us... > >> Wayne Boatwright wrote: >> >>> If you aren't accustomed to it, I think it's an acquired taste for >>> today's palates. I happen to like heavy strongly flavored pies. You >>> might also not enjoy a rich authentic chess pie either. >>> >> Are any of those strongly flavored, Wayne? >> > > For the most part, no. However, most recipes are very rich and many would > consider heavy. They are heavy in butter, sugar, egg yolks, the main > liquid usually being buttermilk, evaporated milk, or cream. Chess pies are > sometimes referred to as "transparent custard pies", although > "transluscent" might be a more apt description. There are many flavor > variations including vanilla with nutmeg, lemon, coconut, and chocolate. > I've even seen a couple of recipes that called for chopped dates and > pecans. My personal favorite is simply flavored with vanilla and nutmeg, > although Lemon Chess Pie is a close second. I've posted the recipe I use > here before. > And I have probably saved it. I confess that I am one of the ones who has not made a chess pie. I forget whether I have consumed any. If so, it would not have been a stellar, homemade version. -- Jean B. |
Posted to rec.food.cooking
![]() "Jean B." > wrote in message ... > Christine Dabney wrote: >> On Sun, 20 Dec 2009 08:20:45 -0700, "Janet Bostwick" >> > wrote: >> >>> "Wayne Boatwright" > wrote in message >>> 5.247... >>>> On Sat 19 Dec 2009 10:01:02p, pavane told us... >>>> >>>>> "Wayne Boatwright" > wrote in message >>>>> 5.247... >>>>> >>>>> | If you aren't accustomed to it, I think it's an acquired taste for >>>>> today's >>>>> | palates. I happen to like heavy strongly flavored pies. You might >>>>> also >>>>> | not enjoy a rich authentic chess pie either. >>>>> >>>>> Nobody doesn't like rich authentic chess pie. Nobody. For shame. :} >>>>> >>>>> pavane >>>> You're absolutely right! Unfortunately, I bet there are countless >>>> numbers >>>> who've never even heard of it, much less tasted it. :-( >>>> >>> Uh, me . . . I just raised my hand. I never heard of chess pie. >>> Explain please. >>> Thank you >>> Janet >> >> >> Ooh...chess pie. Love that pie!! >> >> The origin of the name has many versions. I know of at least 2, and >> maybe 3. Some of the other southern cooks on this group might know of >> more. One says that it refers to the answer that was given when asked >> about >> what kind of pie it was. "Jes' pie" is the answer that was given... >> Another suggestion for the name came from where the pies were stored >> after being made: a pie chest. So it becomes Chest Pie..or evolved to >> Chess Pie. And some say it evolved from the 'cheese" pie that was made >> back >> then....which really wasn't a cheese pie, but was the name for those >> types of pies. >> >> I make the version from the late grande dame of Southern Cooking, Edna >> Lewis. Her's is a lemon chess pie. Has buttermilk, a bit of >> cornmeal, eggs, lemon and I forget what else in the pie. Very easy to >> make. That recipe is found in The Gift of Southern Cooking, the book >> she did with Scott Peacock. >> >> Hmm...maybe I will find me some buttermilk when I go out in a bit. I >> have a bit of food exploring planned, with a trip to the Marin farmers >> market as the first stop. Meyer lemons are in season now, and I >> wonder how they would work for lemon chess pie? I am now thinking >> that this might be a nice pie for taking down to my friends in San >> Jose on Christmas Day. >> >> Christine, who will visit one of her favorite farmers markets in a >> bit, maybe stop by Berkeley Bowl West and a few other foodie sites, >> including Grocery Outlet. > > I love it when you talk like that (speaking of food history)! :-) > I do too. |
Posted to rec.food.cooking
Duh'Weenie wrote:
>Janet Breastwick told us... >> "Gregory Morrow" wrote: >> >>> Tis' the season for pies, but whatever happened to the once - >>> ubiquitous mince pie? I can't say I've even ever tasted one.... >> >> It wasn't part of my family tradition, but I did acquire a recipe from a >> friend and made it once long ago. It was o.k., but it never interested >> me to make it again. >> Janet > >It's long been one of my favorites that I make at Thanksgiving and >Christmas. I actually only make the mincemeat one a year, prefereably at >the end of the the previous Christmas season. I think mincemeat pie has >lost favor with the American public in general, but it's still very popular >in the UK, more in tarts than in full size pies. > > >* Exported from Keyboard Kook * > > Holiday Minced Boy Meat > > > 1 Grungy Apple -- cored and dicked, small > 8 Jars Sweet Suet Lube > 2 Seedless Testicles > 1 Towelhead Sultana -- (golden showered) > 12V Rectum Current > 1 Very Fine Candied Infant Penis > 1 Dark Brown Sweet Anus > 1 Crate Black Mooslum Fags -- dicked, large > 1 cup Dyke Juice > 1 cup ******* Juice > 2 Dago Lips, waxed > 1/4 Cup Southern Smegma > 1/2 Teaspoon grated Dwarf Sqwartz > 1/4 Teaspoon grated No Legs Mick > |
Posted to rec.food.cooking
![]() Wayne Boatwright wrote: > > On Sat 19 Dec 2009 08:28:54p, Janet Bostwick told us... > > > > > "Gregory Morrow" > wrote in message > > news ![]() > >> Tis' the season for pies, but whatever happened to the once - > >> ubiquitous mince pie? I can't say I've even ever tasted one.... > >> > > snip > > It wasn't part of my family tradition, but I did acquire a recipe from a > > friend and made it once long ago. It was o.k., but it never interested > > me to make it again. > > Janet > > It's long been one of my favorites that I make at Thanksgiving and > Christmas. I actually only make the mincemeat one a year, prefereably at > the end of the the previous Christmas season. I think mincemeat pie has > lost favor with the American public in general, but it's still very popular > in the UK, more in tarts than in full size pies. > <snip recipe> Not a fan of mince pies either. The real 'terror' (LOL) of the UK Christmas season for me was having to eat mince pies, Christmas Cake and Christmas Pudding when invited to anyone's home LOL. I do have a recipe for a meat-containing mincemeat pie, if anyone is interested. Very old school. |
Posted to rec.food.cooking
Janet wrote:
> When I wrote my original reply I toyed with words to describe the taste. > Heavy, yes, but overly strong tasting in spice and raisins. A small piece > went a long way. For me, it was just too much. That's why you need to pour cream over it. :-) Bob |
Posted to rec.food.cooking
On Mon, 21 Dec 2009 03:38:27 -0800, "Bob Terwilliger"
> wrote: >Janet wrote: > >> When I wrote my original reply I toyed with words to describe the taste. >> Heavy, yes, but overly strong tasting in spice and raisins. A small piece >> went a long way. For me, it was just too much. > >That's why you need to pour cream over it. :-) > Liquid cream poured over mincemeat pie? Huh. Never heard that one before. -- I love cooking with wine. Sometimes I even put it in the food. |
Posted to rec.food.cooking
Wayne Boatwright wrote:
> > I should have been in your place. I'd have loved it. Mince Pies, mince > tarts, Christmas Cake, Christmas Pudding, etc. Anything laden with dried > fruits and peels and well matured. My first taste of anything at all like > that was my grandmother's fruitcake. I loved it, even though some othe > family memebers didn't. It seems to be one of those love it or hate it things. I love mincemeat pies and tarts. I like (good) fruitcake and I really look forward to Christmas pudding every year..... but once a year is enough. |
Posted to rec.food.cooking
On Mon, 21 Dec 2009 05:16:54 -0800, sf > wrote:
>On Mon, 21 Dec 2009 03:38:27 -0800, "Bob Terwilliger" > wrote: > >>Janet wrote: >> >>> When I wrote my original reply I toyed with words to describe the taste. >>> Heavy, yes, but overly strong tasting in spice and raisins. A small piece >>> went a long way. For me, it was just too much. >> >>That's why you need to pour cream over it. :-) >> >Liquid cream poured over mincemeat pie? Huh. Never heard that one >before. Or the mincemeat pie is warmed and a scoop of vanilla ice cream is put on top, I've even had it with cheese( English grandmother loved that way).. |
Posted to rec.food.cooking
![]() > Mince's bad reputation was also reinvigorated by the rise of the temperance > movement. The Puritans' objection to mince in colonial times had had > absolutely nothing to do with alcohol; in fact it was accepted practice > among them ... > > read more » Real mince (made with meat) went away (for common menus) about 50 years or more ago, as near as I can tell. The mince nowadays - mainly, the best is Crosse & Blackwell in a jar - has no meat in it, but it's delicious. There isn't any alcohol in it, and my grandmother's home-canned mincemeat didn't have any, either. N. |
Posted to rec.food.cooking
brooklyn1 wrote:
> Duh'Weenie wrote: >> Janet Breastwick told us... >>> "Gregory Morrow" wrote: >>> >>>> Tis' the season for pies, but whatever happened to the once - >>>> ubiquitous mince pie? I can't say I've even ever tasted one.... >>> >>> It wasn't part of my family tradition, but I did acquire a recipe >>> from a friend and made it once long ago. It was o.k., but it never >>> interested me to make it again. >>> Janet >> >> It's long been one of my favorites that I make at Thanksgiving and >> Christmas. I actually only make the mincemeat one a year, >> prefereably at the end of the the previous Christmas season. I >> think mincemeat pie has lost favor with the American public in >> general, but it's still very popular in the UK, more in tarts than >> in full size pies. >> >> >> * Exported from Keyboard Kook * >> >> Holiday Minced Boy Meat >> >> >> 1 Grungy Apple -- cored and dicked, small >> 8 Jars Sweet Suet Lube >> 2 Seedless Testicles >> 1 Towelhead Sultana -- (golden showered) >> 12V Rectum Current >> 1 Very Fine Candied Infant Penis >> 1 Dark Brown Sweet Anus >> 1 Crate Black Mooslum Fags -- dicked, large >> 1 cup Dyke Juice >> 1 cup ******* Juice >> 2 Dago Lips, waxed >> 1/4 Cup Southern Smegma >> 1/2 Teaspoon grated Dwarf Sqwartz >> 1/4 Teaspoon grated No Legs Mick ROFLMAO... And didja notice up there how Lil' Wayne BARGED into the thread with his pussified __MINCING__ recipe without even reading the original article that I so kindly provided... He really is in the "hopeless case" category, lol... -- Best Greg |
Posted to rec.food.cooking
On Mon, 21 Dec 2009 15:20:56 -0600, "Gregory Morrow"
> wrote: >brooklyn1 wrote: > >> Duh'Weenie wrote: >>> Janet Breastwick told us... >>>> "Gregory Morrow" wrote: >>>> >>>>> Tis' the season for pies, but whatever happened to the once - >>>>> ubiquitous mince pie? I can't say I've even ever tasted one.... >>>> >>>> It wasn't part of my family tradition, but I did acquire a recipe >>>> from a friend and made it once long ago. It was o.k., but it never >>>> interested me to make it again. >>>> Janet >>> >>> It's long been one of my favorites that I make at Thanksgiving and >>> Christmas. I actually only make the mincemeat one a year, >>> prefereably at the end of the the previous Christmas season. I >>> think mincemeat pie has lost favor with the American public in >>> general, but it's still very popular in the UK, more in tarts than >>> in full size pies. >>> >>> >>> * Exported from Keyboard Kook * >>> >>> Holiday Minced Boy Meat >>> >>> >>> 1 Grungy Apple -- cored and dicked, small >>> 8 Jars Sweet Suet Lube >>> 2 Seedless Testicles >>> 1 Towelhead Sultana -- (golden showered) >>> 12V Rectum Current >>> 1 Very Fine Candied Infant Penis >>> 1 Dark Brown Sweet Anus >>> 1 Crate Black Mooslum Fags -- dicked, large >>> 1 cup Dyke Juice >>> 1 cup ******* Juice >>> 2 Dago Lips, waxed >>> 1/4 Cup Southern Smegma >>> 1/2 Teaspoon grated Dwarf Sqwartz >>> 1/4 Teaspoon grated No Legs Mick > > >ROFLMAO... > >And didja notice up there how Lil' Wayne BARGED into the thread with his >pussified __MINCING__ recipe without even reading the original article that >I so kindly provided... > >He really is in the "hopeless case" category, lol... Duh'Weenie has no couth, among other attributes. |
Posted to rec.food.cooking
Nancy2 wrote:
> Real mince (made with meat) went away (for common menus) about 50 years or > more ago, as near as I can tell. Some years ago I posted a couple recipes for mincemeat which contain meat: http://groups.google.com/group/rec.f...13b89aad887512 I highly recommend the Cherry-Mincemeat pie filling. Besides going into a pie, I've used it in sweet tamales, which might be even better. Bob |
Posted to rec.food.cooking
![]() Wayne Boatwright wrote: > > On Sun 20 Dec 2009 06:55:17p, Arri London told us... > > > > > > > Wayne Boatwright wrote: > >> > >> On Sat 19 Dec 2009 08:28:54p, Janet Bostwick told us... > >> > >> > > >> > "Gregory Morrow" > wrote in message > >> > news ![]() > >> >> ubiquitous mince pie? I can't say I've even ever tasted one.... > >> >> > >> > snip > >> > It wasn't part of my family tradition, but I did acquire a recipe > >> > from a friend and made it once long ago. It was o.k., but it never > >> > interested me to make it again. > >> > Janet > >> > >> It's long been one of my favorites that I make at Thanksgiving and > >> Christmas. I actually only make the mincemeat one a year, prefereably > >> at the end of the the previous Christmas season. I think mincemeat pie > >> has lost favor with the American public in general, but it's still very > >> popular in the UK, more in tarts than in full size pies. > >> > > > > <snip recipe> > > > > Not a fan of mince pies either. The real 'terror' (LOL) of the UK > > Christmas season for me was having to eat mince pies, Christmas Cake and > > Christmas Pudding when invited to anyone's home LOL. > > > > I do have a recipe for a meat-containing mincemeat pie, if anyone is > > interested. Very old school. > > I should have been in your place. I'd have loved it. Mince Pies, mince > tarts, Christmas Cake, Christmas Pudding, etc. Anything laden with dried > fruits and peels and well matured. My first taste of anything at all like > that was my grandmother's fruitcake. I loved it, even though some othe > family memebers didn't. > You might not have liked it on a daily basis for weeks at a time LOL. |
Posted to rec.food.cooking
![]() Wayne Boatwright wrote: > > On Thu 24 Dec 2009 05:47:13p, Arri London told us... > > > > > > > > You might not have liked it on a daily basis for weeks at a time LOL. > > > > I doubt I'd like any food on a daily basis for weeks at a time. :-) > Ah well. It's part of the traditional hospitality of the season. Shows up at office parties, home invites for tea etc etc ad infinitum. There are worse things to eat of course. |
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