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  #1 (permalink)   Report Post  
Hillia CAT
Posts: n/a
Default Hello, I am new

I have read some posts, loved the egg recipes, but do not know what
cross-posting is,

Would never want to offend

I have a recipe for Huevos Ranchero's ( Ranch Eggs) somewhere, it
is to die for and easy,

Hope I am not intruding, if so jusT let me know,

I only like simple recipes, as I cannot stand up long enough to do
really complicated ones.

I have some recipe's to share if I am welcome here,

Thank you.

  #2 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

>I have read some posts, loved the egg recipes, but do not know what
>cross-posting is,

Hi and welcome, if you do not know what cross posting is.... then you are not
doing it !!!

I am always interested in good recipes or tips.
  #3 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

>I have read some posts, loved the egg recipes, but do not know what
>cross-posting is,

Hi and welcome, if you do not know what cross posting is.... then you are not
doing it !!!

I am always interested in good recipes or tips.
  #5 (permalink)   Report Post  
Dan Goodman
Posts: n/a

On Sun, 14 Nov 2004 20:35:24 -0500, Hillia CAT wrote:

> I have read some posts, loved the egg recipes, but do not know what
> cross-posting is,

Cross-posting is posting a message to more than one newsgroup. It's not
_always_ offensive; but (for example) if a message posted here is also
posted to alt.christian and alt.atheism plus fifteen other places, and
contains what's alleged to be a refutation of either Christianity or
atheism, this is considered bad manners. (Actually, it's considered to be
the act of a trouble-making piece of scum; and people who respond to it
without trimming the number of newsgroups are considered to lack the sense
God gave a turnip.)

You're welcome here, as far as I'm concerned.

> Would never want to offend

There are people who seem to be offended by the existence of the universe,
and sometimes they post here. If you offend one of them, don't worry about

> I have a recipe for Huevos Ranchero's ( Ranch Eggs) somewhere, it
> is to die for and easy,
> Hope I am not intruding, if so jusT let me know,
> I only like simple recipes, as I cannot stand up long enough to do
> really complicated ones.

To me, "complicated" and "takes a long time" aren't the same. There are
recipes which take only a short time, but which require doing a lot of
things in exactly the right order and for exactly the right amount of time.
And there are recipes which I consider simple because all you really have
to do is dump the right stuff into a pot, oven, or slow cooker, turn on the
heat, and forget about it for a while.

> I have some recipe's to share if I am welcome here,
> Thank you.

Dan Goodman
All political parties die at last of swallowing their own lies.
John Arbuthnot (1667-1735), Scottish writer, physician.

  #6 (permalink)   Report Post  
Ken Davey
Posts: n/a

Hillia CAT wrote:
> I have read some posts, loved the egg recipes, but do not know what
> cross-posting is,
> Would never want to offend
> I have a recipe for Huevos Ranchero's ( Ranch Eggs) somewhere,
> it is to die for and easy,
> Hope I am not intruding, if so jusT let me know,
> I only like simple recipes, as I cannot stand up long enough to do
> really complicated ones.
> I have some recipe's to share if I am welcome here,
> Thank you.

Huevos rancheros? Bring it (the recipe) on.

Return address supplied by 'spammotel'

  #7 (permalink)   Report Post  
Ken Davey
Posts: n/a

Hillia CAT wrote:
> I have read some posts, loved the egg recipes, but do not know what
> cross-posting is,
> Would never want to offend
> I have a recipe for Huevos Ranchero's ( Ranch Eggs) somewhere,
> it is to die for and easy,
> Hope I am not intruding, if so jusT let me know,
> I only like simple recipes, as I cannot stand up long enough to do
> really complicated ones.
> I have some recipe's to share if I am welcome here,
> Thank you.

Huevos rancheros? Bring it (the recipe) on.

Return address supplied by 'spammotel'

  #8 (permalink)   Report Post  
Hillia CAT
Posts: n/a

Thanks Kwn

, Sorry did not know i was on a '"puter group" as I said I am new and
kinda web stupid

I love this recipe to Reeces's Pieces,

Even if I am not welcome here I will share with you

Easy Huevos Ramcheros

for each serving roll out a large corn tortilla, and fry on both sides n
some oil till brown,

fry an egg or two (i like two) and put on tortilla

top with a slice of cheese, I like cheddar). then some thin slices
of green pepper and onion

:Last pour over a big spoon of hot sauce. (below) bake in a hot oven
to melt cheese and serve at once\\

quick hit sauce

1 samll can tomato paste
1 can water
1=3 cloves gar0lic
1 T vinegar
1 T honey

1/4 tsp cayenne

Combine all above ingred;s and simmer f00or at least 10 min's

pour over eggs and enjoy

  #9 (permalink)   Report Post  
Hillia CAT
Posts: n/a

Thanks Kwn

, Sorry did not know i was on a '"puter group" as I said I am new and
kinda web stupid

I love this recipe to Reeces's Pieces,

Even if I am not welcome here I will share with you

Easy Huevos Ramcheros

for each serving roll out a large corn tortilla, and fry on both sides n
some oil till brown,

fry an egg or two (i like two) and put on tortilla

top with a slice of cheese, I like cheddar). then some thin slices
of green pepper and onion

:Last pour over a big spoon of hot sauce. (below) bake in a hot oven
to melt cheese and serve at once\\

quick hit sauce

1 samll can tomato paste
1 can water
1=3 cloves gar0lic
1 T vinegar
1 T honey

1/4 tsp cayenne

Combine all above ingred;s and simmer f00or at least 10 min's

pour over eggs and enjoy

  #10 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

"Hillia CAT" > wrote in message

> I have read some posts, loved the egg recipes,
> but do not know what cross-posting is,
> Would never want to offend

Welcome. Of course you're welcome -- Usenet is a great and wonderful
thing. Since you're a WebTVer and admittedly not so 'net-savvy, here
are a few links to get you started (and don't feel you have to read
and absorb everything at once -- it's a *lot* of information): -- Usenet Help --
comprehensive -- How to quote
correctly on Usenet (how and why) -- also comprehensive

Hm, and I used to have a good link to help WebTV customers transition
to the wider world of Usenet, but the link is no longer valid.
Bummer. Well, the above information should help get you started.

Again, welcome.

  #11 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

"Hillia CAT" > wrote in message

> I have read some posts, loved the egg recipes,
> but do not know what cross-posting is,
> Would never want to offend

Welcome. Of course you're welcome -- Usenet is a great and wonderful
thing. Since you're a WebTVer and admittedly not so 'net-savvy, here
are a few links to get you started (and don't feel you have to read
and absorb everything at once -- it's a *lot* of information): -- Usenet Help --
comprehensive -- How to quote
correctly on Usenet (how and why) -- also comprehensive

Hm, and I used to have a good link to help WebTV customers transition
to the wider world of Usenet, but the link is no longer valid.
Bummer. Well, the above information should help get you started.

Again, welcome.

  #12 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

Hillia CAT wrote:

>I have read some posts, loved the egg recipes, but do not know what
>cross-posting is,
>Would never want to offend
>I have a recipe for Huevos Ranchero's ( Ranch Eggs) somewhere, it
>is to die for and easy,
>Hope I am not intruding, if so jusT let me know,
>I only like simple recipes, as I cannot stand up long enough to do
>really complicated ones.
>I have some recipe's to share if I am welcome here,
>Thank you.

Hello HC. I too am new to the newsgroup. Welcome to the fray.


  #13 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

Hillia CAT wrote:

>I have read some posts, loved the egg recipes, but do not know what
>cross-posting is,
>Would never want to offend
>I have a recipe for Huevos Ranchero's ( Ranch Eggs) somewhere, it
>is to die for and easy,
>Hope I am not intruding, if so jusT let me know,
>I only like simple recipes, as I cannot stand up long enough to do
>really complicated ones.
>I have some recipe's to share if I am welcome here,
>Thank you.

Hello HC. I too am new to the newsgroup. Welcome to the fray.


  #14 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

Hillia CAT wrote:
> I have read some posts, loved the egg recipes, but do not know what
> cross-posting is,
> Would never want to offend

Cross-posting means posting the same message to more than one newsgroup.
Sometimes a single cross-post, IMO, is okay, like a really great bread
recipe to here and to one of the bread groups. Often, cross-posting is
done by people who have mental instability problems and are convinced
what they say is terribly important to *everyone*, or they are posting
an ad, spamming, which is even worse.
HTH (hope this helps)
  #15 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

Hillia CAT wrote:
> I have read some posts, loved the egg recipes, but do not know what
> cross-posting is,
> Would never want to offend

Cross-posting means posting the same message to more than one newsgroup.
Sometimes a single cross-post, IMO, is okay, like a really great bread
recipe to here and to one of the bread groups. Often, cross-posting is
done by people who have mental instability problems and are convinced
what they say is terribly important to *everyone*, or they are posting
an ad, spamming, which is even worse.
HTH (hope this helps)

  #16 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

Hillia CAT wrote:
> I have read some posts, loved the egg recipes, but do not know what
> cross-posting is,
> Would never want to offend

Cross-posting means posting the same message to more than one newsgroup.
Sometimes a single cross-post, IMO, is okay, like a really great bread
recipe to here and to one of the bread groups. Often, cross-posting is
done by people who have mental instability problems and are convinced
what they say is terribly important to *everyone*, or they are posting
an ad, spamming, which is even worse.
HTH (hope this helps)
  #17 (permalink)   Report Post  
Terry Pulliam Burd
Posts: n/a

On Mon, 15 Nov 2004 02:58:04 GMT, Hahabogus >

>Welcome...You aren't cross posting...Cross Posting is when you sent the
>same message to more than one NewsGroup.
>The only real concern is that you being a WebTVer is you might not quote
>a message (or part of) that you are replying to.
>Other than that you are very welcome. There's a NewsGroup ettiquette
>site, but I don't remember its URL.

Is this it?

Terry "Squeaks" Pulliam Burd

"Just what kind of jackassery do I have to put up with today?" Danae
in "Non Sequitur"

To reply, replace "spaminator" with "cox"
  #18 (permalink)   Report Post  
Terry Pulliam Burd
Posts: n/a

On Mon, 15 Nov 2004 02:58:04 GMT, Hahabogus >

>Welcome...You aren't cross posting...Cross Posting is when you sent the
>same message to more than one NewsGroup.
>The only real concern is that you being a WebTVer is you might not quote
>a message (or part of) that you are replying to.
>Other than that you are very welcome. There's a NewsGroup ettiquette
>site, but I don't remember its URL.

Is this it?

Terry "Squeaks" Pulliam Burd

"Just what kind of jackassery do I have to put up with today?" Danae
in "Non Sequitur"

To reply, replace "spaminator" with "cox"
  #19 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

"Terry Pulliam Burd" > wrote in message

> >Other than that you are very welcome. There's

> a NewsGroup ettiquette site, but I don't remember
> its URL.

> Is this it?

That was one of the best WebTV-to-Usenet references I've seen, but it
has, alas, gone the way of the Dodo. I posted a few other links
further downthread, which will hopefully not overwhelm the OP (I did
warn that there's a lot to digest ). If anyone's got the text from
the above link, I'd be very happy to receive a copy, for future
distribution to WebTV newbies.

And, as always, a pox on WebTV for sending its members into the wilds
of Usenet so grossly unprepared.

  #20 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

"Terry Pulliam Burd" > wrote in message

> >Other than that you are very welcome. There's

> a NewsGroup ettiquette site, but I don't remember
> its URL.

> Is this it?

That was one of the best WebTV-to-Usenet references I've seen, but it
has, alas, gone the way of the Dodo. I posted a few other links
further downthread, which will hopefully not overwhelm the OP (I did
warn that there's a lot to digest ). If anyone's got the text from
the above link, I'd be very happy to receive a copy, for future
distribution to WebTV newbies.

And, as always, a pox on WebTV for sending its members into the wilds
of Usenet so grossly unprepared.

  #21 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

"Terry Pulliam Burd" > wrote in message

> >Other than that you are very welcome. There's

> a NewsGroup ettiquette site, but I don't remember
> its URL.

> Is this it?

That was one of the best WebTV-to-Usenet references I've seen, but it
has, alas, gone the way of the Dodo. I posted a few other links
further downthread, which will hopefully not overwhelm the OP (I did
warn that there's a lot to digest ). If anyone's got the text from
the above link, I'd be very happy to receive a copy, for future
distribution to WebTV newbies.

And, as always, a pox on WebTV for sending its members into the wilds
of Usenet so grossly unprepared.

  #22 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

Don't be sorry,i worked for years on industrial computers when they
were first used for this purpose,countless problems and headaches.All
our kids have big fancy computer systems,but i find that WebTv ( now
MSNTV),does all i need to do,if i need anything exotic,i let the kids do
it for me.

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