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  #41 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Posts: 10,425
Default why do I still read this crap??

On Sunday, July 30, 2017 at 8:47:18 AM UTC-10, Sheldon wrote:
> On Sun, 30 Jul 2017 10:33:07 -0700 (PDT), dsi1 <>
> wrote:
> >On Sunday, July 30, 2017 at 2:24:37 AM UTC-10, Sheldon wrote:
> >> On Sat, 29 Jul 2017 20:02:21 -0700, "Julie Bove"
> >> > wrote:
> >>
> >> >
> >> >"> wrote in message
> >> ...
> >> >On Saturday, July 29, 2017 at 9:40:19 AM UTC-10, Julie Bove wrote:
> >> >> "barbie gee" > wrote in message
> >> >> hcrg.pbz...
> >> >> >
> >> >> >
> >> >> > On Thu, 27 Jul 2017, Julie Bove wrote:
> >> >> >> India Supermarket.
> >> >> > ...
> >> >> >> obviously tailored to what Indian people might want. But... When I
> >> >> >> asked
> >> >> >> about it, someone actually told me that I shouldn't go there because
> >> >> >> I'm
> >> >> >> white. Because of this comment, I felt a bit fearful to go in.
> >> >> >
> >> >> > Whoever made that comment is a xenophobic moron.
> >> >> >
> >> >> > The only way different cultures will come to know each other is if we
> >> >> > engage each other.
> >> >>
> >> >> You would think so, and yet some people in this community are calling
> >> >> people
> >> >> like me (who do not sort people out by skin color) to be a racist. We were
> >> >> told that only white people are racists and we'll never see the problem
> >> >> because we have white privilege. Mind you, these are young people saying
> >> >> this. They didn't live through segregation like I did. They don't get it
> >> >> but
> >> >> they are still trying to school me.
> >> >
> >> >A lot of white folks believe that racism is just a wildly exaggerated
> >> >defensive stance taken by colored folks.
> >>
> >> You wrote "colored folks" and you think you're not a racist/bigot...
> >> you are!

> >
> >What's the PC term for colored folks this year? Just to let you know, I'm a colored folk and you're not. So solly.
> >
> >>
> >> >---
> >> >
> >> >I know it still exists but I get angry when people accuse me of being a
> >> >racist and not knowing it. The reason? I spoke to them. Since I am not
> >> >whatever their race is, they said I should not have said a thing. The
> >> >problem? This was a FB post. I couldn't tell what race they were based on
> >> >their name or pic, not that either thing mattered to me. They said I should
> >> >just speak to other white people. But my friends are not all white and even
> >> >some who are, are or were married to people of other races or have adopted
> >> >children of other races. I'm sure these whiners would complain about this
> >> >too.

> You're all a bunch of racist bigots... "colored" was the PC term
> from the days of slavery, otherwise the N word was most common. But
> for many years now the correct nomenclature has been African American
> (or Black), or Asian American. or Native American, etal. The last one
> to get away with "yoose coloreds" was Archie Bunker.

Let's face it, you're way past your prime. Your trolls are just too lame. You're embarrassing us both.

Hee hee
  #42 (permalink)   Report Post  
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external usenet poster
Posts: 12,851
Default why do I still read this crap??

On 7/30/2017 6:00 PM, dsi1 wrote:

> The stuff that's going on with the wave of immigration in Europe will change the face of the place forever. Some Europeans don't much care for that. All I know is Hitler would be spinning in his grave so that's probably a good thing.
> All in all, the Europeans are taking it all rather well. America would go into meltdown mode if such a thing happened on our shores. We can't even allow a few Mexicans into our country without thinking about building a wall between us. That's totally irrational. I mean, we ain't commies, why are we acting like commies?

I know at least some of the Europeans are considering an invasion. Many
of the immigrants don't want to become part of a new culture, they want
their old culture to dominate and replace it.
  #43 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Posts: 10,425
Default why do I still read this crap??

On Sunday, July 30, 2017 at 10:43:16 AM UTC-10, Ophelia wrote:
> "dsi1" wrote in message
> ...
> On Sunday, July 30, 2017 at 4:21:12 AM UTC-10, sanne wrote:
> > Am Sonntag, 30. Juli 2017 15:37:29 UTC+2 schrieb Ed Pawlowski:
> > > On 7/30/2017 8:24 AM, wrote:
> > > > On Sat, 29 Jul 2017 20:02:21 -0700, "Julie Bove"
> > > > > wrote:
> > > >
> > > >>
> > > >> "dsi1" <> wrote in message
> > > >> ...
> > > >> On Saturday, July 29, 2017 at 9:40:19 AM UTC-10, Julie Bove wrote:
> > > >>> "barbie gee" > wrote in message
> > > >>> hcrg.pbz...
> > > >>>>
> > > >>>>
> > > >>>> On Thu, 27 Jul 2017, Julie Bove wrote:
> > > >>>>> India Supermarket.
> > > >>>> ...
> > > >>>>> obviously tailored to what Indian people might want. But... When I
> > > >>>>> asked
> > > >>>>> about it, someone actually told me that I shouldn't go there
> > > >>>>> because
> > > >>>>> I'm
> > > >>>>> white. Because of this comment, I felt a bit fearful to go in.
> > > >>>>
> > > >>>> Whoever made that comment is a xenophobic moron.
> > > >>>>
> > > >>>> The only way different cultures will come to know each other is if
> > > >>>> we
> > > >>>> engage each other.
> > > >>>
> > > >>> You would think so, and yet some people in this community are
> > > >>> calling
> > > >>> people
> > > >>> like me (who do not sort people out by skin color) to be a racist..
> > > >>> We were
> > > >>> told that only white people are racists and we'll never see the
> > > >>> problem
> > > >>> because we have white privilege. Mind you, these are young people
> > > >>> saying
> > > >>> this. They didn't live through segregation like I did. They don't
> > > >>> get it
> > > >>> but
> > > >>> they are still trying to school me.
> > > >>
> > > >> A lot of white folks believe that racism is just a wildly exaggerated
> > > >> defensive stance taken by colored folks.
> > > >
> > > > You wrote "colored folks" and you think you're not a racist/bigot....
> > > > you are!
> > > >
> > >
> > > What then, is the proper term to refer to non-whites? Seems it changes
> > > every couple of years.

> >
> > There is none. That's the catch. And "whites" all origin from Africa (a
> > longer time ago any creationist would dare to admit) and had to adapt to
> > get
> > enough Vitamin D - by getting paler.
> > And those who blame others not using the right term don't know one,
> > either.
> > "The pot calling the kettle black" - is that even politically correct
> > nowadays? ;-)
> >
> > Bye, Sanne.

> On this rock in the middle of the Pacific, we've given up trying to be
> politically correct on the matter of race. We've accepted the fact that
> we're all different and have learned to appreciate that reality. It is the
> differences between the people on this rock that has enriched the Hawaiian
> culture.
> ==
> It won't play for me For some reason I can't play YouTube and I am not a
> happy bunny
> As for what you said, I think you are doing the right thing. Those that
> don't like it can go whistle!!
> --

I can't say what is happening. Things between Google and Europe are fairly contentious at the moment. Youtube is owned by Google's parent company, Alphabet so maybe they're shutting Europeans out? I think that's unlikely but who knows? Keep me posted on this please.
  #44 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Posts: 5,618
Default why do I still read this crap??

On Sun, 30 Jul 2017 18:34:44 -0400, Ed Pawlowski > wrote:

>On 7/30/2017 6:00 PM, dsi1 wrote:
>> The stuff that's going on with the wave of immigration in Europe will change the face of the place forever. Some Europeans don't much care for that. All I know is Hitler would be spinning in his grave so that's probably a good thing.
>> All in all, the Europeans are taking it all rather well. America would go into meltdown mode if such a thing happened on our shores. We can't even allow a few Mexicans into our country without thinking about building a wall between us. That's totally irrational. I mean, we ain't commies, why are we acting like commies?

>I know at least some of the Europeans are considering an invasion. Many
>of the immigrants don't want to become part of a new culture, they want
>their old culture to dominate and replace it.

Hasn't the US had enclaves at least several times in our history? One
could argue that they still exist in some large cities. (Germans,
Jews, Italians, Poles, Irish, etc.) It's human nature. I don't know
if people in general have become more polarized in recent years.
Janet US
  #45 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default why do I still read this crap??

On Sunday, July 30, 2017 at 12:34:51 PM UTC-10, Ed Pawlowski wrote:
> On 7/30/2017 6:00 PM, dsi1 wrote:
> > The stuff that's going on with the wave of immigration in Europe will change the face of the place forever. Some Europeans don't much care for that. All I know is Hitler would be spinning in his grave so that's probably a good thing.
> >
> > All in all, the Europeans are taking it all rather well. America would go into meltdown mode if such a thing happened on our shores. We can't even allow a few Mexicans into our country without thinking about building a wall between us. That's totally irrational. I mean, we ain't commies, why are we acting like commies?
> >

> I know at least some of the Europeans are considering an invasion. Many
> of the immigrants don't want to become part of a new culture, they want
> their old culture to dominate and replace it.

What happens most times is that the first generation immigrants will mostly stay in cultural enclaves and not learn the language of the new world. Their kids will be the bridge between the old and new countries. The third generation will be fully integrated into the new home. Typically it takes at least 3 generations to be fully a part of the new country. If you moved to a new foreign country I'd expect the pattern would remain the same. OTOH, the world is so connected these days that things might have changed.

  #46 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Posts: 12,851
Default why do I still read this crap??

On 7/30/2017 6:57 PM, U.S. Janet B. wrote:
> On Sun, 30 Jul 2017 18:34:44 -0400, Ed Pawlowski > wrote:
>> On 7/30/2017 6:00 PM, dsi1 wrote:
>>> The stuff that's going on with the wave of immigration in Europe will change the face of the place forever. Some Europeans don't much care for that. All I know is Hitler would be spinning in his grave so that's probably a good thing.
>>> All in all, the Europeans are taking it all rather well. America would go into meltdown mode if such a thing happened on our shores. We can't even allow a few Mexicans into our country without thinking about building a wall between us. That's totally irrational. I mean, we ain't commies, why are we acting like commies?

>> I know at least some of the Europeans are considering it an invasion. Many
>> of the immigrants don't want to become part of a new culture, they want
>> their old culture to dominate and replace it.

> Hasn't the US had enclaves at least several times in our history? One
> could argue that they still exist in some large cities. (Germans,
> Jews, Italians, Poles, Irish, etc.) It's human nature. I don't know
> if people in general have become more polarized in recent years.
> Janet US

Polarization has increased on most everything in recent years. Not
living in Europe I don't have first hand experience, but just look at
the sheer numbers. Germany had 2.14 million immigrants. The US has a
little over 1 million. Germany has a population of 82 million as
compared to our 330.
  #47 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Posts: 6,607
Default why do I still read this crap??

On Sun, 30 Jul 2017 15:27:06 -0400, Ed Pawlowski > wrote:

>On 7/30/2017 2:47 PM, wrote:
>> You're all a bunch of racist bigots... "colored" was the PC term
>> from the days of slavery, otherwise the N word was most common. But
>> for many years now the correct nomenclature has been African American
>> (or Black), or Asian American. or Native American, etal. The last one
>> to get away with "yoose coloreds" was Archie Bunker.

>You can be dark skinned and not be African American or African anything.
> It is racist to lump them all together. I know a Jamaican that
>insulted when referred to that way.

They in fact are mostly African... reread your high school history
books regarding the European invasion of the new world. The chieftans
of Africa traded their people to the Europeans for shiney baubles.
Originally the peoples of Jamaica and that entire Carribean area were
relatively light skinned native Americans. The European invaders had
no more respect for the native Americans than for the dark skinned
Africans they brought, and enslaved all and interbred all. Most
Jamaicans are very dark skinned blacks today because the European
invaders murdered all the native relatively light skinned Jamaicans
because they rebelled. It was the French who killed off the original
Carribes, which is why much of the language in Louisanna, Florida, and
south Texas is laced with Carribe Patois.
  #48 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default why do I still read this crap??

On Sunday, July 30, 2017 at 12:57:53 PM UTC-10, U.S. Janet B. wrote:
> On Sun, 30 Jul 2017 18:34:44 -0400, Ed Pawlowski > wrote:
> >On 7/30/2017 6:00 PM, dsi1 wrote:
> >
> >> The stuff that's going on with the wave of immigration in Europe will change the face of the place forever. Some Europeans don't much care for that. All I know is Hitler would be spinning in his grave so that's probably a good thing.
> >>
> >> All in all, the Europeans are taking it all rather well. America would go into meltdown mode if such a thing happened on our shores. We can't even allow a few Mexicans into our country without thinking about building a wall between us. That's totally irrational. I mean, we ain't commies, why are we acting like commies?
> >>

> >
> >I know at least some of the Europeans are considering an invasion. Many
> >of the immigrants don't want to become part of a new culture, they want
> >their old culture to dominate and replace it.

> Hasn't the US had enclaves at least several times in our history? One
> could argue that they still exist in some large cities. (Germans,
> Jews, Italians, Poles, Irish, etc.) It's human nature. I don't know
> if people in general have become more polarized in recent years.
> Janet US

My Swedish step-mom's son got himself a bride from the Ukraine. She moved to Sweden and the government sent her to school to learn the language and paid for her education so that she'd be able to earn a living and become a productive member of Swedish society. They even payed for her child care and living expenses so she could go to school. She's now a dental assistant. Those Swedes really know how to treat an immigrant! My assumption is that they only made this available to her because she was relatively young, but I could be wrong.

My dad, while in Sweden, slipped on the ice and shattered his ankle. He required several metal pins in his ankle to keep it all together. This is something that he seems really proud of. Anyway, right before he left, he thought he'd better pay his bill so they'd let him come back into the country. His bill came out to be about $50. He said that he thought that he had better leave fast before they changed their mind. Those Swedes really know how to provide medical care!
  #49 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Posts: 11,730
Default why do I still read this crap??

"dsi1" wrote in message

On Sunday, July 30, 2017 at 10:43:16 AM UTC-10, Ophelia wrote:
> "dsi1" wrote in message
> ...
> On Sunday, July 30, 2017 at 4:21:12 AM UTC-10, sanne wrote:
> > Am Sonntag, 30. Juli 2017 15:37:29 UTC+2 schrieb Ed Pawlowski:
> > > On 7/30/2017 8:24 AM, wrote:
> > > > On Sat, 29 Jul 2017 20:02:21 -0700, "Julie Bove"
> > > > > wrote:
> > > >
> > > >>
> > > >> "dsi1" <> wrote in message
> > > >> ...
> > > >> On Saturday, July 29, 2017 at 9:40:19 AM UTC-10, Julie Bove wrote:
> > > >>> "barbie gee" > wrote in message
> > > >>> hcrg.pbz...
> > > >>>>
> > > >>>>
> > > >>>> On Thu, 27 Jul 2017, Julie Bove wrote:
> > > >>>>> India Supermarket.
> > > >>>> ...
> > > >>>>> obviously tailored to what Indian people might want. But... When
> > > >>>>> I
> > > >>>>> asked
> > > >>>>> about it, someone actually told me that I shouldn't go there
> > > >>>>> because
> > > >>>>> I'm
> > > >>>>> white. Because of this comment, I felt a bit fearful to go in.
> > > >>>>
> > > >>>> Whoever made that comment is a xenophobic moron.
> > > >>>>
> > > >>>> The only way different cultures will come to know each other is
> > > >>>> if
> > > >>>> we
> > > >>>> engage each other.
> > > >>>
> > > >>> You would think so, and yet some people in this community are
> > > >>> calling
> > > >>> people
> > > >>> like me (who do not sort people out by skin color) to be a racist.
> > > >>> We were
> > > >>> told that only white people are racists and we'll never see the
> > > >>> problem
> > > >>> because we have white privilege. Mind you, these are young people
> > > >>> saying
> > > >>> this. They didn't live through segregation like I did. They don't
> > > >>> get it
> > > >>> but
> > > >>> they are still trying to school me.
> > > >>
> > > >> A lot of white folks believe that racism is just a wildly
> > > >> exaggerated
> > > >> defensive stance taken by colored folks.
> > > >
> > > > You wrote "colored folks" and you think you're not a racist/bigot...
> > > > you are!
> > > >
> > >
> > > What then, is the proper term to refer to non-whites? Seems it
> > > changes
> > > every couple of years.

> >
> > There is none. That's the catch. And "whites" all origin from Africa (a
> > longer time ago any creationist would dare to admit) and had to adapt to
> > get
> > enough Vitamin D - by getting paler.
> > And those who blame others not using the right term don't know one,
> > either.
> > "The pot calling the kettle black" - is that even politically correct
> > nowadays? ;-)
> >
> > Bye, Sanne.

> On this rock in the middle of the Pacific, we've given up trying to be
> politically correct on the matter of race. We've accepted the fact that
> we're all different and have learned to appreciate that reality. It is the
> differences between the people on this rock that has enriched the Hawaiian
> culture.
> ==
> It won't play for me For some reason I can't play YouTube and I am not a
> happy bunny
> As for what you said, I think you are doing the right thing. Those that
> don't like it can go whistle!!
> --

I can't say what is happening. Things between Google and Europe are fairly
contentious at the moment. Youtube is owned by Google's parent company,
Alphabet so maybe they're shutting Europeans out? I think that's unlikely
but who knows? Keep me posted on this please.


No, it is my computer. D's is working fine.


  #50 (permalink)   Report Post  
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external usenet poster
Posts: 11,730
Default why do I still read this crap??

"Ed Pawlowski" wrote in message ...

On 7/30/2017 6:00 PM, dsi1 wrote:

> The stuff that's going on with the wave of immigration in Europe will
> change the face of the place forever. Some Europeans don't much care for
> that. All I know is Hitler would be spinning in his grave so that's
> probably a good thing.
> All in all, the Europeans are taking it all rather well. America would go
> into meltdown mode if such a thing happened on our shores. We can't even
> allow a few Mexicans into our country without thinking about building a
> wall between us. That's totally irrational. I mean, we ain't commies, why
> are we acting like commies?

I know at least some of the Europeans are considering an invasion. Many
of the immigrants don't want to become part of a new culture, they want
their old culture to dominate and replace it.

Exactly! They run away from one culture and fight to replace it and destroy
what we have. Not only the culture but also anyone who is not a Muslim.

Any word against them or even a perceived slight and we are guilty of
Islamaphobia. It has gone too far the other way now, they can get away
(literally) with murder and if anyone dares to comment, we are Islamaphobic.
Terrorism is a big word now. And the police are quick to assure us that
when something bad happens it is never Terrorism even when it so obviously
is, except if hundreds are maimed and there is no other explanation. Even
politicians are very careful how they speak and always lean the other way.

I am sure you heard of some of the atrocities we are having. London?
Manchester etc?

At least the authorities are (at long last) trying to rid us of the Imams
who are preaching and inciting hatred. For many years they were not
allowed to deport them to their home countries. This is changing a little
now, but it isn't easy. We are ruled by the EU and their laws. Human rights
figures largely. Unfortunately not ours!!!

It never used to be like this. We had/have many Muslims here who integrated
and apart from the clothing, you wouldn't have known.

It is much worse in Europe. They have taken over Sweden with the compliance
of the Authorities. Now, all blame rests on Swedes. If a girl walks down
the street and is raped (which is a common occurrence), she is to blame for
not covering up from head to toe and so it goes on. I see Germany could be
going the same way. Their chancellor opened the floodgates. Everyone
welcome!!! She is destroying Europe.

I'm glad I am not young any more and I have so much fear for our children
and grandchildren.

Anyway. On a brighter note what is everyone cooking today?


  #51 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posted to
external usenet poster
Posts: 15,279
Default why do I still read this crap??

On Mon, 31 Jul 2017 08:33:23 +0100, "Ophelia" >

>"Ed Pawlowski" wrote in message ...
>I know at least some of the Europeans are considering an invasion. Many
>of the immigrants don't want to become part of a new culture, they want
>their old culture to dominate and replace it.
>Exactly! They run away from one culture and fight to replace it and destroy
>what we have. Not only the culture but also anyone who is not a Muslim.
>Any word against them or even a perceived slight and we are guilty of
>Islamaphobia. It has gone too far the other way now, they can get away
>(literally) with murder and if anyone dares to comment, we are Islamaphobic.
>Terrorism is a big word now. And the police are quick to assure us that
>when something bad happens it is never Terrorism even when it so obviously
>is, except if hundreds are maimed and there is no other explanation. Even
>politicians are very careful how they speak and always lean the other way.
>I am sure you heard of some of the atrocities we are having. London?
>Manchester etc?
>At least the authorities are (at long last) trying to rid us of the Imams
>who are preaching and inciting hatred. For many years they were not
>allowed to deport them to their home countries. This is changing a little
>now, but it isn't easy. We are ruled by the EU and their laws. Human rights
>figures largely. Unfortunately not ours!!!
>It never used to be like this. We had/have many Muslims here who integrated
>and apart from the clothing, you wouldn't have known.
>It is much worse in Europe. They have taken over Sweden with the compliance
>of the Authorities. Now, all blame rests on Swedes. If a girl walks down
>the street and is raped (which is a common occurrence), she is to blame for
>not covering up from head to toe and so it goes on. I see Germany could be
>going the same way. Their chancellor opened the floodgates. Everyone
>welcome!!! She is destroying Europe.
>I'm glad I am not young any more and I have so much fear for our children
>and grandchildren.

You can only put so much sugar in a cup of tea before it doesn't
dissolve anymore, but just lays at the bottom.

>Anyway. On a brighter note what is everyone cooking today?

  #52 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Posts: 11,730
Default why do I still read this crap??

"Bruce" wrote in message ...

On Mon, 31 Jul 2017 08:33:23 +0100, "Ophelia" >

>"Ed Pawlowski" wrote in message ...
>I know at least some of the Europeans are considering an invasion. Many
>of the immigrants don't want to become part of a new culture, they want
>their old culture to dominate and replace it.
>Exactly! They run away from one culture and fight to replace it and
>what we have. Not only the culture but also anyone who is not a Muslim.
>Any word against them or even a perceived slight and we are guilty of
>Islamaphobia. It has gone too far the other way now, they can get away
>(literally) with murder and if anyone dares to comment, we are
>Terrorism is a big word now. And the police are quick to assure us that
>when something bad happens it is never Terrorism even when it so obviously
>is, except if hundreds are maimed and there is no other explanation. Even
>politicians are very careful how they speak and always lean the other way.
>I am sure you heard of some of the atrocities we are having. London?
>Manchester etc?
>At least the authorities are (at long last) trying to rid us of the Imams
>who are preaching and inciting hatred. For many years they were not
>allowed to deport them to their home countries. This is changing a little
>now, but it isn't easy. We are ruled by the EU and their laws. Human
>figures largely. Unfortunately not ours!!!
>It never used to be like this. We had/have many Muslims here who
>and apart from the clothing, you wouldn't have known.
>It is much worse in Europe. They have taken over Sweden with the
>of the Authorities. Now, all blame rests on Swedes. If a girl walks down
>the street and is raped (which is a common occurrence), she is to blame for
>not covering up from head to toe and so it goes on. I see Germany could be
>going the same way. Their chancellor opened the floodgates. Everyone
>welcome!!! She is destroying Europe.
>I'm glad I am not young any more and I have so much fear for our children
>and grandchildren.

You can only put so much sugar in a cup of tea before it doesn't
dissolve anymore, but just lays at the bottom.

>Anyway. On a brighter note what is everyone cooking today?


You are well out of the EU


  #53 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Posts: 15,279
Default why do I still read this crap??

On Mon, 31 Jul 2017 08:58:43 +0100, "Ophelia" >

>"Bruce" wrote in message ...
>On Mon, 31 Jul 2017 08:33:23 +0100, "Ophelia" >
>>"Ed Pawlowski" wrote in message ...
>>I know at least some of the Europeans are considering an invasion. Many
>>of the immigrants don't want to become part of a new culture, they want
>>their old culture to dominate and replace it.
>>Exactly! They run away from one culture and fight to replace it and
>>what we have. Not only the culture but also anyone who is not a Muslim.
>>Any word against them or even a perceived slight and we are guilty of
>>Islamaphobia. It has gone too far the other way now, they can get away
>>(literally) with murder and if anyone dares to comment, we are
>>Terrorism is a big word now. And the police are quick to assure us that
>>when something bad happens it is never Terrorism even when it so obviously
>>is, except if hundreds are maimed and there is no other explanation. Even
>>politicians are very careful how they speak and always lean the other way.
>>I am sure you heard of some of the atrocities we are having. London?
>>Manchester etc?
>>At least the authorities are (at long last) trying to rid us of the Imams
>>who are preaching and inciting hatred. For many years they were not
>>allowed to deport them to their home countries. This is changing a little
>>now, but it isn't easy. We are ruled by the EU and their laws. Human
>>figures largely. Unfortunately not ours!!!
>>It never used to be like this. We had/have many Muslims here who
>>and apart from the clothing, you wouldn't have known.
>>It is much worse in Europe. They have taken over Sweden with the
>>of the Authorities. Now, all blame rests on Swedes. If a girl walks down
>>the street and is raped (which is a common occurrence), she is to blame for
>>not covering up from head to toe and so it goes on. I see Germany could be
>>going the same way. Their chancellor opened the floodgates. Everyone
>>welcome!!! She is destroying Europe.
>>I'm glad I am not young any more and I have so much fear for our children
>>and grandchildren.

>You can only put so much sugar in a cup of tea before it doesn't
>dissolve anymore, but just lays at the bottom.
>>Anyway. On a brighter note what is everyone cooking today?

>You are well out of the EU

Hey, I agree with you, largely. And I'm still Dutch
  #54 (permalink)   Report Post  
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"Wayne Boatwright" wrote in message

On Mon 31 Jul 2017 12:33:23a, Ophelia told us...

> "Ed Pawlowski" wrote in message
> ...
> On 7/30/2017 6:00 PM, dsi1 wrote:
>> The stuff that's going on with the wave of immigration in Europe
>> will change the face of the place forever. Some Europeans don't
>> much care for that. All I know is Hitler would be spinning in his
>> grave so that's probably a good thing.
>> All in all, the Europeans are taking it all rather well. America
>> would go into meltdown mode if such a thing happened on our
>> shores. We can't even allow a few Mexicans into our country
>> without thinking about building a wall between us. That's totally
>> irrational. I mean, we ain't commies, why are we acting like
>> commies?

> I know at least some of the Europeans are considering an invasion.
> Many of the immigrants don't want to become part of a new
> culture, they want their old culture to dominate and replace it.
> ==
> Exactly! They run away from one culture and fight to replace it
> and destroy what we have. Not only the culture but also anyone
> who is not a Muslim.
> Any word against them or even a perceived slight and we are guilty
> of Islamaphobia. It has gone too far the other way now, they can
> get away (literally) with murder and if anyone dares to comment,
> we are Islamaphobic. Terrorism is a big word now. And the police
> are quick to assure us that when something bad happens it is never
> Terrorism even when it so obviously is, except if hundreds are
> maimed and there is no other explanation. Even politicians are
> very careful how they speak and always lean the other way.
> I am sure you heard of some of the atrocities we are having.
> London? Manchester etc?
> At least the authorities are (at long last) trying to rid us of
> the Imams who are preaching and inciting hatred. For many years
> they were not allowed to deport them to their home countries.
> This is changing a little now, but it isn't easy. We are ruled by
> the EU and their laws. Human rights figures largely.
> Unfortunately not ours!!!
> It never used to be like this. We had/have many Muslims here who
> integrated and apart from the clothing, you wouldn't have known.
> It is much worse in Europe. They have taken over Sweden with the
> compliance of the Authorities. Now, all blame rests on Swedes.
> If a girl walks down the street and is raped (which is a common
> occurrence), she is to blame for not covering up from head to toe
> and so it goes on. I see Germany could be going the same way.
> Their chancellor opened the floodgates. Everyone welcome!!! She
> is destroying Europe.
> I'm glad I am not young any more and I have so much fear for our
> children and grandchildren.
> Anyway. On a brighter note what is everyone cooking today?

This is more frightening than one can imagine. I don't kow what i'd
think if it were happening here.

Dinner was grilled steaks, baked potatoes, and haricot vert. I
didn't really feel like cooking a meal today, so this was easy. I
have plans for baking some pumpernickel tomorrow.

Wayne Boatwright


I am putting a chicken on the rotisserie but not sure what to serve with it


  #55 (permalink)   Report Post  
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"Bruce" wrote in message ...

On Mon, 31 Jul 2017 08:58:43 +0100, "Ophelia" >

>"Bruce" wrote in message
.. .
>On Mon, 31 Jul 2017 08:33:23 +0100, "Ophelia" >
>>"Ed Pawlowski" wrote in message ...
>>I know at least some of the Europeans are considering an invasion. Many
>>of the immigrants don't want to become part of a new culture, they want
>>their old culture to dominate and replace it.
>>Exactly! They run away from one culture and fight to replace it and
>>what we have. Not only the culture but also anyone who is not a Muslim.
>>Any word against them or even a perceived slight and we are guilty of
>>Islamaphobia. It has gone too far the other way now, they can get away
>>(literally) with murder and if anyone dares to comment, we are
>>Terrorism is a big word now. And the police are quick to assure us that
>>when something bad happens it is never Terrorism even when it so obviously
>>is, except if hundreds are maimed and there is no other explanation. Even
>>politicians are very careful how they speak and always lean the other way.
>>I am sure you heard of some of the atrocities we are having. London?
>>Manchester etc?
>>At least the authorities are (at long last) trying to rid us of the Imams
>>who are preaching and inciting hatred. For many years they were not
>>allowed to deport them to their home countries. This is changing a little
>>now, but it isn't easy. We are ruled by the EU and their laws. Human
>>figures largely. Unfortunately not ours!!!
>>It never used to be like this. We had/have many Muslims here who
>>and apart from the clothing, you wouldn't have known.
>>It is much worse in Europe. They have taken over Sweden with the
>>of the Authorities. Now, all blame rests on Swedes. If a girl walks down
>>the street and is raped (which is a common occurrence), she is to blame
>>not covering up from head to toe and so it goes on. I see Germany could
>>going the same way. Their chancellor opened the floodgates. Everyone
>>welcome!!! She is destroying Europe.
>>I'm glad I am not young any more and I have so much fear for our children
>>and grandchildren.

>You can only put so much sugar in a cup of tea before it doesn't
>dissolve anymore, but just lays at the bottom.
>>Anyway. On a brighter note what is everyone cooking today?

>You are well out of the EU

Hey, I agree with you, largely. And I'm still Dutch


I know


  #56 (permalink)   Report Post  
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On Sun, 30 Jul 2017 15:00:20 -0700 (PDT), dsi1 >

>On Sunday, July 30, 2017 at 9:33:59 AM UTC-10, sanne wrote:

>> Besides that: Genetic tests show that nearly everyone whose ancestors
>> have been around in the US at the times of slavery have those slaves'
>> blood running through their veins.
>> > So solly.

>> ????. ;-)
>> I try to treat everyone equally friendly - a smile on the subway, a
>> compliment for a nice bag (with smileys! :-)), a firm grip at a cart
>> full of kids (not all her own obviously, more like shared daycare in
>> bringing the children to the nice playground on the other side of our
>> street) when she was asking her friend for help, but I was just passing
>> by, wait a few minutes longer at checkout when someone behind me has
>> very few items and is in a hurry, showing people who obviously aren't
>> familiar with Munich public transport what ticket is best for their
>> needs - it's easier just to act in a friendly way than to grump
>> through life. ;-)
>> As a matter of fact, in our neighborhood I'd have a lot to do to determine
>> who is where from! Lots of small businesses run by immigrants.
>> A great choice of foreign groceries this way, too!
>> "München ist bunt!"
>> A few days ago, I was at our fish monger again after a few months because
>> he had monkfish cheeks on sale. There was a new employee; he was "warned"
>> by his colleague to treat me correctly because I'm a picky customer -
>> I always tell them if something's not OK. (Rarely enough, mostly some
>> hiccup with the bill, never on purpose, always solved. This time, too. ;-)
>> But I also give them a call after having unpacked and refrigerated the
>> seafood at home to thank them for that great stuff!)
>> We talked about it, he realized that I wasn't sulky but had a good laugh.
>> I had a nice chat with the other employee who offered to remove the iffy
>> bones from the char he was filleting for me, too.
>> When I was ready with my purchase, the new employee inspected it, nodded
>> in agreement and complimented me on my choice (what I mentioned before
>> and some swordfish and Atlantic mussels).
>> That compliment meant a lot to me because I had asked the young man before
>> where he was coming from and he had told me that he was from the Caribbean.
>> That was a surprise for me because his German is flawless! I would have
>> thought he grew up in Germany.
>> Oh, yes: The reason I asked: In his case, it was clearly visible that
>> he wasn't Caucasian or Asian, either. ;-)
>> Bye, Sanne.

>The stuff that's going on with the wave of immigration in Europe will change the face of the place forever. Some Europeans don't much care for that. All I know is Hitler would be spinning in his grave so that's probably a good thing.
>All in all, the Europeans are taking it all rather well. America would go into meltdown mode if such a thing happened on our shores.

It has already hapened on your shores. I think there are more Latinos
in the US than immigrants in Europe.
  #57 (permalink)   Report Post  
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On Sun, 30 Jul 2017 18:34:44 -0400, Ed Pawlowski > wrote:

>On 7/30/2017 6:00 PM, dsi1 wrote:
>> The stuff that's going on with the wave of immigration in Europe will change the face of the place forever. Some Europeans don't much care for that. All I know is Hitler would be spinning in his grave so that's probably a good thing.
>> All in all, the Europeans are taking it all rather well. America would go into meltdown mode if such a thing happened on our shores. We can't even allow a few Mexicans into our country without thinking about building a wall between us. That's totally irrational. I mean, we ain't commies, why are we acting like commies?

>I know at least some of the Europeans are considering an invasion.

Quoi? Which Europeans want to invade what?
  #58 (permalink)   Report Post  
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On Sun, 30 Jul 2017 16:02:48 -0700 (PDT), dsi1 >

>On Sunday, July 30, 2017 at 12:34:51 PM UTC-10, Ed Pawlowski wrote:
>> On 7/30/2017 6:00 PM, dsi1 wrote:
>> > The stuff that's going on with the wave of immigration in Europe will change the face of the place forever. Some Europeans don't much care for that. All I know is Hitler would be spinning in his grave so that's probably a good thing.
>> >
>> > All in all, the Europeans are taking it all rather well. America would go into meltdown mode if such a thing happened on our shores. We can't even allow a few Mexicans into our country without thinking about building a wall between us. That's totally irrational. I mean, we ain't commies, why are we acting like commies?
>> >

>> I know at least some of the Europeans are considering an invasion. Many
>> of the immigrants don't want to become part of a new culture, they want
>> their old culture to dominate and replace it.

>What happens most times is that the first generation immigrants will mostly stay in cultural enclaves and not learn the language of the new world. Their kids will be the bridge between the old and new countries. The third generation will be fully integrated into the new home.

Moroccan kids party in Dutch streets after 9/11 or after a
"successful" terrorist attack in Europe or whenever something bad
happens in Israel. I'm not so sure if they integrate by the 3rd

Typically it takes at least 3 generations to be fully a part of the
new country. If you moved to a new foreign country I'd expect the
pattern would remain the same. OTOH, the world is so connected these
days that things might have changed.
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On Sun, 30 Jul 2017 11:21:12 -0700, "Julie Bove"
> wrote:

> wrote in message
.. .
>> On Sat, 29 Jul 2017 20:02:21 -0700, "Julie Bove"
>> > wrote:
>>>"dsi1" > wrote in message
>>>On Saturday, July 29, 2017 at 9:40:19 AM UTC-10, Julie Bove wrote:
>>>> "barbie gee" > wrote in message
>>>> hcrg.pbz...
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> > On Thu, 27 Jul 2017, Julie Bove wrote:
>>>> >> India Supermarket.
>>>> > ...
>>>> >> obviously tailored to what Indian people might want. But... When I
>>>> >> asked
>>>> >> about it, someone actually told me that I shouldn't go there because
>>>> >> I'm
>>>> >> white. Because of this comment, I felt a bit fearful to go in.
>>>> >
>>>> > Whoever made that comment is a xenophobic moron.
>>>> >
>>>> > The only way different cultures will come to know each other is if we
>>>> > engage each other.
>>>> You would think so, and yet some people in this community are calling
>>>> people
>>>> like me (who do not sort people out by skin color) to be a racist. We
>>>> were
>>>> told that only white people are racists and we'll never see the problem
>>>> because we have white privilege. Mind you, these are young people saying
>>>> this. They didn't live through segregation like I did. They don't get it
>>>> but
>>>> they are still trying to school me.
>>>A lot of white folks believe that racism is just a wildly exaggerated
>>>defensive stance taken by colored folks.

>> You wrote "colored folks" and you think you're not a racist/bigot...
>> you are!

>In this area, the politically correct term these days is person of color or
>people of color. Could mean anything. Just not white.

Australian blacks speak of "blackfellas" and "whitefellas". I like
that better than the pussy-footing.
  #60 (permalink)   Report Post  
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On 2017-07-31 5:26 AM, Wayne Boatwright wrote:
> On Mon 31 Jul 2017 12:33:23a, Ophelia told us...

>> I'm glad I am not young any more and I have so much fear for our
>> children and grandchildren.
>> Anyway. On a brighter note what is everyone cooking today?

> This is more frightening than one can imagine. I don't kow what i'd
> think if it were happening here.

It did happen there. The Americans did not want to assimilate into the
Mexican culture, so they took over.

> Dinner was grilled steaks, baked potatoes, and haricot vert. I
> didn't really feel like cooking a meal today, so this was easy. I
> have plans for baking some pumpernickel tomorrow.

We had a boneless leg of lamb with roasted potatoes, green beans and a
salad with blue cheese dressing.

  #61 (permalink)   Report Post  
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On 7/31/2017 2:04 AM, dsi1 wrote:

> My Swedish step-mom's son got himself a bride from the Ukraine. She moved to Sweden and the government sent her to school to learn the language and paid for her education so that she'd be able to earn a living and become a productive member of Swedish society. They even payed for her child care and living expenses so she could go to school. She's now a dental assistant. Those Swedes really know how to treat an immigrant! My assumption is that they only made this available to her because she was relatively young, but I could be wrong.

Those Swedes are changing their mind with the flood coming in.

The flood of refugees forced Sweden to tighten its policies near the end
of 2015. In a nod to how deeply ingrained openness is in Swedish
culture, then-Deputy Prime Minister Asa Romson broke down in tears in
November 2015 as she announced stricter rules allowing the entry of
refugees and asylum-seekers.
In an interview, Mattias Karlsson, a politician belonging to Sweden
Democrats, said his party's support is due to growing public agreement
with the part that policies on migration, integrating foreigners and
criminal justice need re-evaluation. He tied foreigners to crime,
especially singling out Muslims.

"We have seen a large increase in serious crimes, we have seen an
increase in the rise of fundamental Islam in Sweden, we have had terror
attacks in Sweden," Karlsson says. "Women in Sweden are now a lot more
"In terms of immigration and integration policies it appears that Sweden
is more progressive than other countries, but the tide is also turning.
A number of restrictions to existing migration and integration policies
have been introduced, and the media discourse has shifted from positive
welcoming of refugees and asylum seekers to portraying migration, and by
extension, migrants, as a problem," ENAR press spokesperson Georgina
Siklossy told The Local.
  #62 (permalink)   Report Post  
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"Ed Pawlowski" wrote in message ...

On 7/31/2017 2:04 AM, dsi1 wrote:

> My Swedish step-mom's son got himself a bride from the Ukraine. She moved
> to Sweden and the government sent her to school to learn the language and
> paid for her education so that she'd be able to earn a living and become a
> productive member of Swedish society. They even payed for her child care
> and living expenses so she could go to school. She's now a dental
> assistant. Those Swedes really know how to treat an immigrant! My
> assumption is that they only made this available to her because she was
> relatively young, but I could be wrong.

Those Swedes are changing their mind with the flood coming in.

The flood of refugees forced Sweden to tighten its policies near the end
of 2015. In a nod to how deeply ingrained openness is in Swedish
culture, then-Deputy Prime Minister Asa Romson broke down in tears in
November 2015 as she announced stricter rules allowing the entry of
refugees and asylum-seekers.
In an interview, Mattias Karlsson, a politician belonging to Sweden
Democrats, said his party's support is due to growing public agreement
with the part that policies on migration, integrating foreigners and
criminal justice need re-evaluation. He tied foreigners to crime,
especially singling out Muslims.

"We have seen a large increase in serious crimes, we have seen an
increase in the rise of fundamental Islam in Sweden, we have had terror
attacks in Sweden," Karlsson says. "Women in Sweden are now a lot more
"In terms of immigration and integration policies it appears that Sweden
is more progressive than other countries, but the tide is also turning.
A number of restrictions to existing migration and integration policies
have been introduced, and the media discourse has shifted from positive
welcoming of refugees and asylum seekers to portraying migration, and by
extension, migrants, as a problem," ENAR press spokesperson Georgina
Siklossy told The Local.


I hope it isn't too late. It is time the Swedes were put first.

Have you seen the lines of 'refugees' arriving into Europe? The biggest
majority are of young men!!!

They outnumber real refugees hugely. They are called 'economic' refugees.
They really ought to be weeded out.

I was glad to read that though, so thanks for posting!


  #63 (permalink)   Report Post  
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On 7/31/2017 9:54 AM, Ophelia wrote:

> I hope it isn't too late. It is time the Swedes were put first.
> Have you seen the lines of 'refugees' arriving into Europe? The biggest
> majority are of young men!!!
> They outnumber real refugees hugely. They are called 'economic'
> refugees. They really ought to be weeded out.
> I was glad to read that though, so thanks for posting!

They want to impregnate your daughters too. I vote for "invasion" not
  #64 (permalink)   Report Post  
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"Ed Pawlowski" wrote in message ...

On 7/31/2017 9:54 AM, Ophelia wrote:

> I hope it isn't too late. It is time the Swedes were put first.
> Have you seen the lines of 'refugees' arriving into Europe? The biggest
> majority are of young men!!!
> They outnumber real refugees hugely. They are called 'economic'
> refugees. They really ought to be weeded out.
> I was glad to read that though, so thanks for posting!

They want to impregnate your daughters too. I vote for "invasion" not


Correct! We know that

  #65 (permalink)   Report Post  
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On Monday, July 31, 2017 at 3:15:16 AM UTC-10, Ed Pawlowski wrote:
> On 7/31/2017 2:04 AM, dsi1 wrote:
> > My Swedish step-mom's son got himself a bride from the Ukraine. She moved to Sweden and the government sent her to school to learn the language and paid for her education so that she'd be able to earn a living and become a productive member of Swedish society. They even payed for her child care and living expenses so she could go to school. She's now a dental assistant.. Those Swedes really know how to treat an immigrant! My assumption is that they only made this available to her because she was relatively young, but I could be wrong.
> >

> Those Swedes are changing their mind with the flood coming in.
> The flood of refugees forced Sweden to tighten its policies near the end
> of 2015. In a nod to how deeply ingrained openness is in Swedish
> culture, then-Deputy Prime Minister Asa Romson broke down in tears in
> November 2015 as she announced stricter rules allowing the entry of
> refugees and asylum-seekers.
> In an interview, Mattias Karlsson, a politician belonging to Sweden
> Democrats, said his party's support is due to growing public agreement
> with the part that policies on migration, integrating foreigners and
> criminal justice need re-evaluation. He tied foreigners to crime,
> especially singling out Muslims.
> "We have seen a large increase in serious crimes, we have seen an
> increase in the rise of fundamental Islam in Sweden, we have had terror
> attacks in Sweden," Karlsson says. "Women in Sweden are now a lot more
> unsafe."
> "In terms of immigration and integration policies it appears that Sweden
> is more progressive than other countries, but the tide is also turning.
> A number of restrictions to existing migration and integration policies
> have been introduced, and the media discourse has shifted from positive
> welcoming of refugees and asylum seekers to portraying migration, and by
> extension, migrants, as a problem," ENAR press spokesperson Georgina
> Siklossy told The Local.

It is a most interesting social experiment.

  #66 (permalink)   Report Post  
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On Monday, July 31, 2017 at 2:25:35 AM UTC-10, Dave Smith wrote:
> On 2017-07-31 5:26 AM, Wayne Boatwright wrote:
> > On Mon 31 Jul 2017 12:33:23a, Ophelia told us...

> >> I'm glad I am not young any more and I have so much fear for our
> >> children and grandchildren.
> >>
> >> Anyway. On a brighter note what is everyone cooking today?
> >>
> >>

> >
> > This is more frightening than one can imagine. I don't kow what i'd
> > think if it were happening here.

> It did happen there. The Americans did not want to assimilate into the
> Mexican culture, so they took over.
> >
> > Dinner was grilled steaks, baked potatoes, and haricot vert. I
> > didn't really feel like cooking a meal today, so this was easy. I
> > have plans for baking some pumpernickel tomorrow.

> We had a boneless leg of lamb with roasted potatoes, green beans and a
> salad with blue cheese dressing.

The Americans did the same thing to the Hawaiians. Hoo boy!
  #67 (permalink)   Report Post  
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On 7/31/2017 5:48 PM, dsi1 wrote:

> The Americans did the same thing to the Hawaiians. Hoo boy!

I did a term paper on that when I was in high school. It was a
fascinating era.
  #68 (permalink)   Report Post  
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On Monday, July 31, 2017 at 6:52:16 AM UTC-10, S Viemeister wrote:
> On 7/31/2017 5:48 PM, dsi1 wrote:
> > The Americans did the same thing to the Hawaiians. Hoo boy!
> >
> >
> >

> I did a term paper on that when I was in high school. It was a
> fascinating era.

My father-in-law said his mother in Montana would weep at the news coming out of Hawaii at the time. Evidently, the whole affair left a bad taste in the mouths of some Americans.
  #69 (permalink)   Report Post  
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In article >, says...
> >>
> >> I know at least some of the Europeans are considering it an invasion. Many
> >> of the immigrants don't want to become part of a new culture, they want
> >> their old culture to dominate and replace it.

> >
> > Hasn't the US had enclaves at least several times in our history? One
> > could argue that they still exist in some large cities. (Germans,
> > Jews, Italians, Poles, Irish, etc.) It's human nature. I don't know
> > if people in general have become more polarized in recent years.
> > Janet US
> >

> Polarization has increased on most everything in recent years. Not
> living in Europe I don't have first hand experience, but just look at
> the sheer numbers. Germany had 2.14 million immigrants.


Did you read your own link? It told you

" around 45 percent of the 2.14 million immigrants who arrived in
Germany last year were citizens of other European Union countries, 13
percent were from non-EU European countries, and 30 percent were from
Asia, mainly from Syria, Afghanistan and Iraq. Five percent were from
Africa. "

IOW, almost 60% of migrants to Germany are European citizens. Hardly
people who "don't want to become part of a new culture, they want
their old culture to dominate and replace it"

The 27 states of the EU share free movement of citizens, who have the
right to work in any EU state. Many of them move temporarily for work,
training or education and to become fluent in another language, before
returning home. The people who bother to do that are often the most
hardworking ambitious open minded kind.

Janet UK
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On 7/31/2017 2:34 PM, Janet wrote:
> In article >, says...
>>>> I know at least some of the Europeans are considering it an invasion. Many
>>>> of the immigrants don't want to become part of a new culture, they want
>>>> their old culture to dominate and replace it.
>>> Hasn't the US had enclaves at least several times in our history? One
>>> could argue that they still exist in some large cities. (Germans,
>>> Jews, Italians, Poles, Irish, etc.) It's human nature. I don't know
>>> if people in general have become more polarized in recent years.
>>> Janet US

>> Polarization has increased on most everything in recent years. Not
>> living in Europe I don't have first hand experience, but just look at
>> the sheer numbers. Germany had 2.14 million immigrants.

> Did you read your own link? It told you
> " around 45 percent of the 2.14 million immigrants who arrived in
> Germany last year were citizens of other European Union countries, 13
> percent were from non-EU European countries, and 30 percent were from
> Asia, mainly from Syria, Afghanistan and Iraq. Five percent were from
> Africa. "

Let's see, 35% of 2.14 million is 749,000 non EU immigrants. I bet they
are all learning to make bratwurst so they fit in with the locals.
Total population is 82 million so 1 of 110 is checking out the beerfest.

> IOW, almost 60% of migrants to Germany are European citizens. Hardly
> people who "don't want to become part of a new culture, they want
> their old culture to dominate and replace it"

Check out the rest of them. 1 of 110 is quite a bit in a short time.
Add in another coupe of years worth and it starts adding up quite a bit.

  #71 (permalink)   Report Post  
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On Thu, 27 Jul 2017 12:12:21 -0700, "Cheri" >

>"Wayne Boatwright" > wrote in message
>> On Thu 27 Jul 2017 11:11:15a, tert in seattle told us...
>>> Wayne Boatwright wrote:
>>>> On Thu 27 Jul 2017 10:22:09a, tert in seattle told us...
>>>>> "Good morning. A squirrel ate the tomatoes growing in my yard,
>>>>> that I had been tending closely in the heat, that I had
>>>>> fertilized with a tincture of seaweed, that I had put on a table
>>>>> so that they could grab a little more sun, that I had talked to
>>>>> because some people believe that helps them grow. He was a big
>>>>> fellow with haunted eyes, more dirty-blond than gray, with a
>>>>> long, unkempt tail, and he took from me my dream for a no-recipe
>>>>> recipe for tonight: fat slices of homegrown heritage tomato
>>>>> sprinkled with salt and drizzled with balsamic vinegar,
>>>>> alongside garlic-rubbed toast made from my sourdough no-knead
>>>>> bread. The plants are in tatters now. Farmers have the hardest
>>>>> job."
>>>>> this can be summarized in 3 words: first world problems
>>>>> <
>>>>> in dex.html?emc=edit_ck_20170726&nl=cooking&nlid=8059 1572>
>>>> I have enough trouble managing my life in our US "first world
>>>> contry", than I have time for thinking abought what goes on in
>>>> third world countries. There are reasons those populations are
>>>> there and not here, nor do I wish to have them here. Go ahead
>>>> and think I'm selfish and insensitive. I don't really care what
>>>> you think.
>>> how did you manage to get so much sand in your vagina?

>> Watch your mouth, tert!
>> I'm not a racist by any stretch of he imaginaton. However, it's
>> interesting to note that in the deep south the black population is
>> hugely self-segregated. The same for the white population as well.

>> They may work together, but most do not live in the same
>> neighborhoods, nor socialize together.
>> The same is often true in other parts of the US where there are
>> clusters of various ethnic groups who not mingle with the other
>> groups.
>> Just because it can be done, doesn't not necessarily mean that is
>> done, or should be done.

>I saw that when I worked at the schools too, where I am there is a large
>poplulation of Hispanics, and always at lunch time all the ethnic groups
>pretty much self-segregated into their own groups while eating.

I didn't read the link but from my personal observation, I think it's
a matter of being attracted to who we are familiar and comfortable
I live in the back country, and as I drive past the different ranches,
I notice that even though cows and horses are in the same pasture, the
cows gather and eat together as well as the horses gather and eat
I'm fortunate that I live in an area with very diverse cultures. I
take advantage of that and shop and eat in the different neighborhoods
to expand my culinary horizons. I have always felt welcomed.
Another observation I have is when I go to church I notice that people
have a tendency to sit in the same row, same pew at the same service.
Just my .02 worth. ;-)


When you acknowledge, as you must, that there is no perfect food,
only the idea of it, then the real purpose of striving toward perfection
becomes clear; to make people happy, That's what cooking is all about
Thomas Keller: The French Laundry
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