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  #1 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Trained Seals - or is it Pavlov's Dog?

Every time something happens in the news it becomes a political
issue. The latest school shooting, in Connecticut, proves it once
again. There must be 10 threads on this board about the shooting and
none of them can get beyond the gun control issue. There is much to
be discussed about the event beyond gun control. Or it doesn't need
to be discussed at all. But as usual it's become an on-going and
endless debate between a bunch of people on both sides who mouth the
same tiresome rhetoric along with a bunch of lies and deception -
anything to win the debate. Remember Richard Speck? He killed 9
nurses back in the late 60s - with a knife.

Now if you think I'm saying that because I'm pro gun, you're
wrong. I am not majorly concerned one way or the other with gun
control. I don't own one but am not opposed to those who do. I just
think it's pathetic the way these same old tiresome issues pop up
every time someone sees a chance to resurrect the gun debate. Maybe
you should be debated prayer in schools instead. If the kids had been
praying maybe it wouldn't have happened. Anyway, these stupid debates
reminded me of Richard Speck - one of the original mass killers of the
modern era. Hell, those kids were pretty small, and probably pretty
scared too. I'll bet the killer could have strangled nearly as many
as he shot. All it takes is time. Time. Time is the culprit.
Without time those kids would be alive today.

  #2 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Trained Seals - or is it Pavlov's Dog?

On Dec 17, 4:19*pm, Tommy Joe > wrote:
> * *Every time something happens in the news it becomes a political
> issue. *The latest school shooting, in Connecticut, proves it once
> again. *There must be 10 threads on this board about the shooting and
> none of them can get beyond the gun control issue. *There is much to
> be discussed about the event beyond gun control. *Or it doesn't need
> to be discussed at all. *But as usual it's become an on-going and
> endless debate between a bunch of people on both sides who mouth the
> same tiresome rhetoric along with a bunch of lies and deception -
> anything to win the debate. *Remember Richard Speck? *He killed 9
> nurses back in the late 60s - with a knife.
> * *Now if you think I'm saying that because I'm pro gun, you're
> wrong. *I am not majorly concerned one way or the other with gun
> control. *I don't own one but am not opposed to *those who do. *I just
> think it's pathetic the way these same old tiresome issues pop up
> every time someone sees a chance to resurrect the gun debate. *Maybe
> you should be debated prayer in schools instead. *If the kids had been
> praying maybe it wouldn't have happened. *Anyway, these stupid debates
> reminded me of Richard Speck - one of the original mass killers of the
> modern era. *Hell, those kids were pretty small, and probably pretty
> scared too. *I'll bet the killer could have strangled nearly as many
> as he shot. *All it takes is time. *Time. *Time is the culprit.
> Without time those kids would be alive today.
> TJ

I am training my dog to use an assualt rifle. I will untrain him when
pit bulls are banned.
  #3 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Trained Seals - or is it Pavlov's Dog?

In article >,
Tommy Joe > wrote:

> Every time something happens in the news it becomes a political
> issue. The latest school shooting, in Connecticut, proves it once
> again. There must be 10 threads on this board about the shooting and
> none of them can get beyond the gun control issue. There is much to
> be discussed about the event beyond gun control. Or it doesn't need
> to be discussed at all.

The real issue is the sad state of mental health care

But as usual it's become an on-going and
> endless debate between a bunch of people on both sides who mouth the
> same tiresome rhetoric along with a bunch of lies and deception -
> anything to win the debate. Remember Richard Speck? He killed 9
> nurses back in the late 60s - with a knife.

  #4 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Trained Seals - or is it Pavlov's Dog?

On Dec 17, 2:19*pm, Tommy Joe > wrote:
> * *Every time something happens in the news it becomes a political
> issue. *The latest school shooting, in Connecticut, proves it once
> again. *There must be 10 threads on this board about the shooting and
> none of them can get beyond the gun control issue. *There is much to
> be discussed about the event beyond gun control.

The white male whose sense of entitlement was violated and who seeks
revenge upon the world that hurt him so much. But that doesn't explain
shooting small kids. Only frustrated pedophile Hamilton exorcised his
need to take revenge on all humanity by shooting up a primary school,
in Dunblane, Scotland.

The unspoken message is, "Now, you'll be sorry that you treated me
like dirt," whatever dirt was. Total disconnect between those that
caused the alleged injuries and who will hurt the worst from his

Good article (P1 of 2) that somebody posted:

> Or it doesn't need
> to be discussed at all. *But as usual it's become an on-going and
> endless debate between a bunch of people on both sides who mouth the
> same tiresome rhetoric along with a bunch of lies and deception -
> anything to win the debate. *Remember Richard Speck? *He killed 9
> nurses back in the late 60s - with a knife.
> * *Now if you think I'm saying that because I'm pro gun, you're
> wrong. *I am not majorly concerned one way or the other with gun
> control. *I don't own one but am not opposed to *those who do. *I just
> think it's pathetic the way these same old tiresome issues pop up
> every time someone sees a chance to resurrect the gun debate.

In the past 20-30 years, atrocities committed by loser white males
have meant more gun restrictions on everyone else. Columbine broke the
chain, although VP Gore voted to break the tie. Note that he lost his
bid for the Presidency.

> you should be debated prayer in schools instead. *If the kids had been
> praying maybe it wouldn't have happened. *Anyway, these stupid debates
> reminded me of Richard Speck - one of the original mass killers of the
> modern era. *Hell, those kids were pretty small, and probably pretty
> scared too. *I'll bet the killer could have strangled nearly as many
> as he shot. *All it takes is time. *Time. *Time is the culprit.
> Without time those kids would be alive today.

The sick ****'s enduring legacy will be the Adam Lanza Memorial Gun
Control Act of 2013.
  #5 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Trained Seals - or is it Pavlov's Dog?

On Dec 17, 8:31*pm, "Malcom \"Mal\" Reynolds" <atlas-
> wrote:

> The real issue is the sad state of mental health care

That could be. Maybe everything is the real issue in it's own way
on it's own level. My point is not what the real issue is, it's that
everyone always tries to make an issue out of things for what they
perceive to be their own advancement - ammunition to support their
argument. People who are opposed to certain things might even hope
that something goes terribly wrong even at the expense of people so
they can make a point. We're all like that in some way, I guess. So
to me it's not an issue, just a passing moment of opportunity to talk
about something.


  #6 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Trained Seals - or is it Pavlov's Dog?

On Dec 18, 1:41*am, spamtrap1888 > wrote:

> In the past 20-30 years, atrocities committed by loser white males
> have meant more gun restrictions on everyone else. Columbine broke the
> chain, although VP Gore voted to break the tie. Note that he lost his
> bid for the Presidency.

I think atrocity is an equal opportunity field. We live in a
white society, so i suppose there are more white losers than losers of
other colors. I hate politics. I can't even find humor in it, and
believe me, I'm good at finding humor. I look for it. I hunt it
down. I must find humor, or I will run the risk of becoming no
different than the Connecticut mass killer dude. I must have humor to
lull me harmless. Please let me laugh. Please, for the love of God,
don't ever make me stop laughing.

  #7 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Trained Seals - or is it Pavlov's Dog?

On Dec 17, 6:42*pm, wrote:

> I am training my dog to use an assualt rifle. *I will untrain him when
> pit bulls are banned.

I'm training my dog to throw a knife. Before you dog even gets his
rifle loaded my dog's knife will be in your dog's chest, or face,
depending on which way your dog is looking as the knife is paw-powered
into your dog's most available spot.

  #8 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Trained Seals - or is it Pavlov's Dog?

Tommy Joe wrote:

> Every time something happens in the news it becomes a political
> issue. The latest school shooting, in Connecticut, proves it once
> again. There must be 10 threads on this board about the shooting and
> none of them can get beyond the gun control issue.

Because gun control (shortage of, to be precise) is what allowed that to
happen, you moron
"Un pasto senza vino e' come un giorno senza sole"
"A meal without wine is like a day without sun"
Anthelme Brillat Savarin

  #9 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Trained Seals - or is it Pavlov's Dog?

On Dec 18, 4:17*am, "ViLco" > wrote:
> Tommy Joe wrote:
> > * Every time something happens in the news it becomes a political
> > issue. *The latest school shooting, in Connecticut, proves it once
> > again. *There must be 10 threads on this board about the shooting and
> > none of them can get beyond the gun control issue.

> Because gun control (shortage of, to be precise) is what allowed that to
> happen, you moron
> --
> "Un pasto senza vino e' come un giorno senza sole"
> "A meal without wine is like a day without sun"
> Anthelme Brillat Savarin

Guns are low tech. They been around for hundreds of years. Way
before the internet. The Mafia will love guns to be outlawed. A
great business for them.

  #11 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Trained Seals - or is it Pavlov's Dog?

sf wrote:
> Low tech? How many muskets have been involved in mass shooting?

How much 18th century history do you know about mass shootings?
  #12 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Trained Seals - or is it Pavlov's Dog?

On Tue, 18 Dec 2012 14:44:22 -0500, Gary > wrote:

> sf wrote:
> >
> > Low tech? How many muskets have been involved in mass shooting?

> How much 18th century history do you know about mass shootings?

No details?

Food is an important part of a balanced diet.
  #13 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Trained Seals - or is it Pavlov's Dog?

In article >,
Tommy Joe > wrote:

> On Dec 17, 8:31*pm, "Malcom \"Mal\" Reynolds" <atlas-
> > wrote:
> > The real issue is the sad state of mental health care

> That could be. Maybe everything is the real issue in it's own way
> on it's own level. My point is not what the real issue is, it's that
> everyone always tries to make an issue out of things for what they
> perceive to be their own advancement - ammunition to support their
> argument. People who are opposed to certain things might even hope
> that something goes terribly wrong even at the expense of people so
> they can make a point. We're all like that in some way, I guess. So
> to me it's not an issue, just a passing moment of opportunity to talk
> about something.
> TJ

so your real issue is to make an argument that people will make arguments for
their own advancement...which would be making an argument for your own
  #16 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Trained Seals - or is it Pavlov's Dog?

On Tue, 18 Dec 2012 23:32:45 -0500, "J. Clarke"
> wrote:

> I dunno how many muskets it took, but they managed to kill 74,000 at
> Borodino.

Get back to me when you can tell me about one person killing almost 30
people in single digit minutes, pumping up to 11 bullets into several
different bodies with a musket.

Food is an important part of a balanced diet.
  #18 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Trained Seals - or is it Pavlov's Dog?

On Dec 18, 5:17*am, "ViLco" > wrote:

> Because gun control (shortage of, to be precise) is what allowed that to
> happen, you moron

You're the moron because you're fixated on only one aspect of the
situation, the one you deem most important to you. If someone put a
gun to my head (hah hah), and forced me to choose, I'd probably veer
toward the right to own guns crowd, but I'm not all adamant about it,
and I'll tell you why. So-called issues such as gun control, prayer
in school, capital punishment and so forth have been around for
decades for the simple reason that they will never be totally
resolved, at least not very soon, so they are given to the stupid
voters as issues to be debated all the way up to the voting booth.
Debated but never resolved. On purpose. Addressing the real issues
are too complicated for people and require sacrifices and open
thinking, and most people are not ready for that. The killings will

Gun or no gun, they will go on,
  #19 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Trained Seals - or is it Pavlov's Dog?

On Dec 18, 2:10*pm, sf > wrote:

> Low tech? *How many muskets have been involved in mass shooting?

Bring back the musket. Or the old cannon. Just wheel it in and
let 'er rip.

  #20 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Trained Seals - or is it Pavlov's Dog?

On Dec 18, 2:44*pm, Gary > wrote:

> How much 18th century history do you know about mass shootings? *

That's why the gun debate is so worthless and is brought up only
because most people can speak only in rehearsed script. There were
plenty of mass killings in the 18th century. Poison was one big way.
You can go to the library and get all sort of books of mass murders
through the ages. So you take away the guns and maybe less people die
all at once, but the dark intent continues to fester within the killer
and will emerge one way or the other regardless what weapon is used.
Maybe one day they'll come out with a cellphone-camera-gun that shoots
small bullets while at the same time automatically snapping pictures
of the event. Cool man, it's all about modern technology.


  #21 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Trained Seals - or is it Pavlov's Dog?

On Dec 18, 4:17*pm, "Malcom \"Mal\" Reynolds" <atlas-
> wrote:

> so your real issue is to make an argument that people will make arguments for
> their own advancement...which would be making an argument for your own
> advancement

I suppose you could say that. But at least my argument is one of
my own choosing, not some token issue that's been around for decades
and won't go away because the argument bolsters the voting process.
They don't care who you vote for as long as you get out there and
vote. Funniest and stupidest of all are those who might disagree with
a candidate on all issues except for one - the one they most care
about. People get lost in debate, a place where lies and deception
are fair play as long as it helps win your argument - which of course
it never will, because as I said before, these issues are intended to
bolster the voting process, nothing more.

  #22 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Trained Seals - or is it Pavlov's Dog?

On Dec 18, 11:32*pm, "J. Clarke" > wrote:

> I dunno how many muskets it took, but they managed to kill 74,000 at
> Borodino.

Necessity is the mother of invention. When in the course of
human events it becomes necessary to kill a bunch of people, at that
time, gun or no gun, we will see just how creative people can get.

  #23 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Trained Seals - or is it Pavlov's Dog?

On Dec 19, 1:33*am, sf > wrote:

> Get back to me when you can tell me about one person killing almost 30
> people in single digit minutes, pumping up to 11 bullets into several
> different bodies with a musket.

Bombs work pretty good, better than guns actually, although they
don't give the killer the thrill of direct hand to eye contact
killing. But they do work. I read in today's paper (I get my news
late and I like it that way), that the killer's mother home schooled
him. Maybe home schooling causes murder. We need to look into this.
Maybe we can make it as big an issue as gun control so we'll have one
more thing to debate about next election time.

  #24 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Trained Seals - or is it Pavlov's Dog?

On Dec 19, 1:36*am, sf > wrote:

> Which made it an ideal place for that to happen. *Just think, his
> mother was his first victim and if she had a gun she could have
> stopped the carnage before it happened. *Oh wait....

Oh, so his mom would know he's coming to kill her? Why would she
know or suspect such a thing if there weren't a reason? So the
reality is, if she had a gun he would have killed her and added her
gun to his arsenal. But maybe that one extra gun would have weighed
him down or put him somewhat off balance so he moved slower and less
stealthy, allowing himself to be bum rushed by intended victims, taken
down and beaten to death in a howling mass of human fists.

  #25 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Trained Seals - or is it Pavlov's Dog?

J. Clarke wrote:

>> Because gun control (shortage of, to be precise) is what allowed
>> that to happen, you moron

> Actually, Connecticut has most of the gun control laws that gun
> control advocates claim to want, and all of them were obeyed by the
> owner of the guns, so what "shortage of gun control" do you believe
> allowed it to happen?

Those laws allowed the mother of the killer to keep those weapons unlocked,
then it's exactly as I'm saying: not enough gun control.
"Un pasto senza vino e' come un giorno senza sole"
"A meal without wine is like a day without sun"
Anthelme Brillat Savarin

  #26 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Trained Seals - or is it Pavlov's Dog?

sf wrote:

>> Actually, Connecticut has most of the gun control laws that gun
>> control advocates claim to want, and all of them were obeyed by the
>> owner of the guns, so what "shortage of gun control" do you believe
>> allowed it to happen?

> Which made it an ideal place for that to happen. Just think, his
> mother was his first victim and if she had a gun she could have
> stopped the carnage before it happened. Oh wait....

Exactly, the bitch was full of weapons and this is what she got
"Un pasto senza vino e' come un giorno senza sole"
"A meal without wine is like a day without sun"
Anthelme Brillat Savarin

  #27 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Trained Seals - or is it Pavlov's Dog?

ViLco > wrote:

>"Un pasto senza vino e' come un giorno senza sole"
>"A meal without wine is like a day without sun"
> Anthelme Brillat Savarin

This explains why goths drink Jaegermeister.

  #28 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Trained Seals - or is it Pavlov's Dog?

Tommy Joe wrote:

>> Because gun control (shortage of, to be precise) is what allowed
>> that to happen, you moron

> You're the moron because you're fixated on only one aspect of the
> situation, the one you deem most important to you.

No, beecause it IS the most important. Instead of posting nonsense, why
don't you tell me which is the aspect of THIS situation that you consider
the most important?
[worthless blabber snipped]
"Un pasto senza vino e' come un giorno senza sole"
"A meal without wine is like a day without sun"
Anthelme Brillat Savarin

  #31 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Trained Seals - or is it Pavlov's Dog?

In article >,
Tommy Joe > wrote:

> On Dec 18, 4:17*pm, "Malcom \"Mal\" Reynolds" <atlas-
> > wrote:
> > so your real issue is to make an argument that people will make arguments
> > for
> > their own advancement...which would be making an argument for your own
> > advancement

> I suppose you could say that. But at least my argument is one of
> my own choosing, not some token issue that's been around for decades
> and won't go away because the argument bolsters the voting process.
> They don't care who you vote for as long as you get out there and
> vote. Funniest and stupidest of all are those who might disagree with
> a candidate on all issues except for one - the one they most care
> about. People get lost in debate, a place where lies and deception
> are fair play as long as it helps win your argument - which of course
> it never will, because as I said before, these issues are intended to
> bolster the voting process, nothing more.
> TJ

I'm all for bolstering the voting process. But I'd start by not allowing anyone
with multiple DUI's the luxury of voting. I'd then extend it to anyone convicted
of 3 or more felony convictions

After that, I'd give more money to teach history/civics and even geography in
High School
  #32 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Trained Seals - or is it Pavlov's Dog?

On Dec 19, 5:12*am, "ViLco" > wrote:
> Tommy Joe wrote:

> >> Because gun control (shortage of, to be precise) is what allowed
> >> that to happen, you moron

> > * *You're the moron because you're fixated on only one aspect of the
> > situation, the one you deem most important to you.

> No, because it IS the most important. Instead of posting nonsense, why
> don't you tell me which is the aspect of THIS situation that you consider
> the most important?
> [worthless blabber snipped]

Oh, I don't know. How about mental illness? How about just
accepting in a country of 300 plus million every so often something
bad is going to happen? How about maybe the kid was a little off, so
the mother kept him at home for what she thought was his own good but
maybe wasn't? Most of all though, how about shit happens? All we get
in the papers are unverifiable reports of suicide bombings from the
middle east. But it seems we have our own share of suicide-murders
right here at home. The last few of these types of shootings involved
the killer disposing of himself before the cops arrive. I'll bet it
really disappoints the heavily armed cops to arrive all juiced up for
the kill to find that the object of their burning desire has already
disposed of himself. The world is nuts. People walking around with
their faces jammed into cell phone screens, everyone in a big rush.
It's an open air asylum. And everyone wants to know what's wrong.
It's sickening when people play that game, pretending not to know what
many or most or maybe all of us really know deep inside. Instead it's
always much easier when shit like this happens to say, "What's going
on, why is this happening?", and to turn to debates about gun control
rather than address deeper issues or maybe even better not address
them at all. Shit happens. Is that explanation good enough? Thanks.

Now you may return to your tiresome debate with the same tiresome
opinions from both sides. Have fun.

  #33 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Trained Seals - or is it Pavlov's Dog?

On Dec 19, 3:25*pm, "Malcom \"Mal\" Reynolds" <atlas-
> wrote:

> I'm all for bolstering the voting process. But I'd start by not allowing anyone
> with multiple DUI's the luxury of voting. I'd then extend it to anyone convicted
> of 3 or more felony convictions
> After that, I'd give more money to teach history/civics and even geography in
> High School

I think it would be very hard to outlaw guns. Oh, they could
be outlawed, but they're not going to disappear. So we must think
beyond the gun. I say cut off everyone's hands at the wrists.
Everyone, guilty or not. This way, no matter how many guns are
around, it will take us probably a good 20 or 30 years to learn how to
shoot a weapon with our feet or some other way. In the span of 20 to
30 years we should be able to come up with an answer. Then we can
allow our future generations to keep their hands. As for school,
sorry, don't agree that money means a thing. School is a day camp,
nothing more. Some are like prisons. I know I looked at it that way,
which is why I quit when I was 15. I urge others to do the same. The
ABCs are important. After that, knowing when Ben Franklin was born or
knowing the list of Presidents from the first to the last is
meaningless. I'm also sick of hearing about teacher pay. They get
enough. And whether people want to admit it or not, their duties are
no more important to a society than those of a garbage collector or
construction worker or anybody else. If they think getting paid more
is going to make them better teachers, then on that basis alone they
are in the wrong profession. And that brings us to the real problem -
that too many people are doing what they don't like. I don't have the
answer. But I do know that most people are very unhappy with their
jobs, and I don't blame them - because jobs suck even more than school
did - and schools are nothing but day camps to keep the kids off the
streets and prepare them for a life as a slave in the work force.

  #34 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Trained Seals - or is it Pavlov's Dog?

"Tommy Joe" > wrote in message

Oh, I don't know. How about mental illness? How about just
accepting in a country of 300 plus million every so often something
bad is going to happen?

egads! From the National Institute of Mental Health:

"Mental disorders are common in the United States and internationally. An
estimated 26.2 percent of Americans ages 18 and older - about one in four
adults - suffer from a diagnosable mental disorder in a given year.1 When
applied to the 2004 U.S. Census residential population estimate for ages 18
and older, this figure translates to 57.7 million people.2 Even though
mental disorders are widespread in the population, the main burden of
illness is concentrated in a much smaller proportion - about 6 percent, or 1
in 17 - who suffer from a serious mental illness.1 In addition, mental
disorders are the leading cause of disability in the U.S. and Canada.3 Many
people suffer from more than one mental disorder at a given time. Nearly
half (45 percent) of those with any mental disorder meet criteria for 2 or
more disorders, with severity strongly related to comorbidity."

  #35 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default 1 in 17

> Even though mental disorders are widespread in the population, the main
> burden of illness is concentrated in a much smaller proportion - about 6
> percent, or 1 in 17 - who suffer from a serious mental illness."


Are there more than 16 people that post here?

  #36 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default 1 in 17

On Dec 19, 4:15*pm, "Somebody" > wrote:
> > Even though mental disorders are widespread in the population, the main
> > burden of illness is concentrated in a much smaller proportion - about 6
> > percent, or 1 in 17 - who suffer from a serious mental illness."
> >

> Are there more than 16 people that post here?'s just you and me, dude.
  #37 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Trained Seals - or is it Pavlov's Dog?

In article >,
Tommy Joe > wrote:

> On Dec 19, 3:25*pm, "Malcom \"Mal\" Reynolds" <atlas-
> > wrote:
> > I'm all for bolstering the voting process. But I'd start by not allowing
> > anyone
> > with multiple DUI's the luxury of voting. I'd then extend it to anyone
> > convicted
> > of 3 or more felony convictions
> >
> > After that, I'd give more money to teach history/civics and even geography
> > in
> > High School

> I think it would be very hard to outlaw guns. Oh, they could
> be outlawed, but they're not going to disappear. So we must think
> beyond the gun. I say cut off everyone's hands at the wrists.
> Everyone, guilty or not. This way, no matter how many guns are
> around, it will take us probably a good 20 or 30 years to learn how to
> shoot a weapon with our feet or some other way. In the span of 20 to
> 30 years we should be able to come up with an answer. Then we can
> allow our future generations to keep their hands. As for school,
> sorry, don't agree that money means a thing. School is a day camp,
> nothing more. Some are like prisons. I know I looked at it that way,
> which is why I quit when I was 15. I urge others to do the same. The
> ABCs are important. After that, knowing when Ben Franklin was born or
> knowing the list of Presidents from the first to the last is
> meaningless. I'm also sick of hearing about teacher pay. They get
> enough. And whether people want to admit it or not, their duties are
> no more important to a society than those of a garbage collector or
> construction worker or anybody else. If they think getting paid more
> is going to make them better teachers, then on that basis alone they
> are in the wrong profession. And that brings us to the real problem -
> that too many people are doing what they don't like. I don't have the
> answer. But I do know that most people are very unhappy with their
> jobs, and I don't blame them - because jobs suck even more than school
> did - and schools are nothing but day camps to keep the kids off the
> streets and prepare them for a life as a slave in the work force.
> TJ

so you are just looking for ways to enter/extend the discussion, despite your
apparent loathing of it


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urna pharetra neque, non luctus arcu diam vitae justo. Vivamus lacinia
scelerisque ultricies. Nunc lobortis elit ligula. Aliquam sollicitudin nunc sed
est gravida ac viverra tellus ullamcorper. Vivamus non nisi suscipit nisi
egestas venenatis. Donec vitae arcu id urna euismod feugiat. Vivamus porta
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volutpat aliquet sagittis. Proin nisi magna, molestie id volutpat in, tincidunt
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accumsan odio. Sed ut mi iaculis eros rutrum tristique ut nec mi. Aliquam nec
augue dui, in mattis urna. In pretium metus eu diam blandit accumsan. Ut eu
lorem sed odio porttitor blandit.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras lobortis volutpat
commodo. Morbi lobortis, massa fringilla adipiscing suscipit, velit urna
pharetra neque, non luctus arcu diam vitae justo. Vivamus lacinia scelerisque
ultricies. Nunc lobortis elit ligula. Aliquam sollicitudin nunc sed est gravida
ac viverra tellus ullamcorper. Vivamus non nisi suscipit nisi egestas venenatis.
Donec vitae arcu id urna euismod feugiat. Vivamus porta lobortis ultricies.
Nulla adipiscing tellus a neque vehicula porta. Maecenas volutpat aliquet
sagittis. Proin nisi magna, molestie id volutpat in, tincidunt sed dolor. Nullam
nisi erat, aliquet scelerisque sagittis vitae, pretium accumsan odio. Sed ut mi
iaculis eros rutrum tristique ut nec mi. Aliquam nec augue dui, in mattis urna.
In pretium metus eu diam blandit accumsan. Ut eu lorem sed odio porttitor
blandit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras lobortis
volutpat commodo. Morbi lobortis, massa fringilla adipiscing suscipit, velit
urna pharetra neque, non luctus arcu diam vitae justo. Vivamus lacinia
scelerisque ultricies. Nunc lobortis elit ligula. Aliquam sollicitudin nunc sed
est gravida ac viverra tellus ullamcorper. Vivamus non nisi suscipit nisi
egestas venenatis. Donec vitae arcu id urna euismod feugiat. Vivamus porta
lobortis ultricies. Nulla adipiscing tellus a neque vehicula porta. Maecenas
volutpat aliquet sagittis. Proin nisi magna, molestie id volutpat in, tincidunt
sed dolor. Nullam nisi erat, aliquet scelerisque sagittis vitae, pretium
accumsan odio. Sed ut mi iaculis eros rutrum tristique ut nec mi. Aliquam nec
augue dui, in mattis urna. In pretium metus eu diam blandit accumsan. Ut eu
lorem sed odio porttitor blandit.
  #38 (permalink)   Report Post  
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external usenet poster
Posts: 2,166
Default Trained Seals - or is it Pavlov's Dog?

On Dec 19, 7:11*pm, "Somebody" > wrote:
> "Tommy Joe" > wrote in message
> ...
> * *Oh, I don't know. *How about mental illness? *How about just
> accepting in a country of 300 plus million every so often something
> bad is going to happen?
> ---
> egads! *From the National Institute of Mental Health:
> "Mental disorders are common in the United States and internationally. An
> estimated 26.2 percent of Americans ages 18 and older - about one in four
> adults - suffer from a diagnosable mental disorder in a given year.1 When
> applied to the 2004 U.S. Census residential population estimate for ages 18
> and older, this figure translates to 57.7 million people.2 Even though
> mental disorders are widespread in the population, the main burden of
> illness is concentrated in a much smaller proportion - about 6 percent, or 1
> in 17 - who suffer from a serious mental illness.1 In addition, mental
> disorders are the leading cause of disability in the U.S. and Canada.3 Many
> people suffer from more than one mental disorder at a given time. Nearly
> half (45 percent) of those with any mental disorder meet criteria for 2 or
> more disorders, with severity strongly related to comorbidity."

I don't read that crap. Do you feel that quoting others and
placing links at the end of your posts lend some sort of credence to
them? I'm sorry, I can't lie, I just can't bring myself to read that
crap. If I wanted to read it I'm sure I already would know pretty
much everything there is to know about the subject.

  #39 (permalink)   Report Post  
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external usenet poster
Posts: 2,976
Default Trained Seals - or is it Pavlov's Dog?

Malcom "Mal" Reynolds wrote:

> I'm all for bolstering the voting process. But I'd start by not allowing anyone
> with multiple DUI's the luxury of voting. I'd then extend it to anyone convicted
> of 3 or more felony convictions
> After that, I'd give more money to teach history/civics and even geography in
> High School

I agree, but that's not enough. The right to vote should be contingent on
demonstrating basic civic literacy. In this country, that would require a
Constitutional amendment, unfortunately.

  #40 (permalink)   Report Post  
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external usenet poster
Posts: 2,976
Default Trained Seals - or is it Pavlov's Dog?

ViLco wrote:

> > How do you know that they were kept unlocked?

> So how did her son get to them?

Do you imagine she secured them with a Magical Padlock that is impervious
to ordinary tools?

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