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  #641 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Posts: 866
Default Why canned food is not as good as fresh

On 5/24/2015 3:04 PM, sf wrote:
> On Sun, 24 May 2015 13:10:41 -0600, Cabrito del Bosque
> > wrote:
>> Guess who built it?
>> Oh..that's right...corporations!

> Point taken

Not like the Interstates at all you see.

Perhaps if we'd made rail a military asset it'd be fine now.

>>> People can't be
>>> left on a side track for days and forgotten the way freight is.

>> If you read what happens AMTRAK trains are regularly shunted to a side
>> track so freight can move.
>> It is anything but uncommon for them also to be halted for track repairs.
>> In those instances AMTRAK contracts with private bus lines to deliver
>> passengers forward.
>> I'm a big fan of rail, but in this nation it simply does not make
>> economic common sense.
>> We're too big, too spread out, have too many other efficient travel options.

> There has to be a way to pry people out of their cars and off the
> roads.

Even LESS likely now with google cars coming.

> Given the unpalatable cattle car situation aviation has turned
> into, that leaves train travel for continental USA.

I'm totally in agreement on air travel, but its still more cost effective.

Want to really freak out on mass transit, look what Elon Musk is up to:

ELON MUSK IS constantly traveling between San Francisco and Los Angeles
to attend to his business at Tesla and Space X. So he said to himself,
“there has to be a better way.”

Turns out there is.

Load yourself into an enormous shotgun shell and shoot yourself 400
miles across the state at 800 mph. It sounds crazy, but Musk swears it
will work. And if he doesn’t build it, someone else will.

Musk’s proposal to revolutionize mass transit is called the Hyperloop.
It would transport passengers in individual aluminum pods powered by
turbines and solar energy in above-ground tubes, cost $6-10 billion to
build, and make the trip from San Francisco to Los Angeles in 35
minutes. Oh, and a ticket will run you around $20.


That can't be slightly risky, now can it?

  #642 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Posts: 61,789
Default Why canned food is not as good as fresh

On Sun, 24 May 2015 16:20:48 -0600, Cabrito del Bosque
> wrote:

> ELON MUSK IS constantly traveling between San Francisco and Los Angeles
> to attend to his business at Tesla and Space X. So he said to himself,
> “there has to be a better way.”
> Turns out there is.
> Load yourself into an enormous shotgun shell and shoot yourself 400
> miles across the state at 800 mph. It sounds crazy, but Musk swears it
> will work. And if he doesn’t build it, someone else will.
> Musk’s proposal to revolutionize mass transit is called the Hyperloop.
> It would transport passengers in individual aluminum pods powered by
> turbines and solar energy in above-ground tubes, cost $6-10 billion to
> build, and make the trip from San Francisco to Los Angeles in 35
> minutes. Oh, and a ticket will run you around $20.

How are they going to prevent vandals from damaging the tracks or
shooting at trains like what the news says happens in Philadelphia?
The faster the train the more interesting a target it will make.


  #643 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Posts: 866
Default Why canned food is not as good as fresh

On 5/24/2015 4:45 PM, sf wrote:
> On Sun, 24 May 2015 16:20:48 -0600, Cabrito del Bosque
> > wrote:
>> ELON MUSK IS constantly traveling between San Francisco and Los Angeles
>> to attend to his business at Tesla and Space X. So he said to himself,
>> “there has to be a better way.”
>> Turns out there is.
>> Load yourself into an enormous shotgun shell and shoot yourself 400
>> miles across the state at 800 mph. It sounds crazy, but Musk swears it
>> will work. And if he doesn’t build it, someone else will.
>> Musk’s proposal to revolutionize mass transit is called the Hyperloop.
>> It would transport passengers in individual aluminum pods powered by
>> turbines and solar energy in above-ground tubes, cost $6-10 billion to
>> build, and make the trip from San Francisco to Los Angeles in 35
>> minutes. Oh, and a ticket will run you around $20.

> How are they going to prevent vandals from damaging the tracks or
> shooting at trains like what the news says happens in Philadelphia?
> The faster the train the more interesting a target it will make.

A perceptive insight, one I'd not even considered.

I'm just recalling the warnings we get on train trips to keep all hands
and feet inside the coach...

  #644 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Posts: 46,524
Default Why canned food is not as good as fresh

"Cabrito del Bosque" > wrote in message
> On 5/24/2015 9:08 AM, sf wrote:
>> On Sun, 24 May 2015 00:33:47 -0700, "Julie Bove"
>> > wrote:
>>> "Cheri" > wrote in message
>>> ...
>>>> "Julie Bove" > wrote in message
>>>> ...
>>>>> "sf" > wrote in message
>>>>> ...
>>>>>> On Sat, 23 May 2015 17:27:22 -0700, "Julie Bove"
>>>>>> > wrote:
>>>>>>> There is also is a free lunch! I had one where my mom lives.
>>>>>>> Anyone
>>>>>>> can.
>>>>>>> Just stop by and say that you are interested in moving in, or moving
>>>>>>> in
>>>>>>> a
>>>>>>> loved one. They'll feed you whatever you want.
>>>>>> You have a very simple way of looking at things. Your SSDI is paid
>>>>>> for by the rest of us and you contributed before you went on
>>>>>> disability and your so is your so called free lunch is paid for by
>>>>>> your taxes. The free magazines are paid for by advertisers and the
>>>>>> people who buy the products they advertise. You're probably one of
>>>>>> them.
>>>>> *My* free lunch? Are you working? If not, then you're not paying for
>>>>> anything of mine. And I don't look at ads.
>>>> Not that it matters, but anyone who pays taxes for anything is paying
>>>> for
>>>> others in various ways, including themselves if they should ever be in
>>>> that situation. We're retired, and we still pay taxes so that's not
>>>> really
>>>> a good yardstick to measure with.
>>> Well, *I* pay taxes so how is my money any different?

>> To put it clearly enough so even you can understand: buy your own food
>> instead of taking it out of the mouths of the poor and infirm for whom
>> it is intended.

> If she's on disability is she not "infirm" by definition?

People seem to think that because I am married, and my husband works, I
don't deserve anything. They also seem to think that if a person is on
disability, they should be forced to live in poverty. Newsflash! My
husband gets disability. He is considered 90% disabled and is allowed to
work as much as he wants. I am considered 100% disabled. By law, I could
work some and earn some money. In reality that isn't going to happen. Yes,
I have good hours and sometimes even good days. I never know when those
times are going to happen. No employer is going to tell me that I can just
work, whenever. And no, I can't really even do much in terms of work at
home on my computer. Yes, there are such jobs but they are few and far
between and they do have deadlines.

In reality it would probably be best for my husband if he wasn't working.
Best for his health anyway. But the reality is that one of us has to work
if we want to stay in this house. And we do kind of have to stay here since
we did refinance it.

  #645 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Posts: 46,524
Default Why canned food is not as good as fresh

"sf" > wrote in message
> On Sun, 24 May 2015 11:19:25 -0600, Cabrito del Bosque
> > wrote:
>> On 5/24/2015 9:08 AM, sf wrote:
>> > On Sun, 24 May 2015 00:33:47 -0700, "Julie Bove"
>> > > wrote:
>> >
>> >>
>> >> "Cheri" > wrote in message
>> >> ...
>> >>>
>> >>> "Julie Bove" > wrote in message
>> >>> ...
>> >>>>
>> >>>> "sf" > wrote in message
>> >>>> ...
>> >>>>> On Sat, 23 May 2015 17:27:22 -0700, "Julie Bove"
>> >>>>> > wrote:
>> >>>>>
>> >>>>>> There is also is a free lunch! I had one where my mom lives.
>> >>>>>> Anyone
>> >>>>>> can.
>> >>>>>> Just stop by and say that you are interested in moving in, or
>> >>>>>> moving in
>> >>>>>> a
>> >>>>>> loved one. They'll feed you whatever you want.
>> >>>>>
>> >>>>> You have a very simple way of looking at things. Your SSDI is paid
>> >>>>> for by the rest of us and you contributed before you went on
>> >>>>> disability and your so is your so called free lunch is paid for by
>> >>>>> your taxes. The free magazines are paid for by advertisers and the
>> >>>>> people who buy the products they advertise. You're probably one of
>> >>>>> them.
>> >>>>
>> >>>> *My* free lunch? Are you working? If not, then you're not paying
>> >>>> for
>> >>>> anything of mine. And I don't look at ads.
>> >>>
>> >>> Not that it matters, but anyone who pays taxes for anything is paying
>> >>> for
>> >>> others in various ways, including themselves if they should ever be
>> >>> in
>> >>> that situation. We're retired, and we still pay taxes so that's not
>> >>> really
>> >>> a good yardstick to measure with.
>> >>
>> >> Well, *I* pay taxes so how is my money any different?
>> >
>> > To put it clearly enough so even you can understand: buy your own food
>> > instead of taking it out of the mouths of the poor and infirm for whom
>> > it is intended.
>> >

>> If she's on disability is she not "infirm" by definition?

> She claims to be capable.

I am not addle brained if that's what you mean. I can't walk very far,
stand for very long, bend over, sit for very long and I am supposed to spend
as much time as I can with my feet elevated above my heart. And that's just
the tip of the iceberg. Some here have accused me of TMI. So I won't get
into the rest of my medical stuff. It is not just one medical condition
that leaves me disabled.

  #646 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posted to
external usenet poster
Posts: 46,524
Default Why canned food is not as good as fresh

"Cabrito del Bosque" > wrote in message
> On 5/24/2015 12:25 PM, sf wrote:
>> On Sun, 24 May 2015 11:19:25 -0600, Cabrito del Bosque
>> > wrote:
>>> On 5/24/2015 9:08 AM, sf wrote:
>>>> On Sun, 24 May 2015 00:33:47 -0700, "Julie Bove"
>>>> > wrote:
>>>>> "Cheri" > wrote in message
>>>>> ...
>>>>>> "Julie Bove" > wrote in message
>>>>>> ...
>>>>>>> "sf" > wrote in message
>>>>>>> ...
>>>>>>>> On Sat, 23 May 2015 17:27:22 -0700, "Julie Bove"
>>>>>>>> > wrote:
>>>>>>>>> There is also is a free lunch! I had one where my mom lives.
>>>>>>>>> Anyone
>>>>>>>>> can.
>>>>>>>>> Just stop by and say that you are interested in moving in, or
>>>>>>>>> moving in
>>>>>>>>> a
>>>>>>>>> loved one. They'll feed you whatever you want.
>>>>>>>> You have a very simple way of looking at things. Your SSDI is paid
>>>>>>>> for by the rest of us and you contributed before you went on
>>>>>>>> disability and your so is your so called free lunch is paid for by
>>>>>>>> your taxes. The free magazines are paid for by advertisers and the
>>>>>>>> people who buy the products they advertise. You're probably one of
>>>>>>>> them.
>>>>>>> *My* free lunch? Are you working? If not, then you're not paying
>>>>>>> for
>>>>>>> anything of mine. And I don't look at ads.
>>>>>> Not that it matters, but anyone who pays taxes for anything is paying
>>>>>> for
>>>>>> others in various ways, including themselves if they should ever be
>>>>>> in
>>>>>> that situation. We're retired, and we still pay taxes so that's not
>>>>>> really
>>>>>> a good yardstick to measure with.
>>>>> Well, *I* pay taxes so how is my money any different?
>>>> To put it clearly enough so even you can understand: buy your own food
>>>> instead of taking it out of the mouths of the poor and infirm for whom
>>>> it is intended.
>>> If she's on disability is she not "infirm" by definition?

>> She claims to be capable.

> I've been hearing a different side from her lately.
> Mobility issues, etc.

Exactly. If you were to see me walk without aid of shopping cart, you might
ask me how I got injured. People always assume it is an injury. One side
is stronger than the other and at times that makes me seem to limp. When I
recently went to a yoga facility, I couldn't do much of anything the woman
tried to get me to do. Certainly couldn't stand up. She had me sit on the
floor and told me to stretch out my legs. Only the left one would stretch
out. The right knee stayed bent, even when she tried to push it down.

I used to be able to go to the mailbox and I only had to stop to rest every
30 steps. I know. I counted. These days it is more like 8-10 steps before
I have to stop to rest.

I seriously have to limit what I do. Things are bad now in this house
because husband and daughter both have injuries. We have yet to find out
what hers is as she hasn't seen the Dr. Nobody wants to get get up from
where they are. We're all too decrepit and in too much pain.

  #647 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posted to
external usenet poster
Posts: 46,524
Default Why canned food is not as good as fresh

"sf" > wrote in message
> On Sun, 24 May 2015 12:34:07 -0600, Cabrito del Bosque
> > wrote:
>> On 5/24/2015 12:25 PM, sf wrote:
>> > On Sun, 24 May 2015 11:19:25 -0600, Cabrito del Bosque
>> > > wrote:
>> >
>> >> On 5/24/2015 9:08 AM, sf wrote:
>> >>> On Sun, 24 May 2015 00:33:47 -0700, "Julie Bove"
>> >>> > wrote:
>> >>>
>> >>>>
>> >>>> "Cheri" > wrote in message
>> >>>> ...
>> >>>>>
>> >>>>> "Julie Bove" > wrote in message
>> >>>>> ...
>> >>>>>>
>> >>>>>> "sf" > wrote in message
>> >>>>>> ...
>> >>>>>>> On Sat, 23 May 2015 17:27:22 -0700, "Julie Bove"
>> >>>>>>> > wrote:
>> >>>>>>>
>> >>>>>>>> There is also is a free lunch! I had one where my mom lives.
>> >>>>>>>> Anyone
>> >>>>>>>> can.
>> >>>>>>>> Just stop by and say that you are interested in moving in, or
>> >>>>>>>> moving in
>> >>>>>>>> a
>> >>>>>>>> loved one. They'll feed you whatever you want.
>> >>>>>>>
>> >>>>>>> You have a very simple way of looking at things. Your SSDI is
>> >>>>>>> paid
>> >>>>>>> for by the rest of us and you contributed before you went on
>> >>>>>>> disability and your so is your so called free lunch is paid for
>> >>>>>>> by
>> >>>>>>> your taxes. The free magazines are paid for by advertisers and
>> >>>>>>> the
>> >>>>>>> people who buy the products they advertise. You're probably one
>> >>>>>>> of
>> >>>>>>> them.
>> >>>>>>
>> >>>>>> *My* free lunch? Are you working? If not, then you're not paying
>> >>>>>> for
>> >>>>>> anything of mine. And I don't look at ads.
>> >>>>>
>> >>>>> Not that it matters, but anyone who pays taxes for anything is
>> >>>>> paying for
>> >>>>> others in various ways, including themselves if they should ever be
>> >>>>> in
>> >>>>> that situation. We're retired, and we still pay taxes so that's not
>> >>>>> really
>> >>>>> a good yardstick to measure with.
>> >>>>
>> >>>> Well, *I* pay taxes so how is my money any different?
>> >>>
>> >>> To put it clearly enough so even you can understand: buy your own
>> >>> food
>> >>> instead of taking it out of the mouths of the poor and infirm for
>> >>> whom
>> >>> it is intended.
>> >>>
>> >>
>> >> If she's on disability is she not "infirm" by definition?
>> >
>> > She claims to be capable.
>> >

>> I've been hearing a different side from her lately.
>> Mobility issues, etc.

> Her "free lunch" happened when she was mobile.
> Honestly, it's time her DD learned to grocery shop on her own, learned
> to cook and took on some responsibility around the house. Julie could
> sit with her to meal plan and help her make a shopping list on a
> mobile phone app. It could just be a text app that came with the
> phone or it could be like the shopping app Ophelia turned me on to
> that can be accessed from any device.

Just because you made your kids do that doesn't mean I will. I also dislike
having other people make my food. And she is currently suffering from some
sort of injury. I tried all last week to take her to the Dr. and now she
has finally agreed that she needs to go. Could be related to previous
injuries or something else. She has a lot of health issues too. I don't
tell everything here even though people think that I do.

And nobody needs an app for shopping. Bully if you or anyone else wants to
use one. Just not necessary.

  #648 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posted to
external usenet poster
Posts: 866
Default Why canned food is not as good as fresh

On 5/24/2015 7:31 PM, Julie Bove wrote:
> "Cabrito del Bosque" > wrote in message
> ...
>> On 5/24/2015 9:08 AM, sf wrote:
>>> On Sun, 24 May 2015 00:33:47 -0700, "Julie Bove"
>>> > wrote:
>>>> "Cheri" > wrote in message
>>>> ...
>>>>> "Julie Bove" > wrote in message
>>>>> ...
>>>>>> "sf" > wrote in message
>>>>>> ...
>>>>>>> On Sat, 23 May 2015 17:27:22 -0700, "Julie Bove"
>>>>>>> > wrote:
>>>>>>>> There is also is a free lunch! I had one where my mom lives.
>>>>>>>> Anyone
>>>>>>>> can.
>>>>>>>> Just stop by and say that you are interested in moving in, or
>>>>>>>> moving in
>>>>>>>> a
>>>>>>>> loved one. They'll feed you whatever you want.
>>>>>>> You have a very simple way of looking at things. Your SSDI is paid
>>>>>>> for by the rest of us and you contributed before you went on
>>>>>>> disability and your so is your so called free lunch is paid for by
>>>>>>> your taxes. The free magazines are paid for by advertisers and the
>>>>>>> people who buy the products they advertise. You're probably one of
>>>>>>> them.
>>>>>> *My* free lunch? Are you working? If not, then you're not paying
>>>>>> for
>>>>>> anything of mine. And I don't look at ads.
>>>>> Not that it matters, but anyone who pays taxes for anything is
>>>>> paying for
>>>>> others in various ways, including themselves if they should ever be in
>>>>> that situation. We're retired, and we still pay taxes so that's not
>>>>> really
>>>>> a good yardstick to measure with.
>>>> Well, *I* pay taxes so how is my money any different?
>>> To put it clearly enough so even you can understand: buy your own food
>>> instead of taking it out of the mouths of the poor and infirm for whom
>>> it is intended.

>> If she's on disability is she not "infirm" by definition?

> People seem to think that because I am married, and my husband works, I
> don't deserve anything. They also seem to think that if a person is on
> disability, they should be forced to live in poverty. Newsflash! My
> husband gets disability. He is considered 90% disabled and is allowed
> to work as much as he wants. I am considered 100% disabled. By law, I
> could work some and earn some money. In reality that isn't going to
> happen. Yes, I have good hours and sometimes even good days. I never
> know when those times are going to happen. No employer is going to tell
> me that I can just work, whenever. And no, I can't really even do much
> in terms of work at home on my computer. Yes, there are such jobs but
> they are few and far between and they do have deadlines.
> In reality it would probably be best for my husband if he wasn't
> working. Best for his health anyway. But the reality is that one of us
> has to work if we want to stay in this house. And we do kind of have to
> stay here since we did refinance it.

Well I wish you both the very best in doing that and your explanation is
more than adequate.

Life can toss some curveballs, sounds like you're doing your best.
  #649 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posted to
external usenet poster
Posts: 866
Default Why canned food is not as good as fresh

On 5/24/2015 7:33 PM, Julie Bove wrote:
> "sf" > wrote in message
> news
>> On Sun, 24 May 2015 11:19:25 -0600, Cabrito del Bosque
>> > wrote:
>>> On 5/24/2015 9:08 AM, sf wrote:
>>> > On Sun, 24 May 2015 00:33:47 -0700, "Julie Bove"
>>> > > wrote:
>>> >
>>> >>
>>> >> "Cheri" > wrote in message
>>> >> ...
>>> >>>
>>> >>> "Julie Bove" > wrote in message
>>> >>> ...
>>> >>>>
>>> >>>> "sf" > wrote in message
>>> >>>> ...
>>> >>>>> On Sat, 23 May 2015 17:27:22 -0700, "Julie Bove"
>>> >>>>> > wrote:
>>> >>>>>
>>> >>>>>> There is also is a free lunch! I had one where my mom lives.
>>> >>>>>> Anyone
>>> >>>>>> can.
>>> >>>>>> Just stop by and say that you are interested in moving in, or
>>> >>>>>> moving in
>>> >>>>>> a
>>> >>>>>> loved one. They'll feed you whatever you want.
>>> >>>>>
>>> >>>>> You have a very simple way of looking at things. Your SSDI is
>>> paid
>>> >>>>> for by the rest of us and you contributed before you went on
>>> >>>>> disability and your so is your so called free lunch is paid for by
>>> >>>>> your taxes. The free magazines are paid for by advertisers and
>>> the
>>> >>>>> people who buy the products they advertise. You're probably
>>> one of
>>> >>>>> them.
>>> >>>>
>>> >>>> *My* free lunch? Are you working? If not, then you're not
>>> paying >>>> for
>>> >>>> anything of mine. And I don't look at ads.
>>> >>>
>>> >>> Not that it matters, but anyone who pays taxes for anything is
>>> paying >>> for
>>> >>> others in various ways, including themselves if they should ever
>>> be >>> in
>>> >>> that situation. We're retired, and we still pay taxes so that's
>>> not >>> really
>>> >>> a good yardstick to measure with.
>>> >>
>>> >> Well, *I* pay taxes so how is my money any different?
>>> >
>>> > To put it clearly enough so even you can understand: buy your own food
>>> > instead of taking it out of the mouths of the poor and infirm for whom
>>> > it is intended.
>>> >
>>> If she's on disability is she not "infirm" by definition?

>> She claims to be capable.

> I am not addle brained if that's what you mean. I can't walk very far,
> stand for very long, bend over, sit for very long and I am supposed to
> spend as much time as I can with my feet elevated above my heart. And
> that's just the tip of the iceberg. Some here have accused me of TMI.
> So I won't get into the rest of my medical stuff. It is not just one
> medical condition that leaves me disabled.

Well best wishes your way and congratulations on soldiering on.
  #650 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posted to
external usenet poster
Posts: 46,524
Default Why canned food is not as good as fresh

"Bruce" > wrote in message
> On Sun, 24 May 2015 13:54:53 -0700, sf > wrote:
>>On Sun, 24 May 2015 12:34:07 -0600, Cabrito del Bosque
> wrote:
>>> On 5/24/2015 12:25 PM, sf wrote:
>>> > On Sun, 24 May 2015 11:19:25 -0600, Cabrito del Bosque
>>> > > wrote:
>>> >
>>> >> On 5/24/2015 9:08 AM, sf wrote:
>>> >>> On Sun, 24 May 2015 00:33:47 -0700, "Julie Bove"
>>> >>> > wrote:
>>> >>>
>>> >>>>
>>> >>>> "Cheri" > wrote in message
>>> >>>> ...
>>> >>>>>
>>> >>>>> "Julie Bove" > wrote in message
>>> >>>>> ...
>>> >>>>>>
>>> >>>>>> "sf" > wrote in message
>>> >>>>>> ...
>>> >>>>>>> On Sat, 23 May 2015 17:27:22 -0700, "Julie Bove"
>>> >>>>>>> > wrote:
>>> >>>>>>>
>>> >>>>>>>> There is also is a free lunch! I had one where my mom lives.
>>> >>>>>>>> Anyone
>>> >>>>>>>> can.
>>> >>>>>>>> Just stop by and say that you are interested in moving in, or
>>> >>>>>>>> moving in
>>> >>>>>>>> a
>>> >>>>>>>> loved one. They'll feed you whatever you want.
>>> >>>>>>>
>>> >>>>>>> You have a very simple way of looking at things. Your SSDI is
>>> >>>>>>> paid
>>> >>>>>>> for by the rest of us and you contributed before you went on
>>> >>>>>>> disability and your so is your so called free lunch is paid for
>>> >>>>>>> by
>>> >>>>>>> your taxes. The free magazines are paid for by advertisers and
>>> >>>>>>> the
>>> >>>>>>> people who buy the products they advertise. You're probably one
>>> >>>>>>> of
>>> >>>>>>> them.
>>> >>>>>>
>>> >>>>>> *My* free lunch? Are you working? If not, then you're not
>>> >>>>>> paying for
>>> >>>>>> anything of mine. And I don't look at ads.
>>> >>>>>
>>> >>>>> Not that it matters, but anyone who pays taxes for anything is
>>> >>>>> paying for
>>> >>>>> others in various ways, including themselves if they should ever
>>> >>>>> be in
>>> >>>>> that situation. We're retired, and we still pay taxes so that's
>>> >>>>> not really
>>> >>>>> a good yardstick to measure with.
>>> >>>>
>>> >>>> Well, *I* pay taxes so how is my money any different?
>>> >>>
>>> >>> To put it clearly enough so even you can understand: buy your own
>>> >>> food
>>> >>> instead of taking it out of the mouths of the poor and infirm for
>>> >>> whom
>>> >>> it is intended.
>>> >>>
>>> >>
>>> >> If she's on disability is she not "infirm" by definition?
>>> >
>>> > She claims to be capable.
>>> >
>>> I've been hearing a different side from her lately.
>>> Mobility issues, etc.

>>Her "free lunch" happened when she was mobile.
>>Honestly, it's time her DD learned to grocery shop on her own, learned
>>to cook and took on some responsibility around the house. Julie could
>>sit with her to meal plan and help her make a shopping list on a
>>mobile phone app. It could just be a text app that came with the
>>phone or it could be like the shopping app Ophelia turned me on to
>>that can be accessed from any device.

> Great, solved. Shall we analyse your family now?

Yeah, this is beyond crazy. I cooked as a teen because I liked to do it. I
certainly didn't cook every meal because I was rarely even home at meal
time. I wasn't expected to go buy the groceries and there wasn't really any
meal planning. My daughter hates to cook so I am not going to force her to
do it.

  #651 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posted to
external usenet poster
Posts: 46,524
Default Why canned food is not as good as fresh

"Cabrito del Bosque" > wrote in message
> On 5/24/2015 2:54 PM, sf wrote:
>> On Sun, 24 May 2015 12:34:07 -0600, Cabrito del Bosque
>> > wrote:
>>> On 5/24/2015 12:25 PM, sf wrote:
>>>> On Sun, 24 May 2015 11:19:25 -0600, Cabrito del Bosque
>>>> > wrote:
>>>>> On 5/24/2015 9:08 AM, sf wrote:
>>>>>> On Sun, 24 May 2015 00:33:47 -0700, "Julie Bove"
>>>>>> > wrote:
>>>>>>> "Cheri" > wrote in message
>>>>>>> ...
>>>>>>>> "Julie Bove" > wrote in message
>>>>>>>> ...
>>>>>>>>> "sf" > wrote in message
>>>>>>>>> ...
>>>>>>>>>> On Sat, 23 May 2015 17:27:22 -0700, "Julie Bove"
>>>>>>>>>> > wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> There is also is a free lunch! I had one where my mom lives.
>>>>>>>>>>> Anyone
>>>>>>>>>>> can.
>>>>>>>>>>> Just stop by and say that you are interested in moving in, or
>>>>>>>>>>> moving in
>>>>>>>>>>> a
>>>>>>>>>>> loved one. They'll feed you whatever you want.
>>>>>>>>>> You have a very simple way of looking at things. Your SSDI is
>>>>>>>>>> paid
>>>>>>>>>> for by the rest of us and you contributed before you went on
>>>>>>>>>> disability and your so is your so called free lunch is paid for
>>>>>>>>>> by
>>>>>>>>>> your taxes. The free magazines are paid for by advertisers and
>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>> people who buy the products they advertise. You're probably one
>>>>>>>>>> of
>>>>>>>>>> them.
>>>>>>>>> *My* free lunch? Are you working? If not, then you're not paying
>>>>>>>>> for
>>>>>>>>> anything of mine. And I don't look at ads.
>>>>>>>> Not that it matters, but anyone who pays taxes for anything is
>>>>>>>> paying for
>>>>>>>> others in various ways, including themselves if they should ever be
>>>>>>>> in
>>>>>>>> that situation. We're retired, and we still pay taxes so that's not
>>>>>>>> really
>>>>>>>> a good yardstick to measure with.
>>>>>>> Well, *I* pay taxes so how is my money any different?
>>>>>> To put it clearly enough so even you can understand: buy your own
>>>>>> food
>>>>>> instead of taking it out of the mouths of the poor and infirm for
>>>>>> whom
>>>>>> it is intended.
>>>>> If she's on disability is she not "infirm" by definition?
>>>> She claims to be capable.
>>> I've been hearing a different side from her lately.
>>> Mobility issues, etc.

>> Her "free lunch" happened when she was mobile.

> Wow, one free lunch and this is the result?
>> Honestly, it's time her DD learned to grocery shop on her own, learned
>> to cook and took on some responsibility around the house. Julie could
>> sit with her to meal plan and help her make a shopping list on a
>> mobile phone app. It could just be a text app that came with the
>> phone or it could be like the shopping app Ophelia turned me on to
>> that can be accessed from any device.

> Sound advice!

Hardly. Sounds rather like abuse to me.

  #652 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posted to
external usenet poster
Posts: 46,524
Default Why canned food is not as good as fresh

"Cabrito del Bosque" > wrote in message
> On 5/24/2015 9:07 AM, sf wrote:
>> On Sun, 24 May 2015 00:34:11 -0700, "Julie Bove"
>> > wrote:
>>> "sf" > wrote in message
>>> ...
>>>> On Sat, 23 May 2015 20:42:07 -0700, "Julie Bove"
>>>> > wrote:
>>>>> "sf" > wrote in message
>>>>> ...
>>>>>> On Sat, 23 May 2015 17:27:22 -0700, "Julie Bove"
>>>>>> > wrote:
>>>>>>> There is also is a free lunch! I had one where my mom lives.
>>>>>>> Anyone
>>>>>>> can.
>>>>>>> Just stop by and say that you are interested in moving in, or moving
>>>>>>> in a
>>>>>>> loved one. They'll feed you whatever you want.
>>>>>> You have a very simple way of looking at things. Your SSDI is paid
>>>>>> for by the rest of us and you contributed before you went on
>>>>>> disability and your so is your so called free lunch is paid for by
>>>>>> your taxes. The free magazines are paid for by advertisers and the
>>>>>> people who buy the products they advertise. You're probably one of
>>>>>> them.
>>>>> *My* free lunch? Are you working? If not, then you're not paying for
>>>>> anything of mine. And I don't look at ads.
>>>> You truly do not understand.
>>> I don't think you do either.

>> I'm not thinking as simplistically as you are. You seem to think it's
>> free if money doesn't exchange hands. You're a consumer, you pay
>> taxes and you're the one paying for that so called free lunch. As a
>> tax payer, I don't object to feeding people who are poor or incapable
>> of buying/cooking their own food. You are neither and I object to you
>> leaching off the public's largess (generosity).

> She said she is on disability.

How am I leeching? I pay taxes now and I have worked. I give to the poor

  #653 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posted to
external usenet poster
Posts: 13
Default Why canned food is not as good as fresh

On Saturday, May 23, 2015 at 4:09:30 PM UTC-4, Cabrito del Bosque wrote:
> On 5/23/2015 1:47 PM, Jezebel wrote:

> You think?


> > You can't stop yourself from responding to every. single. post.

> Yes. I. can.

It's really obvious, lulz.

> > Orly?

> Eh?

It's ok, I don't really expect the elderly to be
fluent in net language, but you could at least make
an effort to learn, cause you're, you know, on the net.

> > Your manipulation has no power here.

> Says the conflict voyeur - it is to laugh!

> Please accept this lovely gift box as a token of my affection for you:

Fantastic movie, good books too. Clive Barker has
such an interesting way with words.


Keep embarrassing yourself, there are lulz to be had.

> So you claim, but in the end is anyone else relying to you?
> Tee hee.

Am I trolling anyone else?

So many typos when responding to me, is this too
stressful for you? Maybe you should smoke a doob
and take a nap.
  #654 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posted to
external usenet poster
Posts: 46,524
Default Why canned food is not as good as fresh

"sf" > wrote in message
> On Sun, 24 May 2015 11:20:09 -0600, Cabrito del Bosque
> > wrote:
>> On 5/24/2015 9:07 AM, sf wrote:
>> > On Sun, 24 May 2015 00:34:11 -0700, "Julie Bove"
>> > > wrote:
>> >
>> >>
>> >> "sf" > wrote in message
>> >> ...
>> >>> On Sat, 23 May 2015 20:42:07 -0700, "Julie Bove"
>> >>> > wrote:
>> >>>
>> >>>>
>> >>>> "sf" > wrote in message
>> >>>> ...
>> >>>>> On Sat, 23 May 2015 17:27:22 -0700, "Julie Bove"
>> >>>>> > wrote:
>> >>>>>
>> >>>>>> There is also is a free lunch! I had one where my mom lives.
>> >>>>>> Anyone
>> >>>>>> can.
>> >>>>>> Just stop by and say that you are interested in moving in, or
>> >>>>>> moving
>> >>>>>> in a
>> >>>>>> loved one. They'll feed you whatever you want.
>> >>>>>
>> >>>>> You have a very simple way of looking at things. Your SSDI is paid
>> >>>>> for by the rest of us and you contributed before you went on
>> >>>>> disability and your so is your so called free lunch is paid for by
>> >>>>> your taxes. The free magazines are paid for by advertisers and the
>> >>>>> people who buy the products they advertise. You're probably one of
>> >>>>> them.
>> >>>>
>> >>>> *My* free lunch? Are you working? If not, then you're not paying
>> >>>> for
>> >>>> anything of mine. And I don't look at ads.
>> >>>
>> >>> You truly do not understand.
>> >>
>> >> I don't think you do either.
>> >
>> > I'm not thinking as simplistically as you are. You seem to think it's
>> > free if money doesn't exchange hands. You're a consumer, you pay
>> > taxes and you're the one paying for that so called free lunch. As a
>> > tax payer, I don't object to feeding people who are poor or incapable
>> > of buying/cooking their own food. You are neither and I object to you
>> > leaching off the public's largess (generosity).
>> >

>> She said she is on disability.

> She's not incapacitated.

What is your definition of that? says unable to respond or
act. You don't have to be that bad off to be disabled. And to get
disability you have to fit certain parameters. One of which is being unable
(for whatever proven reason) to do the job or jobs for which you were
trained. And because I can not stand, walk or even sit for any length of
time, that would be me.

  #655 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Posts: 12,851
Default Why canned food is not as good as fresh

On 5/24/2015 3:10 PM, Cabrito del Bosque wrote:

> #3. Digital communication renders them a dinosaur.

I used to use about 12 stamps a month, now I use 1 or 2. Probably
millions of others like me these days.

OTOH, I'm willing to pay more to move a piece of mail hundreds of miles.
Losing the USPS would not be good.

  #656 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posted to
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Posts: 46,524
Default Why canned food is not as good as fresh

"cshenk" > wrote in message
> Julie Bove wrote in
>> "sf" > wrote in message
>> ...
>> > On Sat, 23 May 2015 17:27:22 -0700, "Julie Bove"
>> > wrote:
>> >
>> > > There is also is a free lunch! I had one where my mom lives.
>> > > Anyone can. Just stop by and say that you are interested in
>> > > moving in, or moving in a loved one. They'll feed you whatever
>> > > you want.
>> >
>> > You have a very simple way of looking at things. Your SSDI is paid
>> > for by the rest of us and you contributed before you went on
>> > disability and your so is your so called free lunch is paid for by
>> > your taxes. The free magazines are paid for by advertisers and the
>> > people who buy the products they advertise. You're probably one of
>> > them.

>> My free lunch? Are you working? If not, then you're not paying for
>> anything of mine. And I don't look at ads.

> Julie, I work and always have. I don't mind a real disability person
> needing help and that is what social services are for and my taxes pay
> for. I expect to be able to use it when the time comes.
> The fact is no one respects someone they think is taking from the
> system when they could work. I AM truely disabled. I work abd pay
> taxes like anyone else and expect only help in minimal ways at work
> like not asking me to lift things I cant. I don't know your situation
> so have no judgement on it. I can tell you if i wanted to sit on my
> butt and take tax payer money to do so, I am *well* in zone to do it
> legally. I chose not to do that as long as I can figure something out
> and pay forward to the rest of the USA workers.
> Carol

Disability is an umbrella term. There are many ways in which a person can
be disabled. I am disabled in many as is my husband but he still works. He
is not as disabled as I am if you want to put it that way. I only wish I
could sit on my butt whenever I wanted. My disability is such that at times
I can't even do that. There are times when I am so exhausted that I want to
just cry. I can't really sit, stand or lie down. I am just stuck in some
awkward position trying everything in my power to either unlock my muscles
or make the cramping go away. And that is just one of the ways in while I
am disabled.

What you do is your business. I try not to judge.

  #657 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Posts: 46,524
Default Why canned food is not as good as fresh

"Ed Pawlowski" > wrote in message
> On 5/24/2015 3:10 PM, Cabrito del Bosque wrote:
>> #3. Digital communication renders them a dinosaur.

> I used to use about 12 stamps a month, now I use 1 or 2. Probably
> millions of others like me these days.
> OTOH, I'm willing to pay more to move a piece of mail hundreds of miles.
> Losing the USPS would not be good.

I would be fine with weekly deliveries. About the only time I use stamps
are for Christmas cards. And I may well be rethinking those. We seem to
get less and less now.

  #658 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posted to
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Posts: 866
Default Why canned food is not as good as fresh

On 5/24/2015 7:48 PM, Julie Bove wrote:
> "Cabrito del Bosque" > wrote in message
> ...
>> On 5/24/2015 2:54 PM, sf wrote:
>>> On Sun, 24 May 2015 12:34:07 -0600, Cabrito del Bosque
>>> > wrote:
>>>> On 5/24/2015 12:25 PM, sf wrote:
>>>>> On Sun, 24 May 2015 11:19:25 -0600, Cabrito del Bosque
>>>>> > wrote:
>>>>>> On 5/24/2015 9:08 AM, sf wrote:
>>>>>>> On Sun, 24 May 2015 00:33:47 -0700, "Julie Bove"
>>>>>>> > wrote:
>>>>>>>> "Cheri" > wrote in message
>>>>>>>> ...
>>>>>>>>> "Julie Bove" > wrote in message
>>>>>>>>> ...
>>>>>>>>>> "sf" > wrote in message
>>>>>>>>>> ...
>>>>>>>>>>> On Sat, 23 May 2015 17:27:22 -0700, "Julie Bove"
>>>>>>>>>>> > wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> There is also is a free lunch! I had one where my mom
>>>>>>>>>>>> lives. Anyone
>>>>>>>>>>>> can.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Just stop by and say that you are interested in moving in,
>>>>>>>>>>>> or moving in
>>>>>>>>>>>> a
>>>>>>>>>>>> loved one. They'll feed you whatever you want.
>>>>>>>>>>> You have a very simple way of looking at things. Your SSDI
>>>>>>>>>>> is paid
>>>>>>>>>>> for by the rest of us and you contributed before you went on
>>>>>>>>>>> disability and your so is your so called free lunch is paid
>>>>>>>>>>> for by
>>>>>>>>>>> your taxes. The free magazines are paid for by advertisers
>>>>>>>>>>> and the
>>>>>>>>>>> people who buy the products they advertise. You're probably
>>>>>>>>>>> one of
>>>>>>>>>>> them.
>>>>>>>>>> *My* free lunch? Are you working? If not, then you're not
>>>>>>>>>> paying for
>>>>>>>>>> anything of mine. And I don't look at ads.
>>>>>>>>> Not that it matters, but anyone who pays taxes for anything is
>>>>>>>>> paying for
>>>>>>>>> others in various ways, including themselves if they should
>>>>>>>>> ever be in
>>>>>>>>> that situation. We're retired, and we still pay taxes so that's
>>>>>>>>> not really
>>>>>>>>> a good yardstick to measure with.
>>>>>>>> Well, *I* pay taxes so how is my money any different?
>>>>>>> To put it clearly enough so even you can understand: buy your own
>>>>>>> food
>>>>>>> instead of taking it out of the mouths of the poor and infirm for
>>>>>>> whom
>>>>>>> it is intended.
>>>>>> If she's on disability is she not "infirm" by definition?
>>>>> She claims to be capable.
>>>> I've been hearing a different side from her lately.
>>>> Mobility issues, etc.
>>> Her "free lunch" happened when she was mobile.

>> Wow, one free lunch and this is the result?
>>> Honestly, it's time her DD learned to grocery shop on her own, learned
>>> to cook and took on some responsibility around the house. Julie could
>>> sit with her to meal plan and help her make a shopping list on a
>>> mobile phone app. It could just be a text app that came with the
>>> phone or it could be like the shopping app Ophelia turned me on to
>>> that can be accessed from any device.

>> Sound advice!

> Hardly. Sounds rather like abuse to me.

The app suggestion is good.

  #659 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posted to
external usenet poster
Posts: 866
Default Why canned food is not as good as fresh

On 5/24/2015 7:49 PM, Julie Bove wrote:
> "Cabrito del Bosque" > wrote in message
> ...
>> On 5/24/2015 9:07 AM, sf wrote:
>>> On Sun, 24 May 2015 00:34:11 -0700, "Julie Bove"
>>> > wrote:
>>>> "sf" > wrote in message
>>>> ...
>>>>> On Sat, 23 May 2015 20:42:07 -0700, "Julie Bove"
>>>>> > wrote:
>>>>>> "sf" > wrote in message
>>>>>> ...
>>>>>>> On Sat, 23 May 2015 17:27:22 -0700, "Julie Bove"
>>>>>>> > wrote:
>>>>>>>> There is also is a free lunch! I had one where my mom lives.
>>>>>>>> Anyone
>>>>>>>> can.
>>>>>>>> Just stop by and say that you are interested in moving in, or
>>>>>>>> moving
>>>>>>>> in a
>>>>>>>> loved one. They'll feed you whatever you want.
>>>>>>> You have a very simple way of looking at things. Your SSDI is paid
>>>>>>> for by the rest of us and you contributed before you went on
>>>>>>> disability and your so is your so called free lunch is paid for by
>>>>>>> your taxes. The free magazines are paid for by advertisers and the
>>>>>>> people who buy the products they advertise. You're probably one of
>>>>>>> them.
>>>>>> *My* free lunch? Are you working? If not, then you're not paying
>>>>>> for
>>>>>> anything of mine. And I don't look at ads.
>>>>> You truly do not understand.
>>>> I don't think you do either.
>>> I'm not thinking as simplistically as you are. You seem to think it's
>>> free if money doesn't exchange hands. You're a consumer, you pay
>>> taxes and you're the one paying for that so called free lunch. As a
>>> tax payer, I don't object to feeding people who are poor or incapable
>>> of buying/cooking their own food. You are neither and I object to you
>>> leaching off the public's largess (generosity).

>> She said she is on disability.

> How am I leeching? I pay taxes now and I have worked. I give to the
> poor too!

I never said you were.

  #660 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posted to
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Posts: 866
Default Why canned food is not as good as fresh

On 5/24/2015 7:51 PM, Jezebel wrote:
> On Saturday, May 23, 2015 at 4:09:30 PM UTC-4, Cabrito del Bosque wrote:
>> On 5/23/2015 1:47 PM, Jezebel wrote:

>> You think?

> Yepper.

No, clearly not.

>>> You can't stop yourself from responding to every. single. post.

>> Yes. I. can.

> It's really obvious, lulz.

It's time for you to be skinned.

>>> Orly?

>> Eh?

> It's ok, I don't really expect the elderly to be
> fluent in net language, but you could at least make
> an effort to learn, cause you're, you know, on the net.

It's OK, the young are best roasted when tender and before sclerotic
tendencies render them chewy.

You seem to be skewer material.

>>> Your manipulation has no power here.

>> Says the conflict voyeur - it is to laugh!

>> Please accept this lovely gift box as a token of my affection for you:

> Fantastic movie, good books too. Clive Barker has
> such an interesting way with words.

And with expositing your own little realm, no?


> Keep embarrassing yourself, there are lulz to be had.

Keep on being less than you are, it's a zero sum game after all.

>> So you claim, but in the end is anyone else relying to you?
>> Tee hee.

> Am I trolling anyone else?

Should I care?

Are you cheating on me?


> So many typos when responding to me, is this too
> stressful for you? Maybe you should smoke a doob
> and take a nap.

Or maybe you need to be boned and dry rubbed, tough choices.

OK - a brine.

  #661 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posted to
external usenet poster
Posts: 866
Default Why canned food is not as good as fresh

On 5/24/2015 7:55 PM, Ed Pawlowski wrote:
> On 5/24/2015 3:10 PM, Cabrito del Bosque wrote:
>> #3. Digital communication renders them a dinosaur.

> I used to use about 12 stamps a month, now I use 1 or 2. Probably
> millions of others like me these days.
> OTOH, I'm willing to pay more to move a piece of mail hundreds of miles.
> Losing the USPS would not be good.

UPS not your favorite?
  #662 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posted to
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Posts: 46,524
Default Why canned food is not as good as fresh

"Cabrito del Bosque" > wrote in message
> On 5/24/2015 7:48 PM, Julie Bove wrote:
>> "Cabrito del Bosque" > wrote in message
>> ...
>>> On 5/24/2015 2:54 PM, sf wrote:
>>>> On Sun, 24 May 2015 12:34:07 -0600, Cabrito del Bosque
>>>> > wrote:
>>>>> On 5/24/2015 12:25 PM, sf wrote:
>>>>>> On Sun, 24 May 2015 11:19:25 -0600, Cabrito del Bosque
>>>>>> > wrote:
>>>>>>> On 5/24/2015 9:08 AM, sf wrote:
>>>>>>>> On Sun, 24 May 2015 00:33:47 -0700, "Julie Bove"
>>>>>>>> > wrote:
>>>>>>>>> "Cheri" > wrote in message
>>>>>>>>> ...
>>>>>>>>>> "Julie Bove" > wrote in message
>>>>>>>>>> ...
>>>>>>>>>>> "sf" > wrote in message
>>>>>>>>>>> ...
>>>>>>>>>>>> On Sat, 23 May 2015 17:27:22 -0700, "Julie Bove"
>>>>>>>>>>>> > wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> There is also is a free lunch! I had one where my mom
>>>>>>>>>>>>> lives. Anyone
>>>>>>>>>>>>> can.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Just stop by and say that you are interested in moving in,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> or moving in
>>>>>>>>>>>>> a
>>>>>>>>>>>>> loved one. They'll feed you whatever you want.
>>>>>>>>>>>> You have a very simple way of looking at things. Your SSDI
>>>>>>>>>>>> is paid
>>>>>>>>>>>> for by the rest of us and you contributed before you went on
>>>>>>>>>>>> disability and your so is your so called free lunch is paid
>>>>>>>>>>>> for by
>>>>>>>>>>>> your taxes. The free magazines are paid for by advertisers
>>>>>>>>>>>> and the
>>>>>>>>>>>> people who buy the products they advertise. You're probably
>>>>>>>>>>>> one of
>>>>>>>>>>>> them.
>>>>>>>>>>> *My* free lunch? Are you working? If not, then you're not
>>>>>>>>>>> paying for
>>>>>>>>>>> anything of mine. And I don't look at ads.
>>>>>>>>>> Not that it matters, but anyone who pays taxes for anything is
>>>>>>>>>> paying for
>>>>>>>>>> others in various ways, including themselves if they should
>>>>>>>>>> ever be in
>>>>>>>>>> that situation. We're retired, and we still pay taxes so that's
>>>>>>>>>> not really
>>>>>>>>>> a good yardstick to measure with.
>>>>>>>>> Well, *I* pay taxes so how is my money any different?
>>>>>>>> To put it clearly enough so even you can understand: buy your own
>>>>>>>> food
>>>>>>>> instead of taking it out of the mouths of the poor and infirm for
>>>>>>>> whom
>>>>>>>> it is intended.
>>>>>>> If she's on disability is she not "infirm" by definition?
>>>>>> She claims to be capable.
>>>>> I've been hearing a different side from her lately.
>>>>> Mobility issues, etc.
>>>> Her "free lunch" happened when she was mobile.
>>> Wow, one free lunch and this is the result?
>>>> Honestly, it's time her DD learned to grocery shop on her own, learned
>>>> to cook and took on some responsibility around the house. Julie could
>>>> sit with her to meal plan and help her make a shopping list on a
>>>> mobile phone app. It could just be a text app that came with the
>>>> phone or it could be like the shopping app Ophelia turned me on to
>>>> that can be accessed from any device.
>>> Sound advice!

>> Hardly. Sounds rather like abuse to me.

> The app suggestion is good.
> Really.

Not in my opinion.

  #663 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posted to
external usenet poster
Posts: 46,524
Default Why canned food is not as good as fresh

"Cabrito del Bosque" > wrote in message
> On 5/24/2015 7:49 PM, Julie Bove wrote:
>> "Cabrito del Bosque" > wrote in message
>> ...
>>> On 5/24/2015 9:07 AM, sf wrote:
>>>> On Sun, 24 May 2015 00:34:11 -0700, "Julie Bove"
>>>> > wrote:
>>>>> "sf" > wrote in message
>>>>> ...
>>>>>> On Sat, 23 May 2015 20:42:07 -0700, "Julie Bove"
>>>>>> > wrote:
>>>>>>> "sf" > wrote in message
>>>>>>> ...
>>>>>>>> On Sat, 23 May 2015 17:27:22 -0700, "Julie Bove"
>>>>>>>> > wrote:
>>>>>>>>> There is also is a free lunch! I had one where my mom lives.
>>>>>>>>> Anyone
>>>>>>>>> can.
>>>>>>>>> Just stop by and say that you are interested in moving in, or
>>>>>>>>> moving
>>>>>>>>> in a
>>>>>>>>> loved one. They'll feed you whatever you want.
>>>>>>>> You have a very simple way of looking at things. Your SSDI is paid
>>>>>>>> for by the rest of us and you contributed before you went on
>>>>>>>> disability and your so is your so called free lunch is paid for by
>>>>>>>> your taxes. The free magazines are paid for by advertisers and the
>>>>>>>> people who buy the products they advertise. You're probably one of
>>>>>>>> them.
>>>>>>> *My* free lunch? Are you working? If not, then you're not paying
>>>>>>> for
>>>>>>> anything of mine. And I don't look at ads.
>>>>>> You truly do not understand.
>>>>> I don't think you do either.
>>>> I'm not thinking as simplistically as you are. You seem to think it's
>>>> free if money doesn't exchange hands. You're a consumer, you pay
>>>> taxes and you're the one paying for that so called free lunch. As a
>>>> tax payer, I don't object to feeding people who are poor or incapable
>>>> of buying/cooking their own food. You are neither and I object to you
>>>> leaching off the public's largess (generosity).
>>> She said she is on disability.

>> How am I leeching? I pay taxes now and I have worked. I give to the
>> poor too!

> I never said you were.
> ???

No. You didn't. Whoever wrote that above what you wrote did. Probably
someone who is in my killfile.

  #664 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posted to
external usenet poster
Posts: 866
Default Why canned food is not as good as fresh

On 5/24/2015 10:53 PM, Julie Bove wrote:
> "Cabrito del Bosque" > wrote in message
> ...
>> On 5/24/2015 7:48 PM, Julie Bove wrote:
>>> "Cabrito del Bosque" > wrote in message
>>> ...
>>>> On 5/24/2015 2:54 PM, sf wrote:
>>>>> On Sun, 24 May 2015 12:34:07 -0600, Cabrito del Bosque
>>>>> > wrote:
>>>>>> On 5/24/2015 12:25 PM, sf wrote:
>>>>>>> On Sun, 24 May 2015 11:19:25 -0600, Cabrito del Bosque
>>>>>>> > wrote:
>>>>>>>> On 5/24/2015 9:08 AM, sf wrote:
>>>>>>>>> On Sun, 24 May 2015 00:33:47 -0700, "Julie Bove"
>>>>>>>>> > wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> "Cheri" > wrote in message
>>>>>>>>>> ...
>>>>>>>>>>> "Julie Bove" > wrote in message
>>>>>>>>>>> ...
>>>>>>>>>>>> "sf" > wrote in message
>>>>>>>>>>>> ...
>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Sat, 23 May 2015 17:27:22 -0700, "Julie Bove"
>>>>>>>>>>>>> > wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> There is also is a free lunch! I had one where my mom
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> lives. Anyone
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> can.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Just stop by and say that you are interested in moving in,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> or moving in
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> a
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> loved one. They'll feed you whatever you want.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> You have a very simple way of looking at things. Your SSDI
>>>>>>>>>>>>> is paid
>>>>>>>>>>>>> for by the rest of us and you contributed before you went on
>>>>>>>>>>>>> disability and your so is your so called free lunch is paid
>>>>>>>>>>>>> for by
>>>>>>>>>>>>> your taxes. The free magazines are paid for by advertisers
>>>>>>>>>>>>> and the
>>>>>>>>>>>>> people who buy the products they advertise. You're probably
>>>>>>>>>>>>> one of
>>>>>>>>>>>>> them.
>>>>>>>>>>>> *My* free lunch? Are you working? If not, then you're not
>>>>>>>>>>>> paying for
>>>>>>>>>>>> anything of mine. And I don't look at ads.
>>>>>>>>>>> Not that it matters, but anyone who pays taxes for anything is
>>>>>>>>>>> paying for
>>>>>>>>>>> others in various ways, including themselves if they should
>>>>>>>>>>> ever be in
>>>>>>>>>>> that situation. We're retired, and we still pay taxes so that's
>>>>>>>>>>> not really
>>>>>>>>>>> a good yardstick to measure with.
>>>>>>>>>> Well, *I* pay taxes so how is my money any different?
>>>>>>>>> To put it clearly enough so even you can understand: buy your own
>>>>>>>>> food
>>>>>>>>> instead of taking it out of the mouths of the poor and infirm for
>>>>>>>>> whom
>>>>>>>>> it is intended.
>>>>>>>> If she's on disability is she not "infirm" by definition?
>>>>>>> She claims to be capable.
>>>>>> I've been hearing a different side from her lately.
>>>>>> Mobility issues, etc.
>>>>> Her "free lunch" happened when she was mobile.
>>>> Wow, one free lunch and this is the result?
>>>>> Honestly, it's time her DD learned to grocery shop on her own, learned
>>>>> to cook and took on some responsibility around the house. Julie could
>>>>> sit with her to meal plan and help her make a shopping list on a
>>>>> mobile phone app. It could just be a text app that came with the
>>>>> phone or it could be like the shopping app Ophelia turned me on to
>>>>> that can be accessed from any device.
>>>> Sound advice!
>>> Hardly. Sounds rather like abuse to me.

>> The app suggestion is good.
>> Really.

> Not in my opinion.

So fine, ignore a helper.
  #665 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posted to
external usenet poster
Posts: 866
Default Why canned food is not as good as fresh

On 5/24/2015 10:54 PM, Julie Bove wrote:
> "Cabrito del Bosque" > wrote in message
> ...
>> On 5/24/2015 7:49 PM, Julie Bove wrote:
>>> "Cabrito del Bosque" > wrote in message
>>> ...
>>>> On 5/24/2015 9:07 AM, sf wrote:
>>>>> On Sun, 24 May 2015 00:34:11 -0700, "Julie Bove"
>>>>> > wrote:
>>>>>> "sf" > wrote in message
>>>>>> ...
>>>>>>> On Sat, 23 May 2015 20:42:07 -0700, "Julie Bove"
>>>>>>> > wrote:
>>>>>>>> "sf" > wrote in message
>>>>>>>> ...
>>>>>>>>> On Sat, 23 May 2015 17:27:22 -0700, "Julie Bove"
>>>>>>>>> > wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> There is also is a free lunch! I had one where my mom lives.
>>>>>>>>>> Anyone
>>>>>>>>>> can.
>>>>>>>>>> Just stop by and say that you are interested in moving in, or
>>>>>>>>>> moving
>>>>>>>>>> in a
>>>>>>>>>> loved one. They'll feed you whatever you want.
>>>>>>>>> You have a very simple way of looking at things. Your SSDI is
>>>>>>>>> paid
>>>>>>>>> for by the rest of us and you contributed before you went on
>>>>>>>>> disability and your so is your so called free lunch is paid for by
>>>>>>>>> your taxes. The free magazines are paid for by advertisers and
>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>> people who buy the products they advertise. You're probably
>>>>>>>>> one of
>>>>>>>>> them.
>>>>>>>> *My* free lunch? Are you working? If not, then you're not paying
>>>>>>>> for
>>>>>>>> anything of mine. And I don't look at ads.
>>>>>>> You truly do not understand.
>>>>>> I don't think you do either.
>>>>> I'm not thinking as simplistically as you are. You seem to think it's
>>>>> free if money doesn't exchange hands. You're a consumer, you pay
>>>>> taxes and you're the one paying for that so called free lunch. As a
>>>>> tax payer, I don't object to feeding people who are poor or incapable
>>>>> of buying/cooking their own food. You are neither and I object to you
>>>>> leaching off the public's largess (generosity).
>>>> She said she is on disability.
>>> How am I leeching? I pay taxes now and I have worked. I give to the
>>> poor too!

>> I never said you were.
>> ???

> No. You didn't. Whoever wrote that above what you wrote did. Probably
> someone who is in my killfile.

OK, that works.

You're cool in my book.

  #666 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Why canned food is not as good as fresh

"Cabrito del Bosque" > wrote in message

> Want to really freak out on mass transit, look what Elon Musk is up to:
> ELON MUSK IS constantly traveling between San Francisco and Los Angeles to
> attend to his business at Tesla and Space X. So he said to himself, “there
> has to be a better way.”
> Turns out there is.
> Load yourself into an enormous shotgun shell and shoot yourself 400 miles
> across the state at 800 mph. It sounds crazy, but Musk swears it will
> work. And if he doesn’t build it, someone else will.
> Musk’s proposal to revolutionize mass transit is called the Hyperloop. It
> would transport passengers in individual aluminum pods powered by turbines
> and solar energy in above-ground tubes, cost $6-10 billion to build, and
> make the trip from San Francisco to Los Angeles in 35 minutes. Oh, and a
> ticket will run you around $20.
> Dang!
> That can't be slightly risky, now can it?

lol you wouldn't get me in anything like that in a million years ...


  #667 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Why canned food is not as good as fresh

On Sun, 24 May 2015 15:45:45 -0700, sf > wrote:

>On Sun, 24 May 2015 16:20:48 -0600, Cabrito del Bosque
> wrote:

>> Load yourself into an enormous shotgun shell and shoot yourself 400
>> miles across the state at 800 mph. It sounds crazy, but Musk swears it
>> will work. And if he doesn’t build it, someone else will.

>How are they going to prevent vandals from damaging the tracks or
>shooting at trains like what the news says happens in Philadelphia?
>The faster the train the more interesting a target it will make.

Vandalism is minimized since it is in a tube, thus protected.

Other countries already have 300 mph trains.

Sounds wild, but perhaps some day it will be a reality.
  #668 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Why canned food is not as good as fresh

On 5/24/2015 9:55 PM, Ed Pawlowski wrote:
> On 5/24/2015 3:10 PM, Cabrito del Bosque wrote:
>> #3. Digital communication renders them a dinosaur.

> I used to use about 12 stamps a month, now I use 1 or 2. Probably
> millions of others like me these days.
> OTOH, I'm willing to pay more to move a piece of mail hundreds of miles.
> Losing the USPS would not be good.

I have two elderly aunts (in their 90's) who do not have, nor are they
interested in having, computers. We communicate via snail mail,
exchange cards and letters, the occasional phone call. The USPS still
serves a legitimate purpose until such time as everyone who does not own
a computer dies.

  #669 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Why canned food is not as good as fresh

"jmcquown" > wrote in message
> On 5/24/2015 9:55 PM, Ed Pawlowski wrote:
>> On 5/24/2015 3:10 PM, Cabrito del Bosque wrote:
>>> #3. Digital communication renders them a dinosaur.

>> I used to use about 12 stamps a month, now I use 1 or 2. Probably
>> millions of others like me these days.
>> OTOH, I'm willing to pay more to move a piece of mail hundreds of miles.
>> Losing the USPS would not be good.

> I have two elderly aunts (in their 90's) who do not have, nor are they
> interested in having, computers. We communicate via snail mail, exchange
> cards and letters, the occasional phone call. The USPS still serves a
> legitimate purpose until such time as everyone who does not own a computer
> dies.
> Jill

I own a computer but prefer many things to be sent to me. Why should I have
to print out paper to save a vendor a nickel?

And, physical delivery will live on for many years, although at some point
home delivery service will decrease from 6 days a week to 5, to 3, to 2.
But the cost will continue to rise!

  #670 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Why canned food is not as good as fresh

Julie Bove wrote in

> > > Honestly, it's time her DD learned to grocery shop on her own,
> > > learned to cook and took on some responsibility around the house.
> > > Julie could sit with her to meal plan and help her make a
> > > shopping list on a mobile phone app. It could just be a text app
> > > that came with the phone or it could be like the shopping app
> > > Ophelia turned me on to that can be accessed from any device.

> >
> > Sound advice!

> Hardly. Sounds rather like abuse to me.

Maybe I missed something here but teaching a daughter to cook isnt
abuse. Asking her to help isnt abuse either. Asking her to help shop
for food she eats isnt abuse either.

Teaching her current teck stuff isnt abusive if you don't mind her
using it and she doesnt mind figuring it out.



  #671 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Why canned food is not as good as fresh

"cshenk" > wrote in message
> Julie Bove wrote in
>> > > Honestly, it's time her DD learned to grocery shop on her own,
>> > > learned to cook and took on some responsibility around the house.
>> > > Julie could sit with her to meal plan and help her make a
>> > > shopping list on a mobile phone app. It could just be a text app
>> > > that came with the phone or it could be like the shopping app
>> > > Ophelia turned me on to that can be accessed from any device.
>> >
>> > Sound advice!

>> Hardly. Sounds rather like abuse to me.

> Maybe I missed something here but teaching a daughter to cook isnt
> abuse. Asking her to help isnt abuse either. Asking her to help shop
> for food she eats isnt abuse either.

You are missing something. She told me to make her do the grocery shopping.
> Teaching her current teck stuff isnt abusive if you don't mind her
> using it and she doesnt mind figuring it out.

What is teck stuff? I am not familiar with that word. Or maybe you mean
tech? If so, she can teach me that. I don't do that stuff. And I am still
of the opinion that nobody needs an app for a shopping list. That is more
trouble than it would be worth. I personally only use apps when the store
forces me to.

  #672 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Why canned food is not as good as fresh

On Mon, 25 May 2015 15:58:08 -0700, "Julie Bove"
> wrote:

>What is teck stuff? I am not familiar with that word. Or maybe you mean
>tech? If so, she can teach me that. I don't do that stuff. And I am still
>of the opinion that nobody needs an app for a shopping list. That is more
>trouble than it would be worth. I personally only use apps when the store
>forces me to.

I much prefer a written list, easier and simpler than some stupid
  #673 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Why canned food is not as good as fresh

On Mon, 25 May 2015 15:58:08 -0700, "Julie Bove"
> wrote:

> "cshenk" > wrote in message
> ...
> > Julie Bove wrote in
> >
> >> > > Honestly, it's time her DD learned to grocery shop on her own,
> >> > > learned to cook and took on some responsibility around the house.
> >> > > Julie could sit with her to meal plan and help her make a
> >> > > shopping list on a mobile phone app. It could just be a text app
> >> > > that came with the phone or it could be like the shopping app
> >> > > Ophelia turned me on to that can be accessed from any device.
> >> >
> >> > Sound advice!
> >>
> >> Hardly. Sounds rather like abuse to me.

> >
> > Maybe I missed something here but teaching a daughter to cook isnt
> > abuse. Asking her to help isnt abuse either. Asking her to help shop
> > for food she eats isnt abuse either.

> You are missing something. She told me to make her do the grocery shopping.
> >
> > Teaching her current teck stuff isnt abusive if you don't mind her
> > using it and she doesnt mind figuring it out.

> What is teck stuff? I am not familiar with that word. Or maybe you mean
> tech? If so, she can teach me that. I don't do that stuff. And I am still
> of the opinion that nobody needs an app for a shopping list. That is more
> trouble than it would be worth. I personally only use apps when the store
> forces me to.

Then teach her how to write a shopping list with paper and pencil!


  #674 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Why canned food is not as good as fresh

"Jeßus" > wrote in message
> On Mon, 25 May 2015 15:58:08 -0700, "Julie Bove"
> > wrote:
>>What is teck stuff? I am not familiar with that word. Or maybe you mean
>>tech? If so, she can teach me that. I don't do that stuff. And I am
>>of the opinion that nobody needs an app for a shopping list. That is more
>>trouble than it would be worth. I personally only use apps when the store
>>forces me to.

> I much prefer a written list, easier and simpler than some stupid
> 'app'.

I'm with you. And if you walk through the grocery store here with your
phone in your hand, you are likely to get it stolen.

  #675 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Why canned food is not as good as fresh

"sf" > wrote in message
> On Mon, 25 May 2015 15:58:08 -0700, "Julie Bove"
> > wrote:
>> "cshenk" > wrote in message
>> ...
>> > Julie Bove wrote in
>> >
>> >> > > Honestly, it's time her DD learned to grocery shop on her own,
>> >> > > learned to cook and took on some responsibility around the house.
>> >> > > Julie could sit with her to meal plan and help her make a
>> >> > > shopping list on a mobile phone app. It could just be a text app
>> >> > > that came with the phone or it could be like the shopping app
>> >> > > Ophelia turned me on to that can be accessed from any device.
>> >> >
>> >> > Sound advice!
>> >>
>> >> Hardly. Sounds rather like abuse to me.
>> >
>> > Maybe I missed something here but teaching a daughter to cook isnt
>> > abuse. Asking her to help isnt abuse either. Asking her to help shop
>> > for food she eats isnt abuse either.

>> You are missing something. She told me to make her do the grocery
>> shopping.
>> >
>> > Teaching her current teck stuff isnt abusive if you don't mind her
>> > using it and she doesnt mind figuring it out.

>> What is teck stuff? I am not familiar with that word. Or maybe you mean
>> tech? If so, she can teach me that. I don't do that stuff. And I am
>> still
>> of the opinion that nobody needs an app for a shopping list. That is
>> more
>> trouble than it would be worth. I personally only use apps when the
>> store
>> forces me to.

> Then teach her how to write a shopping list with paper and pencil!

She's not stupid! She has been grocery shopping with me since birth and she
knows how to do it. I am not going to *make* her do it though. That would
just cause all sorts of problems. She would have to read every label and
try to remember what I can and can't eat and I would somehow have to get the
money to her. Kind of hard to do when you don't know exactly how much money
will be spent. It's one thing to have her pick up a thing or two. Far
another to make her do the whole grocery shop.

  #679 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Why canned food is not as good as fresh

"Nancy Young" <replyto@inemail> wrote in message
> On 5/25/2015 10:02 PM, Janet wrote:
>> In article >, says...
>>> "sf" > wrote in message

>>>> Then teach her how to write a shopping list with paper and pencil!
>>> She's not stupid! She has been grocery shopping with me since birth and
>>> she
>>> knows how to do it. I am not going to *make* her do it though. That
>>> would
>>> just cause all sorts of problems.

>> Like, becoming independent of you and able to run her own life?
>> She would have to read every label and
>>> try to remember what I can and can't eat

>> You just said she's not stupid. Both should be well within the
>> reading/memory skills of a normal 17 yr old

> Not that this is a real scenario, but surely when she makes
> the list she can say what brand of whatever she wants.

No, surely I can not. Just because a brand was safe for me at one time
doesn't mean it always will be. I have to read every label every time. I
also don't necessarily know which will be the cheapest. I am not brand
loyal to everything and am only brand loyal to a few things like cat food
and Coke.
>>> and I would somehow have to get the
>>> money to her.

>> Kind of hard to do when you don't know exactly how much money
>>> will be spent.

>> You must cope with that , why can't she pay like you do?
>> If you give her a shopping list you know (roughly) what it will cost.

> How did we manage back in the dinosaur days???

Well, I don't think that you sent your kid to do a full grocery shop. Did
you? I know that I never did that for my mom. Heck just getting a few
things for my mom now involves my having to call her for nearly everything
she wants. Would you know what Heart Healthy Cheerios were? Or she'll put
down totally the wrong thing. She once told me to buy a brand of laundry
detergent at Costco in unscented. When I called to have her check the
label, she couldn't be bothered so I wound up buying her the Kirkland brand
which at the time was the only unscented HE kind they had. She was furious!
Turns out that she wanted the Ecos brand which was IIRC, Magnolia and Lily
scented. But to this day she will insist that it is unscented.

I rarely ever stick to a list when I grocery shop. If I did that, we
wouldn't be eating much. I like to go to the store and see what they have
and what looks good.

When I was at my sickest and most disabled, my husband and parents had to
shop for me. They would bring back things that were not what I wanted. I
put down celery and my mom brought me celery hearts, stating that they were
better because it was the parts that I wanted anyway. Just the opposite. I
often do not care for the very insides and toss them out because they are
not crisp. I prefer the outer parts and for when making soup, the leaves.
Or I would put down bell peppers for eating raw. What they would bring me
were mushy. Not something I would ever buy. I know enough that if
something isn't fresh I will just not get it. Not there anyway. I will
either make do with something else or go somewhere else. We had no cell
phones in those days so it's not like they could have called me.

I do not want to relive those days again. I wound up having to toss or give
away a lot of things. And not just food. Even when I did put down a brand
or size of something such as a personal care item, that wasn't necessarily
what was brought back to me.

  #680 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Why canned food is not as good as fresh

"sf" > wrote in message
> On Tue, 26 May 2015 08:08:23 -0400, Nancy Young <replyto@inemail>
> wrote:
>> On 5/25/2015 10:02 PM, Janet wrote:
>> > In article >, says...
>> >>
>> >> "sf" > wrote in message
>> >
>> >>>
>> >>> Then teach her how to write a shopping list with paper and pencil!
>> >>
>> >> She's not stupid! She has been grocery shopping with me since birth
>> >> and she
>> >> knows how to do it. I am not going to *make* her do it though. That
>> >> would
>> >> just cause all sorts of problems.
>> >
>> > Like, becoming independent of you and able to run her own life?
>> >
>> >
>> > She would have to read every label and
>> >> try to remember what I can and can't eat
>> >
>> > You just said she's not stupid. Both should be well within the
>> > reading/memory skills of a normal 17 yr old

>> Not that this is a real scenario, but surely when she makes
>> the list she can say what brand of whatever she wants.
>> >> and I would somehow have to get the
>> >> money to her.
>> > Kind of hard to do when you don't know exactly how much money
>> >> will be spent.
>> >
>> > You must cope with that , why can't she pay like you do?
>> > If you give her a shopping list you know (roughly) what it will cost.

>> How did we manage back in the dinosaur days???

> For every solution, there's yet another problem.

Where was there a solution and a solution for what? You people are
inventing problems that don't even exist and then think you are solving

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