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  #441 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Are there any people in this ng that actually like each other?

"sf" > wrote in message
> On Sun, 23 Dec 2012 10:02:12 +1100, "Farm1" >
> wrote:
>> "Tommy Joe" > wrote in message
>> On Dec 22, 5:48 am, "Farm1" > wrote:
>> > Yup. There are a lot of people who aren't content. I'm not one of them
>> > though - like you I am very content.

>> I'm easily content, but that doesn't mean I'm not a bitcher. Oh,
>> I'm a moaner all right. But yes, I am easily content. The bed, the
>> tv, just being alive. I go in Thursday for an age-related (65),
>> interview for supplemental social security income. I don't qualify
>> for actual social security as I never worked enough quarters.
>> ________________________________________
>> ???? I don't understand that. ALL old people in this country who are
>> poor
>> get a government pension. Those of us who were fortunate enough to earn
>> a
>> lot and thus aren't poor, don't get a government pension. Are old poor
>> people just abandoned by your government?
>> All my
>> jobs have been menial minimum wage types that didn't allow me to save
>> money. If I worked for a check, which I did not do most years driving
>> the cab, I always claimed nine dependents, which is legal, because I
>> wanted the full check, not the pay back at the end of the year. I
>> didn't make enough and needed every cent to get by. I really hope
>> they don't hand me any bullshit down there, which I expect with those
>> people. Once I start getting those $675 checks every month I will be
>> content beyond belief save for the encroachment of life threatening
>> illness and so forth. Yes, even though I'm a bitcher and a moaner, I
>> am indeed more easily content that the average ladder climbing
>> asshole. Thanks for that.
>> ______________________________
>> How on earth do you survive on so little money? It's admirable that you
>> can
>> survive, but that you get so little seems truly obscene to me.

> Don't believe anything he has to say.

Well this post sounds unlike some of his other posts when quite clearly he's
having a lend of us. This one feasible.

  #442 (permalink)   Report Post  
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On Dec 23, 11:24*pm, "Farm1" > wrote:
"sf" > wrote in message

> >> How on earth do you survive on so little money? *It's admirable that you
> >> can survive, but that you get so little seems truly obscene to me.


> > Don't believe anything he has to say.

> Well this post sounds unlike some of his other posts when quite clearly he's
> having a lend of us. *This one feasible.

Man it's just incredible the degree of unnecessary hate. I don't
know exactly what you two are talking about, but I know I'm involved.
I just want you to know that I am an open book. Brooklyn1 said that
recently. But I am more open than anyone I know. I have nothing to
hide. I do not lie. If I say something is true, it's true. I write
some wild crap just for laughs, and I think it's obvious when I do
it. I do not like being categorized as a phony when I am very open
and have posted my full name and even my address and phone number in
the few newsgroups I've visited. I have nothing to hide. It galls me
to think that people think wrongly of me. It galls me even more to
think that maybe they do it even when they know their thoughts are
false. That is sickening.

  #443 (permalink)   Report Post  
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"Farm1" > wrote in message

> Weren't you complaining just yesterday about Dave Smith?

yes, but I got over it... You made me re-think if I was maybe being too
rash... he's okay.

  #444 (permalink)   Report Post  
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"Ophelia" > wrote in message
> "Farm1" > wrote in message
> ...
>> "Ophelia" > wrote in message
>>> "Farm1" > wrote in message
>>> ...
>>>> "gtr" > wrote in message
>>>>> What does occasionally get my teeth grinding, though, is when I see
>>>>> people abuse others. And the dissemination of opinion-as-fact is
>>>>> bothersome, not in an emotional but in an intellectual way.
>>>> I can empathise with that. I also feel the hairs on the back of my
>>>> neck
>>>> creep up when posters say 'you should..' or 'you need to...'. But I
>>>> often
>>>> find that the people who do that aren't all that literate (or
>>>> alternatively they are just control freaks).
>>> Oh, the irony!

>> I'm not hypocritical enough to respond with a 'smile'.
>> You might try really reading Hyacinth Bucket rather than just being a
>> toady to her. But I know that won't happen either.

> Have you not got it into your thick head yet. I Am Not Interested In
> Joining In With Your Fighting!!!!!!!! I am fed up with telling you and
> your pal that you are wasting your time.

Yoohoo! Earth to Ophelia! You HAVE been fighting.

You usually manage to goad me into
> responding, but I like this newsgroup and I won't allow YOU to use ME to
> spoil it again. UNDERSTAND??? Now **** off and give us peace!!!

I did tell you that you were thin skinned and yet again you've demonstrated
it. Self knowledge helps a whole heap when it comes to surviving usenet.

  #445 (permalink)   Report Post  
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"Somebody" > wrote in message
> "Ophelia" > wrote in message
> ...
>> Have you not got it into your thick head yet. I Am Not Interested In
>> Joining In With Your Fighting!!!!!!!! I am fed up with telling you and
>> your pal that you are wasting your time. You usually manage to goad
>> me into responding, but I like this newsgroup and I won't allow YOU to
>> use ME to spoil it again. UNDERSTAND??? Now **** off and give us
>> peace!!!

> That was irony.... right? You did not use the irony emoticon though so
> not sure.
> Like many posts here, your response was either very funny or very
> disturbing.

Perhaps being 'disturbed' comes with the name?

  #446 (permalink)   Report Post  
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"Tommy Joe" > wrote in message

what happened to the Steelers?? They did not show it here, made some fried
potatoes with cheese and got already watch it. And damn Colts were on.

You may be right about them need a new coach. What is Chuck Knoll doing
these days?

  #447 (permalink)   Report Post  
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"jmcquown" > wrote in message
> On 12/23/2012 6:12 AM, Gary wrote:
>> Somebody wrote:
>>> "sf" > wrote in message
>>> ...
>>>> You can jump in anywhere and enjoy the moment. If you really, really
>>>> want to know their character's backgrounds - it's all on the internet.
>>> I found the pilot and next show. Will give it a try... Do they do any
>>> cooking on the show?

>> No cooking on the show. They are seen either eating in the cafeteria at
>> CalTech (where they all work) or they eat take-out at home. Check your
>> tv
>> guide. If you have cable you can find the shows every evening.

> They do sometimes cook pancakes for breakfast!

And Sheldon has put a face on his toast as he cooked it. Then there was the
meal prepared by Amy Farrah Fowler for Sheldon with pink milk and pasta
shapes. And then there are Sehldon's Mum's meals full of fat and designed
to have a man die fat at 50 but witha smile on his face. Even the food is
funny IMO.

  #448 (permalink)   Report Post  
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"jmcquown" > wrote in message
> I never had much luck on the maternal Scottish side with

For that you need Scotland's People.

I tried to give a URL but it was aobut 5 lines long for some reason - foudn
easily enough by Google.

  #449 (permalink)   Report Post  
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"S Viemeister" > wrote in message
> On 12/23/2012 11:29 AM, jmcquown wrote:
>> On 12/23/2012 10:56 AM, Ophelia wrote:

>>> If you work on your family history, you might find information to go
>>> with
>>> the names on those photos Genes Reunited and are great
>>> places to start

>> I never had much luck on the maternal Scottish side with
>> And frankly, it was wasted money so I cancelled the subscription. I've
>> got some paperwork and some photos of my maternal grandmother's parents
>> and aunts and uncles, but not many. I'm content to just look at them
>> from time to time.

> For Scottish ancestry, this site is much more useful than Ancestry -
> <>

Dang! How did you manage to get that and I got 5 lines! Sometimes
computers give me the irrits!

  #450 (permalink)   Report Post  
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"l not -l" > wrote in message
> On 23-Dec-2012, "Somebody" > wrote:
>> "jmcquown" > wrote in message
>> > On 12/23/2012 6:12 AM, Gary wrote:
>> >> Somebody wrote:
>> >>>
>> >>> "sf" > wrote in message
>> >>> ...
>> >>>> You can jump in anywhere and enjoy the moment. If you really,
>> >>>> really
>> >>>> want to know their character's backgrounds - it's all on the
>> >>>> internet.
>> >>>>
>> >>>
>> >>> I found the pilot and next show. Will give it a try... Do they
>> >>> do any
>> >>> cooking on the show?
>> >>
>> >> No cooking on the show. They are seen either eating in the
>> >> cafeteria at
>> >> CalTech (where they all work) or they eat take-out at home. Check
>> >> your
>> >> tv
>> >> guide. If you have cable you can find the shows every evening.
>> >>
>> > They do sometimes cook pancakes for breakfast!
>> >
>> > Jill

>> are there any jews on the show?

> Yes, the character Howard Wolowitz.

I suspect Somebody is reeling fast now the hook has been taken.....

  #451 (permalink)   Report Post  
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On Mon, 24 Dec 2012 15:18:57 +1100, "Farm1" >

> "sf" > wrote in message
> > On Sun, 23 Dec 2012 08:57:58 +1100, "Farm1" >
> > wrote:
> >> "sf" > wrote in message
> >> > On Sat, 22 Dec 2012 09:22:29 -0500, jmcquown >
> >> > wrote:
> >> >
> >> >> From what I remember, there has *always* been some
> >> >> contention among the ranks.
> >> >
> >> > Ditto and some of the most revered were the worst. IMO they were
> >> > pompous asses and expected theirs to be continually kissed.
> >>
> >> LOL. That sounds exactly like the UK food group.
> >>

> > <smile> Yup. I put my kill file to good use and that cleared the
> > field. I still step on land mines every now and then, but I'm
> > learning to recognize when I'm being set up so it's not nearly as bad
> > as before.

> :-)) Progress then. I've decided I like this group. No sign of British
> class cringe, lots of interesting people, lots of smart people and the usual
> cast of 'others'.

Heh! Okay, truth be told I thought you were "one of them" in the
other group... but you're a really great poster (IMO) over here. I
see that you and O have bad blood between you here, but I didn't see
it over there. Maybe you two can clear it up here, maybe not. I see
someone I have killed in both groups as being the cause of it all. It
may not be true, but that's my perspective.

Food is an important part of a balanced diet.
  #452 (permalink)   Report Post  
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On Sun, 23 Dec 2012 21:29:52 -0500, "Somebody" >

> "Jean B." > wrote in message
> ...
> > Makes me wonder whether I was lurking like you were.

> perhaps we should take a lurker roll call?

I, for one, don't care. I could claim to be a lurker back then, as
could you and no one would be able to fact check if it was true or
not. <shrug>

Food is an important part of a balanced diet.
  #453 (permalink)   Report Post  
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"sf" > wrote in message

> I see that you and O have bad blood between you here,

Oprah posts here?

  #454 (permalink)   Report Post  
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"Tommy Joe" > wrote in message
On Dec 22, 5:56 pm, "Farm1" > wrote:
"Tommy Joe" > wrote in message

> I hate being told that my ideas however corny have already been
> done or considered by others. It ****es me off. Makes me want to
> kill. Where's that ****ing gun?

> LOL. Do you ever wonder if people might take you seriously when you say
> things like that?

Maybe it's selfish, but I really don't give it a lot of thought.
I'm pretty diplomatic in real life. But in a newsgroup or in the
company of friends I can let it fly. I figure if people can't
separate the real from the fake, especially when it's obvious, which
it usually is in my opinion, then it's no loss to me. I would prefer
they recognize the difference between being serious and being funny.
But if they can't, there is nothing I can do about it. So yes, I have
considered your question - but overall I don't think that it matters
much, it's not like a life and death type situation and no one is
going to get hurt. No harm, no foul.

I think that is a pretty decent sort of summation.

  #455 (permalink)   Report Post  
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"Tommy Joe" > wrote in message
On Dec 22, 6:02 pm, "Farm1" > wrote:

> How on earth do you survive on so little money? It's admirable that you
> can
> survive, but that you get so little seems truly obscene to me.

Will these
bureaucrats try to give me a hard time about the cash I had in the
bank that is suddenly not there?
having been a bureacrat for years you need to make it look right. Take it
out in larger amounts at reasonable times. For example, $500 'spent' (or
really just removed from an account) just before Xmas would be reasonable.

but I sure aint gonna complain
about the amount as long as it's enough to pay the rent and buy the
Far enough.

  #456 (permalink)   Report Post  
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"jmcquown" > wrote in message


This is one of my favourite scenes:

  #457 (permalink)   Report Post  
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"Tommy Joe" > wrote in message
On Dec 23, 11:24 pm, "Farm1" > wrote:
"sf" > wrote in message

> >> How on earth do you survive on so little money? It's admirable that you
> >> can survive, but that you get so little seems truly obscene to me.


> > Don't believe anything he has to say.

> Well this post sounds unlike some of his other posts when quite clearly
> he's
> having a lend of us. This one feasible.

Man it's just incredible the degree of unnecessary hate. I don't
know exactly what you two are talking about, but I know I'm involved.
sf says I shoudn't believe you. I said that your post about money was
feasible whereas some of your other posts are leg pulling.

I just want you to know that I am an open book. Brooklyn1 said that
recently. But I am more open than anyone I know. I have nothing to
hide. I do not lie. If I say something is true, it's true. I write
some wild crap just for laughs, and I think it's obvious when I do
So do I. That is what 'have a lend of' means.

  #458 (permalink)   Report Post  
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"sf" > wrote in message
> On Mon, 24 Dec 2012 15:18:57 +1100, "Farm1" >
> wrote:
>> "sf" > wrote in message
>> > On Sun, 23 Dec 2012 08:57:58 +1100, "Farm1" >
>> > wrote:
>> >> "sf" > wrote in message
>> >> > On Sat, 22 Dec 2012 09:22:29 -0500, jmcquown >
>> >> > wrote:
>> >> >
>> >> >> From what I remember, there has *always* been some
>> >> >> contention among the ranks.
>> >> >
>> >> > Ditto and some of the most revered were the worst. IMO they were
>> >> > pompous asses and expected theirs to be continually kissed.
>> >>
>> >> LOL. That sounds exactly like the UK food group.
>> >>
>> > <smile> Yup. I put my kill file to good use and that cleared the
>> > field. I still step on land mines every now and then, but I'm
>> > learning to recognize when I'm being set up so it's not nearly as bad
>> > as before.

>> :-)) Progress then. I've decided I like this group. No sign of British
>> class cringe, lots of interesting people, lots of smart people and the
>> usual
>> cast of 'others'.

> Heh! Okay, truth be told I thought you were "one of them" in the
> other group...

LOL. Well you would thik that if you got sucked in by anything Mrs Bucket

but you're a really great poster (IMO) over here. I
> see that you and O have bad blood between you here, but I didn't see
> it over there.

There is indeed bad blood between us.

Maybe you two can clear it up here, maybe not. I see
> someone I have killed in both groups as being the cause of it all. It
> may not be true, but that's my perspective.

Well my preference when reading is to read people who are not prone to
hysteria and who have an active and functioning brain. Queen Bee
personalities are too high maintenance for my tastes.

  #459 (permalink)   Report Post  
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On Mon, 24 Dec 2012 16:45:43 +1100, "Farm1" >

> "Tommy Joe" > wrote in message
> ...
> On Dec 23, 11:24 pm, "Farm1" > wrote:
> "sf" > wrote in message
> > >> How on earth do you survive on so little money? It's admirable that you
> > >> can survive, but that you get so little seems truly obscene to me.

> >

> > > Don't believe anything he has to say.

> > Well this post sounds unlike some of his other posts when quite clearly
> > he's
> > having a lend of us. This one feasible.

> Man it's just incredible the degree of unnecessary hate. I don't
> know exactly what you two are talking about, but I know I'm involved.
> __________________________________
> sf says I shoudn't believe you. I said that your post about money was
> feasible whereas some of your other posts are leg pulling.
> I just want you to know that I am an open book. Brooklyn1 said that
> recently. But I am more open than anyone I know. I have nothing to
> hide. I do not lie. If I say something is true, it's true. I write
> some wild crap just for laughs, and I think it's obvious when I do
> it.
> ________________________________________________
> So do I. That is what 'have a lend of' means.

His version of "leg pulling" is just plain lying, IMO, and that whine
about how little money he has to survive on is just another one of

Food is an important part of a balanced diet.
  #460 (permalink)   Report Post  
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On Mon, 24 Dec 2012 16:28:41 +1100, "Farm1" >

> "Tommy Joe" > wrote in message
> ...
> On Dec 22, 6:02 pm, "Farm1" > wrote:
> > How on earth do you survive on so little money? It's admirable that you
> > can
> > survive, but that you get so little seems truly obscene to me.

> Will these
> bureaucrats try to give me a hard time about the cash I had in the
> bank that is suddenly not there?
> ________________________________________
> having been a bureacrat for years you need to make it look right. Take it
> out in larger amounts at reasonable times. For example, $500 'spent' (or
> really just removed from an account) just before Xmas would be reasonable.
> but I sure aint gonna complain
> about the amount as long as it's enough to pay the rent and buy the
> food.
> __________________________
> Far enough.

Did I hear a tiny violin playing in the background? Ah, yes... I did.

Food is an important part of a balanced diet.

  #461 (permalink)   Report Post  
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"Brooklyn1" <Gravesend1> wrote in message
> On Sun, 23 Dec 2012 22:43:51 -0000, "Ophelia"
> > wrote:
>>"Brooklyn1" <Gravesend1> wrote in message
. ..
>>> "Ophelia" wrote:
>>>>"Brooklyn1" wrote:
>>>>>"Ophelia" wrote:
>>>>>>Is Cathy still around? I haven't seen her for a very long time
>>>>> I'm sure if you email her she will answer, but I haven't seen her post
>>>>> here for quite a while, lot's of people no longer post. And a lot of
>>>>> regular posters have become regular lurkers.
>>>>That's a shame Perhaps due to the problems Christine complained
>>> I think mostly people's lives change therefore so do their priorities.

>>Indeed Hopefully for the better

> Unfortunately I think in most cases people stop posting due to their
> lives changing for the worse.

Oh Why do you think so? I would have hoped that if lives outside of
usenet had become much more interesting they might not want to waste time


  #462 (permalink)   Report Post  
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"jmcquown" > wrote in message
> On 12/23/2012 12:23 PM, Ophelia wrote:
>> "S Viemeister" > wrote in message
>> ...
>>> On 12/23/2012 11:47 AM, Ophelia wrote:
>>>> All the pictures of my family in those times were taken by
>>>> professionals
>>>> in studios.
>>> There were travelling professional photographers in rural parts of
>>> Scotland in the late 1800s-early 1900s. I've seen a few, taken outside
>>> with the family arrayed in front of the house. In one of them, my
>>> great-granny is sitting on a chair my sister now has.

>> Wonderful. You are quite right of course and I have some of my
>> grandparents in their garden and in front of their house, but they were
>> always very formal.

> I have a photo of my (Scottish) great grandmother, my grandmother and her
> sisters. They were formally posed in a garden. They all wore long
> skirts, long sleeves, high collars. Grandma was a teen at the time.

Sounds familiar

> have (and still wear) the pendant my grandmother was wearing in that photo

Lucky you)


  #463 (permalink)   Report Post  
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"sf" > wrote in message
I see
> someone I have killed in both groups as being the cause of it all. It
> may not be true, but that's my perspective.

You are correct. That is exactly how it happened. That is what always
happens. Then of course the farmyard choir joins in.


  #464 (permalink)   Report Post  
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"Ophelia" > wrote in message
> "sf" > wrote in message
> ...
> I see
>> someone I have killed in both groups as being the cause of it all. It
>> may not be true, but that's my perspective.

> You are correct. That is exactly how it happened. That is what always
> happens. Then of course the farmyard choir joins in.

Here Puss, Puss, Puss.

  #465 (permalink)   Report Post  
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"Farm1" > wrote in message
> "Ophelia" > wrote in message
>> "sf" > wrote in message
>> ...
>> I see
>>> someone I have killed in both groups as being the cause of it all. It
>>> may not be true, but that's my perspective.

>> You are correct. That is exactly how it happened. That is what always
>> happens. Then of course the farmyard choir joins in.

> Here Puss, Puss, Puss.

I very rarely make comments about a nickname unless that person has been
rude to me.

My nick has been trashed by one person here, so given that, I think I might
be permitted to return the compliment.

Farm! Now, what do we find on a farm. Animals. Dumb, stupid animals with
no sense of common courtesy or manners. What do they produce most of?
Shit! And plenty of it. I have to say it does fit the poster extremely

Keep producing your nasty and vicious shit Farm. It defines you.


  #466 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Ophelia wrote:
> "jmcquown" wrote:
> > I have (and still wear) the pendant my grandmother was wearing
> > in that photo

> Lucky you )

I have a picture of little me being held by my grandfather
and wearing his hat. I wish I had that hat now. I like the
style and it would be extra special that it was his. He died
many years ago at age 97.

OB food: Here's a pic of him sitting at a dinner table. My grandmother was
a fantastic cook and cooked a giant feast every dinner. There were always
many people at their house. This picture only shows about 1/3 of the table
and dishes on it. All of the vegetables were homegrown each year and meat
was either home raised chickens or game that my grandfather hunted for.


PS - WTH does OB stand for. I know what it means but have always wondered
what it actually stand for.
  #467 (permalink)   Report Post  
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"Gary" > wrote in message ...
> Ophelia wrote:
>> "jmcquown" wrote:
>> > I have (and still wear) the pendant my grandmother was wearing
>> > in that photo

>> Lucky you )

> I have a picture of little me being held by my grandfather
> and wearing his hat. I wish I had that hat now. I like the
> style and it would be extra special that it was his. He died
> many years ago at age 97.

Aww what wonderful memories that must bring back. I so love to see such
pictures and to hear about those in them))

> OB food: Here's a pic of him sitting at a dinner table. My grandmother
> was
> a fantastic cook and cooked a giant feast every dinner. There were always
> many people at their house. This picture only shows about 1/3 of the table
> and dishes on it. All of the vegetables were homegrown each year and meat
> was either home raised chickens or game that my grandfather hunted for.

Wow he certainly didn't starve)

> PS - WTH does OB stand for. I know what it means but have always wondered
> what it actually stand for.

I have no idea) We seem to know what is stands for though


  #468 (permalink)   Report Post  
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"Ophelia" > wrote in message
> "Farm1" > wrote in message
>> "Ophelia" > wrote in message
>>> "sf" > wrote in message
>>> ...
>>> I see
>>>> someone I have killed in both groups as being the cause of it all. It
>>>> may not be true, but that's my perspective.
>>> You are correct. That is exactly how it happened. That is what always
>>> happens. Then of course the farmyard choir joins in.

>> Here Puss, Puss, Puss.

> I very rarely make comments about a nickname unless that person has been
> rude to me.
> My nick has been trashed by one person here, so given that, I think I
> might be permitted to return the compliment.

I see you are trying to blame shift yet again.

Not only that, but you are going to try using the blame shifting to excuse
your foul mouthed and abusive comments towards me.

I have said nothing about YOUR choice of the name YOU choose to be known by

Any connection you choose to make between my involvement in a discussion of
the entirely inappropriate names given to children by their parents is all
your own doing. AND it's just an excuse on your part for your further bad

> Farm! Now, what do we find on a farm. Animals. Dumb, stupid animals
> with no sense of common courtesy or manners. What do they produce most
> of? Shit! And plenty of it. I have to say it does fit the poster
> extremely well.
> Keep producing your nasty and vicious shit Farm. It defines you.

Did you bother to read your abusive and foul mouthed post and wonder what is
says about you?

This started because you would not take notice of what a number of people
told you. Reread the thread.

Jill told you that neeps were rutabagas. She also clarified and confirmed
that although she didn't mention how they were prepared, it was notbob who
had suggesting mashing them together.

Jill was just one of the people who tried to set you straight and you took
no notice. In total, 6 people told you that 'neeps and tatties' being
mashed TOGETHER had been mentioned.

Your attempt at blame shifting to Janet about the neeps and tatties was bad
enough but now you are doing the same about a thread that involved parents
giving kids lousy names and I'm being blamed for your paranoia. Gutter

  #469 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Farm1 wrote:
> "Ophelia" wrote:

<cat fight>

Hey come's Christmas Eve.
You both need to let it all go and maybe start fresh here? You are both nice
posters. I command you to kiss and make up!! But not in a ******* way. ;-o
Or....well maybe you could do that too, just don't send pics. heheh

  #470 (permalink)   Report Post  
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"Gary" > wrote in message ...
> Farm1 wrote:
>> "Ophelia" wrote:

> <cat fight>
> Hey come's Christmas Eve.
> You both need to let it all go and maybe start fresh here? You are both
> nice
> posters. I command you to kiss and make up!! But not in a ******* way. ;-o
> Or....well maybe you could do that too, just don't send pics. heheh


  #471 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Bryan wrote:

Hey Brian. Is it grapeseed oil that you approve of? I've read all of your
posts but don't rememeber the oils that you've found to be healthy. One
website I looked at yesterday said to use grapeseed oil for heart healthy
frying (for making falafels)


PS - Happy Christmas to you, your family, and to all of RFC!
  #472 (permalink)   Report Post  
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"> PS - Happy Christmas to you, your family, and to all of RFC!

A Happy Christmas to you and all of RFC and I hope 2013 will bring
everything you all desire)


  #473 (permalink)   Report Post  
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On 12/23/2012 11:59 PM, Farm1 wrote:
> "S Viemeister" > wrote in message
> ...
>> On 12/23/2012 11:29 AM, jmcquown wrote:
>>> On 12/23/2012 10:56 AM, Ophelia wrote:

>>>> If you work on your family history, you might find information to go
>>>> with
>>>> the names on those photos Genes Reunited and are great
>>>> places to start
>>> I never had much luck on the maternal Scottish side with
>>> And frankly, it was wasted money so I cancelled the subscription. I've
>>> got some paperwork and some photos of my maternal grandmother's parents
>>> and aunts and uncles, but not many. I'm content to just look at them
>>> from time to time.

>> For Scottish ancestry, this site is much more useful than Ancestry -
>> <>

> Dang! How did you manage to get that and I got 5 lines! Sometimes
> computers give me the irrits!

I don't actually remember - I've had it bookmarked for ages.

  #474 (permalink)   Report Post  
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"Farm1" > wrote in :

> "I'm back on the laptop" > wrote in message
> ...
>> "Farm1" > wrote in
>> :
>>> "jmcquown" > wrote in message
>>>> On 12/22/2012 5:19 PM, Farm1 wrote:
>>>>> "sf" > wrote in message
>>>>>> That was The Big Bang Theory. It's a hilarious show.
>>>>> A 'never to be missed' show in this house.
>>>> I love the Big Bang Theory! There are so few shows on these days
>>>> that make me laugh.
>>> I agree. Most TV is just plain old tedious but BBT makes us both
>>> laugh even if we're watching a rerun for about the 5th time. I'm
>>> amazed that it seems to have kept the same cast and run for so
>>> darned long but still seems fresh.

>> If you like Big Bang, you'll like this game to play while watching it
>> :-)

> I think I'll pass on that. If I ever develop a drinking problem I'll
> certainly try it.


Lucky you weren't at 'sundowners' the other day at our place.

1600hrs start....... 0100hrs finish!!


To be a warrior is not a simple matter of wishing to be one.
It is rather and endless struggle
that will go on to the very last moment of our lives.
Nobody is born a warrior,in exactly the same way that
nobody is born an average man.
We have to make ourselves into one or the other.
A warrior must only take care that his spirit is not broken.
  #475 (permalink)   Report Post  
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On Mon, 24 Dec 2012 16:58:03 +1100, "Farm1" >
>Well my preference when reading is to read people who are not prone to
>hysteria and who have an active and functioning brain. Queen Bee
>personalities are too high maintenance for my tastes.

I have always found Ophelia to be a pleasant, reasoned and soft-spoken
participant. If you two have issues elsewhere, I wish that you would
leave them there. We have enough crap going on here without adding
Have a happy holiday.
Janet US

  #476 (permalink)   Report Post  
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"Janet Bostwick" > wrote in message
> On Mon, 24 Dec 2012 16:58:03 +1100, "Farm1" >
> wrote:
> snip
>>Well my preference when reading is to read people who are not prone to
>>hysteria and who have an active and functioning brain. Queen Bee
>>personalities are too high maintenance for my tastes.

> I have always found Ophelia to be a pleasant, reasoned and soft-spoken
> participant. If you two have issues elsewhere, I wish that you would
> leave them there. We have enough crap going on here without adding
> more.
> Have a happy holiday.

Thank you, Janet, and to you also!


  #477 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Janet Bostwick > wrote in

> On Mon, 24 Dec 2012 16:58:03 +1100, "Farm1" >
> wrote:
> snip
>>Well my preference when reading is to read people who are not prone to
>>hysteria and who have an active and functioning brain. Queen Bee
>>personalities are too high maintenance for my tastes.

> I have always found Ophelia to be a pleasant, reasoned and soft-spoken
> participant. If you two have issues elsewhere, I wish that you would
> leave them there. We have enough crap going on here without adding
> more.

That's why I'm a staunch advocate of killfiles :-)

Farm Girl and Opie are at loggerheads???
I think Opie (being a Pom) just has a problem with us "colonials". But
then, that's racism, isn't it?

> Have a happy holiday.
> Janet US

Hope you have a safe and happy one Janet.


To be a warrior is not a simple matter of wishing to be one.
It is rather and endless struggle
that will go on to the very last moment of our lives.
Nobody is born a warrior,in exactly the same way that
nobody is born an average man.
We have to make ourselves into one or the other.
A warrior must only take care that his spirit is not broken.
  #478 (permalink)   Report Post  
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"Gary" > wrote in message ...
> Ophelia wrote:
>> "jmcquown" wrote:
>> > I have (and still wear) the pendant my grandmother was wearing
>> > in that photo

>> Lucky you )

> I have a picture of little me being held by my grandfather
> and wearing his hat. I wish I had that hat now. I like the
> style and it would be extra special that it was his. He died
> many years ago at age 97.
> OB food: Here's a pic of him sitting at a dinner table. My grandmother
> was
> a fantastic cook and cooked a giant feast every dinner. There were always
> many people at their house. This picture only shows about 1/3 of the table
> and dishes on it. All of the vegetables were homegrown each year and meat
> was either home raised chickens or game that my grandfather hunted for.
> Gary
> PS - WTH does OB stand for. I know what it means but have always wondered
> what it actually stand for.

Acronym Definition
OB Obstetrics
OB Out (of the) Blue
OB Outside Broadcast
OB Outboard
OB Out of Bounds (National Park Service or golf slang)
OB Outward Bound
OB Orlando Bloom (actor)
OB Out of Business
OB Overbought (stock market)
OB Oversight Board
OB Ohne Befund (German: Results Negative)
OB Outstanding Balance
OB Oxbridge (summer program)
OB Odense Boldklub (Danish soccer club)
OB Oberkommandierender (German CINC)
OB Outlet Box (electrical)
OB Office of Budget
OB Over Board
OB Original Budget
OB Outdoor Broadcasting
OB Ohne Binde (German: without a pad; tampon brand)
OB Over Burden (mining)
OB Organization Block
OB Observatoire de Besançon
OB Outbye (mining)
OB Ossewa Brandwag (Ox-Wagon Guard)
OB Ossewa Brandwag
OB Operation Barnabas
OB Onlinebandit (gamesite)
OB Outcast Bandicoot (fanfiction)
OB Old Bedfordian (Bedford School, UK)
OB Ophodni Brod (Croatian: patrol boat)
OB Outer Beings (gaming)
OB Open Along Bit Lines
OB Off Break (cricket)
OB Open Box
OB Optical Branch
OB On Board
OB Ogre Battle (game)
OB Occult Blood
OB Old Bill (UK police)
OB Official Building
OB Open Box (gaming clan)
OB Observatory
OB Ordinary Break (railway defect)
OB Open Burning (outdoor fire regulation)
OB Obex (neuroanatomy, part of brain)
OB Opening Balance (financial management)
OB Open Billing
OB Ocean Beach (California)
OB Olfactory Bulb
OB Oh Baby
OB Old Babylonian
OB Old Boy
OB Operating Budget
OB Order of Battle
OB Organization Behaviour
OB Oberkommando (German: High Command)
OB Obsolete
OB Octave Band
OB Old *******
Ob Obligatory
OB Obedience
OB Oberbürgermeister (German: mayor of a larger city)
OB Obliterative Bronchiolitis
OB Operation Battleaxe (gaming)
OB Obligation
OB Oingo Boingo (band)
OB Oil-Based
OB Oskar Blues (brewery; Colorado)
OB Official Business
OB Oak Bluffs (Massachusetts)
OB Oboe

  #479 (permalink)   Report Post  
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"Gary" > wrote in message ...
> Farm1 wrote:
>> "Ophelia" wrote:

> <cat fight>
> Hey come's Christmas Eve.
> You both need to let it all go and maybe start fresh here? You are both
> nice
> posters. I command you to kiss and make up!! But not in a ******* way. ;-o
> Or....well maybe you could do that too, just don't send pics. heheh
> Gary

does this go for you and Bryan also?

  #480 (permalink)   Report Post  
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On 12/24/2012 4:22 AM, Ophelia wrote:
> "Brooklyn1" <Gravesend1> wrote in message
> ...
>> On Sun, 23 Dec 2012 22:43:51 -0000, "Ophelia"
>> > wrote:
>>> "Brooklyn1" <Gravesend1> wrote in message
>>> ...
>>>> "Ophelia" wrote:
>>>>> "Brooklyn1" wrote:
>>>>>> "Ophelia" wrote:
>>>>>>> Is Cathy still around? I haven't seen her for a very long time
>>>>> That's a shame Perhaps due to the problems Christine complained
>>>>> about.
>>>> I think mostly people's lives change therefore so do their priorities.
>>> Indeed Hopefully for the better

>> Unfortunately I think in most cases people stop posting due to their
>> lives changing for the worse.

> Oh Why do you think so? I would have hoped that if lives outside of
> usenet had become much more interesting they might not want to waste
> time here

Possibly due to health problems, illness or the illness of a loved one.
Those of us who have been on this newsgroup for more than a decade
were probably not youngsters when we found it. We aren't getting any

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