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Default O/T: Clothes Lines

On May 12, 11:38*pm, "Lew Hodgett" > wrote:

> Are there any out there who still know what a clothes line is?????????
> Remember?
> You have to be a certain age to appreciate this.
> I can hear my mother now......
> (If you don't know what clotheslines are, better skip this)
> 1. *You had to wash the clothes line before hanging any clothes - walk
> the entire lengths of each line with a damp cloth around the lines.

Yep, I do that every time: too many people with fireplaces and too
much sand blowing.

> 2. *You had to hang the clothes in a certain order, and always hang "whites" with "whites," and hang them first.

Usually my bedsheets go first so they can be higher off the ground.

> 3. *You never hung a shirt by the shoulders *- always by the tail!.
> What would the neighbors think?

Couldn't care less about what the neighbours think but hanging by the
shoulders leaves puckers. Even if the shirttail is puckered, who

>4. *Wash day on a Monday! . .. . Never hang clothes on the weekend, or Sunday, for Heaven's sake!

Works if you're a stay-at-home mom but I do laundry on Saturdays.

> 5. *Hang the sheets and towels on the outside lines so you could hide your "unmentionables" in the middle (perverts & busybodies, y'know!)

Even my grandmother thought that was stupid. Now, one thing I learned
young was don't hang panties by the crotch, especially if the
clothespins aren't new. LOL

> 6. * It didn't matter if it was sub zero weather *... clothes would "freeze-dry."

Yeah, that's why you had to drape them over the furnace grate when you
brought them in.

> 7. *Always gather the clothes pins when taking down dry clothes! *Pins left on the lines were "tacky!"

Perhaps not tacky but they go black if allowed to get wet.

> 8. *If you were efficient, you would line the clothes up so that each item did not need two clothes pins, but shared one of the clothes pins with the next washed item.

Yup, I do that, takes fewer pins that way.

> 9. *Clothes off of the line before dinner time, neatly folded in the clothes basket, and ready to be ironed.

Ironed? What's that??

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