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  #1 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Blueberries - OK To Freeze?

I've become fond of blueberries this Spring. They're pretty inexpensive
at Trader Joe's - been paying $7 for 2 pounds - and I'd like to be able
to have them when they're out of season. Thus, a few questions:

Can I freeze them? I assume the procedure would be: freeze on a cookie
sheet or similar, double bag, store in freezer. If that's not right,
please correct me. How long would they last?

What are they good for and not good for once thawed? I've been having
them with other fruit and some of my homemade almond butter, all stirred
in a bowl. Mushy blueberries would do fine for this - not as good as
fresh ones, I'm sure, but they'd be good enough.

Can you bake with them, e.g., could you make blueberry scones with
frozen blueberries, and would you thaw them first or just put them into
the batter frozen?

Fruit smoothies - we know they'll be fine there.

Any other suggestions and "education" appreciated on this subject, e.g.,
if the whole thing is too much trouble and I just ought to look for
frozen blueberries in the grocery store.

Many thanks.


  #2 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Blueberries - OK To Freeze?

"Steve Freides" > wrote in message
> I've become fond of blueberries this Spring. They're pretty inexpensive
> at Trader Joe's - been paying $7 for 2 pounds - and I'd like to be able to
> have them when they're out of season. Thus, a few questions:
> Can I freeze them? I assume the procedure would be: freeze on a cookie
> sheet or similar, double bag, store in freezer. If that's not right,
> please correct me. How long would they last?
> What are they good for and not good for once thawed? I've been having
> them with other fruit and some of my homemade almond butter, all stirred
> in a bowl. Mushy blueberries would do fine for this - not as good as
> fresh ones, I'm sure, but they'd be good enough.
> Can you bake with them, e.g., could you make blueberry scones with frozen
> blueberries, and would you thaw them first or just put them into the
> batter frozen?
> Fruit smoothies - we know they'll be fine there.
> Any other suggestions and "education" appreciated on this subject, e.g.,
> if the whole thing is too much trouble and I just ought to look for frozen
> blueberries in the grocery store.
> Many thanks.
> -S-

Try Costco - in our area 5 lb bags of frozen are less than $2.00/lb.

Yes they can be frozen on a tray then bagged.


  #3 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Blueberries - OK To Freeze?

On 6/8/2011 10:54 AM, Steve Freides wrote:
> I've become fond of blueberries this Spring. They're pretty inexpensive
> at Trader Joe's - been paying $7 for 2 pounds - and I'd like to be able
> to have them when they're out of season. Thus, a few questions:
> Can I freeze them? I assume the procedure would be: freeze on a cookie
> sheet or similar, double bag, store in freezer. If that's not right,
> please correct me. How long would they last?
> What are they good for and not good for once thawed? I've been having
> them with other fruit and some of my homemade almond butter, all stirred
> in a bowl. Mushy blueberries would do fine for this - not as good as
> fresh ones, I'm sure, but they'd be good enough.
> Can you bake with them, e.g., could you make blueberry scones with
> frozen blueberries, and would you thaw them first or just put them into
> the batter frozen?
> Fruit smoothies - we know they'll be fine there.
> Any other suggestions and "education" appreciated on this subject, e.g.,
> if the whole thing is too much trouble and I just ought to look for
> frozen blueberries in the grocery store.

I think frozen blueberries are fine outside the blueberry season. I still
remember my grandfather who used to gather his own blueberries on the moors
in Northern England, announcing with great joy that he had found frozen
blueberries in the supermarket. By the way, Grandpa who was a coal
miner, knew more about country crafts and foraging than anyone I have
ever known.


James Silverton, Potomac

I'm *not*
  #4 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Blueberries - OK To Freeze?

On Wed, 8 Jun 2011 10:54:21 -0400, "Steve Freides" >

>I've become fond of blueberries this Spring. They're pretty inexpensive
>at Trader Joe's - been paying $7 for 2 pounds - and I'd like to be able
>to have them when they're out of season. Thus, a few questions:

I don't know if you'll be saving money over flash frozen berries-
which, IME, have a bit of an edge over home frozen.

>Can I freeze them? I assume the procedure would be: freeze on a cookie
>sheet or similar, double bag, store in freezer. If that's not right,
>please correct me. How long would they last?

That'll work. About a year if your freezer stays below 0F.

>What are they good for and not good for once thawed? I've been having
>them with other fruit and some of my homemade almond butter, all stirred
>in a bowl. Mushy blueberries would do fine for this - not as good as
>fresh ones, I'm sure, but they'd be good enough.

They don't really mush up when thawed-- or maybe I don't wait long
enough for that to happen. I use them on cereal- hot or cold.

>Can you bake with them, e.g., could you make blueberry scones with
>frozen blueberries, and would you thaw them first or just put them into
>the batter frozen?

I'd put them in the batter frozen-- Fair warning. they bleed a lot.

>Fruit smoothies - we know they'll be fine there.
>Any other suggestions and "education" appreciated on this subject, e.g.,
>if the whole thing is too much trouble and I just ought to look for
>frozen blueberries in the grocery store.

I'd check the price [and quality] of the frozen ones you have
available. Blueberries are a fairly easy thing to freeze with good
results-- but the big operations get them frozen quicker than the
fresh ones make it to the wholesaler.

If you were getting them from a farmer for cheap-- I'd be more likely
to try freezing. The TJ berries are likely a week or so from the
field. The frozen ones were frozen while still warm from the sun.

  #5 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Blueberries - OK To Freeze?

anything you want to use them for is fine.

i mix them into plain yogurt with splenda, and stir if you use a smallenough
amount of yogurt, it chills everything to "sorta" frozen yogurt...

i haven't ever managed to keep them frozen for six months so no idea how
long they really last.

instead of using a cookie sheet, put them in a 9 x 13 pan so they don't
spill, every hour or so go in and shake the pan to keep them loose, you can
store in one large bag if you freeze them so they are individual.

"Steve Freides" > wrote in message
> I've become fond of blueberries this Spring. They're pretty inexpensive
> at Trader Joe's - been paying $7 for 2 pounds - and I'd like to be able to
> have them when they're out of season. Thus, a few questions:
> Can I freeze them? I assume the procedure would be: freeze on a cookie
> sheet or similar, double bag, store in freezer. If that's not right,
> please correct me. How long would they last?
> What are they good for and not good for once thawed? I've been having
> them with other fruit and some of my homemade almond butter, all stirred
> in a bowl. Mushy blueberries would do fine for this - not as good as
> fresh ones, I'm sure, but they'd be good enough.
> Can you bake with them, e.g., could you make blueberry scones with frozen
> blueberries, and would you thaw them first or just put them into the
> batter frozen?
> Fruit smoothies - we know they'll be fine there.
> Any other suggestions and "education" appreciated on this subject, e.g.,
> if the whole thing is too much trouble and I just ought to look for frozen
> blueberries in the grocery store.
> Many thanks.
> -S-

  #6 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Blueberries - OK To Freeze?

On Wed, 8 Jun 2011 10:54:21 -0400, "Steve Freides" >

> I've become fond of blueberries this Spring. They're pretty inexpensive
> at Trader Joe's - been paying $7 for 2 pounds

Amazing prices lately! I got 2 pounds of blueberries at Safeway last
week for $6.


Today's mighty oak is just yesterday's nut that held its ground.
  #7 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Blueberries - OK To Freeze?

Very good information, everyone - thank you very, very much.


Steve Freides wrote:
> I've become fond of blueberries this Spring. They're pretty
> inexpensive at Trader Joe's - been paying $7 for 2 pounds - and I'd
> like to be able to have them when they're out of season. Thus, a few
> questions:
> Can I freeze them? I assume the procedure would be: freeze on a
> cookie sheet or similar, double bag, store in freezer. If that's not
> right, please correct me. How long would they last?
> What are they good for and not good for once thawed? I've been having
> them with other fruit and some of my homemade almond butter, all
> stirred in a bowl. Mushy blueberries would do fine for this - not as
> good as fresh ones, I'm sure, but they'd be good enough.
> Can you bake with them, e.g., could you make blueberry scones with
> frozen blueberries, and would you thaw them first or just put them
> into the batter frozen?
> Fruit smoothies - we know they'll be fine there.
> Any other suggestions and "education" appreciated on this subject,
> e.g., if the whole thing is too much trouble and I just ought to look
> for frozen blueberries in the grocery store.
> Many thanks.
> -S-

  #8 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Blueberries - OK To Freeze?

Dimitri wrote:
> "Steve Freides" > wrote in message
> ...
>> I've become fond of blueberries this Spring.

> Try Costco - in our area 5 lb bags of frozen are less than $2.00/lb.
> Yes they can be frozen on a tray then bagged.
> Dimitri

I just pour them into Ziploc bags and freeze. They're fine. Buy them
when they're cheap and in season, then enjoy them in the winter.


  #9 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Blueberries - OK To Freeze?

In article >,
"Steve Freides" > wrote:

> Can I freeze them?

Sure. You see them frozen in the supermarket case. . . they freeze
beautifully and perhaps more easily than any other fruit.

> I assume the procedure would be: freeze on a cookie
> sheet or similar, double bag, store in freezer. If that's not right,
> please correct me.

Your plan is correct.

> How long would they last?

If you can keep air out of them, a year or so; I'd try to use them
within 6-9 months.

> What are they good for and not good for once thawed? I've been having
> them with other fruit and some of my homemade almond butter, all stirred
> in a bowl. Mushy blueberries would do fine for this - not as good as
> fresh ones, I'm sure, but they'd be good enough.
> Can you bake with them, e.g., could you make blueberry scones with
> frozen blueberries, and would you thaw them first or just put them into
> the batter frozen?

I use them frozen in blueberry muffins and pancakes. I don't bake
blueberry pie with frozen berries.

Fapitas!, June 7, 2011;
  #10 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Blueberries - OK To Freeze?

On Jun 8, 7:54*am, "Steve Freides" > wrote:

> What are they good for and not good for once thawed? *I've been having
> them with other fruit and some of my homemade almond butter, all stirred
> in a bowl. *Mushy blueberries would do fine for this - not as good as
> fresh ones, I'm sure, but they'd be good enough.

Blueberries usually don't get mushy after being frozen. I put a
handful in a sieve and run water over them
to thaw them out and put them on my granola and they are almost as
firm as fresh.

> Can you bake with them, e.g., could you make blueberry scones with
> frozen blueberries, and would you thaw them first or just put them into
> the batter frozen?

You can bake anything with frozen blueberries. Put them in the
batter frozen and dont mix too much or you will
have blue scones...or muffins ...or whatever you want to put them
in. At the restaurant we even just put a handful of
frozen blueberries sprinkled over the pancake batter before
flipping them and they worked great.

> Fruit smoothies - we know they'll be fine there.
> Any other suggestions and "education" appreciated on this subject, e.g.,
> if the whole thing is too much trouble and I just ought to look for
> frozen blueberries in the grocery store.

If you are in an area where you can get bulk fresh blueberries at a
great price, it's worth the troubel to go ahead and
freeze them.

  #11 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Blueberries - OK To Freeze?

"sf" > wrote in message
> On Wed, 8 Jun 2011 10:54:21 -0400, "Steve Freides" >
> wrote:
>> I've become fond of blueberries this Spring. They're pretty inexpensive
>> at Trader Joe's - been paying $7 for 2 pounds

> Amazing prices lately! I got 2 pounds of blueberries at Safeway last
> week for $6.

I bought some a couple of weeks ago - grown in Florida. Never again! They
were tasteless mush and not a patch on the later ones from Washington and
British Columbia.

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Default Blueberries - OK To Freeze?

If you're wanting to experiment with a standard blueberry muffin recipe,
we've tried using brown sugar, lemon zest and almond extract instead of
vanilla. A sprinkle of sparkly flake sugar is another special touch. Polly


  #13 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Blueberries - OK To Freeze?

On Wed, 8 Jun 2011 08:00:42 -0700, "Dimitri" >

>"Steve Freides" > wrote in message
>> I've become fond of blueberries this Spring. They're pretty inexpensive
>> at Trader Joe's - been paying $7 for 2 pounds - and I'd like to be able to
>> have them when they're out of season. Thus, a few questions:
>> Can I freeze them? I assume the procedure would be: freeze on a cookie
>> sheet or similar, double bag, store in freezer. If that's not right,
>> please correct me. How long would they last?
>> What are they good for and not good for once thawed? I've been having
>> them with other fruit and some of my homemade almond butter, all stirred
>> in a bowl. Mushy blueberries would do fine for this - not as good as
>> fresh ones, I'm sure, but they'd be good enough.
>> Can you bake with them, e.g., could you make blueberry scones with frozen
>> blueberries, and would you thaw them first or just put them into the
>> batter frozen?
>> Fruit smoothies - we know they'll be fine there.
>> Any other suggestions and "education" appreciated on this subject, e.g.,
>> if the whole thing is too much trouble and I just ought to look for frozen
>> blueberries in the grocery store.
>> Many thanks.
>> -S-

>Try Costco - in our area 5 lb bags of frozen are less than $2.00/lb.
>Yes they can be frozen on a tray then bagged.
>that was going to be my suggestion.

Janet US
  #14 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Blueberries - OK To Freeze?

On 08/06/2011 10:54 AM, Steve Freides wrote:
> I've become fond of blueberries this Spring. They're pretty inexpensive
> at Trader Joe's - been paying $7 for 2 pounds - and I'd like to be able
> to have them when they're out of season. Thus, a few questions:
> Can I freeze them? I assume the procedure would be: freeze on a cookie
> sheet or similar, double bag, store in freezer. If that's not right,
> please correct me. How long would they last?

You can buy frozen blueberries. They are pretty good, and a lot cheaper
to buy frozen than to buy them fresh and freeze them yourself.

> What are they good for and not good for once thawed? I've been having
> them with other fruit and some of my homemade almond butter, all stirred
> in a bowl. Mushy blueberries would do fine for this - not as good as
> fresh ones, I'm sure, but they'd be good enough.

They are good on cereal and you can use them in muffins or pancakes. It
is best to toss them into the flour rather than into the mixed batter
because it stops the juice from running so much.


  #15 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Blueberries - OK To Freeze?

On Wed, 08 Jun 2011 11:04:52 -0400, Jim Elbrecht >

>On Wed, 8 Jun 2011 10:54:21 -0400, "Steve Freides" >
>>I've become fond of blueberries this Spring. They're pretty inexpensive
>>at Trader Joe's - been paying $7 for 2 pounds - and I'd like to be able
>>to have them when they're out of season. Thus, a few questions:

>I don't know if you'll be saving money over flash frozen berries-
>which, IME, have a bit of an edge over home frozen.
>>Can I freeze them? I assume the procedure would be: freeze on a cookie
>>sheet or similar, double bag, store in freezer. If that's not right,
>>please correct me. How long would they last?

>That'll work. About a year if your freezer stays below 0F.
>>What are they good for and not good for once thawed? I've been having
>>them with other fruit and some of my homemade almond butter, all stirred
>>in a bowl. Mushy blueberries would do fine for this - not as good as
>>fresh ones, I'm sure, but they'd be good enough.

>They don't really mush up when thawed-- or maybe I don't wait long
>enough for that to happen. I use them on cereal- hot or cold.
>>Can you bake with them, e.g., could you make blueberry scones with
>>frozen blueberries, and would you thaw them first or just put them into
>>the batter frozen?

>I'd put them in the batter frozen-- Fair warning. they bleed a lot.
>>Fruit smoothies - we know they'll be fine there.
>>Any other suggestions and "education" appreciated on this subject, e.g.,
>>if the whole thing is too much trouble and I just ought to look for
>>frozen blueberries in the grocery store.

>I'd check the price [and quality] of the frozen ones you have
>available. Blueberries are a fairly easy thing to freeze with good
>results-- but the big operations get them frozen quicker than the
>fresh ones make it to the wholesaler.
>If you were getting them from a farmer for cheap-- I'd be more likely
>to try freezing. The TJ berries are likely a week or so from the
>The frozen ones were frozen while still warm from the sun.

Which of course is meaningless.

I grow my own blueberries and eat them fresh picked, but before
freezing any blueberries I'd buy this:

  #16 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Blueberries - OK To Freeze?

On Jun 8, 10:54*am, "Steve Freides" > wrote:
> I've become fond of blueberries this Spring. *They're pretty inexpensive
> at Trader Joe's - been paying $7 for 2 pounds - and I'd like to be able
> to have them when they're out of season. *Thus, a few questions:
> Can I freeze them? *I assume the procedure would be: freeze on a cookie
> sheet or similar, double bag, store in freezer. *If that's not right,
> please correct me. *How long would they last?
> What are they good for and not good for once thawed? *I've been having
> them with other fruit and some of my homemade almond butter, all stirred
> in a bowl. *Mushy blueberries would do fine for this - not as good as
> fresh ones, I'm sure, but they'd be good enough.
> Can you bake with them, e.g., could you make blueberry scones with
> frozen blueberries, and would you thaw them first or just put them into
> the batter frozen?
> Fruit smoothies - we know they'll be fine there.
> Any other suggestions and "education" appreciated on this subject, e.g.,
> if the whole thing is too much trouble and I just ought to look for
> frozen blueberries in the grocery store.
> Many thanks.
> -S-

I buy frozen blueberries all the time from Schwans.
I pour some in a bowl and let them thaw out and eat them with milk or
add cornflakes.
I don't bake anymore but you can use them for anything you want to
I also use the frozen berries to make icecream with a bit of milk in a
blender or
make a smoothie.


  #17 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Blueberries - OK To Freeze?

On Jun 8, 10:54*am, "Steve Freides" > wrote:
> I've become fond of blueberries this Spring. *They're pretty inexpensive
> at Trader Joe's - been paying $7 for 2 pounds - and I'd like to be able
> to have them when they're out of season. *Thus, a few questions:
> Can I freeze them? *I assume the procedure would be: freeze on a cookie
> sheet or similar, double bag, store in freezer. *If that's not right,
> please correct me. *How long would they last?
> What are they good for and not good for once thawed? *I've been having
> them with other fruit and some of my homemade almond butter, all stirred
> in a bowl. *Mushy blueberries would do fine for this - not as good as
> fresh ones, I'm sure, but they'd be good enough.
> Can you bake with them, e.g., could you make blueberry scones with
> frozen blueberries, and would you thaw them first or just put them into
> the batter frozen?
> Fruit smoothies - we know they'll be fine there.
> Any other suggestions and "education" appreciated on this subject, e.g.,
> if the whole thing is too much trouble and I just ought to look for
> frozen blueberries in the grocery store.
> Many thanks.
> -S-

I would freeze them on cookie sheets, then freeze in one cup
portions. DO NOT WASH til thawed for use.

NOT too much trouble - a lot cheaper and fun to know they're there for
those muffins.
  #18 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Blueberries - OK To Freeze?

Steve Freides > wrote:

>I've become fond of blueberries this Spring. They're pretty inexpensive
>at Trader Joe's - been paying $7 for 2 pounds - and I'd like to be able
>to have them when they're out of season. Thus, a few questions:
>Can I freeze them? I assume the procedure would be: freeze on a cookie
>sheet or similar, double bag, store in freezer. If that's not right,
>please correct me. How long would they last?

Why would you do this as opposed to buying Trader Joe's frozen organic

  #19 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Blueberries - OK To Freeze?

please explain how you make icecream in the blender, Lee

"Lucille" > wrote in message
On Jun 8, 10:54 am, "Steve Freides" > wrote:
> I've become fond of blueberries this Spring. They're pretty inexpensive
> at Trader Joe's - been paying $7 for 2 pounds - and I'd like to be able
> to have them when they're out of season. Thus, a few questions:
> Can I freeze them? I assume the procedure would be: freeze on a cookie
> sheet or similar, double bag, store in freezer. If that's not right,
> please correct me. How long would they last?
> What are they good for and not good for once thawed? I've been having
> them with other fruit and some of my homemade almond butter, all stirred
> in a bowl. Mushy blueberries would do fine for this - not as good as
> fresh ones, I'm sure, but they'd be good enough.
> Can you bake with them, e.g., could you make blueberry scones with
> frozen blueberries, and would you thaw them first or just put them into
> the batter frozen?
> Fruit smoothies - we know they'll be fine there.
> Any other suggestions and "education" appreciated on this subject, e.g.,
> if the whole thing is too much trouble and I just ought to look for
> frozen blueberries in the grocery store.
> Many thanks.
> -S-

I buy frozen blueberries all the time from Schwans.
I pour some in a bowl and let them thaw out and eat them with milk or
add cornflakes.
I don't bake anymore but you can use them for anything you want to
I also use the frozen berries to make icecream with a bit of milk in a
blender or
make a smoothie.


  #20 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Blueberries - OK To Freeze?

On Thu, 9 Jun 2011 05:37:31 -0500, "Storrmmee"
> wrote:

>please explain how you make icecream in the blender, Lee

Forgive me Lord, for I am weak.
Take some ice, and some cream. Put it in your blender-- and hit the
button that turns it on.<BG>

Actually- it is almost that easy. Frozen berries and milk blend into
an airy cream. Move to a pre-cooled tupperware container- and
return to the freezer.

A splash of honey might be nice-- or a dash of vanilla.


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Default Blueberries - OK To Freeze?

i was trying to figure the difference between the substance of a smoothee
and the prodcut to freeze, Lee

"Jim Elbrecht" > wrote in message
> On Thu, 9 Jun 2011 05:37:31 -0500, "Storrmmee"
> > wrote:
>>please explain how you make icecream in the blender, Lee

> Forgive me Lord, for I am weak.
> Take some ice, and some cream. Put it in your blender-- and hit the
> button that turns it on.<BG>
> Actually- it is almost that easy. Frozen berries and milk blend into
> an airy cream. Move to a pre-cooled tupperware container- and
> return to the freezer.
> A splash of honey might be nice-- or a dash of vanilla.
> Jim

  #22 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Blueberries - OK To Freeze?

Brooklyn1 wrote:

> I grow my own blueberries and eat them fresh picked, but before
> freezing any blueberries I'd buy this:

They cost the equivalent of $5 per pound, if I did that right -
equivalent of 6 pounds of berries for $30. That's more than I'm paying
for them fresh and, I think, also much more than frozen blueberries
cost. It's an interesting idea, but why would you do this as opposed to
freezing your own or buying frozen? Just so that they don't take up
space in the freezer?


  #23 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Blueberries - OK To Freeze?

Steve Freides wrote:
> I've become fond of blueberries this Spring. They're pretty
> inexpensive at Trader Joe's - been paying $7 for 2 pounds - and I'd
> like to be able to have them when they're out of season.

Where are blueberries in season in the spring? In the big blueberry-growing
areas in the US, they are in season mostly in July/August.

I am prejudiced in favor of Maine wild blueberries, which are smaller and
more flavorful, as opposed to big high bush berries from places like New
Jersey and Michigan. Blueberries freeze perfectly well for most uses, as
others have noted. If you need to buy frozen ones in the store, I'd look for
Wyman's. (They are from Maine.)

  #24 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Blueberries - OK To Freeze?

On Thu, 9 Jun 2011 09:22:47 -0400, "Steve Freides" >

>Brooklyn1 wrote:
>> I grow my own blueberries and eat them fresh picked, but before
>> freezing any blueberries I'd buy this:

>They cost the equivalent of $5 per pound, if I did that right -
>equivalent of 6 pounds of berries for $30. That's more than I'm paying
>for them fresh and, I think, also much more than frozen blueberries
>cost. It's an interesting idea, but why would you do this as opposed to
>freezing your own or buying frozen? Just so that they don't take up
>space in the freezer?

Because freezing turns fresh blueberries to mush... rehydrated freeze
dried are almost as nice a texture as fresh and their flavor is
enhanced. I've never seen fresh blueberries sold by weight, the
tradition is by volume... and the typical pint container doesn't weigh
even half a pound... freeze dried berries are a bargain. Didja know
that more than half the US blueberry and strawberry crop is freeze
dried... much goes into dried cereals, and a great deal goes into
baked goods.
  #25 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Blueberries - OK To Freeze?

Brooklyn1 wrote:
> On Thu, 9 Jun 2011 09:22:47 -0400, "Steve Freides" >
> wrote:
>> Brooklyn1 wrote:
>>> I grow my own blueberries and eat them fresh picked, but before
>>> freezing any blueberries I'd buy this:

>> They cost the equivalent of $5 per pound, if I did that right -
>> equivalent of 6 pounds of berries for $30. That's more than I'm
>> paying for them fresh and, I think, also much more than frozen
>> blueberries cost. It's an interesting idea, but why would you do
>> this as opposed to freezing your own or buying frozen? Just so that
>> they don't take up space in the freezer?

> Because freezing turns fresh blueberries to mush... rehydrated freeze
> dried are almost as nice a texture as fresh and their flavor is
> enhanced. I've never seen fresh blueberries sold by weight, the
> tradition is by volume... and the typical pint container doesn't weigh
> even half a pound... freeze dried berries are a bargain. Didja know
> that more than half the US blueberry and strawberry crop is freeze
> dried... much goes into dried cereals, and a great deal goes into
> baked goods.

OK, thanks, I will give this serious consideration and probably a try,


  #26 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Blueberries - OK To Freeze?

On Thu, 9 Jun 2011 21:56:26 -0400, "Steve Freides" >

>Brooklyn1 wrote:
>> On Thu, 9 Jun 2011 09:22:47 -0400, "Steve Freides" >
>> wrote:
>>> Brooklyn1 wrote:
>>>> I grow my own blueberries and eat them fresh picked, but before
>>>> freezing any blueberries I'd buy this:
>>> They cost the equivalent of $5 per pound, if I did that right -
>>> equivalent of 6 pounds of berries for $30. That's more than I'm
>>> paying for them fresh and, I think, also much more than frozen
>>> blueberries cost. It's an interesting idea, but why would you do
>>> this as opposed to freezing your own or buying frozen? Just so that
>>> they don't take up space in the freezer?

>> Because freezing turns fresh blueberries to mush... rehydrated freeze
>> dried are almost as nice a texture as fresh and their flavor is
>> enhanced. I've never seen fresh blueberries sold by weight, the
>> tradition is by volume... and the typical pint container doesn't weigh
>> even half a pound... freeze dried berries are a bargain. Didja know
>> that more than half the US blueberry and strawberry crop is freeze
>> dried... much goes into dried cereals, and a great deal goes into
>> baked goods.

>OK, thanks, I will give this serious consideration and probably a try,

Freeze dried also have a very long shelf life, they're handy to have
when one day in mid winter you feel like baking and wish you had some
blueberries. The only reason I planted a dozen blueberry bushes was
because my vegetable garden was too big so I thought devoting 1/3 to
blueberries might be a good thing, and it is (market berries can't
compare to the flavor of fresh picked at the true peak of ripeness,
market berries are picked early), only blueberries are a lot of work
and it's a real chore to keep the birds from them... would I do it
again, no. It's much easier to buy a can of freeze dried, and FAR
less expensive.
  #27 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Blueberries - OK To Freeze?

"Janet" <wrote, in part>
> Where are blueberries in season in the spring? In the big
> blueberry-growing areas in the US, they are in season mostly in
> July/August.

Blueberries are ripe now here on the GA, AL,MS and LA coast. The challenge
is picking some before the Bluejays do. We don't really mind sharing but
wish they'd find another place to do their dropping besides the sidewalk and

  #28 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Blueberries - OK To Freeze?

Janet wrote:
> Steve Freides wrote:
>> I've become fond of blueberries this Spring. They're pretty
>> inexpensive at Trader Joe's - been paying $7 for 2 pounds - and I'd
>> like to be able to have them when they're out of season.

> Where are blueberries in season in the spring? In the big
> blueberry-growing areas in the US, they are in season mostly in
> July/August.
> I am prejudiced in favor of Maine wild blueberries, which are smaller
> and more flavorful, as opposed to big high bush berries from places
> like New Jersey and Michigan. Blueberries freeze perfectly well
> for most uses, as others have noted. If you need to buy frozen ones
> in the store, I'd look for Wyman's. (They are from Maine.)

I took a look at the TJ's package last night - says it's a product of
the USA, doesn't say where in the USA, though. 1.5 pounds by weight is
how they're sold, was either $6.99 or $7.99 when purchased a couple of
days ago.


  #29 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Blueberries - OK To Freeze?

On Jun 9, 6:37*am, "Storrmmee" > wrote:
> please explain how you make icecream in the blender, Lee
> "Lucille" > wrote in message
> ...
> On Jun 8, 10:54 am, "Steve Freides" > wrote:
> > I've become fond of blueberries this Spring. They're pretty inexpensive
> > at Trader Joe's - been paying $7 for 2 pounds - and I'd like to be able
> > to have them when they're out of season. Thus, a few questions:

> > Can I freeze them? I assume the procedure would be: freeze on a cookie
> > sheet or similar, double bag, store in freezer. If that's not right,
> > please correct me. How long would they last?

> > What are they good for and not good for once thawed? I've been having
> > them with other fruit and some of my homemade almond butter, all stirred
> > in a bowl. Mushy blueberries would do fine for this - not as good as
> > fresh ones, I'm sure, but they'd be good enough.

> > Can you bake with them, e.g., could you make blueberry scones with
> > frozen blueberries, and would you thaw them first or just put them into
> > the batter frozen?

> > Fruit smoothies - we know they'll be fine there.

> > Any other suggestions and "education" appreciated on this subject, e.g.,
> > if the whole thing is too much trouble and I just ought to look for
> > frozen blueberries in the grocery store.

> > Many thanks.

> > -S-

> I buy frozen blueberries all the time from Schwans.
> I pour some in a bowl and let them thaw out and eat them with milk or
> add cornflakes.
> I don't bake anymore but you can use them for anything you want to
> bake.
> I also use the frozen berries to make icecream with a bit of milk in a
> blender or
> make a smoothie.
> * * * * *Lucille- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

You can use any frozen fruit. Add either milk, cream or juice to it
and a sweeten like sugar or honey or pure maple syrup.
But not too much maple syruo unless you want that flavor.
You can add vanilla to it too.

If you ever see the Ninja blender on QVC, watch their demo.
They show you how to make icecream.

I have the Ninja cook book and they're's more recipes to make
I think you can find how to make this on you tube.

Shopping list:
1 1/2 cup plus 1/2 cup milk
1/4 cup heavy whipping cream
1/4 sugar
1 cup frozen strawberries
1 tablespoon strawberry syrup
1/4 teaspoon vanilla extract

Combin 1 1/2 cup of the milk, whipping cream and sugar, stir to
desolve the sugar.
Fill one 16 cube icecube tray with the mixture. Freeze at least 3
hours or until frozen solid.

Place ice cream cubes in the mixer and add frozen strawberries,
strawberry syrup, vanilla extract
and the remaining 1/2 cup of milk over the top. Put cover on mixer and
pulse for 10 to 15
seconds until smooth and creamy.

Serve garnished with a drizzle of strawberry syrup or fresh

The strwberry syrup in this recipe refers to the sqeeze bottle syrup
used for making
strawberry milk, not the sticky strawberry sauce.


  #30 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Blueberries - OK To Freeze?

excellent, Lee
"Lucille" > wrote in message
On Jun 9, 6:37 am, "Storrmmee" > wrote:
> please explain how you make icecream in the blender, Lee
> "Lucille" > wrote in message
> ...
> On Jun 8, 10:54 am, "Steve Freides" > wrote:
> > I've become fond of blueberries this Spring. They're pretty inexpensive
> > at Trader Joe's - been paying $7 for 2 pounds - and I'd like to be able
> > to have them when they're out of season. Thus, a few questions:

> > Can I freeze them? I assume the procedure would be: freeze on a cookie
> > sheet or similar, double bag, store in freezer. If that's not right,
> > please correct me. How long would they last?

> > What are they good for and not good for once thawed? I've been having
> > them with other fruit and some of my homemade almond butter, all stirred
> > in a bowl. Mushy blueberries would do fine for this - not as good as
> > fresh ones, I'm sure, but they'd be good enough.

> > Can you bake with them, e.g., could you make blueberry scones with
> > frozen blueberries, and would you thaw them first or just put them into
> > the batter frozen?

> > Fruit smoothies - we know they'll be fine there.

> > Any other suggestions and "education" appreciated on this subject, e.g.,
> > if the whole thing is too much trouble and I just ought to look for
> > frozen blueberries in the grocery store.

> > Many thanks.

> > -S-

> I buy frozen blueberries all the time from Schwans.
> I pour some in a bowl and let them thaw out and eat them with milk or
> add cornflakes.
> I don't bake anymore but you can use them for anything you want to
> bake.
> I also use the frozen berries to make icecream with a bit of milk in a
> blender or
> make a smoothie.
> Lucille- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

You can use any frozen fruit. Add either milk, cream or juice to it
and a sweeten like sugar or honey or pure maple syrup.
But not too much maple syruo unless you want that flavor.
You can add vanilla to it too.

If you ever see the Ninja blender on QVC, watch their demo.
They show you how to make icecream.

I have the Ninja cook book and they're's more recipes to make
I think you can find how to make this on you tube.

Shopping list:
1 1/2 cup plus 1/2 cup milk
1/4 cup heavy whipping cream
1/4 sugar
1 cup frozen strawberries
1 tablespoon strawberry syrup
1/4 teaspoon vanilla extract

Combin 1 1/2 cup of the milk, whipping cream and sugar, stir to
desolve the sugar.
Fill one 16 cube icecube tray with the mixture. Freeze at least 3
hours or until frozen solid.

Place ice cream cubes in the mixer and add frozen strawberries,
strawberry syrup, vanilla extract
and the remaining 1/2 cup of milk over the top. Put cover on mixer and
pulse for 10 to 15
seconds until smooth and creamy.

Serve garnished with a drizzle of strawberry syrup or fresh

The strwberry syrup in this recipe refers to the sqeeze bottle syrup
used for making
strawberry milk, not the sticky strawberry sauce.


  #31 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Blueberries - OK To Freeze?

On 2011-06-10, Steve Freides > wrote:

> I took a look at the TJ's package last night - says it's a product of
> the USA, doesn't say where in the USA, though. 1.5 pounds by weight is
> how they're sold, was either $6.99 or $7.99 when purchased a couple of
> days ago.

I jes bought 4lbs of fresh blueberries fer $12. You can be damn sure
I'll finally learn how to make a good pie crust.


  #32 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Blueberries - OK To Freeze?

On Fri, 10 Jun 2011 08:21:55 -0400, "Steve Freides" >

>Janet wrote:
>> Steve Freides wrote:
>>> I've become fond of blueberries this Spring. They're pretty
>>> inexpensive at Trader Joe's - been paying $7 for 2 pounds - and I'd
>>> like to be able to have them when they're out of season.

>> Where are blueberries in season in the spring? In the big
>> blueberry-growing areas in the US, they are in season mostly in
>> July/August.
>> I am prejudiced in favor of Maine wild blueberries, which are smaller
>> and more flavorful, as opposed to big high bush berries from places
>> like New Jersey and Michigan. Blueberries freeze perfectly well
>> for most uses, as others have noted. If you need to buy frozen ones
>> in the store, I'd look for Wyman's. (They are from Maine.)

>I took a look at the TJ's package last night - says it's a product of
>the USA, doesn't say where in the USA, though. 1.5 pounds by weight is
>how they're sold, was either $6.99 or $7.99 when purchased a couple of
>days ago.

Market blueberries are never fresh picked and they are always picked
well under ripe so they can travel... they are really a waste of money
at half those prices.... market blueberries are exactly like market
tomatoes, tasteless crap. Freeze dried berries are harvested at the
very peak of ripeness and processed right there within the hour. If
you can't pick your own the only next best thing is freeze dried.
Conventionally freezing market berries only adds insult to injury, why
bother preserving crap.
  #33 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Blueberries - OK To Freeze?

On 2011-06-10, Brooklyn1 <Gravesend1> wrote:

> Market blueberries are never fresh picked and they are always picked
> well under ripe so they can travel... they are really a waste of money

Much like you.

> at half those prices.... market blueberries are exactly like market
> tomatoes, tasteless crap.

Much like you.

> Freeze dried berries are harvested at the
> very peak of ripeness and processed right there within the hour.

Dream on.

> why bother preserving crap.

Fer the same reason google archives you.

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