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  #81 (permalink)   Report Post  
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On Sun, 20 Jul 2014 00:03:01 -0400, "Jean B." > wrote:

>Brooklyn1 wrote:
>> On Thu, 17 Jul 2014 22:56:02 -0400, "Jean B." > wrote:
>>> Cheri wrote:
>>>> "Jean B." > wrote in message
>>>> ...
>>>>> I still have seen virtually no deer at the new house. Barney reminds
>>>>> me of my sweet baby Ming, whom I had to have euthanized last week. :-(
>>>> Sorry to hear that. It's amazing how much we love our animals and how
>>>> hard it is to lose them.
>>>> Cheri
>>> Ming taught me cat love. I was 43-ish when he came into our lives, as a
>>> cat for my daughter. But he bonded with me, possibly because I was the
>>> one who took care of him. I am surprised at how the life got sucked out
>>> of the house after the deed was done....

>> Sorry to hear the sad news. You need to get a new cat as soon as
>> possible, preferably two or more kittens from the same litter, there
>> are plenty to adopt.

>I don't want kittens. I want cats, with known personalities. (As I say
>this, I also am thinking of my one reservation about getting an older
>cat: you wouldn't know what problems it might have acquired because of
>whatever it has been through.) I would get a cat/cats (I think plural,
>so they will have companionship) now except I don't think it is fair to
>the cat/s to do it now, when I anticipate being away to some degree.
>Yes, I will adopt a cat/cats, either littermates or friends. There are
>so many that need homes.

You are welcome to my barn and take your pick... there are four
beautiful kittens there now, about three months old. I intend to
bring them to the vet but they aren't old enough yet so no point in me
trying to trap them, I will when they're six months. One is a
gorgeous champagne colored siamese angora mix. They scoot up into the
rafters when they hear me coming so all I get is quick peek.
  #82 (permalink)   Report Post  
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On Sun, 20 Jul 2014 00:29:43 -0400, "Jean B." > wrote:

>jmcquown wrote:
>> On 7/18/2014 1:40 PM, Gary wrote:
>>> wrote:
>>>> Brooklyn1 wrote:
>>>>> Sorry to hear the sad news. You need to get a new cat as soon as
>>>>> possible, preferably two or more kittens from the same litter, there
>>>>> are plenty to adopt.
>>>> You are callous ! Most people cannot shrug off a beloved pet like
>>>> that - as I have endlessly said, I feel so sympathetic for your wife.
>>>> Will you replace her like that ?
>>> Not callous at all. Lose a beloved pet? Get a new one pronto and make
>>> their life a better one. No need to sit in the house crying about a
>>> loss and staying sad.

>> It depends on the person. It might be fine for some people to rush out
>> and bring home another pet. Others need time to process. Until Persia
>> barged into my life after my dog of 18 years died, I *never* planned to
>> get another pet. She pretty much insisted, though.
>> Then too, you never know if there are circumstances that might prevent
>> someone from getting another pet. Finances, health issues, etc. When
>> the time is right, someone who wants another pet will adopt one. Or be
>> adopted by one.

>Age is one of those et ceteras I think.

True. I have neighbors who lost their dog of 18 years last winter,
they are at a loss deciding to get another dog because they are 75
years old. I had to make the same decision adopting the two barn
kittens, but I know my grands would take them. My other four are over
12 years old. I informed my neighbors that there are plenty of older
dogs that need homes, they're still contemplating but I don't bring up
the subject anymore. Having the kittens is good for my older cats,
keeps them active and alert, the Vet agreed it was a good thing. They
keep me more alert and active too... having only older cats it's easy
to forget what a bundle of energy a kitten is. I've always
recommended people to get at least two cats, all have thanked me and
said I was right. There's really no more effort in caring for two as
one, and in fact it's easier, they entertain each other constantly so
you don't have to... they also become much more socialized than a
loner cat. And with more than one you never need to feel guilty about
not letting them out, they have each others company and they don't
need to go out for cat company. Cats are really very social animals,
morso than dogs. I think cats are also smarter, dogs need to be
trained, cats are borne knowing... I've never needed to house break a
cat... even the barn cats use the litter box I put there. Cats keep
themselves scrupulously clean because they are hunters so don't want
to have a scent, also as a defence against preditors locating them
  #83 (permalink)   Report Post  
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On Sun, 20 Jul 2014 00:34:53 -0400, "Jean B." > wrote:

>Brooklyn1 wrote:
>> Gary wrote:
>>> lucretiaborgia@cheapdago wrote:
>>>> Jean B. wrote:
>>>>> Thanks. I doubt I will ever be so bonded with another fur baby, but who
>>>>> knows. I can't even think about another cat (or, more likely, two
>>>>> litter mates or friends) until I see what pattern my life settles into
>>>>> when my daughter takes off for college.
>>>> Sorry for the loss, it's so painful.
>>>> Just wait and see, I wasn't going to have another cat but this one
>>>> found me when a woman in our building died and there was nobody to
>>>> take the cat in the closet. It's too soon/painful to think about
>>>> another yet.
>>> Loss of a beloved pet is so hurtful. Getting a new pet soon though can
>>> really help out. You're not replacing the one you loved and lost, but
>>> bringing in a new one soon after can really brighten up your life and
>>> your household. A new kitten will be so adorable and innocent and
>>> always playful that you can be happy with that while still missing the
>>> old one.
>>> Get a rescue older cat, and treat it with kindness and it helps just
>>> as much if not more.
>>> In honor of your departed loved one, rescue one that's had a bad life
>>> and give them a loving home. What a difference you can make in a
>>> life. :-D

>> When someone loses a spouse if they truly loved you they'd not want
>> you to live all alone without love for the remainder of your life yet
>> many do, I have no sympathy for those lonely shallow low IQers... and
>> it's the same with pets. I've always made sure I've had several, so
>> when one passes I miss them but the others move in to fill the gap,
>> and I find another that needs a home... usually another finds me... I
>> never turn a needy critter away. Besides the six I have indoors I
>> have six in my barn, and often more, I feed all. Today I was out at
>> the barn three times to fill the food and water bowls... in winter I
>> supply heat... most times I don't see the barn cats but I know they're
>> there and they need to live too. Truth is I spend more on feeding
>> critters than I do feeding myself. I bet my birdseed bill is more
>> than that ugli sicilian stronzo welfare borgia spends to feed her
>> family.

>Oh gee. Bird seed. My birds are eating me out of house and home. I
>guess they know a good thing when they see it!

I go through two hundred pounds of premium seed a month, plus fifty
pounds of in-shell peanuts. My only issue is where to store it
indoors, outside even if I make it mouse proof in steel cans a bear
will get to it, so I keep all those fifty pound sacks in my office...
with six cats patroling mice haven't a chance.
  #84 (permalink)   Report Post  
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On Sun, 20 Jul 2014 00:41:35 -0400, "Jean B." > wrote:

>jmcquown wrote:
>> On 7/19/2014 10:23 AM, wrote:
>>> On Sat, 19 Jul 2014 07:02:30 -0700, "Cheri" >
>>> wrote:
>>>> "Brooklyn1" > wrote in message
>>>> ...
>>>>> When someone loses a spouse if they truly loved you they'd not want
>>>>> you to live all alone without love for the remainder of your life yet
>>>>> many do, I have no sympathy for those lonely shallow low IQers... and
>>>> Many live alone because they choose to, and they're not the least bit
>>>> lonely
>>>> either.
>>>> Cheri
>>> Correct - I know David would approve of whatever I wanted to do,
>>> however, to me, he has been irreplaceable. Thankfully he bore no
>>> resemblance to gravesend 10 !

>> The fact is, Sheldon's wife is frequently out of town. When he used to
>> call me she was usually off on a trip. He just didn't know what to do
>> with himself. I think he truly believed because I was living alone I
>> must be desperately lonely so I'd want to talk on the phone every day.
>> Wrong.
>> Jill

>Why are you revealing personal stuff about Sheldon?

She has no life of her own. Plus she's greatly exaggerating and
surmising based on her illness/addiction.

I see no reason to post details of my personal life to the world, so I
don't... I wish others wouldn't either, they ruin this Newsgroup with
all their personal machinations.

  #85 (permalink)   Report Post  
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On Sun, 20 Jul 2014 00:44:48 -0400, "Jean B." > wrote:

>Ema Nymton wrote:
>> On 7/19/2014 5:21 AM, wrote:
>>> On Fri, 18 Jul 2014 23:22:26 -0700, sf > wrote:
>>>> On Fri, 18 Jul 2014 16:53:20 -0400, jmcquown >
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> It depends on the person. It might be fine for some people to rush out
>>>>> and bring home another pet. Others need time to process.
>>>> I always do.
>>> There are other things that one can be doing, raising money for pet
>>> shelters would be one. I grow catnip on my balcony then when it is
>>> cut and dried I knit mice which I fill with catnip, usually do well
>>> over 100 and because the cat nip is so fresh, cats love them and I
>>> have standing orders every year and proceeds go to a no kill shelter
>>> locally. I even developed my own quick pattern for knitting the mice,
>>> takes about an hour, and any left over yarn will do because for cats,
>>> it is the cat nip that attracts not the colour of the mouse - I can
>>> put the pattern here if anyone wants it.

>> What a great hobby. I get anxious at night, while sitting and watching
>> TV, so knitting would give me something to keep my hands busy. If you
>> have any short pieces of yarn, they are helpful to birds for nest building.
>> Becca

>Note: It has to be natural fiber. I looked into this ere I put out
>material for nest-building. Also, IMO, you need to think about
>camouflage. The stuff I put out was off-white, and I wonder if it made
>the nests too visible. I know one nest was destroyed shortly after it
>got built. It was really sad, because I saw the birds procreating, saw
>them building that nest, and then saw a blue jay that seemed to be
>breaking eggs. I also saw that the nest had been ruined.

Should also be aware to never give synthetic yarn to cats, often they
will swallow it and by the time they begin displaying symptoms it
could be too late. For bird nest building the best material to make
available is clothes dryer lint. I'm always careful not to put
anything outside that can harm critters, scrap yarn is dangerous as
many animals will ingest it and not be able to pass it... I've seen
robins with dental floss hanging out of their beak.

  #87 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Jean B. wrote:

> jmcquown wrote:
> > On 7/19/2014 10:23 AM, wrote:

> >> On Sat, 19 Jul 2014 07:02:30 -0700, "Cheri" >

> >> wrote:

> >>

> >>>

> >>> "Brooklyn1" > wrote in message

> >>> ...

> >>>

> >>>> When someone loses a spouse if they truly loved you they'd not want

> >>>> you to live all alone without love for the remainder of your life yet

> >>>> many do, I have no sympathy for those lonely shallow low IQers... and

> >>>

> >>> Many live alone because they choose to, and they're not the least bit

> >>> lonely

> >>> either.

> >>>

> >>> Cheri

> >>

> >> Correct - I know David would approve of whatever I wanted to do,

> >> however, to me, he has been irreplaceable. Thankfully he bore no

> >> resemblance to gravesend 10 !

> >>

> > The fact is, Sheldon's wife is frequently out of town. When he used to

> > call me she was usually off on a trip. He just didn't know what to do

> > with himself. I think he truly believed because I was living alone I

> > must be desperately lonely so I'd want to talk on the phone every day.

> > Wrong.

> >

> > Jill

> Why are you revealing personal stuff about Sheldon?

Jill is just bored, she also has a "tendency" to "make stuff up"...

Her life strikes appears to be fairly empty, she should get out and volunteer or do something useful...there's *gotta* be more to life than "dinner at the club". I simply can't imagine being *that* bored with life...


  #88 (permalink)   Report Post  
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On 7/20/2014 12:30 PM, Brooklyn1 wrote:
> On Sun, 20 Jul 2014 00:03:01 -0400, "Jean B." > wrote:
>> Brooklyn1 wrote:
>>> On Thu, 17 Jul 2014 22:56:02 -0400, "Jean B." > wrote:
>>>> Cheri wrote:
>>>>> "Jean B." > wrote in message
>>>>> ...
>>>>>> I still have seen virtually no deer at the new house. Barney reminds
>>>>>> me of my sweet baby Ming, whom I had to have euthanized last week. :-(
>>>>> Sorry to hear that. It's amazing how much we love our animals and how
>>>>> hard it is to lose them.
>>>>> Cheri
>>>> Ming taught me cat love. I was 43-ish when he came into our lives, as a
>>>> cat for my daughter. But he bonded with me, possibly because I was the
>>>> one who took care of him. I am surprised at how the life got sucked out
>>>> of the house after the deed was done....
>>> Sorry to hear the sad news. You need to get a new cat as soon as
>>> possible, preferably two or more kittens from the same litter, there
>>> are plenty to adopt.

>> I don't want kittens. I want cats, with known personalities. (As I say
>> this, I also am thinking of my one reservation about getting an older
>> cat: you wouldn't know what problems it might have acquired because of
>> whatever it has been through.) I would get a cat/cats (I think plural,
>> so they will have companionship) now except I don't think it is fair to
>> the cat/s to do it now, when I anticipate being away to some degree.
>> Yes, I will adopt a cat/cats, either littermates or friends. There are
>> so many that need homes.

> You are welcome to my barn and take your pick... there are four
> beautiful kittens there now, about three months old. I intend to
> bring them to the vet but they aren't old enough yet so no point in me
> trying to trap them, I will when they're six months. One is a
> gorgeous champagne colored siamese angora mix. They scoot up into the
> rafters when they hear me coming so all I get is quick peek.

Your kittens will do fine, even at an older age. Kika was 8 months old
and feral when we trapped her, but she became tame overnight. There were
a few things that happened, she was afraid of the TV and she would run,
when I was taking the garbage out (she was afraid of the garbage bag).
Other than that, she did great.

I assumed she would head for the hills after she was spayed and I opened
the back door to let her out, but she decided to stay. We kept her in
the house for 2 full days, to make sure she was healing, plus I gave her
medication for pain. She was happy sitting in my lap and being petted
while I sat in front of my computer. She liked it here.


  #89 (permalink)   Report Post  
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On 7/20/2014 5:10 PM, Ema Nymton wrote:
> On 7/20/2014 12:30 PM, Brooklyn1 wrote:
>> On Sun, 20 Jul 2014 00:03:01 -0400, "Jean B." > wrote:
>>> Brooklyn1 wrote:
>>>> On Thu, 17 Jul 2014 22:56:02 -0400, "Jean B." > wrote:
>>>>> Cheri wrote:
>>>>>> "Jean B." > wrote in message
>>>>>> ...
>>>>>>> I still have seen virtually no deer at the new house. Barney
>>>>>>> reminds
>>>>>>> me of my sweet baby Ming, whom I had to have euthanized last
>>>>>>> week. :-(
>>>>>> Sorry to hear that. It's amazing how much we love our animals and how
>>>>>> hard it is to lose them.
>>>>>> Cheri
>>>>> Ming taught me cat love. I was 43-ish when he came into our lives,
>>>>> as a
>>>>> cat for my daughter. But he bonded with me, possibly because I was
>>>>> the
>>>>> one who took care of him. I am surprised at how the life got
>>>>> sucked out
>>>>> of the house after the deed was done....
>>>> Sorry to hear the sad news. You need to get a new cat as soon as
>>>> possible, preferably two or more kittens from the same litter, there
>>>> are plenty to adopt.
>>> I don't want kittens. I want cats, with known personalities. (As I say
>>> this, I also am thinking of my one reservation about getting an older
>>> cat: you wouldn't know what problems it might have acquired because of
>>> whatever it has been through.) I would get a cat/cats (I think plural,
>>> so they will have companionship) now except I don't think it is fair to
>>> the cat/s to do it now, when I anticipate being away to some degree.
>>> Yes, I will adopt a cat/cats, either littermates or friends. There are
>>> so many that need homes.

>> You are welcome to my barn and take your pick... there are four
>> beautiful kittens there now, about three months old. I intend to
>> bring them to the vet but they aren't old enough yet so no point in me
>> trying to trap them, I will when they're six months. One is a
>> gorgeous champagne colored siamese angora mix. They scoot up into the
>> rafters when they hear me coming so all I get is quick peek.

> Your kittens will do fine, even at an older age. Kika was 8 months old
> and feral when we trapped her, but she became tame overnight. There were
> a few things that happened, she was afraid of the TV and she would run,
> when I was taking the garbage out (she was afraid of the garbage bag).
> Other than that, she did great.
> I assumed she would head for the hills after she was spayed and I opened
> the back door to let her out, but she decided to stay. We kept her in
> the house for 2 full days, to make sure she was healing, plus I gave her
> medication for pain. She was happy sitting in my lap and being petted
> while I sat in front of my computer. She liked it here.
> Becca

Yesterday was the memorial service for my late husband. The woman who
took the three kittens we were fostering when my husband passed away was
there. She told me that they were "fat and sassy" and she would keep
them until they were old enough to be neutered then she'd bring them in
to be adopted.

BTW, the memorial was wonderful. So many good people with kind words.
So glad I had those years with that special guy.

From somewhere very deep in the heart of Texas
  #90 (permalink)   Report Post  
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On 7/20/2014 6:36 PM, Janet Wilder wrote:
> Yesterday was the memorial service for my late husband. The woman who
> took the three kittens we were fostering when my husband passed away was
> there. She told me that they were "fat and sassy" and she would keep
> them until they were old enough to be neutered then she'd bring them in
> to be adopted.
> BTW, the memorial was wonderful. So many good people with kind words. So
> glad I had those years with that special guy.

I'm very glad it was a nice memorial. And that you had those great
years with him. There are no words...


  #91 (permalink)   Report Post  
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On 7/20/2014 7:54 PM, jmcquown wrote:
> On 7/20/2014 6:36 PM, Janet Wilder wrote:
>> Yesterday was the memorial service for my late husband. The woman who
>> took the three kittens we were fostering when my husband passed away was
>> there. She told me that they were "fat and sassy" and she would keep
>> them until they were old enough to be neutered then she'd bring them in
>> to be adopted.
>> BTW, the memorial was wonderful. So many good people with kind words. So
>> glad I had those years with that special guy.

> I'm very glad it was a nice memorial. And that you had those great
> years with him. There are no words...
> Jill

Your words above are enough. Thanks, Jill.

From somewhere very deep in the heart of Texas
  #92 (permalink)   Report Post  
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On Sunday, July 20, 2014 3:36:04 PM UTC-7, Janet Wilder wrote:
> On 7/20/2014 5:10 PM, Ema Nymton wrote:
> > On 7/20/2014 12:30 PM, Brooklyn1 wrote:

> >> On Sun, 20 Jul 2014 00:03:01 -0400, "Jean B." > wrote:

> >>

> >>> Brooklyn1 wrote:

> >>>> On Thu, 17 Jul 2014 22:56:02 -0400, "Jean B." > wrote:

> >>>>

> >>>>> Cheri wrote:

> >>>>>>

> >>>>>> "Jean B." > wrote in message

> >>>>>> ...

> >>>>>>

> >>>>>>> I still have seen virtually no deer at the new house. Barney

> >>>>>>> reminds

> >>>>>>> me of my sweet baby Ming, whom I had to have euthanized last

> >>>>>>> week. :-(

> >>>>>>

> >>>>>> Sorry to hear that. It's amazing how much we love our animals and how

> >>>>>> hard it is to lose them.

> >>>>>>

> >>>>>> Cheri

> >>>>>

> >>>>> Ming taught me cat love. I was 43-ish when he came into our lives,

> >>>>> as a

> >>>>> cat for my daughter. But he bonded with me, possibly because I was

> >>>>> the

> >>>>> one who took care of him. I am surprised at how the life got

> >>>>> sucked out

> >>>>> of the house after the deed was done....

> >>>>

> >>>> Sorry to hear the sad news. You need to get a new cat as soon as

> >>>> possible, preferably two or more kittens from the same litter, there

> >>>> are plenty to adopt.

> >>>>

> >>> I don't want kittens. I want cats, with known personalities. (As I say

> >>> this, I also am thinking of my one reservation about getting an older

> >>> cat: you wouldn't know what problems it might have acquired because of

> >>> whatever it has been through.) I would get a cat/cats (I think plural,

> >>> so they will have companionship) now except I don't think it is fair to

> >>> the cat/s to do it now, when I anticipate being away to some degree.

> >>>

> >>> Yes, I will adopt a cat/cats, either littermates or friends. There are

> >>> so many that need homes.

> >>

> >> You are welcome to my barn and take your pick... there are four

> >> beautiful kittens there now, about three months old. I intend to

> >> bring them to the vet but they aren't old enough yet so no point in me

> >> trying to trap them, I will when they're six months. One is a

> >> gorgeous champagne colored siamese angora mix. They scoot up into the

> >> rafters when they hear me coming so all I get is quick peek.

> >

> > Your kittens will do fine, even at an older age. Kika was 8 months old

> > and feral when we trapped her, but she became tame overnight. There were

> > a few things that happened, she was afraid of the TV and she would run,

> > when I was taking the garbage out (she was afraid of the garbage bag).

> > Other than that, she did great.

> >

> > I assumed she would head for the hills after she was spayed and I opened

> > the back door to let her out, but she decided to stay. We kept her in

> > the house for 2 full days, to make sure she was healing, plus I gave her

> > medication for pain. She was happy sitting in my lap and being petted

> > while I sat in front of my computer. She liked it here.

> >

> > Becca

> >

> >

> Yesterday was the memorial service for my late husband. The woman who
> took the three kittens we were fostering when my husband passed away was
> there. She told me that they were "fat and sassy" and she would keep
> them until they were old enough to be neutered then she'd bring them in
> to be adopted.
> BTW, the memorial was wonderful. So many good people with kind words.
> So glad I had those years with that special guy.
> --
> From somewhere very deep in the heart of Texas

I'm so glad to hear that the memorial was good with so many people remembering your husband kindly.

I know he was special by what you said about him; about your rv travels, how he helped you when you had leg problems, how you cooked together. How nice that the memorial was a fitting tribute.

  #93 (permalink)   Report Post  
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On 7/20/2014 5:36 PM, Janet Wilder wrote:
> On 7/20/2014 5:10 PM, Ema Nymton wrote:

>> Your kittens will do fine, even at an older age. Kika was 8 months old
>> and feral when we trapped her, but she became tame overnight. There were
>> a few things that happened, she was afraid of the TV and she would run,
>> when I was taking the garbage out (she was afraid of the garbage bag).
>> Other than that, she did great.
>> I assumed she would head for the hills after she was spayed and I opened
>> the back door to let her out, but she decided to stay. We kept her in
>> the house for 2 full days, to make sure she was healing, plus I gave her
>> medication for pain. She was happy sitting in my lap and being petted
>> while I sat in front of my computer. She liked it here.
>> Becca

> Yesterday was the memorial service for my late husband. The woman who
> took the three kittens we were fostering when my husband passed away was
> there. She told me that they were "fat and sassy" and she would keep
> them until they were old enough to be neutered then she'd bring them in
> to be adopted.
> BTW, the memorial was wonderful. So many good people with kind words. So
> glad I had those years with that special guy.

Your husband was a special man and he will be missed by many, including
George and myself. You and Mickey Charles are still suffering from the
loss. The three of us will go out for dinner the next time we go to
Mexico. For now, you have to kick cancer in the rear end. Keeping you in
our thoughts.


  #94 (permalink)   Report Post  
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On 7/21/2014 10:11 AM, Ema Nymton wrote:
> On 7/20/2014 5:36 PM, Janet Wilder wrote:
>> On 7/20/2014 5:10 PM, Ema Nymton wrote:

>>> Your kittens will do fine, even at an older age. Kika was 8 months old
>>> and feral when we trapped her, but she became tame overnight. There were
>>> a few things that happened, she was afraid of the TV and she would run,
>>> when I was taking the garbage out (she was afraid of the garbage bag).
>>> Other than that, she did great.
>>> I assumed she would head for the hills after she was spayed and I opened
>>> the back door to let her out, but she decided to stay. We kept her in
>>> the house for 2 full days, to make sure she was healing, plus I gave her
>>> medication for pain. She was happy sitting in my lap and being petted
>>> while I sat in front of my computer. She liked it here.
>>> Becca

>> Yesterday was the memorial service for my late husband. The woman who
>> took the three kittens we were fostering when my husband passed away was
>> there. She told me that they were "fat and sassy" and she would keep
>> them until they were old enough to be neutered then she'd bring them in
>> to be adopted.
>> BTW, the memorial was wonderful. So many good people with kind words. So
>> glad I had those years with that special guy.

> Your husband was a special man and he will be missed by many, including
> George and myself. You and Mickey Charles are still suffering from the
> loss. The three of us will go out for dinner the next time we go to
> Mexico. For now, you have to kick cancer in the rear end. Keeping you in
> our thoughts.
> Becca

Thanks, Becca. I look forward to seeing you and George again. You are
both special to me.

Chemo starts tomorrow. I'm terrified, but I'm ready.

From somewhere very deep in the heart of Texas
  #95 (permalink)   Report Post  
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On 7/21/2014 2:51 PM, Janet Wilder wrote:

> Chemo starts tomorrow. I'm terrified, but I'm ready.

There will be many of us thinking of you and sending you warm, healing


I'm a nobody, nobody is perfect, therefore I'm perfect.

  #96 (permalink)   Report Post  
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On 7/21/2014 8:15 PM, DreadfulBitch wrote:

> On 7/21/2014 2:51 PM, Janet Wilder wrote:
>> Chemo starts tomorrow. I'm terrified, but I'm ready.

> There will be many of us thinking of you and sending you warm, healing
> thoughts!

Echoed by me, too! Be well, Janet.

  #97 (permalink)   Report Post  
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On 7/21/2014 7:15 PM, DreadfulBitch wrote:
> On 7/21/2014 2:51 PM, Janet Wilder wrote:
>> Chemo starts tomorrow. I'm terrified, but I'm ready.

> There will be many of us thinking of you and sending you warm, healing
> thoughts!

Thank you. I'll need them

From somewhere very deep in the heart of Texas
  #98 (permalink)   Report Post  
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On 7/21/2014 7:39 PM, Cheryl wrote:
> On 7/21/2014 8:15 PM, DreadfulBitch wrote:
>> On 7/21/2014 2:51 PM, Janet Wilder wrote:
>>> Chemo starts tomorrow. I'm terrified, but I'm ready.

>> There will be many of us thinking of you and sending you warm, healing
>> thoughts!

> Echoed by me, too! Be well, Janet.

Thanks, Cheryl, you be well, too.

From somewhere very deep in the heart of Texas
  #99 (permalink)   Report Post  
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"Cheryl" > wrote in message
> On 7/21/2014 8:15 PM, DreadfulBitch wrote:
>> On 7/21/2014 2:51 PM, Janet Wilder wrote:
>>> Chemo starts tomorrow. I'm terrified, but I'm ready.

>> There will be many of us thinking of you and sending you warm, healing
>> thoughts!

> Echoed by me, too! Be well, Janet.

From me too !!!


  #100 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Brooklyn1 wrote:
> On Sun, 20 Jul 2014 00:03:01 -0400, "Jean B." > wrote:
>> Brooklyn1 wrote:
>>> On Thu, 17 Jul 2014 22:56:02 -0400, "Jean B." > wrote:
>>>> Cheri wrote:
>>>>> "Jean B." > wrote in message
>>>>> ...
>>>>>> I still have seen virtually no deer at the new house. Barney reminds
>>>>>> me of my sweet baby Ming, whom I had to have euthanized last week. :-(
>>>>> Sorry to hear that. It's amazing how much we love our animals and how
>>>>> hard it is to lose them.
>>>>> Cheri
>>>> Ming taught me cat love. I was 43-ish when he came into our lives, as a
>>>> cat for my daughter. But he bonded with me, possibly because I was the
>>>> one who took care of him. I am surprised at how the life got sucked out
>>>> of the house after the deed was done....
>>> Sorry to hear the sad news. You need to get a new cat as soon as
>>> possible, preferably two or more kittens from the same litter, there
>>> are plenty to adopt.

>> I don't want kittens. I want cats, with known personalities. (As I say
>> this, I also am thinking of my one reservation about getting an older
>> cat: you wouldn't know what problems it might have acquired because of
>> whatever it has been through.) I would get a cat/cats (I think plural,
>> so they will have companionship) now except I don't think it is fair to
>> the cat/s to do it now, when I anticipate being away to some degree.
>> Yes, I will adopt a cat/cats, either littermates or friends. There are
>> so many that need homes.

> You are welcome to my barn and take your pick... there are four
> beautiful kittens there now, about three months old. I intend to
> bring them to the vet but they aren't old enough yet so no point in me
> trying to trap them, I will when they're six months. One is a
> gorgeous champagne colored siamese angora mix. They scoot up into the
> rafters when they hear me coming so all I get is quick peek.

Your barn kittens may not be happy here because any cat I have would be
be indoor-only. I am also thinking that when I do get a cat, it will be
an adult cat who is in a shelter. That is a very kind offer though.
Thank you.

  #101 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Brooklyn1 wrote:
> On Sun, 20 Jul 2014 00:29:43 -0400, "Jean B." > wrote:
>> jmcquown wrote:
>>> On 7/18/2014 1:40 PM, Gary wrote:
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Brooklyn1 wrote:
>>>>>> Sorry to hear the sad news. You need to get a new cat as soon as
>>>>>> possible, preferably two or more kittens from the same litter, there
>>>>>> are plenty to adopt.
>>>>> You are callous ! Most people cannot shrug off a beloved pet like
>>>>> that - as I have endlessly said, I feel so sympathetic for your wife.
>>>>> Will you replace her like that ?
>>>> Not callous at all. Lose a beloved pet? Get a new one pronto and make
>>>> their life a better one. No need to sit in the house crying about a
>>>> loss and staying sad.
>>> It depends on the person. It might be fine for some people to rush out
>>> and bring home another pet. Others need time to process. Until Persia
>>> barged into my life after my dog of 18 years died, I *never* planned to
>>> get another pet. She pretty much insisted, though.
>>> Then too, you never know if there are circumstances that might prevent
>>> someone from getting another pet. Finances, health issues, etc. When
>>> the time is right, someone who wants another pet will adopt one. Or be
>>> adopted by one.

>> Age is one of those et ceteras I think.

> True. I have neighbors who lost their dog of 18 years last winter,
> they are at a loss deciding to get another dog because they are 75
> years old. I had to make the same decision adopting the two barn
> kittens, but I know my grands would take them. My other four are over
> 12 years old. I informed my neighbors that there are plenty of older
> dogs that need homes, they're still contemplating but I don't bring up
> the subject anymore. Having the kittens is good for my older cats,
> keeps them active and alert, the Vet agreed it was a good thing. They
> keep me more alert and active too... having only older cats it's easy
> to forget what a bundle of energy a kitten is. I've always
> recommended people to get at least two cats, all have thanked me and
> said I was right. There's really no more effort in caring for two as
> one, and in fact it's easier, they entertain each other constantly so
> you don't have to... they also become much more socialized than a
> loner cat. And with more than one you never need to feel guilty about
> not letting them out, they have each others company and they don't
> need to go out for cat company. Cats are really very social animals,
> morso than dogs. I think cats are also smarter, dogs need to be
> trained, cats are borne knowing... I've never needed to house break a
> cat... even the barn cats use the litter box I put there. Cats keep
> themselves scrupulously clean because they are hunters so don't want
> to have a scent, also as a defence against preditors locating them

I agree. I am thinking that eventually, it will be two cats. Cats with
known personalities who are at least past that rambunctious stage.
Maybe 5-ish years old. I'd rather not have cats that would end up
traumatized if something happened to me, not that one can predict when
any such thing might happen.
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Brooklyn1 wrote:
> I go through two hundred pounds of premium seed a month, plus fifty
> pounds of in-shell peanuts. My only issue is where to store it
> indoors, outside even if I make it mouse proof in steel cans a bear
> will get to it, so I keep all those fifty pound sacks in my office...
> with six cats patroling mice haven't a chance.

Wow! I have steel cans in my garage. I need to try to figure out how
much "my" birds are eating. It is a lot. I think every bird around
here knows that they can get good eats here, and probably birds have
made nests with that in mind.

This year, I added bluebird pellets to my offerings, and I have several
types of woodpeckers who love them. There are almost always several
woodpeckers waiting their turn.
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Brooklyn1 wrote:
> Should also be aware to never give synthetic yarn to cats, often they
> will swallow it and by the time they begin displaying symptoms it
> could be too late. For bird nest building the best material to make
> available is clothes dryer lint. I'm always careful not to put
> anything outside that can harm critters, scrap yarn is dangerous as
> many animals will ingest it and not be able to pass it... I've seen
> robins with dental floss hanging out of their beak.

I've been thinking that the lint should be from natural fibers too, yes?
At least that and cotton have really short fibers.
  #104 (permalink)   Report Post  
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> Jean B. wrote:
>> jmcquown wrote:
>>> On 7/19/2014 10:23 AM,
>>>> On Sat, 19 Jul 2014 07:02:30 -0700, "Cheri" >

>>>> wrote:



>>>>> "Brooklyn1" > wrote in message

>>>>> ...


>>>>>> When someone loses a spouse if they truly loved you they'd not want

>>>>>> you to live all alone without love for the remainder of your life yet

>>>>>> many do, I have no sympathy for those lonely shallow low IQers... and


>>>>> Many live alone because they choose to, and they're not the least bit

>>>>> lonely

>>>>> either.


>>>>> Cheri


>>>> Correct - I know David would approve of whatever I wanted to do,

>>>> however, to me, he has been irreplaceable. Thankfully he bore no

>>>> resemblance to gravesend 10 !


>>> The fact is, Sheldon's wife is frequently out of town. When he used to

>>> call me she was usually off on a trip. He just didn't know what to do

>>> with himself. I think he truly believed because I was living alone I

>>> must be desperately lonely so I'd want to talk on the phone every day.

>>> Wrong.


>>> Jill

>> Why are you revealing personal stuff about Sheldon?

> Jill is just bored, she also has a "tendency" to "make stuff up"...
> Her life strikes appears to be fairly empty, she should get out and volunteer or do something useful...there's *gotta* be more to life than "dinner at the club". I simply can't imagine being *that* bored with life...

I don't think she's bored. I don't know why folks have to make up
scenarios about people.
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jmcquown wrote:
> On 7/20/2014 9:37 AM, jmcquown wrote:
>> On 7/20/2014 12:07 AM, Jean B. wrote:
>>> jmcquown wrote:
>>>> Agree. I despise that "just get another one" attitude. Uh, what? As
>>>> if they are so easily replaced.
>>>> Jill
>>> Not replaced... as in you think you can ever find a cat like the one
>>> who died, esp. if you adored that cat. I know I can never replace Ming.
>>> He was my sweetheart. The relationship with a new cat/cats would
>>> evolve in its own direction.

>> Of course. But when your daughter leaves for college you may be doing a
>> bit of travelling to visit her. Until she gets settled in it might be
>> better for you to wait. Of course it's completely up to you. I
>> definitely *DID NOT* appreciate being told "just get another one"
>> after my dog
>> Sampson died.
>> Jill


Put like that, it does sound like the person who said that thought that
dogs were totally replaceable. That was a very hurtful thing for the
person to say. I still have no idea what my life is going to settle
into, so I need to hold off for at least a while. I just do recall that
when I have seen cats who are up for adoption, I am always sorely
tempted to get more than one of them.

  #106 (permalink)   Report Post  
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"Jean B." > wrote in message
> jmcquown wrote:
>> On 7/20/2014 9:37 AM, jmcquown wrote:
>>> On 7/20/2014 12:07 AM, Jean B. wrote:
>>>> jmcquown wrote:
>>>>> Agree. I despise that "just get another one" attitude. Uh, what? As
>>>>> if they are so easily replaced.
>>>>> Jill
>>>> Not replaced... as in you think you can ever find a cat like the one
>>>> who died, esp. if you adored that cat. I know I can never replace
>>>> Ming.
>>>> He was my sweetheart. The relationship with a new cat/cats would
>>>> evolve in its own direction.
>>> Of course. But when your daughter leaves for college you may be doing a
>>> bit of travelling to visit her. Until she gets settled in it might be
>>> better for you to wait. Of course it's completely up to you. I
>>> definitely *DID NOT* appreciate being told "just get another one"
>>> after my dog
>>> Sampson died.
>>> Jill


> Put like that, it does sound like the person who said that thought that
> dogs were totally replaceable. That was a very hurtful thing for the
> person to say. I still have no idea what my life is going to settle into,
> so I need to hold off for at least a while. I just do recall that when I
> have seen cats who are up for adoption, I am always sorely tempted to get
> more than one of them.

When Maui died, we saw it coming. I said when she died, we would get two.
She would not have tolerated a second one very well if at all. We had
already picked out two that we loved. But we never thought we would get
them. Then Maui's health really tanked more suddenly than we expected. We
got those two perhaps a week later. Only because we were staying in a hotel
over the weekend and didn't want to take new cats there.

Then when we realized that Ballerina was not coming back after the raccoon
incident, we got another right away. It's not that I didn't love the other
cats. I just wanted a certain cat vibe in the house.

  #107 (permalink)   Report Post  
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"Jean B." > wrote in message
> wrote:
>> Jean B. wrote:
>>> jmcquown wrote:
>>>> On 7/19/2014 10:23 AM,
>>>>> On Sat, 19 Jul 2014 07:02:30 -0700, "Cheri" >
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> "Brooklyn1" > wrote in message
>>>>>> ...
>>>>>>> When someone loses a spouse if they truly loved you they'd not want
>>>>>>> you to live all alone without love for the remainder of your life
>>>>>>> yet
>>>>>>> many do, I have no sympathy for those lonely shallow low IQers...
>>>>>>> and
>>>>>> Many live alone because they choose to, and they're not the least bit
>>>>>> lonely
>>>>>> either.
>>>>>> Cheri
>>>>> Correct - I know David would approve of whatever I wanted to do,
>>>>> however, to me, he has been irreplaceable. Thankfully he bore no
>>>>> resemblance to gravesend 10 !
>>>> The fact is, Sheldon's wife is frequently out of town. When he used to
>>>> call me she was usually off on a trip. He just didn't know what to do
>>>> with himself. I think he truly believed because I was living alone I
>>>> must be desperately lonely so I'd want to talk on the phone every day.
>>>> Wrong.
>>>> Jill
>>> Why are you revealing personal stuff about Sheldon?

>> Jill is just bored, she also has a "tendency" to "make stuff up"...
>> Her life strikes appears to be fairly empty, she should get out and
>> volunteer or do something useful...there's *gotta* be more to life than
>> "dinner at the club". I simply can't imagine being *that* bored with
>> life...

> I don't think she's bored. I don't know why folks have to make up
> scenarios about people.

They do it because they are bored and have no life. I know people who
thrive on chaos. They can't stand it when things are going well. When they
are, they create chaos by any means possible.

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On 8/10/2014 1:23 AM, Jean B. wrote:

> Put like that, it does sound like the person who said that thought that
> dogs were totally replaceable. That was a very hurtful thing for the
> person to say.

I have come across people like that, they are puzzled why you
are upset about losing your pet. For instance, I lost my first
cat, Scotty, and a week later his twin was walking around the
grassy area outside my office building. A few of us were
looking at it and I got a little choked up. One woman said ...
over a CAT??? Yes. Over a cat. Jerk.

I have heard of people telling someone who lost a child that
they could just have another one. Yowsa. So you know if it's
a dog or a cat, there are those who won't understand.

> I still have no idea what my life is going to settle
> into, so I need to hold off for at least a while. I just do recall that
> when I have seen cats who are up for adoption, I am always sorely
> tempted to get more than one of them.

Every year we go to a particular cat show and it's paired with an
adoption event. That's where I got my cat. There were a few
cages where they have a sign, these cats need to be adopted
together. I think they must come from the same home. It would
be easy to find two older cats who get along just fine.

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"Jean B." > wrote in message
> jmcquown wrote:
>> On 7/20/2014 9:37 AM, jmcquown wrote:
>>> On 7/20/2014 12:07 AM, Jean B. wrote:
>>>> jmcquown wrote:
>>>>> Agree. I despise that "just get another one" attitude. Uh, what? As
>>>>> if they are so easily replaced.
>>>>> Jill
>>>> Not replaced... as in you think you can ever find a cat like the one
>>>> who died, esp. if you adored that cat. I know I can never replace
>>>> Ming.
>>>> He was my sweetheart. The relationship with a new cat/cats would
>>>> evolve in its own direction.
>>> Of course. But when your daughter leaves for college you may be doing a
>>> bit of travelling to visit her. Until she gets settled in it might be
>>> better for you to wait. Of course it's completely up to you. I
>>> definitely *DID NOT* appreciate being told "just get another one"
>>> after my dog
>>> Sampson died.
>>> Jill


> Put like that, it does sound like the person who said that thought that
> dogs were totally replaceable. That was a very hurtful thing for the
> person to say. I still have no idea what my life is going to settle into,
> so I need to hold off for at least a while. I just do recall that when I
> have seen cats who are up for adoption, I am always sorely tempted to get
> more than one of them.

I will never buy a pet. There are too many lost souls in shelters needing
loving homes.


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Nancy Young wrote:
> I have heard of people telling someone who lost a child that
> they could just have another one. Yowsa. So you know if it's
> a dog or a cat, there are those who won't understand.

Wow, that's cold. Losing a child certainly has to be the worst thing
of all.
That said, I've grieved over my pets more than any friend or distant
relative that has died. Your pets are with you on a daily basis. They
are part of your family and are your close little friends. When one of
them dies, your home all of the sudden seems very empty and cold.

If you love a pet around, I do suggest adopting another fairly soon.
It will never replace your beloved one but a new one can bring joy
back into your home. Save a living one from a bad life and give it a
nice loving home. Maybe save it's life too....some shelters have a
time limit for adoption and then euthanize them eventually.

IMO, the best way to honor the memory of a departed one is to offer a
new good life to another animal that's in need. There are plenty of
those waiting and hoping.


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On 8/10/2014 6:42 AM, Nancy Young wrote:

> I have heard of people telling someone who lost a child that
> they could just have another one. Yowsa. So you know if it's
> a dog or a cat, there are those who won't understand.

I lost a child in 1996. She was 21, a dean's list student in college
between her junior and senior year and she did that with a learning
disability. A tiny, pretty, athletic, loving girl.

Whenever I hear someone who loses a pet say that it's like losing a
child, I cringe. I have lost beloved pets and it is like losing a
family member, but never, ever anything akin to the non-stop pain of
losing a child!

I think people should be a little more sensitive.
From somewhere very deep in the heart of Texas
  #113 (permalink)   Report Post  
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On Sun, 10 Aug 2014 07:42:26 -0400, Nancy Young
> wrote:

> Every year we go to a particular cat show and it's paired with an
> adoption event. That's where I got my cat. There were a few
> cages where they have a sign, these cats need to be adopted
> together. I think they must come from the same home. It would
> be easy to find two older cats who get along just fine.

The new thing is "paired cats". The animal adoption places (SPCA etc)
will find cats that didn't necessarily come in together, but get along
and then adopt them out as a pair. I don't know the reasoning behind
it, but I assume it's so they will have company while their owners are
at work.

Avoid cutting yourself when slicing vegetables by getting someone else to hold them.
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On 8/10/2014 11:13 AM, sf wrote:
> On Sun, 10 Aug 2014 07:42:26 -0400, Nancy Young
> > wrote:
>> Every year we go to a particular cat show and it's paired with an
>> adoption event. That's where I got my cat. There were a few
>> cages where they have a sign, these cats need to be adopted
>> together. I think they must come from the same home. It would
>> be easy to find two older cats who get along just fine.

> The new thing is "paired cats". The animal adoption places (SPCA etc)
> will find cats that didn't necessarily come in together, but get along
> and then adopt them out as a pair. I don't know the reasoning behind
> it, but I assume it's so they will have company while their owners are
> at work.

My friend who adopted our first fosterling also adopted a little girl to
keep him company. They grew up together. It's nice because I get to see
him when I visit her. She also will take Mickey for me if I have to go
out of town. Mickey and the cat still get along well.

From somewhere very deep in the heart of Texas
  #115 (permalink)   Report Post  
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On 8/10/2014 1:15 AM, Jean B. wrote:
> wrote:
>> Jean B. wrote:
>>> jmcquown wrote:
>>>> On 7/19/2014 10:23 AM,
>>>>> On Sat, 19 Jul 2014 07:02:30 -0700, "Cheri" >
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> "Brooklyn1" > wrote in message
>>>>>> ...
>>>>>>> When someone loses a spouse if they truly loved you they'd not want
>>>>>>> you to live all alone without love for the remainder of your life
>>>>>>> yet
>>>>>>> many do, I have no sympathy for those lonely shallow low IQers...
>>>>>>> and
>>>>>> Many live alone because they choose to, and they're not the least bit
>>>>>> lonely
>>>>>> either.
>>>>>> Cheri
>>>>> Correct - I know David would approve of whatever I wanted to do,
>>>>> however, to me, he has been irreplaceable. Thankfully he bore no
>>>>> resemblance to gravesend 10 !
>>>> The fact is, Sheldon's wife is frequently out of town. When he used to
>>>> call me she was usually off on a trip. He just didn't know what to do
>>>> with himself. I think he truly believed because I was living alone I
>>>> must be desperately lonely so I'd want to talk on the phone every day.
>>>> Wrong.
>>>> Jill
>>> Why are you revealing personal stuff about Sheldon?

>> Jill is just bored, she also has a "tendency" to "make stuff up"...

I don't make up anything, and I have had the sad morrow character in my
k/f for years. I don't even know why he bothers to come back here.

> I don't think she's bored. I don't know why folks have to make up
> scenarios about people.

Sheldon as much as called me a prostitute because my SO is named John.
He said "she has "jonns". If that's not making up slanderous stuff, I
don't know what is. So yes, I lash back. But what I say about him
isn't invented. I'll continue to do so as long as he says things like
that about me.


  #116 (permalink)   Report Post  
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On Sun, 10 Aug 2014 01:06:21 -0400, "Jean B." > wrote:

>Brooklyn1 wrote:
>> On Sun, 20 Jul 2014 00:03:01 -0400, "Jean B." > wrote:
>>> Brooklyn1 wrote:
>>>> On Thu, 17 Jul 2014 22:56:02 -0400, "Jean B." > wrote:
>>>>> Cheri wrote:
>>>>>> "Jean B." > wrote in message
>>>>>> ...
>>>>>>> I still have seen virtually no deer at the new house. Barney reminds
>>>>>>> me of my sweet baby Ming, whom I had to have euthanized last week. :-(
>>>>>> Sorry to hear that. It's amazing how much we love our animals and how
>>>>>> hard it is to lose them.
>>>>>> Cheri
>>>>> Ming taught me cat love. I was 43-ish when he came into our lives, as a
>>>>> cat for my daughter. But he bonded with me, possibly because I was the
>>>>> one who took care of him. I am surprised at how the life got sucked out
>>>>> of the house after the deed was done....
>>>> Sorry to hear the sad news. You need to get a new cat as soon as
>>>> possible, preferably two or more kittens from the same litter, there
>>>> are plenty to adopt.
>>> I don't want kittens. I want cats, with known personalities. (As I say
>>> this, I also am thinking of my one reservation about getting an older
>>> cat: you wouldn't know what problems it might have acquired because of
>>> whatever it has been through.) I would get a cat/cats (I think plural,
>>> so they will have companionship) now except I don't think it is fair to
>>> the cat/s to do it now, when I anticipate being away to some degree.
>>> Yes, I will adopt a cat/cats, either littermates or friends. There are
>>> so many that need homes.

>> You are welcome to my barn and take your pick... there are four
>> beautiful kittens there now, about three months old. I intend to
>> bring them to the vet but they aren't old enough yet so no point in me
>> trying to trap them, I will when they're six months. One is a
>> gorgeous champagne colored siamese angora mix. They scoot up into the
>> rafters when they hear me coming so all I get is quick peek.

>Your barn kittens may not be happy here because any cat I have would be
>be indoor-only. I am also thinking that when I do get a cat, it will be
>an adult cat who is in a shelter. That is a very kind offer though.
>Thank you.

I take in barn kittens, I have two now, they are very pleased to have
a home rather than live feral. None of my house cats ever go outside,
they have no desire to go out nor would they last long outside. I
don't see what difference it makes taking in a cat from a shelter or
taking in any other homeless cat. All of my cats are rescues, none
came from a shelter.
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On 8/10/2014 1:33 PM, jmcquown wrote:
> On 8/10/2014 1:15 AM, Jean B. wrote:
>> wrote:
>>> Jean B. wrote:
>>>> jmcquown wrote:
>>>>> On 7/19/2014 10:23 AM,
>>>>>> On Sat, 19 Jul 2014 07:02:30 -0700, "Cheri" >
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> "Brooklyn1" > wrote in message
>>>>>>> ...
>>>>>>>> When someone loses a spouse if they truly loved you they'd not want
>>>>>>>> you to live all alone without love for the remainder of your life
>>>>>>>> yet
>>>>>>>> many do, I have no sympathy for those lonely shallow low IQers...
>>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>> Many live alone because they choose to, and they're not the least
>>>>>>> bit
>>>>>>> lonely
>>>>>>> either.
>>>>>>> Cheri
>>>>>> Correct - I know David would approve of whatever I wanted to do,
>>>>>> however, to me, he has been irreplaceable. Thankfully he bore no
>>>>>> resemblance to gravesend 10 !
>>>>> The fact is, Sheldon's wife is frequently out of town. When he
>>>>> used to
>>>>> call me she was usually off on a trip. He just didn't know what to do
>>>>> with himself. I think he truly believed because I was living alone I
>>>>> must be desperately lonely so I'd want to talk on the phone every day.
>>>>> Wrong.
>>>>> Jill
>>>> Why are you revealing personal stuff about Sheldon?
>>> Jill is just bored, she also has a "tendency" to "make stuff up"...

> I don't make up anything, and I have had the sad morrow character in my
> k/f for years. I don't even know why he bothers to come back here.
>> I don't think she's bored. I don't know why folks have to make up
>> scenarios about people.

> Sheldon as much as called me a prostitute because my SO is named John.
> He said "she has "jonns". If that's not making up slanderous stuff, I
> don't know what is. So yes, I lash back. But what I say about him
> isn't invented. I'll continue to do so as long as he says things like
> that about me.
> Jill

It is possible he was lampooning you and you overreacted?
  #118 (permalink)   Report Post  
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external usenet poster
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Default Not Cooking

On Sun, 10 Aug 2014 14:41:01 -0600, Mayo > wrote:

> It is possible he was lampooning you and you overreacted?

This is Sheldon, not some normal person.

Avoid cutting yourself when slicing vegetables by getting someone else to hold them.
  #119 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Not Cooking

On 8/10/2014 4:18 PM, sf wrote:
> On Sun, 10 Aug 2014 14:41:01 -0600, Mayo > wrote:
>> It is possible he was lampooning you and you overreacted?

> This is Sheldon, not some normal person.

Where does one go to find normal persons anyway?
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