My grandmother, who was of German descent, used to make this wonderfully delicious pastry that we called doughgies. I remember that she deep fried it in lard in a huge cast iron frying pan. It went in as a flat piece of dough and came out as this light and puffy piece of heaven. My favorite topping was butter and salt but others would put sugar on it too. Oh, my mouth is watering just thinking about it.
Anyway, I have searched high and low on the internet for a resipe for this and have only ever found one reference to it (
Uncle Phaedrus, Finder of Lost Recipes) but the answers given were just for fried dough. Close I think but not a hit. So I was hoping someone here might have an idea of what I'm talking about and maybe be able to provide a recipe.
Anyway, thanks for any help you guys can give me.