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  #241 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Posts: 1,081
Default One turkey wing.

On 10/3/2017 8:29 AM, Gary wrote:
> Nice thing I read a few years ago..."No one is truly dead as long
> as they are remembered."

The very essence of "el Dia de los Muertos"!

El Dia de los Muertos (the Day of the Dead), a Mexican celebration, is a
day to celebrate, remember and prepare special foods in honor of those
who have departed. On this day in Mexico, the streets near the
cemeteries are filled with decorations of papel picado , flowers, candy
calaveras (skeletons and skulls), and parades.
It is believed that the spirit of the dead visit their families on
October 31 and leave on November 2.

In order to celebrate, the families make altars and place ofrendas
(offerings) of food such as pan de muertos baked in shapes of skulls and
figures, candles, incense, yellow marigolds known as cempazuchitl (also
spelled zempasuchil) and most importantly a photo of the departed soul
is placed on the altar.

It might sound somewhat morbid, but the Mexicans react to death with
mourning along with happiness and joy. They look at death with the same
fear as any other culture, but there is a difference. They reflect their
fear by mocking and living alongside death.

Living alongside death means that Mexicans have to learned to accept it
within their lives. Death is apparent in everyday life. It is in art and
even in children's toys. It is not respected as it is in other cultures.
Children play "funeral" with toys that are made to represent coffins and

Death is laughed at in its face. Many euphemisms are used for death, La
calaca (the skeleton), la pelona ("baldy"), la flaca ("skinny"), and la
huesada ("bony"). There are refranes, sayings, and poems that are
popular with day of the dead. These sayings are cliches and lose meaning
when translated. For example "La muerte es flaca y no puede conmigo"
means "Death is skinny/weak and she can't carry me." Calaveras (skulls)
are decorated with bright colors with the name of the departed inscribed
on the head. Children carrying yellow marigolds enjoy the processions to
the cemetery. At the cemetery, music is played and dances are made to
honor the spirits.

Death is a celebration in Mexico. Death is among them.
  #242 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posted to
external usenet poster
Posts: 782
Default One turkey wing.

On Tuesday, October 3, 2017 at 1:50:33 AM UTC-6, Ophelia wrote:
> "Roy" wrote in message
> ...
> On Monday, October 2, 2017 at 11:05:49 AM UTC-6, Casa de Masa wrote:
> > On 10/2/2017 10:59 AM, Roy wrote:
> > > On Monday, October 2, 2017 at 10:54:05 AM UTC-6, Casa de Masa wrote:
> > >> On 10/2/2017 10:30 AM, Cindy Hamilton wrote:
> > >>> On Monday, October 2, 2017 at 11:13:52 AM UTC-4, Casa de Masa wrote:
> > >>>> On 10/2/2017 4:30 AM, Cindy Hamilton wrote:
> > >>>>> On Sunday, October 1, 2017 at 4:55:26 PM UTC-4, U.S. Janet B. wrote:
> > >>>>>> On Sun, 1 Oct 2017 12:05:36 -0700 (PDT), Cindy Hamilton
> > >>>>>> > wrote:
> > >>>>>>
> > >>>>>>> On Sunday, October 1, 2017 at 2:09:43 PM UTC-4, dsi1 wrote:
> > >>>>>>>> On Sunday, October 1, 2017 at 6:40:27 AM UTC-10, Roy wrote:
> > >>>>>>>>>
> > >>>>>>>>> Blessing animate or inanimate objects is a throw-back to when
> > >>>>>>>>> our forebears
> > >>>>>>>>> (monkeys) were scared living in the jungles. Dem wild cats had
> > >>>>>>>>> big teeth.
> > >>>>>>>>> Blessing anything is a frickin waste of time and effort.
> > >>>>>>>>> =====
> > >>>>>>>>
> > >>>>>>>> These rituals and beliefs have it's origins in man's earliest
> > >>>>>>>> days and are buried deep within our DNA. We cannot cast them off
> > >>>>>>>> any more than we can rid ourselves of the remnants of our ancient
> > >>>>>>>> physiology. You could say that the human spine is stupid and a
> > >>>>>>>> frickin waste of time but as far as I know, we're stuck with it
> > >>>>>>>> for the next few hundred thousand generations.
> > >>>>>>>
> > >>>>>>> Perhaps not you, but some of us can cast them off. I have no
> > >>>>>>> truck with
> > >>>>>>> superstition.
> > >>>>>>>
> > >>>>>>> Cindy Hamilton
> > >>>>>>
> > >>>>>> How about tradition? I think it helps define us, securing our
> > >>>>>> memories of who we are and where we came from.
> > >>>>>
> > >>>>> I am me. I am the sum of my experiences. Those experiences contain
> > >>>>> less and less superstition every year. When I was a child, I
> > >>>>> believed
> > >>>>> in Santa Claus. No need for him anymore.
> > >>>>>
> > >>>>> Cindy Hamilton
> > >>>>>
> > >>>>
> > >>>> How are you on life after death?
> > >>>
> > >>> No such thing.
> > >>
> > >> Ding!
> > >>
> > >> Wrong:
> > >>
> > >>
> > >>
> > >>
> > >>
> > >>
> > >>>> Because the soul goes on.
> > >>>
> > >>> No evidence.
> > >>
> > >> Wrong:
> > >>
> > >>
> > >>
> > >>
> > >>
> > >>
> > >>
> > >>
> > >>
> > >>> Come back after you're dead and prove me wrong.
> > >>>
> > >>> Cindy Hamilton
> > >>
> > >> You presume I'll be gone before you will, and too that there would be a
> > >> thing to be gained by sharing with you a reality you are heavily
> > >> invested in denying.
> > >>
> > >> No, I'll save my visitations for those of open mind and spirit, no
> > >> sense
> > >> nor perceived recompense in yanking intransigent non-believers from
> > >> their self-induced state of spiritual torpor that I can measure.
> > >
> > > There will be no visitations from YOU...

> >
> > I stated as much already, oh dense one...
> >
> > because you will be worm food
> >
> > Nope - cremation.
> >
> > > and your so-called soul will have vanished when you fricken well
> > > expired.
> > > Know-it-all PHONY.

> >
> >
> > Great lessons await even you roy boy, though it may mean a dozen more
> > lives here on planet prison for you to even begin to evolve past your
> > hatred and narrow-mindedness.
> >
> > enjoy!

> One has ONE life...after that NOTHING. End of discussion.
> ==
> Roy, how do you know this? I would be grateful if you could prove it for
> me!

I will gladly prove it IF you can show me proof of LIFE after death.
I kill a doesn't come back to life. A person in HELL
CAN THEY HAVE A SECOND LIFE? It is an illusion dreamed up by early man
and propagated and promoted by population after population as it is not
questioned except by intelligent people who challenge the logic or
non-logic of it.

  #243 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posted to
external usenet poster
Posts: 782
Default One turkey wing.

On Tuesday, October 3, 2017 at 9:16:41 AM UTC-6, Casa lo pensa wrote:
> On 10/3/2017 1:50 AM, Ophelia wrote:
> > "Roy"Â* wrote in message
> > ...
> >
> > On Monday, October 2, 2017 at 11:05:49 AM UTC-6, Casa de Masa wrote:
> >> On 10/2/2017 10:59 AM, Roy wrote:
> >> > On Monday, October 2, 2017 at 10:54:05 AM UTC-6, Casa de Masa wrote:
> >> >> On 10/2/2017 10:30 AM, Cindy Hamilton wrote:
> >> >>> On Monday, October 2, 2017 at 11:13:52 AM UTC-4, Casa de Masa wrote:
> >> >>>> On 10/2/2017 4:30 AM, Cindy Hamilton wrote:
> >> >>>>> On Sunday, October 1, 2017 at 4:55:26 PM UTC-4, U.S. Janet B.
> >> wrote:
> >> >>>>>> On Sun, 1 Oct 2017 12:05:36 -0700 (PDT), Cindy Hamilton
> >> >>>>>> > wrote:
> >> >>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>> On Sunday, October 1, 2017 at 2:09:43 PM UTC-4, dsi1 wrote:
> >> >>>>>>>> On Sunday, October 1, 2017 at 6:40:27 AM UTC-10, Roy wrote:
> >> >>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>> Blessing animate or inanimate objects is a throw-back to
> >> when >>>>>>>>> our forebears
> >> >>>>>>>>> (monkeys) were scared living in the jungles. Dem wild cats
> >> had >>>>>>>>> big teeth.
> >> >>>>>>>>> Blessing anything is a frickin waste of time and effort.
> >> >>>>>>>>> =====
> >> >>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>> These rituals and beliefs have it's origins in man's earliest
> >> >>>>>>>> days and are buried deep within our DNA. We cannot cast them
> >> off >>>>>>>> any more than we can rid ourselves of the remnants of our
> >> ancient >>>>>>>> physiology. You could say that the human spine is
> >> stupid and a >>>>>>>> frickin waste of time but as far as I know,
> >> we're stuck with it >>>>>>>> for the next few hundred thousand
> >> generations.
> >> >>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>> Perhaps not you, but some of us can cast them off.Â* I have no
> >> >>>>>>> truck with
> >> >>>>>>> superstition.
> >> >>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>> Cindy Hamilton
> >> >>>>>>
> >> >>>>>> How about tradition?Â* I think it helps define us, securing our
> >> >>>>>> memories of who we are and where we came from.
> >> >>>>>
> >> >>>>> I am me.Â* I am the sum of my experiences.Â* Those experiences
> >> contain
> >> >>>>> less and less superstition every year.Â* When I was a child, I
> >> >>>>> believed
> >> >>>>> in Santa Claus.Â* No need for him anymore.
> >> >>>>>
> >> >>>>> Cindy Hamilton
> >> >>>>>
> >> >>>>
> >> >>>> How are you on life after death?
> >> >>>
> >> >>> No such thing.
> >> >>
> >> >> Ding!
> >> >>
> >> >> Wrong:
> >> >>
> >> >>
> >> >>
> >> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> >>
> >> >>
> >> >>>> Because the soul goes on.
> >> >>>
> >> >>> No evidence.
> >> >>
> >> >> Wrong:
> >> >>
> >> >>
> >> >>
> >> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> >>
> >> >>
> >> >>
> >> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> >>
> >> >>> Come back after you're dead and prove me wrong.
> >> >>>
> >> >>> Cindy Hamilton
> >> >>
> >> >> You presume I'll be gone before you will, and too that there would
> >> be a
> >> >> thing to be gained by sharing with you a reality you are heavily
> >> >> invested in denying.
> >> >>
> >> >> No, I'll save my visitations for those of open mind and spirit, no
> >> >> sense
> >> >> nor perceived recompense in yanking intransigent non-believers from
> >> >> their self-induced state of spiritual torpor that I can measure.
> >> >
> >> > There will be no visitations from YOU...
> >>
> >> I stated as much already, oh dense one...
> >>
> >> because you will be worm food
> >>
> >> Nope - cremation.
> >>
> >> > and your so-called soul will have vanished when you fricken well >
> >> expired.
> >> > Know-it-all PHONY.
> >>
> >>
> >> Great lessons await even you roy boy, though it may mean a dozen more
> >> lives here on planet prison for you to even begin to evolve past your
> >> hatred and narrow-mindedness.
> >>
> >> enjoy!

> >
> > One has ONE life...after that NOTHING. End of discussion.
> >
> > ==
> >
> > Roy, how do you know this?Â* I would be grateful if you could prove it
> > for me!
> >
> >
> >

> Lol, I can think of only one way for him to _attempt_ to make that proof....
> Oh roy boy, you game?

Like I told you before...FU"" OFF and die.

  #244 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posted to
external usenet poster
Posts: 1,081
Default One turkey wing.

On 10/3/2017 10:18 AM, Roy wrote:
> On Tuesday, October 3, 2017 at 9:16:41 AM UTC-6, Casa lo pensa wrote:
>> On 10/3/2017 1:50 AM, Ophelia wrote:
>>> "Roy"Â* wrote in message
>>> ...
>>> On Monday, October 2, 2017 at 11:05:49 AM UTC-6, Casa de Masa wrote:
>>>> On 10/2/2017 10:59 AM, Roy wrote:
>>>>> On Monday, October 2, 2017 at 10:54:05 AM UTC-6, Casa de Masa wrote:
>>>>>> On 10/2/2017 10:30 AM, Cindy Hamilton wrote:
>>>>>>> On Monday, October 2, 2017 at 11:13:52 AM UTC-4, Casa de Masa wrote:
>>>>>>>> On 10/2/2017 4:30 AM, Cindy Hamilton wrote:
>>>>>>>>> On Sunday, October 1, 2017 at 4:55:26 PM UTC-4, U.S. Janet B.
>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> On Sun, 1 Oct 2017 12:05:36 -0700 (PDT), Cindy Hamilton
>>>>>>>>>> > wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> On Sunday, October 1, 2017 at 2:09:43 PM UTC-4, dsi1 wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> On Sunday, October 1, 2017 at 6:40:27 AM UTC-10, Roy wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Blessing animate or inanimate objects is a throw-back to
>>>> when >>>>>>>>> our forebears
>>>>>>>>>>>>> (monkeys) were scared living in the jungles. Dem wild cats
>>>> had >>>>>>>>> big teeth.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Blessing anything is a frickin waste of time and effort.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> =====
>>>>>>>>>>>> These rituals and beliefs have it's origins in man's earliest
>>>>>>>>>>>> days and are buried deep within our DNA. We cannot cast them
>>>> off >>>>>>>> any more than we can rid ourselves of the remnants of our
>>>> ancient >>>>>>>> physiology. You could say that the human spine is
>>>> stupid and a >>>>>>>> frickin waste of time but as far as I know,
>>>> we're stuck with it >>>>>>>> for the next few hundred thousand
>>>> generations.
>>>>>>>>>>> Perhaps not you, but some of us can cast them off.Â* I have no
>>>>>>>>>>> truck with
>>>>>>>>>>> superstition.
>>>>>>>>>>> Cindy Hamilton
>>>>>>>>>> How about tradition?Â* I think it helps define us, securing our
>>>>>>>>>> memories of who we are and where we came from.
>>>>>>>>> I am me.Â* I am the sum of my experiences.Â* Those experiences
>>>> contain
>>>>>>>>> less and less superstition every year.Â* When I was a child, I
>>>>>>>>> believed
>>>>>>>>> in Santa Claus.Â* No need for him anymore.
>>>>>>>>> Cindy Hamilton
>>>>>>>> How are you on life after death?
>>>>>>> No such thing.
>>>>>> Ding!
>>>>>> Wrong:
>>>>>>>> Because the soul goes on.
>>>>>>> No evidence.
>>>>>> Wrong:
>>>>>>> Come back after you're dead and prove me wrong.
>>>>>>> Cindy Hamilton
>>>>>> You presume I'll be gone before you will, and too that there would
>>>> be a
>>>>>> thing to be gained by sharing with you a reality you are heavily
>>>>>> invested in denying.
>>>>>> No, I'll save my visitations for those of open mind and spirit, no
>>>>>> sense
>>>>>> nor perceived recompense in yanking intransigent non-believers from
>>>>>> their self-induced state of spiritual torpor that I can measure.
>>>>> There will be no visitations from YOU...
>>>> I stated as much already, oh dense one...
>>>> because you will be worm food
>>>> Nope - cremation.
>>>>> and your so-called soul will have vanished when you fricken well >
>>>> expired.
>>>>> Know-it-all PHONY.
>>>> Great lessons await even you roy boy, though it may mean a dozen more
>>>> lives here on planet prison for you to even begin to evolve past your
>>>> hatred and narrow-mindedness.
>>>> enjoy!
>>> One has ONE life...after that NOTHING. End of discussion.
>>> ==
>>> Roy, how do you know this?Â* I would be grateful if you could prove it
>>> for me!

>> Lol, I can think of only one way for him to _attempt_ to make that proof...
>> Oh roy boy, you game?

> Like I told you before...FU"" OFF and die.

Laugh, laugh, laugh, laugh!!!!

C'mon man, you've seen the film version, right?
  #245 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posted to
external usenet poster
Posts: 10,425
Default One turkey wing.

On Tuesday, October 3, 2017 at 5:31:56 AM UTC-10, Casa lo pensa wrote:
> The very essence of "el Dia de los Muertos"!
> El Dia de los Muertos (the Day of the Dead), a Mexican celebration, is a
> day to celebrate, remember and prepare special foods in honor of those
> who have departed. On this day in Mexico, the streets near the
> cemeteries are filled with decorations of papel picado , flowers, candy
> calaveras (skeletons and skulls), and parades.
> It is believed that the spirit of the dead visit their families on
> October 31 and leave on November 2.
> In order to celebrate, the families make altars and place ofrendas
> (offerings) of food such as pan de muertos baked in shapes of skulls and
> figures, candles, incense, yellow marigolds known as cempazuchitl (also
> spelled zempasuchil) and most importantly a photo of the departed soul
> is placed on the altar.
> It might sound somewhat morbid, but the Mexicans react to death with
> mourning along with happiness and joy. They look at death with the same
> fear as any other culture, but there is a difference. They reflect their
> fear by mocking and living alongside death.
> Living alongside death means that Mexicans have to learned to accept it
> within their lives. Death is apparent in everyday life. It is in art and
> even in children's toys. It is not respected as it is in other cultures.
> Children play "funeral" with toys that are made to represent coffins and
> undertakers.
> Death is laughed at in its face. Many euphemisms are used for death, La
> calaca (the skeleton), la pelona ("baldy"), la flaca ("skinny"), and la
> huesada ("bony"). There are refranes, sayings, and poems that are
> popular with day of the dead. These sayings are cliches and lose meaning
> when translated. For example "La muerte es flaca y no puede conmigo"
> means "Death is skinny/weak and she can't carry me." Calaveras (skulls)
> are decorated with bright colors with the name of the departed inscribed
> on the head. Children carrying yellow marigolds enjoy the processions to
> the cemetery. At the cemetery, music is played and dances are made to
> honor the spirits.
> Death is a celebration in Mexico. Death is among them.

It's a hell of a thing, ain't it?

  #246 (permalink)   Report Post  
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external usenet poster
Posts: 11,730
Default One turkey wing.

"Ed Pawlowski" wrote in message ...

On 10/3/2017 4:10 AM, Ophelia wrote:

>> Of what earthly value are some ashes?

> Oh, I'm not going to stash them away. When my mother dies,
> her and my grandparents' (and my uncle's, if he's dead then)
> ashes are all going in the garbage.
>> Odd tradition for an atheistic lot to maintain.

> Odd assumption, that my entire family is atheist.
> Cindy Hamilton
> ==
> I would be very upset if I thought my family thought so little of me
> that they would throw my ashes in the garbage.
> I couldn't do it to any relative of mine. Their memory would be too
> precious to me.

It is the memory, not the ashes that are precious. You don't need a
fancy huge expenive container for them to preserve the memory. That is
why I mentioned a locket, small, portable, and gives you the memories.


Yes! I agree.

  #247 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posted to
external usenet poster
Posts: 35,884
Default One turkey wing.

On 2017-10-03 12:15 PM, Roy wrote:
> On Tuesday, October 3, 2017 at 1:50:33 AM UTC-6, Ophelia wrote:

>> Roy, how do you know this? I would be grateful if you could prove it for
>> me!

> I will gladly prove it IF you can show me proof of LIFE after death.
> I kill a doesn't come back to life. A person in HELL
> CAN THEY HAVE A SECOND LIFE? It is an illusion dreamed up by early man
> and propagated and promoted by population after population as it is not
> questioned except by intelligent people who challenge the logic or
> non-logic of it.

When a person dies the body decomposes and eventually returns to its
basic elements. If there is some sort of soul, it does not need that
body, which is a good thing because the body is gone. If people truly
believe there is life after death it does not make much sense to dig a
whole to stick it in and trap that life.

Only a religious twit could try to put the onus of proof on those who do
not accept the idea of life after death. You cannot prove the
nonexistence of something. It is up to the believers to prove that it

  #248 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posted to
external usenet poster
Posts: 1,081
Default One turkey wing.

On 10/3/2017 11:38 AM, dsi1 wrote:
> On Tuesday, October 3, 2017 at 5:31:56 AM UTC-10, Casa lo pensa wrote:
>> The very essence of "el Dia de los Muertos"!
>> El Dia de los Muertos (the Day of the Dead), a Mexican celebration, is a
>> day to celebrate, remember and prepare special foods in honor of those
>> who have departed. On this day in Mexico, the streets near the
>> cemeteries are filled with decorations of papel picado , flowers, candy
>> calaveras (skeletons and skulls), and parades.
>> It is believed that the spirit of the dead visit their families on
>> October 31 and leave on November 2.
>> In order to celebrate, the families make altars and place ofrendas
>> (offerings) of food such as pan de muertos baked in shapes of skulls and
>> figures, candles, incense, yellow marigolds known as cempazuchitl (also
>> spelled zempasuchil) and most importantly a photo of the departed soul
>> is placed on the altar.
>> It might sound somewhat morbid, but the Mexicans react to death with
>> mourning along with happiness and joy. They look at death with the same
>> fear as any other culture, but there is a difference. They reflect their
>> fear by mocking and living alongside death.
>> Living alongside death means that Mexicans have to learned to accept it
>> within their lives. Death is apparent in everyday life. It is in art and
>> even in children's toys. It is not respected as it is in other cultures.
>> Children play "funeral" with toys that are made to represent coffins and
>> undertakers.
>> Death is laughed at in its face. Many euphemisms are used for death, La
>> calaca (the skeleton), la pelona ("baldy"), la flaca ("skinny"), and la
>> huesada ("bony"). There are refranes, sayings, and poems that are
>> popular with day of the dead. These sayings are cliches and lose meaning
>> when translated. For example "La muerte es flaca y no puede conmigo"
>> means "Death is skinny/weak and she can't carry me." Calaveras (skulls)
>> are decorated with bright colors with the name of the departed inscribed
>> on the head. Children carrying yellow marigolds enjoy the processions to
>> the cemetery. At the cemetery, music is played and dances are made to
>> honor the spirits.
>> Death is a celebration in Mexico. Death is among them.

> It's a hell of a thing, ain't it?

OK that is just freaking BEAUTIFUL!

  #249 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posted to
external usenet poster
Posts: 1,081
Default One turkey wing.

On 10/3/2017 3:43 PM, Dave Smith wrote:
> On 2017-10-03 12:15 PM, Roy wrote:
>> On Tuesday, October 3, 2017 at 1:50:33 AM UTC-6, Ophelia wrote:

>>> Roy, how do you know this?Â* I would be grateful if you could prove it
>>> for
>>> me!

>> I will gladly prove it IF you can show me proof of LIFE after death.
>> I kill a doesn't come back to life. A person in HELL
>> CAN THEY HAVE A SECOND LIFE? It is an illusion dreamed up by early man
>> and propagated and promoted by population after population as it is not
>> questioned except by intelligent people who challenge the logic or
>> non-logic of it.

> When a person dies the body decomposes and eventually returns to its
> basic elements.

Yeah, so?

> If there is some sort of soul, it does not need that
> body, which is aÂ* good thing because the body is gone.

It needs it long enough to be born and evolved in this solid reality.

> If people truly
> believe there is life after death it does not make much sense to dig a
> whole to stick it in and trap that life.

No trap implied.

> Only a religious twit could try to put the onus of proof on those who do
> not accept the idea of life after death.

Only a rampant non-believer would demand proof of a spiritual and
ethereal nature in a solid reality.

> You cannot prove the
> nonexistence of something. It is up to the believers to prove that it
> exists.

Done - Eben Alexander, MD.

  #250 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posted to
external usenet poster
Posts: 1,081
Default One turkey wing.

On 10/3/2017 10:15 AM, Roy wrote:
> On Tuesday, October 3, 2017 at 1:50:33 AM UTC-6, Ophelia wrote:
>> "Roy" wrote in message
>> ...
>> On Monday, October 2, 2017 at 11:05:49 AM UTC-6, Casa de Masa wrote:
>>> On 10/2/2017 10:59 AM, Roy wrote:
>>>> On Monday, October 2, 2017 at 10:54:05 AM UTC-6, Casa de Masa wrote:
>>>>> On 10/2/2017 10:30 AM, Cindy Hamilton wrote:
>>>>>> On Monday, October 2, 2017 at 11:13:52 AM UTC-4, Casa de Masa wrote:
>>>>>>> On 10/2/2017 4:30 AM, Cindy Hamilton wrote:
>>>>>>>> On Sunday, October 1, 2017 at 4:55:26 PM UTC-4, U.S. Janet B. wrote:
>>>>>>>>> On Sun, 1 Oct 2017 12:05:36 -0700 (PDT), Cindy Hamilton
>>>>>>>>> > wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> On Sunday, October 1, 2017 at 2:09:43 PM UTC-4, dsi1 wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> On Sunday, October 1, 2017 at 6:40:27 AM UTC-10, Roy wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> Blessing animate or inanimate objects is a throw-back to when
>>>>>>>>>>>> our forebears
>>>>>>>>>>>> (monkeys) were scared living in the jungles. Dem wild cats had
>>>>>>>>>>>> big teeth.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Blessing anything is a frickin waste of time and effort.
>>>>>>>>>>>> =====
>>>>>>>>>>> These rituals and beliefs have it's origins in man's earliest
>>>>>>>>>>> days and are buried deep within our DNA. We cannot cast them off
>>>>>>>>>>> any more than we can rid ourselves of the remnants of our ancient
>>>>>>>>>>> physiology. You could say that the human spine is stupid and a
>>>>>>>>>>> frickin waste of time but as far as I know, we're stuck with it
>>>>>>>>>>> for the next few hundred thousand generations.
>>>>>>>>>> Perhaps not you, but some of us can cast them off. I have no
>>>>>>>>>> truck with
>>>>>>>>>> superstition.
>>>>>>>>>> Cindy Hamilton
>>>>>>>>> How about tradition? I think it helps define us, securing our
>>>>>>>>> memories of who we are and where we came from.
>>>>>>>> I am me. I am the sum of my experiences. Those experiences contain
>>>>>>>> less and less superstition every year. When I was a child, I
>>>>>>>> believed
>>>>>>>> in Santa Claus. No need for him anymore.
>>>>>>>> Cindy Hamilton
>>>>>>> How are you on life after death?
>>>>>> No such thing.
>>>>> Ding!
>>>>> Wrong:
>>>>>>> Because the soul goes on.
>>>>>> No evidence.
>>>>> Wrong:
>>>>>> Come back after you're dead and prove me wrong.
>>>>>> Cindy Hamilton
>>>>> You presume I'll be gone before you will, and too that there would be a
>>>>> thing to be gained by sharing with you a reality you are heavily
>>>>> invested in denying.
>>>>> No, I'll save my visitations for those of open mind and spirit, no
>>>>> sense
>>>>> nor perceived recompense in yanking intransigent non-believers from
>>>>> their self-induced state of spiritual torpor that I can measure.
>>>> There will be no visitations from YOU...
>>> I stated as much already, oh dense one...
>>> because you will be worm food
>>> Nope - cremation.
>>>> and your so-called soul will have vanished when you fricken well
>>>> expired.
>>>> Know-it-all PHONY.
>>> Great lessons await even you roy boy, though it may mean a dozen more
>>> lives here on planet prison for you to even begin to evolve past your
>>> hatred and narrow-mindedness.
>>> enjoy!

>> One has ONE life...after that NOTHING. End of discussion.
>> ==
>> Roy, how do you know this? I would be grateful if you could prove it for
>> me!

> I will gladly prove it IF you can show me proof of LIFE after death.

Eben Alexander, MD.

> I kill a doesn't come back to life.

Why thank you, Renfield!

> A person in HELL

Reincarnation/rebirth - a lesson Christ taught but many denied.

> It is an illusion dreamed up by early man
> and propagated and promoted by population after population as it is not
> questioned except by intelligent people who challenge the logic or
> non-logic of it.
> =====

You will never be confused with an intelligent person, roy boy.

  #251 (permalink)   Report Post  
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external usenet poster
Posts: 10,425
Default One turkey wing.

On Tuesday, October 3, 2017 at 3:02:52 PM UTC-10, Casa lo pensa wrote:
> OK that is just freaking BEAUTIFUL!
> :-))))

"The Book of Life" is a family movie that deals with Mexican mythology and the the way they view life and death. That's quite remarkable!
  #252 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Posts: 11,730
Default One turkey wing.

"Casa lo pensa" wrote in message news
On 10/3/2017 10:15 AM, Roy wrote:
> On Tuesday, October 3, 2017 at 1:50:33 AM UTC-6, Ophelia wrote:
>> "Roy" wrote in message
>> ...
>> On Monday, October 2, 2017 at 11:05:49 AM UTC-6, Casa de Masa wrote:
>>> On 10/2/2017 10:59 AM, Roy wrote:
>>>> On Monday, October 2, 2017 at 10:54:05 AM UTC-6, Casa de Masa wrote:
>>>>> On 10/2/2017 10:30 AM, Cindy Hamilton wrote:
>>>>>> On Monday, October 2, 2017 at 11:13:52 AM UTC-4, Casa de Masa wrote:
>>>>>>> On 10/2/2017 4:30 AM, Cindy Hamilton wrote:
>>>>>>>> On Sunday, October 1, 2017 at 4:55:26 PM UTC-4, U.S. Janet B.
>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> On Sun, 1 Oct 2017 12:05:36 -0700 (PDT), Cindy Hamilton
>>>>>>>>> > wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> On Sunday, October 1, 2017 at 2:09:43 PM UTC-4, dsi1 wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> On Sunday, October 1, 2017 at 6:40:27 AM UTC-10, Roy wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> Blessing animate or inanimate objects is a throw-back to when
>>>>>>>>>>>> our forebears
>>>>>>>>>>>> (monkeys) were scared living in the jungles. Dem wild cats had
>>>>>>>>>>>> big teeth.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Blessing anything is a frickin waste of time and effort.
>>>>>>>>>>>> =====
>>>>>>>>>>> These rituals and beliefs have it's origins in man's earliest
>>>>>>>>>>> days and are buried deep within our DNA. We cannot cast them off
>>>>>>>>>>> any more than we can rid ourselves of the remnants of our
>>>>>>>>>>> ancient
>>>>>>>>>>> physiology. You could say that the human spine is stupid and a
>>>>>>>>>>> frickin waste of time but as far as I know, we're stuck with it
>>>>>>>>>>> for the next few hundred thousand generations.
>>>>>>>>>> Perhaps not you, but some of us can cast them off. I have no
>>>>>>>>>> truck with
>>>>>>>>>> superstition.
>>>>>>>>>> Cindy Hamilton
>>>>>>>>> How about tradition? I think it helps define us, securing our
>>>>>>>>> memories of who we are and where we came from.
>>>>>>>> I am me. I am the sum of my experiences. Those experiences
>>>>>>>> contain
>>>>>>>> less and less superstition every year. When I was a child, I
>>>>>>>> believed
>>>>>>>> in Santa Claus. No need for him anymore.
>>>>>>>> Cindy Hamilton
>>>>>>> How are you on life after death?
>>>>>> No such thing.
>>>>> Ding!
>>>>> Wrong:
>>>>>>> Because the soul goes on.
>>>>>> No evidence.
>>>>> Wrong:
>>>>>> Come back after you're dead and prove me wrong.
>>>>>> Cindy Hamilton
>>>>> You presume I'll be gone before you will, and too that there would be
>>>>> a
>>>>> thing to be gained by sharing with you a reality you are heavily
>>>>> invested in denying.
>>>>> No, I'll save my visitations for those of open mind and spirit, no
>>>>> sense
>>>>> nor perceived recompense in yanking intransigent non-believers from
>>>>> their self-induced state of spiritual torpor that I can measure.
>>>> There will be no visitations from YOU...
>>> I stated as much already, oh dense one...
>>> because you will be worm food
>>> Nope - cremation.
>>>> and your so-called soul will have vanished when you fricken well
>>>> expired.
>>>> Know-it-all PHONY.
>>> Great lessons await even you roy boy, though it may mean a dozen more
>>> lives here on planet prison for you to even begin to evolve past your
>>> hatred and narrow-mindedness.
>>> enjoy!

>> One has ONE life...after that NOTHING. End of discussion.
>> ==
>> Roy, how do you know this? I would be grateful if you could prove it for
>> me!

> I will gladly prove it IF you can show me proof of LIFE after death.

Eben Alexander, MD.

> I kill a doesn't come back to life.

Why thank you, Renfield!

> A person in HELL

Reincarnation/rebirth - a lesson Christ taught but many denied.

> It is an illusion dreamed up by early man
> and propagated and promoted by population after population as it is not
> questioned except by intelligent people who challenge the logic or
> non-logic of it.
> =====

You will never be confused with an intelligent person, roy boy.


No one knows either way! They can shout and scream about one way or the
other, but they don't really know.


  #253 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posted to
external usenet poster
Posts: 14,590
Default One turkey wing.

On Tuesday, October 3, 2017 at 9:12:11 PM UTC-4, Casa lo pensa wrote:
> On 10/3/2017 3:43 PM, Dave Smith wrote:
> > On 2017-10-03 12:15 PM, Roy wrote:
> >> On Tuesday, October 3, 2017 at 1:50:33 AM UTC-6, Ophelia wrote:

> >
> >>> Roy, how do you know this?Â* I would be grateful if you could prove it
> >>> for
> >>> me!
> >>>
> >> I will gladly prove it IF you can show me proof of LIFE after death.
> >> I kill a doesn't come back to life. A person in HELL
> >> CAN THEY HAVE A SECOND LIFE? It is an illusion dreamed up by early man
> >> and propagated and promoted by population after population as it is not
> >> questioned except by intelligent people who challenge the logic or
> >> non-logic of it.

> >
> > When a person dies the body decomposes and eventually returns to its
> > basic elements.

> Yeah, so?
> > If there is some sort of soul, it does not need that
> > body, which is aÂ* good thing because the body is gone.

> It needs it long enough to be born and evolved in this solid reality.
> > If people truly
> > believe there is life after death it does not make much sense to dig a
> > whole to stick it in and trap that life.

> No trap implied.
> > Only a religious twit could try to put the onus of proof on those who do
> > not accept the idea of life after death.

> Only a rampant non-believer would demand proof of a spiritual and
> ethereal nature in a solid reality.
> > You cannot prove the
> > nonexistence of something. It is up to the believers to prove that it
> > exists.

> Done - Eben Alexander, MD.
> Learn.

What, this guy?


Oh, I nearly experienced life-after-death from laughing.

Cindy Hamilton
  #254 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posted to
external usenet poster
Posts: 1,081
Default One turkey wing.

On 10/4/2017 2:07 AM, dsi1 wrote:
> On Tuesday, October 3, 2017 at 3:02:52 PM UTC-10, Casa lo pensa wrote:
>> OK that is just freaking BEAUTIFUL!
>> :-))))

> "The Book of Life" is a family movie that deals with Mexican mythology and the the way they view life and death. That's quite remarkable!

I will look that one up on my cable and if not I'll netflix it, tnx.
  #255 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posted to
external usenet poster
Posts: 1,081
Default One turkey wing.

On 10/4/2017 3:46 AM, Ophelia wrote:
> "Casa lo pensa"Â* wrote in message news >
> On 10/3/2017 10:15 AM, Roy wrote:
>> On Tuesday, October 3, 2017 at 1:50:33 AM UTC-6, Ophelia wrote:
>>> "Roy"Â* wrote in message
>>> ...
>>> On Monday, October 2, 2017 at 11:05:49 AM UTC-6, Casa de Masa wrote:
>>>> On 10/2/2017 10:59 AM, Roy wrote:
>>>>> On Monday, October 2, 2017 at 10:54:05 AM UTC-6, Casa de Masa wrote:
>>>>>> On 10/2/2017 10:30 AM, Cindy Hamilton wrote:
>>>>>>> On Monday, October 2, 2017 at 11:13:52 AM UTC-4, Casa de Masa wrote:
>>>>>>>> On 10/2/2017 4:30 AM, Cindy Hamilton wrote:
>>>>>>>>> On Sunday, October 1, 2017 at 4:55:26 PM UTC-4, U.S. Janet B.
>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> On Sun, 1 Oct 2017 12:05:36 -0700 (PDT), Cindy Hamilton
>>>>>>>>>> > wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> On Sunday, October 1, 2017 at 2:09:43 PM UTC-4, dsi1 wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> On Sunday, October 1, 2017 at 6:40:27 AM UTC-10, Roy wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Blessing animate or inanimate objects is a throw-back to when
>>>>>>>>>>>>> our forebears
>>>>>>>>>>>>> (monkeys) were scared living in the jungles. Dem wild cats had
>>>>>>>>>>>>> big teeth.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Blessing anything is a frickin waste of time and effort.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> =====
>>>>>>>>>>>> These rituals and beliefs have it's origins in man's earliest
>>>>>>>>>>>> days and are buried deep within our DNA. We cannot cast them
>>>>>>>>>>>> off
>>>>>>>>>>>> any more than we can rid ourselves of the remnants of our
>>>>>>>>>>>> ancient
>>>>>>>>>>>> physiology. You could say that the human spine is stupid and a
>>>>>>>>>>>> frickin waste of time but as far as I know, we're stuck with it
>>>>>>>>>>>> for the next few hundred thousand generations.
>>>>>>>>>>> Perhaps not you, but some of us can cast them off.Â* I have no
>>>>>>>>>>> truck with
>>>>>>>>>>> superstition.
>>>>>>>>>>> Cindy Hamilton
>>>>>>>>>> How about tradition?Â* I think it helps define us, securing our
>>>>>>>>>> memories of who we are and where we came from.
>>>>>>>>> I am me.Â* I am the sum of my experiences.Â* Those experiences
>>>>>>>>> contain
>>>>>>>>> less and less superstition every year.Â* When I was a child, I
>>>>>>>>> believed
>>>>>>>>> in Santa Claus.Â* No need for him anymore.
>>>>>>>>> Cindy Hamilton
>>>>>>>> How are you on life after death?
>>>>>>> No such thing.
>>>>>> Ding!
>>>>>> Wrong:
>>>>>>>> Because the soul goes on.
>>>>>>> No evidence.
>>>>>> Wrong:
>>>>>>> Come back after you're dead and prove me wrong.
>>>>>>> Cindy Hamilton
>>>>>> You presume I'll be gone before you will, and too that there would
>>>>>> be a
>>>>>> thing to be gained by sharing with you a reality you are heavily
>>>>>> invested in denying.
>>>>>> No, I'll save my visitations for those of open mind and spirit, no
>>>>>> sense
>>>>>> nor perceived recompense in yanking intransigent non-believers from
>>>>>> their self-induced state of spiritual torpor that I can measure.
>>>>> There will be no visitations from YOU...
>>>> I stated as much already, oh dense one...
>>>> because you will be worm food
>>>> Nope - cremation.
>>>>> and your so-called soul will have vanished when you fricken well
>>>>> expired.
>>>>> Know-it-all PHONY.
>>>> Great lessons await even you roy boy, though it may mean a dozen more
>>>> lives here on planet prison for you to even begin to evolve past your
>>>> hatred and narrow-mindedness.
>>>> enjoy!
>>> One has ONE life...after that NOTHING. End of discussion.
>>> ==
>>> Roy, how do you know this?Â* I would be grateful if you could prove it
>>> for
>>> me!

>> I will gladly prove it IF you can show me proof of LIFE after death.

> Eben Alexander, MD.
>> I kill a doesn't come back to life.

> Why thank you, Renfield!
>> A person in HELL

> Reincarnation/rebirth - a lesson Christ taught but many denied.
>> It is an illusion dreamed up by early man
>> and propagated and promoted by population after population as it is not
>> questioned except by intelligent people who challenge the logic or
>> non-logic of it.
>> =====

> You will never be confused with an intelligent person, roy boy.
> ==
> No one knows either way!

There I 100% disagree.

Those who have had near death experiences know things that one can not
know here.

Dr. Alexander, for example, met a sister he never knew had been born and
who had passed before he was in this life, when he had his NDE.

His parents later confirmed after he was out of his coma that she had
existed and her loss was so painful they never shared it with him after
he was born.

Rather unambiguous that is.

> They can shout and scream about one way or the
> other, but they don't really know.

Oh yes they do.

  #256 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posted to
external usenet poster
Posts: 1,081
Default One turkey wing.

On 10/4/2017 4:31 AM, Cindy Hamilton wrote:
> On Tuesday, October 3, 2017 at 9:12:11 PM UTC-4, Casa lo pensa wrote:
>> On 10/3/2017 3:43 PM, Dave Smith wrote:
>>> On 2017-10-03 12:15 PM, Roy wrote:
>>>> On Tuesday, October 3, 2017 at 1:50:33 AM UTC-6, Ophelia wrote:
>>>>> Roy, how do you know this?Â* I would be grateful if you could prove it
>>>>> for
>>>>> me!
>>>> I will gladly prove it IF you can show me proof of LIFE after death.
>>>> I kill a doesn't come back to life. A person in HELL
>>>> CAN THEY HAVE A SECOND LIFE? It is an illusion dreamed up by early man
>>>> and propagated and promoted by population after population as it is not
>>>> questioned except by intelligent people who challenge the logic or
>>>> non-logic of it.
>>> When a person dies the body decomposes and eventually returns to its
>>> basic elements.

>> Yeah, so?
>>> If there is some sort of soul, it does not need that
>>> body, which is aÂ* good thing because the body is gone.

>> It needs it long enough to be born and evolved in this solid reality.
>>> If people truly
>>> believe there is life after death it does not make much sense to dig a
>>> whole to stick it in and trap that life.

>> No trap implied.
>>> Only a religious twit could try to put the onus of proof on those who do
>>> not accept the idea of life after death.

>> Only a rampant non-believer would demand proof of a spiritual and
>> ethereal nature in a solid reality.
>>> You cannot prove the
>>> nonexistence of something. It is up to the believers to prove that it
>>> exists.

>> Done - Eben Alexander, MD.
>> Learn.

> What, this guy?
> <>
> Oh, I nearly experienced life-after-death from laughing.
> Cindy Hamilton

Of course a negative individual like yourself would gravitate to a
hatchet job from the far left.

How predictable.

Luke Dittrich, contributing editor at Esquire, wrote an article critical
of Dr. Eben Alexander's book Proof of Heaven. Dittrich cited several
malpractice lawsuits against Dr. Alexander, in some of which the
allegation was that Alexander had altered medical records to cover his
errors. Dittrich makes this his theme for critiquing the story of
Alexander's NDE, that Alexander altered the facts of his story to make
them more dramatic. In particular, Dittrich questioned the central
premise of the book, that Alexander's experience was the result of a
brain all but destroyed by meningitis. Alexander's hyper-real experience
of the heavenly Gateway Realm with the beautiful girl on the butterfly
wing and the knowledge he gained from The Core, were all hallucinations
resulting from a medically induced coma. Alexander thereby stood to gain
financially. But how careful was Luke Dittrich with the facts he
presented? (PDF: Full article)

Luke Dittrich is an award-winning writer. He was named writer of the
year by the City and Regional Magazine Association in 2004 and his
article about a group of strangers who sheltered together during a
tornado won the 2012 National Magazine Award for Feature Writing.
Undoubtedly his article on Eben Alexander will be similarly recognized.

Esquire's Editor in Chief David Granger says that stories like
Dittrich's matter€”they are great journalism. And since great journalism
isn't free, Esquire has asked on-line readers to pay $1.99 to access the

Three key flaws in Alexander's story

Dittrich pointed out three key places in Alexander's account of his
experience that were not confirmed upon examination€”a rainbow heralding
Alexander's return that could not have been seen, a shout for help noted
by everyone present that could not have been uttered, and, most damning
of all, the assertion of a hyper-real experience of incredible beauty,
love and wisdom that could not have occurred in a medically induced
coma. The first two flaws could perhaps be excused by the pressure to
produce a dramatic story, one that would generate interest and sell
well, taking as Alexander admitted to Dr. Laura Potter, his ER
physician, some "artistic license."

But the last flaw would be fatal because Eben Alexander's central
assertion is that his experience occurred during a week-long coma
brought on by severe bacterial meningitis. Alexander's medical records
are all confidential. Even with Alexander's permission, his doctors
refused to be interviewed, except for Dr. Potter. So all Dittrich has to
go on are Dr. Potter's statements and Eben Alexander's assertions.
Dittrich felt that Alexander's history of altering medical records to
achieve a desired result called into question everything he would assert
about his medical condition. Indeed, as we shall see, Dr. Potter's
statements were apparently pretty damning.

Eben Alexander's response

In response to Dittrich's exposé, Dr. Alexander issued the following

I wrote a truthful account of my experiences in Proof of Heaven and have
acknowledged in the book both my professional and personal
accomplishments and my setbacks. I stand by every word in this book and
have made its message the purpose of my life. Esquire's cynical article
distorts the facts of my 25-year career as a neurosurgeon and is a
textbook example of how unsupported assertions and cherry-picked
information can be assembled at the expense of the truth.

The heralding rainbow that could not have been witnessed

On Sunday morning, November 16, 2008, after several days of relentless
rain, the rain stopped. Eben Alexander was coming out of his coma. Eben
Alexander's sister Phyllis and their 87-year-old mother, Betty, were on
their way into the hospital (Betty was in a wheelchair) when they saw a
"perfect rainbow" toward the distant peaks. Dittrich commented, "It was
as though heaven itself was cheering Alexander's return."

Only that could not have happened. NOAA meteorologist Dave Wert checked
the weather records for the sixteenth€”it was a clear day. Could there
have been a rainbow the morning of the sixteenth? €œNo,€ he says.

For Dittrich, this is clearly an open-and-shut case of embellishment. Of
course, the rainbow wasn't observed by Alexander, since he was just
coming out of coma. Alexander was either told this purported fact by
Phyllis or he just made it up to give a nice twist to the story.

Why investigate further? The meteorologist's pronouncement is definitive
after all: no rainbow would have been possible on that morning.
Therefore it must be a fabrication by Alexander.

In fact, if Dittrich had interviewed Phyllis, she would have told him:
she and her mother saw a rainbow as they were entering the hospital
about 1 PM. It was to the right of the entrance (north of the hospital)
where there are mountains. They commented on the rainbow and Betty
noted, "It's a perfect rainbow!" When they turned the corner into
Eben's ICU room a few moments later, Eben was sitting up in bed.

Later that day, Phyllis emailed friends back in Boston, telling them
about Eben's miraculous recovery€”and about the rainbow she and her
mother had witnessed. She offered to show me the email.

So how can we reconcile a two-person eyewitness account with
contemporaneous corroborative documentation and an expert
meteorologist's pronouncement? Could Phyllis Alexander and her mother
have been mistaken? "No," Phyllis replies, "we both saw it. If I'd known
I'd be 'on trial' about it later, I would have taken a picture of it."

An ordinary rainbow€”one following a rainstorm€”would be very unusual on
an apparently clear day at 1 PM in November. However, there are many
ways for a rainbow to occur. In any case, a rainbow was clearly seen on
that Sunday morning when Eben Alexander came out of coma. He was told
about it later. He did not fabricate the story or embellish the details
as Dittrich implies.

Alexander's sister Phyllis was always one phone call away, as she was
when I phoned her. Alexander's account clearly states that Phyllis
witnessed a rainbow on that specific day. Considering that Dittrich was
calling into question a man's integrity and honesty, he should have
investigated this further, to corroborate with other sources, to get to
the bottom of the apparent contradiction.

The shout for help that could not have been uttered

In one of the book's most dramatic scenes, Dr. Laura Potter prepares
Alexander to move from the ER to the ICU. In those final moments, after
two straight hours of struggle€”thrashing and guttural groans and
wails€”Eben Alexander grows quiet and shouts out, for everyone present to
hear, "God, help me!" The doctors, nurses, his wife Holley and his
neighbor Michael Sullivan, an Episcopal rector, rush to his stretcher,
but Alexander remains completely unresponsive.

Dramatic, but it could not have happened. Dr. Potter has no recollection
of the incident but she does remember that she intubated Alexander more
than an hour before his departure from the ER. Could he have shouted
anything, let alone something clearly heard? "No," she says.

For Dittrich, another clearly open-and-shut case of embellishment or
fabrication. Of course, at the time Alexander was in a coma, so he was
either told this purported fact by Holley or someone else, or he just
made it up to give another dramatic, emotional twist to the story.

Again, why investigate further? The facts given by Dr. Potter are
crystal clear and make complete sense: the intubation would almost
certainly be done in the ER and Alexander's status stabilized before
transferring to the ICU. Therefore it must be another fabrication by

In fact, if Dittrich had asked her, Holley would have confirmed the
story: indeed, at some time in the ER Eben had shouted out "God, help
me!" and everyone present including Holley and Michael Sullivan had
rushed to his side€”Holley had been just outside the curtain€”but
Alexander fell back unresponsive. Those present were given hope that he
was recovering, but those hopes faded quickly.

I spoke with Holley Alexander recently. She said that this incident
occurred about an hour or so after she had arrived in the ER with Eben.
€œIt happened before they sedated him, while the doctors were trying to
get vital signs and spinal fluid and all that. I said to Michael
[Sullivan], "He spoke! and Eben kept writhing. Dr. Potter might not
have heard it. She was in and out, checking scans, spinal fluid, so its
very likely that she wasnt there.€

And yes, this happened before Alexander was intubated, so Eben
Alexander's only embellishment was to fudge the timing of the incident,
for dramatic effect€”a trivial adjustment.

During the many hours Luke Dittrich spent talking to Eben Alexander in
his home, he could easily have asked Holley, who was present the whole
time, about this incident. He did not. Perhaps Dittrich suspected
collusion between Eben and Holley, so her account of the facts would not
have been reliable. Still he could have talked to their neighbor and
Episcopal rector Michael Sullivan. Again he did not.

Now we have two of the three key flaws in Eben Alexander's story that
have turned out to be trivial. But it's not trivial that Luke Dittrich
is relying on these apparent inconsistencies to build a case that
Alexander's story is a complete fabrication, a hallucination, a fantasy.

All it would have taken was a simple conversation with two of the people
identified in Proof of Heaven as witnesses to corroborate or refute
Alexander's account. In both cases, Luke Dittrich would have found
complete corroboration of Alexander's portrayal of the rainbow and
nearly complete corroboration of the shout in the ER.

Journalists and their editors have a duty to investigate and report the
facts objectively and accurately. It appears in these first two cases
that Luke Dittrich and his editors failed in this duty.

The hyper-real experience that could not have occurred in a medically
induced coma

Luke Dittrich's interpretation of Proof of Heaven hinges most on the
question of coma. Coma is a state of unconsciousness lasting more than
six hours, in which a person: cannot be awakened; fails to respond
normally to painful stimuli, light, or sound; lacks a normal sleep-wake
cycle; and, does not initiate voluntary actions. In order to maintain
consciousness, a person needs to have a perfectly functioning cerebral
cortex and brainstem.

Was Eben Alexander conscious during any of his stay in the hospital? Not
according to Alexander's account€”he was out when he lost consciousness
in his home after shouting to his son, "Have a good day at school",
probably around 8 AM on Monday, until he awoke the next Sunday morning
probably around 9 AM.

Eben Alexander had developed a severe case of bacterial meningitis.
There were lots of measures of how serious his condition was: the very
quick onset of his symptoms, persistent seizure (status epilepticus),
the presence of E. coli bacteria in his cerebral spinal fluid (CSF), the
high white blood cell count and high protein level in his CSF, the very
low glucose level in his CSF, and the CT scans of his brain that showed
diffuse edema, damage in all eight lobes of his cortex and widespread
blurring of the gray-white junction.

And there were several specific neurological exams showing severe
alterations: abnormal posturing indicating damage to the cortex and
thalamus, florid papilledema indicating elevated intracranial pressure,
fixed pupils indicating brainstem damage, and no vestibulo-ocular reflex
also indicating brainstem damage. Alexander's motor response declined
further to "no motor response to noxious stimuli," indicating widespread
cortical and brainstem damage.

Yes, Eben Alexander's medical records are all confidential. But
Alexander published these results in an article, "My Experience in
Coma", in AANS Neurosurgeon, located here and also released these
results for a podcast interview on, located here. Dittrich
surely had access to both sources.

The most important indicator of Alexanders coma state was his Glasgow
Coma Scale (GCS) score of 8 (p. 25 in Proof of Heaven). The Glasgow Coma
Scale ranges from 15 (fully conscious) to 3 (deep coma). A score of 8 is
below the midpoint and indicates "severe brain injury" and a state of
coma. Eben Alexander had a GCS of 8 on admission.

But Luke Dittrich focuses on the fact that Alexander was groaning and
flailing about and had to be placed in a chemically induced coma.
Dittrich recounts how Dr. Potter described it:

"We couldn't work with Eben at all, we couldn't get vital signs, he just
was not able to comply. So I had to make the decision to just place him
in a chemically induced coma. Really for his own safety, until we could
treat him. And so I did.... I put him to sleep, if you will, and put him
on life support."

After Alexander was taken from the ER to the ICU, Potter says, the
doctors there administered anesthetics that kept him in the coma. The
next day, she went to visit him.

"And of course he was still in an induced coma," she says. "On
ventilator support. They tried to let him wake up and see what he would
do, but he was in exactly the same agitated state. Even if they tried to
ease up, a little bit even, on the sedation. In fact, for days, every
time they would try to wean his sedation€”just thrashing, trying to
scream, and grabbing at his tube."

So, on the basis of these statements Dittrich concluded that Alexander's
coma was induced and maintained solely by anesthetics:

In Proof of Heaven, Alexander writes that he spent seven days in "a coma
caused by a rare case of E. coli bacterial meningitis." There is no
indication in the book that it was Laura Potter, and not bacterial
meningitis, that induced his coma, or that the physicians in the ICU
maintained his coma in the days that followed through the use of
anesthetics. (emphasis added)

This point goes to the heart of Eben Alexander's story, because
according to Alexander he didn't have a working brain and therefore his
memories couldn't have been hallucinations. Dittrich continues:

[Alexander] notes that by conventional scientific understanding, "if you
don't have a working brain, you can't be conscious," and a key point of
his argument for the reality of the realms he claims to have visited is
that his memories could not have been hallucinations, since he didn't
possess a brain capable of creating even a hallucinatory conscious
experience. (emphasis added)

So was Eben Alexander conscious during his stay in the hospital?
Dittrich describes the key question:

I ask Potter whether the manic, agitated state that Alexander exhibited
whenever they weaned him off his anesthetics during his first days of
coma would meet her definition of conscious.

"Yes," she says. "Conscious but delirious." (emphasis added)

There it is: for Dittrich, conclusive proof that Eben Alexander was
conscious, although severely sick, and was maintained in a medically
induced coma by administration of anesthetics. And Eben Alexander failed
to disclose that key fact in his book.

This is the final incontrovertible evidence Dittrich needed to complete
his exposure of Eben Alexander as a fraud. He probably reasoned that, at
best Alexander's experiences of the "heavenly realms" were just
hallucinations brought about by his illness, whenever the doctors
reduced his sedatives and he regained a kind of dream-like
consciousness. The fact that Alexander did not disclose the real cause
of his unconscious state€”we can't really call it "coma" because it was
readily reversible€”just underscores that he is a fraud.

This is a crucial conclusion for Dittrich to make: it exposes Eben
Alexander clearly as deceptive and fraudulent or, at best, delusional.
An accusation of fraud against an individual is serious and ought to
give a journalist some pause. But Dittrich's evidence is clear and
incontrovertible. An experienced doctor, who had observed Alexander over
several days, declared that Alexander was definitely "conscious but

And an intermittent delirious state would explain fully Eben Alexander's
internal experience, from the "Earthworm Eye View"€”under anesthesia€”to
the Spinning Melody€”starting to come out of anesthesia€”then to €œThe
Gateway€ and beyond€”a dream-like state.

A perfect fit. Explaining a fully hallucinatory experience.

Once again, why investigate further? There's no need for corroboration,
no need to check with other experts about all the indications that his
brain was severely damaged by the bacterial infection. After all, the
experts weren't there in the ER and the ICU. And the other doctors who
were involved with Alexander's case refused to be interviewed. The one
doctor who was present is certainly sufficient. And the other doctors
would undoubtedly corroborate Dr. Potter's assessment.

But what about the overwhelming evidence for severe meningitis? The data
all come directly from Alexander. He could easily have exaggerated,
embellished or even fabricated them€”a very good reason for Alexander to
insist that his medical records be kept confidential.

Did Luke Dittrich attempt to corroborate Dr. Potter's assessment with
anyone else who was involved? No.

It would have been very easy to ask Holley what the other doctors had
been telling her. After all that's supposedly where Eben had gotten the
story. But Holley could have colluded with Eben. In any case she was not
asked. Holley's friend Sylvia White, who was also present for these
consultations, could have been asked, but she, too, was not.

Were Luke Dittrich or his editors at all concerned that the very heart
of their portrayal of Eben Alexander as a fraud was based on the sole
assessment of one doctor? Apparently not.

Were they concerned that Luke Dittrich might have misheard Dr. Potter or
possibly misinterpreted what she had told him? Apparently not.

Dittrich did not recheck with Dr. Potter and did not show her how he was
quoting her. Had he done so, he would have gotten a surprise.

Members of the Alexander family circle have told me that Dr. Laura
Potter expressed to them concern after she was contacted by the press
when the Esquire article first appeared, and subsequently expressed her
alarm about the way her remarks had been twisted. She felt that Luke
Dittrich had misrepresented what she had told him and taken her words
out of context. She felt that he had led her to say certain things.

So Luke Dittrich's portrayal of the events regarding Alexander's illness
is inaccurate. Dittrich took Dr. Potter's statements out of context,
twisted them and misrepresented them.

  #257 (permalink)   Report Post  
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"Casa lo pensa" wrote in message news
On 10/4/2017 3:46 AM, Ophelia wrote:
> "Casa lo pensa" wrote in message news >
> On 10/3/2017 10:15 AM, Roy wrote:
>> On Tuesday, October 3, 2017 at 1:50:33 AM UTC-6, Ophelia wrote:
>>> "Roy" wrote in message
>>> ...
>>> On Monday, October 2, 2017 at 11:05:49 AM UTC-6, Casa de Masa wrote:
>>>> On 10/2/2017 10:59 AM, Roy wrote:
>>>>> On Monday, October 2, 2017 at 10:54:05 AM UTC-6, Casa de Masa wrote:
>>>>>> On 10/2/2017 10:30 AM, Cindy Hamilton wrote:
>>>>>>> On Monday, October 2, 2017 at 11:13:52 AM UTC-4, Casa de Masa wrote:
>>>>>>>> On 10/2/2017 4:30 AM, Cindy Hamilton wrote:
>>>>>>>>> On Sunday, October 1, 2017 at 4:55:26 PM UTC-4, U.S. Janet B.
>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> On Sun, 1 Oct 2017 12:05:36 -0700 (PDT), Cindy Hamilton
>>>>>>>>>> > wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> On Sunday, October 1, 2017 at 2:09:43 PM UTC-4, dsi1 wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> On Sunday, October 1, 2017 at 6:40:27 AM UTC-10, Roy wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Blessing animate or inanimate objects is a throw-back to when
>>>>>>>>>>>>> our forebears
>>>>>>>>>>>>> (monkeys) were scared living in the jungles. Dem wild cats had
>>>>>>>>>>>>> big teeth.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Blessing anything is a frickin waste of time and effort.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> =====
>>>>>>>>>>>> These rituals and beliefs have it's origins in man's earliest
>>>>>>>>>>>> days and are buried deep within our DNA. We cannot cast them
>>>>>>>>>>>> off
>>>>>>>>>>>> any more than we can rid ourselves of the remnants of our
>>>>>>>>>>>> ancient
>>>>>>>>>>>> physiology. You could say that the human spine is stupid and a
>>>>>>>>>>>> frickin waste of time but as far as I know, we're stuck with it
>>>>>>>>>>>> for the next few hundred thousand generations.
>>>>>>>>>>> Perhaps not you, but some of us can cast them off. I have no
>>>>>>>>>>> truck with
>>>>>>>>>>> superstition.
>>>>>>>>>>> Cindy Hamilton
>>>>>>>>>> How about tradition? I think it helps define us, securing our
>>>>>>>>>> memories of who we are and where we came from.
>>>>>>>>> I am me. I am the sum of my experiences. Those experiences
>>>>>>>>> contain
>>>>>>>>> less and less superstition every year. When I was a child, I
>>>>>>>>> believed
>>>>>>>>> in Santa Claus. No need for him anymore.
>>>>>>>>> Cindy Hamilton
>>>>>>>> How are you on life after death?
>>>>>>> No such thing.
>>>>>> Ding!
>>>>>> Wrong:
>>>>>>>> Because the soul goes on.
>>>>>>> No evidence.
>>>>>> Wrong:
>>>>>>> Come back after you're dead and prove me wrong.
>>>>>>> Cindy Hamilton
>>>>>> You presume I'll be gone before you will, and too that there would be
>>>>>> a
>>>>>> thing to be gained by sharing with you a reality you are heavily
>>>>>> invested in denying.
>>>>>> No, I'll save my visitations for those of open mind and spirit, no
>>>>>> sense
>>>>>> nor perceived recompense in yanking intransigent non-believers from
>>>>>> their self-induced state of spiritual torpor that I can measure.
>>>>> There will be no visitations from YOU...
>>>> I stated as much already, oh dense one...
>>>> because you will be worm food
>>>> Nope - cremation.
>>>>> and your so-called soul will have vanished when you fricken well
>>>>> expired.
>>>>> Know-it-all PHONY.
>>>> Great lessons await even you roy boy, though it may mean a dozen more
>>>> lives here on planet prison for you to even begin to evolve past your
>>>> hatred and narrow-mindedness.
>>>> enjoy!
>>> One has ONE life...after that NOTHING. End of discussion.
>>> ==
>>> Roy, how do you know this? I would be grateful if you could prove it
>>> for
>>> me!

>> I will gladly prove it IF you can show me proof of LIFE after death.

> Eben Alexander, MD.
>> I kill a doesn't come back to life.

> Why thank you, Renfield!
>> A person in HELL

> Reincarnation/rebirth - a lesson Christ taught but many denied.
>> It is an illusion dreamed up by early man
>> and propagated and promoted by population after population as it is not
>> questioned except by intelligent people who challenge the logic or
>> non-logic of it.
>> =====

> You will never be confused with an intelligent person, roy boy.
> ==
> No one knows either way!

There I 100% disagree.

Those who have had near death experiences know things that one can not
know here.

Dr. Alexander, for example, met a sister he never knew had been born and
who had passed before he was in this life, when he had his NDE.

His parents later confirmed after he was out of his coma that she had
existed and her loss was so painful they never shared it with him after
he was born.

Rather unambiguous that is.

> They can shout and scream about one way or the other, but they don't
> really know.

Oh yes they do.


I am referring to the posters here, including myself!

Not one of us here can say they have had a definitive experience one way or
the other but it doesn't stop them sneering at someone who says they don't


  #258 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default One turkey wing.

On 10/4/2017 10:06 AM, Ophelia wrote:
> "Casa lo pensa"Â* wrote in message news >
> On 10/4/2017 3:46 AM, Ophelia wrote:
>> "Casa lo pensa"Â* wrote in message news >>
>> On 10/3/2017 10:15 AM, Roy wrote:
>>> On Tuesday, October 3, 2017 at 1:50:33 AM UTC-6, Ophelia wrote:
>>>> "Roy"Â* wrote in message
>>>> ...
>>>> On Monday, October 2, 2017 at 11:05:49 AM UTC-6, Casa de Masa wrote:
>>>>> On 10/2/2017 10:59 AM, Roy wrote:
>>>>>> On Monday, October 2, 2017 at 10:54:05 AM UTC-6, Casa de Masa wrote:
>>>>>>> On 10/2/2017 10:30 AM, Cindy Hamilton wrote:
>>>>>>>> On Monday, October 2, 2017 at 11:13:52 AM UTC-4, Casa de Masa
>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> On 10/2/2017 4:30 AM, Cindy Hamilton wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> On Sunday, October 1, 2017 at 4:55:26 PM UTC-4, U.S. Janet B.
>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> On Sun, 1 Oct 2017 12:05:36 -0700 (PDT), Cindy Hamilton
>>>>>>>>>>> > wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> On Sunday, October 1, 2017 at 2:09:43 PM UTC-4, dsi1 wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Sunday, October 1, 2017 at 6:40:27 AM UTC-10, Roy wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Blessing animate or inanimate objects is a throw-back to when
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> our forebears
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (monkeys) were scared living in the jungles. Dem wild cats
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> had
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> big teeth.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Blessing anything is a frickin waste of time and effort.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> =====
>>>>>>>>>>>>> These rituals and beliefs have it's origins in man's earliest
>>>>>>>>>>>>> days and are buried deep within our DNA. We cannot cast them
>>>>>>>>>>>>> off
>>>>>>>>>>>>> any more than we can rid ourselves of the remnants of our
>>>>>>>>>>>>> ancient
>>>>>>>>>>>>> physiology. You could say that the human spine is stupid and a
>>>>>>>>>>>>> frickin waste of time but as far as I know, we're stuck
>>>>>>>>>>>>> with it
>>>>>>>>>>>>> for the next few hundred thousand generations.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Perhaps not you, but some of us can cast them off.Â* I have no
>>>>>>>>>>>> truck with
>>>>>>>>>>>> superstition.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Cindy Hamilton
>>>>>>>>>>> How about tradition?Â* I think it helps define us, securing our
>>>>>>>>>>> memories of who we are and where we came from.
>>>>>>>>>> I am me.Â* I am the sum of my experiences.Â* Those experiences
>>>>>>>>>> contain
>>>>>>>>>> less and less superstition every year.Â* When I was a child, I
>>>>>>>>>> believed
>>>>>>>>>> in Santa Claus.Â* No need for him anymore.
>>>>>>>>>> Cindy Hamilton
>>>>>>>>> How are you on life after death?
>>>>>>>> No such thing.
>>>>>>> Ding!
>>>>>>> Wrong:
>>>>>>>>> Because the soul goes on.
>>>>>>>> No evidence.
>>>>>>> Wrong:
>>>>>>>> Come back after you're dead and prove me wrong.
>>>>>>>> Cindy Hamilton
>>>>>>> You presume I'll be gone before you will, and too that there
>>>>>>> would be
>>>>>>> a
>>>>>>> thing to be gained by sharing with you a reality you are heavily
>>>>>>> invested in denying.
>>>>>>> No, I'll save my visitations for those of open mind and spirit, no
>>>>>>> sense
>>>>>>> nor perceived recompense in yanking intransigent non-believers from
>>>>>>> their self-induced state of spiritual torpor that I can measure.
>>>>>> There will be no visitations from YOU...
>>>>> I stated as much already, oh dense one...
>>>>> because you will be worm food
>>>>> Nope - cremation.
>>>>>> and your so-called soul will have vanished when you fricken well
>>>>>> expired.
>>>>>> Know-it-all PHONY.
>>>>> Great lessons await even you roy boy, though it may mean a dozen more
>>>>> lives here on planet prison for you to even begin to evolve past your
>>>>> hatred and narrow-mindedness.
>>>>> enjoy!
>>>> One has ONE life...after that NOTHING. End of discussion.
>>>> ==
>>>> Roy, how do you know this?Â* I would be grateful if you could prove it
>>>> for
>>>> me!
>>> I will gladly prove it IF you can show me proof of LIFE after death.

>> Eben Alexander, MD.
>>> I kill a doesn't come back to life.

>> Why thank you, Renfield!
>>> A person in HELL

>> Reincarnation/rebirth - a lesson Christ taught but many denied.
>>> It is an illusion dreamed up by early man
>>> and propagated and promoted by population after population as it is not
>>> questioned except by intelligent people who challenge the logic or
>>> non-logic of it.
>>> =====

>> You will never be confused with an intelligent person, roy boy.
>> ==
>> No one knows either way!

> There I 100% disagree.
> Those who have had near death experiences know things that one can not
> know here.
> Dr. Alexander, for example, met a sister he never knew had been born and
> who had passed before he was in this life, when he had his NDE.
> His parents later confirmed after he was out of his coma that she had
> existed and her loss was so painful they never shared it with him after
> he was born.
> Rather unambiguous that is.
>> They can shout and scream about one way or the other, but they don't
>> really know.

> Oh yes they do.
> ==
> I am referring to the posters here, including myself!

Well..that would include me also...

> Not one of us here can say they have had a definitive experience one way
> or the other

I can.

> but it doesn't stop them sneering at someone who says they
> don't know.

It's not "sneering" that's Bwuthie's act.

It's dismay at the ardent and inflexible denial of the possibility of
the afterlife that is the rub.

And the atheistic types are total deniers.

And please note how they gleefully mock those who do believe!
  #259 (permalink)   Report Post  
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On Wed, 4 Oct 2017 10:19:10 -0600, Casa lo pensa >

>On 10/4/2017 10:06 AM, Ophelia wrote:
>> "Casa lo pensa"* wrote in message news >>
>> On 10/4/2017 3:46 AM, Ophelia wrote:

>>> No one knows either way!

>> There I 100% disagree.
>> Those who have had near death experiences know things that one can not
>> know here.
>> Dr. Alexander, for example, met a sister he never knew had been born and
>> who had passed before he was in this life, when he had his NDE.
>> His parents later confirmed after he was out of his coma that she had
>> existed and her loss was so painful they never shared it with him after
>> he was born.
>> Rather unambiguous that is.
>>> They can shout and scream about one way or the other, but they don't
>>> really know.

>> Oh yes they do.
>> ==
>> I am referring to the posters here, including myself!

>Well..that would include me also...
>> Not one of us here can say they have had a definitive experience one way
>> or the other

>I can.
>> but it doesn't stop them sneering at someone who says they
>> don't know.

>It's not "sneering" that's Bwuthie's act.

"Ah the sidelong swipe at a party not present nor involved." (Casa lo
  #260 (permalink)   Report Post  
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On 10/4/2017 1:57 PM, Bruce wrote:
> On Wed, 4 Oct 2017 10:19:10 -0600, Casa lo pensa >
> wrote:
>> On 10/4/2017 10:06 AM, Ophelia wrote:
>>> "Casa lo pensa"Â* wrote in message news >>>
>>> On 10/4/2017 3:46 AM, Ophelia wrote:

>>>> No one knows either way!
>>> There I 100% disagree.
>>> Those who have had near death experiences know things that one can not
>>> know here.
>>> Dr. Alexander, for example, met a sister he never knew had been born and
>>> who had passed before he was in this life, when he had his NDE.
>>> His parents later confirmed after he was out of his coma that she had
>>> existed and her loss was so painful they never shared it with him after
>>> he was born.
>>> Rather unambiguous that is.
>>>> They can shout and scream about one way or the other, but they don't
>>>> really know.
>>> Oh yes they do.
>>> ==
>>> I am referring to the posters here, including myself!

>> Well..that would include me also...
>>> Not one of us here can say they have had a definitive experience one way
>>> or the other

>> I can.
>>> but it doesn't stop them sneering at someone who says they
>>> don't know.

>> It's not "sneering" that's Bwuthie's act.

> "Ah the sidelong swipe at a party not present nor involved." (Casa lo
> pensa)

Hey Bwuthie, I need NO EXCUSES to slam you 24-7, you worthless piece of

I'm serious, you are one major ****ed up waste of a human being.

And I'd freaking LOVE to mess your face up mano a mano, I mean REALLY!

  #261 (permalink)   Report Post  
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On Wednesday, October 4, 2017 at 5:13:28 PM UTC-6, Casa lo pensa wrote:
> On 10/4/2017 1:57 PM, Bruce wrote:
> > On Wed, 4 Oct 2017 10:19:10 -0600, Casa lo pensa >
> > wrote:
> >
> >> On 10/4/2017 10:06 AM, Ophelia wrote:
> >>> "Casa lo pensa"Â* wrote in message news > >>>
> >>> On 10/4/2017 3:46 AM, Ophelia wrote:

> >
> >>>> No one knows either way!
> >>>
> >>> There I 100% disagree.
> >>>
> >>> Those who have had near death experiences know things that one can not
> >>> know here.
> >>>
> >>> Dr. Alexander, for example, met a sister he never knew had been born and
> >>> who had passed before he was in this life, when he had his NDE.
> >>>
> >>> His parents later confirmed after he was out of his coma that she had
> >>> existed and her loss was so painful they never shared it with him after
> >>> he was born.
> >>>
> >>> Rather unambiguous that is.
> >>>
> >>>> They can shout and scream about one way or the other, but they don't
> >>>> really know.
> >>>
> >>> Oh yes they do.
> >>>
> >>> ==
> >>>
> >>> I am referring to the posters here, including myself!
> >>
> >> Well..that would include me also...
> >>
> >>> Not one of us here can say they have had a definitive experience one way
> >>> or the other
> >>
> >> I can.
> >>
> >>> but it doesn't stop them sneering at someone who says they
> >>> don't know.
> >>
> >> It's not "sneering" that's Bwuthie's act.

> >
> > "Ah the sidelong swipe at a party not present nor involved." (Casa lo
> > pensa)
> >

> Hey Bwuthie, I need NO EXCUSES to slam you 24-7, you worthless piece of
> I'm serious, you are one major ****ed up waste of a human being.
> And I'd freaking LOVE to mess your face up mano a mano, I mean REALLY!

You really are a mean SOB.
  #262 (permalink)   Report Post  
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On Tuesday, October 3, 2017 at 4:29:23 AM UTC-10, Gary wrote:
> Ed Pawlowski wrote:
> >
> > It is the memory, not the ashes that are precious. You don't need a
> > fancy huge expenive container for them to preserve the memory. That is
> > why I mentioned a locket, small, portable, and gives you the memories.

> I agree with you completely. As I've always said, once I die you
> can toss me or my ashes in a dumpster and I won't care. It's not
> me, just the vessel that I've lived in. I see no disrespect in
> that thinking.
> Personally, I wouldn't mind be buried in the woods by all 4
> ferrets and the cat nearby. Still, that wouldn't matter to me.
> Nice thing I read a few years ago..."No one is truly dead as long
> as they are remembered."

You should be glad you're not Buddhist. I've been going to funeral services for my grandfather all my life. I'm not sure who he was. Beats the heck out of me when it will all end. My guess is that I'll be dead and people will still be going to his funeral.
  #263 (permalink)   Report Post  
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On 10/4/2017 6:21 PM, Roy wrote:
> On Wednesday, October 4, 2017 at 5:13:28 PM UTC-6, Casa lo pensa wrote:
>> On 10/4/2017 1:57 PM, Bruce wrote:
>>> On Wed, 4 Oct 2017 10:19:10 -0600, Casa lo pensa >
>>> wrote:
>>>> On 10/4/2017 10:06 AM, Ophelia wrote:
>>>>> "Casa lo pensa"Â* wrote in message news >>>>>
>>>>> On 10/4/2017 3:46 AM, Ophelia wrote:
>>>>>> No one knows either way!
>>>>> There I 100% disagree.
>>>>> Those who have had near death experiences know things that one can not
>>>>> know here.
>>>>> Dr. Alexander, for example, met a sister he never knew had been born and
>>>>> who had passed before he was in this life, when he had his NDE.
>>>>> His parents later confirmed after he was out of his coma that she had
>>>>> existed and her loss was so painful they never shared it with him after
>>>>> he was born.
>>>>> Rather unambiguous that is.
>>>>>> They can shout and scream about one way or the other, but they don't
>>>>>> really know.
>>>>> Oh yes they do.
>>>>> ==
>>>>> I am referring to the posters here, including myself!
>>>> Well..that would include me also...
>>>>> Not one of us here can say they have had a definitive experience one way
>>>>> or the other
>>>> I can.
>>>>> but it doesn't stop them sneering at someone who says they
>>>>> don't know.
>>>> It's not "sneering" that's Bwuthie's act.
>>> "Ah the sidelong swipe at a party not present nor involved." (Casa lo
>>> pensa)

>> Hey Bwuthie, I need NO EXCUSES to slam you 24-7, you worthless piece of
>> SHIT!
>> I'm serious, you are one major ****ed up waste of a human being.
>> And I'd freaking LOVE to mess your face up mano a mano, I mean REALLY!

> You really are a mean SOB.

He _earns_ it!
  #264 (permalink)   Report Post  
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On 10/4/2017 7:49 PM, dsi1 wrote:
> On Tuesday, October 3, 2017 at 4:29:23 AM UTC-10, Gary wrote:
>> Ed Pawlowski wrote:
>>> It is the memory, not the ashes that are precious. You don't need a
>>> fancy huge expenive container for them to preserve the memory. That is
>>> why I mentioned a locket, small, portable, and gives you the memories.

>> I agree with you completely. As I've always said, once I die you
>> can toss me or my ashes in a dumpster and I won't care. It's not
>> me, just the vessel that I've lived in. I see no disrespect in
>> that thinking.
>> Personally, I wouldn't mind be buried in the woods by all 4
>> ferrets and the cat nearby. Still, that wouldn't matter to me.
>> Nice thing I read a few years ago..."No one is truly dead as long
>> as they are remembered."

> You should be glad you're not Buddhist. I've been going to funeral services for my grandfather all my life. I'm not sure who he was. Beats the heck out of me when it will all end. My guess is that I'll be dead and people will still be going to his funeral.

Now THAT is life eternal!!!
  #265 (permalink)   Report Post  
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"dsi1" > wrote in message
On Tuesday, October 3, 2017 at 4:29:23 AM UTC-10, Gary wrote:
> Ed Pawlowski wrote:
> >
> > It is the memory, not the ashes that are precious. You don't need a
> > fancy huge expenive container for them to preserve the memory. That is
> > why I mentioned a locket, small, portable, and gives you the memories.

> I agree with you completely. As I've always said, once I die you
> can toss me or my ashes in a dumpster and I won't care. It's not
> me, just the vessel that I've lived in. I see no disrespect in
> that thinking.
> Personally, I wouldn't mind be buried in the woods by all 4
> ferrets and the cat nearby. Still, that wouldn't matter to me.
> Nice thing I read a few years ago..."No one is truly dead as long
> as they are remembered."

You should be glad you're not Buddhist. I've been going to funeral services
for my grandfather all my life. I'm not sure who he was. Beats the heck out
of me when it will all end. My guess is that I'll be dead and people will
still be going to his funeral.

Hehehe. They have to waste food too by putting by the Buddha statue.

  #266 (permalink)   Report Post  
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On Friday, October 6, 2017 at 12:25:13 AM UTC-10, Julie Bove wrote:
> Hehehe. They have to waste food too by putting by the Buddha statue.

Not a whole lot of food, just a little. Compared to the amount of food people just dump all the time, it's nothing. I saw a Chinese family with a whole suckeling pig next to a gravesite. It looked like they were having a picnic. They were also lighting firecrackers. Firecrackers and food - is there anything more festive? I think not.
  #267 (permalink)   Report Post  
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On 10/6/2017 11:47 AM, dsi1 wrote:
> On Friday, October 6, 2017 at 12:25:13 AM UTC-10, Julie Bove wrote:
>> Hehehe. They have to waste food too by putting by the Buddha statue.

> Not a whole lot of food, just a little. Compared to the amount of food people just dump all the time, it's nothing. I saw a Chinese family with a whole suckeling pig next to a gravesite. It looked like they were having a picnic. They were also lighting firecrackers. Firecrackers and food - is there anything more festive? I think not.


unless yer in it...
  #268 (permalink)   Report Post  
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"dsi1" > wrote in message
On Friday, October 6, 2017 at 12:25:13 AM UTC-10, Julie Bove wrote:
> Hehehe. They have to waste food too by putting by the Buddha statue.

Not a whole lot of food, just a little. Compared to the amount of food
people just dump all the time, it's nothing. I saw a Chinese family with a
whole suckeling pig next to a gravesite. It looked like they were having a
picnic. They were also lighting firecrackers. Firecrackers and food - is
there anything more festive? I think not.

Well... Diwali is coming. Those people throw colored water. That seems

  #269 (permalink)   Report Post  
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On Friday, October 6, 2017 at 8:38:40 AM UTC-10, Casa lo pensa wrote:
> Ole!
> unless yer in it...

Fire - it's a beautiful thing!

Who's the old guy? What happened to Nicolas Cage? Hee hee.
  #270 (permalink)   Report Post  
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On Friday, October 6, 2017 at 8:48:46 AM UTC-10, Julie Bove wrote:
> Well... Diwali is coming. Those people throw colored water. That seems
> festive!

We don't have nearly enough Hindus here to celebrate that one. Too bad, we need more excuses to celebrate. As much as we can get.

  #271 (permalink)   Report Post  
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On 10/6/2017 1:43 PM, dsi1 wrote:
> On Friday, October 6, 2017 at 8:38:40 AM UTC-10, Casa lo pensa wrote:
>> Ole!
>> unless yer in it...

> Fire - it's a beautiful thing!
> Who's the old guy? What happened to Nicolas Cage? Hee hee.

He had a bee problem, lol...
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