Several years ago 18 people on this list volunteered to help me kitchen test
recipes for my "Pennsylvania Dutch Pancake and Waffle Cook Book". Now the
book is published and I want to send each of those people a signed copy as a
thank you. I tried the e-mail addresses that I had, but only three people
responded, the rest of the addresses are out of service.
If you are one of those helpful people, please send me an e-mail identifying
yourself and tell me the e-mail address you had when you agreed to do the
kitchen testing, as I still have the original list. I will forward a signed
copy to you by media mail at no cost.
I only used 150 of the over 300 pancake and waffle recipes we tested. If
all goes well, I will do a vol. II. I also published two other PA Dutch
cook books and am working on number four, "The Other Pennsylvania Dutch Cook
Book" which does not use the Amish and Mennonite recipes, but has recipes
from the Schwinkfelders, Weaverites, Moravians, Jews, Tunkards, Catholics,
Lutherans, Bretheran, Zionists etc., all the other cultural/religious groups
found in PA Dutch country that have a distinct cullinary identity.
I'm looking forward to hearing from you.
Lew Matt