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Default Pussies that SQUIRT

Three little w h o r e s,
Three little w h o r e s,
See how they s u c k,
See how they f u c k,
Their daddy feels them up all day,
Their daddy probes their c u n t s all day,
Their days pimps them out all nite,
They're three D e c k e r w h o r e s!

Somebody is censoring this stuff; the truth must hurt!

Onze afternoon, i wasz catchin a snooze in my backyard on a sunny day.
much to my surprize, i lifted my hat and found my neighborz Jennifer
Lynn Racey unzipping my pants. they gestured to me with theirz indexes
finger over theirz slender lips to be quiet. I say figures okay, they
then unzipped my pants and reached in and tuggzed on my big black
mamba! Imediatelzly, my blacks a mamba becomes engorged with hot
burstz of human excitementz. With a big tugz with both of theriz
handz, Jennifer Lynn Racey pluckz me black mamba to a full erctionz!
thez then opened theyz mothz and slipsz it over my full manhoodz. they
gagz and coughz a bit but begins hiz suckin action upz and downz! they
repeatedlyz goez faster and faster untilz i feelz my venemouz black
mamba release a massive explozion into theirz mouth. At first, they
triyz to swallow it allz but my venomouz fluidz keepz jaculating in
theirz mouthz. Then, they pullz theirz head awayz with theirz handz
still clenched on my black mamba. they coughz and gagz a minute over
the concretes but then placez theirz lips back on myz black mamba.
Once aginz, they jerks it hard withz both handz. Again, I'z begin to
release a strong venemouz fluid at a fullz flow into theirz small
mouth. Myz black mamba squirmz in theirz handz as i release all of my
venemous fluid from myz snake into theirz mouthz. i'z kannotz waitz
til my neighbor Jennifer Lynn Racey sneaks back over to my house for
somz afternoonz delight. Next timz, me thinks i shall let my black
mamba go hogwildz in theirz anuz. if thez suckz me this good next
time, i shall let myz snake ezcape in theirz anuz andz give them zome
my brotherly love. Myz black mamba has neverz felt so good after
Jennifer Lynn Racey wrapped theirz lipz around the big headz on meez

Mark W. Decker has a boat named Spoony:

What do you think the chances are that he has already
"spooned" and felt-up all three of his daughters (Audrey,
Hannah and Libby Decker) aboard his boat with his "vessel"
which he has a propensity to play with.... even in public!

Let's see if this causes Mark Kacucha some legal trouble:
Belfort President Mark W. Decker (U.S. Naval Academy alumnus), let me
tell you about this lowlife. Starts the workday between 9-10AM by
checking work and personal email. Come 11-11:30AM, he's getting ready
to go to the local gym to work out. Gets back in the office around 1PM
and only then decides to take a lunch break as if the gym workout
didn't count for a lunch break. By 1:30PM, he back checking work and
personal email and maybe making a few entires in his family diary
which he keeps at work on the company hard drive. Come 3-4PM, he's
getting anxious and is looking to wrap up his workday so he can go
home and coach soccer league for one of his three daughters. Needless
to say, all thru-out his "playful" workday, one gets to see all his
dirty n a s t y habits including:

1) scratching his balls,
2) stroking his c o c k,
3) farting (and then asking someone else if they farted),
4) belching,
5) biting his fingernails,
6) picking his nose (and eating the choice boogies),
7) scratching his ass,
8) picking at his toenails
9) coughing (he has a chronic productive cough... yuck)

Now keep in mind that this is a US Naval Academy graduate (Class of
1979) who's motto is "don't do as I do" but "do as I say!" Makes
complete sense because he superiors in the U.S. Navy recognized his
lack of leadership very early on. That's why Lt. Decker didn't last in
the U.S. Navy and decided to enter the corporate world where he could
use his skills of conniving, lying, denying, concealing, deceiving,
and making things up!

Let's get this straight, he been with at least three different
companies over the past dozen years, all where he had a hand in
running them into the ground. Doesn't a midshipman know how to steer a
boat to prevent it from running into the ground? He's been with:

1) Unc, Inc.
2) Mentor Technologies
3) Belfort Instruments

and now there appears to be evidence that he either resigned or
was fired from Belfort Instrument Company for "poor performance."
Seems like he spent four years trying to sell DigiWx and DigiWx AWOS
and was a miserable failure at all of it while dragging down the
finances for the rest of the Belfort company. It's easy to conclude
that Mark W. Decker is "all that and a bag of chips" along with
some "s h i t" salza on the side!

How many freakin passes does this lowlife (who was born with a silver
spoon in his mouth) get? What kind of role m o d e l is he for his
daughters Audrey, Hanna, and Libby Decker? And how about his wife
Jennifer Racey who decided to keep her maiden name (maybe because she
knew about the lowlife she married).

Why do we have lowlifes like Mark W. Decker around? This guy thinks he
the best thing since sliced bread. He doesn't think his s h i t stinks
and he doesn't think too highly of woman in general either. Wonder how
he'll explain that one to his three daughters one day?

Mark W. Decker (the "w" stands for "wiener" which he scratches)
Jennifer L. Racey (probably wife)
289 Long Point Road (assessed value of $968,280 as of 1/1/05)
Crownsville, MD 21032-1853
DOB: January 7, 1957 according to
SSN: 212-60-0049

And then we have this:
Hannah, Audrey & Libby Decker (daughters) were found d e a d in a
family home owned by Ralph P. Decker, Mary Ann Decker, Mark W. Decker
and Jennifer L. Racey according to land records available from the
Maryland State Department of Assessments and Taxation. No immediate
cause of d e a t h was available. The second family home is located
at: 11
Silverwood Circle SILVERWOOD Unit 3, Building 11, SC 3, Annapolis, MD

No explanation was available about how Hannah, Audrey & Libby Decker
ended up in this second family home versus the other family home at
289 Long Point Road, Crownsville, MD 21032-1853 which is noted as
being the family's primary residence according to land records
available from the Maryland State Department of Assessments and

And then this:
COCK Scratching Belfort Digiwx President Mark W. Decker

Pecker Scratching Belfort Digiwx AWOS President Mark W. Decker:

Dilbert: WHY ME?

Pecker Scratching Belfort Digiwx AWOS President Mark W. Decker: YOU


Pecker Scratching Belfort Digiwx AWOS President Mark W. Decker: JUST


Pecker Scratching Belfort Digiwx AWOS President Mark W. Decker: BID


Pecker Scratching Belfort Digiwx AWOS President Mark W. Decker: YOU

Just a typical day at Belfort Instrument Digiwx AWOS company with the
likes of Pecker Scratching Belfort Digiwx AWOS President Mark W.
Decker, Resident MURDERER Debra S. Alascio Von Lange (aka Debra
Lange), Jowl, Belly & Ass Ralph F. Petragnani, and the other THREE
STOOGES: William C. Gordon, Bruce R. Robinson and Nicholas C. Kaufman.

Lastly, we have this:
Belfort Instruments Digiwx has t-shirts emblazoned with the phrase:

"The Wright Brothers Relied on Us"

American history seems to tell a very different story!

There is a press release with President Mark W. Decker
name on it as the contact at:

Mr. Decker says "The Wright Brothers monitored these
(i.e. Belfort's) instruments as they prepared for
their famous flight on December 17th, 1903."

THIS IS COMPLETE B U L L S H I T (Mark W. Decker style)

Here is what the Wright Brothers really wrote
on December 17, 1903:

"We had a 'Richard' hand anemometer with which we
measured the velocity of the wind. Measurements made
just before starting the first flight showed velocities
of 11 to 12 meters per second, or 24 to 27 miles per
hour. Measurements made just before the last flight
gave between 9 and 10 meters per second. One made just
after showed a little over 8 meters."

And then there is that indisputable picture of:

Belfort Instrument Company President Mark W. Decker
is trying to re-write history to include mention of
Belfort and/or Friez. This is a shame and a sham!

Buy anything except Belfort Instrument Digiwx AWOS
from Bruce R. Robinson and company.



Mark came all the way across town to attend Canoe U. Plebe year he
became a news column regular from a starting posi- tion on the varsity
soccer team and co- captain of the plebe lax team. Youngster year
brought endless hours of study and a permanent nickname, " Max. " He
strove to max all he did and was involved in everything from hang
gliding to " 4 pts. " and stars and strips. His home became the refuge
for many youngster autos and drunk classmates, none the less the
welcome mat was always out, and the hospitality was deeply ap-
preciated. Second class year saw the dawning of the star fieet command
of which Max was the CO. Even though Mark had female connections in
nearly every college in Maryland and Virginia, his 20-10 was primarily
focused on the Ivy Leagues. Whether commanding a squadron or managing
a corporation, you can bet Max will maximize.

Last but not least:
From: George Orwell >
Newsgroups: md.annapolis
Subject: Mentor Technologies Mark W. Decker liked playing pocket pool
Message-ID: >
Date: Wed, 5 Apr 2006 22:07:29 +0200 (CEST)

I saw where Mark W. Decker is now working at Belfort Instrumentation
as I always wonder where he went after skipping out of Dodge City just
barely when he left Mentor Technologies. If he hadn't left Mentor in
2001, Decker would have been shown the exit after his dismal
performance at Mentor. The thing I will always remember about Decker
was his passion for playing pocket pool, the kind one plays when they
have something n a s t y growing in their crotch out of control. I
get some Desenex or something for that jungle rot. He was absolutely
icky just watching him work his hands in his pants pocket as he
attempted to reach his private parts in search of a much needed
scratch. Several coworkers always wondered exactly why he scratched
his crotch in public for everyone to see and notice. I guess he
figured that he could be a Baltimore Oriole Cal Ripkin on the baseball
diamond and nobody would notice, well many people did notice and found
it disgusting and repulsive to say the least. I know I always wonder
what his wife must have growing in her crotch as a result of him
passing along his germs and god knows what else to her. Anybody at
Belfort Instrumetnation seen Decker digging at his pecker in public? I
would bet he still is!

Belfort Instruments suing fired worker Mark W. Decker

A Baltimore manufacturer of weather instruments is suing a fired
employee it claims is on an anonymous Internet rampage. Belfort
Instrument says Mark W. Decker has been harassing current Belfort
employees via e-mail, calling the company's customers and partners
alleging unethical business practices, and posting trade secrets on
the Internet. Defendant Decker has an alarming history of engaging
in such 'anonymous' Internet attacks against those who he believes may
have slighted him (including past employers), and, absent a TRO, will
continue his historical pattern of making outrageous and harmful
attacks against the material business interests of Belfort Instrument,
reads Belfort's complaint, filed earlier this month in Baltimore
County Circuit Court. Belfort, which obtained a temporary restraining
order against Decker on Nov. 15, is suing him for misappropriating
trade secrets, breach of contract, defamation and tortious
interference with contractual relations. The company is seeking $1
million. After consulting with his client, Belfort attorney Douglas W.
Desmarais declined to speak about the case. My client's position is
that this is a dispute that they have chosen to resolve through legal
channels, and they're going to let it play out through legal channels,
Desmarais said. Decker could not be located for comment; his phone
number is unlisted and a reverse search of his Annapolis, MD address
produced no results. According to the complaint, when Decker started
working for Belfort in 2001, he signed a contract promising that, if
he left the company, for two years afterward he would not say negative
things about it; if he did, he would face court action. He is also
bound by the Maryland Uniform Trade Secrets Act not to divulge
privileged information, Belfort says. Decker was fired on Oct. 20 of
this year and then started to harass his ex-girlfriend, still a
Belfort employee, via e- mail, the suit reads. He also allegedly e-
mailed the company's general mailbox anonymously, promising to fight
back against the company and drive it out of business. The company
also claims he called their customers and made untrue allegations.
Decker also used an Internet newsgroup to criticize the Belfort
product he had been in charge of marketing, the DigiWx AWOS digital
weather transmitter, calling it DigiSHIT, Belfort claims. He also
allegedly listed which of Belfort's customers were using DigiWx. The
motion does not state how Belfort knows that Decker is behind the
anonymous e-mails, phone calls and Internet postings, but a letter
from Desmarais to Decker warns that Belfort can easily trace the
communications to Decker. Belfort also claims that Decker has a
history of using pseudonyms to criticize whoever has offended [him] on
a particular day. Indeed, a search of Google's newsgroups shows lots
of chatter about Decker, including several posts purporting to
unmask him as the anonymous source of negative comments about

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