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  #81 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Let's talk fritters!

sf wrote:
> On Mon, 22 Jul 2013 10:07:05 +0100, "Ophelia"
> > wrote:
>> "Julie Bove" > wrote in message
>> ...
>>> "sf" > wrote in message
>>> ...
>>>> On Sun, 21 Jul 2013 20:27:10 -0700, "Julie Bove"
>>>> > wrote:
>>>>> sf wrote:
>>>>>> The link I gave you was nothing BUT fritters.
>>>>> Perhaps on your computer. But when I clicked it, it brought up
>>>>> *my* Pinterest page.
>>>> You use Pinterest so little that you had no idea what you were
>>>> looking at.
>>> Uh... No. I knew exactly what I was looking at and it was *my*
>>> page! The only way for me to get a search of fritters was to put in
>>> the search terms in the Pinterest search engine. But as I said...
>>> I am not interested in Pinterest and was not interested in seeing
>>> repinned things which is what that gives you.

>> Oh take no notice. She is bitching because no one is interested in
>> her beloved Pinterest

> I am totally ****ed off because she turned it into a bfd. She could
> have simply said that the link took her to her home page, thanks but
> no thanks. The OP was a typical Julie trap that quickly became all
> about her - once again. She doesn't want any advice, she just wants
> to pity herself and find fault all around her.

What? I started this thread to talk about fritters. And some people are
doing that. I am not sure what you are doing. But it sure doesn't seem to
be about me. It seems to be about you...and your beloved Pinterest!

I listed off to you what recipes I have on my computer. And there were
several fritter ones that I saved. I think it was 8. I just happen to like
fritters and wanted to talk about them. And where better to do that than on
a food forum?

  #82 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Let's talk fritters!

Dave Smith wrote:
> On 22/07/2013 12:29 PM, sf wrote:
>> I am totally ****ed off because she turned it into a bfd. She could
>> have simply said that the link took her to her home page, thanks but
>> no thanks. The OP was a typical Julie trap that quickly became all
>> about her - once again. She doesn't want any advice, she just wants
>> to pity herself and find fault all around her.

> Totally ****ed of course, but should you be surprised? That is her
> MO.... anything for attention..... and you guys give it to her. She
> is looking more for abuse than for suggestions.

Hey Dave? What have you added to this discussion? I am here to talk about
fritters. Do you even eat them? Do they fit into your diet? Since I
mentioned that I made baked ones, I should think that they could. I even
put up the recipe that I used. You can use maple syrup on top and I know
that you have that there. I ate some in Vancouver once.

  #83 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Let's talk fritters!

merryb wrote:
> There is an Italian restaurant near where i grew up that makes
> fabulous zucchini fritters...

The odd thing is that the recipes I have seen for those make sort of a flat
thing like a pancake. How would those be different than zucchini cakes?
The fritters I remember getting at that restaurant and the ones my neighbor
made were round balls. But I think they were deep fried.

  #84 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Let's talk fritters!

Gary wrote:
> Ophelia wrote:
>> Oh take no notice. She is bitching because no one is interested in
>> her beloved Pinterest

> OK... time for me to step in here. You and Julie are ganging up on sf
> for no good reason other than maybe past issues.... cat fight.
> SF did not turn Julie's message into a pinterest issue.
> If you use a real newsreader, go back and read the tread from the
> beginning.
> Julie posted her first thing asking about other fruits to use for
> fritters.
> SF responded next and included a very helpful link to Pinterest. All
> of the things there were vegan fritter ideas.

No. She *thought* she posted a very helpful link but when I clicked on it,
it brought me to my own Pinterest page. If I had wanted to search Pinterest
for recipes, I would have done that. Had I been interested enough in
Pinterest to know that they did have a search function on there. But I am
> From there, the next 5 posts were about pinterest between you, Julie,
> and Imags. SW finally wrote again on post 8 being annoyed that Julie
> dismissed it so quickly. And I don't blame her. Evidently, Julie got
> that crappy looking dates/apple fritters from the same place. When
> she clicked on sf's link, she evidently got the same page and
> stupidly thought that was her home page.

I honestly can't be bothered to click on a bunch of pics of things to get at
a recipe. I do know how to use a search engine. I did in fact do that and
I do in fact have recipes for fritters saved to my computer. I just can't
fathom how Pinterest came into play to begin with. I did not do anything
stupidly. I clicked on sf's link twice and both times it brought me
straight to my page. Why? I don't know. As I said, I don't use Pinterest.
I did put up a few boards one day some time ago after being told how fun it
was. Frankly I didn't see the fun in it and found it cumbersome to use.
But then sf just kept going on and on about how great Pinterest was and how
it was easier to use it to save recipes than bookmarks. I disagreed and I
still do.
> I stick up for sf on this one. She was just trying to be helpful and
> you two have dissed her for that? Only on RFC! :-(

I didn't diss her for that. I just don't see why she dragged Pinterest into
this when there are perfectly good search engines. It's like clicking on
one of those links that you think might be helpful only to discover that it
is some weird search engine that you've never heard of before.
> Personally, I'd never heard of pinterest before but I liked the page
> that sf gave. It seems like a good way to browse for new recipes. I
> do like to see a pic of what they are talking about rather than just
> text. Most of my real cookbooks have pictures too.

All Pinterest is, is a site where people go to websites and then "pin" them
to boards they have created. Then others can go there and repin the posts.
It all seems very silly to me but I can see how it would appeal to the scrap
booking types because you can decorate your boards and stuff. I can get a
lot more recipes a lot faster by using my search engine. And I don't have
to look at all the pics before clicking on something.

  #85 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Let's talk fritters!

Ophelia wrote:
> "Gary" > wrote in message
> ...
>> Ophelia wrote:
>>> Oh take no notice. She is bitching because no one is interested in
>>> her beloved Pinterest

>> OK... time for me to step in here. You and Julie are ganging up on
>> sf for no
>> good reason other than maybe past issues.... cat fight.
>> SF did not turn Julie's message into a pinterest issue.
>> If you use a real newsreader, go back and read the tread from the
>> beginning.
>> Julie posted her first thing asking about other fruits to use for
>> fritters.
>> SF responded next and included a very helpful link to Pinterest. All
>> of the
>> things there were vegan fritter ideas.
>> From there, the next 5 posts were about pinterest between you,
>> Julie, and Imags. SW finally wrote again on post 8 being annoyed
>> that Julie dismissed it so quickly. And I don't blame her. Evidently,
>> Julie got that crappy looking dates/apple fritters from
>> the same place. When she clicked on sf's
>> link, she evidently got the same page and stupidly thought that was
>> her home
>> page.
>> I stick up for sf on this one. She was just trying to be helpful
>> and you two have dissed her for that? Only on RFC! :-(
>> Personally, I'd never heard of pinterest before but I liked the page
>> that sf
>> gave. It seems like a good way to browse for new recipes. I do like
>> to see a
>> pic of what they are talking about rather than just text. Most of
>> my real cookbooks have pictures too.

> Good for you
> You tell me whenever you have seen Julie initiating a bitching
> session to ANYBODY! All she said was that she didn't like it and I
> said nor did I. Perhaps you need to read again!
> You surprise me, but you won't again

I have a feeling this one isn't going to drop. I tried to start a
discussion of fritters. Then it veered as things will do on the Interenet.
But now I seem to be being blamed for that veering. Whatever...

  #86 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Let's talk fritters!

sf wrote:
> On Mon, 22 Jul 2013 14:10:02 -0400, Gary > wrote:
>> Personally, I'd never heard of pinterest before but I liked the page
>> that sf gave. It seems like a good way to browse for new recipes.

> Thank you and you're welcome, Gary. I use it as an online filing
> system for recipes I'm interested in trying someday. If I find a
> Pinner with a board I like, I'll subscribe to that board and new pins
> to that board show up on my home page. It's a simple concept, kind of
> like an easy version of Google alerts or a way to subscribe to a
> specific type of recipe post from cooking blogs (which is impossible
> to do, unless you're on Pinterest).

I don't even know what a Google alert is! But I guess I am not missing

  #87 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Let's talk fritters!

Dave Smith wrote:
> On 22/07/2013 2:10 PM, Gary wrote:
>> rom there, the next 5 posts were about pinterest between you, Julie,
>> and Imags. SW finally wrote again on post 8 being annoyed that Julie
>> dismissed it so quickly.

> How long have you been around here?
> That is what Julie does with everything. She is an attention whore who
> posts seemingly valid questions or looking for advice on something,
> and then she trashes all the suggestions with some lame excuse. She
> does really want or need anything other than the attention that she so
> desperately craves.

Again, Dave... What have you brought into this discussion? Nothing. You
just like to bitch about me.

  #88 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Let's talk fritters!

sf wrote:
> On Mon, 22 Jul 2013 14:04:31 -0700, "Julie Bove"
> > wrote:
>> sf wrote:
>>> On Sun, 21 Jul 2013 23:27:21 -0700, "Julie Bove"
>>> > wrote:
>>>> "sf" > wrote in message
>>>> ...
>>>>> On Sun, 21 Jul 2013 22:00:57 -0700, "Julie Bove"
>>>>> > wrote:
>>>>>> "sf" > wrote in message
>>>>>> ...
>>>>>>> On Sun, 21 Jul 2013 20:27:10 -0700, "Julie Bove"
>>>>>>> > wrote:
>>>>>>>> sf wrote:
>>>>>>>>> The link I gave you was nothing BUT fritters.
>>>>>>>> Perhaps on your computer. But when I clicked it, it brought up
>>>>>>>> *my* Pinterest page.
>>>>>>> You use Pinterest so little that you had no idea what you were
>>>>>>> looking at.
>>>>>> Uh... No. I knew exactly what I was looking at and it was *my*
>>>>>> page! The
>>>>>> only way for me to get a search of fritters was to put in the
>>>>>> search terms
>>>>>> in the Pinterest search engine. But as I said... I am not
>>>>>> interested in Pinterest and was not interested in seeing repinned
>>>>>> things which is what that gives you.
>>>>> They are RECIPES, some are repinned some are not and every one of
>>>>> them should take you directly to the internet blog that it was
>>>>> pinned from. There is no more effort, in fact less effort,
>>>>> involved than finding a recipe link in your bookmarks or on a
>>>>> search engine.
>>>> No. It actually takes *more* effort. Those things are either
>>>> pinned or repinned. Whatever. Just not interested.
>>> Julie, you have absolutely no clue.

>> Apparently it is difficult for you to use a search engine and
>> bookmarks. Whatever. It is not me who has no clue. I am of the
>> school of if it ain't broke, don't fix it. And KISS. Keep it
>> simple, stupid! So...

> Clueless again. Pinterest is for saving links - searching through
> what others have pinned is a bonus.

Yes. For saving links and decorating your boards. There is nothing wrong
with my "Favorites" folder. It's right there on my computer. I don't need
a web based place to save them. And I certainly have no desire to look
through what others have pinned. Apparently my friends are into clothing,
weird hairstyles, manicures and sweets.

  #89 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Let's talk fritters!

sf wrote:
> On Mon, 22 Jul 2013 14:06:22 -0700, "Julie Bove"
> > wrote:
>> sf wrote:
>>> On Mon, 22 Jul 2013 10:08:14 -0400, Doris Night
>>> > wrote:
>>>> I'm not a pinterest member, but I did a search for some gluten-free
>>>> stuff as well and was quite pleased with the recipes I found. And I
>>>> like how the pictures are all laid out on one page.
>>> You're very welcome, Doris! The new thing is called "clean eating"
>>> (I call it back to basics) and you can search for recipes using that
>>> search term on any search engine.
>>> Not sure what type you were looking for, but I just pinned some
>>> recipes this morning that you might be interested in because they
>>> are gluten free too
>>> Arugula, Figs and Prosciutto Salad with Walnut Dressing
>>> Grilled Eggplant with Basil Vinaigrette
>>> < gID=5591472&spUserID=MTQyOTMwMTE2MjQS1&spJobID=326 036511&spReportId=MzI2MDM2NTExS0>
>>> or
>>> Chicken Braised in Lemon and Capers (eliminate or switch to a
>>> non-gluten flour for dusting - which is an unnecessary step, AFAIC)

>> Clean eating is not new! There has been a magazine of that name for
>> years. And back when I was reading body building magazines in the
>> 80's and 90's, they were all into clean eating.

> I know it's a magazine.... and once again, the thread turns to all
> about you.

No. It didn't turn into all about me. *You* said that "clean eating" is
the new thing. I said it was not new and offered proof of when I first
heard of it. That would be in the 80's and 90's. It may well have been a
term that was used prior to that. But it's certainly not new.

  #90 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Let's talk fritters!

On Monday, July 22, 2013 2:12:21 PM UTC-7, Julie Bove wrote:
> merryb wrote:
> > There is an Italian restaurant near where i grew up that makes

> > fabulous zucchini fritters...

> The odd thing is that the recipes I have seen for those make sort of a flat
> thing like a pancake. How would those be different than zucchini cakes?
> The fritters I remember getting at that restaurant and the ones my neighbor
> made were round balls. But I think they were deep fried.

The ones I remember were pancake type. Maybe it's just a name thing? To me, fritter means fried...

  #91 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Let's talk fritters!

"Julie Bove" > wrote in message
> Ophelia wrote:
>> "Gary" > wrote in message
>> ...
>>> Ophelia wrote:
>>>> Oh take no notice. She is bitching because no one is interested in
>>>> her beloved Pinterest
>>> OK... time for me to step in here. You and Julie are ganging up on
>>> sf for no
>>> good reason other than maybe past issues.... cat fight.
>>> SF did not turn Julie's message into a pinterest issue.
>>> If you use a real newsreader, go back and read the tread from the
>>> beginning.
>>> Julie posted her first thing asking about other fruits to use for
>>> fritters.
>>> SF responded next and included a very helpful link to Pinterest. All
>>> of the
>>> things there were vegan fritter ideas.
>>> From there, the next 5 posts were about pinterest between you,
>>> Julie, and Imags. SW finally wrote again on post 8 being annoyed
>>> that Julie dismissed it so quickly. And I don't blame her. Evidently,
>>> Julie got that crappy looking dates/apple fritters from
>>> the same place. When she clicked on sf's
>>> link, she evidently got the same page and stupidly thought that was
>>> her home
>>> page.
>>> I stick up for sf on this one. She was just trying to be helpful
>>> and you two have dissed her for that? Only on RFC! :-(
>>> Personally, I'd never heard of pinterest before but I liked the page
>>> that sf
>>> gave. It seems like a good way to browse for new recipes. I do like
>>> to see a
>>> pic of what they are talking about rather than just text. Most of
>>> my real cookbooks have pictures too.

>> Good for you
>> You tell me whenever you have seen Julie initiating a bitching
>> session to ANYBODY! All she said was that she didn't like it and I
>> said nor did I. Perhaps you need to read again!
>> You surprise me, but you won't again

> I have a feeling this one isn't going to drop. I tried to start a
> discussion of fritters. Then it veered as things will do on the
> Interenet. But now I seem to be being blamed for that veering.
> Whatever...

Yes that is exactly what happened!

But you always are, and now I am by association) Don't worry Julie, I
certainly don't)) let them bitch on and on and on ... as they do! We
have better things to worry about eh? There are plenty of nice people
around here so let us ignore the rest.
  #92 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Let's talk fritters!

"Julie Bove" > wrote in message
> sf wrote:
>> On Mon, 22 Jul 2013 14:10:02 -0400, Gary > wrote:
>>> Personally, I'd never heard of pinterest before but I liked the page
>>> that sf gave. It seems like a good way to browse for new recipes.

>> Thank you and you're welcome, Gary. I use it as an online filing
>> system for recipes I'm interested in trying someday. If I find a
>> Pinner with a board I like, I'll subscribe to that board and new pins
>> to that board show up on my home page. It's a simple concept, kind of
>> like an easy version of Google alerts or a way to subscribe to a
>> specific type of recipe post from cooking blogs (which is impossible
>> to do, unless you're on Pinterest).

> I don't even know what a Google alert is! But I guess I am not missing
> anything.

Julie, if she wants to pin her recipes on some board let her. We don't want
to and if she doesn't like it .. tough!


  #93 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Let's talk fritters!

"Julie Bove" > wrote in message
> Dave Smith wrote:
>> On 22/07/2013 2:10 PM, Gary wrote:
>>> rom there, the next 5 posts were about pinterest between you, Julie,
>>> and Imags. SW finally wrote again on post 8 being annoyed that Julie
>>> dismissed it so quickly.

And why the hell shouldn't she dismiss it if she wants???? Are you saying
she is not allowed???? This gets more surreal by the day! Who the hell are
you to decide what she shall dismiss or not! Gary are you on drugs or just
in love with sf ???? whoa I am really getting to know you now and I don't
like what I see <plonk>

>> How long have you been around here?
>> That is what Julie does with everything. She is an attention whore who
>> posts seemingly valid questions or looking for advice on something,
>> and then she trashes all the suggestions with some lame excuse. She
>> does really want or need anything other than the attention that she so
>> desperately craves.

> Again, Dave... What have you brought into this discussion? Nothing. You
> just like to bitch about me.

No change there then!


  #94 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Let's talk fritters! - now Bali

On 7/22/2013 3:22 PM, Julie Bove wrote:

> I don't even know what a Google alert is! But I guess I am not missing
> anything.

Subject change - did you ever get Bali back?

I think that was still in flux when I left.

If not, my condolences.

  #95 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Let's talk fritters!

"merryb" > wrote in message
> On Monday, July 22, 2013 2:12:21 PM UTC-7, Julie Bove wrote:
>> merryb wrote:
>> > There is an Italian restaurant near where i grew up that makes

>> > fabulous zucchini fritters...

>> The odd thing is that the recipes I have seen for those make sort of a
>> flat
>> thing like a pancake. How would those be different than zucchini cakes?
>> The fritters I remember getting at that restaurant and the ones my
>> neighbor
>> made were round balls. But I think they were deep fried.

> The ones I remember were pancake type. Maybe it's just a name thing? To
> me, fritter means fried...

Oh. As I said, I don't have much experience with them. The Pancake Haus in
Edmonds used to serve what they called corn cakes. They were like pancakes
but with corn in them. They do resemble the fritter pics I've seen but
those have not been the fritters I've eaten.

  #96 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Let's talk fritters!

"Ophelia" > wrote in message
> "Julie Bove" > wrote in message
> ...
>> sf wrote:
>>> On Mon, 22 Jul 2013 14:10:02 -0400, Gary > wrote:
>>>> Personally, I'd never heard of pinterest before but I liked the page
>>>> that sf gave. It seems like a good way to browse for new recipes.
>>> Thank you and you're welcome, Gary. I use it as an online filing
>>> system for recipes I'm interested in trying someday. If I find a
>>> Pinner with a board I like, I'll subscribe to that board and new pins
>>> to that board show up on my home page. It's a simple concept, kind of
>>> like an easy version of Google alerts or a way to subscribe to a
>>> specific type of recipe post from cooking blogs (which is impossible
>>> to do, unless you're on Pinterest).

>> I don't even know what a Google alert is! But I guess I am not missing
>> anything.

> Julie, if she wants to pin her recipes on some board let her. We don't
> want to and if she doesn't like it .. tough!

I don't care what she does. I just don't like her implying that I am stupid
and clueless because I don't want to do it.

  #97 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Let's talk fritters!

"Julie Bove" > wrote in message
> "Ophelia" > wrote in message
> ...
>> "Julie Bove" > wrote in message
>> ...
>>> sf wrote:
>>>> On Mon, 22 Jul 2013 14:10:02 -0400, Gary > wrote:
>>>>> Personally, I'd never heard of pinterest before but I liked the page
>>>>> that sf gave. It seems like a good way to browse for new recipes.
>>>> Thank you and you're welcome, Gary. I use it as an online filing
>>>> system for recipes I'm interested in trying someday. If I find a
>>>> Pinner with a board I like, I'll subscribe to that board and new pins
>>>> to that board show up on my home page. It's a simple concept, kind of
>>>> like an easy version of Google alerts or a way to subscribe to a
>>>> specific type of recipe post from cooking blogs (which is impossible
>>>> to do, unless you're on Pinterest).
>>> I don't even know what a Google alert is! But I guess I am not missing
>>> anything.

>> Julie, if she wants to pin her recipes on some board let her. We don't
>> want to and if she doesn't like it .. tough!

> I don't care what she does. I just don't like her implying that I am
> stupid and clueless because I don't want to do it.



  #98 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Let's talk fritters! - now Bali

"casa bona" > wrote in message
> On 7/22/2013 3:22 PM, Julie Bove wrote:
>> I don't even know what a Google alert is! But I guess I am not missing
>> anything.

> Subject change - did you ever get Bali back?
> I think that was still in flux when I left.
> If not, my condolences.

No. We have given up on her. Oddly, that pet psychic contacted me again
today and asked me the same question. Uh... Hello? You're a psychic!

We have since adopted a new baby named Jetta. I don't have any good pics of
her just yet as she is confined to the bathroom until we can get her better
tamed. She is coming along quite nicely. We can pet her freely now. She
comes to me when I call her and she is seeking us out to be petted. But she
still gets frightened very easily and runs to hide. At least she is not
going behind the toilet as much as she was. She lived behind there when we
first got her. We've had her since a week ago Sunday. I read on the
internet that a feral cat can be fully tamed at 10 days but that is rare.
More likely it takes 2-3 weeks or longer and some will never be fully tamed.

This is a pic of her going home. Not gonna put up the one of her behind the
toilet. Somebody would find fault with it, I'm sure.

  #99 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Let's talk fritters! - now Bali

On 7/22/2013 4:17 PM, Julie Bove wrote:
> "casa bona" > wrote in message
> ...
>> On 7/22/2013 3:22 PM, Julie Bove wrote:
>>> I don't even know what a Google alert is! But I guess I am not missing
>>> anything.

>> Subject change - did you ever get Bali back?
>> I think that was still in flux when I left.
>> If not, my condolences.

> No. We have given up on her. Oddly, that pet psychic contacted me again
> today and asked me the same question. Uh... Hello? You're a psychic!

Lol, well maybe only psychic when it pays?

> We have since adopted a new baby named Jetta. I don't have any good pics of
> her just yet as she is confined to the bathroom until we can get her better
> tamed. She is coming along quite nicely. We can pet her freely now. She
> comes to me when I call her and she is seeking us out to be petted. But she
> still gets frightened very easily and runs to hide. At least she is not
> going behind the toilet as much as she was. She lived behind there when we
> first got her. We've had her since a week ago Sunday. I read on the
> internet that a feral cat can be fully tamed at 10 days but that is rare.
> More likely it takes 2-3 weeks or longer and some will never be fully tamed.

So is she indeed feral, or was she?

> This is a pic of her going home. Not gonna put up the one of her behind the
> toilet. Somebody would find fault with it, I'm sure.

She's adorable, a very inquisitive and pleasing face, and the eyes match
her markings perfectly.


  #100 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Let's talk fritters!

"Ophelia" > wrote in message
> "Julie Bove" > wrote in message
> ...
>> "Ophelia" > wrote in message
>> ...
>>> "Julie Bove" > wrote in message
>>> ...
>>>> sf wrote:
>>>>> On Mon, 22 Jul 2013 14:10:02 -0400, Gary > wrote:
>>>>>> Personally, I'd never heard of pinterest before but I liked the page
>>>>>> that sf gave. It seems like a good way to browse for new recipes.
>>>>> Thank you and you're welcome, Gary. I use it as an online filing
>>>>> system for recipes I'm interested in trying someday. If I find a
>>>>> Pinner with a board I like, I'll subscribe to that board and new pins
>>>>> to that board show up on my home page. It's a simple concept, kind of
>>>>> like an easy version of Google alerts or a way to subscribe to a
>>>>> specific type of recipe post from cooking blogs (which is impossible
>>>>> to do, unless you're on Pinterest).
>>>> I don't even know what a Google alert is! But I guess I am not missing
>>>> anything.
>>> Julie, if she wants to pin her recipes on some board let her. We don't
>>> want to and if she doesn't like it .. tough!

>> I don't care what she does. I just don't like her implying that I am
>> stupid and clueless because I don't want to do it.

> Quite.

I just decided to look up Pinterest. I had thought that it was a photo
sharing site. Turns out that I was right.

So sf might be using it as a way to store her recipes but that was not the
intent of the site.

  #101 (permalink)   Report Post  
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On Mon, 22 Jul 2013 13:53:37 -0700 (PDT), merryb >

> On Monday, July 22, 2013 11:57:32 AM UTC-7, sf wrote:
> > On Mon, 22 Jul 2013 09:38:26 -0700 (PDT), merryb >
> >
> > wrote:
> >
> > > There is an Italian restaurant near where i grew up that makes fabulous zucchini fritters...

> >
> >
> >
> > Now that I know I don't have to deep fry fritters, I'm more apt to
> >
> > make them... and I really need to try making zucchini fritters.
> >

> Have you ever been to Negri's in Occidental? That's where my memory is from!

Yes, several times - but I don't remember zucchini fritters on the
menu. I wouldn't have ordered them anyway, because I would have
thought they were deep fried. Now that I know they are as fried as
pancakes, I'm looking forward to making them soon.

Food is an important part of a balanced diet.
  #102 (permalink)   Report Post  
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On Mon, 22 Jul 2013 14:19:56 -0700, "Julie Bove"
> wrote:

>No. She *thought* she posted a very helpful link but when I clicked on it,
>it brought me to my own Pinterest page. If I had wanted to search Pinterest
>for recipes, I would have done that.

I clicked on her link and was taken to a Pinterest page with loads and
loads of lovely fritter recipes. Not to mine, or yours, or anyone
elses, Pinterest page.

  #103 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Let's talk fritters! - now Bali

"casa bona" > wrote in message
> On 7/22/2013 4:17 PM, Julie Bove wrote:
>> "casa bona" > wrote in message
>> ...
>>> On 7/22/2013 3:22 PM, Julie Bove wrote:
>>>> I don't even know what a Google alert is! But I guess I am not missing
>>>> anything.
>>> Subject change - did you ever get Bali back?
>>> I think that was still in flux when I left.
>>> If not, my condolences.

>> No. We have given up on her. Oddly, that pet psychic contacted me again
>> today and asked me the same question. Uh... Hello? You're a psychic!

> Lol, well maybe only psychic when it pays?

Dunno. I can't entirely dismiss what she said. She did say there was a
large gray tabby out there that was tormenting them. And that tabby has
been confirmed via my wildlife cam. I have not seen it coming around
bothering us though. In fact nothing has been since that one raccoon was
trapped. And she did say some useful things to us. I think at least by
looking in the bushes like we did and calling out to Bali, even though we
didn't find her, it let her mom know that we were doing all we could to try
to get her back. The other people who were helping us told us not to call
out to either cat as that would alert the predators to them. Still not sure
who was right on that score.
>> We have since adopted a new baby named Jetta. I don't have any good pics
>> of
>> her just yet as she is confined to the bathroom until we can get her
>> better
>> tamed. She is coming along quite nicely. We can pet her freely now.
>> She
>> comes to me when I call her and she is seeking us out to be petted. But
>> she
>> still gets frightened very easily and runs to hide. At least she is not
>> going behind the toilet as much as she was. She lived behind there when
>> we
>> first got her. We've had her since a week ago Sunday. I read on the
>> internet that a feral cat can be fully tamed at 10 days but that is rare.
>> More likely it takes 2-3 weeks or longer and some will never be fully
>> tamed.

> So is she indeed feral, or was she?

She was born in the wild with her two sisters and a brother. They are
orange tabbies. She is what they call a white tortie. She has a little
orange heart on her side. Sooo cute!
>> This is a pic of her going home. Not gonna put up the one of her behind
>> the
>> toilet. Somebody would find fault with it, I'm sure.

> She's adorable, a very inquisitive and pleasing face, and the eyes match
> her markings perfectly.
> Enjoy!

She seems to have Bali's sense of adventure. Seemingly there is no place
she won't go. But unlike Bali, she is wary and cautious. Bali kind of
struck me as rather stupid which perhaps is why her mom stuck so close to
her. This little girl is very smart. She loves all of her toys and is
great at catching the toy mouse on a wire. And when I gave her some cat
grass she ate it right away.

  #104 (permalink)   Report Post  
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On Mon, 22 Jul 2013 14:22:00 -0700, "Julie Bove"
> wrote:

>I don't even know what a Google alert is! But I guess I am not missing

Oh, Google alerts are quite handy! If there's a particular subject you
are interested in, and you don't feel like scouring the internet every
day looking for new postings and/or news stories on that subject, you
can set up an alert for it, and Google will send you an email when
something comes up.

Here's the Google alert link for Canadians (I can't link to one for
the US, for some reason):

  #105 (permalink)   Report Post  
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On Mon, 22 Jul 2013 11:32:13 -0700, sf > wrote:

>On Mon, 22 Jul 2013 10:08:14 -0400, Doris Night
> wrote:
>> I'm not a pinterest member, but I did a search for some gluten-free
>> stuff as well and was quite pleased with the recipes I found. And I
>> like how the pictures are all laid out on one page.

>You're very welcome, Doris! The new thing is called "clean eating" (I
>call it back to basics) and you can search for recipes using that
>search term on any search engine.

Oh, I know all about clean eating. I'm a big fan of Michael Pollan,
Gary Taubes, Mark Bittman, et al. I buy their books and everything.
>Not sure what type you were looking for, but I just pinned some
>recipes this morning that you might be interested in because they are
>gluten free too
>Arugula, Figs and Prosciutto Salad with Walnut Dressing
>Grilled Eggplant with Basil Vinaigrette
>< gID=5591472&spUserID=MTQyOTMwMTE2MjQS1&spJobID=326 036511&spReportId=MzI2MDM2NTExS0>
>Chicken Braised in Lemon and Capers (eliminate or switch to a
>non-gluten flour for dusting - which is an unnecessary step, AFAIC)

Those all look good. Well, except for the capers in the chicken

I have recently found out that I have diverticulosis. My gynecologist
diagnosed it. I can get quite bloated, and have abdominal pain in the
lower left side.

Anyway, she suggested that I try going gluten-free and/or lactose
free, and see if it helped. So far, I think it has. I'm not going to
die or anything if I eat wheat, but by keeping it mainly out of my
diet the pain has pretty much disappeared. Lactose-free is a lot
easier, what with lactose-free milk and cream.


  #106 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Let's talk fritters! - now Bali

On 7/22/2013 4:55 PM, Julie Bove wrote:
> "casa bona" > wrote in message
> ...
>> On 7/22/2013 4:17 PM, Julie Bove wrote:
>>> "casa bona" > wrote in message
>>> ...
>>>> On 7/22/2013 3:22 PM, Julie Bove wrote:
>>>>> I don't even know what a Google alert is! But I guess I am not missing
>>>>> anything.
>>>> Subject change - did you ever get Bali back?
>>>> I think that was still in flux when I left.
>>>> If not, my condolences.
>>> No. We have given up on her. Oddly, that pet psychic contacted me again
>>> today and asked me the same question. Uh... Hello? You're a psychic!

>> Lol, well maybe only psychic when it pays?

> Dunno. I can't entirely dismiss what she said. She did say there was a
> large gray tabby out there that was tormenting them. And that tabby has
> been confirmed via my wildlife cam. I have not seen it coming around
> bothering us though. In fact nothing has been since that one raccoon was
> trapped. And she did say some useful things to us. I think at least by
> looking in the bushes like we did and calling out to Bali, even though we
> didn't find her, it let her mom know that we were doing all we could to try
> to get her back. The other people who were helping us told us not to call
> out to either cat as that would alert the predators to them. Still not sure
> who was right on that score.

I think psychics can get things "in the neighborhood" so to speak, which
is to day quite a bit, yet still be off.

Its no exact science at all.

>>> We have since adopted a new baby named Jetta. I don't have any good pics
>>> of
>>> her just yet as she is confined to the bathroom until we can get her
>>> better
>>> tamed. She is coming along quite nicely. We can pet her freely now.
>>> She
>>> comes to me when I call her and she is seeking us out to be petted. But
>>> she
>>> still gets frightened very easily and runs to hide. At least she is not
>>> going behind the toilet as much as she was. She lived behind there when
>>> we
>>> first got her. We've had her since a week ago Sunday. I read on the
>>> internet that a feral cat can be fully tamed at 10 days but that is rare.
>>> More likely it takes 2-3 weeks or longer and some will never be fully
>>> tamed.

>> So is she indeed feral, or was she?

> She was born in the wild with her two sisters and a brother. They are
> orange tabbies. She is what they call a white tortie. She has a little
> orange heart on her side. Sooo cute!

That's adorable.

>>> This is a pic of her going home. Not gonna put up the one of her behind
>>> the
>>> toilet. Somebody would find fault with it, I'm sure.

>> She's adorable, a very inquisitive and pleasing face, and the eyes match
>> her markings perfectly.
>> Enjoy!

> She seems to have Bali's sense of adventure. Seemingly there is no place
> she won't go. But unlike Bali, she is wary and cautious. Bali kind of
> struck me as rather stupid which perhaps is why her mom stuck so close to
> her. This little girl is very smart. She loves all of her toys and is
> great at catching the toy mouse on a wire. And when I gave her some cat
> grass she ate it right away.

Fitting right in, as cats will generally do. I think you'll have along
and happy life together.

Is Jazzy accomodating to her so far?

  #107 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Let's talk fritters! - now Bali

"casa bona" > wrote in message
> On 7/22/2013 4:55 PM, Julie Bove wrote:
>> "casa bona" > wrote in message
>> ...
>>> On 7/22/2013 4:17 PM, Julie Bove wrote:
>>>> "casa bona" > wrote in message
>>>> ...
>>>>> On 7/22/2013 3:22 PM, Julie Bove wrote:
>>>>>> I don't even know what a Google alert is! But I guess I am not
>>>>>> missing
>>>>>> anything.
>>>>> Subject change - did you ever get Bali back?
>>>>> I think that was still in flux when I left.
>>>>> If not, my condolences.
>>>> No. We have given up on her. Oddly, that pet psychic contacted me
>>>> again
>>>> today and asked me the same question. Uh... Hello? You're a psychic!
>>> Lol, well maybe only psychic when it pays?

>> Dunno. I can't entirely dismiss what she said. She did say there was a
>> large gray tabby out there that was tormenting them. And that tabby has
>> been confirmed via my wildlife cam. I have not seen it coming around
>> bothering us though. In fact nothing has been since that one raccoon was
>> trapped. And she did say some useful things to us. I think at least by
>> looking in the bushes like we did and calling out to Bali, even though we
>> didn't find her, it let her mom know that we were doing all we could to
>> try
>> to get her back. The other people who were helping us told us not to
>> call
>> out to either cat as that would alert the predators to them. Still not
>> sure
>> who was right on that score.

> I think psychics can get things "in the neighborhood" so to speak, which
> is to day quite a bit, yet still be off.
> Its no exact science at all.

Yes. I do know this. I used to have a couple of packs of Tarot cards.
Don't think I have them any more because you can do readings for free
online. I would occasionally do readings for other people and they always
were amazed and claim that I was dead on! I am no more psychic than anyone
else. I do on rare occasions have psychic flashes, if you will. Twice, I
was driving and something told me to pull over quickly. I did. Both times
there was an out of control car behind me. Of course I had finite clues
like hearing the car behind me. Once as a child, I was sitting, waiting to
see who would get which part in the Snow White Operetta that I had tried out
for. And sure enough I just knew who was going to get Snow White.
Sometimes I just know things. But other times when I wish I could just know
things, I don't and I can't.

When I did a reading for my mom, I said something about a dark haired man
and a dark haired woman. I had no clues who these people were. That's just
what the cards said. She immediately said it was her sister and the man she
had hooked up with who wasn't my uncle. My uncle, BTW has dark hair too.
And I had no clue about the other man. So my mom just admitted details to
me that I did not know. And when I did a reading for a friend, he said that
the red haired woman that the cards referred to was his ex. So people will
readily admit things.

This is not my only dealing with a psychic. I have been to three others.
One did predict the time frame of my wedding and she was correct on that
But she also referred to my boss as a woman. Sorry Mr. C. I could just
never see you as a woman! And she told me to paint my office blue. It was
already blue! She also told my mom that her SIL was very ill and was going
to die soon. Now this would have been...lemme think...24 years ago. Aunt
C. is still alive. Not doing so well medically now but the medical problems
didn't crop up until fairly recently.

Another one told me that I was a monk in a former life. Guess I have no way
of verifying that. She told me that I have two guardian angels. Guess I
have no way of verifying that either. And she had me draw my aura on a
piece of paper. She had me use a variety of crayon colors and the way the
aura came out is in no way the way it says an aura would look according to
my book of auras. And no, can not see them. No matter what techique I use,
I can not see them at all.

The last one also did balloon animals. He was very nice, very friendly and
a cat lover. And best of all, cheap! So I hired him and later brought my
mom in for a reading. I can't remember the time frame on that. Maybe 3
years ago? Although he was highly entertaining, I don't think anything he
said came true. I can't remember all of the specifics. He said I would get
a small windfall, perhaps from someone passing away. I did have some
distant relatives pass away but didn't inherit a thing. And I did get some
small sums of money that I wasn't expecting. He told my mom that she would
win big at gambling. And she used to. But since he told her this, she has
only won maybe 2-3 times and no big wins like she used to get. Used to be
she would win maybe $2,000 every month or two and lesser sums in between.
Like $200. And she is not a big gambler. Only plays the slots at casinos.
These days only the local casinos. She used to go to Reno or Vegas once or
twice a year.

>>>> We have since adopted a new baby named Jetta. I don't have any good
>>>> pics
>>>> of
>>>> her just yet as she is confined to the bathroom until we can get her
>>>> better
>>>> tamed. She is coming along quite nicely. We can pet her freely now.
>>>> She
>>>> comes to me when I call her and she is seeking us out to be petted.
>>>> But
>>>> she
>>>> still gets frightened very easily and runs to hide. At least she is
>>>> not
>>>> going behind the toilet as much as she was. She lived behind there
>>>> when
>>>> we
>>>> first got her. We've had her since a week ago Sunday. I read on the
>>>> internet that a feral cat can be fully tamed at 10 days but that is
>>>> rare.
>>>> More likely it takes 2-3 weeks or longer and some will never be fully
>>>> tamed.
>>> So is she indeed feral, or was she?

>> She was born in the wild with her two sisters and a brother. They are
>> orange tabbies. She is what they call a white tortie. She has a little
>> orange heart on her side. Sooo cute!

> That's adorable.

Angela just picked her up. As in really picked her up and put her on her
shoulder. I am soo happy! I have been tempted but... For some reason the
cats seem to be more willing to let Angela pick them up than me. Perhaps
because they see her only for the fun things. I am the one who takes them
for nail clips, to the vet, gives their medicine when needed, etc. So if I
pick them up, in their eyes a bad thing could follow. She has pounced
across my lap and across my foot and twice she let me lay down with her. I
am just afraid if we let her out into the house, she will become frightened
and find some place to hide. And since she is so tiny, we might not find
her for a while. So I want to make sure that she is totally fine with us
and feels safe. I think we are close to getting there. She does want to
come out!
>>>> This is a pic of her going home. Not gonna put up the one of her
>>>> behind
>>>> the
>>>> toilet. Somebody would find fault with it, I'm sure.
>>> She's adorable, a very inquisitive and pleasing face, and the eyes match
>>> her markings perfectly.
>>> Enjoy!

>> She seems to have Bali's sense of adventure. Seemingly there is no place
>> she won't go. But unlike Bali, she is wary and cautious. Bali kind of
>> struck me as rather stupid which perhaps is why her mom stuck so close to
>> her. This little girl is very smart. She loves all of her toys and is
>> great at catching the toy mouse on a wire. And when I gave her some cat
>> grass she ate it right away.

> Fitting right in, as cats will generally do. I think you'll have along and
> happy life together.
> Is Jazzy accomodating to her so far?

Yes. She seems to know that she needs to be in the bathroom to be safe
until she has adjusted. Jazzy seems to really love any and all kittens. If
we have a show on TV or are doing a Youtube or something with kittens
meowing, she goes into alert mode, ripping around the house trying to find
them. She did not want to give her kittens up and especially not Bali.
They said she cried non-stop for the two days when Bali was away being
spade. She only calmed down when she got her back. She also nursed her way
beyond one year and became alarmed any time Bali did anything she deemed to
be dangerous (which was actually pretty frequent) or went out of sight.

One thing that Bali loved to do was get on top of the kitchen cupboards. No
matter what I tried to block her from doing this, she found a way around it.
So I took down everything that was up there and when we redid the kitchen, I
replaced those things with a very few select things to go with our yellow
paint and red pepper trim. Like a clear bowl of plastic peppers. Also a
bowl of grapes and one of apples and pears. Bali kept knocking off the bowl
of apples and pears because for some odd reason there is a tiny window up
where they are and she liked to look out it.

The odd thing is, after she went missing, the bowl toppled over. I joked to
Angela that Bali's ghost must have done it. It happened when there were no
cats in the house and in fact it was the night before we got Jazzy back.

Since it has been hot, I just left everything as it was. But last night I
was stuck in the kitchen for a little while waiting for something to finish
cooking. So I climbed up there with my reaching tool and put it all back.
Hopefully I got it all. I can't see up there because it is so high so the
best I could do was poke around with the tool then fish for whatever it was
when I hit something.

  #108 (permalink)   Report Post  
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"Doris Night" > wrote in message
> On Mon, 22 Jul 2013 14:19:56 -0700, "Julie Bove"
> > wrote:
>>No. She *thought* she posted a very helpful link but when I clicked on
>>it brought me to my own Pinterest page. If I had wanted to search
>>for recipes, I would have done that.

> I clicked on her link and was taken to a Pinterest page with loads and
> loads of lovely fritter recipes. Not to mine, or yours, or anyone
> elses, Pinterest page.

Well mine took me to exactly where it would when I am logged in to Pinterest
as I was. It was not my boards but my friend's pins. I tried it twice.
Same thing happened both times.

  #109 (permalink)   Report Post  
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"Doris Night" > wrote in message
> On Mon, 22 Jul 2013 14:22:00 -0700, "Julie Bove"
> > wrote:
>>I don't even know what a Google alert is! But I guess I am not missing

> Oh, Google alerts are quite handy! If there's a particular subject you
> are interested in, and you don't feel like scouring the internet every
> day looking for new postings and/or news stories on that subject, you
> can set up an alert for it, and Google will send you an email when
> something comes up.

I don't scour the internet every day for anything. Or stories on anything.
So probably would not be of use to me. And I sure wouldn't want an e-mail
for things like that.

> Here's the Google alert link for Canadians (I can't link to one for
> the US, for some reason):


  #110 (permalink)   Report Post  
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"Julie Bove" > wrote in message

> No. It didn't turn into all about me. *You* said that "clean eating" is
> the new thing. I said it was not new and offered proof of when I first
> heard of it. That would be in the 80's and 90's. It may well have been a
> term that was used prior to that. But it's certainly not new.

Did you also see that she said she called it "back to basics?"


  #111 (permalink)   Report Post  
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On Mon, 22 Jul 2013 19:07:40 -0400, Doris Night
> wrote:

> On Mon, 22 Jul 2013 11:32:13 -0700, sf > wrote:
> >On Mon, 22 Jul 2013 10:08:14 -0400, Doris Night
> > wrote:
> >>
> >> I'm not a pinterest member, but I did a search for some gluten-free
> >> stuff as well and was quite pleased with the recipes I found. And I
> >> like how the pictures are all laid out on one page.
> >>

> >You're very welcome, Doris! The new thing is called "clean eating" (I
> >call it back to basics) and you can search for recipes using that
> >search term on any search engine.
> >

> Oh, I know all about clean eating. I'm a big fan of Michael Pollan,
> Gary Taubes, Mark Bittman, et al. I buy their books and everything.
> >
> >Not sure what type you were looking for, but I just pinned some
> >recipes this morning that you might be interested in because they are
> >gluten free too
> >
> >Arugula, Figs and Prosciutto Salad with Walnut Dressing
> >
> >
> >Grilled Eggplant with Basil Vinaigrette
> >< gID=5591472&spUserID=MTQyOTMwMTE2MjQS1&spJobID=326 036511&spReportId=MzI2MDM2NTExS0>
> >or
> >
> >Chicken Braised in Lemon and Capers (eliminate or switch to a
> >non-gluten flour for dusting - which is an unnecessary step, AFAIC)
> >

> Those all look good. Well, except for the capers in the chicken
> recipe.
> I have recently found out that I have diverticulosis. My gynecologist
> diagnosed it. I can get quite bloated, and have abdominal pain in the
> lower left side.

Is that the one where you can't eat a low-fiber diet? I didn't know
capers could be a problem! Well, eliminate them and it will be just
as good. Think of it like chicken piccata without the capers. Capers
are nice, but not necessary. If you absolutely, positively need the
caper flavor - invite someone over and give them all the capers while
you just have their essence. Hubby hates capers but doesn't mind
eating a liquid they've been in, so I make piccata the regular way and
take all of them for myself.... they're mine, ALLLL mine!
> Anyway, she suggested that I try going gluten-free and/or lactose
> free, and see if it helped. So far, I think it has. I'm not going to
> die or anything if I eat wheat, but by keeping it mainly out of my
> diet the pain has pretty much disappeared. Lactose-free is a lot
> easier, what with lactose-free milk and cream.

It's really surprising how easy it is to go on a gluten free diet,
once you stop panicking and realize how many things you cook anyway
that doesn't have gluten at all or it's minimal and be eliminated
without missing it (like in the recipe above). I imagine a lactose
free diet would be the same way except there are tons of substitutes
on the market now. I'm more into coconut milk these days (the canned
type, not the one in a carton meant to drink like cow's milk) anyway.
Even panna cotta can be made dairy free (look for coconut milk

Food is an important part of a balanced diet.
  #112 (permalink)   Report Post  
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"Cheri" > wrote in message
> "Julie Bove" > wrote in message
> ...
>> No. It didn't turn into all about me. *You* said that "clean eating" is
>> the new thing. I said it was not new and offered proof of when I first
>> heard of it. That would be in the 80's and 90's. It may well have been
>> a term that was used prior to that. But it's certainly not new.

> Did you also see that she said she called it "back to basics?"

No but I don't think that's new either.

  #113 (permalink)   Report Post  
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"sf" > wrote in message
> It's really surprising how easy it is to go on a gluten free diet,
> once you stop panicking and realize how many things you cook anyway
> that doesn't have gluten at all or it's minimal and be eliminated
> without missing it (like in the recipe above). I imagine a lactose
> free diet would be the same way except there are tons of substitutes
> on the market now. I'm more into coconut milk these days (the canned
> type, not the one in a carton meant to drink like cow's milk) anyway.
> Even panna cotta can be made dairy free (look for coconut milk
> recipes).

The main problems with the GF diet are what other people can do to you.
They don't understand cross contamination. They put their knife in the ____
then onto their bread, then back again, getting gluten in the _____. Or
they cut a sandwich with the knife then cut your GF one with the same knife.
This can happen with a well meaning friend or relative or at a restaurant.

Even restaurants with a GF menu don't always get it. I have gotten bread at
both the Old Spaghetti Factory and Olive Garden, both of which have the GF
menu. This happened when Angela and I were dining alone and both ordered
GF. OG also put croutons on the salad after I reminded them not to and
thought it was good enough just to pick them off.

You also have to check all prepared foods that you buy. Most soups have
wheat and/or dairy in them and I've seen tuna salad with wheat.

Cooking GF and dairy free at home is very easy provided you don't share a
kitchen with eaters of those things who might unwittingly cross contaminate
you and provided you do a clean sweep to start with and get rid of any old
things were gluten might hide. Baking is another matter. Don't expect the
results to be anywhere like wheat containing stuff. They won't be. I think
the closest prepared thing we found to wheat was the Teff wraps from La
Tortilla Factory. They work well for all kinds of wraps and burritos.

  #114 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Let's talk fritters!

On Mon, 22 Jul 2013 18:43:20 -0700, sf > wrote:

> Is that the one where you can't eat a low-fiber diet?

Sorry, bad editing again. I started off naming what people can't eat
and then decided to say "need to eat a low fiber diet" and ended up
with a little of both thoughts that conveyed the opposite of what I
wanted to say.

Food is an important part of a balanced diet.
  #115 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posted to
external usenet poster
Posts: 1,017
Default Let's talk fritters! - now Bali

On 7/22/2013 6:07 PM, Julie Bove wrote:
> "casa bona" > wrote in message
> ...
>> On 7/22/2013 4:55 PM, Julie Bove wrote:
>>> "casa bona" > wrote in message
>>> ...
>>>> On 7/22/2013 4:17 PM, Julie Bove wrote:
>>>>> "casa bona" > wrote in message
>>>>> ...
>>>>>> On 7/22/2013 3:22 PM, Julie Bove wrote:
>>>>>>> I don't even know what a Google alert is! But I guess I am not
>>>>>>> missing
>>>>>>> anything.
>>>>>> Subject change - did you ever get Bali back?
>>>>>> I think that was still in flux when I left.
>>>>>> If not, my condolences.
>>>>> No. We have given up on her. Oddly, that pet psychic contacted me
>>>>> again
>>>>> today and asked me the same question. Uh... Hello? You're a psychic!
>>>> Lol, well maybe only psychic when it pays?
>>> Dunno. I can't entirely dismiss what she said. She did say there was a
>>> large gray tabby out there that was tormenting them. And that tabby has
>>> been confirmed via my wildlife cam. I have not seen it coming around
>>> bothering us though. In fact nothing has been since that one raccoon was
>>> trapped. And she did say some useful things to us. I think at least by
>>> looking in the bushes like we did and calling out to Bali, even though we
>>> didn't find her, it let her mom know that we were doing all we could to
>>> try
>>> to get her back. The other people who were helping us told us not to
>>> call
>>> out to either cat as that would alert the predators to them. Still not
>>> sure
>>> who was right on that score.

>> I think psychics can get things "in the neighborhood" so to speak, which
>> is to day quite a bit, yet still be off.
>> Its no exact science at all.

> Yes. I do know this. I used to have a couple of packs of Tarot cards.
> Don't think I have them any more because you can do readings for free
> online. I would occasionally do readings for other people and they always
> were amazed and claim that I was dead on! I am no more psychic than anyone
> else. I do on rare occasions have psychic flashes, if you will. Twice, I
> was driving and something told me to pull over quickly. I did. Both times
> there was an out of control car behind me. Of course I had finite clues
> like hearing the car behind me. Once as a child, I was sitting, waiting to
> see who would get which part in the Snow White Operetta that I had tried out
> for. And sure enough I just knew who was going to get Snow White.
> Sometimes I just know things. But other times when I wish I could just know
> things, I don't and I can't.

I once sat through a stoplight turn signal on green which, had I entered
the intersection, I'd have been obliterated by a speeding limo, of all

Seemed like I was in a trance, and no one behind honked either.

> When I did a reading for my mom, I said something about a dark haired man
> and a dark haired woman. I had no clues who these people were. That's just
> what the cards said. She immediately said it was her sister and the man she
> had hooked up with who wasn't my uncle. My uncle, BTW has dark hair too.
> And I had no clue about the other man. So my mom just admitted details to
> me that I did not know. And when I did a reading for a friend, he said that
> the red haired woman that the cards referred to was his ex. So people will
> readily admit things.
> This is not my only dealing with a psychic. I have been to three others.
> One did predict the time frame of my wedding and she was correct on that
> But she also referred to my boss as a woman. Sorry Mr. C. I could just
> never see you as a woman! And she told me to paint my office blue. It was
> already blue! She also told my mom that her SIL was very ill and was going
> to die soon. Now this would have been...lemme think...24 years ago. Aunt
> C. is still alive. Not doing so well medically now but the medical problems
> didn't crop up until fairly recently.
> Another one told me that I was a monk in a former life. Guess I have no way
> of verifying that. She told me that I have two guardian angels. Guess I
> have no way of verifying that either. And she had me draw my aura on a
> piece of paper. She had me use a variety of crayon colors and the way the
> aura came out is in no way the way it says an aura would look according to
> my book of auras. And no, can not see them. No matter what techique I use,
> I can not see them at all.

Nor can I.

> The last one also did balloon animals. He was very nice, very friendly and
> a cat lover. And best of all, cheap! So I hired him and later brought my
> mom in for a reading. I can't remember the time frame on that. Maybe 3
> years ago? Although he was highly entertaining, I don't think anything he
> said came true. I can't remember all of the specifics. He said I would get
> a small windfall, perhaps from someone passing away. I did have some
> distant relatives pass away but didn't inherit a thing. And I did get some
> small sums of money that I wasn't expecting. He told my mom that she would
> win big at gambling. And she used to. But since he told her this, she has
> only won maybe 2-3 times and no big wins like she used to get. Used to be
> she would win maybe $2,000 every month or two and lesser sums in between.
> Like $200. And she is not a big gambler. Only plays the slots at casinos.
> These days only the local casinos. She used to go to Reno or Vegas once or
> twice a year.

Sounds more like good guessing to me.

>>>>> We have since adopted a new baby named Jetta. I don't have any good
>>>>> pics
>>>>> of
>>>>> her just yet as she is confined to the bathroom until we can get her
>>>>> better
>>>>> tamed. She is coming along quite nicely. We can pet her freely now.
>>>>> She
>>>>> comes to me when I call her and she is seeking us out to be petted.
>>>>> But
>>>>> she
>>>>> still gets frightened very easily and runs to hide. At least she is
>>>>> not
>>>>> going behind the toilet as much as she was. She lived behind there
>>>>> when
>>>>> we
>>>>> first got her. We've had her since a week ago Sunday. I read on the
>>>>> internet that a feral cat can be fully tamed at 10 days but that is
>>>>> rare.
>>>>> More likely it takes 2-3 weeks or longer and some will never be fully
>>>>> tamed.
>>>> So is she indeed feral, or was she?
>>> She was born in the wild with her two sisters and a brother. They are
>>> orange tabbies. She is what they call a white tortie. She has a little
>>> orange heart on her side. Sooo cute!

>> That's adorable.

> Angela just picked her up. As in really picked her up and put her on her
> shoulder. I am soo happy! I have been tempted but... For some reason the
> cats seem to be more willing to let Angela pick them up than me. Perhaps
> because they see her only for the fun things. I am the one who takes them
> for nail clips, to the vet, gives their medicine when needed, etc. So if I
> pick them up, in their eyes a bad thing could follow. She has pounced
> across my lap and across my foot and twice she let me lay down with her. I
> am just afraid if we let her out into the house, she will become frightened
> and find some place to hide. And since she is so tiny, we might not find
> her for a while. So I want to make sure that she is totally fine with us
> and feels safe. I think we are close to getting there. She does want to
> come out!

This is like cat whispering, you hold back your acceptance and then they
want it more.

A fins strategy, imo.

>>>>> This is a pic of her going home. Not gonna put up the one of her
>>>>> behind
>>>>> the
>>>>> toilet. Somebody would find fault with it, I'm sure.
>>>> She's adorable, a very inquisitive and pleasing face, and the eyes match
>>>> her markings perfectly.
>>>> Enjoy!
>>> She seems to have Bali's sense of adventure. Seemingly there is no place
>>> she won't go. But unlike Bali, she is wary and cautious. Bali kind of
>>> struck me as rather stupid which perhaps is why her mom stuck so close to
>>> her. This little girl is very smart. She loves all of her toys and is
>>> great at catching the toy mouse on a wire. And when I gave her some cat
>>> grass she ate it right away.

>> Fitting right in, as cats will generally do. I think you'll have along and
>> happy life together.
>> Is Jazzy accomodating to her so far?

> Yes. She seems to know that she needs to be in the bathroom to be safe
> until she has adjusted. Jazzy seems to really love any and all kittens. If
> we have a show on TV or are doing a Youtube or something with kittens
> meowing, she goes into alert mode, ripping around the house trying to find
> them. She did not want to give her kittens up and especially not Bali.
> They said she cried non-stop for the two days when Bali was away being
> spade. She only calmed down when she got her back. She also nursed her way
> beyond one year and became alarmed any time Bali did anything she deemed to
> be dangerous (which was actually pretty frequent) or went out of sight.
> One thing that Bali loved to do was get on top of the kitchen cupboards. No
> matter what I tried to block her from doing this, she found a way around it.
> So I took down everything that was up there and when we redid the kitchen, I
> replaced those things with a very few select things to go with our yellow
> paint and red pepper trim. Like a clear bowl of plastic peppers. Also a
> bowl of grapes and one of apples and pears. Bali kept knocking off the bowl
> of apples and pears because for some odd reason there is a tiny window up
> where they are and she liked to look out it.
> The odd thing is, after she went missing, the bowl toppled over. I joked to
> Angela that Bali's ghost must have done it. It happened when there were no
> cats in the house and in fact it was the night before we got Jazzy back.

I'd take that as a sign also.

I lost a kitty prematurely and for years she'd appear in our loft, yes
visually, in her special spot looking down.

You;d just have this feeling of being watched.

> Since it has been hot, I just left everything as it was. But last night I
> was stuck in the kitchen for a little while waiting for something to finish
> cooking. So I climbed up there with my reaching tool and put it all back.
> Hopefully I got it all. I can't see up there because it is so high so the
> best I could do was poke around with the tool then fish for whatever it was
> when I hit something.

Any more tumblings down, please let us know.

  #116 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posted to
external usenet poster
Posts: 46,524
Default Let's talk fritters! - now Bali

"casa bona" > wrote in message
> On 7/22/2013 6:07 PM, Julie Bove wrote:
>> "casa bona" > wrote in message
>> ...
>>> On 7/22/2013 4:55 PM, Julie Bove wrote:
>>>> "casa bona" > wrote in message
>>>> ...
>>>>> On 7/22/2013 4:17 PM, Julie Bove wrote:
>>>>>> "casa bona" > wrote in message
>>>>>> ...
>>>>>>> On 7/22/2013 3:22 PM, Julie Bove wrote:
>>>>>>>> I don't even know what a Google alert is! But I guess I am not
>>>>>>>> missing
>>>>>>>> anything.
>>>>>>> Subject change - did you ever get Bali back?
>>>>>>> I think that was still in flux when I left.
>>>>>>> If not, my condolences.
>>>>>> No. We have given up on her. Oddly, that pet psychic contacted me
>>>>>> again
>>>>>> today and asked me the same question. Uh... Hello? You're a
>>>>>> psychic!
>>>>> Lol, well maybe only psychic when it pays?
>>>> Dunno. I can't entirely dismiss what she said. She did say there was
>>>> a
>>>> large gray tabby out there that was tormenting them. And that tabby
>>>> has
>>>> been confirmed via my wildlife cam. I have not seen it coming around
>>>> bothering us though. In fact nothing has been since that one raccoon
>>>> was
>>>> trapped. And she did say some useful things to us. I think at least
>>>> by
>>>> looking in the bushes like we did and calling out to Bali, even though
>>>> we
>>>> didn't find her, it let her mom know that we were doing all we could to
>>>> try
>>>> to get her back. The other people who were helping us told us not to
>>>> call
>>>> out to either cat as that would alert the predators to them. Still not
>>>> sure
>>>> who was right on that score.
>>> I think psychics can get things "in the neighborhood" so to speak, which
>>> is to day quite a bit, yet still be off.
>>> Its no exact science at all.

>> Yes. I do know this. I used to have a couple of packs of Tarot cards.
>> Don't think I have them any more because you can do readings for free
>> online. I would occasionally do readings for other people and they
>> always
>> were amazed and claim that I was dead on! I am no more psychic than
>> anyone
>> else. I do on rare occasions have psychic flashes, if you will. Twice,
>> I
>> was driving and something told me to pull over quickly. I did. Both
>> times
>> there was an out of control car behind me. Of course I had finite clues
>> like hearing the car behind me. Once as a child, I was sitting, waiting
>> to
>> see who would get which part in the Snow White Operetta that I had tried
>> out
>> for. And sure enough I just knew who was going to get Snow White.
>> Sometimes I just know things. But other times when I wish I could just
>> know
>> things, I don't and I can't.

> I once sat through a stoplight turn signal on green which, had I entered
> the intersection, I'd have been obliterated by a speeding limo, of all
> things.
> Seemed like I was in a trance, and no one behind honked either.
>> When I did a reading for my mom, I said something about a dark haired man
>> and a dark haired woman. I had no clues who these people were. That's
>> just
>> what the cards said. She immediately said it was her sister and the man
>> she
>> had hooked up with who wasn't my uncle. My uncle, BTW has dark hair too.
>> And I had no clue about the other man. So my mom just admitted details
>> to
>> me that I did not know. And when I did a reading for a friend, he said
>> that
>> the red haired woman that the cards referred to was his ex. So people
>> will
>> readily admit things.
>> This is not my only dealing with a psychic. I have been to three others.
>> One did predict the time frame of my wedding and she was correct on that
>> But she also referred to my boss as a woman. Sorry Mr. C. I could just
>> never see you as a woman! And she told me to paint my office blue. It
>> was
>> already blue! She also told my mom that her SIL was very ill and was
>> going
>> to die soon. Now this would have been...lemme think...24 years ago.
>> Aunt
>> C. is still alive. Not doing so well medically now but the medical
>> problems
>> didn't crop up until fairly recently.
>> Another one told me that I was a monk in a former life. Guess I have no
>> way
>> of verifying that. She told me that I have two guardian angels. Guess I
>> have no way of verifying that either. And she had me draw my aura on a
>> piece of paper. She had me use a variety of crayon colors and the way
>> the
>> aura came out is in no way the way it says an aura would look according
>> to
>> my book of auras. And no, can not see them. No matter what techique I
>> use,
>> I can not see them at all.

> Nor can I.
>> The last one also did balloon animals. He was very nice, very friendly
>> and
>> a cat lover. And best of all, cheap! So I hired him and later brought
>> my
>> mom in for a reading. I can't remember the time frame on that. Maybe 3
>> years ago? Although he was highly entertaining, I don't think anything
>> he
>> said came true. I can't remember all of the specifics. He said I would
>> get
>> a small windfall, perhaps from someone passing away. I did have some
>> distant relatives pass away but didn't inherit a thing. And I did get
>> some
>> small sums of money that I wasn't expecting. He told my mom that she
>> would
>> win big at gambling. And she used to. But since he told her this, she
>> has
>> only won maybe 2-3 times and no big wins like she used to get. Used to
>> be
>> she would win maybe $2,000 every month or two and lesser sums in between.
>> Like $200. And she is not a big gambler. Only plays the slots at
>> casinos.
>> These days only the local casinos. She used to go to Reno or Vegas once
>> or
>> twice a year.

> Sounds more like good guessing to me.
>>>>>> We have since adopted a new baby named Jetta. I don't have any good
>>>>>> pics
>>>>>> of
>>>>>> her just yet as she is confined to the bathroom until we can get her
>>>>>> better
>>>>>> tamed. She is coming along quite nicely. We can pet her freely now.
>>>>>> She
>>>>>> comes to me when I call her and she is seeking us out to be petted.
>>>>>> But
>>>>>> she
>>>>>> still gets frightened very easily and runs to hide. At least she is
>>>>>> not
>>>>>> going behind the toilet as much as she was. She lived behind there
>>>>>> when
>>>>>> we
>>>>>> first got her. We've had her since a week ago Sunday. I read on the
>>>>>> internet that a feral cat can be fully tamed at 10 days but that is
>>>>>> rare.
>>>>>> More likely it takes 2-3 weeks or longer and some will never be fully
>>>>>> tamed.
>>>>> So is she indeed feral, or was she?
>>>> She was born in the wild with her two sisters and a brother. They are
>>>> orange tabbies. She is what they call a white tortie. She has a
>>>> little
>>>> orange heart on her side. Sooo cute!
>>> That's adorable.

>> Angela just picked her up. As in really picked her up and put her on her
>> shoulder. I am soo happy! I have been tempted but... For some reason
>> the
>> cats seem to be more willing to let Angela pick them up than me. Perhaps
>> because they see her only for the fun things. I am the one who takes
>> them
>> for nail clips, to the vet, gives their medicine when needed, etc. So if
>> I
>> pick them up, in their eyes a bad thing could follow. She has pounced
>> across my lap and across my foot and twice she let me lay down with her.
>> I
>> am just afraid if we let her out into the house, she will become
>> frightened
>> and find some place to hide. And since she is so tiny, we might not find
>> her for a while. So I want to make sure that she is totally fine with us
>> and feels safe. I think we are close to getting there. She does want to
>> come out!

> This is like cat whispering, you hold back your acceptance and then they
> want it more.
> A fins strategy, imo.
>>>>>> This is a pic of her going home. Not gonna put up the one of her
>>>>>> behind
>>>>>> the
>>>>>> toilet. Somebody would find fault with it, I'm sure.
>>>>> She's adorable, a very inquisitive and pleasing face, and the eyes
>>>>> match
>>>>> her markings perfectly.
>>>>> Enjoy!
>>>> She seems to have Bali's sense of adventure. Seemingly there is no
>>>> place
>>>> she won't go. But unlike Bali, she is wary and cautious. Bali kind
>>>> of
>>>> struck me as rather stupid which perhaps is why her mom stuck so close
>>>> to
>>>> her. This little girl is very smart. She loves all of her toys and is
>>>> great at catching the toy mouse on a wire. And when I gave her some
>>>> cat
>>>> grass she ate it right away.
>>> Fitting right in, as cats will generally do. I think you'll have along
>>> and
>>> happy life together.
>>> Is Jazzy accomodating to her so far?

>> Yes. She seems to know that she needs to be in the bathroom to be safe
>> until she has adjusted. Jazzy seems to really love any and all kittens.
>> If
>> we have a show on TV or are doing a Youtube or something with kittens
>> meowing, she goes into alert mode, ripping around the house trying to
>> find
>> them. She did not want to give her kittens up and especially not Bali.
>> They said she cried non-stop for the two days when Bali was away being
>> spade. She only calmed down when she got her back. She also nursed her
>> way
>> beyond one year and became alarmed any time Bali did anything she deemed
>> to
>> be dangerous (which was actually pretty frequent) or went out of sight.
>> One thing that Bali loved to do was get on top of the kitchen cupboards.
>> No
>> matter what I tried to block her from doing this, she found a way around
>> it.
>> So I took down everything that was up there and when we redid the
>> kitchen, I
>> replaced those things with a very few select things to go with our yellow
>> paint and red pepper trim. Like a clear bowl of plastic peppers. Also a
>> bowl of grapes and one of apples and pears. Bali kept knocking off the
>> bowl
>> of apples and pears because for some odd reason there is a tiny window up
>> where they are and she liked to look out it.
>> The odd thing is, after she went missing, the bowl toppled over. I joked
>> to
>> Angela that Bali's ghost must have done it. It happened when there were
>> no
>> cats in the house and in fact it was the night before we got Jazzy back.

> I'd take that as a sign also.
> I lost a kitty prematurely and for years she'd appear in our loft, yes
> visually, in her special spot looking down.
> You;d just have this feeling of being watched.
>> Since it has been hot, I just left everything as it was. But last night
>> I
>> was stuck in the kitchen for a little while waiting for something to
>> finish
>> cooking. So I climbed up there with my reaching tool and put it all
>> back.
>> Hopefully I got it all. I can't see up there because it is so high so
>> the
>> best I could do was poke around with the tool then fish for whatever it
>> was
>> when I hit something.

> Any more tumblings down, please let us know.

Now that I think about it... Some years ago, I had a roommate with a yellow
cat named Sheba. This was the same one I mentioned who after getting
married, invited my new roommate and I to dinner and served our food in a
margarine tub and a Cool Whip tub. Anyway... She did not handle the cat's
illness well. I was the one who realized that the cat was sick and I drove
her to the emergency vet that we had used for our dog. When the vet
couldn't get the I.V into her, I did it. I also picked her up while they
were waiting for the test results and gave her the vitamins that seemed to
make her feel a little better until they realized that it was in fact

Some time after that, I woke up one night to see a tiny, neon green ball of
light shooting around the room. I watched it for a while. Wasn't
frightened but very curious. I now know that a ball of light could be a
ghost. I also used to get the feeling that a cat was pouncing on me as I
slept or tried to sleep. If I had the light on and was awake when it
happened, I could actually see the blanket going down in spots as though a
cat were pouncing.

We had a lot of other weird things go on in that house. Once, the locked
front door flew open. I was in the kitchen so could not see it happen.
This was after the first roommate moved out. The roommate I had at the time
had a little dog. I heard the door open. I heard the dog bark. But when I
looked around the corner, nobody was there.

The same roommate had a peeping Tom. We called the police and they sort of
played it off like... Two young women living alone. Just got hysterical
for no reason. Also tried to tell us that the peeper was probably a
raccoon. I had somewhat sheer drapes on my windows. The police told me to
get mini blinds. Told me that if they couldn't see in there, they wouldn't
peep. So I got some custom made mini blinds, not realizing at the time that
I could have installed larger ones outside of the window. Would have been
much cheaper! But I also wanted a certain color to match my bedspread.
So... It was hot and the window was open. No screens on our windows. I
heard a loud, clattering noise. These were metal mini blinds. Through the
moonlight, I saw a hairy arm and fist punch through the blinds. I freaked!
Again, we called the police.

After that, my roommate's BF arranged to spend the night at our house but he
parked on the street behind us and hopped the fence to get into our house.
He did this because after mentioning these problems to the other neighbors,
we learned that they too had problems. One had their house egged. And they
suspected squatters who lived across the street. The owner of the property
was trying to evict them and they did not want to leave. One neighbor
surmised that they didn't know who was trying to evict them so they were
going after everyone.

So that night, we sat on the floor of my bedroom, in the dark, under my
window. E's BF peeked out the window every once in a while then alerted us
to do the same. We watched as two guys from the school across the street
drove down the street in an old VW bug. Meanwhile some other guys got on
the roof of the school, waiting. After a while, they used a flashlight to
signal the guys who were headed our way. And sure enough, they came right
to our house but didn't get close to the window because as they stepped into
the driveway, the BF lifted the blind and shouted at them. They immediately
ran back across to the school and I called the police.

Long story short there, nothing could be done. We lived in unincorporated
King county. The King county people could take a complaint but said they
could not press charges because the people who did it were in Snohomish
county. The Snohomish county people said they could press charges
but...they could not take our statement because we were in another county.
It all sounded very fishy to me.

We never did figure out how the front door came open but my old roommate
surmised that our landlord might have done it. Within days after that last
incident where we called the police, we came home to a note on the fireplace
giving us 10 days to vacate. The landlord decided to get married and
although he owned three houses, this was the one they were going to move
into. Not legal but by this point, both my roommate and I had pretty much
had it and wanted out of there. She found a strange little rental property
where she lived briefly then moved back to AZ where AFAIK she still is. I
managed to wreck my car on the way to looking at a rental so wound up moving
back in with my parents for a while. Ah, fun!

  #117 (permalink)   Report Post  
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external usenet poster
Posts: 14,609
Default Let's talk fritters!

"Julie Bove" > wrote in message
> "Cheri" > wrote in message
> ...
>> "Julie Bove" > wrote in message
>> ...
>>> No. It didn't turn into all about me. *You* said that "clean eating"
>>> is the new thing. I said it was not new and offered proof of when I
>>> first heard of it. That would be in the 80's and 90's. It may well
>>> have been a term that was used prior to that. But it's certainly not
>>> new.

>> Did you also see that she said she called it "back to basics?"

> No but I don't think that's new either.


  #118 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Posts: 46,524
Default Let's talk fritters!

"Sqwertz" > wrote in message
> On Mon, 22 Jul 2013 14:10:18 -0700, Julie Bove wrote:
>> Hey Dave? What have you added to this discussion?

> What has he added to ANY food discussion? Haven't you folks noticed
> that he is only here to talk OT and start shit?


  #119 (permalink)   Report Post  
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external usenet poster
Posts: 76
Default Let's talk fritters!

Sqwertz wrote:
> On Mon, 22 Jul 2013 14:10:18 -0700, Julie Bove wrote:
>> Hey Dave? What have you added to this discussion?

> What has he added to ANY food discussion? Haven't you folks noticed
> that he is only here to talk OT and start shit?
> -sw

ESAD sqwerty, you spooge-spraying mayo factory.
  #120 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Posts: 36,804
Default Let's talk fritters!

On 7/22/2013 6:49 PM, Doris Night wrote:
> On Mon, 22 Jul 2013 14:19:56 -0700, "Julie Bove"
> > wrote:
>> No. She *thought* she posted a very helpful link but when I clicked on it,
>> it brought me to my own Pinterest page. If I had wanted to search Pinterest
>> for recipes, I would have done that.

> I clicked on her link and was taken to a Pinterest page with loads and
> loads of lovely fritter recipes. Not to mine, or yours, or anyone
> elses, Pinterest page.
> Doris

Agreed, I didn't have a problem with finding fritter recipes from that
link. And it *was* what Julie asked for. Lots of nice looking baked
fritter recipes.

I didn't have to join Pinterest to view the recipes. She says it takes
her to her own Pinterest page. That sounds like she does subscribe to
it. I don't know what she's complaining about.

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