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  #42 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Making a Meat Grocery List

On Monday, May 28, 2018 at 11:19:38 AM UTC-4, wrote:
> On Monday, May 28, 2018 at 7:05:45 AM UTC-5, Jill McQuown wrote:
> >
> > On 5/28/2018 6:54 AM, Cindy Hamilton wrote:
> >
> > > I can't count the number of times I've waited for some asshole to
> > > finish backing into a parking spot. What's the point? You have
> > > to back up at some point, and I'd rather back out of the spot, which
> > > is much, much easier.
> > >
> > > Cindy Hamilton
> > >

> > That's a pet peeve of mine. Just park the damn car and get out of the way.
> >
> > Jill
> >
> >

> I'm a backer in person. I cannot stand to be backing out of a spot and
> some IDIOT on their phone, usually, or walking and looking at their feet
> walks right behind me as I'm backing out. I look like Linda Blair in the
> "Exorcist" twisting and turning to see if some numb skull is back there
> before I creep out. 70% of the time there is and I'M the one getting a
> dirty look or the finger because I don't have eyes in the back of my head.
> I back in and you're inconvenienced for 45 seconds but I didn't run over
> anyone. I've got a clear view of airheads walking in front of my car
> before pulling out.

I've never hit anyone backing out, and I'll put Ann Arbor airheads up
against any in the world.

I miss my '74 Chevy. The horn could make college students levitate.

Cindy Hamilton
  #43 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Making a Meat Grocery List

On 5/28/2018 11:14 AM, l not -l wrote:
> On 28-May-2018, Ed Pawlowski > wrote:
>> On 5/28/2018 1:21 AM, wrote:
>>> On Sun, 27 May 2018 22:02:18 -0700, "Julie Bove"
>>> > wrote:
>>>>> I am looking for some nice *tender* tenderloin filets. I like
>>>>> porterhouse
>>>>> steaks but really don't want to contend with cutting steaks off the
>>>>> bone.
>>>>> Oh yes, just found prime filets! For actual prime, I have to buy
>>>>> vacuum
>>>>> packed named branded ones... but they're prime, not choice. You know
>>>>> this
>>>>> means XX dollars. Ditto the rib-eyes.
>>>>> How often do you use your grocery store's web site to see what is
>>>>> available before you make a shopping list?
>>>> Always.
>>> Von's has ribeye steaks for $3.99 a pound, Kroger (Ralph's) is $4.77.

>> If they are a decent grade, both are fairly cheap. I see them in the $8
>> to $10 range for Choice or CAB.

> That's about what I pay here (STL). I buy ribeyes very often, usually
> paying $7.99/lb for CAB ribeye and $8.99 for CAB Saratoga ribeye.
> I rarely give them a look; but, one of the local supermarkets offers a
> select grade ribeye at, IIRC, $5.99/lb. I once accidently bought a select
> ribeye and it was tough and tasteless - never again.

It's important to pay attention to the grade. Choice is most commonly
offered. Select is a step down. Prime is most costly and of course,
more expensive.

  #44 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Making a Meat Grocery List

On 5/28/2018 10:03 AM, jmcquown wrote:
> On 5/28/2018 10:26 AM, Terry Coombs wrote:
>> On 5/27/2018 6:50 PM, jmcquown wrote:
>>> On 5/27/2018 7:22 PM, Terry Coombs wrote:
>>>> On 5/27/2018 5:01 PM, jmcquown wrote:
>>>>> Time to re-stock the freezer.Â* I was perusing the Publix weekly
>>>>> ad. Nothing much in the way of beef on sale.Â* I decided to dig
>>>>> beyond and look at what else is available in the meat department.
>>>>> According to their web site.
>>>>> I've never liked the term "flap steak".Â* Nor the term "skirt
>>>>> steak". I know exactly what they're used for - fajitas.Â* That sort
>>>>> of meat requires a lot of marinating and tenderizing.
>>>>> In any event, the web site can't tell you the price of these
>>>>> pieces of tough meat.Â* But yes, they have lots of different cuts
>>>>> available.
>>>>> I am looking for some nice *tender* tenderloin filets.Â* I like
>>>>> porterhouse steaks but really don't want to contend with cutting
>>>>> steaks off the bone.
>>>>> Oh yes, just found prime filets!Â* For actual prime, I have to buy
>>>>> vacuum packed named branded ones... but they're prime, not choice.
>>>>> You know this means XX dollars.Â* Ditto the rib-eyes.
>>>>> How often do you use your grocery store's web site to see what is
>>>>> available before you make a shopping list?
>>>>> Jill
>>>> Â*Â*Â* What's a shopping list ? I've almost always got whatever I want
>>>> on the pantry shelf and/or in the freezer to fix almost anything I
>>>> want . There are exceptions ...
>>> If you have to ask don't bother.
>>> Jill

>> Â*Â* Jill , this thread implies that the list is for dinner tonight or
>> something in that vein .

> No, it doesn't.Â* Re-read.Â* I specifically said it's time to restock
> the freezer.
>> We use a list , but the list is made as I/we pull items off the
>> storage shelf to the current-use location . This way I almost always
>> have on hand whatever I need for what I want to fix for dinner . WE
>> have to use a system of some sort since I do most of the cooking and
>> she does most of the shopping . The exception is meat , I do almost
>> all the meat purchases . Just a few minutes ago I finished portioning
>> out the 3 packages of country style ribs and got them in the freezer
>> . Did pretty good , average a buck a serving . Did even better on the
>> ham , looks like around $.85 per serving based on getting 2 meals per
>> package . And we'll probably get that plus a lunch or 2 .

> Nice.Â* I made country ribs with a pseudo asian marinade not long ago
> so I'm not in the market for ribs.Â* I've never been a huge fan of ham.
> I guess you got the impression about a dinner tonight because I
> mentioned I'm in the market for some prime beef petit filets. About 2
> inches thick.Â* Yes, but I plan to stock up for the freezer.
> And no, I don't want the filets wrapped in bacon.Â* If I decide to cook
> them that way I'll wrap them myself at home, thank you.
> I dislike the way some grocery stores try to present you with their
> own embellishments.Â* Here are some "pinwheels" of thinly sliced beef
> flank with garlic and basil butter.Â* What?Â* I skip right past that stuff.
> Jill

We love ham ... and CSR's are one of my favorites . I try to do a
rotation type thing , try not to serve the same meat 2 nights in a row ,
vary sides , etc . I've gained a new respect for all the years my wife
juggled dinners and kept us well fed - and on less money (real value)
than we spend now . BTW , got some of those ribs marinatng in season
salt and a dash of white wine but forgot to soak the beans last night .
There's a can of country-style white beans on the shelf , we'll try
those tonight .

Yes , I'm old
and set in my ways .

  #45 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Making a Meat Grocery List

On 2018-05-28 6:54 AM, Dave Smith wrote:
> On 2018-05-28 6:54 AM, Cindy Hamilton wrote:
>> I can't count the number of times I've waited for some asshole to
>> finish backing into a parking spot.Â* What's the point?Â* You have
>> to back up at some point, and I'd rather back out of the spot, which
>> is much, much easier.

> It shouldn't take much longer to back into a space than it does to drive
> it.Â* I would expect that anyone who does it should be able to back well
> enough that it should not take any great effort.Â*Â* While it may take
> just a little longer to back in they will gain that time back when they
> drive straight out.
> People who back into spaces are probably better trained drivers. It is
> generally safer to back in than to drive in and then have to back out
> because it is harder so see vehicles and pedestrians approaching from
> the side.Â* Ideally, people should choose a space where they can drive in
> and drive out. The next best is to back in and drive out.

If it's a city owned lot in Calgary and you back in, you'll get
ticketed!! That's because we don't have front plates and the camera cars
can't record your plate number.

  #46 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Making a Meat Grocery List

On Monday, May 28, 2018 at 10:42:54 AM UTC-5, graham wrote:
> If it's a city owned lot in Calgary and you back in, you'll get
> ticketed!! That's because we don't have front plates and the camera cars
> can't record your plate number.
> Graham

You lost me.

  #47 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Making a Meat Grocery List

On 2018-05-28 9:06 AM, jmcquown wrote:
> On 5/28/2018 8:26 AM, Dave Smith wrote:


> The mom & pop meat market on Lady's Island was sold last year after the
> husband developed health problems.Â* I understand it's re-opened under
> new ownership but I've not checked it out yet.Â* I'd gotten very
> discouraged with the place under the previous ownership.Â* At first they
> had a full time butcher and the meat was cut to order and very high
> quality.Â* Next thing you know the butcher was gone and they'd put in a
> bunch of freezers.Â* Suddenly there was very little in the way of fresh
> meats.Â* They started stocking boxes of pre-cut frozen meats; no way to
> even get a look at the meat much less pick out individual steaks.Â* Buy a
> box of frozen meat and hope for the best is not my idea of a "meat market."
> And the woman fancied herself a cook so she started pushing her homemade
> meals, which were horrible.Â* We caved and bought one of her "cottage
> pies" to take home and re-heat.Â* I have no idea how a British woman
> could manage to screw up cottage pie, but she did.
> I know it's not fair of me to pre-judge the place based on the previous
> owners.Â* Human nature to predispose, I guess.

There is a chance that the new owners were aware of the problems with
the old operation. Perhaps they will fix it. Let's hope the old owner
didn't suck them into believing it was a good idea.

He has a small bakery in town that specialized in pies and tarts. The
place was really tiny. Last year the owner sold the business and it
changed locations. The re-opened in a much larger facility. The old
owner was supposed to stick around and help out for a while. I am
wondering if she is making it permanent. They have expanded their
selection to include more meat pies and ready made shepherds pie,
lasagna, penne etc. The pies are better than those she use to make.

  #48 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Making a Meat Grocery List

On 2018-05-28 9:50 AM, Cheri wrote:

>> The paper ads and coupons I do still get via snail mail are useless.

> I love the paper ads and coupons that come in snail mail.

If they come on garbage I walk back across the street from the mail box
and drop them into the recycling bin. They don't even make it to the
house. I try to de-clutter by not even taking it into the house.

  #50 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Making a Meat Grocery List

On 2018-05-28 10:04 AM, Cindy Hamilton wrote:
> On Monday, May 28, 2018 at 8:54:50 AM UTC-4, Dave Smith wrote:
>> On 2018-05-28 6:54 AM, Cindy Hamilton wrote:
>>> I can't count the number of times I've waited for some asshole to
>>> finish backing into a parking spot. What's the point? You have
>>> to back up at some point, and I'd rather back out of the spot, which
>>> is much, much easier.

>> It shouldn't take much longer to back into a space than it does to drive
>> it. I would expect that anyone who does it should be able to back well
>> enough that it should not take any great effort. While it may take
>> just a little longer to back in they will gain that time back when they
>> drive straight out.
>> People who back into spaces are probably better trained drivers. It is
>> generally safer to back in than to drive in and then have to back out
>> because it is harder so see vehicles and pedestrians approaching from
>> the side. Ideally, people should choose a space where they can drive in
>> and drive out. The next best is to back in and drive out.

> Should. Should. Should. The plain and simple fact is that people who
> back into a space take extra time and do a poor job of aligning their
> car between the lines on the pavement.

They have to go in, and then they have to go out. Backing out of a
space is usually even slower, and it is riskier because you can't see
the traffic coming across behind you. I don't know about the, doing a
poor job of aligning their vehicles. They can't be any worse than many
who drive it.

> If you can't back out of a parking space, it's time to turn in your
> driver's license.

The same goes for those who can't back into a parking space. Backing in
is the safer option and is taught at defensive driving classes.

> Besides: How the hell do you get groceries into the trunk when it's
> jammed up against the car behind you?

Holy cow your life is full of these little obstacles.

  #51 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Making a Meat Grocery List

On 5/28/2018 11:39 AM, Terry Coombs wrote:
> On 5/28/2018 10:03 AM, jmcquown wrote:
>> On 5/28/2018 10:26 AM, Terry Coombs wrote:
>>> On 5/27/2018 6:50 PM, jmcquown wrote:
>>>> On 5/27/2018 7:22 PM, Terry Coombs wrote:
>>>>> On 5/27/2018 5:01 PM, jmcquown wrote:
>>>>>> Time to re-stock the freezer.Â* I was perusing the Publix weekly
>>>>>> ad. Nothing much in the way of beef on sale.Â* I decided to dig
>>>>>> beyond and look at what else is available in the meat department.
>>>>>> According to their web site.
>>>>>> I've never liked the term "flap steak".Â* Nor the term "skirt
>>>>>> steak". I know exactly what they're used for - fajitas.Â* That sort
>>>>>> of meat requires a lot of marinating and tenderizing.
>>>>>> In any event, the web site can't tell you the price of these
>>>>>> pieces of tough meat.Â* But yes, they have lots of different cuts
>>>>>> available.
>>>>>> I am looking for some nice *tender* tenderloin filets.Â* I like
>>>>>> porterhouse steaks but really don't want to contend with cutting
>>>>>> steaks off the bone.
>>>>>> Oh yes, just found prime filets!Â* For actual prime, I have to buy
>>>>>> vacuum packed named branded ones... but they're prime, not choice.
>>>>>> You know this means XX dollars.Â* Ditto the rib-eyes.
>>>>>> How often do you use your grocery store's web site to see what is
>>>>>> available before you make a shopping list?
>>>>>> Jill
>>>>> Â*Â*Â* What's a shopping list ? I've almost always got whatever I want
>>>>> on the pantry shelf and/or in the freezer to fix almost anything I
>>>>> want . There are exceptions ...
>>>> If you have to ask don't bother.
>>>> Jill
>>> Â*Â* Jill , this thread implies that the list is for dinner tonight or
>>> something in that vein .

>> No, it doesn't.Â* Re-read.Â* I specifically said it's time to restock
>> the freezer.
>>> We use a list , but the list is made as I/we pull items off the
>>> storage shelf to the current-use location . This way I almost always
>>> have on hand whatever I need for what I want to fix for dinner . WE
>>> have to use a system of some sort since I do most of the cooking and
>>> she does most of the shopping . The exception is meat , I do almost
>>> all the meat purchases . Just a few minutes ago I finished portioning
>>> out the 3 packages of country style ribs and got them in the freezer
>>> . Did pretty good , average a buck a serving . Did even better on the
>>> ham , looks like around $.85 per serving based on getting 2 meals per
>>> package . And we'll probably get that plus a lunch or 2 .

>> Nice.Â* I made country ribs with a pseudo asian marinade not long ago
>> so I'm not in the market for ribs.Â* I've never been a huge fan of ham.
>> I guess you got the impression about a dinner tonight because I
>> mentioned I'm in the market for some prime beef petit filets. About 2
>> inches thick.Â* Yes, but I plan to stock up for the freezer.
>> And no, I don't want the filets wrapped in bacon.Â* If I decide to cook
>> them that way I'll wrap them myself at home, thank you.
>> I dislike the way some grocery stores try to present you with their
>> own embellishments.Â* Here are some "pinwheels" of thinly sliced beef
>> flank with garlic and basil butter.Â* What?Â* I skip right past that stuff.
>> Jill

> We love ham ... and CSR's are one of my favorites . I try to do a
> rotation type thing , try not to serve the same meat 2 nights in a row ,
> vary sides , etc . I've gained a new respect for all the years my wife
> juggled dinners and kept us well fed - and on less money (real value)
> than we spend now . BTW , got some of those ribs marinatng in season
> salt and a dash of white wine but forgot to soak the beans last night .
> There's a can of country-style white beans on the shelf , we'll try
> those tonight .

I've got nothing against canned beans. I use them often when making
soups. I'm not sure what country-style white beans are. I'm guessing
seasoned with ham or bacon.

There is a white bean soup recipe from a long ago restaurant I've always
wanted to replicate. I don't care if it calls for canned beans.
They're great northern beans, love them!

I occasionally went out to lunch at a little restaurant in Memphis with
co-workers. This down home place on Poplar Avenue in East Memphis
always had White Bean Soup on Thursdays. (Wednesdays was Chicken &
Dumplings.) Oh man, was that bean soup delicious! And no, there was no
detectible ham or bacon. I never could figure out how to replicate that
delicious white bean soup. Every meal was served with wonderful melt in
your mouth biscuits and cornbread.

The parking lot was atrocious. Had to get there early; we often left
for lunch around 10:30 just so we knew we'd be able to park and get in.
The food was that good. I'm sure the place has long since closed. I
never have been able to replicate that soup.

  #52 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Making a Meat Grocery List

On 2018-05-28 10:35 AM, jmcquown wrote:
> On 5/28/2018 10:04 AM, Cindy Hamilton wrote:
>> On Monday, May 28, 2018 at 8:54:50 AM UTC-4, Dave Smith wrote:
>>> On 2018-05-28 6:54 AM, Cindy Hamilton wrote:
>>>> I can't count the number of times I've waited for some asshole to
>>>> finish backing into a parking spot.Â* What's the point?Â* You have
>>>> to back up at some point, and I'd rather back out of the spot, which
>>>> is much, much easier.
>>> It shouldn't take much longer to back into a space than it does to drive
>>> it.Â* I would expect that anyone who does it should be able to back well
>>> enough that it should not take any great effort.Â*Â* While it may take
>>> just a little longer to back in they will gain that time back when they
>>> drive straight out.
>>> People who back into spaces are probably better trained drivers. It is
>>> generally safer to back in than to drive in and then have to back out
>>> because it is harder so see vehicles and pedestrians approaching from
>>> the side.Â* Ideally, people should choose a space where they can drive in
>>> and drive out. The next best is to back in and drive out.

>> Should.Â* Should.Â* Should.Â* The plain and simple fact is that people who
>> back into a space take extra time and do a poor job of aligning their
>> car between the lines on the pavement.
>> If you can't back out of a parking space, it's time to turn in your
>> driver's license.
>> Besides:Â* How the hell do you get groceries into the trunk when it's
>> jammed up against the car behind you?
>> Cindy Hamilton

> He's making specious arguments.Â* It makes absolutely no sense to take
> the time to back into a parking space at the grocery store.Â* Takes more
> time to pull up, align and back in than it would to just park.Â* Of
> course he's assuming everyone has backup cameras.Â* Nope, not everyone
> ran out and bought a new vehicle.Â* I just want to park and get into the
> store, okay?Â* Get the hell out of the way.

There is nothing specious about my argument. It is taught in defensive
driving courses. There is no assumption about back up cameras. In fact
I have said several times here that I think they are over rated and
argued against making them mandatory. We all have mirrors on our cars
and heads on top of necks that turn. The only advantage I see in back
up cameras is that they let you know how close you are to the car behind.

If you find it too taxing to back into a parking space you must have a
hell of a time parallel parking.

  #55 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Making a Meat Grocery List

On 2018-05-28 11:19 AM, wrote:
> On Monday, May 28, 2018 at 7:05:45 AM UTC-5, Jill McQuown wrote:
>> On 5/28/2018 6:54 AM, Cindy Hamilton wrote:
>>> I can't count the number of times I've waited for some asshole to
>>> finish backing into a parking spot. What's the point? You have
>>> to back up at some point, and I'd rather back out of the spot, which
>>> is much, much easier.
>>> Cindy Hamilton

>> That's a pet peeve of mine. Just park the damn car and get out of the way.
>> Jill

> I'm a backer in person. I cannot stand to be backing out of a spot and
> some IDIOT on their phone, usually, or walking and looking at their feet
> walks right behind me as I'm backing out.

It never fails to amaze me how so many people are so careless about
walking behind a vehicle that is backing up. I don't know if they are
stupid, oblivious, or just being jerks. The poor driver has limited
vision and has enough to deal with as the front end swings over toward
the adjacent vehicle, and then some dullard comes along assuming that
you should see him /her. There should be a bounty on them.

> I back in and you're inconvenienced for 45 seconds but I didn't run over
> anyone. I've got a clear view of airheads walking in front of my car
> before pulling out.

I don't know if it even takes that much longer than driving in. I have
seen enough people having so much trouble driving into a space that they
had to back out and try again.

  #56 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Making a Meat Grocery List

On 2018-05-28 11:26 AM, Cindy Hamilton wrote:

> I've never hit anyone backing out, and I'll put Ann Arbor airheads up
> against any in the world.
> I miss my '74 Chevy. The horn could make college students levitate.

Honk your loud horn at me and see how much faster it makes me move.

  #58 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Making a Meat Grocery List

On 5/28/2018 12:10 PM, Dave Smith wrote:
> On 2018-05-28 10:35 AM, jmcquown wrote:
>> On 5/28/2018 10:04 AM, Cindy Hamilton wrote:
>>> On Monday, May 28, 2018 at 8:54:50 AM UTC-4, Dave Smith wrote:
>>>> On 2018-05-28 6:54 AM, Cindy Hamilton wrote:
>>>>> I can't count the number of times I've waited for some asshole to
>>>>> finish backing into a parking spot.Â* What's the point?Â* You have
>>>>> to back up at some point, and I'd rather back out of the spot, which
>>>>> is much, much easier.
>>>> It shouldn't take much longer to back into a space than it does to
>>>> drive
>>>> it.Â* I would expect that anyone who does it should be able to back well
>>>> enough that it should not take any great effort.Â*Â* While it may take
>>>> just a little longer to back in they will gain that time back when they
>>>> drive straight out.
>>>> People who back into spaces are probably better trained drivers. It is
>>>> generally safer to back in than to drive in and then have to back out
>>>> because it is harder so see vehicles and pedestrians approaching from
>>>> the side.Â* Ideally, people should choose a space where they can
>>>> drive in
>>>> and drive out. The next best is to back in and drive out.
>>> Should.Â* Should.Â* Should.Â* The plain and simple fact is that people who
>>> back into a space take extra time and do a poor job of aligning their
>>> car between the lines on the pavement.
>>> If you can't back out of a parking space, it's time to turn in your
>>> driver's license.
>>> Besides:Â* How the hell do you get groceries into the trunk when it's
>>> jammed up against the car behind you?
>>> Cindy Hamilton

>> He's making specious arguments.Â* It makes absolutely no sense to take
>> the time to back into a parking space at the grocery store.Â* Takes
>> more time to pull up, align and back in than it would to just park.
>> Of course he's assuming everyone has backup cameras.Â* Nope, not
>> everyone ran out and bought a new vehicle.Â* I just want to park and
>> get into the store, okay?Â* Get the hell out of the way.

> There is nothing specious about my argument. It is taught in defensive
> driving courses.Â* There is no assumption about back up cameras. In fact
> I have said several times here that I think they are over rated and
> argued against making them mandatory.Â* We all have mirrors on our cars
> and heads on top of necks that turn.Â* The only advantage I see in back
> up cameras is that they let you know how close you are to the car behind.
> If you find it too taxing to back into a parking space you must have a
> hell of a time parallel parking.

I have no need to parallel park. I know how to do it but I don't often
go to any place which requires it. Just as most people do not have to
back into a parking space.

  #59 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Making a Meat Grocery List

On 5/28/2018 12:04 PM, Dave Smith wrote:
> On 2018-05-28 10:04 AM, Cindy Hamilton wrote:
>> On Monday, May 28, 2018 at 8:54:50 AM UTC-4, Dave Smith wrote:
>>> On 2018-05-28 6:54 AM, Cindy Hamilton wrote:
>>>> I can't count the number of times I've waited for some asshole to
>>>> finish backing into a parking spot.Â* What's the point?Â* You have
>>>> to back up at some point, and I'd rather back out of the spot, which
>>>> is much, much easier.
>>> It shouldn't take much longer to back into a space than it does to drive
>>> it.Â* I would expect that anyone who does it should be able to back well
>>> enough that it should not take any great effort.Â*Â* While it may take
>>> just a little longer to back in they will gain that time back when they
>>> drive straight out.
>>> People who back into spaces are probably better trained drivers. It is
>>> generally safer to back in than to drive in and then have to back out
>>> because it is harder so see vehicles and pedestrians approaching from
>>> the side.Â* Ideally, people should choose a space where they can drive in
>>> and drive out. The next best is to back in and drive out.

>> Should.Â* Should.Â* Should.Â* The plain and simple fact is that people who
>> back into a space take extra time and do a poor job of aligning their
>> car between the lines on the pavement.

> They have to go in, and then they have to go out.Â* Backing out of a
> space is usually even slower, and it is riskier because you can't see
> the traffic coming across behind you.Â*Â* I don't know about the, doing a
> poor job of aligning their vehicles. They can't be any worse than many
> who drive it.
>> If you can't back out of a parking space, it's time to turn in your
>> driver's license.

> The same goes for those who can't back into a parking space.Â* Backing in
> is the safer option and is taught at defensive driving classes.

For what reason?! There's no need to back into a spot to be a defensive
driver. All you need to know is to check your mirrors, back out slowly
and yes, you said it. Swivel that thing on your heck and look.

>> Besides:Â* How the hell do you get groceries into the trunk when it's
>> jammed up against the car behind you?

> Holy cow your life is full of these little obstacles.

No, yours seems to require everyone in the parking lot back in. Holy cow!

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On 2018-05-28 10:10 AM, Dave Smith wrote:
> On 2018-05-28 10:35 AM, jmcquown wrote:
>> On 5/28/2018 10:04 AM, Cindy Hamilton wrote:
>>> On Monday, May 28, 2018 at 8:54:50 AM UTC-4, Dave Smith wrote:
>>>> On 2018-05-28 6:54 AM, Cindy Hamilton wrote:
>>>>> I can't count the number of times I've waited for some asshole to
>>>>> finish backing into a parking spot.Â* What's the point?Â* You have
>>>>> to back up at some point, and I'd rather back out of the spot, which
>>>>> is much, much easier.
>>>> It shouldn't take much longer to back into a space than it does to
>>>> drive
>>>> it.Â* I would expect that anyone who does it should be able to back well
>>>> enough that it should not take any great effort.Â*Â* While it may take
>>>> just a little longer to back in they will gain that time back when they
>>>> drive straight out.
>>>> People who back into spaces are probably better trained drivers. It is
>>>> generally safer to back in than to drive in and then have to back out
>>>> because it is harder so see vehicles and pedestrians approaching from
>>>> the side.Â* Ideally, people should choose a space where they can
>>>> drive in
>>>> and drive out. The next best is to back in and drive out.
>>> Should.Â* Should.Â* Should.Â* The plain and simple fact is that people who
>>> back into a space take extra time and do a poor job of aligning their
>>> car between the lines on the pavement.
>>> If you can't back out of a parking space, it's time to turn in your
>>> driver's license.
>>> Besides:Â* How the hell do you get groceries into the trunk when it's
>>> jammed up against the car behind you?
>>> Cindy Hamilton

>> He's making specious arguments.Â* It makes absolutely no sense to take
>> the time to back into a parking space at the grocery store.Â* Takes
>> more time to pull up, align and back in than it would to just park.
>> Of course he's assuming everyone has backup cameras.Â* Nope, not
>> everyone ran out and bought a new vehicle.Â* I just want to park and
>> get into the store, okay?Â* Get the hell out of the way.

> There is nothing specious about my argument. It is taught in defensive
> driving courses.Â* There is no assumption about back up cameras. In fact
> I have said several times here that I think they are over rated and
> argued against making them mandatory.Â* We all have mirrors on our cars
> and heads on top of necks that turn.Â* The only advantage I see in back
> up cameras is that they let you know how close you are to the car behind.
> If you find it too taxing to back into a parking space you must have a
> hell of a time parallel parking.

With age, my neck and shoulder are not so flexible as they used to be
and reversing into narrow parking spaces is not as easy as it was when I
was younger.

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On Mon, 28 May 2018 11:32:31 -0400, jmcquown >

>On 5/28/2018 11:14 AM, l not -l wrote:
>> On 28-May-2018, Ed Pawlowski > wrote:
>>> On 5/28/2018 1:21 AM, wrote:
>>>> On Sun, 27 May 2018 22:02:18 -0700, "Julie Bove"
>>>> > wrote:
>>>>>> I am looking for some nice *tender* tenderloin filets. I like
>>>>>> porterhouse
>>>>>> steaks but really don't want to contend with cutting steaks off the
>>>>>> bone.
>>>>>> Oh yes, just found prime filets! For actual prime, I have to buy
>>>>>> vacuum
>>>>>> packed named branded ones... but they're prime, not choice. You know
>>>>>> this
>>>>>> means XX dollars. Ditto the rib-eyes.
>>>>>> How often do you use your grocery store's web site to see what is
>>>>>> available before you make a shopping list?
>>>>> Always.
>>>> Von's has ribeye steaks for $3.99 a pound, Kroger (Ralph's) is $4.77.
>>> If they are a decent grade, both are fairly cheap. I see them in the $8
>>> to $10 range for Choice or CAB.

>> That's about what I pay here (STL). I buy ribeyes very often, usually
>> paying $7.99/lb for CAB ribeye and $8.99 for CAB Saratoga ribeye.
>> I rarely give them a look; but, one of the local supermarkets offers a
>> select grade ribeye at, IIRC, $5.99/lb. I once accidently bought a select
>> ribeye and it was tough and tasteless - never again.

>It's important to pay attention to the grade. Choice is most commonly
>offered. Select is a step down. Prime is most costly and of course,
>more expensive.

Most costly and More expensive are kinda redundantly synonymous.
I don't care for Prime beef, I find it much too fatty, and a lot is
waste unless one enjoys eating the fat. By the time I've trimmed away
the fat only half the steak remains,
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> wrote in message
> On Mon, 28 May 2018 09:33:30 -0400, jmcquown >
> wrote:
>>On 5/27/2018 6:33 PM, Nancy2 wrote:
>>> I just like the printed "word," which also
>>> includes books (instead of electronic readers).
>>> N.

>>Add me to that list. I just picked up a bunch of books. They don't
>>require a cord or recharging.

> But OTOH if I'm out somewhere and have to wait, I have about 40 books
> in my purse. I tried to read a paper book recently and gave up and
> found the ebook editiion, much better. I can adjust the print size,
> add backlighting if the light is poor.

The Kindle or e-reader is so much handier for me due to arthritis makes it
hard to hold books turn pages etc., and as you say I can change the print to
larger print at the push of a button or two which makes it easier to see.
Seems like we have this conversation about every 3 or 4 months, same with
dishwasher versus dishwashing, how far behind can the cell phone debate be?


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On 5/28/2018 11:08 AM, jmcquown wrote:
> On 5/28/2018 11:39 AM, Terry Coombs wrote:
>> On 5/28/2018 10:03 AM, jmcquown wrote:
>>> On 5/28/2018 10:26 AM, Terry Coombs wrote:
>>>> On 5/27/2018 6:50 PM, jmcquown wrote:
>>>>> On 5/27/2018 7:22 PM, Terry Coombs wrote:
>>>>>> On 5/27/2018 5:01 PM, jmcquown wrote:
>>>>>>> Time to re-stock the freezer.Â* I was perusing the Publix weekly
>>>>>>> ad. Nothing much in the way of beef on sale.Â* I decided to dig
>>>>>>> beyond and look at what else is available in the meat
>>>>>>> department. According to their web site.
>>>>>>> I've never liked the term "flap steak".Â* Nor the term "skirt
>>>>>>> steak". I know exactly what they're used for - fajitas.Â* That
>>>>>>> sort of meat requires a lot of marinating and tenderizing.
>>>>>>> In any event, the web site can't tell you the price of these
>>>>>>> pieces of tough meat.Â* But yes, they have lots of different cuts
>>>>>>> available.
>>>>>>> I am looking for some nice *tender* tenderloin filets.Â* I like
>>>>>>> porterhouse steaks but really don't want to contend with cutting
>>>>>>> steaks off the bone.
>>>>>>> Oh yes, just found prime filets!Â* For actual prime, I have to
>>>>>>> buy vacuum packed named branded ones... but they're prime, not
>>>>>>> choice. You know this means XX dollars.Â* Ditto the rib-eyes.
>>>>>>> How often do you use your grocery store's web site to see what
>>>>>>> is available before you make a shopping list?
>>>>>>> Jill
>>>>>> Â*Â*Â* What's a shopping list ? I've almost always got whatever I
>>>>>> want on the pantry shelf and/or in the freezer to fix almost
>>>>>> anything I want . There are exceptions ...
>>>>> If you have to ask don't bother.
>>>>> Jill
>>>> Â*Â* Jill , this thread implies that the list is for dinner tonight
>>>> or something in that vein .
>>> No, it doesn't.Â* Re-read.Â* I specifically said it's time to restock
>>> the freezer.
>>>> We use a list , but the list is made as I/we pull items off the
>>>> storage shelf to the current-use location . This way I almost
>>>> always have on hand whatever I need for what I want to fix for
>>>> dinner . WE have to use a system of some sort since I do most of
>>>> the cooking and she does most of the shopping . The exception is
>>>> meat , I do almost all the meat purchases . Just a few minutes ago
>>>> I finished portioning out the 3 packages of country style ribs and
>>>> got them in the freezer . Did pretty good , average a buck a
>>>> serving . Did even better on the ham , looks like around $.85 per
>>>> serving based on getting 2 meals per package . And we'll probably
>>>> get that plus a lunch or 2 .
>>> Nice.Â* I made country ribs with a pseudo asian marinade not long ago
>>> so I'm not in the market for ribs.Â* I've never been a huge fan of ham.
>>> I guess you got the impression about a dinner tonight because I
>>> mentioned I'm in the market for some prime beef petit filets. About
>>> 2 inches thick.Â* Yes, but I plan to stock up for the freezer.
>>> And no, I don't want the filets wrapped in bacon.Â* If I decide to
>>> cook them that way I'll wrap them myself at home, thank you.
>>> I dislike the way some grocery stores try to present you with their
>>> own embellishments.Â* Here are some "pinwheels" of thinly sliced beef
>>> flank with garlic and basil butter.Â* What?Â* I skip right past that
>>> stuff.
>>> Jill

>> We love ham ... and CSR's are one of my favorites . I try to do a
>> rotation type thing , try not to serve the same meat 2 nights in a
>> row , vary sides , etc . I've gained a new respect for all the years
>> my wife juggled dinners and kept us well fed - and on less money
>> (real value) than we spend now . BTW , got some of those ribs
>> marinatng in season salt and a dash of white wine but forgot to soak
>> the beans last night . There's a can of country-style white beans on
>> the shelf , we'll try those tonight .

> I've got nothing against canned beans.Â* I use them often when making
> soups.Â* I'm not sure what country-style white beans are. I'm guessing
> seasoned with ham or bacon.
> There is a white bean soup recipe from a long ago restaurant I've
> always wanted to replicate.Â* I don't care if it calls for canned
> beans. They're great northern beans, love them!
> I occasionally went out to lunch at a little restaurant in Memphis
> with co-workers.Â* This down home place on Poplar Avenue in East
> Memphis always had White Bean Soup on Thursdays. (Wednesdays was
> Chicken & Dumplings.)Â* Oh man, was that bean soup delicious! And no,
> there was no detectible ham or bacon.Â* I never could figure out how to
> replicate that delicious white bean soup.Â* Every meal was served with
> wonderful melt in your mouth biscuits and cornbread.
> The parking lot was atrocious.Â* Had to get there early; we often left
> for lunch around 10:30 just so we knew we'd be able to park and get
> in. The food was that good. I'm sure the place has long since
> closed.Â* I never have been able to replicate that soup.
> Jill

Â* Would that be The Blue Plate Cafe ?

Yes , I'm old
and set in my ways .

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On 2018-05-28 12:12 PM, jmcquown wrote:
> On 5/28/2018 11:55 AM, wrote:
>> On Monday, May 28, 2018 at 10:42:54 AM UTC-5, graham wrote:
>>> If it's a city owned lot in Calgary and you back in, you'll get
>>> ticketed!! That's because we don't have front plates and the camera cars
>>> can't record your plate number.
>>> Graham

>> You lost me.

> No front plates, can't be read by the parking lot attendants.

AFAIAC, having a plate on the vehicle should be irrelevant to anything
regarding parking. It seems that some jurisdictions use scanning
technology to to make their job easier. Tough beans for them if they
might have to get out and walk a few feet.

I have little sympathy for parking enforcement because of the stunts I
have seen them pull. One time I ran quick errand. I paid for a half
hour. I was back in 28 minutes and saw a the parking enforcement officer
ripping off a ticket and was about to stick it under my wiper. I knew I
should have time left and looked at the meter.... 2 minutes left. When I
objected he said it was flashing... yes... because it was about to run
out. It hadn't. He had written up a ticket for a violation which had not
yet happened.... and never did.

A few years ago we were in Toronto and parked in a municipal lot along
an alley behind a main street. I went to the parking prepay machine
closest to where I had parked. Lucky for me a local resident warned me I
had to use the other one. One machine was for one side of the lane and
the other machine was for the other side.... $4.50 and hour on one
side, $4.75 on the other. For some reason, it was strictly enforced.
IMO, that is a type of trap to catch innocent people.

> We don't
> have parking lot attendants in grocery stores because they aren't public
> lots.Â* They're privately owned and not monitored or charged for parking.

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On Sun, 27 May 2018 23:14:54 -0700, "Julie Bove"
> wrote:

>"Nancy2" > wrote in message
>> Jill, I never check a website for specials, although I do order my
>> groceries online.
>> I get a weekly sales flyer in the regular mail, and I really prefer having
>> that as opposed
>> to spending more time on the computer. I just like the printed "word,"
>> which also
>> includes books (instead of electronic readers).

>For ads I much prefer online. Any paper ads I get are tossed out
>immediately. I wish they'd do away with mailing them.

Here we call them weekly circulars. I get them at the post office
when get my POB mail, but the post office doesn't put them in the
boxes, they are out on a counter so people can take or not. I go
through the circular for the Tops Market in town becaue it contains
coupons... I get the circular on line but why should I use my printer
ink to print an entire page al in color for a tiny coupon.. and the
circulars are in the store by the entrance. I rarely use my printer,
ink is too pricey.
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On 2018-05-28 12:18 PM, graham wrote:
> On 2018-05-28 10:16 AM, graham wrote:

> BTW, it's a very good system. Parking meters were always being broken
> into and were costly to repair and it was also costly to collect the
> quarters.

I thought they had come out with a better way to rip off the users when
they got the prepaid parking ticket. You pay in advance for the time you
think will use and it shows what time your fee runs out. If you find out
you are going to be longer you can't just top up you old ticket. You
have to pay from the current time , which might mean double paying for a
significant amount of time. Say you go to a doctor appointment that is
only going to take an hour and then find out the doctor is running an
hour late. It's bad enough that you are already paying for that extra
hour, but now you have to pay for the extra time and the balance of the
time you have already paid for.

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On 2018-05-28 12:21 PM, jmcquown wrote:
> On 5/28/2018 12:04 PM, Dave Smith wrote:

>> The same goes for those who can't back into a parking space.Â* Backing
>> in is the safer option and is taught at defensive driving classes.

> For what reason?!Â* There's no need to back into a spot to be a defensive
> driver.Â* All you need to know is to check your mirrors, back out slowly
> and yes, you said it.Â* Swivel that thing on your heck and look.

It is the safety factor when you are leaving the lot. You are not
backing out into possible traffic approaching from the sides.

>>> Besides:Â* How the hell do you get groceries into the trunk when it's
>>> jammed up against the car behind you?

>> Holy cow your life is full of these little obstacles.

> No, yours seems to require everyone in the parking lot back in.Â* Holy cow!

Oh? I didn't say that everyone had to back in. I was sticking up for the
people that seemed to offend others by holding them up for a few seconds
while they backed into a space.

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On Mon, 28 May 2018 12:52:25 -0400, Dave Smith
> wrote:

>On 2018-05-28 12:16 PM, graham wrote:
>> On 2018-05-28 9:55 AM, wrote:
>>> On Monday, May 28, 2018 at 10:42:54 AM UTC-5, graham wrote:
>>>> If it's a city owned lot in Calgary and you back in, you'll get
>>>> ticketed!! That's because we don't have front plates and the camera cars
>>>> can't record your plate number.
>>>> Graham
>>> You lost me.

>> We no longer have parking meters nor attendants taking your money in
>> public lots. Instead, you go to a machine and record your plate number
>> and pay the fee. In my case, I do it by smart phone and have an account
>> with the city parking authority. They drive around with camera cars that
>> send your plate # to their computer and if you haven't paid or you have
>> gone past your time, it automatically send you a parking ticket in the
>> mail.
>> Since we don't have front plates, if you back in the camera can't see
>> your registration and the officer will get out and ticket you.

>Heaven forbid someone being paid to enforce the parking couldn't get off
>his ass and get the number. That is just plan wrong.

So you're against efficiency and automation? Read Graham's post again
and tell me why a person should go on foot and record every single
license number in a parking lot and then go look each one up manually
and then write a paper ticket to put on the windshields.
Janet US
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On 2018-05-28 12:22 PM, graham wrote:
> On 2018-05-28 10:10 AM, Dave Smith wrote:

>> If you find it too taxing to back into a parking space you must have a
>> hell of a time parallel parking.

> With age, my neck and shoulder are not so flexible as they used to be
> and reversing into narrow parking spaces is not as easy as it was when I
> was younger.

Are your neck and shoulders more flexible when you are backing in than
when you are backing out?

I have scorned the value of back up cameras in the past due to their
poor quality and limited view (from my experience). I have since seen
much better systems. A friend out in Victoria had a much better system
in her Mercedes. It was a much, much clearer image and gave a full 180
degree view, so it showed vehicles and pedestrians approaching from the
sides. Better still, it superimposed track lines based on the angle of
your front tires as it predicted where the tires car would be be
situated as you backed with that turn angle.
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On 2018-05-28 12:23 PM, graham wrote:
> On 2018-05-28 10:16 AM, Dave Smith wrote:
>> On 2018-05-28 11:19 AM, wrote:
>>> On Monday, May 28, 2018 at 7:05:45 AM UTC-5, Jill McQuown wrote:
>>>> On 5/28/2018 6:54 AM, Cindy Hamilton wrote:
>>>>> I can't count the number of times I've waited for some asshole to
>>>>> finish backing into a parking spot.Â* What's the point?Â* You have
>>>>> to back up at some point, and I'd rather back out of the spot, which
>>>>> is much, much easier.
>>>>> Cindy Hamilton
>>>> That's a pet peeve of mine.Â* Just park the damn car and get out of
>>>> the way.
>>>> Jill
>>> I'm a backer in person.Â* I cannot stand to be backing out of a spot and
>>> some IDIOT on their phone, usually, or walking and looking at their feet
>>> walks right behind me as I'm backing out.

>> It never fails to amaze me how so many people are so careless about
>> walking behind a vehicle that is backing up.Â* I don't know if they are
>> stupid, oblivious, or just being jerks.Â* The poor driver has limited
>> vision and has enough to deal with as the front end swings over toward
>> the adjacent vehicle, and then some dullard comes along assuming that
>> you should see him /her.Â* There should be a bounty on them.

> Are you voting for Doug Ford?

I may have to. Look at our alternatives. We have a premiere who cannot
be trusted and who has run up twice the deficit she had told us and the
NDP. FWIW... the average age of candidates in this riding is 21. The
oldest is 27. The incumbent has just turned 20,and the other two are 18
and 19.

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On Monday, May 28, 2018 at 10:59:52 AM UTC-5, Dave Smith wrote:
> On 2018-05-28 9:50 AM, Cheri wrote:
> > I love the paper ads and coupons that come in snail mail.

> If they come on garbage I walk back across the street from the mail box
> and drop them into the recycling bin. They don't even make it to the
> house. I try to de-clutter by not even taking it into the house.

I don't get the sales ads or coupons in the mail any longer. But mail
and junk mail gets eyeballed immediately with name and addresses removed
from garbage mail. That goes to the shredder and the other stuff goes
to the recycling bin.

Anything that comes with a postage paid return envelope I will cross
out my name and address with a yellow highlighter and ask them to
remove my name AND address from their junk mail list. That goes in
that postage paid envelope with the pleasure of knowing they had to
pay for postage twice without making a sale. Once to deliver their
garbage and then to return their garbage to them.

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On Mon, 28 May 2018 03:54:57 -0700 (PDT), Cindy Hamilton
> wrote:

>On Sunday, May 27, 2018 at 8:17:52 PM UTC-4, dsi1 wrote:
>> On Sunday, May 27, 2018 at 1:50:10 PM UTC-10, Ed Pawlowski wrote:
>> >
>> > Pretty much never. I'm at the store 2 or 3 times a week so I cruise the
>> > meat aisle to see what looks good. I take advantage of bargains too.
>> > They had packs of two large, thick, pork chops marked down 50% so I
>> > bought 3 packs, one for dinner, 2 for the freezer.
>> >
>> > I do get a list of coupons by email every Thursday. I will look at them
>> > and load them to the loyalty card if I want to use them. I won't buy
>> > something just for the coupon, but if it is something I use, sure, I may
>> > buy it a week or so earlier if the coupon will expire soon.

>> I wouldn't expect a man to make a shopping list. That would be like expecting a woman to back up into a parking stall.

>We have a shopping list always on the refrigerator door. He marks stuff on
>it that he wants.
>He pretty often makes a shopping list for the Home Depot.
>I can't count the number of times I've waited for some asshole to
>finish backing into a parking spot. What's the point? You have
>to back up at some point, and I'd rather back out of the spot, which
>is much, much easier.
>Cindy Hamilton

I'm the one who makes the shopping list because I do all the cooking
so I know what we need. The list is for items at three different
stores; Tops, Walmart, BJs. I do the shopping in town at Tops, thats
where I get all the fresh meat and most produce. Walmart and BJs are
more than 20 miles, my wife goes near to one for her watercolor
painting class and near to the other for her doctor appointments...
she does most of that shopping. The items on the list that she will
buy she puts into her smart phone. I put everything away and so the
purchased items I tick off my paper list.

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On 2018-05-28 1:00 PM, U.S. Janet B. wrote:

>> Heaven forbid someone being paid to enforce the parking couldn't get off
>> his ass and get the number. That is just plan wrong.

> So you're against efficiency and automation? Read Graham's post again
> and tell me why a person should go on foot and record every single
> license number in a parking lot and then go look each one up manually
> and then write a paper ticket to put on the windshields.

I have a better idea. You tell me why a person issuing tickets should
not walk a few steps to see if there is a violation. They don't have to
manually record each one. If they have a scanner that reads that
information it can be portable.

I think that people should be advised of their violation ASAP after it
has been cited. One of my objections to our short lived photo radar
experiment was that it took too long from the time the machine caught
them and issue the ticket and the time they get it in the mail.
I may have been at the extreme end of that when I got nailed by photo
radar in the Netherlands. The offense took place on May 11. I got got
the notice in late October. I was clocked and charged for 54 kph in a
50 kph zone.... 3 mph over the limit....walking speed.

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On Monday, May 28, 2018 at 11:04:20 AM UTC-5, Dave Smith wrote:
> On 2018-05-28 10:04 AM, Cindy Hamilton wrote:
> >
> > Should. Should. Should. The plain and simple fact is that people who
> > back into a space take extra time and do a poor job of aligning their
> > car between the lines on the pavement.

> They have to go in, and then they have to go out. Backing out of a
> space is usually even slower, and it is riskier because you can't see
> the traffic coming across behind you. I don't know about the, doing a
> poor job of aligning their vehicles. They can't be any worse than many
> who drive it.

> > If you can't back out of a parking space, it's time to turn in your
> > driver's license.

> The same goes for those who can't back into a parking space. Backing in
> is the safer option and is taught at defensive driving classes.

Bingo, again!
> > Besides: How the hell do you get groceries into the trunk when it's
> > jammed up against the car behind you?

> Holy cow your life is full of these little obstacles.

Sounds silly, but in the wintertime my groceries go in the trunk and in
summertime they go in backseat.

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On 5/28/2018 12:19 PM, jmcquown wrote:
> On 5/28/2018 12:10 PM, Dave Smith wrote:

>> If you find it too taxing to back into a parking space you must have a
>> hell of a time parallel parking.

> I have no need to parallel park.Â* I know how to do it but I don't often
> go to any place which requires it.Â* Just as most people do not have to
> back into a parking space.
> Jill

When I lived in Philly, I was a pro at parallel parking since I did it
four or five times a day. I could get into a space barely longer than
the car. Not having to do it very often for 37 years, it can be a real
PITA if it is not a large spot. Probably do it 3 times a year now.
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On Monday, May 28, 2018 at 11:12:43 AM UTC-5, Jill McQuown wrote:
> No front plates, can't be read by the parking lot attendants. We don't
> have parking lot attendants in grocery stores because they aren't public
> lots. They're privately owned and not monitored or charged for parking.
> Jill

A hundred years ago at work when I had to park in the 'lower lot' we had
to park nose to nose in this GIGANTIC lot because the drunk ass attendant
couldn't be bothered to check window stickers of those not parking nose
to nose. Mind you, this was ALL that lazy ******* had to do for 8 hours
while riding around in an old converted US Mail delivery truck. After we
were bought out the new company said park any way you want to park as long
as you are between the lines.

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