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  #1 (permalink)   Report Post  
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I can't respond in that thread, for some reason.

But I predict the diamond jewelry chain will soon change either
their slogan or their name entirely:

Unfortunate associations with a national scandal also torpedoed
George Zimmer of The Men's Warehouse -- I guarantee it!
  #2 (permalink)   Report Post  
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l not -l wrote:
>> I
>> >don't shop at stores that constantly play such games.
>> >
>> >MartyB

> "Buy one, get three free!" - What a great deal - I'm sure it is all of the
> highest quality. (tongue firmly in cheek)

Careful, he may send you a virus like he did to TIT.

Just like I showed EVERYONE he

__________________________________________________ __________________________________

> The Inconvenient Truth wrote:
> 7/21/2011 11:57 AM
>> Post flames are like getting the silver in the Olympics.
>> Even if you win, you still lose.
>> I am warning you now for the last time. I am not a snitch. But if you
>> try to
>> email me one more virsus like you did yesterday, you're getting a
>> visit from
>> law enforcement. I'm not joking about this. Quit it.

__________________________________________________ ______________________________________

  #3 (permalink)   Report Post  
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On 1/3/2016 8:59 AM, l not -l wrote:

> The Jos. A. Bank, "buy 1 get X free" ran here (STL) for years; it has only
> been in the last year or so that they have disappeared. About 3 years ago,
> I tried to get on of our TV "Consumer Advocates" to investigate - while he
> thought the ads suspicious, he said there was no way the station would allow
> him to pursue. I suppose the reason most "investigations" are of local
> politicians is, they don't buy a lot advertising.

What is to investigate? It was the real deal. If you bought one suit
you paid the same price as if you got the three free. Perfectly legal.

Last week I went to the store to pick up a few things for the holidays.
I got a 12 pack of Coke. The register would charge me $5.99 for it if
I only bought one, but if a second one rang up I would get the 2 for $5
sale price. I got the second one.
  #4 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Sqwertz wrote:
> Go See Cal!
> -sw

You sick stalker creep:

++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

"Why do you even bother posting if that's all you have to say? We've
heard the same thing at least 2,000 times by now."


"OK, so it's your planet so I guess you get to define what all teens on
Planet Bove eat. We'll need to add this to the Planet Bove Wikipedia
entry: "Teenagers on Planet Bove only eat chicken strips, fries, and
baby carrots".


"Incredible. And you STILL don't shut up."


I thought you were here just to talk about cooking? You've only said
that at least 25 times, yet 95% of the flack you get is about
off-topic subjects.


++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

  #5 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Sqwertz wrote:
> ObFood: I have never been disappointed

Given how FAT you are, it sure looks that way!

  #6 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Sqwertz wrote:
> "I Guarantee It".

Steve "Rockin the Boat" W.
Austin, TX
0 Friends 35 Reviews 1 Photo

About Steve W.
Rating Distribution
5 stars 3
4 stars 6
3 stars 8
2 stars 8
1 star 10
  #7 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Sqwertz wrote:
> -sw

The True Mentalilty of Steve "Gential" Wertz - In His Own Words...

Steve Sqwertz wrote:
> On Mon, 15 Sep 2003 02:20:51 GMT, "Dusty Rhodes" <crustydusty1@THIS
>> wrote:
>> OK, this is a whole different thing. I'll assume you're being
>> genuine.
>> I'd like to take a day or 2 before I respond to this. This kind of
>> collision requires more than a quick toss-off apothegm.

> <boggle>
> The suspense will be killing me, you can bet on it. In the meantime,
> be aware that I'll be away for the next 36-48 hours, so don't get all
> uptight if I don't respond to your kookness right away. K?
> Actually, I've already stated my point and you can't possibly have
> anything worthwhile to say. I just made a simple observation. So
> don't go burning the midnight oil on my account as I've played with
> you enough for this month already.

You know what? **** you. I was ready to give you the benefit of the doubt
and assume you were communicating real feelings of pain which would have
merited a human and humane response.

But the truth is you *are* just a nasty little prick who will gleefully
sneak around behind someone's back and report them to their employer for
behavior you don't like, then brag about it. You are a liar, a thief, a fool
and an all around revolting human who will manipulate others for sympathy
when the truth is you are just not a very sympathetic figure.

Everyone else now knows just what kind of little prick you really are, and
by your own words. I have nothing more to say. I am done with you.


  #8 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Sqwertz wrote:
> -sw
> -sw



Steve Megasqwertz > wrote in message
>. ..
- hide quoted text -

> On Sun, 14 Sep 2003 19:20:52 GMT, "Jordan Klein"
> > wrote:
> >Are you SURE that he actually forwarded it, or is everyone going up in
> >flames over his making a joke about that?

> Actually I did no such thing until the poster offered $.05 for each of
> my fingers. That one was subitrted to Rockwell, the previous post was
> not.
> -sw

While we're on the subject of "joking", am I to understand that you
took the offer of .05 cents per finger to be serious?
Well, my apologies, indeed.
I thought surely to gawd ANYONE, would recognize that offer for what
it was.
Trash. Evidently not.

Live well, enjoy life.
I'm so glad I served in the military, assuring your right to notify
the employer of a 3rd party who was not even involved at all in the
Let freedom ring, as it were.
Those will be the last thins I'll be having to say to you.
  #9 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Sqwertz wrote:
> With
> crab salad, sriracha, and manzano pepper.

Gorboner of Torro
#6 / 33
OT: Steve Wertz

> Lately, I've missed the wicked wit and wondered
> what happened to this 'bewildering' soul.
> Google "Steve Wertz dead- article from paper".
> Is it true?

He posts in other food groups under a new moniker.
He doesn't like the regular posters here.
Way too right wing like Stan and Katra.
  #10 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Sqwertz wrote:
> Never heard of Jos A Bank.

Rusty Unge
#1 / 5
Truth about Steve Wertz

I found this posted on another group...thought you might be interested
to know what an idiot Steve really is. I usually wouldn't do this,
but obviously he has a lot of people fooled in this group, they need
to see him for the idiot he really is.
__________________________________________________ ____________
If anyone has any lingering doubts about Steve Wertz, a human fungus
infecting AG and other local groups, this oughtta set 'em, straight.
disgusting little {*filter*} actually reported someone to their employer
for a
post he didn't like, even though he, Wertz, was actively participating
the resultant discussion. I shit you not.
I know, it sounds absurd. And it surely is. What kind of no account
little {*filter*} would do such a thing? Nevertheless, it is entirely true.
now archived forever at Google, is Wertz's latest {*filter*} little
------begin quote------


NNTP-Posting-Date: Sat, 13 Sep 2003 12:55:34 -0500

Newsgroups: dfw.general,austin.general
Subject: Police Urged to Chill Out on {*filter*} Arrests
Date: Sat, 13 Sep 2003 12:55:34 -0500
Organization: Me, Myself, and Inc.

X-Newsreader: Forte Agent 1.93/32.576 English (American)
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Lines: 13
sv3-RJ6318UISLDJ0SUoG0Pq9N8cB+i8TPB4Q7ge26T3T0wPTJIKMu WrafzoI0kXxCLZLDYke1Z+

OA/av+r!Uk7LEpLCxhBbq9RauQPwTTJobMeTuevdYscg0Uou5LOxB wezpVBNCjHQiYqddJNtSrW1


X-Abuse-and-DMCA-Info: Please be sure to forward a copy of ALL headers
X-Abuse-and-DMCA-Info: Otherwise we will be unable to process your
X-Postfilter: 1.1

> And so now you finally recognize the point in including Austin, home
> of our state government ?

BTW: Only a moron would be stupid enough to post a Pro-{*filter*} rant
from their workplace at a high-profile U.S. government defense

------end quote------
Nice guy, eh? And now he's trying to justify his revolting actions by
claiming the post was off topic, and therefore it was somehow OK for
him to
report the guy to his EMPLOYER, who, BTW, he had to track down by IP.
was no spur of the moment foot-in-mouth response. No sudden brain
fart. He
had to research it, first.
{*filter*}ing unbelievable. Watch out for this {*filter*} little
{*filter*}. This is
one of his many {*filter*} little {*filter*} tricks.

  #11 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Sqwertz wrote:
> "I Guarantee It".

Gregory Morrow

Posts: 2504 Find Posts
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Poor Steve had to move from the Bay Area to the backwoods of Austin
TX, guess he's pretty bored with his life...
Does anyone know the frequency of his posts before he moved to Austin? A
very high frequency of posting is frequently, but not always, associated
with a sense that life has lost its meaning, loneliness, a lost of
self-esteem, a feeling of being a loser, and so on, in addition to simple
A lot of pretty "accomplished" folks post a lot on Usenet, it's a
hobby like any other...some folks like sports, some like to watch old
movies, some like to exercise, some like posting to Usenet. It's
recreational, for the most part...

Steve has posted (of course he doesn't archive his posts, so someone
can correct me if I'm wrong) that not only is he unemployed, but that
he likes trolling. He's also stated that he's a heavy drinker, so....

Nothing wrong with any of this, but this latest "100 Top RFC Posters"
is simply another of his elaborate trolls, meant to reign in the

He also once stated to me that he is a widower, but he recently stated
that he has a wife, it's just that he "doesn't want to talk about
"it" [her]...". Kinda "odd"...referring to a spouse as "it".

He states that he doesn't drive - ostensibly because of epilepsy - and
that he is entirely a pedestrian, even in Austin he walks to the
grocery stores or wherever. If he *did* have a wife, wouldn't she at
least drive him to the grocery store once in a while...???

He hates Austin and Texas...he has stated so a number of times.

The guy seems like a fairly sad case...jes' my opinion.


That said, I do like some of Steve's posts on, he's
now got me on a Mae Ploy chili sauce kick. But holy christ, if he
cooks all the food he sez he does he must weigh like 700 pounds or

Greg aka "cyberrrat"
  #12 (permalink)   Report Post  
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On 1/3/2016 2:37 PM, Brooklyn1 wrote:

> One of the sickest advertising scams on TV is for the Humane Society
> of the US, at most just a penny of every dollar donated helps
> animals... instead give to your local animal shelter:

Totally agree. So many people think the HSUS is a national group but
they are really just in NY. At least that's what I've heard in the
past. I have many local rescue groups to support including a good friend
who runs a rescue and is even 503C certified or whatever, so I can add
my contributions to her on my tax return. Plus, she's who I support
using Amazon Smile.

  #13 (permalink)   Report Post  
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On 1/3/2016 6:26 PM, Sqwertz wrote:

> I'm watching a commercial now - it says "Local humane societies are
> independent of the HSUS". I wonder how much they pay Kaley Cuoco.
> She also did some sort of 2 hour prime time infomercial for them a few
> months ago. I couldn't change the channel fast enough.

Oh, I just remembered it wasn't HSUS that is NY, it is ASPCA. But HSUS
is still the worst charity to donate to.

  #14 (permalink)   Report Post  
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On Sun, 3 Jan 2016 18:42:40 -0500, Cheryl >

>On 1/3/2016 6:26 PM, Sqwertz wrote:
>> I'm watching a commercial now - it says "Local humane societies are
>> independent of the HSUS". I wonder how much they pay Kaley Cuoco.
>> She also did some sort of 2 hour prime time infomercial for them a few
>> months ago. I couldn't change the channel fast enough.

>Oh, I just remembered it wasn't HSUS that is NY, it is ASPCA. But HSUS
>is still the worst charity to donate to.

I donate to the local Animal Kind:

They do good work, they fix the cats I trap, and they find them good
  #15 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Sqwertz wrote:
> I wonder how much they pay Kaley Cuoco.

Why, do you plan on stalking her?

  #16 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Cheryl wrote:
> On 1/3/2016 6:26 PM, Sqwertz wrote:
>> I'm watching a commercial now - it says "Local humane societies are
>> independent of the HSUS". I wonder how much they pay Kaley Cuoco.
>> She also did some sort of 2 hour prime time infomercial for them a few
>> months ago. I couldn't change the channel fast enough.

> Oh, I just remembered

That he's a woman-abuser?

++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

"Why do you even bother posting if that's all you have to say? We've
heard the same thing at least 2,000 times by now."


"OK, so it's your planet so I guess you get to define what all teens on
Planet Bove eat. We'll need to add this to the Planet Bove Wikipedia
entry: "Teenagers on Planet Bove only eat chicken strips, fries, and
baby carrots".


"Incredible. And you STILL don't shut up."


I thought you were here just to talk about cooking? You've only said
that at least 25 times, yet 95% of the flack you get is about
off-topic subjects.


++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

  #17 (permalink)   Report Post  
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On 1/3/2016 6:56 PM, Brooklyn1 wrote:
> On Sun, 3 Jan 2016 18:42:40 -0500, Cheryl >
> wrote:
>> On 1/3/2016 6:26 PM, Sqwertz wrote:
>>> I'm watching a commercial now - it says "Local humane societies are
>>> independent of the HSUS". I wonder how much they pay Kaley Cuoco.
>>> She also did some sort of 2 hour prime time infomercial for them a few
>>> months ago. I couldn't change the channel fast enough.

>> Oh, I just remembered it wasn't HSUS that is NY, it is ASPCA. But HSUS
>> is still the worst charity to donate to.

> I donate to the local Animal Kind:

> They do good work, they fix the cats I trap, and they find them good
> homes.

That's so awesome because your location seems to attract them. I'm so
happy that you're responsible for/of them but I would expect nothing
less from a cat lover such as yourself.

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"Brooklyn1" > wrote in message
> On Sun, 3 Jan 2016 18:42:40 -0500, Cheryl >
> wrote:
>>On 1/3/2016 6:26 PM, Sqwertz wrote:
>>> I'm watching a commercial now - it says "Local humane societies are
>>> independent of the HSUS". I wonder how much they pay Kaley Cuoco.
>>> She also did some sort of 2 hour prime time infomercial for them a few
>>> months ago. I couldn't change the channel fast enough.

>>Oh, I just remembered it wasn't HSUS that is NY, it is ASPCA. But HSUS
>>is still the worst charity to donate to.

> I donate to the local Animal Kind:

> They do good work, they fix the cats I trap, and they find them good
> homes.

I donate to Animal Friends Connection, local, and where we got our last two


  #19 (permalink)   Report Post  
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On Sun, 3 Jan 2016 22:57:03 -0800, "Cheri" >

>"Brooklyn1" > wrote in message
.. .
>> On Sun, 3 Jan 2016 18:42:40 -0500, Cheryl >
>> wrote:
>>>On 1/3/2016 6:26 PM, Sqwertz wrote:
>>>> I'm watching a commercial now - it says "Local humane societies are
>>>> independent of the HSUS". I wonder how much they pay Kaley Cuoco.
>>>> She also did some sort of 2 hour prime time infomercial for them a few
>>>> months ago. I couldn't change the channel fast enough.
>>>Oh, I just remembered it wasn't HSUS that is NY, it is ASPCA. But HSUS
>>>is still the worst charity to donate to.

>> I donate to the local Animal Kind:

>> They do good work, they fix the cats I trap, and they find them good
>> homes.

>I donate to Animal Friends Connection, local, and where we got our last two

Seems they are a branch of the Humane Society, and their web site says
their animals are non-sheltered, which means they euthanize. I would
check them out more carefully:
  #20 (permalink)   Report Post  
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On Monday, January 4, 2016 at 5:02:19 AM UTC-8, Brooklyn1 wrote:
> On Sun, 3 Jan 2016 22:57:03 -0800, "Cheri" >
> wrote:
> >
> >"Brooklyn1" > wrote in message
> .. .
> >> On Sun, 3 Jan 2016 18:42:40 -0500, Cheryl >
> >> wrote:
> >>
> >>>On 1/3/2016 6:26 PM, Sqwertz wrote:
> >>>
> >>>> I'm watching a commercial now - it says "Local humane societies are
> >>>> independent of the HSUS". I wonder how much they pay Kaley Cuoco.
> >>>> She also did some sort of 2 hour prime time infomercial for them a few
> >>>> months ago. I couldn't change the channel fast enough.
> >>>
> >>>Oh, I just remembered it wasn't HSUS that is NY, it is ASPCA. But HSUS
> >>>is still the worst charity to donate to.
> >>
> >> I donate to the local Animal Kind:
> >>>
> >> They do good work, they fix the cats I trap, and they find them good
> >> homes.

> >
> >I donate to Animal Friends Connection, local, and where we got our last two
> >rescues.
> >

> Seems they are a branch of the Humane Society, and their web site says
> their animals are non-sheltered, which means they euthanize. I would
> check them out more carefully:

I wondered what changes the New Year would bring -- but Brokelyn strides
unchanged into the New Year.

1. "Animal Friends Connect" is not a branch of the Humane Society of the
US, which I presume is what Brokelyn meant. The HSUS has no local
animal rescue branches.
Further, any pet rescue organization can call itself a "humane society."
The HSUS has no trademark on the words. That's why they have to spell
out HSUS when referring to themselves.

2.The statement that their animals are "non-sheltered" does NOT mean they
are euthanized. Quite the contrary, it means the animals are kept
("fostered") in volunteers' homes until adoption.

Now there is a danger in this, and the danger is animal hoarding.
However, presuming the volunteers police each other, to make sure
that none of them are overloaded to the point they can't care
for the animals, all should be well.

  #21 (permalink)   Report Post  
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On 1/4/2016 11:36 AM, wrote:
> 2.The statement that their animals are "non-sheltered" does NOT mean they
> are euthanized. Quite the contrary, it means the animals are kept
> ("fostered") in volunteers' homes until adoption.
> Now there is a danger in this, and the danger is animal hoarding.
> However, presuming the volunteers police each other, to make sure
> that none of them are overloaded to the point they can't care
> for the animals, all should be well.

Hoarding is a common problem among fosterers so it seems in my limited
experience. I volunteered for our local SPCA and fostered cats, and two
of those on the board were hoarders. I learned of the first one when she
asked me to pet sit one holiday weekend and she needed to leave town for
a few days. She had more than 60 cats, more than half of them kittens
and were sick. It was HORRIBLE. I know I found a dead one, and more
were dying. I was overwhelmed and had no idea what to do.

The second woman was found to be a hoarder after she unexpectedly died
and other volunteers had to go pick up the foster cats she had. They had
taken over the house, the garage, everywhere. Even the one place her
husband asked to keep as his own, his camper. I had to quit as a
volunteer after that. It was right around the time that my son died and
I already had a broken heart and thinking the volunteering would get me
outside of my head, it did just the opposite.

  #22 (permalink)   Report Post  
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"Cheryl" > wrote in message
> On 1/4/2016 11:36 AM, wrote:
>> 2.The statement that their animals are "non-sheltered" does NOT mean they
>> are euthanized. Quite the contrary, it means the animals are kept
>> ("fostered") in volunteers' homes until adoption.
>> Now there is a danger in this, and the danger is animal hoarding.
>> However, presuming the volunteers police each other, to make sure
>> that none of them are overloaded to the point they can't care
>> for the animals, all should be well.

> Hoarding is a common problem among fosterers so it seems in my limited
> experience. I volunteered for our local SPCA and fostered cats, and two of
> those on the board were hoarders. I learned of the first one when she
> asked me to pet sit one holiday weekend and she needed to leave town for a
> few days. She had more than 60 cats, more than half of them kittens and
> were sick. It was HORRIBLE. I know I found a dead one, and more were
> dying. I was overwhelmed and had no idea what to do.


> The second woman was found to be a hoarder after she unexpectedly died and
> other volunteers had to go pick up the foster cats she had. They had taken
> over the house, the garage, everywhere. Even the one place her husband
> asked to keep as his own, his camper. I had to quit as a volunteer after
> that. It was right around the time that my son died and I already had a
> broken heart and thinking the volunteering would get me outside of my
> head, it did just the opposite.

My current rescue dog came from a hoarders house. 41 dogs and 2 cats. The
owner had died and they were starving. The RSPCA broke in (I presume
because they were making so much noise) They didn't know how long she had
been dead. I don't know anything other than that. My girl is coming along
nicely given her start in life. I doubt we will ever get her to be
comfortable around other dogs and she doesn't like other people much either
but she loves us and will cuddle up. It has taken us long enough to get
her to that stage though. Slowly slowly


  #23 (permalink)   Report Post  
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On 1/3/2016 4:26 PM, Sqwertz wrote:
> I couldn't change the channel fast enough.
> -sw

You criminally STALK and ABUSE women, you sick little dwarfy man!

Here's what you did when you went all over the Usenet impersonating the
well-liked regular named "sf" and posting all her personal data on the
net against her will, including her:

* home address
* age
* cell phone number
* husband's name


YOU did that, you evil *******!

And then you had the hubris to actually GLOAT about in public saying:

Wed, 25 Nov 2015 21:18:00 -0600

She should call the cops. I've already publicly admitted it is me so
a conviction should be a piece of cake and then forging would stop.
So what's stopping her? I think she suffers from Bovism - she just
loves the attention and drama and screw the rest of the group.



And before that you literally stalked poor Omelet, a local Auustin
favorite, right off the Usenet!

In your worst moment ever you actually begged her to KILL you:

3/18/2011 3:49 PM
Microsoft Internet News 4.70.1162 - News for Geeks and ISPs

Sorry I don't fit either of your Ideal Psycho Pal Profiles.


I'd prefer you use a sniper rifle on me from a few hundred yards away.
There you go - a reason for you to buy yet another gun and ammo.


Then after having your nose rubbed in your filthy criminal stalking you
came back with, not an apology, nor the slightest remorse, just this:

"The facebook group is much more pleasant."

But we all know that's only because you cower over there in mortal fear
of being booted by the FB admins.

You're _so done_ here virus, I mean really ****ing done.

I'm making you a project like no other, expect a lot more of your evil
abuse and hatred to be aired for all to see here.

And we both know there's a google archive full of your hatred of women
just waiting to be hung out on the virtual clothesline to dry.

Enjoy then, you rotten, worthless misogynistic *******!

  #24 (permalink)   Report Post  
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On 1/3/2016 12:35 PM, Sqwertz wrote:
> -sw
> -sw

You criminally STALK and ABUSE women, you sick little dwarfy man!

Here's what you did when you went all over the Usenet impersonating the
well-liked regular named "sf" and posting all her personal data on the
net against her will, including her:

* home address
* age
* cell phone number
* husband's name


YOU did that, you evil *******!

And then you had the hubris to actually GLOAT about in public saying:

Wed, 25 Nov 2015 21:18:00 -0600

She should call the cops. I've already publicly admitted it is me so
a conviction should be a piece of cake and then forging would stop.
So what's stopping her? I think she suffers from Bovism - she just
loves the attention and drama and screw the rest of the group.



And before that you literally stalked poor Omelet, a local Auustin
favorite, right off the Usenet!

In your worst moment ever you actually begged her to KILL you:

3/18/2011 3:49 PM
Microsoft Internet News 4.70.1162 - News for Geeks and ISPs

Sorry I don't fit either of your Ideal Psycho Pal Profiles.


I'd prefer you use a sniper rifle on me from a few hundred yards away.
There you go - a reason for you to buy yet another gun and ammo.


Then after having your nose rubbed in your filthy criminal stalking you
came back with, not an apology, nor the slightest remorse, just this:

"The facebook group is much more pleasant."

But we all know that's only because you cower over there in mortal fear
of being booted by the FB admins.

You're _so done_ here virus, I mean really ****ing done.

I'm making you a project like no other, expect a lot more of your evil
abuse and hatred to be aired for all to see here.

And we both know there's a google archive full of your hatred of women
just waiting to be hung out on the virtual clothesline to dry.

Enjoy then, you rotten, worthless misogynistic *******!

  #25 (permalink)   Report Post  
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external usenet poster
Posts: 1,627
Default He went to Jared!

On 1/3/2016 3:51 AM, Sqwertz wrote:
> Go See Cal!
> -sw

You criminally STALK and ABUSE women, you sick little dwarfy man!

Here's what you did when you went all over the Usenet impersonating the
well-liked regular named "sf" and posting all her personal data on the
net against her will, including her:

* home address
* age
* cell phone number
* husband's name


YOU did that, you evil *******!

And then you had the hubris to actually GLOAT about in public saying:

Wed, 25 Nov 2015 21:18:00 -0600

She should call the cops. I've already publicly admitted it is me so
a conviction should be a piece of cake and then forging would stop.
So what's stopping her? I think she suffers from Bovism - she just
loves the attention and drama and screw the rest of the group.



And before that you literally stalked poor Omelet, a local Auustin
favorite, right off the Usenet!

In your worst moment ever you actually begged her to KILL you:

3/18/2011 3:49 PM
Microsoft Internet News 4.70.1162 - News for Geeks and ISPs

Sorry I don't fit either of your Ideal Psycho Pal Profiles.


I'd prefer you use a sniper rifle on me from a few hundred yards away.
There you go - a reason for you to buy yet another gun and ammo.


Then after having your nose rubbed in your filthy criminal stalking you
came back with, not an apology, nor the slightest remorse, just this:

"The facebook group is much more pleasant."

But we all know that's only because you cower over there in mortal fear
of being booted by the FB admins.

You're _so done_ here virus, I mean really ****ing done.

I'm making you a project like no other, expect a lot more of your evil
abuse and hatred to be aired for all to see here.

And we both know there's a google archive full of your hatred of women
just waiting to be hung out on the virtual clothesline to dry.

Enjoy then, you rotten, worthless misogynistic *******!

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