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  #81 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Making a Meat Grocery List

On Mon, 28 May 2018 08:54:46 -0400, Dave Smith
> wrote:

>On 2018-05-28 6:54 AM, Cindy Hamilton wrote:
>> I can't count the number of times I've waited for some asshole to
>> finish backing into a parking spot. What's the point? You have
>> to back up at some point, and I'd rather back out of the spot, which
>> is much, much easier.

>It shouldn't take much longer to back into a space than it does to drive
>it. I would expect that anyone who does it should be able to back well
>enough that it should not take any great effort. While it may take
>just a little longer to back in they will gain that time back when they
>drive straight out.
>People who back into spaces are probably better trained drivers. It is
>generally safer to back in than to drive in and then have to back out
>because it is harder so see vehicles and pedestrians approaching from
>the side. Ideally, people should choose a space where they can drive in
>and drive out. The next best is to back in and drive out.
>No matter how large a parking spot it, there are still people who will
>have trouble getting in and out. There are people out there who are
>hopeless at parking. I see it almost every time I go to the corner
>bakery/coffee shop. The roadside parking spaces are huge. You can
>easily park an extended cab ban or pickup truck in one of them, but
>people still have trouble staying between the lines.
> A couple weeks ago I was there with my wife and there was only one
>space available. The car behind was more than two feet into the
>otherwise empty space. I had a bit of a challenge parallel in front of
>it, and thanks to my back camera I was able to back up to within about
>an inch of her front bumper. I figured that she had more than enough
>room to back up before pulling out. What I had not counted on was a
>small car slipping into the space behind her car and boxing her in.
>Of course we had to stick around and watch for her to some out. She
>could not be too upset with my position because it was her car that was
>sticking so far into my space. As it turned out, she left just before
>us. She was lucky that the guy behind was leaving just as she was
>standing there looking at her boxed in Mercedes SUV.

Here in snow country the parking lots are huge because they need room
to push the mountains of snow, there's always plenty of parking spots
and all extra large. I have no problem backing into a spot, for me
backing in is just as easy as pulling in because I learned to drive in
NYC and there the driving test included parallel parking, you had to
back in one shot and end up with the tires less than six inches from
the curb but not touching the curb. In a big crowded city parking is
at a premium so one quickly learns how to back into a space that's not
much longer than the car. I've discovered that small hick town
drivers can't parallel park, never even tried.
My big pet peeve is coming out of a store and some ****pot compact car
is parked so close to me that I can't open my door enough for a cat to
squeeze through, and they had plenty of room to park centered in the
spot. All I could do is surmise they are in the stupid market so I
could have the store page who has such and such car but that takes
time. So I enter my car from the passenger side and have to climb
over the center console, not as easy as it looks.
  #82 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Making a Meat Grocery List

On Monday, May 28, 2018 at 12:00:47 PM UTC-5, U.S. Janet B. wrote:
> On Mon, 28 May 2018 12:52:25 -0400, Dave Smith
> > wrote:
> >Heaven forbid someone being paid to enforce the parking couldn't get off
> >his ass and get the number. That is just plan wrong.

> So you're against efficiency and automation? Read Graham's post again
> and tell me why a person should go on foot and record every single
> license number in a parking lot and then go look each one up manually
> and then write a paper ticket to put on the windshields.
> Janet US

I know on the show "Parking Wars" the people riding around in the vans
with boots for the violators have scanners that immediately gives them
a hit if the car has violations. They could provide them for the parking
lot attendants as well. It would keep them off their cell phones playing
games and checking Facebook.

Those walking and patrolling the parking meters also have hand scanners
and the scanner prints out the ticket, no writing. All they have to do
is key in the plate number.

  #83 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Making a Meat Grocery List

On Mon, 28 May 2018 08:09:27 -0700 (PDT), Cindy Hamilton
> wrote:

>On Monday, May 28, 2018 at 10:20:26 AM UTC-4, Ed Pawlowski wrote:
>> On 5/28/2018 10:04 AM, Cindy Hamilton wrote:
>> >
>> > Should. Should. Should. The plain and simple fact is that people who
>> > back into a space take extra time and do a poor job of aligning their
>> > car between the lines on the pavement.

>> Some do, as do the clods that pull in and can't get close to centered.
>> >
>> > If you can't back out of a parking space, it's time to turn in your
>> > driver's license.
>> >
>> > Besides: How the hell do you get groceries into the trunk when it's
>> > jammed up against the car behind you?
>> >
>> > Cindy Hamilton
>> >

>> Backing out can be dangerous parked between a couple of big SUVs and you
>> cannot see anything to the side. Even pulling out is only marginally
>> better.
>> Most times at the store I have only a bag or two and find it easier to
>> put it in the back seat. If we go to BJ's I will load the trunk.

>Ah, well, everybody's different. I have an SUV. I mainly shop once a week,
>and have four to six heavy bags that I load in the back.
>Even for small trips, I'm as likely to put a bag or to in the back, because
>it's easier to get stuff out of the back than from the passenger doors.
>My garage is fully detached, has two single doors, and shelving on the
>driver's side. The second most convenient place for groceries is the
>front passenger door, and I'd have to walk right past the back of the
>SUV to reach it.
>Still, even when I drove a Chevette, I'd never back in to a parking space.
>Cindy Hamilton

Here most parking lots are designed with several rows of double spots,
most find a spot with the with an empty spot in front so they pull in
and park in the attached empty spot, when they leave they just pull
I always try to park next to a cart corral, this way no one can park
so close to me that I can't open my door.
  #86 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Making a Meat Grocery List

On Mon, 28 May 2018 11:03:48 -0400, jmcquown >

>On 5/28/2018 10:26 AM, Terry Coombs wrote:
>> On 5/27/2018 6:50 PM, jmcquown wrote:
>>> On 5/27/2018 7:22 PM, Terry Coombs wrote:
>>>> On 5/27/2018 5:01 PM, jmcquown wrote:
>>>>> Time to re-stock the freezer.* I was perusing the Publix weekly ad.
>>>>> Nothing much in the way of beef on sale.* I decided to dig beyond
>>>>> and look at what else is available in the meat department. According
>>>>> to their web site.
>>>>> I've never liked the term "flap steak".* Nor the term "skirt steak".
>>>>> I know exactly what they're used for - fajitas.* That sort of meat
>>>>> requires a lot of marinating and tenderizing.
>>>>> In any event, the web site can't tell you the price of these pieces
>>>>> of tough meat.* But yes, they have lots of different cuts available.
>>>>> I am looking for some nice *tender* tenderloin filets.* I like
>>>>> porterhouse steaks but really don't want to contend with cutting
>>>>> steaks off the bone.
>>>>> Oh yes, just found prime filets!* For actual prime, I have to buy
>>>>> vacuum packed named branded ones... but they're prime, not choice.
>>>>> You know this means XX dollars.* Ditto the rib-eyes.
>>>>> How often do you use your grocery store's web site to see what is
>>>>> available before you make a shopping list?
>>>>> Jill
>>>> *** What's a shopping list ? I've almost always got whatever I want
>>>> on the pantry shelf and/or in the freezer to fix almost anything I
>>>> want . There are exceptions ...
>>> If you have to ask don't bother.
>>> Jill

>> * Jill , this thread implies that the list is for dinner tonight or
>> something in that vein .

>No, it doesn't. Re-read. I specifically said it's time to restock the

I can't remember having to run out to a store to prepare dinner
because I'm missing one item, I'll either do without that item,
substitute, or change the menu.

>> We use a list , but the list is made as I/we
>> pull items off the storage shelf to the current-use location . This way
>> I almost always have on hand whatever I need for what I want to fix for
>> dinner . WE have to use a system of some sort since I do most of the
>> cooking and she does most of the shopping . The exception is meat , I do
>> almost all the meat purchases . Just a few minutes ago I finished
>> portioning out the 3 packages of country style ribs and got them in the
>> freezer . Did pretty good , average a buck a serving . Did even better
>> on the ham , looks like around $.85 per serving based on getting 2 meals
>> per package . And we'll probably get that plus a lunch or 2 .

>Nice. I made country ribs with a pseudo asian marinade not long ago so
>I'm not in the market for ribs. I've never been a huge fan of ham.
>I guess you got the impression about a dinner tonight because I
>mentioned I'm in the market for some prime beef petit filets. About 2
>inches thick. Yes, but I plan to stock up for the freezer.
>And no, I don't want the filets wrapped in bacon. If I decide to cook
>them that way I'll wrap them myself at home, thank you.
>I dislike the way some grocery stores try to present you with their own
>embellishments. Here are some "pinwheels" of thinly sliced beef flank
>with garlic and basil butter. What? I skip right past that stuff.

  #87 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Making a Meat Grocery List

On 2018-05-28 11:08 AM, Dave Smith wrote:
> On 2018-05-28 12:23 PM, graham wrote:
>> On 2018-05-28 10:16 AM, Dave Smith wrote:
>>> On 2018-05-28 11:19 AM, wrote:
>>>> On Monday, May 28, 2018 at 7:05:45 AM UTC-5, Jill McQuown wrote:
>>>>> On 5/28/2018 6:54 AM, Cindy Hamilton wrote:
>>>>>> I can't count the number of times I've waited for some asshole to
>>>>>> finish backing into a parking spot.Â* What's the point?Â* You have
>>>>>> to back up at some point, and I'd rather back out of the spot, which
>>>>>> is much, much easier.
>>>>>> Cindy Hamilton
>>>>> That's a pet peeve of mine.Â* Just park the damn car and get out of
>>>>> the way.
>>>>> Jill
>>>> I'm a backer in person.Â* I cannot stand to be backing out of a spot and
>>>> some IDIOT on their phone, usually, or walking and looking at their
>>>> feet
>>>> walks right behind me as I'm backing out.
>>> It never fails to amaze me how so many people are so careless about
>>> walking behind a vehicle that is backing up.Â* I don't know if they
>>> are stupid, oblivious, or just being jerks.Â* The poor driver has
>>> limited vision and has enough to deal with as the front end swings
>>> over toward the adjacent vehicle, and then some dullard comes along
>>> assuming that you should see him /her.Â* There should be a bounty on
>>> them.

>> Are you voting for Doug Ford?

> I may have to.

Ford will be a disaster just a Kenney will be in AB.

Look at our alternatives.Â* We have a premiere who cannot
> be trusted and who has run up twice the deficit she had told us and the
> NDP. FWIW... the average age of candidates in this riding is 21. The
> oldest is 27. The incumbent has just turned 20,and the other two are 18
> and 19.

Then give the young ones a chance! The old ones have certainly ****ed up
things in the past:-)
  #88 (permalink)   Report Post  
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"graham" > wrote in message
> With age, my neck and shoulder are not so flexible as they used to be and
> reversing into narrow parking spaces is not as easy as it was when I was
> younger.

Same here, though I have always been an excellent parallel parker I haven't
been called to do it often these past years.


  #89 (permalink)   Report Post  
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"jmcquown" > wrote in message
> On 5/28/2018 12:04 PM, Dave Smith wrote:
>> On 2018-05-28 10:04 AM, Cindy Hamilton wrote:
>>> On Monday, May 28, 2018 at 8:54:50 AM UTC-4, Dave Smith wrote:
>>>> On 2018-05-28 6:54 AM, Cindy Hamilton wrote:
>>>>> I can't count the number of times I've waited for some asshole to
>>>>> finish backing into a parking spot. What's the point? You have
>>>>> to back up at some point, and I'd rather back out of the spot, which
>>>>> is much, much easier.
>>>> It shouldn't take much longer to back into a space than it does to
>>>> drive
>>>> it. I would expect that anyone who does it should be able to back well
>>>> enough that it should not take any great effort.  While it may take
>>>> just a little longer to back in they will gain that time back when they
>>>> drive straight out.
>>>> People who back into spaces are probably better trained drivers. It is
>>>> generally safer to back in than to drive in and then have to back out
>>>> because it is harder so see vehicles and pedestrians approaching from
>>>> the side. Ideally, people should choose a space where they can drive
>>>> in
>>>> and drive out. The next best is to back in and drive out.
>>> Should. Should. Should. The plain and simple fact is that people who
>>> back into a space take extra time and do a poor job of aligning their
>>> car between the lines on the pavement.

>> They have to go in, and then they have to go out. Backing out of a space
>> is usually even slower, and it is riskier because you can't see the
>> traffic coming across behind you.  I don't know about the, doing a poor
>> job of aligning their vehicles. They can't be any worse than many who
>> drive it.
>>> If you can't back out of a parking space, it's time to turn in your
>>> driver's license.

>> The same goes for those who can't back into a parking space. Backing in
>> is the safer option and is taught at defensive driving classes.

> For what reason?! There's no need to back into a spot to be a defensive
> driver. All you need to know is to check your mirrors, back out slowly
> and yes, you said it. Swivel that thing on your heck and look.
>>> Besides:Â How the hell do you get groceries into the trunk when it's
>>> jammed up against the car behind you?

>> Holy cow your life is full of these little obstacles.

> No, yours seems to require everyone in the parking lot back in. Holy cow!
> Jill

Actually, for me, it's much easier to inch forward to see around those huge
hummer like trucks and SUV's that always park on either side of me than it
is to try to back out looking over my shoulder.


  #90 (permalink)   Report Post  
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"jmcquown" > wrote in message
> On 5/28/2018 9:50 AM, Cheri wrote:
>> "jmcquown" > wrote in message
>> ...
>>> On 5/28/2018 2:14 AM, Julie Bove wrote:
>>>> "Nancy2" > wrote in message
>>>> ...
>>>>> Jill, I never check a website for specials, although I do order my
>>>>> groceries online.
>>>>> I get a weekly sales flyer in the regular mail, and I really prefer
>>>>> having that as opposed
>>>>> to spending more time on the computer. I just like the printed
>>>>> "word," which also
>>>>> includes books (instead of electronic readers).
>>>> For ads I much prefer online. Any paper ads I get are tossed out
>>>> immediately. I wish they'd do away with mailing them.
>>> The paper ads and coupons I do still get via snail mail are useless.

>> I love the paper ads and coupons that come in snail mail.
>> Cheri

> I live in a weird area, Cheri. The paper ads I get via snail mail are not
> for nearby stores. Unless you count 50-75 miles as nearby. And they're
> never for anything I want or need. I'm not in the market for furniture
> from an outlet in Bluffton. The paper coupons are often for restaurants,
> e.g. $10 off at some teppankaki grill in Rincon. I've heard of Rincon.
> Never actually been there. I certainly won't be dining there. LOL
> Useless waste of paper.
> Jill

Yes, I can see that, here the stores are all within a couple of miles from
me, Safeway, Smart and Final, S-Mart, Food 4 Less, Raley's, and so on. I
don't care to shop so much at Walmart, Costco, and the like because the
stores are just too big for me to get around easily in. I do get the
specials online, rewards etc., but I enjoy them like a newspaper I guess.
Sort of like how you like to handle a book instead of a Kindle or something,
and I like to clip coupons that I use. I have them in my purse and don't
have to add them and print out a list.


  #93 (permalink)   Report Post  
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"Dave Smith" > wrote in message
> On 2018-05-28 9:50 AM, Cheri wrote:
>>> The paper ads and coupons I do still get via snail mail are useless.

>> I love the paper ads and coupons that come in snail mail.

> If they come on garbage I walk back across the street from the mail box
> and drop them into the recycling bin. They don't even make it to the
> house. I try to de-clutter by not even taking it into the house.

Well they're useful for you to get more excercise in that case. I put mine
through a shredder for the worms when done.


  #94 (permalink)   Report Post  
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On 5/28/2018 1:16 PM, Dave Smith wrote:
> On 2018-05-28 1:00 PM, U.S. Janet B. wrote:

>> So you're against efficiency and automation?Â* Read Graham's post again
>> and tell me why a person should go on foot and record every single
>> license number in a parking lot and then go look each one up manually
>> and then write a paper ticket to put on the windshields.

> I have a better idea. You tell me why a person issuing tickets should
> not walk a few steps to see if there is a violation.Â* They don't have to
> manually record each one. If they have a scanner that reads that
> information it can be portable.

We pay enough for employee pensions and health insurance already.
I like a computer for mindless tasks.

  #95 (permalink)   Report Post  
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On Monday, May 28, 2018 at 12:04:20 PM UTC-4, Dave Smith wrote:
> On 2018-05-28 10:04 AM, Cindy Hamilton wrote:
> > On Monday, May 28, 2018 at 8:54:50 AM UTC-4, Dave Smith wrote:
> >> On 2018-05-28 6:54 AM, Cindy Hamilton wrote:
> >>
> >>> I can't count the number of times I've waited for some asshole to
> >>> finish backing into a parking spot. What's the point? You have
> >>> to back up at some point, and I'd rather back out of the spot, which
> >>> is much, much easier.
> >>
> >> It shouldn't take much longer to back into a space than it does to drive
> >> it. I would expect that anyone who does it should be able to back well
> >> enough that it should not take any great effort. While it may take
> >> just a little longer to back in they will gain that time back when they
> >> drive straight out.
> >>
> >> People who back into spaces are probably better trained drivers. It is
> >> generally safer to back in than to drive in and then have to back out
> >> because it is harder so see vehicles and pedestrians approaching from
> >> the side. Ideally, people should choose a space where they can drive in
> >> and drive out. The next best is to back in and drive out.

> >
> > Should. Should. Should. The plain and simple fact is that people who
> > back into a space take extra time and do a poor job of aligning their
> > car between the lines on the pavement.

> They have to go in, and then they have to go out. Backing out of a
> space is usually even slower, and it is riskier because you can't see
> the traffic coming across behind you. I don't know about the, doing a
> poor job of aligning their vehicles. They can't be any worse than many
> who drive it.

There's a lot more swinging room in the lane between the parked cars
than there is between the lines in a parking spot. I really have sat
for minutes waiting for one of those fidiots to finish parking, without
room to get around them while they fiddle-**** around.

> > If you can't back out of a parking space, it's time to turn in your
> > driver's license.

> The same goes for those who can't back into a parking space. Backing in
> is the safer option and is taught at defensive driving classes.
> > Besides: How the hell do you get groceries into the trunk when it's
> > jammed up against the car behind you?

> Holy cow your life is full of these little obstacles.

Really? When you park, nobody noses in so their bumper meets your bumper?
Happens all the time here.

Cindy Hamilton

  #97 (permalink)   Report Post  
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On Monday, May 28, 2018 at 12:46:52 PM UTC-4, Cheri wrote:
> > wrote in message
> ...
> > On Mon, 28 May 2018 09:33:30 -0400, jmcquown >
> > wrote:
> >
> >>On 5/27/2018 6:33 PM, Nancy2 wrote:
> >>> I just like the printed "word," which also
> >>> includes books (instead of electronic readers).
> >>>
> >>> N.
> >>
> >>Add me to that list. I just picked up a bunch of books. They don't
> >>require a cord or recharging.
> >>
> >>Jill

> >
> > But OTOH if I'm out somewhere and have to wait, I have about 40 books
> > in my purse. I tried to read a paper book recently and gave up and
> > found the ebook editiion, much better. I can adjust the print size,
> > add backlighting if the light is poor.

> The Kindle or e-reader is so much handier for me due to arthritis makes it
> hard to hold books turn pages etc., and as you say I can change the print to
> larger print at the push of a button or two which makes it easier to see.
> Seems like we have this conversation about every 3 or 4 months, same with
> dishwasher versus dishwashing, how far behind can the cell phone debate be?
> Cheri

Well, we are talking about grocery lists. Should be pretty soon.

Cindy Hamilton
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On Monday, May 28, 2018 at 1:13:57 PM UTC-5, Cheri wrote:
> "Ed Pawlowski" > wrote in message
> ...
> > Check out an episode of Parking Wars. I think it is on A&E showing
> > reruns.

> I get a kick out of that show, especially the guy with the pony tail that
> thinks he's so slick.
> Cheri

They've told what his name is a dozen times but he goes by the moniker
'Ponytail' and that's all I can remember to call him and I don't even
know him. Hahahahahahaaaaa

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On 2018-05-28 1:17 PM, Ed Pawlowski wrote:
> On 5/28/2018 12:19 PM, jmcquown wrote:

> When I lived in Philly, I was a pro at parallel parking since I did it
> four or five times a day.Â* I could get into a space barely longer than
> the car.Â* Not having to do it very often for 37 years, it can be a real
> PITA if it is not a large spot.Â*Â* Probably do it 3 times a year now.

You should try it in some of the European cities where cars are usually
parked so close together you sometimes can't walk between them.
  #101 (permalink)   Report Post  
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On 2018-05-28 1:51 PM, graham wrote:
>> Heaven forbid someone being paid to enforce the parking couldn't get
>> off his ass and get the number.Â* That is just plan wrong.

> You of all people should know about lazy public servants!!!!!!

Oh? I see.... because I worked for the government. I worked pretty hard,
but I have to admit that I had some lazy co-workers and stupid bosses,
and they were able to get away with it. I also worked with some lazy
people in the private sector.
  #102 (permalink)   Report Post  
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On 2018-05-28 1:55 PM, graham wrote:
> On 2018-05-28 11:08 AM, Dave Smith wrote:
>> On 2018-05-28 12:23 PM, graham wrote:
>>> On 2018-05-28 10:16 AM, Dave Smith wrote:
>>>> On 2018-05-28 11:19 AM, wrote:
>>>>> On Monday, May 28, 2018 at 7:05:45 AM UTC-5, Jill McQuown wrote:
>>>>>> On 5/28/2018 6:54 AM, Cindy Hamilton wrote:
>>>>>>> I can't count the number of times I've waited for some asshole to
>>>>>>> finish backing into a parking spot.Â* What's the point?Â* You have
>>>>>>> to back up at some point, and I'd rather back out of the spot, which
>>>>>>> is much, much easier.
>>>>>>> Cindy Hamilton
>>>>>> That's a pet peeve of mine.Â* Just park the damn car and get out of
>>>>>> the way.
>>>>>> Jill
>>>>> I'm a backer in person.Â* I cannot stand to be backing out of a spot
>>>>> and
>>>>> some IDIOT on their phone, usually, or walking and looking at their
>>>>> feet
>>>>> walks right behind me as I'm backing out.
>>>> It never fails to amaze me how so many people are so careless about
>>>> walking behind a vehicle that is backing up.Â* I don't know if they
>>>> are stupid, oblivious, or just being jerks.Â* The poor driver has
>>>> limited vision and has enough to deal with as the front end swings
>>>> over toward the adjacent vehicle, and then some dullard comes along
>>>> assuming that you should see him /her.Â* There should be a bounty on
>>>> them.
>>> Are you voting for Doug Ford?

>> I may have to.

> Ford will be a disaster just a Kenney will be in AB.

He can't be a bigger disaster than Wynne has been.
I have through most corners of our riding over the last few weeks. The
NDP and Liberals must be holding off on the signs until the last week
because I have only seen a couple signs for each of them. It's looking
like the 20 year old incumbent is a shoe in.

> Then give the young ones a chance! The old ones have certainly ****ed up
> things in the past:-)

I would rather have them wait until they have had to pay off student
loans, get a mortgage and pay some taxes before I let them decide what
they thing want/ need and are going to have to pay for.

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On Mon, 28 May 2018 14:43:47 -0400, Nancy Young >

>On 5/28/2018 1:16 PM, Dave Smith wrote:
>> On 2018-05-28 1:00 PM, U.S. Janet B. wrote:

>>> So you're against efficiency and automation?* Read Graham's post again
>>> and tell me why a person should go on foot and record every single
>>> license number in a parking lot and then go look each one up manually
>>> and then write a paper ticket to put on the windshields.

>> I have a better idea. You tell me why a person issuing tickets should
>> not walk a few steps to see if there is a violation.* They don't have to
>> manually record each one. If they have a scanner that reads that
>> information it can be portable.

>We pay enough for employee pensions and health insurance already.
>I like a computer for mindless tasks.

besides, we already fired all the employees that used to walk so we
could give their salaries to politicians
  #105 (permalink)   Report Post  
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On Mon, 28 May 2018 07:04:02 -0700 (PDT), Cindy Hamilton
> wrote:

>On Monday, May 28, 2018 at 8:54:50 AM UTC-4, Dave Smith wrote:
>> On 2018-05-28 6:54 AM, Cindy Hamilton wrote:
>> > I can't count the number of times I've waited for some asshole to
>> > finish backing into a parking spot. What's the point? You have
>> > to back up at some point, and I'd rather back out of the spot, which
>> > is much, much easier.

>> It shouldn't take much longer to back into a space than it does to drive
>> it. I would expect that anyone who does it should be able to back well
>> enough that it should not take any great effort. While it may take
>> just a little longer to back in they will gain that time back when they
>> drive straight out.
>> People who back into spaces are probably better trained drivers. It is
>> generally safer to back in than to drive in and then have to back out
>> because it is harder so see vehicles and pedestrians approaching from
>> the side. Ideally, people should choose a space where they can drive in
>> and drive out. The next best is to back in and drive out.

>Should. Should. Should. The plain and simple fact is that people who
>back into a space take extra time and do a poor job of aligning their
>car between the lines on the pavement.

I prefer to back in, just as quick as nose in first, just as well
aligned. With the idiots around who let their kids run in a parking
lot, there is less chance of a kid running behind me when I am back
ing out.
>If you can't back out of a parking space, it's time to turn in your
>driver's license.
>Besides: How the hell do you get groceries into the trunk when it's
>jammed up against the car behind you?

Never had a problem.
>Cindy Hamilton

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On Mon, 28 May 2018 10:35:46 -0400, jmcquown >

>On 5/28/2018 10:04 AM, Cindy Hamilton wrote:
>> On Monday, May 28, 2018 at 8:54:50 AM UTC-4, Dave Smith wrote:
>>> On 2018-05-28 6:54 AM, Cindy Hamilton wrote:
>>>> I can't count the number of times I've waited for some asshole to
>>>> finish backing into a parking spot. What's the point? You have
>>>> to back up at some point, and I'd rather back out of the spot, which
>>>> is much, much easier.
>>> It shouldn't take much longer to back into a space than it does to drive
>>> it. I would expect that anyone who does it should be able to back well
>>> enough that it should not take any great effort. While it may take
>>> just a little longer to back in they will gain that time back when they
>>> drive straight out.
>>> People who back into spaces are probably better trained drivers. It is
>>> generally safer to back in than to drive in and then have to back out
>>> because it is harder so see vehicles and pedestrians approaching from
>>> the side. Ideally, people should choose a space where they can drive in
>>> and drive out. The next best is to back in and drive out.

>> Should. Should. Should. The plain and simple fact is that people who
>> back into a space take extra time and do a poor job of aligning their
>> car between the lines on the pavement.
>> If you can't back out of a parking space, it's time to turn in your
>> driver's license.
>> Besides: How the hell do you get groceries into the trunk when it's
>> jammed up against the car behind you?
>> Cindy Hamilton

>He's making specious arguments. It makes absolutely no sense to take
>the time to back into a parking space at the grocery store. Takes more
>time to pull up, align and back in than it would to just park. Of
>course he's assuming everyone has backup cameras. Nope, not everyone
>ran out and bought a new vehicle. I just want to park and get into the
>store, okay? Get the hell out of the way.

He said nothing about cameras - my car is fairly new, I didn't even
consider cameras and I bet I can park my car just as quickly as you,
but mine will be backed in.
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On Mon, 28 May 2018 08:22:09 -0700 (PDT), Cindy Hamilton
> wrote:

>On Monday, May 28, 2018 at 10:30:29 AM UTC-4, Jill McQuown wrote:
>> On 5/28/2018 9:57 AM, wrote:
>> > On Mon, 28 May 2018 09:33:30 -0400, jmcquown >
>> > wrote:
>> >
>> >> On 5/27/2018 6:33 PM, Nancy2 wrote:
>> >>> I just like the printed "word," which also
>> >>> includes books (instead of electronic readers).
>> >>>
>> >>> N.
>> >>
>> >> Add me to that list. I just picked up a bunch of books. They don't
>> >> require a cord or recharging.
>> >>
>> >> Jill
>> >
>> > But OTOH if I'm out somewhere and have to wait, I have about 40 books
>> > in my purse. I tried to read a paper book recently and gave up and
>> > found the ebook editiion, much better. I can adjust the print size,
>> > add backlighting if the light is poor.
>> >

>> Hey, if you enjoy the ebook reader, great. Me, I don't need to have 40
>> books in my purse. I tend to pick one book and read it cover to cover.
>> I don't generally bounce between books unless I find one to be
>> exceptionally dull.
>> Then again, I don't spend a lot of time in waiting rooms.
>> Jill

>A couple times in the past few months I've been out to lunch and reached
>the end of a book. If I'd been reading paper, I'd have been out of luck.
>With the e-book library, I just opened another book.
>Cindy Hamilton

Precisely, I don't spend time in waiting rooms either even if she
would like to imply I do. I still wait odd times, for a friend to
arrive for lunch or whatever and it's convenient to have a book to
hand. I also read one cover to cover, then move on to the next
despite what madam again tries to imply.
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On Mon, 28 May 2018 12:19:02 -0400, jmcquown >

>On 5/28/2018 12:10 PM, Dave Smith wrote:
>> On 2018-05-28 10:35 AM, jmcquown wrote:
>>> On 5/28/2018 10:04 AM, Cindy Hamilton wrote:
>>>> On Monday, May 28, 2018 at 8:54:50 AM UTC-4, Dave Smith wrote:
>>>>> On 2018-05-28 6:54 AM, Cindy Hamilton wrote:
>>>>>> I can't count the number of times I've waited for some asshole to
>>>>>> finish backing into a parking spot.* What's the point?* You have
>>>>>> to back up at some point, and I'd rather back out of the spot, which
>>>>>> is much, much easier.
>>>>> It shouldn't take much longer to back into a space than it does to
>>>>> drive
>>>>> it.* I would expect that anyone who does it should be able to back well
>>>>> enough that it should not take any great effort.** While it may take
>>>>> just a little longer to back in they will gain that time back when they
>>>>> drive straight out.
>>>>> People who back into spaces are probably better trained drivers. It is
>>>>> generally safer to back in than to drive in and then have to back out
>>>>> because it is harder so see vehicles and pedestrians approaching from
>>>>> the side.* Ideally, people should choose a space where they can
>>>>> drive in
>>>>> and drive out. The next best is to back in and drive out.
>>>> Should.* Should.* Should.* The plain and simple fact is that people who
>>>> back into a space take extra time and do a poor job of aligning their
>>>> car between the lines on the pavement.
>>>> If you can't back out of a parking space, it's time to turn in your
>>>> driver's license.
>>>> Besides:* How the hell do you get groceries into the trunk when it's
>>>> jammed up against the car behind you?
>>>> Cindy Hamilton
>>> He's making specious arguments.* It makes absolutely no sense to take
>>> the time to back into a parking space at the grocery store.* Takes
>>> more time to pull up, align and back in than it would to just park.
>>> Of course he's assuming everyone has backup cameras.* Nope, not
>>> everyone ran out and bought a new vehicle.* I just want to park and
>>> get into the store, okay?* Get the hell out of the way.

>> There is nothing specious about my argument. It is taught in defensive
>> driving courses.* There is no assumption about back up cameras. In fact
>> I have said several times here that I think they are over rated and
>> argued against making them mandatory.* We all have mirrors on our cars
>> and heads on top of necks that turn.* The only advantage I see in back
>> up cameras is that they let you know how close you are to the car behind.
>> If you find it too taxing to back into a parking space you must have a
>> hell of a time parallel parking.

>I have no need to parallel park. I know how to do it but I don't often
>go to any place which requires it. Just as most people do not have to
>back into a parking space.

You are ****ing prissy it's incredible.
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On Mon, 28 May 2018 10:22:05 -0600, graham > wrote:

>On 2018-05-28 10:10 AM, Dave Smith wrote:
>> On 2018-05-28 10:35 AM, jmcquown wrote:
>>> On 5/28/2018 10:04 AM, Cindy Hamilton wrote:
>>>> On Monday, May 28, 2018 at 8:54:50 AM UTC-4, Dave Smith wrote:
>>>>> On 2018-05-28 6:54 AM, Cindy Hamilton wrote:
>>>>>> I can't count the number of times I've waited for some asshole to
>>>>>> finish backing into a parking spot.* What's the point?* You have
>>>>>> to back up at some point, and I'd rather back out of the spot, which
>>>>>> is much, much easier.
>>>>> It shouldn't take much longer to back into a space than it does to
>>>>> drive
>>>>> it.* I would expect that anyone who does it should be able to back well
>>>>> enough that it should not take any great effort.** While it may take
>>>>> just a little longer to back in they will gain that time back when they
>>>>> drive straight out.
>>>>> People who back into spaces are probably better trained drivers. It is
>>>>> generally safer to back in than to drive in and then have to back out
>>>>> because it is harder so see vehicles and pedestrians approaching from
>>>>> the side.* Ideally, people should choose a space where they can
>>>>> drive in
>>>>> and drive out. The next best is to back in and drive out.
>>>> Should.* Should.* Should.* The plain and simple fact is that people who
>>>> back into a space take extra time and do a poor job of aligning their
>>>> car between the lines on the pavement.
>>>> If you can't back out of a parking space, it's time to turn in your
>>>> driver's license.
>>>> Besides:* How the hell do you get groceries into the trunk when it's
>>>> jammed up against the car behind you?
>>>> Cindy Hamilton
>>> He's making specious arguments.* It makes absolutely no sense to take
>>> the time to back into a parking space at the grocery store.* Takes
>>> more time to pull up, align and back in than it would to just park.
>>> Of course he's assuming everyone has backup cameras.* Nope, not
>>> everyone ran out and bought a new vehicle.* I just want to park and
>>> get into the store, okay?* Get the hell out of the way.

>> There is nothing specious about my argument. It is taught in defensive
>> driving courses.* There is no assumption about back up cameras. In fact
>> I have said several times here that I think they are over rated and
>> argued against making them mandatory.* We all have mirrors on our cars
>> and heads on top of necks that turn.* The only advantage I see in back
>> up cameras is that they let you know how close you are to the car behind.
>> If you find it too taxing to back into a parking space you must have a
>> hell of a time parallel parking.

>With age, my neck and shoulder are not so flexible as they used to be
>and reversing into narrow parking spaces is not as easy as it was when I
>was younger.

It's no use graham, you are trying to argue with someone who has
rarely done a days work in her life, lives with elderly people in a
compound and doesn't really understand life today as it it.
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On Mon, 28 May 2018 09:45:46 -0700, "Cheri" >

> wrote in message
.. .
>> On Mon, 28 May 2018 09:33:30 -0400, jmcquown >
>> wrote:
>>>On 5/27/2018 6:33 PM, Nancy2 wrote:
>>>> I just like the printed "word," which also
>>>> includes books (instead of electronic readers).
>>>> N.
>>>Add me to that list. I just picked up a bunch of books. They don't
>>>require a cord or recharging.

>> But OTOH if I'm out somewhere and have to wait, I have about 40 books
>> in my purse. I tried to read a paper book recently and gave up and
>> found the ebook editiion, much better. I can adjust the print size,
>> add backlighting if the light is poor.

>The Kindle or e-reader is so much handier for me due to arthritis makes it
>hard to hold books turn pages etc., and as you say I can change the print to
>larger print at the push of a button or two which makes it easier to see.
>Seems like we have this conversation about every 3 or 4 months, same with
>dishwasher versus dishwashing, how far behind can the cell phone debate be?

lol Did I tell you about ? I signed up with
them and they send me suggestions for books and the most I have ever
paid is $1.99 ! Cost me more to drive to the library

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On Monday, May 28, 2018 at 2:14:56 PM UTC-5, Ed Pawlowski wrote:
> Some people just ignore the rules and get PO'd when caught. I get a kick
> out of some of the characters on Live PD.

I love the ones on Parking Wars that show up at the tow lot window and
think there should be some sort of dispensation because of their age or
the status of their health. You don't like standing at that window
handing over your cash when you feel like crap? Don't be an idiot
driver or don't hand over your keys to an idiot in your family!

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On Monday, May 28, 2018 at 2:16:02 PM UTC-5, wrote:
> I prefer to back in, just as quick as nose in first, just as well
> aligned. With the idiots around who let their kids run in a parking
> lot, there is less chance of a kid running behind me when I am back
> ing out.

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On 2018-05-28 2:43 PM, Nancy Young wrote:
> On 5/28/2018 1:16 PM, Dave Smith wrote:

>> I have a better idea. You tell me why a person issuing tickets should
>> not walk a few steps to see if there is a violation.Â* They don't have
>> to manually record each one. If they have a scanner that reads that
>> information it can be portable.

> We pay enough for employee pensions and health insurance already.
> I like a computer for mindless tasks.

I don't like mindless law enforcement.

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On 2018-05-28 2:44 PM, Cindy Hamilton wrote:
> On Monday, May 28, 2018 at 12:04:20 PM UTC-4, Dave Smith wrote:

> There's a lot more swinging room in the lane between the parked cars
> than there is between the lines in a parking spot. I really have sat
> for minutes waiting for one of those fidiots to finish parking, without
> room to get around them while they fiddle-**** around.

Have you never had to wait for someone backing out of parking spot.
Lots of people back out in front of cars in lots because the drivers,
try as they may, don't see them coming. People driving straight out
have a better chance of seeing you.

>>> Besides: How the hell do you get groceries into the trunk when it's
>>> jammed up against the car behind you?

>> Holy cow your life is full of these little obstacles.

> Really? When you park, nobody noses in so their bumper meets your bumper?
> Happens all the time here.

I can't say that it has ever happened. I would reserve the right to
stand on the bumper or hood to get to my trunk.

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On 2018-05-28 3:14 PM, Ed Pawlowski wrote:
> On 5/28/2018 1:13 PM, wrote:
>>> Check out an episode of Parking Wars.Â* I think it is on A&E showing
>>> reruns.

>> I like that show and wish they would make new episodes.Â* Boy, people
>> sure hate getting tickets especially when they are in the wrong or
>> owe hundreds of dollars in back violations.Â* I wouldn't like a ticket
>> either but it's the ones that owe big bucks that squall the loudest.

> I don't get it.Â* I've been driving 56 years and have one parking ticket.
> Â*Of course, since it was valid I paid it.Â* Why wait until the car is
> booted to come up with $500+ and penalties.
> Some people just ignore the rules and get PO'd when caught. I get a kick
> out of some of the characters on Live PD.

Hey, I told you about my experience. The guy was about to slap the
ticket under my windshield and I still had two minutes. I did once get
a ticket in my own car. I had run into a music store to get some guitar
strings and the vulture swooped in and left a ticket for me. I was the
only car parked on the block at the time. I guess the guy's over zealous
enforcement had already chased away anyone who was dumb enough to dare
to shop downtown.

We had problems with tickets when we went to court in one city. We had
been told by some of the older parking guys we didn't have to pay but
they preferred we used the lot half a block from the court house. Then
they got a couple of zealous young guys who loved to ticket cruisers.
That was fine by me. I would put the ticket on my expense account and
then set out to find city trucks. There was never one that could not get
at least one ticket. I figure that every $7 parking ticket I got cost
the city at least $500. After a while our bosses had a powwow and we
didn't have to pay for parking anymore. As an aside... our vehicles
were registered to the ministry in the right of Her Majesty Queen
Elizabeth, and most laws, especially city bylaws, do not apply to the Crown.

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On 2018-05-28 3:15 PM, wrote:
> On Mon, 28 May 2018 07:04:02 -0700 (PDT), Cindy Hamilton
> > wrote:
>> On Monday, May 28, 2018 at 8:54:50 AM UTC-4, Dave Smith wrote:
>>> On 2018-05-28 6:54 AM, Cindy Hamilton wrote:
>>>> I can't count the number of times I've waited for some asshole to
>>>> finish backing into a parking spot. What's the point? You have
>>>> to back up at some point, and I'd rather back out of the spot, which
>>>> is much, much easier.
>>> It shouldn't take much longer to back into a space than it does to drive
>>> it. I would expect that anyone who does it should be able to back well
>>> enough that it should not take any great effort. While it may take
>>> just a little longer to back in they will gain that time back when they
>>> drive straight out.
>>> People who back into spaces are probably better trained drivers. It is
>>> generally safer to back in than to drive in and then have to back out
>>> because it is harder so see vehicles and pedestrians approaching from
>>> the side. Ideally, people should choose a space where they can drive in
>>> and drive out. The next best is to back in and drive out.

>> Should. Should. Should. The plain and simple fact is that people who
>> back into a space take extra time and do a poor job of aligning their
>> car between the lines on the pavement.

> I prefer to back in, just as quick as nose in first, just as well
> aligned. With the idiots around who let their kids run in a parking
> lot, there is less chance of a kid running behind me when I am back
> ing out.

>> If you can't back out of a parking space, it's time to turn in your
>> driver's license.
>> Besides: How the hell do you get groceries into the trunk when it's
>> jammed up against the car behind you?

> Never had a problem.

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On 2018-05-28 3:50 PM, wrote:
> On Monday, May 28, 2018 at 1:45:36 PM UTC-5, Dave Smith wrote:
>> On 2018-05-28 1:13 PM,
>>> I wouldn't like a ticket
>>> either but it's the ones that owe big bucks that squall the loudest.

>> My son was telling me just the other day about his stoner room mate when
>> he first moved to Toronto. He Nova Scotia plates on his car and there
>> is apparently no reciprocity between the two provinces regarding parking
>> fines. The guy parked wherever he wanted and did not bother to get a
>> parking permit for his street. My son said the guy had a wall papered
>> with unpaid tickets that he had no intention of paying and figured it
>> was somewhere between $20-30,000. He didn't get upset when he got
>> tickets. He just brought them home and stuck them on the wall like a
>> trophy.

> They have no way of checking when he gets a ticket that he has thousands
> of dollars in outstanding previous tickets??

The car was registered to his old address in Nova Scotia. He kept
renewing it. He might have had a whole new problem about the validity of
his vehicle permit and driver license because they are only valid for 30
days when you move.

> I don't know if you've see the show "Parking Wars" or not but when their
> wheel gets booted it's because they have seven or more outstanding tickets.
> Their car is towed or they make arrangements to get on a payment plan.

I have seen enough of those types of shows to have seen how they are

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On 5/28/2018 4:15 PM, Dave Smith wrote:

> Hey, I told you about my experience. The guy was about to slap the
> ticket under my windshield and I still had two minutes.

A computer could have done better.

Or not cheated on the time unless programmed to do so.

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