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  #281 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Cooking bacon

On 8/3/2019 6:55 PM, wrote:
> On Saturday, August 3, 2019 at 5:45:30 PM UTC-5, jmcquown wrote:
>> Like you, I would *never* have a cat declawed. I wouldn't let her go
>> outside, either, despite the fact she wanted to. (I wound up buying her
>> a Kitty-Walk system for the fenced in patio so she could sit outside
>> with me.) Persia was a beautiful cat. The vet said she was likely half
>> Russian Blue, half Siamese, with the Blue being the dominant gene:

> A week or so before the Fourth of July we had a terrible storm and it zapped
> one of the substations and for several blocks around we were without power.
> Fortunately it was quite pleasant outside so I sat on the porch off and on
> for a few hours. I propped open the security storm door about 6 inches and
> coaxed Pema out on the porch a couple of times. But she was so skittish she'd
> not stay outside more than 30 seconds.
> Thankfully, she's never tried to dart outside, ever. She will set at the door
> looking at me like "you need to come back inside with me."

<GL Persia did manage to escape out the front door once. A friend on
RFC had sent me a package. (Oh, I miss Boli! He would immediately
recognize this and so will the friend who sent me the gift if she reads
this. LOL) I opened the front door to retrieve the box and Persia
dashed out. I followed her. I had just about coaxed her into coming
back to me when some idiot opened his front door, let his dog out off
leash, it saw her and started barking and she took off. I cursed at the
man for not having the dog on a leash, then walked around looking for
and calling Persia. It was dark and no street lights. I went back home.

I thought I'd lost her forever. She was gone for two days. I was
sitting on the patio swing, calling for her as I'd done since she ran
off. The sun was setting. I started crying. I went inside, pretty
much having given up. It was a cool day, I had the windows open.

I went inside and sat on the couch. Suddenly I heard a little "meow?"
through the open window. Persia? "Meow?" She found her way back!

It had been raining and she'd obviously been hunkered down under some
bushes. She had leaves and muddy bits stuck to her fur. Was she ever
glad to be home! I made sure she wasn't hurt. She drank a lot of
water. Ate a bit of food. Then I brushed all that gunk out of her fur
while she purred in my lap. Trust me, she never wanted to run off again
after that unpleasant outdoor adventure.

She never really liked the Kitty Walk enclosure, either. She'd be more
anxious to come inside than I was.

>> Jill

> Persia has a look on her face like "I would have combed my hair if I'd known
> you were going to make pictures!"

I think she looks surprised and slightly annoyed. Hey, what's with the
sudden bright flash in my face? LOL

  #282 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Cooking bacon

On 8/3/2019 7:00 PM, wrote:
> On Sat, 3 Aug 2019 18:45:24 -0400, jmcquown >
> wrote:
>> On 8/3/2019 5:47 PM,
>>> On Saturday, August 3, 2019 at 3:32:22 PM UTC-5, Bruce wrote:
>>>> On Sat, 3 Aug 2019 11:35:47 -0700 (PDT), "
>>>> > wrote:
>>>>> If I had an indoor/outdoor cat I'd probably consider one. Pema was declawed
>>>>> when she came to me so she definitely does not go outdoors.
>>>> Declawing is animal abuse. Yes, you don't give a shit. I know.
>>> You seriously need to get your head out of your ass and work on your reading
>>> comprehension skills, if you have any at all. I said "when she came to me,"
>>> I did not say I had her declawed. As stated in the past she is a foster cat
>>> and when she was delivered to my door she was already spayed AND declawed.
>>> I've never had a cat declawed in my life as all my cats were indoors/outdoors
>>> animals. And since Pema has been here now a smidge over 3 years I think it's safe to say she is now my cat and not a foster animal.
>>> Did I make that clear enough?? If you still can't get it through your noggin'
>>> I'll type slower so you can grasp the situation.

>> Joan, he thinks because we eat meat we don't care about animals. My cat
>> Persia showed up on my doorstep on a very cold January evening, yowling
>> to be let inside. I opened the door and she marched in and made herself
>> right at home. I couldn't find out where she came from. I posted
>> flyers in the neighborhood, called area veterinarians for reports of a
>> lost cat, contacted the apartment manager. Nothing.
>> When it became clear no one had reported her missing I took her to the
>> vet and the first thing he did was check for a microchip; there wasn't
>> one. At any rate, she was already front declawed (and spayed) *when she
>> came to me*.
>> Like you, I would *never* have a cat declawed. I wouldn't let her go
>> outside, either, despite the fact she wanted to. (I wound up buying her
>> a Kitty-Walk system for the fenced in patio so she could sit outside
>> with me.) Persia was a beautiful cat. The vet said she was likely half
>> Russian Blue, half Siamese, with the Blue being the dominant gene:
>> Jill

> Think about it - cats are only de-clawed on front paws, ever seen a
> cat ripping furniture with their back claws?

Think about what? I don't approve of *any* declawing. What Joan and I
were both pointing out is our cats came to us *already* declawed. WE
didn't do it. WE don't approve of it. Are you being purposefully obtuse?

As for fully declawing, yes, I've heard of it. Cats bunny-kick with
with back feet. I suppose someone so terribly worried about their
furniture might find some idiotic veterinarian who would fully declaw a
cat. Not anyone I know.

  #285 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Cooking bacon

On Sat, 3 Aug 2019 19:41:33 -0400, jmcquown >

>On 8/3/2019 7:00 PM, wrote:
>> On Sat, 3 Aug 2019 18:45:24 -0400, jmcquown >
>> wrote:
>>> On 8/3/2019 5:47 PM,
>>>> On Saturday, August 3, 2019 at 3:32:22 PM UTC-5, Bruce wrote:
>>>>> On Sat, 3 Aug 2019 11:35:47 -0700 (PDT), "
>>>>> > wrote:
>>>>>> If I had an indoor/outdoor cat I'd probably consider one. Pema was declawed
>>>>>> when she came to me so she definitely does not go outdoors.
>>>>> Declawing is animal abuse. Yes, you don't give a shit. I know.
>>>> You seriously need to get your head out of your ass and work on your reading
>>>> comprehension skills, if you have any at all. I said "when she came to me,"
>>>> I did not say I had her declawed. As stated in the past she is a foster cat
>>>> and when she was delivered to my door she was already spayed AND declawed.
>>>> I've never had a cat declawed in my life as all my cats were indoors/outdoors
>>>> animals. And since Pema has been here now a smidge over 3 years I think it's safe to say she is now my cat and not a foster animal.
>>>> Did I make that clear enough?? If you still can't get it through your noggin'
>>>> I'll type slower so you can grasp the situation.
>>> Joan, he thinks because we eat meat we don't care about animals. My cat
>>> Persia showed up on my doorstep on a very cold January evening, yowling
>>> to be let inside. I opened the door and she marched in and made herself
>>> right at home. I couldn't find out where she came from. I posted
>>> flyers in the neighborhood, called area veterinarians for reports of a
>>> lost cat, contacted the apartment manager. Nothing.
>>> When it became clear no one had reported her missing I took her to the
>>> vet and the first thing he did was check for a microchip; there wasn't
>>> one. At any rate, she was already front declawed (and spayed) *when she
>>> came to me*.
>>> Like you, I would *never* have a cat declawed. I wouldn't let her go
>>> outside, either, despite the fact she wanted to. (I wound up buying her
>>> a Kitty-Walk system for the fenced in patio so she could sit outside
>>> with me.) Persia was a beautiful cat. The vet said she was likely half
>>> Russian Blue, half Siamese, with the Blue being the dominant gene:
>>> Jill

>> Think about it - cats are only de-clawed on front paws, ever seen a
>> cat ripping furniture with their back claws?

>Think about what? I don't approve of *any* declawing. What Joan and I
>were both pointing out is our cats came to us *already* declawed. WE
>didn't do it. WE don't approve of it. Are you being purposefully obtuse?

So is Joan. Not purposefully, though.

  #286 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Cooking bacon

On Sat, 03 Aug 2019 20:46:50 -0300, wrote:

>On Sun, 04 Aug 2019 09:12:01 +1000, Bruce >
>>On Sat, 03 Aug 2019 19:56:34 -0300,
>>>On Sat, 3 Aug 2019 14:47:24 -0700 (PDT), "
> wrote:
>>>>On Saturday, August 3, 2019 at 3:32:22 PM UTC-5, Bruce wrote:
>>>>> On Sat, 3 Aug 2019 11:35:47 -0700 (PDT), "
>>>>> > wrote:
>>>>> >If I had an indoor/outdoor cat I'd probably consider one. Pema was declawed
>>>>> >when she came to me so she definitely does not go outdoors.
>>>>> Declawing is animal abuse. Yes, you don't give a shit. I know.
>>>>You seriously need to get your head out of your ass and work on your reading
>>>>comprehension skills, if you have any at all. I said "when she came to me,"
>>>>I did not say I had her declawed. As stated in the past she is a foster cat
>>>>and when she was delivered to my door she was already spayed AND declawed.
>>>>I've never had a cat declawed in my life as all my cats were indoors/outdoors
>>>>animals. And since Pema has been here now a smidge over 3 years I think it's safe to say she is now my cat and not a foster animal.
>>>>Did I make that clear enough?? If you still can't get it through your noggin'
>>>>I'll type slower so you can grasp the situation.
>>>Lol, you tell him!!

>>Act your age, Lucretia.

>I am, so behave yourself Ozzie!

She misunderstood what I wrote, but she thinks I misunderstood what
SHE wrote. And then you go "you tell him!" Huh?
  #287 (permalink)   Report Post  
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On 8/3/2019 6:54 PM, wrote:
> On Sun, 04 Aug 2019 06:32:17 +1000, Bruce >
> wrote:
>> On Sat, 3 Aug 2019 11:35:47 -0700 (PDT), "
>> > wrote:
>>> On Saturday, August 3, 2019 at 12:57:46 PM UTC-5, Sheldon wrote:
>>>> On Fri, 2 Aug 2019 15:16:16 -0700 (PDT), "
>>>> > wrote:
>>>>> Have you ever considered one of those pet doors?? I've never had one but it
>>>>> would just be my luck to see a raccoon or possum sitting in my kitchen some
>>>>> morning. EEEEK!
>>>> Some of those doors can be locked in either direction, both
>>>> directions, or be fully open. We just got a new one for the basement
>>>> door and it works well... only necessary during summer as we don't
>>>> want to air condition the basement... during winter we keep the
>>>> basement door fully open. We needed to get the large one for Miche:
>>> If I had an indoor/outdoor cat I'd probably consider one. Pema was declawed
>>> when she came to me so she definitely does not go outdoors.

>> Declawing is animal abuse. Yes, you don't give a shit. I know.

> It's illegal here and has been since heaven knows when. People who do
> that to cats presumably do not understand what the operation involves,
> from the cats point of view. I do submit my cat to clipping her
> front claws from time to time, she starts scratching furniture, I clip
> her front claws. A lot of people don't seem to understand you only
> need to clip front claws.

When I adopted Buffy she was quite content to sit in my lap and let me
trim her front claws. I was lulled into a false sense of security. I
thought wow, this is going to be a breeze! Then all of a sudden, she
wouldn't let me trim her front claws. I have no idea why. I never cut
her nails too far back. She just suddenly refused to let me clip them.
The moment she saw the clippers she'd run.

She's ripped up the backs of the chairs in the living room. So I put
wide strips of double-sided sticky tape on the chairs in the spots where
she likes to scratch. Cats don't like sticky stuff on their paws. No
harm done except to the furniture. Which I don't really care about.
She's not doing it on purpose, she's doing it because it feels nice to
her. But really, she has a bunch of scratching posts, which she
completely ignores.


  #289 (permalink)   Report Post  
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On Sat, 3 Aug 2019 19:56:14 -0400, jmcquown >

>On 8/3/2019 6:54 PM, wrote:
>> It's illegal here and has been since heaven knows when. People who do
>> that to cats presumably do not understand what the operation involves,
>> from the cats point of view. I do submit my cat to clipping her
>> front claws from time to time, she starts scratching furniture, I clip
>> her front claws. A lot of people don't seem to understand you only
>> need to clip front claws.

>When I adopted Buffy she was quite content to sit in my lap and let me
>trim her front claws. I was lulled into a false sense of security. I
>thought wow, this is going to be a breeze! Then all of a sudden, she
>wouldn't let me trim her front claws. I have no idea why. I never cut
>her nails too far back. She just suddenly refused to let me clip them.
>The moment she saw the clippers she'd run.
>She's ripped up the backs of the chairs in the living room. So I put
>wide strips of double-sided sticky tape on the chairs in the spots where
>she likes to scratch. Cats don't like sticky stuff on their paws. No
>harm done except to the furniture. Which I don't really care about.
>She's not doing it on purpose, she's doing it because it feels nice to
>her. But really, she has a bunch of scratching posts, which she
>completely ignores.

It's a bit like the classic situation when you give them a toy and
they completely ignore it because they're playing with the toy's
  #290 (permalink)   Report Post  
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On 8/3/2019 6:14 PM, graham wrote:
> On 2019-08-03 3:38 p.m., Dave Smith wrote:
>> On 2019-08-03 5:26 p.m., jmcquown wrote:
>>> On 8/3/2019 1:09 PM, Dave Smith wrote:
>>>> Why not?Â* You is both singular and plural. For some reason, people
>>>> in the south convert it from singular to plural by adding "all",
>>> I don't encounter people who say "all ya'll".Â* Ya'll is plural.

>> The plural of you is you..... in English.

> Perhaps we should bring back "thee" and "thou" :-)

Dost thou think so?


  #291 (permalink)   Report Post  
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dsi1 wrote:
> On Saturday, August 3, 2019 at 11:03:01 AM UTC-10, Sheldon wrote:.
>> That looks like two over-easy eggs, two breakfast saw-seege, which I
>> won't eat from all the sage. two rashers of over cooked bacon. and
>> some kind of sad looking fried spuds. To me it's not breakfast
>> without coffee... also needs a couple three slices of buttered toast
>> and fruit, perhaps a banana. But definitely is lacking coffee. a big
>> mug of black, hot, strong, no sugar. I'm not a breakfast person. I'm
>> out of bed at 5 AM and all I want is coffee. after all my morning
>> chores I'm thinking brunch, typically a ham n' cheese sandwich. I
>> know it must be difficult for yoose TIAD'ers to believe but I detest
>> bacon, haven't eaten or smelled any for some fifty years. I place the
>> stench of bacon into the same catagory as the stench of lamb.

> Fascinating. My guess is that you have problems with processing visual information. This explains a lot.

Nah, Popeye just don't like dealing with chinks on da rock.

Now, if yoose was a 100% Mayan chink ...

  #293 (permalink)   Report Post  
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jmcquown wrote:
> On 8/3/2019 5:47 PM, wrote:
>> On Saturday, August 3, 2019 at 3:32:22 PM UTC-5, Bruce wrote:
>>> On Sat, 3 Aug 2019 11:35:47 -0700 (PDT), "
>>> > wrote:
>>>> If I had an indoor/outdoor cat I'd probably consider one.* Pema
>>>> was declawed
>>>> when she came to me so she definitely does not go outdoors.
>>> Declawing is animal abuse. Yes, you don't give a shit. I know.

>> You seriously need to get your head out of your ass and work on
>> your reading
>> comprehension skills, if you have any at all.* I said "when she
>> came to me,"
>> I did not say I had her declawed.* As stated in the past she is a
>> foster cat
>> and when she was delivered to my door she was already spayed AND
>> declawed.
>> I've never had a cat declawed in my life as all my cats were
>> indoors/outdoors
>> animals.* And since Pema has been here now a smidge over 3 years I
>> think it's safe to say she is now my cat and not a foster animal.
>> Did I make that clear enough??* If you still can't get it through
>> your noggin'
>> I'll type slower so you can grasp the situation.

> Joan, he thinks because we eat meat we don't care about animals.* My
> cat Persia showed up on my doorstep on a very cold January evening,
> yowling to be let inside.* I opened the door and she marched in and
> made herself right at home.* I couldn't find out where she came
> from.* I posted flyers in the neighborhood, called area
> veterinarians for reports of a lost cat, contacted the apartment
> manager.* Nothing.
> When it became clear no one had reported her missing I took her to
> the vet and the first thing he did was check for a microchip; there
> wasn't one.* At any rate, she was already front declawed (and
> spayed) *when she came to me*.
> Like you, I would *never* have a cat declawed.* I wouldn't let her
> go outside, either, despite the fact she wanted to.* (I wound up
> buying her a Kitty-Walk system for the fenced in patio so she could
> sit outside with me.)* Persia was a beautiful cat.* The vet said she
> was likely half Russian Blue, half Siamese, with the Blue being the
> dominant gene:
> Jill

Yep, like my cat. She chose me, not the reverse. I even tried to
give her to a young relative, but they wouldn't take her because
they thought siamese cats are too aggressive.

For a long time, she lived on my back porch. Still, she stayed here.
I'm glad she did. She WANTS to be here.

  #294 (permalink)   Report Post  
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jmcquown wrote:
> On 8/3/2019 7:00 PM, wrote:
>> On Sat, 3 Aug 2019 18:45:24 -0400, jmcquown >
>> wrote:
>>> On 8/3/2019 5:47 PM,
>>>> On Saturday, August 3, 2019 at 3:32:22 PM UTC-5, Bruce wrote:
>>>>> On Sat, 3 Aug 2019 11:35:47 -0700 (PDT),
>>>>> "
>>>>> > wrote:
>>>>>> If I had an indoor/outdoor cat I'd probably consider one.
>>>>>> Pema was declawed
>>>>>> when she came to me so she definitely does not go outdoors.
>>>>> Declawing is animal abuse. Yes, you don't give a shit. I know.
>>>> You seriously need to get your head out of your ass and work on
>>>> your reading
>>>> comprehension skills, if you have any at all.* I said "when she
>>>> came to me,"
>>>> I did not say I had her declawed.* As stated in the past she is
>>>> a foster cat
>>>> and when she was delivered to my door she was already spayed AND
>>>> declawed.
>>>> I've never had a cat declawed in my life as all my cats were
>>>> indoors/outdoors
>>>> animals.* And since Pema has been here now a smidge over 3 years
>>>> I think it's safe to say she is now my cat and not a foster animal.
>>>> Did I make that clear enough??* If you still can't get it
>>>> through your noggin'
>>>> I'll type slower so you can grasp the situation.
>>> Joan, he thinks because we eat meat we don't care about animals.
>>> My cat
>>> Persia showed up on my doorstep on a very cold January evening,
>>> yowling
>>> to be let inside.* I opened the door and she marched in and made
>>> herself
>>> right at home.* I couldn't find out where she came from.* I posted
>>> flyers in the neighborhood, called area veterinarians for reports
>>> of a
>>> lost cat, contacted the apartment manager.* Nothing.
>>> When it became clear no one had reported her missing I took her
>>> to the
>>> vet and the first thing he did was check for a microchip; there
>>> wasn't
>>> one.* At any rate, she was already front declawed (and spayed)
>>> *when she
>>> came to me*.
>>> Like you, I would *never* have a cat declawed.* I wouldn't let
>>> her go
>>> outside, either, despite the fact she wanted to.* (I wound up
>>> buying her
>>> a Kitty-Walk system for the fenced in patio so she could sit outside
>>> with me.)* Persia was a beautiful cat.* The vet said she was
>>> likely half
>>> Russian Blue, half Siamese, with the Blue being the dominant gene:
>>> Jill

>> Think about it - cats are only de-clawed on front paws, ever seen a
>> cat ripping furniture with their back claws?

> Think about what?* I don't approve of *any* declawing.* What Joan
> and I were both pointing out is our cats came to us *already*
> declawed.* WE didn't do it.* WE don't approve of it.* Are you being
> purposefully obtuse?
> As for fully declawing, yes, I've heard of it.* Cats bunny-kick with
> with back feet.* I suppose someone so terribly worried about their
> furniture might find some idiotic veterinarian who would fully
> declaw a cat.* Not anyone I know.
> Jill

I've met a few vets that do not advocate removing cats claws.

I wouldn't do it.

  #296 (permalink)   Report Post  
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jmcquown wrote:
> On 8/3/2019 6:14 PM, graham wrote:
>> On 2019-08-03 3:38 p.m., Dave Smith wrote:
>>> On 2019-08-03 5:26 p.m., jmcquown wrote:
>>>> On 8/3/2019 1:09 PM, Dave Smith wrote:
>>>>> Why not?Â* You is both singular and plural. For some reason,
>>>>> people in the south convert it from singular to plural by
>>>>> adding "all",
>>>> I don't encounter people who say "all ya'll".Â* Ya'll is plural.
>>> The plural of you is you..... in English.

>> Perhaps we should bring back "thee" and "thou" :-)

> Dost thou think so?
> Jill

Forsooth, methinks thou mayest be onto something. Hath Popeye
approved thy stuff?

  #297 (permalink)   Report Post  
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On Saturday, August 3, 2019 at 7:34:46 PM UTC-5, Hank Rogers wrote:
> Anyone in the mood for a bowl of druce stew?
> I'll have a bowl if yoose will make some cornbread to go with it.
> Please carve his rectum off before braising the rest of him.

He's probably too stringy and will have that musty taste.
  #298 (permalink)   Report Post  
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On 2019-08-03 7:04 p.m., Hank Rogers wrote:
> jmcquown wrote:
>> On 8/3/2019 6:14 PM, graham wrote:
>>> On 2019-08-03 3:38 p.m., Dave Smith wrote:
>>>> On 2019-08-03 5:26 p.m., jmcquown wrote:
>>>>> On 8/3/2019 1:09 PM, Dave Smith wrote:
>>>>>> Why not?ÂÂ* You is both singular and plural. For some reason,
>>>>>> people in the south convert it from singular to plural by adding
>>>>>> "all",
>>>>> I don't encounter people who say "all ya'll".ÂÂ* Ya'll is plural.
>>>> The plural of you is you..... in English.
>>> Perhaps we should bring back "thee" and "thou" :-)

>> Dost thou think so?
>> Jill

> Forsooth, methinks thou mayest be onto something.

You don't have to go back that far! It was normal to use these words in
C19 and in some UK dialects well into C20.
  #303 (permalink)   Report Post  
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" wrote:
> On Saturday, August 3, 2019 at 5:34:29 AM UTC-5, Gary wrote:
> >
> > Cindy Hamilton wrote:
> > >
> > > Unless it's possessive: all y'all's. Although I can't figure out how
> > > red necks could go back to where they came from without the rest of
> > > the body.

> >
> > Makes sense too. Good observation!
> >

> Here's an example of all y'all's. "All y'all's cars have to be moved right
> now. The po-leece are here to haul all y'all's asses to jail."
> >
> > Here in Virginia, "y'all" is very common.
> > After living here for almost 50 years, I say it too.
> > It's not just redneck talk though, just regional talk.
> >
> > I've never heard "all y'all" though. I suspect that's just
> > a caricature of southern talk.
> >

> No, I just gave you an example above. Does this one make more sense, to
> you? "All y'all gonna fit in that car?"

lol. NO. none of your examples make any sense.
Do YOU talk like that?
In my area one would say, "Are y'all gonna fit in that car?
  #304 (permalink)   Report Post  
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dsi1 wrote:
> wrote:
> > No, I just gave you an example above. Does this one make more sense, to
> > you? "All y'all gonna fit in that car?"

> Making sense got nothing to do with it and your example would be more correct by phrasing it more as a question as in "Is all y'alls gonna fit in that car?"

You know what's really funny? Americans arguing over which bad
grammar is proper. lol

"Kind of like 2 fleas arguing over who owns the dog."
  #306 (permalink)   Report Post  
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On Sat, 3 Aug 2019 19:24:23 -0500, Hank Rogers >

>Yep, like my cat. She chose me, not the reverse. I even tried to
>give her to a young relative, but they wouldn't take her because
>they thought siamese cats are too aggressive.
>For a long time, she lived on my back porch. Still, she stayed here.
>I'm glad she did. She WANTS to be here.

My mother loved her Siamese cats (this was in Tokyo) and one day a
formal invitation arrived for the two of them to go to the Siamese (in
those days) Embassy. The arrangements were made and a chauffeured car
arrived and took the two for a few hours.

We wondered if having seen them at the house the Ambassador wanted the
male to visit when his cat was in heat, but if so, bad luck because my
mothers cats were neutered and spayed.
  #307 (permalink)   Report Post  
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On Sunday, August 4, 2019 at 6:45:14 AM UTC-4, Gary wrote:
> dsi1 wrote:
> >
> > wrote:
> > > No, I just gave you an example above. Does this one make more sense, to
> > > you? "All y'all gonna fit in that car?"

> >
> > Making sense got nothing to do with it and your example would be more correct by phrasing it more as a question as in "Is all y'alls gonna fit in that car?"

> You know what's really funny? Americans arguing over which bad
> grammar is proper. lol

The argument is not over proper grammar. The argument is over use of
a dialect.

I'm sure dsi1 would criticize us if we were misusing Hawaiian pidgin.

Cindy Hamilton
  #309 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Willem Ruis wrote:
> You call slaughtering and eating animals caring for animals?

Only "safe" way to care for an animal, yet eat it, is to let
someone else do all the dirty work for you. I'm guilty of that.

Cracks me up whenever I see a hunting show these days. Once the
person makes the kill, they go up to the dead animal and start
crying and saying crap like, "Thank you Mr.(name your animal) for
sacrificing your life so I can survive.(sob, sob) I respect you
so much. (sob, sob)"

So damn sickening to see that PC nonsense. It's all for show with
a tv camera watching.

In real life, hunter's give each other a high five and celebrate
the kill. I'm not against hunters either. It's necessary these
days with humans encroaching on all the wild areas. Some need to
die so most will survive. Fact of life.
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Bruce wrote: (about declawing cats)
> I think it's also illegal in many US states. Only the usual retard
> states probably still allow it, unless that finally changed.

I remember many years ago someone here said they had their cat
declawed. Boy oh Boy, the vengeance of RFC came down on them

I've noticed that ever since, anyone with a declawed cat will
*CLAIM* that they adopted it that way. I suspect half of them are
lying but smart enough not to admit what they did.

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jmcquown wrote:
> I opened the front door to retrieve the box and Persia
> dashed out. I followed her. I had just about coaxed her into coming
> back to me when some idiot opened his front door, let his dog out off
> leash, it saw her and started barking and she took off. I cursed at the
> man for not having the dog on a leash,

Meanwhile, Persia was out without a leash.
Ever consider that the man might have opened HIS front door to
retrieve a box and his dog dashed out?
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Bruce wrote:
> Dave Smith wrote:
> >For the record,I have never had a cat declawed.

> I don't think anybody here would be that cruel, except someone who
> disappeared a while ago, much to the chagrin of Mr Kuthe.

So that was Bryan? I remember someone admitting it long ago.

Here's a funny. Remember when he got a covered litter box and
installed an exhaust fan in the ceiling of it, with a little
chimney to vent it out the bathroom window. That was amusing.
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Bruce wrote:
> It's a bit like the classic situation when you give them a toy and
> they completely ignore it because they're playing with the toy's
> packaging.

My daughter's first Christmas (age 7 months) and she did that. So
funny. We would hand her a gift to open, she would rip off the
pretty paper and ribbon, toss the toy aside and start playing
with the ribbon and pretty wrapping paper. It was so funny.
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On Sun, 04 Aug 2019 09:46:32 -0400, Gary > wrote:

>> Gary wrote:
>> >Popeye keeps a stack of cash at home at all times but never
>> >spends any. Guess it's very stupid of me to actually spend some.
>> >I bow to his infinite wisdom.

>> I wouldn't, you are quite right keeping some cash on hand when a
>> hurricane threatens, nothing is available when the power goes down.
>> It's called, being prepared !

>I was just making fun of Sheldon.

I know but just the same, makes sense. When Hurricane Juan was
expected, one of my neighbours thought I was mad bringing the bbq
inside, also chairs, and doing all the other things I did, he wasn't
laughing when the power was gone for ten days - leaving us without
water because we were all on wells, we were almost a direct hit when
it came ashore, I lost four nice trees so was pretty busy with the
chain saw for a few days after.

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