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  #1 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Posts: 36,804
Default Missing child

"PeterL." > wrote in message
> They may be in the US.
> son/story-e6frfkyi-1225910835975

Cycling? As in bicyling? Really, I'm all for finding an allegedly
kidnapped child. But wouldn't he be better off... oh, I dunno... taking a
train or a plane to get from place to place to look for his son? Everything
about this story is suspect.


  #2 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Missing child

On Aug 27, 5:18*pm, "jmcquown" > wrote:
> "PeterL." > wrote in message
> 5...
> > They may be in the US.

> >
> > son/story-e6frfkyi-1225910835975

> >

> Cycling? *As in bicyling? *

No, cycling as in sticking feathers all over himself and flapping his
wings, you ****ing moron.

> Really, I'm all for finding an allegedly
> kidnapped child. *


Yeah, I 'spose Interpol, the German Police and most Police agencies in
Europe and the US, not to mention all agencies here in Australia,
would involve themselves in an "alleged" kidnapping.

> But wouldn't he be better off... oh, I dunno... taking a
> train or a plane to get from place to place to look for his son? *

Why not a helicopter?
Then he could just fly over all the places that his nutcase wife might
be hiding with their son, instead of being on the ground and
searching..... and spreading the word.

You really *are* a clueless ****wit, aren't you?

> Everything
> about this story is suspect.

Your whole ****ing life is suspect.

  #3 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Missing child

Captain Peter Swallows stupidly missed the point and posted from his beloved
Google Groups account (rather than his manlymail account):

>> Really, I'm all for finding an allegedly kidnapped child.

> "Allegedly"???
> Yeah, I 'spose Interpol, the German Police and most Police agencies in
> Europe and the US, not to mention all agencies here in Australia,
> would involve themselves in an "alleged" kidnapping.

<snip more stupidity>
>> Everything about this story is suspect.

> Your whole ****ing life is suspect.

Well, your whole life ****ing is a BUSINESS, innit?

As I stated at the outset here, you missed the point: Jill was implying
that the story is not factual, i.e., that there is no kidnapped child, no
frenetic bicyling daddy, and no massive manhunt.A search for [bicycling
europe andrew] comes up only with the page you cited. If there *were* such a
massive manhunt as you believe, don't you think that it would be carried by
almost all news outlets? God knows the "Amber Alert" system would leap all
over the case if there were a legitimate case like that in the USA; all TV
shows in progress would be interrupted with all available details.


  #4 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Missing child

In article >,
"Bob Terwilliger" > wrote:

> As I stated at the outset here, you missed the point: Jill was implying
> that the story is not factual, i.e., that there is no kidnapped child, no
> frenetic bicyling daddy, and no massive manhunt.A search for [bicycling
> europe andrew] comes up only with the page you cited. If there *were* such a
> massive manhunt as you believe, don't you think that it would be carried by
> almost all news outlets? God knows the "Amber Alert" system would leap all
> over the case if there were a legitimate case like that in the USA; all TV
> shows in progress would be interrupted with all available details.

No. There is nothing more tragic and heart wrenching than a stranger
abduction. Sometimes they take these rich kids for money, and it's
easiest just to kill them (no witnesses) once the money is paid.
Sometimes kids are taken to be sex slaves. It's all pretty horrible.

But most "kidnappings" are done by a parent. They didn't get what they
wanted in court, so they take their own kid(s) without the permission of
the custodial parent. That's what happened here. It's the kid's own
mother. And I really don't know what happened. I typed in:

andrew thompson kidnap

and got 64,100 hits.

I shared an office with an international felon for a couple of years.
Of course, I never heard the father's side of the story. The mom says
she went to visit her parents to get her head together. She claimed her
husband was mentally abusing her, and she couldn't figure out what to do
as long as she was still living there. When she got back, she found
that she was no longer married and no longer had kids. He had divorced
her and gotten complete custody of the two kids. She was a foreigner,
and he had important parents. So she took the kids back to the US with
her, without permission of their dad in New Zealand. Well, New Zealand
law said that was illegal.

Dan Abel
Petaluma, California USA

  #5 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Missing child

In article
Dan Abel > wrote:

> I shared an office with an international felon for a couple of years.
> Of course, I never heard the father's side of the story. The mom says
> she went to visit her parents to get her head together. She claimed her
> husband was mentally abusing her, and she couldn't figure out what to do
> as long as she was still living there. When she got back, she found
> that she was no longer married and no longer had kids. He had divorced
> her and gotten complete custody of the two kids. She was a foreigner,
> and he had important parents. So she took the kids back to the US with
> her, without permission of their dad in New Zealand. Well, New Zealand
> law said that was illegal.

It is illegal. New Zealand is a signatory to the Hague Convention.


Electricians do it in three phases

  #6 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Missing child

"PL away from home" > wrote in message
On Aug 27, 5:18 pm, "jmcquown" > wrote:
> "PeterL." > wrote in message
> 5...
> > They may be in the US.

> >
> > son/story-e6frfkyi-1225910835975

> >

> Cycling? As in bicyling?

No, cycling as in sticking feathers all over himself and flapping his
wings, you ****ing moron.

> Really, I'm all for finding an allegedly
> kidnapped child.


Yeah, I 'spose Interpol, the German Police and most Police agencies in
Europe and the US, not to mention all agencies here in Australia,
would involve themselves in an "alleged" kidnapping.

> But wouldn't he be better off... oh, I dunno... taking a
> train or a plane to get from place to place to look for his son?

Why not a helicopter?
Then he could just fly over all the places that his nutcase wife might
be hiding with their son, instead of being on the ground and
searching..... and spreading the word.

You really *are* a clueless ****wit, aren't you?

Peter Lucas, you really are a misogynist pig. The ONLY reason your so worked
up over this 'story' is because a WOMAN ran off with her child. If it were
the other way around and the father ran off with the child, would you have
posted the story. NO ****IN WAY.


  #7 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Missing child

Dan Abel > wrote in

> In article >,
> "Boobie Twitiliger" > screamed and cried:
>> As I stated at the outset here, you missed the point: Jill was implying
>> that the story is not factual, i.e., that there is no kidnapped child,
>> no frenetic bicyling daddy, and no massive manhunt.A search for
>> [bicycling europe andrew] comes up only with the page you cited. If
>> there *were* such a massive manhunt as you believe, don't you think
>> that it would be carried by almost all news outlets? God knows the
>> "Amber Alert" system would leap all over the case if there were a
>> legitimate case like that in the USA; all TV shows in progress would be
>> interrupted with all available details.

> No.

Don't worry about Boobie twitilger, it would say the Earth was flat if I
said it was round.

That can be seen by the fact that its 'sided' with someone it is not
adverse to slagging off at.

But...... that aside, a simple Google check, as you have done, will just
show that Boobie is sooooo willing to shoot itself in the foot to try and
get a bit of 'one upmanship'..... and sadly, it fails miserably every

> But most "kidnappings" are done by a parent. They didn't get what they
> wanted in court, so they take their own kid(s) without the permission of
> the custodial parent. That's what happened here. It's the kid's own
> mother.

She got an adverse psych report (from a completely independant psych, who
was appointed by the Family Court of Australia), and unfortunately, she
got to see the report before the next court appearance came up. She knew
she was going to lose, so she abducted her son.

> And I really don't know what happened. I typed in:
> andrew thompson kidnap
> and got 64,100 hits.

I wonder how Boobie is going to try and explain them away as lies, and

I 'spose Interpol is telling lies as well, seeing as they have alerts out
in 187 different countries for her?


As for being in the US, she has been there before.......

"Melinda visted the US and Canada on several occasions on business trips.
These trips included California, Illinois (Chicago), Colorado (Denver and
Boulder), Washington DC, Texas and other states.

In Canada, she visited Montreal and several other places."

And as far as I recall, she's fluent in French and German.

> I shared an office with an international felon for a couple of years.
> Of course, I never heard the father's side of the story. The mom says
> she went to visit her parents to get her head together. She claimed her
> husband was mentally abusing her, and she couldn't figure out what to do
> as long as she was still living there. When she got back, she found
> that she was no longer married and no longer had kids. He had divorced
> her and gotten complete custody of the two kids. She was a foreigner,
> and he had important parents. So she took the kids back to the US with
> her, without permission of their dad in New Zealand. Well, New Zealand
> law said that was illegal.


There's a court order/custody order in place, and until the 'aggrieved'
parent does something about it to get it changed, it's a binding

Peter Lucas

"The rifle itself has no moral stature, since it has no will of its
own. Naturally, it may be used by evil men for evil purposes, but there
are more good men than evil, and while the latter cannot be persuaded to
the path of righteousness by propaganda, they can certainly be corrected
by good men with rifles."

—Jeff Cooper, The Art of the Rifle
  #8 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Missing child

Oatis Willy PIO wrote:


someone said:
>> Cycling? As in bicyling?

> No, cycling as in sticking feathers all over himself and flapping his
> wings, you ****ing moron.

I'm pretty sure they meant as opposed to MOTORcycling.

  #9 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Captain Peter Swallows wrote:

> Don't worry about Boobie twitilger, it would say the Earth was flat if I
> said it was round.
> That can be seen by the fact that its 'sided' with someone it is not
> adverse to slagging off at.

I merely clarified what Jill wrote, I didn't actually "side" with her.
You're a ****ing idiot.

I'm not averse to "slagging off" at *anyone* who deserves it. It's not a
case of my siding with Jill, it was a case of an idiot failing to understand
what Jill wrote, i.e., a failure to comprehend. YOU are certainly prone to
such failures -- along with your many other failures, such as your failure
to complete your military service honorably, your failure to keep your
clients happy now that you have a semicolon, and your failure to satisfy
Ruth sexually because you're more interested in sucking soldiers.

I also know the difference between the words "averse" and "adverse". Of
course, English is just one of *many* things in which I am your superior.

>> And I really don't know what happened. I typed in:
>> andrew thompson kidnap
>> and got 64,100 hits.

> I wonder how Boobie is going to try and explain them away as lies, and
> fabrications???

Different keywords, stupid. No further explanation required.


  #10 (permalink)   Report Post  
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On Aug 28, 6:56*am, "PeterL." >

> > But most "kidnappings" are done by a parent. *They didn't get what they
> > wanted in court, so they take their own kid(s) without the permission of
> > the custodial parent. *That's what happened here. *It's the kid's own
> > mother. *

> She got an adverse psych report (from a completely independant psych, who
> was appointed by the Family Court of Australia), and unfortunately, she
> got to see the report before the next court appearance came up. She knew
> she was going to lose, so she abducted her son.

What was the mother's diagnosis? If she were incompetent to handle her
own affairs, why did the court not appoint a guardian to represent her
interests? If she were a danger to herself or others, why was she not
picked up right away, before she got to see a copy of the report?

By the way, what did the court-ordered psychologist say about Ken
Thompson's sanity? Surely Thompson's cycling quest makes him seem a
bit quixotic. And who waits till they're 60 years old to start a
family? I wouldn't have given him custody of a toddler -- someone
unable to tell a third party that, for example, daddy is practicing
"bad touch" -- without a thorough examination. Perhaps the child would
be better off in foster care, or in the care of another family member.

Further, Thompson's a lot more likely to die in the next ten years
than a woman in her 40s. Is it better to be an orphan than to be in
the care of a slightly cracked mother?

> There's a court order/custody order in place, and until the 'aggrieved'
> parent does something about it to get it changed, it's a binding
> 'agreement'.

You can't expect a crazy person to understand about binding
agreements. Curious though, that a businesswoman and nurse would
suddenly crack up like that.

  #11 (permalink)   Report Post  
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"Nancy Young" > wrote in news:Wx9eo.24804$TI2.19170

> Oatis Willy PIO wrote:

> someone said:
>>> Cycling? As in bicyling?

>> No, cycling as in sticking feathers all over himself and flapping his
>> wings, you ****ing moron.

> I'm pretty sure they meant as opposed to MOTORcycling.
> nancy

Even so, motorcycling would be much the same as Mcquowans suggestion of
flying to the various towns/countries .

I can see the fathers reasoning behind cycling around the place..... it's
too easy to miss something as you tool along at 60-100kph on a motorbike,
or fly over in a plane. As well as the fact that the father is spreading
the word on *all* abducted children wherever he stops. Cycling to
different places would give him and his cause more PR impact, than
mcquowans suggestion of jetting in and out like a frikken rock star.

As for that 'Willy PIO' cretin........ it's a sockpuppet of twililgers,
and therefore is obviously suffering the same mental delusions/conditions
as the twit, so is not worth expending energy on.

Peter Lucas

"The rifle itself has no moral stature, since it has no will of its
own. Naturally, it may be used by evil men for evil purposes, but there
are more good men than evil, and while the latter cannot be persuaded to
the path of righteousness by propaganda, they can certainly be corrected
by good men with rifles."

—Jeff Cooper, The Art of the Rifle
  #12 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Captain Peter Swallows lied:

> As for that 'Willy PIO' cretin........ it's a sockpuppet of twililgers,

No, that's not true. Try again, liar.


  #13 (permalink)   Report Post  
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k k is offline
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Default Missing child

Oatis Willy PIO wrote:
> "PL away from home" > wrote in message
> ...
> On Aug 27, 5:18 pm, "jmcquown" > wrote:
>> "PeterL." > wrote in message
>> 5...
>>> They may be in the US.

>>> son/story-e6frfkyi-1225910835975


>> Cycling? As in bicyling?

> No, cycling as in sticking feathers all over himself and flapping his
> wings, you ****ing moron.
>> Really, I'm all for finding an allegedly
>> kidnapped child.

> "Allegedly"???
> Yeah, I 'spose Interpol, the German Police and most Police agencies in
> Europe and the US, not to mention all agencies here in Australia,
> would involve themselves in an "alleged" kidnapping.
>> But wouldn't he be better off... oh, I dunno... taking a
>> train or a plane to get from place to place to look for his son?

> Why not a helicopter?
> Then he could just fly over all the places that his nutcase wife might
> be hiding with their son, instead of being on the ground and
> searching..... and spreading the word.

Oatis, what have you EVER posted here that is on topic? I can tell you ...
NOTHING, not one single thing. All you do is follow people around with your
flame thrower, with language that keeps our kids away from groups they might
enjoy. Why don't you just get lost once and for all?

A missing child is the most terrible thing for a parent, parenthood being
something you're clearly not suited for, and a missing child presumed
kidnaped is one of the worst cases. This isn't some bogus email, it's a
current event, so who knows who might be able to help.

You certainly don't, so take your idiocy elsewhere please.
> You really *are* a clueless ****wit, aren't you?
> Peter Lucas, you really are a misogynist pig. The ONLY reason your so
> worked up over this 'story' is because a WOMAN ran off with her
> child. If it were the other way around and the father ran off with
> the child, would you have posted the story. NO ****IN WAY.

--- news:// - complaints: ---
  #14 (permalink)   Report Post  
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"K" > wrote in

> Oatis Willy PIO wrote:
>> "PL away from home" > wrote in message
>> news:c1f186eb-3d4c-40b1-8edb-59addb878049
>> . On Aug 27, 5:18 pm, "jmcquown" > wrote:
>>> "PeterL." > wrote in message
>>> 5...
>>>> They may be in the US.

>>>> - son/story-e6frfkyi-1225910835975
>>> Cycling? As in bicyling?

>> No, cycling as in sticking feathers all over himself and flapping his
>> wings, you ****ing moron.
>>> Really, I'm all for finding an allegedly
>>> kidnapped child.

>> "Allegedly"???
>> Yeah, I 'spose Interpol, the German Police and most Police agencies in
>> Europe and the US, not to mention all agencies here in Australia,
>> would involve themselves in an "alleged" kidnapping.
>>> But wouldn't he be better off... oh, I dunno... taking a
>>> train or a plane to get from place to place to look for his son?

>> Why not a helicopter?
>> Then he could just fly over all the places that his nutcase wife might
>> be hiding with their son, instead of being on the ground and
>> searching..... and spreading the word.

> Oatis, what have you EVER posted here that is on topic? I can tell you
> ... NOTHING, not one single thing. All you do is follow people around
> with your flame thrower, with language that keeps our kids away from
> groups they might enjoy. Why don't you just get lost once and for all?
> A missing child is the most terrible thing for a parent, parenthood
> being something you're clearly not suited for, and a missing child
> presumed kidnaped is one of the worst cases. This isn't some bogus
> email, it's a current event, so who knows who might be able to help.
> You certainly don't, so take your idiocy elsewhere please.

Well said!!

'Willy boi' is a sockpuppet of twiligers, hence it's involvement in
slagging off at *anything* I post.

But as usual, they *both* get it wrong, and end up shooting themselves in
the foot...... again!!

But as for the twitiligers sockpuppets comment on whether or not I'd post
if a father abducted a child..... *yes* I would.

*No* child deserves to be abducted and taken out of the country by either
of their parents.

We have a working judicial system (Family Court of Australia) that for all
it's faults, does get it right most times.

What's strange about this case is that the mother is Australian.....
usually the kidnapping parent is an ethnic, with dual nationality.

Peter Lucas

"The rifle itself has no moral stature, since it has no will of its
own. Naturally, it may be used by evil men for evil purposes, but there
are more good men than evil, and while the latter cannot be persuaded to
the path of righteousness by propaganda, they can certainly be corrected
by good men with rifles."

—Jeff Cooper, The Art of the Rifle
  #15 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Missing child

"K" > wrote in

> Oatis Willy PIO wrote:

> Oatis, what have you EVER posted here that is on topic? I can tell you
> ... NOTHING, not one single thing. All you do is follow people around
> with your flame thrower, with language that keeps our kids away from
> groups they might enjoy. Why don't you just get lost once and for all?

You do realise that "Oatis willy PIO" is a troll/sockpuppet of twitiliger,
don't you?

It was 'born' Aug6, 13 days ago.

Peter Lucas

"The rifle itself has no moral stature, since it has no will of its own.
Naturally, it may be used by evil men for evil purposes, but there are more
good men than evil, and while the latter cannot be persuaded to the path of
righteousness by propaganda, they can certainly be corrected by good men with

—Jeff Cooper, The Art of the Rifle

  #16 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Missing child

"PeterL." > wrote in message
> "Nancy Young" > wrote in news:Wx9eo.24804$TI2.19170
> @hurricane:
>> Oatis Willy PIO wrote:

>> someone said:
>>>> Cycling? As in bicyling?
>>> No, cycling as in sticking feathers all over himself and flapping his
>>> wings, you ****ing moron.

>> I'm pretty sure they meant as opposed to MOTORcycling.
>> nancy

> Even so, motorcycling would be much the same as Mcquowans suggestion of
> flying to the various towns/countries .
> I can see the fathers reasoning behind cycling around the place..... it's
> too easy to miss something as you tool along at 60-100kph on a motorbike,
> or fly over in a plane.

> --
> Peter Lucas
> Brisbane
> Australia

If, as you suggest, the child is in the U.S. then why the hell would
bicycling around Europe help find his missing child? I don't understand the


  #17 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Keith wrote:

> Oatis Willy PIO wrote:
>> "PL away from home" > wrote in message
>> ...
>> On Aug 27, 5:18 pm, "jmcquown" > wrote:
>>> "PeterL." > wrote in message
>>> 5...
>>>> They may be in the US.
>>>> son/story-e6frfkyi-1225910835975
>>> Cycling? As in bicyling?

>> No, cycling as in sticking feathers all over himself and flapping his
>> wings, you ****ing moron.
>>> Really, I'm all for finding an allegedly
>>> kidnapped child.

>> "Allegedly"???
>> Yeah, I 'spose Interpol, the German Police and most Police agencies in
>> Europe and the US, not to mention all agencies here in Australia,
>> would involve themselves in an "alleged" kidnapping.
>>> But wouldn't he be better off... oh, I dunno... taking a
>>> train or a plane to get from place to place to look for his son?

>> Why not a helicopter?
>> Then he could just fly over all the places that his nutcase wife might
>> be hiding with their son, instead of being on the ground and
>> searching..... and spreading the word.

> Oatis, what have you EVER posted here that is on topic? I can tell you
> ... NOTHING, not one single thing. All you do is follow people around
> with your flame thrower, with language that keeps our kids away from
> groups they might enjoy. Why don't you just get lost once and for all?
> A missing child is the most terrible thing for a parent, parenthood being
> something you're clearly not suited for, and a missing child presumed
> kidnaped is one of the worst cases. This isn't some bogus email, it's a
> current event, so who knows who might be able to help.
> You certainly don't, so take your idiocy elsewhere please.

The portion to which you are replying was written by Captain Peter Swallows.
Of the foul language in the conversation, two-thirds of it was written by
Captain Peter Swallows, and it was writted before "Oatis" posted anything,
so the thread had already been befouled. The *only* part written by the
target of your bile is the last paragraph below.

If you can't follow the conversation, it's better for you not to attempt to

>> You really *are* a clueless ****wit, aren't you?
>> Peter Lucas, you really are a misogynist pig. The ONLY reason your so
>> worked up over this 'story' is because a WOMAN ran off with her
>> child. If it were the other way around and the father ran off with
>> the child, would you have posted the story. NO ****IN WAY.


  #18 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Missing child

Captain Peter Swallows lied:

> You do realise that "Oatis willy PIO" is a troll/sockpuppet of twitiliger,
> don't you?
> It was 'born' Aug6, 13 days ago.

Ah, more lies... The habit is so ingrained with you that it comes easily and
naturally by now, doesn't it? Been living a lie for decades now, and you
never did have much integrity to begin with. That's why you broke your oath
of service -- well, that and cowardice.

I don't know anything about "K", but he seems to be fairly well-acquainted
with "Oatis", so I think your little story about being "born" recently is
most likely wrong -- or just another lie.


  #19 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Jill wrote:

> If, as you suggest, the child is in the U.S. then why the hell would
> bicycling around Europe help find his missing child? I don't understand
> the point.

There is no point. Swallows just wanted us to stop talking about cooking,
because he isn't very good at it.


  #20 (permalink)   Report Post  
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"K" > wrote in message
> Oatis Willy PIO wrote:
>> "PL away from home" > wrote in message
>> ...
>> On Aug 27, 5:18 pm, "jmcquown" > wrote:
>>> "PeterL." > wrote in message
>>> 5...
>>>> They may be in the US.
>>>> son/story-e6frfkyi-1225910835975
>>> Cycling? As in bicyling?

>> No, cycling as in sticking feathers all over himself and flapping his
>> wings, you ****ing moron.
>>> Really, I'm all for finding an allegedly
>>> kidnapped child.

>> "Allegedly"???
>> Yeah, I 'spose Interpol, the German Police and most Police agencies in
>> Europe and the US, not to mention all agencies here in Australia,
>> would involve themselves in an "alleged" kidnapping.
>>> But wouldn't he be better off... oh, I dunno... taking a
>>> train or a plane to get from place to place to look for his son?

>> Why not a helicopter?
>> Then he could just fly over all the places that his nutcase wife might
>> be hiding with their son, instead of being on the ground and
>> searching..... and spreading the word.

> Oatis, what have you EVER posted here that is on topic? I can tell you
> ... NOTHING, not one single thing. All you do is follow people around
> with your flame thrower, with language that keeps our kids away from
> groups they might enjoy. Why don't you just get lost once and for all?
> A missing child is the most terrible thing for a parent, parenthood being
> something you're clearly not suited for, and a missing child presumed
> kidnaped is one of the worst cases. This isn't some bogus email, it's a
> current event, so who knows who might be able to help.

Yes, lets ALL post OT shit all the time, just like Peter Lucas.
How many missing children might there be in the world right now? Lets post
about all of them, shall we?
Lost cat, creepy neighbor? Hell yes, lets all post about them here.

  #21 (permalink)   Report Post  
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external usenet poster
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Default Missing child

On Aug 28, 11:02*pm, "jmcquown" > wrote:
> "PeterL." > wrote in message

> > Even so, motorcycling would be much the same as Mcquowans suggestion of
> > flying to the various towns/countries .

> > I can see the fathers reasoning behind cycling around the place..... it's
> > too easy to miss something as you tool along at 60-100kph on a motorbike,
> > or fly over in a plane.

> If, as you suggest, the child is in the U.S. then why the hell would
> bicycling around Europe help find his missing child? *I don't understand the
> point.

Cycling from town to town only makes sense as a means of attracting
media attention -- how much territory can he cover on a bike? If
somebody who knows the pair sees the story on TV, they might get in
touch with the authorities. Thompson's website shows TV news clips and
newspaper stories, e.g.

  #22 (permalink)   Report Post  
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external usenet poster
Posts: 1,057
Default Missing child

On 8/29/2010 2:49 AM, Bob Terwilliger wrote:
> Jill wrote:
>> If, as you suggest, the child is in the U.S. then why the hell would
>> bicycling around Europe help find his missing child? I don't understand
>> the point.

> There is no point. Swallows just wanted us to stop talking about cooking,
> because he isn't very good at it.

Why would that be an issue? I'm not very good at cooking but I still
like to talk about it.
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