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Julie Bove wrote:
> I never took geography or history. > How does anyone graduate without taking those things? Isn't history, at least, mandatory everywhere? Thinking about a lack of geography classes makes me think of people who confuse Australia and Austria (etc.). |
Posted to rec.food.cooking
![]() "Jean B." > wrote in message ... > Julie Bove wrote: > >> I never took geography or history. >> > How does anyone graduate without taking those things? Isn't history, at > least, mandatory everywhere? > > Thinking about a lack of geography classes makes me think of people who > confuse Australia and Austria (etc.). History wasn't mandatory when I was in school. Social Studies was. That did include history but a wide variety of other things. I learned what I thought was a lot about Native Americans. I have since read books as an adult that truly horrified me. Some of the tribes were extremely violent. That was all skipped over in school. We learned about what sorts of foods they ate, how their clothing was made, about their religion, how they were mistreated by the white people, and how they were much more likely to be alcoholics than the rest of us. We studied the Mayans and other Indians. Not sure why the focus on Indians but they came up many times over the years. We also learned about various ethnic groups such as the blacks so I guess there was some history in there but it was all very cherry picked information that we were given. Mostly how various groups were put upon and social injustice. How women were considered to be lesser than men. We studied alcoholism and drug abuse. I had to write reports on alcoholism sooo many times that I just fished out the first report I ever wrote and used that, just rewriting some of the sections and checking quickly at the library to see if any new books had come out on the subject that I might use. They hadn't so, easy peasy. We studied religion. For the life of me I do not know what. Separation of church and state and all. We touched on politics but not enough to be meaningful. There was a presidential election that year though. And that was the same year that we were divided into groups (not of our choosing) and we had to work as a group to devise the perfect society. I walked home fuming over that one! No matter how you sliced it, it was going to be a losing proposition. I knew that from the git go but seemingly no one else did, but the teacher who of course kept mum about it until the very end when we had to give our presentations. We had to make up a big poster with the name of our society and draw what it looked like. Was it an island? A little part of a bigger country? A mountain? How did the people get their water? What kind of jobs did the people have? What did they look like? What kind of transportation did they use? What did they eat? Of course I got saddled with a group of stoners. Keep in mind that this was during the 70's so I was surrounded by stoners. But these were idiot stoners. I gave precious little input into the whole thing except to point out why these things that they proposed would not work. Seemed each group had a person or two like me in it and the whole thing wound up becoming a bunch of people arguing, which likely was the whole point of the idiotic assignment. I did agree to make the poster. I can't remember the name of our society but clothing was optional, any and all recreational drugs were legal, alcohol was legal for all ages and nobody worked. They didn't need to work because they used no money on this island. And there were no vehicles there either. Everybody just walked and somehow miraculously just ate, drank and smoked up all the free stuff that was available to them. I am sure I am leaving out vast details but that pretty much summed up what they came up with by using their pot soaked brains. Ah, the 70's! As I said prior, there was a history class available when I was in high school. I did try to get into it but I could not. I don't know who decided who went to what class. We had 7 periods in those days. 2 of them were free periods. No study hall. No real need to study because there was so little homework. At least I rarely had it. I did my work quickly and finished out the rest of my classes by reading a book or writing poetry or a story. In some classes were weren't allowed to read books so that's why I wrote. I hated having the free periods. We had a closed campus. So I was stuck sitting on the grass and waiting for my next class to start. We did have a school library but it was a joke. I only went in there if it was raining or too cold to be outside. There were very few books in it and all of them severely outdated. I remember there being reference type books and some magazines but I don't even think there were novels. I never checked a book out the whole time I was there. But somebody must have because there was an after hours book drop and somebody once put a pigeon down it. That created quite a stir! Anyway... I had to talk to the school principal and get permission to take extra classes. I worked in the office and also on the school newspaper. Those were pretty boring things to do but it was better than sitting in the grass. Of course my free periods never came at the time that my friend's did. These days things are different. Washington State history is a graduation requirement. If anyone comes here from another state, they won't graduate until they take it. Which might have to be taken over the summer and paid for by the parents. There is also some other history that is required. When I was in school, not much was required. Not even math. I do think we had to have one business course and then either shop (wood, metal or auto) or home ec (cooking or sewing), English and some science. Also P.E. up until the 10th grade. In Jr. High we had to take art and music. I also took a class called Family Living. I can't remember what category that came under but it was a required category and the other things in that category didn't sound appealing. This class was an easy A for me so it wasn't a big deal. |
Posted to rec.food.cooking
Julie Bove wrote:
> > History wasn't mandatory when I was in school. > We did have a school library but it was a joke. > These days things are different. Washington State history is a graduation > requirement. If anyone comes here from another state, they won't graduate > until they take it. Which might have to be taken over the summer and paid > for by the parents. > When I was in school, not much was required. Not even math. No history or math required? Give me a break. You never graduated HS, did you? |
Posted to rec.food.cooking
![]() "Gary" > wrote in message ... > Julie Bove wrote: >> >> History wasn't mandatory when I was in school. > >> We did have a school library but it was a joke. > >> These days things are different. Washington State history is a >> graduation >> requirement. If anyone comes here from another state, they won't >> graduate >> until they take it. Which might have to be taken over the summer and >> paid >> for by the parents. > >> When I was in school, not much was required. Not even math. > > No history or math required? Give me a break. You never graduated HS, > did you? I certainly did. In 1977. Went on to community college then dropped out. I took math up until the 9th grade. It was not required after that. The only history I remember offered was in high school. Only one teacher taught it. I can't remember his name now but he was a runner and had a dog named Hector. Hector was a girl. She wore a bandana and came to class with him. I tried like hell to get into his class but could not. I was assigned to take a class called Contemporary World Problems. Several of my friends were in there too and we would have had no issues had the teacher actually taught us something. Anything! A few times he had us clip specific articles out of the newspaper only to have us never do anything with them. Each day it was the same. He'd say, "I'd like you to review this movie for my Pre-Voc class." That was what they called the Special Ed class in those days. And he'd put the movie on for us. Often it was a movie we had seen countless times before. Like Nanook Of The North or The Blue Men Of Morocco. Always the same results. Sure Mr. G. We think they might like the movie. But when can we study things for OUR class? And he'd say that we'd get to them. After the movie or sometimes there wasn't even a movie, he'd tell us we could go to the library. For what? Who knows. And then he'd leave. Where did he go? Who knows! So my friends and I would stay in the room and play Hangman on the chalk board. We all went to the guidance counselor and told her that he wasn't teaching us and we wanted out of there. She said she could do nothing because the other classes were all full. Our parents called the school. Still stuck there. Then when my brother was assigned to the same teacher and also to an English teacher I'd had who essentially taught us nothing but had us do oral reports, demonstrating how to do things and spoke constantly of the boy's school where she used to teach. They didn't know what forks were, you know... My dad called right away and insisted that my brother be taken out of those classes. And he was! I guess by then they'd heard enough complaints. I had another Social Studies teacher who never really taught us anything but at least he could be entertaining. But every day was the same thing with him too. He would tell us that his dog was named Brandy. Then one of us would ask him why? And he'd reply that it was because she was a little licker (liquor). And then we'd all pretend to laugh because clearly he thought that was hysterically funny. Then someone would ask about his wife, his kids, his neighbor, his car, his dinner from the night before, whatever. And he'd just go on and on, talking to us. One day, some of us got there early. It was very common for the teachers to dismiss us early. But because we had a closed campus, we had nowhere really to go. So we went to our next class. And he wasn't in there. Someone got the idea to unscrew the light bulbs. So we did. Not all the way. We left them in there. Just unscrewed enough so they wouldn't come on. That got us out of class! He freaked out when they wouldn't come on and had to call the janitor. Of course we monitored all of this and it took the janitor until two more classes to figure it out and put it all right. Didn't take us long to do the unscrewing because we all did it at once. Once in typing class, I single handedly removed as many of the letter Q keys as I could before the teacher got there. I stowed them in a drawer in her podium. We were learning the Q that day among other letters. But since so many of us didn't have one, she just dismissed us for the day. Other things that got us out of classes were frogs, partially or fully dissected or not being put in drinking fountains. Certain types of graffiti. I didn't get to witness this but only heard about it. There was an elderly teacher named Ms. Bloomer. I think she taught English. Someone wrote, "Bloomer is wilted!" on the wall just inside the exit door. Our school was all on one level with a mostly open plan. But this particular area was a "quad" meaning that you went inside one door where four classrooms were housed. Well... She never made it out the door. I was told that she became so hysterical when she saw the bad thing written about her that she smacked right into the wall, fell over and they had to call for medical assistance. Not sure the 911 system was in place yet. But the whole quad had to be cleared out to make way for the medical people. That story sounded so silly that I didn't want to believe it but the whole school was talking about it and I saw several people point to the exact spot on the wall where the bad thing had been written. Sometimes people got duct taped to poles. This was one of the initiation rituals for boys. AFAIK it never happened to a girl. And I never saw the actual act happening but eventually we would hear the cries of help. They always taped the guy high enough up so that his feet didn't touch the ground. This would get us out of class if we were close enough to hear the cries of help because of course it was upsetting to us all, fearing that we might be the next victim. So the teacher would usually let us go so we could think about it. Then there was the biology pond. A small, murky, greenish thing that stunk to high heaven. People were thrown into it as an initiation. They'd then drag their wet and stinking selves into the nearby biology room (which happened to be my class) for help. They left behind such a stench that we had to evacuate the classroom as least until the dripped water could be cleaned up. I was never initiated in any way but when I went to the pond to collect water for our Ecosystem, I managed to fall in. I earned the reputation of being the only person ever to have gone into the water by her own devices. I was probably also the only one stupid enough to collect water from it. And our fish only managed to live for about two weeks before they died. Then there were the fire alarms. Sometimes they were planned. Sometimes accidents and sometimes deliberate. When the fire alarm was pulled, it squirted out a liquid of some sort that wasn't obvious in regular light but could be seen as purple with the right kind light. Maybe it was a black light. Not sure. This is how they caught people setting it off on purpose. But once after my friend's brother did it accidentally in the wood shop class by catching it with the long handle of a broom. He didn't get in trouble for it because it truly was an accident but that led some people to use that same sort of technique on purpose. Sometimes they managed to escape detection. Sometimes not. And once there was a bomb threat. That left us standing outside in the rain for a couple of hours. Then there were two guys who were always playing jokes and doing dumb things, including rolling a real bowling ball down Main Street which is a really steep street. Amazingly, no one was injured and even the fountain in the middle of downtown was spared. Somehow they got a hold of some mannequins. The first one was placed in the Vice Principal's chair. They had made it up to look like him. Even that glasses. That was kind of funny but it didn't get anyone out of class, except perhaps for them while they were being spoken to. But the next one was bad They had a naked female mannequin and they put it along with a toy rifle in the back of a pickup truck. They drove the truck up to the window outside of the Pre-Voc class. I have no clue what their intent was next. But one of the Pre-Voc students saw it, screamed and told the teacher that she though a lady had been shot out there. The police were called and we were all evacuated to the other end of the school until that was all sorted out. It didn't really take much to get out of class in those days. Or even to stay in class and do nothing. We played our own on the fly version of Trivial Pursuit one year in English class. The teacher even had us looking for silly trivial questions. How many Tic Tacs are there in a pound of Tic Tacs? That was my question but I don't remember the answer now. How many steps are there to so and so's classroom. That could have one of two answers. Either none, because the school was all on one level and there were no steps anywhere or...the actual number of steps you'd have to take to get there, which of course could vary depending on your stride. Much of these things would never take place today. The schools have too many things in place to prevent them from happening. We had one truant officer at the school. She walked around looking for people who were trying to leave. And we all did leave. Even though we had a closed campus, we could easily get an excuse to leave. For instance, I was in Deca and I would just tell the teacher that I was going to look for things for the display window or some such thing. Boom. Gone for 2+ hours because that class was a two hour class and ran into my lunch time too. By then, I sometimes had a car and two of my friends owned their own cars. We'd go out for lunch or hang out at the mall. And if we didn't have a pass? All we had to do was ask the truant officer what kind of candy she wanted. There was a 7-11 across the street and she loved candy bars. Plus she wore a bright pink coat and could be spotted a mile away. I think she was very near sighted too because she didn't seem to notice too much of what was going on. |
Posted to rec.food.cooking
On 2015-02-17 07:43, Gary wrote:
> Julie Bove wrote: >> >> History wasn't mandatory when I was in school. > >> We did have a school library but it was a joke. > >> These days things are different. Washington State history is a graduation >> requirement. If anyone comes here from another state, they won't graduate >> until they take it. Which might have to be taken over the summer and paid >> for by the parents. > >> When I was in school, not much was required. Not even math. > > No history or math required? Give me a break. You never graduated HS, > did you? > Why do you indulge her and her stupid lies? |
Posted to rec.food.cooking
Dave Smith wrote:
> > On 2015-02-17 07:43, Gary wrote: > > Julie Bove wrote: > >> > >> History wasn't mandatory when I was in school. > > > >> We did have a school library but it was a joke. > > > >> These days things are different. Washington State history is a graduation > >> requirement. If anyone comes here from another state, they won't graduate > >> until they take it. Which might have to be taken over the summer and paid > >> for by the parents. > > > >> When I was in school, not much was required. Not even math. > > > > No history or math required? Give me a break. You never graduated HS, > > did you? > > > > Why do you indulge her and her stupid lies? Well...I sure don't believe that one that she just claimed. |
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Posted to rec.food.cooking
On 2015-02-17 11:28, Ed Pawlowski wrote:
> > Must have been the same person now working as a TSA agent at the > airport. One agent demanded to see a guys passport since his driver's > license was from the District of Columbia. Well, they are sort of like > their own country at times. Reminds me of an incident on Colorado where I was the only one in a group of about a dozen guys who knew the capital of Florida. |
Posted to rec.food.cooking
Gary > wrote:
> Julie Bove wrote: >> >> History wasn't mandatory when I was in school. > >> We did have a school library but it was a joke. > >> These days things are different. Washington State history is a graduation >> requirement. If anyone comes here from another state, they won't graduate >> until they take it. Which might have to be taken over the summer and paid >> for by the parents. > >> When I was in school, not much was required. Not even math. > > No history or math required? Give me a break. You never graduated HS, > did you? One thing is for certain, she clearly was not destined for college which is probably why she dropped out after only one semester of junior college. "Not required to take" is quite different from "chose not to take". -- jinx the minx |
Posted to rec.food.cooking
![]() "Gary" > wrote in message ... > Dave Smith wrote: >> >> On 2015-02-17 07:43, Gary wrote: >> > Julie Bove wrote: >> >> >> >> History wasn't mandatory when I was in school. >> > >> >> We did have a school library but it was a joke. >> > >> >> These days things are different. Washington State history is a >> >> graduation >> >> requirement. If anyone comes here from another state, they won't >> >> graduate >> >> until they take it. Which might have to be taken over the summer and >> >> paid >> >> for by the parents. >> > >> >> When I was in school, not much was required. Not even math. >> > >> > No history or math required? Give me a break. You never graduated HS, >> > did you? >> > >> >> Why do you indulge her and her stupid lies? > > Well...I sure don't believe that one that she just claimed. It's very true! We only had to take math up to the 9th grade. Not beyond. |
Posted to rec.food.cooking
![]() "jinx the minx" > wrote in message ... > Gary > wrote: >> Julie Bove wrote: >>> >>> History wasn't mandatory when I was in school. >> >>> We did have a school library but it was a joke. >> >>> These days things are different. Washington State history is a >>> graduation >>> requirement. If anyone comes here from another state, they won't >>> graduate >>> until they take it. Which might have to be taken over the summer and >>> paid >>> for by the parents. >> >>> When I was in school, not much was required. Not even math. >> >> No history or math required? Give me a break. You never graduated HS, >> did you? > > One thing is for certain, she clearly was not destined for college which > is > probably why she dropped out after only one semester of junior college. > "Not required to take" is quite different from "chose not to take". And I chose not to take it because I hate it! Math that is. I dropped out of college because I was told that it would take 5 years before I could take any law classes. I couldn't see going to a 2 year college for 5 years and I was having a hard time working full time and going to school full time. Something had to go. |
Posted to rec.food.cooking
On 2/18/2015 12:48 AM, Julie Bove wrote:
> And I chose not to take it because I hate it! Math that is. I dropped > out of college because I was told that it would take 5 years before I > could take any law classes. I couldn't see going to a 2 year college > for 5 years and I was having a hard time working full time and going to > school full time. Something had to go. Uh, say that again? Law classes? I went to a 2 year college and in my second semester took Introduction to Business Law. Are you trying to claim you wanted to attend *law school*?! Jill |
Posted to rec.food.cooking
jmcquown > wrote:
> On 2/18/2015 12:48 AM, Julie Bove wrote: >> And I chose not to take it because I hate it! Math that is. I dropped >> out of college because I was told that it would take 5 years before I >> could take any law classes. I couldn't see going to a 2 year college >> for 5 years and I was having a hard time working full time and going to >> school full time. Something had to go. > > Uh, say that again? Law classes? I went to a 2 year college and in my > second semester took Introduction to Business Law. Are you trying to > claim you wanted to attend *law school*?! > > Jill Which ain't gonna happen with only a 2 year junior college degree. -- jinx the minx |
Posted to rec.food.cooking
On 2/18/2015 10:45 AM, jinx the minx wrote:
> jmcquown > wrote: >> On 2/18/2015 12:48 AM, Julie Bove wrote: >>> And I chose not to take it because I hate it! Math that is. I dropped >>> out of college because I was told that it would take 5 years before I >>> could take any law classes. I couldn't see going to a 2 year college >>> for 5 years and I was having a hard time working full time and going to >>> school full time. Something had to go. >> >> Uh, say that again? Law classes? I went to a 2 year college and in my >> second semester took Introduction to Business Law. Are you trying to >> claim you wanted to attend *law school*?! >> >> Jill > > Which ain't gonna happen with only a 2 year junior college degree. > Yep, that was rather my point. ![]() Jill |
Posted to rec.food.cooking
jmcquown > wrote:
> On 2/18/2015 10:45 AM, jinx the minx wrote: >> jmcquown > wrote: >>> On 2/18/2015 12:48 AM, Julie Bove wrote: >>>> And I chose not to take it because I hate it! Math that is. I dropped >>>> out of college because I was told that it would take 5 years before I >>>> could take any law classes. I couldn't see going to a 2 year college >>>> for 5 years and I was having a hard time working full time and going to >>>> school full time. Something had to go. >>> >>> Uh, say that again? Law classes? I went to a 2 year college and in my >>> second semester took Introduction to Business Law. Are you trying to >>> claim you wanted to attend *law school*?! >>> >>> Jill >> >> Which ain't gonna happen with only a 2 year junior college degree. >> > Yep, that was rather my point. ![]() > > Jill Not to mention no math, no history, no pre-college track classes in high school whatsoever. It's really no wonder why a career at KMart was a better option than college for her. Something has to give! -- jinx the minx |
Posted to rec.food.cooking
On 2015-02-18 10:56 AM, jinx the minx wrote:
>>> Which ain't gonna happen with only a 2 year junior college degree. >>> >> Yep, that was rather my point. ![]() >> >> Jill > > Not to mention no math, no history, no pre-college track classes in high > school whatsoever. It's really no wonder why a career at KMart was a better > option than college for her. Something has to give! > Career? It was the best she ever attained, and it didn't last very long. |
Posted to rec.food.cooking
![]() "jmcquown" > wrote in message ... > On 2/18/2015 12:48 AM, Julie Bove wrote: >> And I chose not to take it because I hate it! Math that is. I dropped >> out of college because I was told that it would take 5 years before I >> could take any law classes. I couldn't see going to a 2 year college >> for 5 years and I was having a hard time working full time and going to >> school full time. Something had to go. > > Uh, say that again? Law classes? I went to a 2 year college and in my > second semester took Introduction to Business Law. Are you trying to > claim you wanted to attend *law school*?! No. I thought I wanted to be a legal assistant. At least this is what my guidance counselor told me that I needed to do. I ultimately wanted to work for the BBB. But then I discovered that wasn't what I needed to work there anyway and that the legal assistants in this area merely assisted lawyers by looking things up for them. It wasn't a high paying job and it didn't need any sort of degree or certificate. Plus all of the jobs were in downtown Seattle. Same for the BBB and I didn't want to have to commute there. |
Posted to rec.food.cooking
![]() "jinx the minx" > wrote in message ... > jmcquown > wrote: >> On 2/18/2015 12:48 AM, Julie Bove wrote: >>> And I chose not to take it because I hate it! Math that is. I dropped >>> out of college because I was told that it would take 5 years before I >>> could take any law classes. I couldn't see going to a 2 year college >>> for 5 years and I was having a hard time working full time and going to >>> school full time. Something had to go. >> >> Uh, say that again? Law classes? I went to a 2 year college and in my >> second semester took Introduction to Business Law. Are you trying to >> claim you wanted to attend *law school*?! >> >> Jill > > Which ain't gonna happen with only a 2 year junior college degree. Nobody said that it would. I do have lawyer friends. |
Posted to rec.food.cooking
![]() "Dave Smith" > wrote in message ... > On 2015-02-18 10:56 AM, jinx the minx wrote: > >>>> Which ain't gonna happen with only a 2 year junior college degree. >>>> >>> Yep, that was rather my point. ![]() >>> >>> Jill >> >> Not to mention no math, no history, no pre-college track classes in high >> school whatsoever. It's really no wonder why a career at KMart was a >> better >> option than college for her. Something has to give! >> > > > Career? It was the best she ever attained, and it didn't last very long. 17 years isn't very long? |
Posted to rec.food.cooking
Julie Bove wrote in rec.food.cooking:
> > "Dave Smith" > wrote in message > ... > > On 2015-02-18 10:56 AM, jinx the minx wrote: > > > > > > > Which ain't gonna happen with only a 2 year junior college > > > > > degree. > > > > > > > > > Yep, that was rather my point. ![]() > > > > > > > > Jill > > > > > > Not to mention no math, no history, no pre-college track classes > > > in high school whatsoever. It's really no wonder why a career at > > > KMart was a better option than college for her. Something has > > > to give! > > > > > > > > > Career? It was the best she ever attained, and it didn't last very > > long. > > 17 years isn't very long? It is. If you also got whatever they have towards stocks, 401K etc savings, you will have something more to show for it because of the longevity. None of us are lawyers and I suspect most just make ends meet. According to most of what I see on the internet, it's really the job swappers who lose out in the long run. Swapping up if you have the skills can be good, but steady work that matches your skills wins in the long run. Carol -- |
Posted to rec.food.cooking
Julie Bove wrote in rec.food.cooking:
> > "jmcquown" > wrote in message > ... > > On 2/18/2015 12:48 AM, Julie Bove wrote: > > > And I chose not to take it because I hate it! Math that is. I > > > dropped out of college because I was told that it would take 5 > > > years before I could take any law classes. I couldn't see going > > > to a 2 year college for 5 years and I was having a hard time > > > working full time and going to school full time. Something had to > > > go. > > > > Uh, say that again? Law classes? I went to a 2 year college and > > in my second semester took Introduction to Business Law. Are you > > trying to claim you wanted to attend *law school*?! > > No. I thought I wanted to be a legal assistant. At least this is > what my guidance counselor told me that I needed to do. I ultimately > wanted to work for the BBB. But then I discovered that wasn't what I > needed to work there anyway and that the legal assistants in this > area merely assisted lawyers by looking things up for them. It > wasn't a high paying job and it didn't need any sort of degree or > certificate. Plus all of the jobs were in downtown Seattle. Same > for the BBB and I didn't want to have to commute there. Yup, but it's not a bad job for an associates degree. It depends on local searches and if it pays well where you are. Associates in accounting also do pretty well. Carol -- |
Posted to rec.food.cooking
![]() "cshenk" > wrote in message news ![]() > Julie Bove wrote in rec.food.cooking: > >> >> "Dave Smith" > wrote in message >> ... >> > On 2015-02-18 10:56 AM, jinx the minx wrote: >> > >> > > > > Which ain't gonna happen with only a 2 year junior college >> > > > > degree. >> > > > > >> > > > Yep, that was rather my point. ![]() >> > > > >> > > > Jill >> > > >> > > Not to mention no math, no history, no pre-college track classes >> > > in high school whatsoever. It's really no wonder why a career at >> > > KMart was a better option than college for her. Something has >> > > to give! >> > > >> > >> > >> > Career? It was the best she ever attained, and it didn't last very >> > long. >> >> 17 years isn't very long? > > It is. If you also got whatever they have towards stocks, 401K etc > savings, you will have something more to show for it because of the > longevity. I did well for myself way back on the stocks. I didn't *think* that what I had was a 401K. I even asked about it when I retired. I was told that I didn't have to roll the money over so I spent it on furniture and appliances when we moved to Cape Cod. But when I filed my taxes, I learned that it was! I was penalized, and ****ed. I called the people in charge and they told me that they had changed the plan at some point. Apparently not only was I not notified but nobody else in my store. I was the only person to have put any money into that plan from my store because it was not a guaranteed safe plan. I could have lost or gained money but if I gained, I would have gained more than with the other plans. I only put a very small percent in there each week for a few years, figuring that the amount was so small that it wouldn't matter if I lost. Turned out that I lost by not rolling it over which I would have done had I known. I still have a pension coming to me. Technically I could get it now but I will wait until I am older because I will get more. It won't be a lot but to me, something is still better than nothing. I retired about a month before they did away with the pension plan as it had been. So I was lucky. My husband is already getting military retirement and is back working for the military as a civilian. So if he puts in 5 or more years with that, which he very likely will, he will get a pension from that as well. People can poke fun if they want. I did try to get other jobs but at that point in time, nobody could give me the benefits that I had. When I retired, I had 5 weeks off per year of paid vacation, I think it was 6 days of sick leave...maybe 7, and one personal day off per year. I had good medical and dental insurance and life insurance that I didn't have to pay for. And I had been there for so long that it was highly unlikely I'd be fired or laid off. They were laying off some of the management but I wasn't high enough up the ladder for that to have happened. My retirement was forced in that I got married and moved to another state. In past years they would have made an effort to find me a suitable job on Cape Cod. But they stopped doing that. > > None of us are lawyers and I suspect most just make ends meet. > According to most of what I see on the internet, it's really the job > swappers who lose out in the long run. Swapping up if you have the > skills can be good, but steady work that matches your skills wins in > the long run. And lawyers don't necessarily make a lot of money. The ones I know do not. In one instance, they are both blind. A married couple. So they pay people to do some work for them that they wouldn't need to have to pay for if they were sighted. The other guy doesn't want to handle divorces or go to trial so he basically works for as a legal assistant for other lawyers. |
Posted to rec.food.cooking
On Wednesday, February 18, 2015 at 12:08:40 PM UTC-6, Dave Smith wrote:
> On 2015-02-18 10:56 AM, jinx the minx wrote: > > >>> Which ain't gonna happen with only a 2 year junior college degree. > >>> > >> Yep, that was rather my point. ![]() > >> > >> Jill > > > > Not to mention no math, no history, no pre-college track classes in high > > school whatsoever. It's really no wonder why a career at KMart was a better > > option than college for her. Something has to give! > > > > > Career? It was the best she ever attained, and it didn't last very long. Now she has a better gig than anyone here. She sits on her ass and collects "disability" welfare. --Bryan |
Posted to rec.food.cooking
![]() "Bryan-TGWWW" > wrote in message ... > On Wednesday, February 18, 2015 at 12:08:40 PM UTC-6, Dave Smith wrote: >> On 2015-02-18 10:56 AM, jinx the minx wrote: >> >> >>> Which ain't gonna happen with only a 2 year junior college degree. >> >>> >> >> Yep, that was rather my point. ![]() >> >> >> >> Jill >> > >> > Not to mention no math, no history, no pre-college track classes in >> > high >> > school whatsoever. It's really no wonder why a career at KMart was a >> > better >> > option than college for her. Something has to give! >> > >> >> >> Career? It was the best she ever attained, and it didn't last very long. > > Now she has a better gig than anyone here. She sits on her ass and > collects "disability" welfare. Hardly. I don't make enough to live on. Not in this area anyway. And I really do miss working. I am a people person. You don't see too many people sitting at home and there isn't much I can do to go out and interact with people since I can't stand up for long or walk very far. I can't even sit for extended periods of time without extreme pain setting in. I have had really extreme leg pain since Sat. I can barely walk and each and every time I have to get up or down, I have to really think about it and decide if it is totally necessary because doing so causes me to howl with pain. Driving a car is torture because to lift my foot from the brake to the gas causes me to howl like a wolf and getting in and out of the car is sheer torture. Worse still is lying down. You would think that would bring some comfort, but no. Only makes the pain worse. And nothing is helping. Not heat, massage, Tylenol or even trying to walk it off or stretch. I don't know the cause of it is but I may have to go to the Dr. if it continues. I had planned to do the spring cleaning now when Angela is out of school. I did manage to do a little bit but if things don't get better then not much more will get done now. Did not help that the front door knob fell off this morning at 5:00 a.m. I had to find a 24/7 locksmith then wait for him to come. I'm sure he wondered about me. I was still fully dressed but had a bathrobe on over my clothes to try to increase the warmth to my leg muscles. I could neither sit nor stand well so I was partway on and partway off of the unreclined recliner, thrashing this way and that trying to seek relief. Thankfully he was a fast worker so I was able to get to bed around 8::00. And while that didn't bring relief I was able to sleep for a few hours and when asleep I mostly don't seem to notice the pain. Although sometimes it is bad enough to wake me. Just takes a while to get to sleep because of the pain. My neck is also so stiff that I can barely move it and my right arm muscles are as the rheumatologist put it once, like iron. Normally when they are like this, Fibromyalgia is the cause but that almost always affects both sides equally. Right now it is only the right arm and the right leg is far worse than the left. I wouldn't wish this sort of pain on anyone. It's not a fun way to live. |
Posted to rec.food.cooking
In article >, cshenk1
@cox.net says... > None of us are lawyers and I suspect most just make ends meet. > Another example of what an inattentive reader you are. Janet UK |
Posted to rec.food.cooking
On Thu, 19 Feb 2015 03:31:21 -0800 (PST), Bryan-TGWWW
> wrote: >On Wednesday, February 18, 2015 at 12:08:40 PM UTC-6, Dave Smith wrote: >> On 2015-02-18 10:56 AM, jinx the minx wrote: >> >> >>> Which ain't gonna happen with only a 2 year junior college degree. >> >>> >> >> Yep, that was rather my point. ![]() >> >> >> >> Jill >> > >> > Not to mention no math, no history, no pre-college track classes in high >> > school whatsoever. It's really no wonder why a career at KMart was a better >> > option than college for her. Something has to give! >> > >> >> >> Career? It was the best she ever attained, and it didn't last very long. > >Now she has a better gig than anyone here. She sits on her hemorrhoids and >collects "disability" welfare. Well, mental illness is an acceptible ssa disability. |
Posted to rec.food.cooking
On Thu, 19 Feb 2015 04:01:23 -0800, "Julie Bove"
> wrote: > Fibromyalgia is the cause but that almost always affects both > sides equally. Right now it is only the right arm and the right leg is far > worse than the left. > > I wouldn't wish this sort of pain on anyone. It's not a fun way to live. No, it's not. I know two people who have it and another one with neuralgia - but theirs is not as debilitating as yours seems to be. -- A kitchen without a cook is just a room |
Posted to rec.food.cooking
On 2/18/2015 6:29 PM, Julie Bove wrote:
> > "Dave Smith" > wrote in message > ... >> On 2015-02-18 10:56 AM, jinx the minx wrote: >> >>>>> Which ain't gonna happen with only a 2 year junior college degree. >>>>> >>>> Yep, that was rather my point. ![]() >>>> >>>> Jill >>> >>> Not to mention no math, no history, no pre-college track classes in high >>> school whatsoever. It's really no wonder why a career at KMart was a >>> better >>> option than college for her. Something has to give! >>> >> >> >> Career? It was the best she ever attained, and it didn't last very long. > > 17 years isn't very long? Considering KMart seems to be going down the tubes, you should probably apply for that pension before the entire house of cards falls down. Jill |
Posted to rec.food.cooking
On Thursday, February 19, 2015 at 5:01:37 AM UTC-7, Julie Bove wrote:
> "Bryan-TGWWW" > wrote in message > ... > > On Wednesday, February 18, 2015 at 12:08:40 PM UTC-6, Dave Smith wrote: > >> On 2015-02-18 10:56 AM, jinx the minx wrote: > >> > >> >>> Which ain't gonna happen with only a 2 year junior college degree. > >> >>> > >> >> Yep, that was rather my point. ![]() > >> >> > >> >> Jill > >> > > >> > Not to mention no math, no history, no pre-college track classes in > >> > high > >> > school whatsoever. It's really no wonder why a career at KMart was a > >> > better > >> > option than college for her. Something has to give! > >> > > >> > >> > >> Career? It was the best she ever attained, and it didn't last very long. > > > > Now she has a better gig than anyone here. She sits on her ass and > > collects "disability" welfare. > > Hardly. I don't make enough to live on. Not in this area anyway. And I > really do miss working. I am a people person. You don't see too many > people sitting at home and there isn't much I can do to go out and interact > with people since I can't stand up for long or walk very far. I can't even > sit for extended periods of time without extreme pain setting in. > > I have had really extreme leg pain since Sat. I can barely walk and each > and every time I have to get up or down, I have to really think about it and > decide if it is totally necessary because doing so causes me to howl with > pain. Driving a car is torture because to lift my foot from the brake to > the gas causes me to howl like a wolf and getting in and out of the car is > sheer torture. > > Worse still is lying down. You would think that would bring some comfort, > but no. Only makes the pain worse. And nothing is helping. Not heat, > massage, Tylenol or even trying to walk it off or stretch. I don't know the > cause of it is but I may have to go to the Dr. if it continues. I had > planned to do the spring cleaning now when Angela is out of school. I did > manage to do a little bit but if things don't get better then not much more > will get done now. > > Did not help that the front door knob fell off this morning at 5:00 a.m. I > had to find a 24/7 locksmith then wait for him to come. I'm sure he > wondered about me. I was still fully dressed but had a bathrobe on over my > clothes to try to increase the warmth to my leg muscles. I could neither > sit nor stand well so I was partway on and partway off of the unreclined > recliner, thrashing this way and that trying to seek relief. Thankfully he > was a fast worker so I was able to get to bed around 8::00. And while that > didn't bring relief I was able to sleep for a few hours and when asleep I > mostly don't seem to notice the pain. Although sometimes it is bad enough > to wake me. Just takes a while to get to sleep because of the pain. > > My neck is also so stiff that I can barely move it and my right arm muscles > are as the rheumatologist put it once, like iron. Normally when they are > like this, Fibromyalgia is the cause but that almost always affects both > sides equally. Right now it is only the right arm and the right leg is far > worse than the left. > > I wouldn't wish this sort of pain on anyone. It's not a fun way to live. Creative writing at its best, eh Julie? Way to go. |
Posted to rec.food.cooking
On Thu, 19 Feb 2015 04:01:23 -0800, "Julie Bove"
> wrote: >Hardly. I don't make enough to live on. Uh-huh. That would explain why you buy so much food online, and why you've spent so much on your house lately (so you claim anyway). >Not in this area anyway. And I >really do miss working. >I am a people person. Pity the 'people' don't have any say in the matter... >people sitting at home and there isn't much I can do to go out and interact >with people since I can't stand up for long or walk very far. I can't even >sit for extended periods of time without extreme pain setting in. > >I have had really extreme leg pain since Sat. I can barely walk and each >and every time I have to get up or down, I have to really think about it and >decide if it is totally necessary because doing so causes me to howl with >pain. Driving a car is torture because to lift my foot from the brake to >the gas causes me to howl like a wolf and getting in and out of the car is >sheer torture. > >Worse still is lying down. You would think that would bring some comfort, >but no. Only makes the pain worse. And nothing is helping. Not heat, >massage, Tylenol or even trying to walk it off or stretch. I don't know the >cause of it is but I may have to go to the Dr. if it continues. I had >planned to do the spring cleaning now when Angela is out of school. I did >manage to do a little bit but if things don't get better then not much more >will get done now. You're your own worst enemy. >Did not help that the front door knob fell off this morning at 5:00 a.m. I >had to find a 24/7 locksmith then wait for him to come. "Hardly. I don't make enough to live on" Uh-huh... ![]() I guess in bove-world there is no back door to use for a few hours, then get a cheaper locksmith to sort the problem during normal business hours. Or let a neighbour, husband or whoever fix it for you for free. >I'm sure he wondered about me. More than you could ever realise, I'm sure. >I was still fully dressed but had a bathrobe on over my >clothes to try to increase the warmth to my leg muscles. I could neither >sit nor stand well so I was partway on and partway off of the unreclined >recliner, thrashing this way and that trying to seek relief. Thankfully he >was a fast worker so I was able to get to bed around 8::00. WTF? Why didn't you sleep and *then* get the lock fixed? >And while that >didn't bring relief I was able to sleep for a few hours and when asleep I >mostly don't seem to notice the pain. Although sometimes it is bad enough >to wake me. Just takes a while to get to sleep because of the pain. > >My neck is also so stiff that I can barely move it and my right arm muscles >are as the rheumatologist put it once, like iron. Normally when they are >like this, Fibromyalgia is the cause but that almost always affects both >sides equally. Right now it is only the right arm and the right leg is far >worse than the left. > >I wouldn't wish this sort of pain on anyone. It's not a fun way to live. You bring it on yourself in so many ways (if any of this is even true). |
Posted to rec.food.cooking
On Thu, 19 Feb 2015 11:25:02 -0800 (PST), Roy >
wrote: >On Thursday, February 19, 2015 at 5:01:37 AM UTC-7, Julie Bove wrote: >> "Bryan-TGWWW" > wrote in message >> ... >> > On Wednesday, February 18, 2015 at 12:08:40 PM UTC-6, Dave Smith wrote: >> >> On 2015-02-18 10:56 AM, jinx the minx wrote: >> >> >> >> >>> Which ain't gonna happen with only a 2 year junior college degree. >> >> >>> >> >> >> Yep, that was rather my point. ![]() >> >> >> >> >> >> Jill >> >> > >> >> > Not to mention no math, no history, no pre-college track classes in >> >> > high >> >> > school whatsoever. It's really no wonder why a career at KMart was a >> >> > better >> >> > option than college for her. Something has to give! >> >> > >> >> >> >> >> >> Career? It was the best she ever attained, and it didn't last very long. >> > >> > Now she has a better gig than anyone here. She sits on her ass and >> > collects "disability" welfare. >> >> Hardly. I don't make enough to live on. Not in this area anyway. And I >> really do miss working. I am a people person. You don't see too many >> people sitting at home and there isn't much I can do to go out and interact >> with people since I can't stand up for long or walk very far. I can't even >> sit for extended periods of time without extreme pain setting in. >> >> I have had really extreme leg pain since Sat. I can barely walk and each >> and every time I have to get up or down, I have to really think about it and >> decide if it is totally necessary because doing so causes me to howl with >> pain. Driving a car is torture because to lift my foot from the brake to >> the gas causes me to howl like a wolf and getting in and out of the car is >> sheer torture. >> >> Worse still is lying down. You would think that would bring some comfort, >> but no. Only makes the pain worse. And nothing is helping. Not heat, >> massage, Tylenol or even trying to walk it off or stretch. I don't know the >> cause of it is but I may have to go to the Dr. if it continues. I had >> planned to do the spring cleaning now when Angela is out of school. I did >> manage to do a little bit but if things don't get better then not much more >> will get done now. >> >> Did not help that the front door knob fell off this morning at 5:00 a.m. I >> had to find a 24/7 locksmith then wait for him to come. I'm sure he >> wondered about me. I was still fully dressed but had a bathrobe on over my >> clothes to try to increase the warmth to my leg muscles. I could neither >> sit nor stand well so I was partway on and partway off of the unreclined >> recliner, thrashing this way and that trying to seek relief. Thankfully he >> was a fast worker so I was able to get to bed around 8::00. And while that >> didn't bring relief I was able to sleep for a few hours and when asleep I >> mostly don't seem to notice the pain. Although sometimes it is bad enough >> to wake me. Just takes a while to get to sleep because of the pain. >> >> My neck is also so stiff that I can barely move it and my right arm muscles >> are as the rheumatologist put it once, like iron. Normally when they are >> like this, Fibromyalgia is the cause but that almost always affects both >> sides equally. Right now it is only the right arm and the right leg is far >> worse than the left. >> >> I wouldn't wish this sort of pain on anyone. It's not a fun way to live. > >Creative writing at its best, eh Julie? Way to go. Yep. It doesn't make any sense. Creative perhaps, but poorly thought out. |
Posted to rec.food.cooking
![]() |
Posted to rec.food.cooking
On 2/19/2015 6:07 AM, Julie Bove wrote:
> I didn't *think* that what I had was a 401K. I even asked about it when > I retired. I was told that I didn't have to roll the money over so I > spent it on furniture and appliances when we moved to Cape Cod. But > when I filed my taxes, I learned that it was! I was penalized, and > ****ed. I called the people in charge and they told me that they had > changed the plan at some point. 401k's have been around for a long time. What you apparently had was not a Roth (taxes prepaid) IRA, but a traditional one. You can't just cash out without paying taxes on the money. Jill |
Posted to rec.food.cooking
On 2/19/2015 7:01 AM, Julie Bove wrote:
> >>> On 2015-02-18 10:56 AM, jinx the minx wrote: >>> >>> >>> Which ain't gonna happen with only a 2 year junior college degree. >>> >>> >>> >> Yep, that was rather my point. ![]() >>> >> >>> >> Jill >>> > >>> > Not to mention no math, no history, no pre-college track classes in >>> > high >>> > school whatsoever. It's really no wonder why a career at KMart was >>> a > better >>> > option than college for her. Something has to give! >>> > >>> Notice she skirted nicely around the question about having been told she'd have to attend a 2 year college for *five years* before she could take any law courses. Painted herself right into a corner and couldn't justify the answer. So now it's about her health issues... again. Jill |
Posted to rec.food.cooking
On 2015-02-19 17:46, jmcquown wrote:
> Notice she skirted nicely around the question about having been told > she'd have to attend a 2 year college for *five years* before she could > take any law courses. Painted herself right into a corner and couldn't > justify the answer. So now it's about her health issues... again. > > Did you expect something that Julie said to be true? Did you expect it to come anywhere close to something credible? If I could give her credit for enough intelligence I might almost believe that she was baiting people and mocking them by dropping hints that it was some sort of spoof. The problem is that she is a pathological liar and like many others of her ilk, she lies for sport. She lies so much that she may not even realize that she is lying. It doesn't really matter because it gets her the attention she craves. |
Posted to rec.food.cooking
![]() "jmcquown" > wrote in message ... > On 2/19/2015 6:07 AM, Julie Bove wrote: >> I didn't *think* that what I had was a 401K. I even asked about it when >> I retired. I was told that I didn't have to roll the money over so I >> spent it on furniture and appliances when we moved to Cape Cod. But >> when I filed my taxes, I learned that it was! I was penalized, and >> ****ed. I called the people in charge and they told me that they had >> changed the plan at some point. > > 401k's have been around for a long time. What you apparently had was not > a Roth (taxes prepaid) IRA, but a traditional one. You can't just cash > out without paying taxes on the money. I have no clue what it was. I only put the money in after reading the prospectus and talking to the person in charge of the plans. We had four to choose from and they held a meeting with us all to explain these. I had specifically asked and was told that it was not a 401K or an IRA and the money could be taken at any time with no penalty. But as with many things K Mart, at some point, they changed the plan and didn't tell us. They did the same with our pension plan. |
Posted to rec.food.cooking
![]() "jmcquown" > wrote in message ... > On 2/18/2015 6:29 PM, Julie Bove wrote: >> >> "Dave Smith" > wrote in message >> ... >>> On 2015-02-18 10:56 AM, jinx the minx wrote: >>> >>>>>> Which ain't gonna happen with only a 2 year junior college degree. >>>>>> >>>>> Yep, that was rather my point. ![]() >>>>> >>>>> Jill >>>> >>>> Not to mention no math, no history, no pre-college track classes in >>>> high >>>> school whatsoever. It's really no wonder why a career at KMart was a >>>> better >>>> option than college for her. Something has to give! >>>> >>> >>> >>> Career? It was the best she ever attained, and it didn't last very long. >> >> 17 years isn't very long? > > Considering KMart seems to be going down the tubes, you should probably > apply for that pension before the entire house of cards falls down. That thought has crossed my mind but the money is put aside in a secured account. Or so we are told. |
Posted to rec.food.cooking
![]() "sf" > wrote in message ... > On Thu, 19 Feb 2015 04:01:23 -0800, "Julie Bove" > > wrote: > >> Fibromyalgia is the cause but that almost always affects both >> sides equally. Right now it is only the right arm and the right leg is >> far >> worse than the left. >> >> I wouldn't wish this sort of pain on anyone. It's not a fun way to live. > > No, it's not. I know two people who have it and another one with > neuralgia - but theirs is not as debilitating as yours seems to be. I also have neuropathy, venous insufficiency, scoliosis and psoriatic arthritis. So it can be hard to suss out the source of the pain. |
Posted to rec.food.cooking
![]() "Dave Smith" > wrote in message ... > On 2015-02-19 14:54, wrote: > >>> Did not help that the front door knob fell off this morning at 5:00 >>> a.m. I had to find a 24/7 locksmith then wait for him to come. >> >> "Hardly. I don't make enough to live on" Uh-huh... ![]() >> >> I guess in bove-world there is no back door to use for a few hours, >> then get a cheaper locksmith to sort the problem during normal >> business hours. Or let a neighbour, husband or whoever fix it for >> you for free. > > > Of course the door knob would spontaneously break off at 5 am and require > the services of a locksmith. Any jackass can figure a way to secure a > door closed for a few hours, go to a hardware store and buy a new door > knob and lock set. It is a 5 minute job to replace it. The door was secured. The door wouldn't open! And neither would the storm door which I had locked. I don't know how to remove a broken door knob much less put a new one on and I was in far too much pain to attempt to tackle that. Plus I wanted a new deadbolt and 4 keys. Whatever. The job is done now. >> >> >> >> >>> I was still fully dressed but had a bathrobe on over my clothes to >>> try to increase the warmth to my leg muscles. I could neither sit >>> nor stand well so I was partway on and partway off of the >>> unreclined recliner, thrashing this way and that trying to seek >>> relief. Thankfully he was a fast worker so I was able to get to >>> bed around 8::00. >> >> WTF? Why didn't you sleep and *then* get the lock fixed? I was not comfortable with the situation. > > > What? And not be able to use the back door at 5 am? Right. Too hard for me to get up and down from the deck. > > > >>> I wouldn't wish this sort of pain on anyone. It's not a fun way to >>> live. >> >> You bring it on yourself in so many ways (if any of this is even >> true). >> > > She brings on herself?? I would not wish that pain on anyone, but if it > was anyone else I would be more likely to believe it. Nobody brings medical problems on themselves. Perhaps with a few exceptions. Like people who do not do what they are supposed to. |
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