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  #1 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Posts: 35,884
Default The HC parking ticket

Sometimes you have to laugh. Yesterday afternoon I ran a few errands on
my motorcycle. I had to pick up some things that are a lot cheaper at a
particular discount grocery store. The clientele at this store tend to
be low life. I parked next to an accessible parking space and noticed
that there was not permit in the window, and there was a ticket stuck
under the wiper.

As I was walking toward the store entrance a scuzzy looking couple were
coming out and the guy was ranting about the stink of cigarette smoke by
the door. He carried on about how it is always like that there and he
was fed up with it. They were headed for the van in the accessible space.

I don't smoke. I am an ex smoker and I hate the smell of cigarette
smoke. I didn't see anyone smoking there and I didn't smell any smoke,
or even the linger stink of old smoke. I don't know what that guy was
upset about, so I had the impression that he was just an asshole and it
would be worth sticking around to see his reaction to the $300 parking

  #2 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default The HC parking ticket

On Oct 12, 11:38*am, Dave Smith > wrote:
> Sometimes you have to laugh. Yesterday afternoon I ran a few errands on
> my motorcycle. I had to pick up some things that are a lot cheaper at a
> particular discount grocery store. The clientele at this store tend to
> be low life. I parked next to an accessible parking space and noticed
> that there was not permit in the window, and there was a ticket stuck
> under the wiper.
> As I was walking toward the store entrance a scuzzy looking couple were
> coming out and the guy was ranting about the stink of cigarette smoke by
> the door. *He carried on about how it is always like that there and he
> was fed up with it. *They were headed for the van in the accessible space.
> I don't smoke. I am an ex smoker and *I hate the smell of cigarette
> smoke. I didn't see anyone smoking there and I didn't smell any smoke,
> or even the linger stink of old smoke. *I don't know what that guy was
> upset about, so I had the impression that he was just an asshole and it
> would be worth sticking around to see his reaction to the $300 parking
> ticket.

  #3 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default The HC parking ticket

On Oct 12, 2:38*pm, Dave Smith > wrote:
> Sometimes you have to laugh. Yesterday afternoonIran a few errands onmy motorcycle.Ihad to pick up some things that are a lot cheaper at aparticular discount grocery store. The clientele at this store tend tobe low life.Iparked next to an accessible parking space and noticedthat there was not permitin the window, and there was a ticket stuckunder the wiper.
> AsIwas walking toward the store entrance a scuzzy looking couple werecoming out and the guy was ranting about the stink of cigarette smoke bythe door. *He carried on about howitis always like that there and hewas fed up withit. *They were headed for the vanin the accessible space.
> Idon't smoke.Iam an ex smoker and*Ihate the smell of cigarettesmoke.Ididn't see anyone smoking there andIdidn't smell any smoke,or even the linger stink of old smoke.*Idon't know what that guy wasupset about, soIhad theimpression that he was just an asshole anditwould be worth sticking around to see his reaction to the $300 parkingticket.

SSSsssssssss. Schadenfreude!
Funny. I don't much dream about motorcycles, but I did last night.
It's weird, but sometimes I have dreams which are confirmed the next
day. For example, last week I dreamed about lobster, and sure enough,
I went to the supermarket with a buddy, and she pointed out the
lobsters in the tank. This happens very often. I sometimes think
that there is no such thing as time, and that all things that have
happened and are about to happen are known on some plane or other.
I dreamed last night about a bike that I had. It was a 425 Suzuki
(made in 1979 only). However the bike was a twin with double overhead
cams. I rode this bike from Edmonton to Kitchener back in 1981.

Anyway, in the dream, the bike had 4 cylinders, and not 2. There was
a problem with the two innermost cylinders. Wood had gotten into
them, and scored them, and I had to have the cylinders honed out.
However, when I went to get my bike, they charged me $3500.00. Much
of that cost was because the bike had been driven to central Asia,
Burma(Myramar), and other Asian places. I mentioned this to the
dealer, and he dropped the price to $660.00. Weird dream man. I
still think I got overcharged.
Anyway, time for A Song For Europe:
  #4 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default The HC parking ticket

On 12/10/2011 2:48 PM, Chemo the Clown wrote:
> On Oct 12, 11:38 am, Dave > wrote:
>> Sometimes you have to laugh. Yesterday afternoon I ran a few errands on
>> my motorcycle. I had to pick up some things that are a lot cheaper at a
>> particular discount grocery store. The clientele at this store tend to
>> be low life. I parked next to an accessible parking space and noticed
>> that there was not permit in the window, and there was a ticket stuck
>> under the wiper.
>> As I was walking toward the store entrance a scuzzy looking couple were
>> coming out and the guy was ranting about the stink of cigarette smoke by
>> the door. He carried on about how it is always like that there and he
>> was fed up with it. They were headed for the van in the accessible space.
>> I don't smoke. I am an ex smoker and I hate the smell of cigarette
>> smoke. I didn't see anyone smoking there and I didn't smell any smoke,
>> or even the linger stink of old smoke. I don't know what that guy was
>> upset about, so I had the impression that he was just an asshole and it
>> would be worth sticking around to see his reaction to the $300 parking
>> ticket.

> Well...didja?

Not really, but I had only two things to pick up and I was standing at
the express check out and could see him putting his groceries in the
back then walk around to the driver side door, get it, start the engine,
then notice the ticket, so he got out and retrieved it. I don't think he
realized at first what it was. He had a look at it and seemed
quite complacent and then did a double take.

Having seen the two of them moving, there was no apparent disability,
other than both of them being quite fat. It wasn't like a disabled
person with a permit could not have parked in one of the other
accessible spaces in front of beside the one he had used. The humorous
part was the way he had been ragging about the cigarette stink that I
could not even detect. He was so concerned about someone else possible
violating the laws about smoking in public places, but he was flagrantly
violating something that others have good reason to be upset about.
  #5 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default The HC parking ticket

On 12/10/2011 3:56 PM, A Moose in Love wrote:
> On Oct 12, 2:38 pm, Dave > wrote:
>> Sometimes you have to laugh. Yesterday afternoonIran a few errands onmy motorcycle.Ihad to pick up some things that are a lot cheaper at aparticular discount grocery store. The clientele at this store tend tobe low life.Iparked next to an accessible parking space and noticedthat there was not permitin the window, and there was a ticket stuckunder the wiper.
>> AsIwas walking toward the store entrance a scuzzy looking couple werecoming out and the guy was ranting about the stink of cigarette smoke bythe door. He carried on about howitis always like that there and hewas fed up withit. They were headed for the vanin the accessible space.
>> Idon't smoke.Iam an ex smoker and Ihate the smell of cigarettesmoke.Ididn't see anyone smoking there andIdidn't smell any smoke,or even the linger stink of old smoke. Idon't know what that guy wasupset about, soIhad theimpression that he was just an asshole anditwould be worth sticking around to see his reaction to the $300 parkingticket.

> SSSsssssssss. Schadenfreude!

Only because he was being such an ass about the smoke. As much as linger
stale smoke offends me, I could not smell it.

> Funny. I don't much dream about motorcycles, but I did last night.
> It's weird, but sometimes I have dreams which are confirmed the next
> day. For example, last week I dreamed about lobster, and sure enough,
> I went to the supermarket with a buddy, and she pointed out the
> lobsters in the tank. This happens very often. I sometimes think
> that there is no such thing as time, and that all things that have
> happened and are about to happen are known on some plane or other.
> I dreamed last night about a bike that I had. It was a 425 Suzuki
> (made in 1979 only). However the bike was a twin with double overhead
> cams. I rode this bike from Edmonton to Kitchener back in 1981.
> Anyway, in the dream, the bike had 4 cylinders, and not 2. There was
> a problem with the two innermost cylinders. Wood had gotten into
> them, and scored them, and I had to have the cylinders honed out.
> However, when I went to get my bike, they charged me $3500.00.

Was I in that dream? It sounds like the local motor cycle dealer.
$88 for an oil change. For the next on I got the filter, squash washer
and oil from them and did it myself for under $40. Then the next time I
got the oil and filter at Canadian Tire for $20. I still had to go to
them for the squash washer and $2.95 is IMO an outrageous price for a

> of that cost was because the bike had been driven to central Asia,
> Burma(Myramar), and other Asian places. I mentioned this to the
> dealer, and he dropped the price to $660.00. Weird dream man. I
> still think I got overcharged.
> Anyway, time for A Song For Europe:

  #6 (permalink)   Report Post  
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external usenet poster
Posts: 3,415
Default The HC parking ticket

Dave Smith wrote:
> Sometimes you have to laugh. Yesterday afternoon I ran a few errands on
> my motorcycle. I had to pick up some things that are a lot cheaper at a
> particular discount grocery store. The clientele at this store tend to
> be low life. I parked next to an accessible parking space and noticed
> that there was not permit in the window, and there was a ticket stuck
> under the wiper.

I have seen someone park in a handicap spot and put a fake ticket on
their own window before walking off. Definitely low life.
  #7 (permalink)   Report Post  
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external usenet poster
Posts: 2,590
Default The HC parking ticket

On Oct 12, 4:17*pm, Dave Smith > wrote:
> On 12/10/2011 3:56 PM, A Moosein Love wrote:
> > On Oct 12, 2:38 pm, Dave > *wrote:>> Sometimes you have to laugh. Yesterday afternoonIran a few errands onmy motorcycle.Ihad to pick up some things that are a lot cheaper at aparticular discount grocery store. The clientele at this store tend tobe low life.Iparked next to an accessible parking space and noticedthat there was not permitin the window, and there was a ticket stuckunder the wiper.

> >> AsIwas walking toward the store entrance a scuzzy looking couple werecoming out and the guy was ranting about the stink of cigarette smoke bythe door. *He carried on about howitis always like that there and hewas fed up withit. *They were headed for the vanin the accessible space.

> >>Idon't smoke.Iam an ex smoker andIhate the smell of cigarettesmoke.Ididn't see anyone smoking there andIdidn't smell any smoke,or even the linger stink of old smoke.Idon't know what that guy wasupset about, soIhad theimpression that he was just an asshole anditwould be worth sticking around to see his reaction to the $300 parkingticket.

> > SSSsssssssss. *Schadenfreude!

> Only because he was being such an ass about the smoke. As much as lingerstale smoke offends me,*Icould not smellit.
> > Funny.*Idon't much dream about motorcycles, butIdid last night.>It's weird, but sometimesIhave dreams which are confirmed the next> day. *For example, last weekIdreamed about lobster, and sure enough,>Iwent to the supermarket with a buddy, and she pointed out the> lobstersin the tank. *This happens very often.*Isometimes think> that thereis no such thing as time, and that all things that have
> > happened and are about to happen are known on some plane or other.>Idreamed last night about a bike thatIhad.*It was a 425 Suzuki> (madein 1979 only). *However the bike was a twin with double overhead> cams.*Irode this bike from Edmonton to Kitchener backin 1981.

> > Anyway,in the dream, the bike had 4 cylinders, and not 2. *There was> a problem with the twoinnermost cylinders. *Wood had gotteninto> them, and scored them, andIhad to have the cylinders honed out.> However,whenIwent to get my bike, they charged me $3500.00.

> WasIin that dream?It sounds like the local motor cycle dealer.$88 for an oil change. For the next onIgot the filter, squash washerand oil from them and didit myself for under $40. Then the next timeIgot the oil and filter at Canadian Tire for $20.Istill had to go tothem for the squash washer and $2.95isIMO an outrageous price for a
> washer.

I always did my own oil changes. Squash washer? Are you talking
about the oil ring? Anyway, on many of today's bikes, I wouldn't know
where to begin. I don't even know where the oil filters are.
  #8 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default The HC parking ticket

On 12/10/2011 4:40 PM, A Moose in Love wrote:
> On Oct 12, 4:17 pm, Dave > wrote:
>> On 12/10/2011 3:56 PM, A Moosein Love wrote:
>>> On Oct 12, 2:38 pm, Dave > wrote:>> Sometimes you have to laugh. Yesterday afternoonIran a few errands onmy motorcycle.Ihad to pick up some things that are a lot cheaper at aparticular discount grocery store. The clientele at this store tend tobe low life.Iparked next to an accessible parking space and noticedthat there was not permitin the window, and there was a ticket stuckunder the wiper.

>>>> AsIwas walking toward the store entrance a scuzzy looking couple werecoming out and the guy was ranting about the stink of cigarette smoke bythe door. He carried on about howitis always like that there and hewas fed up withit. They were headed for the vanin the accessible space.

>>>> Idon't smoke.Iam an ex smoker andIhate the smell of cigarettesmoke.Ididn't see anyone smoking there andIdidn't smell any smoke,or even the linger stink of old smoke.Idon't know what that guy wasupset about, soIhad theimpression that he was just an asshole anditwould be worth sticking around to see his reaction to the $300 parkingticket.

>>> SSSsssssssss. Schadenfreude!

>> Only because he was being such an ass about the smoke. As much as lingerstale smoke offends me, Icould not smellit.
>>> Funny. Idon't much dream about motorcycles, butIdid last night.>It's weird, but sometimesIhave dreams which are confirmed the next> day. For example, last weekIdreamed about lobster, and sure enough,>Iwent to the supermarket with a buddy, and she pointed out the> lobstersin the tank. This happens very often. Isometimes think> that thereis no such thing as time, and that all things that have
>>> happened and are about to happen are known on some plane or other.>Idreamed last night about a bike thatIhad. It was a 425 Suzuki> (madein 1979 only). However the bike was a twin with double overhead> cams. Irode this bike from Edmonton to Kitchener backin 1981.

>>> Anyway,in the dream, the bike had 4 cylinders, and not 2. There was> a problem with the twoinnermost cylinders. Wood had gotteninto> them, and scored them, andIhad to have the cylinders honed out.> However,whenIwent to get my bike, they charged me $3500.00.

>> WasIin that dream?It sounds like the local motor cycle dealer.$88 for an oil change. For the next onIgot the filter, squash washerand oil from them and didit myself for under $40. Then the next timeIgot the oil and filter at Canadian Tire for $20.Istill had to go tothem for the squash washer and $2.95isIMO an outrageous price for a
>> washer.

> I always did my own oil changes. Squash washer? Are you talking
> about the oil ring? Anyway, on many of today's bikes, I wouldn't know
> where to begin. I don't even know where the oil filters are.

It is a soft metal washer that sits over the oil plug, a single use deal.

The hardest thing about doing my first oil change was hoisting the bike
up in the air so I could get at the bottom. The oil plug and filter are
both on the bottom, and it is too low to reach under. The next hardest
thing was getting the filter off. I could not get even a small filter
wrench onto, let alone turn it. I bought a special one that fits onto a
socket wrench, but there was no room to get the socket on it. The ony
way to get it off was with plumbing pliers. The filter was ruined in the
process.... but they are single use anyway.
  #9 (permalink)   Report Post  
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external usenet poster
Posts: 35,884
Default The HC parking ticket

On 12/10/2011 4:30 PM, Doug Freyburger wrote:
> Dave Smith wrote:
>> Sometimes you have to laugh. Yesterday afternoon I ran a few errands on
>> my motorcycle. I had to pick up some things that are a lot cheaper at a
>> particular discount grocery store. The clientele at this store tend to
>> be low life. I parked next to an accessible parking space and noticed
>> that there was not permit in the window, and there was a ticket stuck
>> under the wiper.

> I have seen someone park in a handicap spot and put a fake ticket on
> their own window before walking off. Definitely low life.

I wonder if that would work. Parking enforcement around here is done by
a small crew and they tend to head off and work in different areas.
They would probably know that they had not written in. They could
always have a look.
  #10 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default The HC parking ticket

I am a current smoker and i hate the smell of stale smoke, having a father
who is an x smoker if it were there and detectable you would have smelled
it, Lee
"Dave Smith" > wrote in message
. com...
> Sometimes you have to laugh. Yesterday afternoon I ran a few errands on my
> motorcycle. I had to pick up some things that are a lot cheaper at a
> particular discount grocery store. The clientele at this store tend to be
> low life. I parked next to an accessible parking space and noticed that
> there was not permit in the window, and there was a ticket stuck under the
> wiper.
> As I was walking toward the store entrance a scuzzy looking couple were
> coming out and the guy was ranting about the stink of cigarette smoke by
> the door. He carried on about how it is always like that there and he was
> fed up with it. They were headed for the van in the accessible space.
> I don't smoke. I am an ex smoker and I hate the smell of cigarette smoke.
> I didn't see anyone smoking there and I didn't smell any smoke, or even
> the linger stink of old smoke. I don't know what that guy was upset
> about, so I had the impression that he was just an asshole and it would be
> worth sticking around to see his reaction to the $300 parking ticket.

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