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  #81 (permalink)   Report Post  
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"Janet Wilder" > wrote in message

> I really feel for you, Julie. It's pretty evident that you are trapped in
> an abusive relationship. It appears that your daughter has picked up on
> Daddy's methods and abuses you as well. You need to get counseling as
> soon as possible.

Ouch! I just bit my tongue. And now I am wanting to slap myself on the
hands because I really, really want to.... Nope. Gonna restrain myself
Janet. I won't stoop to your level.

Again... What I post here is only a portion of what goes on in my life. A
really, really small portion. I only hope that you Janet did not work as a
counselor when you were working. I presume that you are retired now.

As I said... My mom was a counselor. I did take Psych 101. I did consider
being a Psychologist or Psychiatrist but as one person once told me, many
people who take up that field, do it because they see themselves as screwed
up and see this as a way to fix themselves. I actually know a few (only
from online) who went this route.

But for as much as I do like to help others, this would not be the route for
me to take. There is just too much potentially that could go wrong. Again,
my mom was a counselor. I lived it along with her. Of course I didn't know
every thing about every case but I did see and hear enough to know the
dangers of that profession. Just not for me. But you do jump to
conclusions very easily. Very.

  #82 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Dave Smith > wrote in newsPxcv.19249$Nf2.16921

> On 2014-05-13 6:06 PM, Julie Bove wrote:
>> My family is fine with my cooking. And apparently my husband just loves
>> leftovers. In thinking about it, there is always a pattern. Much of
>> the time he would refuse to eat what I had cooked freshly and instead
>> would eat something else. This meant there was always a leftover for
>> the following day. I don't get it personally but... Whatever.

> Wow. Did that make any sense in Julieland when you wrote it?

Obviously her husband is a slob, with tastes even worse than Julie's.

1. Buy expensive steak.
2. Cook it to death IN THE ****ING MICROWAVE!
3. Husband refuses to eat it until the next day, when it is even worse.
4. Julie posts, "But it's all good here!"


"Happy ****ing 'new years' that was when me and my father
had to identify her dead mud covered body they pulled from
the family car she'd driven into the Mississippi river!"
--John Kuthe in, 3-7-2014
  #83 (permalink)   Report Post  
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"Julie Bove" > wrote in

> "Sqwertz" > wrote in message
> ...
>> On Mon, 12 May 2014 22:26:38 -0700, Julie Bove wrote:
>>> In fact I will cook it tonight for tomorrow's dinner. I
>>> myself will be having a hamburger patty.

>> Only a troll would suggest cooking steaks tonight for tomorrows
>> dinner. Even a moron can cook a steak in a few minutes and they
>> taste infinitely better than reheated or cold.


She's not a "troll," Steve. She is an astoundingly defective person, but
she's not a troll.
>> <snip rest unread>

> Nobody in this house likes a steak that has cooked for a few minutes.
> And you don't understand! When one person here wants food, he wants
> it immediately. 2 minutes in the microwave is too long to wait.

"Where's mah grub, you ugly-ass bitch?"


"Happy ****ing 'new years' that was when me and my father
had to identify her dead mud covered body they pulled from
the family car she'd driven into the Mississippi river!"
--John Kuthe in, 3-7-2014
  #84 (permalink)   Report Post  
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"George Leppla" > wrote in message
> On 5/13/2014 5:19 PM, Janet Wilder wrote:
>> I really feel for you, Julie. It's pretty evident that you are trapped
>> in an abusive relationship. It appears that your daughter has picked up
>> on Daddy's methods and abuses you as well. You need to get counseling
>> as soon as possible.

> Janet gets it... and I agree with her 100%. I hope that someday Julie
> finds the strength to change her situation.
> This is one of those situations where the victim has to want to make the
> change and until that happens, nothing anyone says to her will make any
> difference.
> I've seen it in my own family and in many others....

OIC! I am a victim for wanting to make food that my family likes? Gee but
I do live in a very different world than ya'll. I am glad that I did not
grow up in a household where I was forced to eat whatever was served and
that was that. Yes, we had some lean times and on occasion that seriously
was the case or starve. Thankfully, Angela has not ever had to do that.
However we did make several cross country moves and that in and of itself
did somewhat limit what we had access to in terms of food. Thankfully she
has never had to eat that which she did not like because there literally was
no other food nor could we afford it. When we do go through lean times
here, it has never been to the extent that it sometimes was in my childhood.

  #85 (permalink)   Report Post  
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"Dave Smith" > wrote in message
> On 2014-05-13 6:03 PM, Julie Bove wrote:
>>> If it's true. Don't forget that she has said that she buys meat and
>>> cooks it right away. Heck, her inane ways are hard enough to deal
>>> with here. I can't imagine what she is like in real life. Her husband
>>> probably has the patience of a saint or else he would have packed up
>>> and left a long time ago. She gets similar abuse from her daughter,
>>> and since the husband was away at work so much she would be the result
>>> of Julie's modelling.

>> Okay. That called for a beverage alert. Anyone who knows the man would
>> know that patience isn't in his vocabulary. You should have picked up
>> on that when I said that 2 minutes in the microwave was too long to wait.

> I picked up more than I needed to know a long time ago when you posted
> about how he used to stop for supper on the way home.

He only ever did that a few times. Perhaps he didn't want to wait to eat.
Perhaps he was far away. I don't remember. I only remember the annoyance
that I felt that he did not call me to say that he wasn't coming home for
dinner. But I was told by a counselor. Oh yes, a counselor! We did try
that route! That I was wrong for wanting to get the call like that and that
it wasn't any of my business. That was just a guy thing, she said. Mm hm.

  #86 (permalink)   Report Post  
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> wrote in message
> On Tue, 13 May 2014 17:13:34 -0500, Janet Wilder >
> wrote:
>>On 5/13/2014 11:34 AM, wrote:
>>> On Tue, 13 May 2014 10:08:41 -0500, Janet Wilder >
>>> wrote:
>>>> On 5/13/2014 5:53 AM, Julie Bove wrote:
>>>>> "Sqwertz" > wrote in message
>>>>> ...
>>>>>> On Mon, 12 May 2014 22:26:38 -0700, Julie Bove wrote:
>>>>>>> In fact I will cook it tonight for tomorrow's dinner. I
>>>>>>> myself will be having a hamburger patty.
>>>>>> Only a troll would suggest cooking steaks tonight for tomorrows
>>>>>> dinner. Even a moron can cook a steak in a few minutes and they
>>>>>> taste
>>>>>> infinitely better than reheated or cold.
>>>>>> <snip rest unread>
>>>>> Nobody in this house likes a steak that has cooked for a few minutes.
>>>>> And you don't understand! When one person here wants food, he wants
>>>>> it
>>>>> immediately. 2 minutes in the microwave is too long to wait.
>>>> That's spouse abuse!
>>> lol - funny

>>That's not how I meant it. I really think that Julie is in a abusive

> If so, it will run it's course. Similar to alcoholism, there is no
> cure until the person involved really wants it and is at their lowest
> point.

This is true. As I have said many, many times. My mom was a counselor.
All these people psychoanalyzing me is rather funny in a sick and pathetic
sort of way. But apparently it is what they like to do.

  #87 (permalink)   Report Post  
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"Dave Smith" > wrote in message

> You have to accept a basic premise about the source.... Julie lies.

No Dave. I do get things wrong sometimes. I will admit to that. But lie?

  #88 (permalink)   Report Post  
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"Janet Wilder" > wrote in message

> Most people, even those with a good understanding of psychology, can't see
> the situations they are in.
> My credentials, if you want to call them that, are many hours of
> volunteering at havens for abused women. Most of them did not believe
> they were in abusive relationships either until their lives
> were,literally, on the line.

I see. And since you were working with abused women, you apparently look
for abuse everywhere. Or so it seems to me.

One of my friends was in perhaps the most seriously abusive relationship I
have ever seen. I won't get into the details here but let me just say that
anyone that she was in contact with was not safe from this man! Thankfully
she has escaped from him and the escaped from him some years ago. She
married a very nice man but unfortuneatly, he developed serious medical
issues not long after they married.

I should hardly think that my life is on the line or ever would be. Not
from my marriage anyway... And yes, I know what abuse is. And if I think
someone is abusing me, I do call them on it right then and there.

> It takes courage to admit that one is in an abusive relationship. I hope
> and pray that someday you will find that courage.

I have more courage than you know Janet!

  #89 (permalink)   Report Post  
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"Julie Bove" > wrote in

> One big reason I don't like leftovers is that there is the potential
> that they won't get eaten. I know I won't usually eat them. There is
> also the potential that they will lead to over eating. Not by me but
> by someone else who likes to stand in front of the fridge, door open,
> grazing on cold food that most people would heat up. Like picking up
> a steak and eating it cold, from hands. Not gonna say who that is.
> Don't think I have to. Bah!

The butterball in the tutu?


"Happy ****ing 'new years' that was when me and my father
had to identify her dead mud covered body they pulled from
the family car she'd driven into the Mississippi river!"
--John Kuthe in, 3-7-2014
  #90 (permalink)   Report Post  
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"Julie Bove" > wrote in

> "Dave Smith" > wrote in message
> ...
>> On 2014-05-13 10:35 AM, jmcquown wrote:
>>>> Only a troll would suggest cooking steaks tonight for tomorrows
>>>> dinner. Even a moron can cook a steak in a few minutes and they
>>>> taste infinitely better than reheated or cold.
>>>> <snip rest unread>
>>>> -sw
>>> She did point out (in the lost a lot of food thread) she cooks meat
>>> when she buys it, even if they aren't going to eat it. I can't
>>> think of a better way to ruin a steak. (sigh)

>> Yet, some people here are quick to defend her and to blame her
>> husband for her inability to please him in the kitchen. If this is an
>> example of the idiotic way she cooks I can understand why he used to
>> stop for meals on the way home.

> Why blame anyone, Dave? If I am happy with the way I am doing things
> and my family is happy with the results? Why would anyone care? Have
> you ever seen me telling people what to do here? Thought not.

Shitty cooking posts that go unchallenged make this group a shitty source
for cooking knowledge. Your sig should be a disclaimer. Here's a
"I cook for a hog and a piglet, both of whom have no sense of good food, so
please do not look upon my posts as good advice for how to prepare food for
normal humans."

> Now you go cook your steaks the way you want to. If you can eat steaks
> that is. I realize that you have a heart problem so steaks may not be
> on your menu. Sorry, I can't remember.

That is someone else.


"Happy ****ing 'new years' that was when me and my father
had to identify her dead mud covered body they pulled from
the family car she'd driven into the Mississippi river!"
--John Kuthe in, 3-7-2014

  #91 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Moe DeLoughan > wrote in :

> Well, if you just _have_ to cook steak in advance, then freeze it, you
> could do worse than freezing thin-sliced cooked strips. They'd be
> ready in a jiff and the textural changes from the cook/freeze process
> probably wouldn't be as noticeable as in a whole cooked steak.
> Speaking of which, I'm changing the meat offering for our weekend
> wiener roast. The hell with hot dogs! I'ma gonna slice ribeyes into
> strips and we'll cook them over the fire instead. A few of those piled
> into a bun will beat tube steak by a country mile.

Agreed. Hot dogs are nasty, and calling them "tube steak" is a misuse of
the word, "steak."


"Happy ****ing 'new years' that was when me and my father
had to identify her dead mud covered body they pulled from
the family car she'd driven into the Mississippi river!"
--John Kuthe in, 3-7-2014
  #92 (permalink)   Report Post  
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On Tue, 13 May 2014 16:00:40 -0700, "Julie Bove"
> wrote:

> "sf" > wrote in message
> ...
> > On Mon, 12 May 2014 22:26:38 -0700, "Julie Bove"
> > > wrote:
> >
> >> Perhaps I normally shop on the wrong days there? They actually had some
> >> packs of steaks that were 2 per today but... They were super thick ones.

> >
> > I've noticed that they package meat by price, not number of pieces.
> >
> >> So were the New York and Rib Eye. So I opted for a pretty huge package
> >> of
> >> something else. I think they said Cap Steaks?

> >
> > Had to look up that term - I'd buy them if I saw them. Now you have
> > me wondering if my local Costco stocks them.


Well, I went to Costco. The cap is sirloin and they were out of
everything. The butcher told me they're tough. He said the choice is
basically stew meat and the prime is a little better.

> I do remember looking at steaks before and only seeing huge packages.
> Perhaps that was in the past or perhaps they just have the smaller packages
> on certain days.

Price. They're packaging beef in the +/- $30 per package range. I'm
not happy about the price, but two steaks to a package is a easier to
handle than six.


Good Food.
Good Friends.
Good Memories.
  #93 (permalink)   Report Post  
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On Tue, 13 May 2014 20:04:00 -0500, barbie gee >

>On Wed, 14 May 2014, Winters_Lackey wrote:
>> "Cheri" > wrote in
>> :
>>> "Julie Bove" > wrote in message
>>> ...
>>>> I know what kind of food my family likes and I try to make it for
>>>> them. I posted of the food because I got very good deals at Costco!
>>>> And if I want to cook it ahead it time... Why are people here
>>>> getting bent out of shape over it? My family is happy with my food.
>>>> Ya'll may be happy cooking yours a different way or some such thing.
>>>> But it's all good here!
>>> Beats me. I don't know why anyone would care how long you cook your
>>> food/steak! Their problem, not yours.

>> I, for one, believe that shitty cooking needs to be called out for the
>> benefit of those who might stop by to pick up knowledge. Putting a steak
>> into a microwave is shitty cooking. No one should model any aspect of
>> their cooking on Julie Bove's practices, which are only a small step above
>> slopping pigs.

>My head's still reeling over the notion of reheating cooked steaks.
>Some foods simply do not reheat well, especially in the microwave.

That's assuming it's factual. These little 'bombs' keep appearing in
Julie's posts at interesting intervals... just often enough to keep
the conversation about Julie simmering.

I mean seriously - who would actually do that to steaks?
Julie claims to be a writer, doesnt she? And here we have these posts
that just defy explanation...
  #94 (permalink)   Report Post  
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On Tue, 13 May 2014 17:57:49 -0700, "Julie Bove"
> wrote:

>This is true. As I have said many, many times. My mom was a counselor.
>All these people psychoanalyzing me is rather funny in a sick and pathetic
>sort of way. But apparently it is what they like to do.

Why does it only happen to you and nobody else here on rfc?
  #95 (permalink)   Report Post  
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"Julie Bove" > wrote in message
> "jmcquown" > wrote in message
> ...
>> On 5/13/2014 11:08 AM, Janet Wilder wrote:
>>> On 5/13/2014 5:53 AM, Julie Bove wrote:
>>>> "Sqwertz" > wrote in message
>>>> ...
>>>>> On Mon, 12 May 2014 22:26:38 -0700, Julie Bove wrote:
>>>>>> In fact I will cook it tonight for tomorrow's dinner. I
>>>>>> myself will be having a hamburger patty.
>>>>> Only a troll would suggest cooking steaks tonight for tomorrows
>>>>> dinner. Even a moron can cook a steak in a few minutes and they taste
>>>>> infinitely better than reheated or cold.
>>>>> <snip rest unread>
>>>> Nobody in this house likes a steak that has cooked for a few minutes.

>> Does that mean they want it well done? Fine. Cook it longer.
>> Her husband and daughter are not going to die if they have to wait a few
>> minutes. Good lord, even my cat will wait 10 minutes to be fed while I
>> take a shower in the morning.
>>>> And you don't understand! When one person here wants food, he wants it
>>>> immediately. 2 minutes in the microwave is too long to wait.
>>> That's spouse abuse!

>> That man needs to learn if he wants dinner on demand he should get his
>> ass into the kitchen and cook something himself. Sheesh. She's his
>> wife, not a servant.

> Correct. Not a servant. But I am the cook. And if it means cooking
> something ahead of time, no problem. I am getting rather sick at the
> seemingly helplessness of it all though. I could write a novel on that.
> I won't. More and more I am just finding reasons to prepare food ahead of
> time and then go somewhere else. That works for me!
> Part of the problem now is illness and injury meaning that he isn't able
> to do things that he normally would. Like leave the house. But I won't
> get into that either.

I can get you a list of poisons that they never test for in autopsies.

  #96 (permalink)   Report Post  
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On 2014-05-13 21:38, Jeßus wrote:
> On Tue, 13 May 2014 17:57:49 -0700, "Julie Bove"
> > wrote:
>> This is true. As I have said many, many times. My mom was a counselor.
>> All these people psychoanalyzing me is rather funny in a sick and pathetic
>> sort of way. But apparently it is what they like to do.

> Why does it only happen to you and nobody else here on rfc?

If her mother really was a counselor she should know that there is a
hell of a difference between identifying her as having a personality
disorder and having some deep rooted psychological issue.

  #97 (permalink)   Report Post  
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On 5/13/2014 5:35 PM, Julie Bove wrote:
> I was rather excited about the new pears that I
> bought. Apparently nobody else here was.

How were they?


I'm a nobody, nobody is perfect, therefore I'm perfect.
  #98 (permalink)   Report Post  
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"Winters_Lackey" > wrote in message
> "Cheri" > wrote in
> :
>> "Julie Bove" > wrote in message
>> ...
>>> I know what kind of food my family likes and I try to make it for
>>> them. I posted of the food because I got very good deals at Costco!
>>> And if I want to cook it ahead it time... Why are people here
>>> getting bent out of shape over it? My family is happy with my food.
>>> Ya'll may be happy cooking yours a different way or some such thing.
>>> But it's all good here!

>> Beats me. I don't know why anyone would care how long you cook your
>> food/steak! Their problem, not yours.

> I, for one, believe that shitty cooking needs to be called out for the
> benefit of those who might stop by to pick up knowledge. Putting a steak
> into a microwave is shitty cooking. No one should model any aspect of
> their cooking on Julie Bove's practices, which are only a small step above
> slopping pigs.

Well, your *knowledge* might not be the be all and end all for everyone, and
I think there are some here that can't conceive of any way but their way.
Narrow thinking IMO.


  #99 (permalink)   Report Post  
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"barbie gee" > wrote in message
> On Wed, 14 May 2014, Winters_Lackey wrote:
>> "Cheri" > wrote in
>> :
>>> "Julie Bove" > wrote in message
>>> ...
>>>> I know what kind of food my family likes and I try to make it for
>>>> them. I posted of the food because I got very good deals at Costco!
>>>> And if I want to cook it ahead it time... Why are people here
>>>> getting bent out of shape over it? My family is happy with my food.
>>>> Ya'll may be happy cooking yours a different way or some such thing.
>>>> But it's all good here!
>>> Beats me. I don't know why anyone would care how long you cook your
>>> food/steak! Their problem, not yours.

>> I, for one, believe that shitty cooking needs to be called out for the
>> benefit of those who might stop by to pick up knowledge. Putting a steak
>> into a microwave is shitty cooking. No one should model any aspect of
>> their cooking on Julie Bove's practices, which are only a small step
>> above
>> slopping pigs.

> My head's still reeling over the notion of reheating cooked steaks.
> Some foods simply do not reheat well, especially in the microwave. I
> mean, sure, they come out heated, but they are basically a sad imitation
> of their original goodness fresh out of the pan...
> Pork chops are another thing you simply can't reheat and have them be any
> good.

Who cares though? You should cook yours the way you want, and others will


  #100 (permalink)   Report Post  
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"Winters_Lackey" > wrote in message

> Shitty cooking posts that go unchallenged make this group a shitty source
> for cooking knowledge. Your sig should be a disclaimer. Here's a
> suggestion.
> "I cook for a hog and a piglet, both of whom have no sense of good food,
> so
> please do not look upon my posts as good advice for how to prepare food
> for
> normal humans."

Oh bullshit, you're just looking for a way to abuse a poster like you did
Andy. Unfortunately, Julie bothers to even answer you.


  #101 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Jeßus > wrote in

> On Tue, 13 May 2014 20:04:00 -0500, barbie gee >
> wrote:
>>On Wed, 14 May 2014, Winters_Lackey wrote:
>>> "Cheri" > wrote in
>>> :
>>>> "Julie Bove" > wrote in message
>>>> ...
>>>>> I know what kind of food my family likes and I try to make it for
>>>>> them. I posted of the food because I got very good deals at
>>>>> Costco! And if I want to cook it ahead it time... Why are people
>>>>> here getting bent out of shape over it? My family is happy with
>>>>> my food. Ya'll may be happy cooking yours a different way or some
>>>>> such thing. But it's all good here!
>>>> Beats me. I don't know why anyone would care how long you cook your
>>>> food/steak! Their problem, not yours.
>>> I, for one, believe that shitty cooking needs to be called out for
>>> the benefit of those who might stop by to pick up knowledge.
>>> Putting a steak into a microwave is shitty cooking. No one should
>>> model any aspect of their cooking on Julie Bove's practices, which
>>> are only a small step above slopping pigs.

>>My head's still reeling over the notion of reheating cooked steaks.
>>Some foods simply do not reheat well, especially in the microwave.

> That's assuming it's factual. These little 'bombs' keep appearing in
> Julie's posts at interesting intervals... just often enough to keep
> the conversation about Julie simmering.

I have an idea. Julie could divorce the overbearing husband, and move
her and her daughter to St. Louis, where they could move in with John
Kuthe, with the agreement that on the piglet's 15th birthday, she could
be married to John, and that Julie could live out the rest of her days
with them. Julie could outfit her daughter with a set of butt plugs in
increasing diameters to make the consummation pretty painless.

John could use his excellent wages to buy high quality prime steaks, and
Julie could cook them in the microwave. John wouldn't eat them--even
leftover--but he could eat his own things, like his monk's breakfast,
and I expect that he'd be so happy having a young teenager with a
receptive posterior that he might lose interest in stalking me.

Heck, it wouldn't even be statutory sodomy if they were married, and I'm
confident that John could wait until marriage. He's had decades of
living with almost no partner sex, and anyone who has seen the pix of
the tutued one knows that her prospects are otherwise pretty limited.
It's a win-win-win-win. I would say, "My God, I'm brilliant," but that
might make me seem narcissistic.


"Happy ****ing 'new years' that was when me and my father
had to identify her dead mud covered body they pulled from
the family car she'd driven into the Mississippi river!"
--John Kuthe in, 3-7-2014
  #102 (permalink)   Report Post  
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"Winters_Lackey" > wrote in message
> Jeßus > wrote in
> :
>> On Tue, 13 May 2014 20:04:00 -0500, barbie gee >
>> wrote:
>>>On Wed, 14 May 2014, Winters_Lackey wrote:
>>>> "Cheri" > wrote in
>>>> :
>>>>> "Julie Bove" > wrote in message
>>>>> ...
>>>>>> I know what kind of food my family likes and I try to make it for
>>>>>> them. I posted of the food because I got very good deals at
>>>>>> Costco! And if I want to cook it ahead it time... Why are people
>>>>>> here getting bent out of shape over it? My family is happy with
>>>>>> my food. Ya'll may be happy cooking yours a different way or some
>>>>>> such thing. But it's all good here!
>>>>> Beats me. I don't know why anyone would care how long you cook your
>>>>> food/steak! Their problem, not yours.
>>>> I, for one, believe that shitty cooking needs to be called out for
>>>> the benefit of those who might stop by to pick up knowledge.
>>>> Putting a steak into a microwave is shitty cooking. No one should
>>>> model any aspect of their cooking on Julie Bove's practices, which
>>>> are only a small step above slopping pigs.
>>>My head's still reeling over the notion of reheating cooked steaks.
>>>Some foods simply do not reheat well, especially in the microwave.

>> That's assuming it's factual. These little 'bombs' keep appearing in
>> Julie's posts at interesting intervals... just often enough to keep
>> the conversation about Julie simmering.

> I have an idea. Julie could divorce the overbearing husband, and move
> her and her daughter to St. Louis, where they could move in with John
> Kuthe, with the agreement that on the piglet's 15th birthday, she could
> be married to John, and that Julie could live out the rest of her days
> with them. Julie could outfit her daughter with a set of butt plugs in
> increasing diameters to make the consummation pretty painless.
> John could use his excellent wages to buy high quality prime steaks, and
> Julie could cook them in the microwave. John wouldn't eat them--even
> leftover--but he could eat his own things, like his monk's breakfast,
> and I expect that he'd be so happy having a young teenager with a
> receptive posterior that he might lose interest in stalking me.
> Heck, it wouldn't even be statutory sodomy if they were married, and I'm
> confident that John could wait until marriage. He's had decades of
> living with almost no partner sex, and anyone who has seen the pix of
> the tutued one knows that her prospects are otherwise pretty limited.
> It's a win-win-win-win. I would say, "My God, I'm brilliant," but that
> might make me seem narcissistic.

I am officially done reading your filth since you seem out of control at the
moment. Meds are the answer.


  #103 (permalink)   Report Post  
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On Tue, 13 May 2014 19:48:44 -0700, "Cheri" >

>I am officially done reading your filth since you seem out of control at the
>moment. Meds are the answer.

I had to stop reading his posts a couple of weeks ago.
He's not a well man at the moment
  #104 (permalink)   Report Post  
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On 5/13/2014 10:48 PM, Cheri wrote:
> I am officially done reading your filth since you seem out of control at
> the moment. Meds are the answer.
> Cheri

Bryan has been out of control for quite some time.

  #105 (permalink)   Report Post  
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"Cheri" > wrote in message
> "Winters_Lackey" > wrote in message
> ...
>> "Cheri" > wrote in
>> :
>>> "Julie Bove" > wrote in message
>>> ...
>>>> I know what kind of food my family likes and I try to make it for
>>>> them. I posted of the food because I got very good deals at Costco!
>>>> And if I want to cook it ahead it time... Why are people here
>>>> getting bent out of shape over it? My family is happy with my food.
>>>> Ya'll may be happy cooking yours a different way or some such thing.
>>>> But it's all good here!
>>> Beats me. I don't know why anyone would care how long you cook your
>>> food/steak! Their problem, not yours.

>> I, for one, believe that shitty cooking needs to be called out for the
>> benefit of those who might stop by to pick up knowledge. Putting a steak
>> into a microwave is shitty cooking. No one should model any aspect of
>> their cooking on Julie Bove's practices, which are only a small step
>> above
>> slopping pigs.

> Well, your *knowledge* might not be the be all and end all for everyone,
> and I think there are some here that can't conceive of any way but their
> way. Narrow thinking IMO.

Julie's cooking reminds me of Army food. Everything was pre-cooked and
warmed over. Even the coffee was made a week before.

  #106 (permalink)   Report Post  
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"Julie Bove" > wrote in message
> "Dave Smith" > wrote in message
> ...
>> Isn't that basically the same thing that she is doing here? She asks for
>> advice and then complains about every helpful hint given, coming up with
>> excuses why it won't or can't work.

> Did I ask for advice in this thread Dave? No. I did not. I mentioned
> what I was fixing for dinner and said that I got some good deals at Costco
> and a new kind of pears. And instead of discussing the food that I
> bought, it turned into an attack on me yet again. BTW, the Haricot Verts
> are from Guatemala and are a tad on the tough side. Not nearly as tender
> as the ones I got from the 112th Street Diner, but they still have very
> good flavor.


Why do you always drag the horrible food habits of your family into
everything? Do we need to know your childish slob of a husband with mommy
issues demands his meals in under 2 minutes? Do we need to know your
daughter hates 99% of the food on the whole planet? Does it help to tell us
she loves this food until you serve it three times and then it is forever
hated? Why do you keep telling us all the sordid details? This is a
cooking group not a therapist session.

  #107 (permalink)   Report Post  
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"Julie Bove" > wrote in message
> > wrote in message
> ...
>> On Tue, 13 May 2014 17:13:34 -0500, Janet Wilder >
>> wrote:
>>>On 5/13/2014 11:34 AM, wrote:
>>>> On Tue, 13 May 2014 10:08:41 -0500, Janet Wilder >
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> On 5/13/2014 5:53 AM, Julie Bove wrote:
>>>>>> "Sqwertz" > wrote in message
>>>>>> ...
>>>>>>> On Mon, 12 May 2014 22:26:38 -0700, Julie Bove wrote:
>>>>>>>> In fact I will cook it tonight for tomorrow's dinner. I
>>>>>>>> myself will be having a hamburger patty.
>>>>>>> Only a troll would suggest cooking steaks tonight for tomorrows
>>>>>>> dinner. Even a moron can cook a steak in a few minutes and they
>>>>>>> taste
>>>>>>> infinitely better than reheated or cold.
>>>>>>> <snip rest unread>
>>>>>> Nobody in this house likes a steak that has cooked for a few minutes.
>>>>>> And you don't understand! When one person here wants food, he wants
>>>>>> it
>>>>>> immediately. 2 minutes in the microwave is too long to wait.
>>>>> That's spouse abuse!
>>>> lol - funny
>>>That's not how I meant it. I really think that Julie is in a abusive

>> If so, it will run it's course. Similar to alcoholism, there is no
>> cure until the person involved really wants it and is at their lowest
>> point.

> This is true. As I have said many, many times. My mom was a counselor.
> All these people psychoanalyzing me is rather funny in a sick and pathetic
> sort of way. But apparently it is what they like to do.

I know more about you and your marriage than I know about anyone else than I
actually know in real life. If you don't like the commentary stop dumping
all the dirty details on this group. Can't you tell nobody wants to hear
it? I could fill a whole newsgroup with stories about my life and my toxic
relationships. But I don't because it is just a bad idea.

  #108 (permalink)   Report Post  
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In article >,
"Julie Bove" > wrote:

> > wrote in message
> ...
> > On Tue, 13 May 2014 17:13:34 -0500, Janet Wilder >
> > wrote:
> >
> >>On 5/13/2014 11:34 AM, wrote:
> >>> On Tue, 13 May 2014 10:08:41 -0500, Janet Wilder >
> >>> wrote:
> >>>
> >>>> On 5/13/2014 5:53 AM, Julie Bove wrote:
> >>>>>
> >>>>> "Sqwertz" > wrote in message
> >>>>> ...
> >>>>>> On Mon, 12 May 2014 22:26:38 -0700, Julie Bove wrote:
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>> In fact I will cook it tonight for tomorrow's dinner. I
> >>>>>>> myself will be having a hamburger patty.
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> Only a troll would suggest cooking steaks tonight for tomorrows
> >>>>>> dinner. Even a moron can cook a steak in a few minutes and they
> >>>>>> taste
> >>>>>> infinitely better than reheated or cold.
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> <snip rest unread>
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Nobody in this house likes a steak that has cooked for a few minutes.
> >>>>> And you don't understand! When one person here wants food, he wants
> >>>>> it
> >>>>> immediately. 2 minutes in the microwave is too long to wait.
> >>>>
> >>>> That's spouse abuse!
> >>>
> >>> lol - funny
> >>>
> >>
> >>That's not how I meant it. I really think that Julie is in a abusive
> >>relationship

> >
> > If so, it will run it's course. Similar to alcoholism, there is no
> > cure until the person involved really wants it and is at their lowest
> > point.

> This is true. As I have said many, many times. My mom was a counselor.

Counselor...what training/degrees did she have?

> All these people psychoanalyzing me is rather funny in a sick and pathetic
> sort of way. But apparently it is what they like to do.

Your mother was a counselor and yet you can't/couldn't get her to
understand how to get her and her husbands diet under control nor could
she acknowledge what desserts you wouldn't eat?
  #109 (permalink)   Report Post  
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In article >,
"Julie Bove" > wrote:

> "Dave Smith" > wrote in message
> ...
> > On 2014-05-13 6:03 PM, Julie Bove wrote:
> >
> >>> If it's true. Don't forget that she has said that she buys meat and
> >>> cooks it right away. Heck, her inane ways are hard enough to deal
> >>> with here. I can't imagine what she is like in real life. Her husband
> >>> probably has the patience of a saint or else he would have packed up
> >>> and left a long time ago. She gets similar abuse from her daughter,
> >>> and since the husband was away at work so much she would be the result
> >>> of Julie's modelling.
> >>
> >> Okay. That called for a beverage alert. Anyone who knows the man would
> >> know that patience isn't in his vocabulary. You should have picked up
> >> on that when I said that 2 minutes in the microwave was too long to wait.

> >
> > I picked up more than I needed to know a long time ago when you posted
> > about how he used to stop for supper on the way home.

> He only ever did that a few times. Perhaps he didn't want to wait to eat.
> Perhaps he was far away. I don't remember. I only remember the annoyance
> that I felt that he did not call me to say that he wasn't coming home for
> dinner. But I was told by a counselor. Oh yes, a counselor! We did try
> that route! That I was wrong for wanting to get the call like that and that
> it wasn't any of my business. That was just a guy thing, she said. Mm hm.

why would you go to a counselor?
  #110 (permalink)   Report Post  
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In article >,
"Julie Bove" > wrote:

> "Dave Smith" > wrote in message
> ...
> > On 2014-05-13 10:35 AM, jmcquown wrote:
> >
> >>> Only a troll would suggest cooking steaks tonight for tomorrows
> >>> dinner. Even a moron can cook a steak in a few minutes and they taste
> >>> infinitely better than reheated or cold.
> >>>
> >>> <snip rest unread>
> >>>
> >>> -sw
> >>>
> >> She did point out (in the lost a lot of food thread) she cooks meat when
> >> she buys it, even if they aren't going to eat it. I can't think of a
> >> better way to ruin a steak. (sigh)

> >
> > Yet, some people here are quick to defend her and to blame her husband for
> > her inability to please him in the kitchen. If this is an example of the
> > idiotic way she cooks I can understand why he used to stop for meals on
> > the way home.

> Why blame anyone, Dave? If I am happy with the way I am doing things and my
> family is happy with the results?

Happy? the majority of your posts are about foods you can't/won't eat,
foods your daughter can't/won't eat, foods your husband can't/won't eat
or how hard it is to find something that you generally don't even like
or my favorite about how when you were so incapacitated by illness that
you were hospitalized and put on bed rest but your dear daughter and
dear husband couldn't fend for themselves so you were doing your best to
help them...when they should have been helping you

Why would anyone care? Have you ever
> seen me telling people what to do here? Thought not. Now you go cook your
> steaks the way you want to. If you can eat steaks that is. I realize that
> you have a heart problem so steaks may not be on your menu. Sorry, I can't
> remember.

  #111 (permalink)   Report Post  
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In article >,
"Julie Bove" > wrote:

> "Gary" > wrote in message ...
> > Julie Bove wrote:
> >>
> >> "Sqwertz" > wrote in message
> >> ...
> >> > On Mon, 12 May 2014 22:26:38 -0700, Julie Bove wrote:
> >> >
> >> >> In fact I will cook it tonight for tomorrow's dinner. I
> >> >> myself will be having a hamburger patty.
> >> >
> >> > Only a troll would suggest cooking steaks tonight for tomorrows
> >> > dinner. Even a moron can cook a steak in a few minutes and they taste
> >> > infinitely better than reheated or cold.
> >> >
> >> > <snip rest unread>
> >>
> >> Nobody in this house likes a steak that has cooked for a few minutes.
> >> And
> >> you don't understand! When one person here wants food, he wants it
> >> immediately. 2 minutes in the microwave is too long to wait.

> >
> > One person in your house needs to cook his own steak. I can't believe
> > you enable him so much. Screw him and his immediate meals. Really
> > Julie.....really?

> Sorry, no. I prefer it to be *my* kitchen. If the other potential cooks
> could actually cook things without ruining the pans, put things away, not
> slop food all over and leave it for me to clean up, then fine. But they
> can't, so... Trust me, I'd much rather it be this way. Somebody gonna act
> like a child? Somebody gonna be treated like one. Yep.

you see, they can...all you have to do is tell them if they don't, you
  #112 (permalink)   Report Post  
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In article >,
"Julie Bove" > wrote:

> "jmcquown" > wrote in message
> ...
> > I doubt even the most experienced short-order cook with a constantly hot
> > griddle and grill, everything prepped and ready, could satisfy this meal
> > in 2 minutes idea.
> >
> > Might make for an interesting TV show.

> They couldn't. And things went a lot better for me when I had a set meal
> schedule. Used to be that dinner was at 6:00 when I was home. I wasn't
> always home then due to dance, but when I was, that was meal time. But his
> schedule now is such that he is either leaving work or arriving at that
> hour.

I thought you said he can't leave the house?

So does not work for me on the meal front. Today he wanted the
> dinner at 2:00 so it was a darned good thing that food was ready.
> He grew up in a house where there was always a fridge stuffed full of
> leftovers. I did not. We rarely had leftovers. I don't personally like
> leftovers although I do sometimes have planned ones. Like cooking double
> the amount of something for a next day's meal when I know I won't have time
> to cook. Or cooking extra meat and veg to be used in soup or some such
> thing. Or even the meatloaves for the freezer.
> One big reason I don't like leftovers is that there is the potential that
> they won't get eaten. I know I won't usually eat them. There is also the
> potential that they will lead to over eating. Not by me but by someone else
> who likes to stand in front of the fridge, door open, grazing on cold food
> that most people would heat up. Like picking up a steak and eating it cold,
> from hands. Not gonna say who that is. Don't think I have to. Bah!
> My friend and I were talking about this a few weeks ago. It's so much
> easier on the food front when you live alone! Sure, things like a really
> good salad can be hard to pull off for one, merely because of the amount of
> vegetables you have to buy. You could potentially have a lot of food waste
> there or be forced to make something like soup so as not to waste them. And
> you won't be able to take advantage of family pack meats and such unless you
> don't mind eating the same thing over and over. Me? I would make a pot of
> chili and eat chili all week or until it was gone. Not all the time mind
> you. I could just as easily make some pasta or a tostada. Something for
> one.
> But add in other people with differing food tastes and then you can have
> potential problems.

  #113 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Jeßus > wrote in
> On Tue, 13 May 2014 19:48:44 -0700, "Cheri" >
> wrote:
>>I am officially done reading your filth since you seem out of control
>>at the moment. Meds are the answer.


Like Soma?
> I had to stop reading his posts a couple of weeks ago.
> He's not a well man at the moment

I have a sense of the absurd.


"Happy ****ing 'new years' that was when me and my father
had to identify her dead mud covered body they pulled from
the family car she'd driven into the Mississippi river!"
--John Kuthe in, 3-7-2014
  #114 (permalink)   Report Post  
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"Winters_Lackey" > wrote in message
> "Cheri" > wrote in
> :
>> "Julie Bove" > wrote in message
>> ...
>>> I know what kind of food my family likes and I try to make it for
>>> them. I posted of the food because I got very good deals at Costco!
>>> And if I want to cook it ahead it time... Why are people here
>>> getting bent out of shape over it? My family is happy with my food.
>>> Ya'll may be happy cooking yours a different way or some such thing.
>>> But it's all good here!

>> Beats me. I don't know why anyone would care how long you cook your
>> food/steak! Their problem, not yours.

> I, for one, believe that shitty cooking needs to be called out for the
> benefit of those who might stop by to pick up knowledge. Putting a steak
> into a microwave is shitty cooking. No one should model any aspect of
> their cooking on Julie Bove's practices, which are only a small step above
> slopping pigs.

There has been much talk of abuse in this thread and you, Bryan are an
abuser! If you make comments to your family like you do to me and others
here, then I surely do feel sorry for them. I also feel sorry for you
because there is likely much background that I don't know about that brought
you to being like you are. I know that's neither here nor there as it is
clear that you aren't about to change. I am just calling you out on your

  #115 (permalink)   Report Post  
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"barbie gee" > wrote in message
> On Wed, 14 May 2014, Winters_Lackey wrote:
>> "Cheri" > wrote in
>> :
>>> "Julie Bove" > wrote in message
>>> ...
>>>> I know what kind of food my family likes and I try to make it for
>>>> them. I posted of the food because I got very good deals at Costco!
>>>> And if I want to cook it ahead it time... Why are people here
>>>> getting bent out of shape over it? My family is happy with my food.
>>>> Ya'll may be happy cooking yours a different way or some such thing.
>>>> But it's all good here!
>>> Beats me. I don't know why anyone would care how long you cook your
>>> food/steak! Their problem, not yours.

>> I, for one, believe that shitty cooking needs to be called out for the
>> benefit of those who might stop by to pick up knowledge. Putting a steak
>> into a microwave is shitty cooking. No one should model any aspect of
>> their cooking on Julie Bove's practices, which are only a small step
>> above
>> slopping pigs.

> My head's still reeling over the notion of reheating cooked steaks.
> Some foods simply do not reheat well, especially in the microwave. I
> mean, sure, they come out heated, but they are basically a sad imitation
> of their original goodness fresh out of the pan...
> Pork chops are another thing you simply can't reheat and have them be any
> good.

As I said, these are not high quality steaks. But hey! I had a leftover
New York steak and husband wanted that reheated. My family is fine with
this. Me? I don't eat steak so I couldn't say one way or the other.

I know some people who like Steak-Um. That's reheated in the microwave/

  #116 (permalink)   Report Post  
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"Jeßus" > wrote in message
> That's assuming it's factual. These little 'bombs' keep appearing in
> Julie's posts at interesting intervals... just often enough to keep
> the conversation about Julie simmering.
> I mean seriously - who would actually do that to steaks?
> Julie claims to be a writer, doesnt she? And here we have these posts
> that just defy explanation...

This is getting beyond ridiculous. People eat leftovers every day. People
here even said they have eaten leftover steak.

Bottom line is that I had to do the food ahead of time. I am not going to
say why. I just had to. And that is what I chose to fix and my family was
fine with it.

Rest assured I won't be inviting any of ya'll over to my house for dinner
any time soon!

  #117 (permalink)   Report Post  
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"Cheri" > wrote in

> "Winters_Lackey" > wrote in message
>> Shitty cooking posts that go unchallenged make this group a shitty
>> source for cooking knowledge. Your sig should be a disclaimer.
>> Here's a suggestion.
>> "I cook for a hog and a piglet, both of whom have no sense of good
>> food, so
>> please do not look upon my posts as good advice for how to prepare
>> food for
>> normal humans."

> Oh bullshit, you're just looking for a way to abuse a poster like you
> did Andy. Unfortunately, Julie bothers to even answer you.

Andy was a piece of garbage. You insult Julie by equating her with him.
Julie is just a shitty cook with a shitty life that she wallows in
> Cheri


"Happy ****ing 'new years' that was when me and my father
had to identify her dead mud covered body they pulled from
the family car she'd driven into the Mississippi river!"
--John Kuthe in, 3-7-2014
  #118 (permalink)   Report Post  
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"Winters_Lackey" > wrote in message
> Jeßus > wrote in
> :
>> On Tue, 13 May 2014 20:04:00 -0500, barbie gee >
>> wrote:
>>>On Wed, 14 May 2014, Winters_Lackey wrote:
>>>> "Cheri" > wrote in
>>>> :
>>>>> "Julie Bove" > wrote in message
>>>>> ...
>>>>>> I know what kind of food my family likes and I try to make it for
>>>>>> them. I posted of the food because I got very good deals at
>>>>>> Costco! And if I want to cook it ahead it time... Why are people
>>>>>> here getting bent out of shape over it? My family is happy with
>>>>>> my food. Ya'll may be happy cooking yours a different way or some
>>>>>> such thing. But it's all good here!
>>>>> Beats me. I don't know why anyone would care how long you cook your
>>>>> food/steak! Their problem, not yours.
>>>> I, for one, believe that shitty cooking needs to be called out for
>>>> the benefit of those who might stop by to pick up knowledge.
>>>> Putting a steak into a microwave is shitty cooking. No one should
>>>> model any aspect of their cooking on Julie Bove's practices, which
>>>> are only a small step above slopping pigs.
>>>My head's still reeling over the notion of reheating cooked steaks.
>>>Some foods simply do not reheat well, especially in the microwave.

>> That's assuming it's factual. These little 'bombs' keep appearing in
>> Julie's posts at interesting intervals... just often enough to keep
>> the conversation about Julie simmering.

> I have an idea. Julie could divorce the overbearing husband, and move
> her and her daughter to St. Louis, where they could move in with John
> Kuthe, with the agreement that on the piglet's 15th birthday, she could
> be married to John, and that Julie could live out the rest of her days
> with them. Julie could outfit her daughter with a set of butt plugs in
> increasing diameters to make the consummation pretty painless.
> John could use his excellent wages to buy high quality prime steaks, and
> Julie could cook them in the microwave. John wouldn't eat them--even
> leftover--but he could eat his own things, like his monk's breakfast,
> and I expect that he'd be so happy having a young teenager with a
> receptive posterior that he might lose interest in stalking me.
> Heck, it wouldn't even be statutory sodomy if they were married, and I'm
> confident that John could wait until marriage. He's had decades of
> living with almost no partner sex, and anyone who has seen the pix of
> the tutued one knows that her prospects are otherwise pretty limited.
> It's a win-win-win-win. I would say, "My God, I'm brilliant," but that
> might make me seem narcissistic.

Bryan, you are a sick, sick person. I should report you to your ISP for
even saying things like this. But you'd just get a new account somewhere
else after they closed yours. Pretty sure this would be a TOS violation.
So... Once again I shall plonk you.

  #119 (permalink)   Report Post  
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"Cheri" > wrote in message
> "Winters_Lackey" > wrote in message
> ...
>> Jeßus > wrote in
>> :
>>> On Tue, 13 May 2014 20:04:00 -0500, barbie gee >
>>> wrote:
>>>>On Wed, 14 May 2014, Winters_Lackey wrote:
>>>>> "Cheri" > wrote in
>>>>> :
>>>>>> "Julie Bove" > wrote in message
>>>>>> ...
>>>>>>> I know what kind of food my family likes and I try to make it for
>>>>>>> them. I posted of the food because I got very good deals at
>>>>>>> Costco! And if I want to cook it ahead it time... Why are people
>>>>>>> here getting bent out of shape over it? My family is happy with
>>>>>>> my food. Ya'll may be happy cooking yours a different way or some
>>>>>>> such thing. But it's all good here!
>>>>>> Beats me. I don't know why anyone would care how long you cook your
>>>>>> food/steak! Their problem, not yours.
>>>>> I, for one, believe that shitty cooking needs to be called out for
>>>>> the benefit of those who might stop by to pick up knowledge.
>>>>> Putting a steak into a microwave is shitty cooking. No one should
>>>>> model any aspect of their cooking on Julie Bove's practices, which
>>>>> are only a small step above slopping pigs.
>>>>My head's still reeling over the notion of reheating cooked steaks.
>>>>Some foods simply do not reheat well, especially in the microwave.
>>> That's assuming it's factual. These little 'bombs' keep appearing in
>>> Julie's posts at interesting intervals... just often enough to keep
>>> the conversation about Julie simmering.

>> I have an idea. Julie could divorce the overbearing husband, and move
>> her and her daughter to St. Louis, where they could move in with John
>> Kuthe, with the agreement that on the piglet's 15th birthday, she could
>> be married to John, and that Julie could live out the rest of her days
>> with them. Julie could outfit her daughter with a set of butt plugs in
>> increasing diameters to make the consummation pretty painless.
>> John could use his excellent wages to buy high quality prime steaks, and
>> Julie could cook them in the microwave. John wouldn't eat them--even
>> leftover--but he could eat his own things, like his monk's breakfast,
>> and I expect that he'd be so happy having a young teenager with a
>> receptive posterior that he might lose interest in stalking me.
>> Heck, it wouldn't even be statutory sodomy if they were married, and I'm
>> confident that John could wait until marriage. He's had decades of
>> living with almost no partner sex, and anyone who has seen the pix of
>> the tutued one knows that her prospects are otherwise pretty limited.
>> It's a win-win-win-win. I would say, "My God, I'm brilliant," but that
>> might make me seem narcissistic.

> I am officially done reading your filth since you seem out of control at
> the moment. Meds are the answer.

I agree with you there. At this point, he is akin to the ABC Dr. This
makes me feel bad. Not for me. But for him. I have a strong feeling that
he won't take the meds or even put himself in a position to get the meds.
And that is really all I will say about it at the moment. *sniff*

  #120 (permalink)   Report Post  
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"jmcquown" > wrote in message
> On 5/13/2014 10:48 PM, Cheri wrote:
>> I am officially done reading your filth since you seem out of control at
>> the moment. Meds are the answer.
>> Cheri

> Bryan has been out of control for quite some time.

Yes but for me this was totally the last straw. Stick a fork in it.

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