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  #321 (permalink)   Report Post  
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On Sun, 04 Aug 2019 09:37:24 -0400, Gary > wrote:

>Bruce wrote:
>> Dave Smith wrote:
>> >For the record,I have never had a cat declawed.

>> I don't think anybody here would be that cruel, except someone who
>> disappeared a while ago, much to the chagrin of Mr Kuthe.

>So that was Bryan? I remember someone admitting it long ago.

Yes, I forgot if he had their cat declawed or if he got it that way.
Either way, he didn't see anything wrong with the practice.

>Here's a funny. Remember when he got a covered litter box and
>installed an exhaust fan in the ceiling of it, with a little
>chimney to vent it out the bathroom window. That was amusing.

I wish I could teach them to puke in the toilet.
  #322 (permalink)   Report Post  
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On Sun, 04 Aug 2019 09:36:12 -0400, Gary > wrote:

>Willem Ruis wrote:
>> You call slaughtering and eating animals caring for animals?

>Only "safe" way to care for an animal, yet eat it, is to let
>someone else do all the dirty work for you. I'm guilty of that.

If we had to kill what we eat, there would be a lot more vegetarians.

>Cracks me up whenever I see a hunting show these days. Once the
>person makes the kill, they go up to the dead animal and start
>crying and saying crap like, "Thank you Mr.(name your animal) for
>sacrificing your life so I can survive.(sob, sob) I respect you
>so much. (sob, sob)"
>So damn sickening to see that PC nonsense. It's all for show with
>a tv camera watching.

An Australian TV head had his pig slaughtered and invited friends over
to eat it with him. He called that "Celebrating the pig's life". Can
you get more hypocritical?

>In real life, hunter's give each other a high five and celebrate
>the kill. I'm not against hunters either. It's necessary these
>days with humans encroaching on all the wild areas. Some need to
>die so most will survive. Fact of life.

I wonder how many hunters hunt animals that actually need to be
  #323 (permalink)   Report Post  
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On Sun, 04 Aug 2019 09:36:33 -0400, Gary > wrote:

>Bruce wrote: (about declawing cats)
>> I think it's also illegal in many US states. Only the usual retard
>> states probably still allow it, unless that finally changed.

>I remember many years ago someone here said they had their cat
>declawed. Boy oh Boy, the vengeance of RFC came down on them
>I've noticed that ever since, anyone with a declawed cat will
>*CLAIM* that they adopted it that way. I suspect half of them are
>lying but smart enough not to admit what they did.

Just like nobody would freely admit to beating up their child.
  #325 (permalink)   Report Post  
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On 8/4/2019 9:37 AM, Gary wrote:
> jmcquown wrote:
>> I opened the front door to retrieve the box and Persia
>> dashed out. I followed her. I had just about coaxed her into coming
>> back to me when some idiot opened his front door, let his dog out off
>> leash, it saw her and started barking and she took off. I cursed at the
>> man for not having the dog on a leash,

> Meanwhile, Persia was out without a leash.
> Ever consider that the man might have opened HIS front door to
> retrieve a box and his dog dashed out?

Oh please. If his dog had "dashed out the door" he'd have come outside
trying to call it back. Nope, he wasn't the least bit concerned. He
opened the door, let the dog out and stood in the doorway to wait while
it did it's business. It didn't start barking until it saw Persia and
even then he didn't call to the dog.

Persia was already an escapee from *someplace* when she showed up at my
apartment. First she demanded to be let in, then she wanted out.
Apparently she was used to it. Being front-declawed (yes, by whoever
owned her *previously*) there was no way in hell I was going to let her
be an indoor-outdoor cat. That little adventure cured her of any
thoughts of the great outdoors.


  #326 (permalink)   Report Post  
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On Sun, 04 Aug 2019 10:45:13 -0400, Gary > wrote:

>> But the local Credit Union I belong to has multiple branches,
>> ALL in good neighborhoods.

>My local bank branch is only 1.5 miles away and is in a "good"
>neighborhood. It's just a very crowded area once the lazy bankers
>open their door at 9am. I do all my shopping much earlier and
>it's annoying to have to wait until 9 just for a bank run.

That's why you should keep a pile of cash at home. I've never yet
needed to make a bank run and I've never used an ATM, don't have an
ATM card. I always keep cash on hand, a fire proof lock box filled
with like ten Gs in various denominations. I never leave home without
at least $500 in my wallet. Keeping cash at home comes in very handy
for paying contractors, they'll easily knock 10% off their estimate
for cash, and add no tax. Also when various contractors know I pay in
cash they put aside their other jobs and do mine first. I've yet to
figure out how adults can walk around without two nickles in their
pocket... other than those babies mever matured.
  #332 (permalink)   Report Post  
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On 8/4/2019 1:58 PM, wrote:
> On Sun, 4 Aug 2019 12:43:24 -0400, jmcquown >
> wrote:
>> On 8/4/2019 6:40 AM, Gary wrote:
>>>> None of our indoor cats ever go outdoors, the flap door is only for
>>>> the basement door.
>>> Who (as in cats) uses the flap door in the basement door then?

>> LOL I was wondering that myself. I know he has indoor cats and feral
>> barn cats. Feral cats aren't likely to use a cat door in the basement.
>> IIRC the litterboxes are in the basement. So the indoor cats go down
>> there... is the cat flap locked? If so, what's the point of having one?
>> Jill

> I already explained, not that anyone with a functioning brain couldn't
> figure it out. In winter, with the boiler being in the basement, I
> keep the basement door open (heat rises) but in summer with the A/C
> on the cats use the flap, I'd be pretty dumb to air condition the
> basement.

Yeah, air conditioning the basement would be pretty stupid. So would
leaving the basement door open all winter long in the winter. If they
are indoor cats why do they need a cat flap? Are you saying the ferals
make the trek from the barn into the basement? That's what I don't

I know you get your barn cats neutered and spayed whenever possible.
I'm just asking about the cat door in the basement. Isn't that where
the litter boxes are? Why would indoor only cats need a cat flap?

  #333 (permalink)   Report Post  
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On Sun, 04 Aug 2019 10:45:13 -0400, Gary > wrote:

>> But the local Credit Union I belong to has multiple branches,
>> ALL in good neighborhoods.

>My local bank branch is only 1.5 miles away and is in a "good"
>neighborhood. It's just a very crowded area once the lazy bankers
>open their door at 9am. I do all my shopping much earlier and
>it's annoying to have to wait until 9 just for a bank run.

I can't remember the last time I was i my Credit Union office.

My SS check is direct deposit, and I also am still partially
self-employed, and use the mobile app to deposit checks,
and use my debit card for most things.

Once or twice a year, I'll cash a check at a local market,
and use that cash for minor things (like an occasional lotto ticket).

  #335 (permalink)   Report Post  
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On Mon, 05 Aug 2019 02:50:30 +1000, Bruce >

>On Sun, 04 Aug 2019 10:55:44 -0300, wrote:
>>On Sun, 04 Aug 2019 09:46:32 -0400, Gary > wrote:
>>>> Gary wrote:
>>>> >Popeye keeps a stack of cash at home at all times but never
>>>> >spends any. Guess it's very stupid of me to actually spend some.
>>>> >I bow to his infinite wisdom.
>>>> I wouldn't, you are quite right keeping some cash on hand when a
>>>> hurricane threatens, nothing is available when the power goes down.
>>>> It's called, being prepared !
>>>I was just making fun of Sheldon.

>>I know but just the same, makes sense. When Hurricane Juan was
>>expected, one of my neighbours thought I was mad bringing the bbq
>>inside, also chairs, and doing all the other things I did, he wasn't
>>laughing when the power was gone for ten days - leaving us without
>>water because we were all on wells, we were almost a direct hit when
>>it came ashore, I lost four nice trees so was pretty busy with the
>>chain saw for a few days after.

>But did you use the BBQ inside?

I wasn't stupid, so I pulled it off the deck into the kitchen. Of
course I didn't use it in the house for obvious reasons. I have a
single ring little gas heater, but after the hurricane I gave it to a
family down the road, she had just come home with baby #4 which was
bottle fed and he was trying to heat formula on his bbq. Best
argument I ever knew for breast is best

  #339 (permalink)   Report Post  
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On Sunday, August 4, 2019 at 12:45:14 AM UTC-10, Gary wrote:
> dsi1 wrote:
> >
> > wrote:
> > > No, I just gave you an example above. Does this one make more sense, to
> > > you? "All y'all gonna fit in that car?"

> >
> > Making sense got nothing to do with it and your example would be more correct by phrasing it more as a question as in "Is all y'alls gonna fit in that car?"

> You know what's really funny? Americans arguing over which bad
> grammar is proper. lol
> "Kind of like 2 fleas arguing over who owns the dog."

When people have neither anything interesting, insightful, or relevant, to say they always use the good old standard passive aggressive Usenet ploy - grammar, spelling, and punctuation. I got more respect for the field of communications as well as the usage of my time to play that game.
  #343 (permalink)   Report Post  
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On Sunday, August 4, 2019 at 9:02:33 AM UTC-10, Bruce wrote:
> On Sun, 4 Aug 2019 12:00:47 -0700 (PDT), dsi1 >
> wrote:
> >On Sunday, August 4, 2019 at 4:45:36 AM UTC-10, Gary wrote:
> >> wrote:
> >> > But the local Credit Union I belong to has multiple branches,
> >> > ALL in good neighborhoods.
> >>
> >> My local bank branch is only 1.5 miles away and is in a "good"
> >> neighborhood. It's just a very crowded area once the lazy bankers
> >> open their door at 9am. I do all my shopping much earlier and
> >> it's annoying to have to wait until 9 just for a bank run.

> >
> >My brother-in-law was beat up at an ATM in CA. He said the bank was responsible for this because of the design of the ATM - too many blind spots at the approach and exits. He was going to sue the bank and got Marvin Belli to take his case. Then the guy died - Mr. Belli, not my bro in law. That's the breaks.

> Clearly the muggers were connected.

My brother-in-law fought off the cowardly attackers and had to spend some time in bed in the hospital. Hoo boy, those pictures of him wasn't very pretty.

I love that guy - My brother-in-law, not Mr. Belli. He's like a Montana cowboy but he ain't no redneck. All the girls love him to but he's a wild rover and can't ever be tied down. He'll do things like drive across the country to help a friend then then drive back. That entire side of the family is like that. Their image of the width of the US is way smaller than mine.
  #345 (permalink)   Report Post  
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On 8/4/2019 12:03 PM, Gary wrote:


>> That's what ATM's are for if you *want* to use cash to shop and the bank
>> isn't open.

> Hi Jill. I only go to the bank for deposits or check registers.
> Money comes as cash back from various stores.

If the deposit is checks, you can do that with your phone in most cases.

  #347 (permalink)   Report Post  
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On Mon, 05 Aug 2019 04:48:30 +1000, Bruce >

>On Sun, 04 Aug 2019 15:39:40 -0300, wrote:
>>On Mon, 05 Aug 2019 02:50:30 +1000, Bruce >
>>>On Sun, 04 Aug 2019 10:55:44 -0300,
>>>>I know but just the same, makes sense. When Hurricane Juan was
>>>>expected, one of my neighbours thought I was mad bringing the bbq
>>>>inside, also chairs, and doing all the other things I did, he wasn't
>>>>laughing when the power was gone for ten days - leaving us without
>>>>water because we were all on wells, we were almost a direct hit when
>>>>it came ashore, I lost four nice trees so was pretty busy with the
>>>>chain saw for a few days after.
>>>But did you use the BBQ inside?

>>I wasn't stupid, so I pulled it off the deck into the kitchen. Of
>>course I didn't use it in the house for obvious reasons. I have a
>>single ring little gas heater, but after the hurricane I gave it to a
>>family down the road, she had just come home with baby #4 which was
>>bottle fed and he was trying to heat formula on his bbq. Best
>>argument I ever knew for breast is best

>Oh, I thought you got the BBQ inside to use it there. I was wondering
>how that would have worked out.
>Yes, you'd think the mother would be prepared to give the baby some of
>her own formula.

It's about 50/50 here, or was last time I checked, my two and my dil
all breast fed, I suppose they didn't really dare not to My dil
said she is very glad she didn't use formula but without me preaching
she likely would have as she didn't know anyone who had breast fed.
  #349 (permalink)   Report Post  
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On 8/4/2019 3:38 PM, Ed Pawlowski wrote:
> On 8/4/2019 12:03 PM, Gary wrote:
>>> That's what ATM's are for if you *want* to use cash to shop and the bank
>>> isn't open.

>> Hi Jill. I only go to the bank for deposits or check registers.
>> Money comes as cash back from various stores.

> If the deposit is checks, you can do that with your phone in most cases.

I don't have a smartphone but I am able to scan actual checks into my
bank account or have them direct deposited. If he wants cash, ATM's are
available outside of normal banking hours. Cash back at checkout
sometimes costs extra. Depends on the store.

  #350 (permalink)   Report Post  
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On Sunday, August 4, 2019 at 5:43:11 AM UTC-5, Gary wrote:
> " wrote:
> >
> > "All y'all gonna fit in that car?"

> lol. NO. none of your examples make any sense.
> Do YOU talk like that?

> In my area one would say, "Are y'all gonna fit in that car?

Which y'all? Some of y'all or all of y'all?

  #353 (permalink)   Report Post  
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On Sunday, August 4, 2019 at 6:05:33 AM UTC-5, Cindy Hamilton wrote:
> On Sunday, August 4, 2019 at 6:45:14 AM UTC-4, Gary wrote:
> >
> > You know what's really funny? Americans arguing over which bad
> > grammar is proper. lol
> >

> The argument is not over proper grammar. The argument is over use of
> a dialect.
> I'm sure dsi1 would criticize us if we were misusing Hawaiian pidgin.
> Cindy Hamilton

Thank you.
  #357 (permalink)   Report Post  
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On Sunday, August 4, 2019 at 12:53:52 PM UTC-5, jmcquown wrote:
> On 8/4/2019 12:03 PM, Gary wrote:
> >
> > Hi Jill. I only go to the bank for deposits or check registers.
> > Money comes as cash back from various stores.
> >

> Hi, Gary. Okay, don't complain the bank isn't open when you're shopping
> at 6AM. ATM's are open even if the bank isn't. Having said that, I
> haven't been to an ATM in years. Don't need one because I don't pay
> cash for anything but vegetables and fruit and the farm stands.
> Jill

Or if he had the presence of mind when he asks for cash back he could ask
for some it in $1 bills. Then he wouldn't need to whine because the bank
is not open at 6:00 a.m.

So many simple solutions to simple problems if people would only think.
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