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Bruce[_28_] 21-02-2020 11:12 PM

New stove/range
On Fri, 21 Feb 2020 10:52:42 -0000, "Ophelia"
> wrote:

>"Bruce" wrote in message ...
>Does Yorkshire happen to be what the Hairy Bikers speak? Do you know
> Ahhh I gave you the usual Yorkshire accent. BUT I come from HULL and
>it is a bit different LOL
> Just so you know I don't actually speak like this any more LOL

This is a bit harder to follow. I think that women tend to be easier
to understand than men. Or maybe it's just the Hullian factor.

S Viemeister[_2_] 22-02-2020 02:09 AM

New stove/range
On 2/21/2020 7:34 AM, S Viemeister wrote:
> On 2/21/2020 4:48 AM, Ophelia wrote:
>> Â*Â*Â*Â* People will not be allowed to buy coal here from next February.

> I'd better stock up, then - that's my backup for heat during power
> failures.

Just did some more reading on this - the ban only applies to England
(not Scotland) as this is a devolved matter.

I'll still be stocking up on coal, though.

Bruce[_28_] 22-02-2020 02:21 AM

New stove/range
On Fri, 21 Feb 2020 10:41:14 -0000, "Ophelia"
> wrote:

>"Bruce" wrote in message ...
>>Sorry, sometimes my English is experimental.
>>Apparently, this hoisting is a man's job, universally, also when it's
>>raining hard :)
>> 'Particularly' when it is raining hard .... ;)

>Yes :)
>> Incidentally, there is nowt wrong with your English .. Now Yorkshire
>>might be a wee bit more difficult! (See how I dropped a bit of Scottish in
>>there) ;)

>Does Yorkshire happen to be what the Hairy Bikers speak? Do you know
> I don't know. I can't remember hearing them.
> Watch this:
> ""
> I have been away for too many years but I still understand it all. I
>do still have some but now If I speak to a Yorkshire person they accuse me
>of being posh LOLOL

I've listened a bit more and I now know how to say "Better put the
kettle on" in a Yorkshire accent:

Bè pú kè on.

dsi1[_2_] 22-02-2020 03:51 AM

New stove/range
On Friday, February 21, 2020 at 11:47:17 AM UTC-10, Ed Pawlowski wrote:
> On 2/21/2020 4:12 PM, dsi1 wrote:
> > On Friday, February 21, 2020 at 10:55:58 AM UTC-10, Ed Pawlowski wrote:
> >> On 2/21/2020 2:30 PM, dsi1 wrote:
> >>> On Friday, February 21, 2020 at 2:43:29 AM UTC-10, Julie Bove wrote:
> >>>> "Dave Smith" > wrote in message
> >>>> ...
> >>>>> On 2020-02-20 4:17 a.m., Julie Bove wrote:
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> "Dave Smith" > wrote in message
> >>>>>> ...
> >>>>>>> On 2020-02-19 8:45 p.m., Julie Bove wrote:
> >>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>> If a long term guest/resident managed to break the door on my oven I
> >>>>>>>>> would expect him to pay for repair or replacement. I would not
> >>>>>>>>> tolerate someone staying in my house and doing damage like that..
> >>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>> The stove was shot. One burner broken.
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>> A replacement burner is $20-30 and about as complicated to replace as a
> >>>>>>> light bulb.
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> One small burner was $29 plus shippng many years ago. All four needed to
> >>>>>> be replaced as did the drip pans. I can't remember what a set of those
> >>>>>> cost but not cheap. A new appliance was warranted.
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>> C'mon... Get your story straight. First you say one burner was shot, then
> >>>>> you say that all four needed replacement.
> >>>>
> >>>> Yes, they did. All were still useable but the front left has already been
> >>>> replaced once and a piece had broken off underneath. The other three were
> >>>> not far behind. They grew worse each day. Not rusty but aged and blackened.
> >>>> Very fragile. I am referring to the metal parts and not the coil.
> >>>
> >>> The receptacle blocks that the coils plug into are easily replaced. OTOH, my guess is that I wouldn't be able to fix a broken hinge on an oven.
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>
> >> Why should we really care? Mom bought her a new stove. Oven door
> >> broke, burner broke, getting old. Probably time to replace for little
> >> more than all the repairs.
> >>
> >> New stove, Julie is happy, mom is happy, life is good.

> >
> > Yes, why should anybody care about anything? I always wonder why people on this newsgroup care about everything.
> >

> We should care about some things, just not everything.

It's no concern what all y'alls do. I just used to opportunity to present a factoid about electric stoves: the receptacle blocks in stoves tend to deteriorate and to replace them is easy and dirt cheap. I was not concerned about whether Miss J made a right decision or not. That's a matter for all yoose nosy people out there. I don't care about anybody's tax issue either. Other people's business is of no concern to me. That's just the kind of guy I am.

Julie Bove[_2_] 22-02-2020 04:04 AM

New stove/range

"Ophelia" > wrote in message
> "Leo" wrote in message
> vidual.Net...
> On 2020 Feb 21, , Bruce wrote
> (in >):
>> You don't believe in man made global warming. Does that also mean
>> you're in favour of burning as much coal as we want? Because it
>> doesn't have an effect anyway?

> Dude! (see how I did that?) Were running out of coal. Its a
> diminishing resource. We were supposed to be out of oil long before now. I
> dont believe Jack from environmental €œscientists€. Its lucky for
> you that old men like me expire, so €œwoke€ people inherit the Earth. I
> blame Marco Polo for the mess that you suppose were in.
> leo
> ===
> LOL I still haven't come to terms with the word 'woke'!!! Do you use
> it??
> BTW 'Dude' is still not something I know:))

Wow! My step-grandpa used "dude" but not in the same way that we do today.
As in, "Ain't he a dude!" Meaning that the man was quite well dressed and a
show off to the ladies.

Julie Bove[_2_] 22-02-2020 04:09 AM

New stove/range

"Dave Smith" > wrote in message
> On 2020-02-21 7:46 a.m., Julie Bove wrote:
>> "Dave Smith" > wrote in message

>>> When is a stove burner on it's last legs? She said that one burner was
>>> shot and that the door was just a side bar issue. When I pointed out how
>>> cheap and easy it is to replace a burner the story changed to all four
>>> needing to be replaced. This is part of Julie's MO. she offers some
>>> details but then completely changes the situation.

>> As I said... I paid $29 plus postage some years ago to replace one
>> burner. I'm sure they cost more now despite what you claim. Also the drip
>> pans needed replaced and there were parts broken off under the top of the
>> stove that lifts up for cleaning. The stove was 16 years old. It was a
>> cheap stove. It was time for a funeral.

> Then why were you whining so much about your special needs gardener
> breaking the door?

I wasn't. I merely mentioned that it broke and added that my friend saw a
segment on the news about this very subject. I added that another friend had
her brand new oven door glass break about a year ago. I looked up statistics
and more and more doors are breaking just like mine did. I thought it might
be of interest.

Doesn't matter what I saw here, someone will take it as complaining.

Julie Bove[_2_] 22-02-2020 04:12 AM

New stove/range

"U.S. Janet B." > wrote in message
> On Fri, 21 Feb 2020 04:48:42 -0800, "Julie Bove"
> > wrote:
>>"U.S. Janet B." > wrote in message
. ..
>>> On Thu, 20 Feb 2020 01:17:52 -0800, "Julie Bove"
>>> > wrote:
>>>>"Dave Smith" > wrote in message
>>>>> On 2020-02-19 8:45 p.m., Julie Bove wrote:
>>>>>>> If a long term guest/resident managed to break the door on my oven I
>>>>>>> would expect him to pay for repair or replacement. I would not
>>>>>>> tolerate
>>>>>>> someone staying in my house and doing damage like that.
>>>>>> The stove was shot. One burner broken.
>>>>> A replacement burner is $20-30 and about as complicated to replace as
>>>>> a
>>>>> light bulb.
>>>>One small burner was $29 plus shippng many years ago. All four needed to
>>>>replaced as did the drip pans. I can't remember what a set of those cost
>>>>not cheap. A new appliance was warranted.
>>>>>>The broken door was a side bar issue.
>>>>> A side bar issue? Really. I guess that explains why you were so
>>>>> ****ed
>>>>> off about it that you had to come here to whine about it. I guess the
>>>>> little side bar issue didn't have enough drama for you,
>>>>You love drama, don't you?
>>> the drip pans are available at Winco in the utensil aisle for $6/2
>>> pans (1 large, 1 small) That's what I do every couple years. $30 is
>>> about right for a new electric burner.
>>> Janet US

>>I don't know if those would fit. I ordered the GE ones. Two large and two
>>small. They were not cheap!

> yes, they have two different 'packages' (read before buying) one says
> suitable for GE (your 4 would have cost $14) Keep in mind for when
> you want to replace
> Janet US

Thanks! I know I paid a ton more than that for mine. I like to keep an extra
set handy. I had one but when I was in the hospital, my ex put them in there
and then crapped them all up by the time I got home. I do use the foil
liners. Those seem to help somewhat but they're a tad small.

cshenk 22-02-2020 06:08 AM

New stove/range
Julie Bove wrote:

> My mom bought me a new one from Lowe's. The choices were few as I
> needed electric and didn't want a flat top. I could not get bisque to
> match my other appliances. Although it appeared to be available
> online, I was told they could not order it and I should go with white
> and when needed, replace my other appliances in white as well. This
> is the one I got:
> It has buttons in the centers of the burners that prevent the burners
> from being turned on with no pan there. They also prevent the burners
> from overheating. My mom didn't pay that price but after adding a 3
> year warranty, delivery and a cord, it added to about that much.
> So far so good but it seems to get a lot hotter than my old one. The
> burners have more settings than my old on and even on the lowest
> setting, the food continues to boil. Can't get a low simmer. Oven
> seems hotter too and different proportions. Wider but not as high
> from top to bottom.

You probably need something like this:

Thats a simple one and I have 2 of them that reside on my gas stove top
all the time for various uses. Not expensive and works well.

cshenk 22-02-2020 06:25 AM

New stove/range
dsi1 wrote:

> On Wednesday, February 19, 2020 at 3:38:26 PM UTC-10, Julie Bove
> wrote:
> > "Ed Pawlowski" > wrote in message
> > ...
> > > On 2/19/2020 12:11 AM, Julie Bove wrote:
> > >> My mom bought me a new one from Lowe's. The choices were few as

> > I needed >> electric and didn't want a flat top. I could not get
> > bisque to match my >> other appliances. Although it appeared to be
> > available online, I was told >> they could not order it and I
> > should go with white and when needed, >> replace my other
> > appliances in white as well. This is the one I got:
> > > >
> > >>
> > > >
> > >> It has buttons in the centers of the burners that prevent the

> > burners >> from being turned on with no pan there. They also
> > prevent the burners >> from overheating. My mom didn't pay that
> > price but after adding a 3 year >> warranty, delivery and a cord,
> > it added to about that much.
> > > >
> > >> So far so good but it seems to get a lot hotter than my old one.

> > The >> burners have more settings than my old on and even on the
> > lowest setting, >> the food continues to boil. Can't get a low
> > simmer. Oven seems hotter too >> and different proportions. Wider
> > but not as high from top to bottom.
> > > >
> > >> There's a push to get away from the use of natural gas here.

> > That could >> be why Lowes had so few gas ones on display. Mostly
> > they had the flat top >> and I freaking hate those things.
> > > >
> > >> Made pot roast for dinner. Did the meat on top of the stove and

> > roasted >> the veggies in the oven with a little beef broth. Should
> > have cooked the >> meat a bit longer but we were hungry so we ate
> > it as is. Good but could >> be a touch more tender.
> > >
> > > The button idea is a good one. I agree, I don't like the flat
> > > tops. I'm glad we have gas here though.

> >
> > They're trying to outlaw gas here. Soon nobody will be able to use
> > it.

> That's weird. I guess it's because it's a fossil fuel. Interesting.
> The US has an abundance of natural gas and now we can't use it. Are
> they trying to get rid of propane gas usage too?

Land of Julie. Most places are pushing Gas as a cheap resource, less
harmful to the environment than the sources used to generate
electricity. Less expensive too.

Julie Bove[_2_] 22-02-2020 09:49 AM

New stove/range

"cshenk" > wrote in message
> Julie Bove wrote:
>> My mom bought me a new one from Lowe's. The choices were few as I
>> needed electric and didn't want a flat top. I could not get bisque to
>> match my other appliances. Although it appeared to be available
>> online, I was told they could not order it and I should go with white
>> and when needed, replace my other appliances in white as well. This
>> is the one I got:
>> It has buttons in the centers of the burners that prevent the burners
>> from being turned on with no pan there. They also prevent the burners
>> from overheating. My mom didn't pay that price but after adding a 3
>> year warranty, delivery and a cord, it added to about that much.
>> So far so good but it seems to get a lot hotter than my old one. The
>> burners have more settings than my old on and even on the lowest
>> setting, the food continues to boil. Can't get a low simmer. Oven
>> seems hotter too and different proportions. Wider but not as high
>> from top to bottom.

> You probably need something like this:
> Thats a simple one and I have 2 of them that reside on my gas stove top
> all the time for various uses. Not expensive and works well.

Not sure it would work with these burners.

Julie Bove[_2_] 22-02-2020 10:34 AM

New stove/range

"dsi1" > wrote in message
> On Friday, February 21, 2020 at 2:43:29 AM UTC-10, Julie Bove wrote:
>> "Dave Smith" > wrote in message
>> ...
>> > On 2020-02-20 4:17 a.m., Julie Bove wrote:
>> >>
>> >> "Dave Smith" > wrote in message
>> >> ...
>> >>> On 2020-02-19 8:45 p.m., Julie Bove wrote:
>> >>>>
>> >>>
>> >>>>>
>> >>>>> If a long term guest/resident managed to break the door on my oven
>> >>>>> I
>> >>>>> would expect him to pay for repair or replacement. I would not
>> >>>>> tolerate someone staying in my house and doing damage like that.
>> >>>>
>> >>>> The stove was shot. One burner broken.
>> >>>
>> >>>
>> >>> A replacement burner is $20-30 and about as complicated to replace as
>> >>> a
>> >>> light bulb.
>> >>
>> >> One small burner was $29 plus shippng many years ago. All four needed
>> >> to
>> >> be replaced as did the drip pans. I can't remember what a set of those
>> >> cost but not cheap. A new appliance was warranted.
>> >>>
>> >
>> >
>> > C'mon... Get your story straight. First you say one burner was shot,
>> > then
>> > you say that all four needed replacement.

>> Yes, they did. All were still useable but the front left has already been
>> replaced once and a piece had broken off underneath. The other three were
>> not far behind. They grew worse each day. Not rusty but aged and
>> blackened.
>> Very fragile. I am referring to the metal parts and not the coil.

> The receptacle blocks that the coils plug into are easily replaced. OTOH,
> my guess is that I wouldn't be able to fix a broken hinge on an oven.


None of that was broken. The metal bits under the coils and in the center of
the coils were rotting and one part fell off.

Julie Bove[_2_] 22-02-2020 10:35 AM

New stove/range

"Ed Pawlowski" > wrote in message
> On 2/21/2020 2:30 PM, dsi1 wrote:
>> On Friday, February 21, 2020 at 2:43:29 AM UTC-10, Julie Bove wrote:
>>> "Dave Smith" > wrote in message
>>> ...
>>>> On 2020-02-20 4:17 a.m., Julie Bove wrote:
>>>>> "Dave Smith" > wrote in message
>>>>> ...
>>>>>> On 2020-02-19 8:45 p.m., Julie Bove wrote:
>>>>>>>> If a long term guest/resident managed to break the door on my oven
>>>>>>>> I
>>>>>>>> would expect him to pay for repair or replacement. I would not
>>>>>>>> tolerate someone staying in my house and doing damage like that.
>>>>>>> The stove was shot. One burner broken.
>>>>>> A replacement burner is $20-30 and about as complicated to replace as
>>>>>> a
>>>>>> light bulb.
>>>>> One small burner was $29 plus shippng many years ago. All four needed
>>>>> to
>>>>> be replaced as did the drip pans. I can't remember what a set of those
>>>>> cost but not cheap. A new appliance was warranted.
>>>> C'mon... Get your story straight. First you say one burner was shot,
>>>> then
>>>> you say that all four needed replacement.
>>> Yes, they did. All were still useable but the front left has already
>>> been
>>> replaced once and a piece had broken off underneath. The other three
>>> were
>>> not far behind. They grew worse each day. Not rusty but aged and
>>> blackened.
>>> Very fragile. I am referring to the metal parts and not the coil.

>> The receptacle blocks that the coils plug into are easily replaced. OTOH,
>> my guess is that I wouldn't be able to fix a broken hinge on an oven.

> Why should we really care? Mom bought her a new stove. Oven door broke,
> burner broke, getting old. Probably time to replace for little more than
> all the repairs.
> New stove, Julie is happy, mom is happy, life is good.

Yes! And we have brownies!

Cindy Hamilton[_2_] 22-02-2020 12:13 PM

New stove/range
On Saturday, February 22, 2020 at 12:25:22 AM UTC-5, cshenk wrote:

> Land of Julie. Most places are pushing Gas as a cheap resource, less
> harmful to the environment than the sources used to generate
> electricity. Less expensive too.

The "Land of Julie" uses quite a bit of hydro power, so electricity is
generated without burning fossil fuels.

The costs, both monetary and to the environment, of those dams are sunk.

Cindy Hamilton

Janet 22-02-2020 12:37 PM

New stove/range
In article >, says...
> "Dave Smith" > wrote in message
> ...
> > On 2020-02-21 7:46 a.m., Julie Bove wrote:
> >>
> >> "Dave Smith" > wrote in message

> >
> >>>
> >>> When is a stove burner on it's last legs? She said that one burner was
> >>> shot and that the door was just a side bar issue. When I pointed out how
> >>> cheap and easy it is to replace a burner the story changed to all four
> >>> needing to be replaced. This is part of Julie's MO. she offers some
> >>> details but then completely changes the situation.
> >>
> >> As I said... I paid $29 plus postage some years ago to replace one
> >> burner. I'm sure they cost more now despite what you claim. Also the drip
> >> pans needed replaced and there were parts broken off under the top of the
> >> stove that lifts up for cleaning. The stove was 16 years old. It was a
> >> cheap stove. It was time for a funeral.

> >
> >
> > Then why were you whining so much about your special needs gardener
> > breaking the door?

> I wasn't. I merely mentioned that it broke

Liar, you blamed the gardener/"he who no longer lives here"

Here's what you posted in a thread called shattered oven door, Nov 17

"Had an incident with he who longer lives here (Just me and the cats
now)where the oven door shattered. The claim is he slipped on oil on the
floor,his knee hit the door and it shattered. I did not buy this story
as there was no oil on the floor. I had Angela double check this. Yes,
there had been oil on the floor two days prior and it took me a long
time to clean it up.So that part, I don't buy. Then there was the fact
that other things in the kitchen were damaged and he claimed those
damages were related to the shattered oven door, but they couldn't
possibly be."

Janet UK

Julie Bove[_2_] 22-02-2020 01:14 PM

New stove/range

"cshenk" > wrote in message
> dsi1 wrote:
>> On Wednesday, February 19, 2020 at 3:38:26 PM UTC-10, Julie Bove
>> wrote:
>> > "Ed Pawlowski" > wrote in message
>> > ...
>> > > On 2/19/2020 12:11 AM, Julie Bove wrote:
>> > >> My mom bought me a new one from Lowe's. The choices were few as
>> > I needed >> electric and didn't want a flat top. I could not get
>> > bisque to match my >> other appliances. Although it appeared to be
>> > available online, I was told >> they could not order it and I
>> > should go with white and when needed, >> replace my other
>> > appliances in white as well. This is the one I got:
>> > > >
>> > >>
>> > > >
>> > >> It has buttons in the centers of the burners that prevent the
>> > burners >> from being turned on with no pan there. They also
>> > prevent the burners >> from overheating. My mom didn't pay that
>> > price but after adding a 3 year >> warranty, delivery and a cord,
>> > it added to about that much.
>> > > >
>> > >> So far so good but it seems to get a lot hotter than my old one.
>> > The >> burners have more settings than my old on and even on the
>> > lowest setting, >> the food continues to boil. Can't get a low
>> > simmer. Oven seems hotter too >> and different proportions. Wider
>> > but not as high from top to bottom.
>> > > >
>> > >> There's a push to get away from the use of natural gas here.
>> > That could >> be why Lowes had so few gas ones on display. Mostly
>> > they had the flat top >> and I freaking hate those things.
>> > > >
>> > >> Made pot roast for dinner. Did the meat on top of the stove and
>> > roasted >> the veggies in the oven with a little beef broth. Should
>> > have cooked the >> meat a bit longer but we were hungry so we ate
>> > it as is. Good but could >> be a touch more tender.
>> > >
>> > > The button idea is a good one. I agree, I don't like the flat
>> > > tops. I'm glad we have gas here though.
>> >
>> > They're trying to outlaw gas here. Soon nobody will be able to use
>> > it.

>> That's weird. I guess it's because it's a fossil fuel. Interesting.
>> The US has an abundance of natural gas and now we can't use it. Are
>> they trying to get rid of propane gas usage too?

> Land of Julie. Most places are pushing Gas as a cheap resource, less
> harmful to the environment than the sources used to generate
> electricity. Less expensive too.

Most places? I don't think so!

Julie Bove[_2_] 22-02-2020 01:15 PM

New stove/range

"Gary" > wrote in message ...
> Julie Bove wrote:
>> Once, a hot pan with roast and veggies shot out of the
>> oven at me and I had to catch it in mid air.

> LOL! NO - it didn't do that, Julie. Too funny though! ;-D
> I'll award you 10 points for creativity.
> I will save this quote. :)

It actually did do that!

Julie Bove[_2_] 22-02-2020 01:17 PM

New stove/range

"Janet" > wrote in message
> In article >, says...
>> "Dave Smith" > wrote in message
>> ...
>> > On 2020-02-21 7:46 a.m., Julie Bove wrote:
>> >>
>> >> "Dave Smith" > wrote in message
>> >
>> >>>
>> >>> When is a stove burner on it's last legs? She said that one burner
>> >>> was
>> >>> shot and that the door was just a side bar issue. When I pointed out
>> >>> how
>> >>> cheap and easy it is to replace a burner the story changed to all
>> >>> four
>> >>> needing to be replaced. This is part of Julie's MO. she offers some
>> >>> details but then completely changes the situation.
>> >>
>> >> As I said... I paid $29 plus postage some years ago to replace one
>> >> burner. I'm sure they cost more now despite what you claim. Also the
>> >> drip
>> >> pans needed replaced and there were parts broken off under the top of
>> >> the
>> >> stove that lifts up for cleaning. The stove was 16 years old. It was a
>> >> cheap stove. It was time for a funeral.
>> >
>> >
>> > Then why were you whining so much about your special needs gardener
>> > breaking the door?

>> I wasn't. I merely mentioned that it broke

> Liar, you blamed the gardener/"he who no longer lives here"
> Here's what you posted in a thread called shattered oven door, Nov 17
> "Had an incident with he who longer lives here (Just me and the cats
> now)where the oven door shattered. The claim is he slipped on oil on the
> floor,his knee hit the door and it shattered. I did not buy this story
> as there was no oil on the floor. I had Angela double check this. Yes,
> there had been oil on the floor two days prior and it took me a long
> time to clean it up.So that part, I don't buy. Then there was the fact
> that other things in the kitchen were damaged and he claimed those
> damages were related to the shattered oven door, but they couldn't
> possibly be."
> Janet UK

As I said... I only know what he said. I didn't witness what happened. He is
back here now until he gets his stuff moved out. There is a story to that
too but I'm not getting into that here.

cshenk 22-02-2020 03:23 PM

New stove/range
Julie Bove wrote:

> "cshenk" > wrote in message
> ...
> > Julie Bove wrote:
> >
> > > My mom bought me a new one from Lowe's. The choices were few as I
> > > needed electric and didn't want a flat top. I could not get
> > > bisque to match my other appliances. Although it appeared to be
> > > available online, I was told they could not order it and I should
> > > go with white and when needed, replace my other appliances in
> > > white as well. This is the one I got:
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > It has buttons in the centers of the burners that prevent the
> > > burners from being turned on with no pan there. They also prevent
> > > the burners from overheating. My mom didn't pay that price but
> > > after adding a 3 year warranty, delivery and a cord, it added to
> > > about that much.
> > >
> > > So far so good but it seems to get a lot hotter than my old one.
> > > The burners have more settings than my old on and even on the
> > > lowest setting, the food continues to boil. Can't get a low
> > > simmer. Oven seems hotter too and different proportions. Wider
> > > but not as high from top to bottom.

> >
> > You probably need something like this:
> >
> >
> >
> > Thats a simple one and I have 2 of them that reside on my gas stove
> > top all the time for various uses. Not expensive and works well.

> Not sure it would work with these burners.

They are built for gas or electric and perfect match for the picture
you posted of the new stove. Lots of variations on them for special
needs but the basic one there will solve your issue.

cshenk 22-02-2020 03:29 PM

New stove/range
Cindy Hamilton wrote:

> On Saturday, February 22, 2020 at 12:25:22 AM UTC-5, cshenk wrote:
> > Land of Julie. Most places are pushing Gas as a cheap resource,
> > less harmful to the environment than the sources used to generate
> > electricity. Less expensive too.

> The "Land of Julie" uses quite a bit of hydro power, so electricity is
> generated without burning fossil fuels.
> The costs, both monetary and to the environment, of those dams are
> sunk.
> Cindy Hamilton

Yes, where gas in earthquake areas isn't a great idea. It's more
popular in larger concentration areas where laying gas lines pays for
itself in a few years or so.

Gary 22-02-2020 03:56 PM

New stove/range
Julie Bove wrote:
> "Gary" > wrote in message ...
> > Julie Bove wrote:
> >>
> >> Once, a hot pan with roast and veggies shot out of the
> >> oven at me and I had to catch it in mid air.

> >
> > LOL! NO - it didn't do that, Julie. Too funny though! ;-D
> > I'll award you 10 points for creativity.
> >
> > I will save this quote. :)

> It actually did do that!

No it didn't. ;)

Gary 22-02-2020 03:56 PM

New stove/range
Julie Bove wrote:
> As I said... I only know what he said. I didn't witness what happened. He is
> back here now until he gets his stuff moved out.

A 1-2 day notice should do it. Kick his ass out.

> There is a story to that
> too but I'm not getting into that here.

You tell us everything else so you should tell that
story too.

Funny but frustrating: I had a good friend many years
ago that was very good at storytelling. He would weave a
really good story and it got so interesting that he had
everyone on the edge of their seats just waiting to hear
how it ended. Then he would say, "Damn, I forget how
it ended." And that was it!~ Arrghh!

Gary 22-02-2020 03:58 PM

New stove/range
dsi1 wrote:
> It's no concern what all y'alls do.

No one but you says "all y'all"
That's silly and a myth about the southern lingo.

"Y'all" is very commonly used in the south.
"All y'all' is just a caricature of southern talk.
Makes them sound stupid and illiterate.

I do realize that Hawaii is the southern most state
but y'all don't count as southern as far as talk goes.

Gary 22-02-2020 03:59 PM

New stove/range
Bruce wrote:
> I like(d) that you can literally _see_ how hard it's going with gas by
> looking at the flame. With electric, you have to trust the dial/knob
> and ours don't seem very reliable. All or nothing.

That's what I like about my old (mid 1960's) gas stove.
The burner dials have numbers on them for a guideline but they
don't click to each one. You can do all the inbetween the set

When I make rice in a pot (and never a fail), I bring the
water to a boil, add the rice, stir and put on a lid.
I then turn the burner way down below the 1 setting to where
it starts to flicker and go out, then back it just a nip
higher to a very, very low flame.

Perfect rice every time.

I can also make yogurt overnight in my oven with it turned off.
The pilot light keeps it the perfect low temp.

Don't think they sell gas stoves with pilot lights anymore.
Mine is under that "grandfather" law. Fine to use it but if
I ever get the stove replaced, it will have to have an
electronic starter.

Gary 22-02-2020 04:02 PM

New stove/range
cshenk wrote:
> Yes, where gas in earthquake areas isn't a great idea. It's more
> popular in larger concentration areas where laying gas lines pays for
> itself in a few years or so.

I read a joke once. Something about a woman buying new
insulation for her attic. The company salesman told her
that it would pay for itself within one year.

So she ordered it on a time pay financing and they installed it.

11 months later she was contacted because she still hadn't
paid anything yet.

She told them, "I was told it would pay for itself in a
year. Just wait until next month and it will pay you."


Sheldon 22-02-2020 04:24 PM

New stove/range
On Fri, 21 Feb 2020 19:04:16 -0800, "Julie Bove"
> wrote:

>"Ophelia" > wrote in message
>> "Leo" wrote in message
>> vidual.Net...
>> On 2020 Feb 21, , Bruce wrote
>> (in >):
>>> You don't believe in man made global warming. Does that also mean
>>> you're in favour of burning as much coal as we want? Because it
>>> doesn't have an effect anyway?

>> Dude! (see how I did that?) We’re running out of coal. It’s a
>> diminishing resource. We were supposed to be out of oil long before now. I
>> don’t believe Jack from environmental “scientists”. It’s lucky for
>> you that old men like me expire, so “woke” people inherit the Earth. I
>> blame Marco Polo for the mess that you suppose we’re in.
>> leo
>> ===
>> LOL I still haven't come to terms with the word 'woke'!!! Do you use
>> it??
>> BTW 'Dude' is still not something I know:))

>Wow! My step-grandpa used "dude" but not in the same way that we do today.
>As in, "Ain't he a dude!" Meaning that the man was quite well dressed and a
>show off to the ladies.

To me "Dude" was from the old TV Westerns... or a type of ranch.

Sheldon 22-02-2020 04:31 PM

New stove/range
On Fri, 21 Feb 2020 23:08:37 -0600, "cshenk" > wrote:

>Julie Bove wrote:
>> My mom bought me a new one from Lowe's. The choices were few as I
>> needed electric and didn't want a flat top. I could not get bisque to
>> match my other appliances. Although it appeared to be available
>> online, I was told they could not order it and I should go with white
>> and when needed, replace my other appliances in white as well. This
>> is the one I got:
>> It has buttons in the centers of the burners that prevent the burners
>> from being turned on with no pan there. They also prevent the burners
>> from overheating. My mom didn't pay that price but after adding a 3
>> year warranty, delivery and a cord, it added to about that much.
>> So far so good but it seems to get a lot hotter than my old one. The
>> burners have more settings than my old on and even on the lowest
>> setting, the food continues to boil. Can't get a low simmer. Oven
>> seems hotter too and different proportions. Wider but not as high
>> from top to bottom.

>You probably need something like this:
>Thats a simple one and I have 2 of them that reside on my gas stove top
>all the time for various uses. Not expensive and works well.

A flame tamer, used so a larger burner can do a slow simmer.

Gary 22-02-2020 04:34 PM

New stove/range
Sheldon wrote:
> On Fri, 21 Feb 2020 23:08:37 -0600, "cshenk" > wrote:
> >Julie Bove wrote:
> >
> >> My mom bought me a new one from Lowe's. The choices were few as I
> >> needed electric and didn't want a flat top. I could not get bisque to
> >> match my other appliances. Although it appeared to be available
> >> online, I was told they could not order it and I should go with white
> >> and when needed, replace my other appliances in white as well. This
> >> is the one I got:
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> It has buttons in the centers of the burners that prevent the burners
> >> from being turned on with no pan there. They also prevent the burners
> >> from overheating. My mom didn't pay that price but after adding a 3
> >> year warranty, delivery and a cord, it added to about that much.
> >>
> >> So far so good but it seems to get a lot hotter than my old one. The
> >> burners have more settings than my old on and even on the lowest
> >> setting, the food continues to boil. Can't get a low simmer. Oven
> >> seems hotter too and different proportions. Wider but not as high
> >> from top to bottom.

> >
> >You probably need something like this:
> >
> >
> >
> >Thats a simple one and I have 2 of them that reside on my gas stove top
> >all the time for various uses. Not expensive and works well.

> A flame tamer, used so a larger burner can do a slow simmer.

With my gas stove, any burner can do a slow simmer.

Sheldon 22-02-2020 04:35 PM

New stove/range
On Sat, 22 Feb 2020 00:49:25 -0800, "Julie Bove"
> wrote:

>"cshenk" > wrote in message
>> Julie Bove wrote:
>>> My mom bought me a new one from Lowe's. The choices were few as I
>>> needed electric and didn't want a flat top. I could not get bisque to
>>> match my other appliances. Although it appeared to be available
>>> online, I was told they could not order it and I should go with white
>>> and when needed, replace my other appliances in white as well. This
>>> is the one I got:
>>> It has buttons in the centers of the burners that prevent the burners
>>> from being turned on with no pan there. They also prevent the burners
>>> from overheating. My mom didn't pay that price but after adding a 3
>>> year warranty, delivery and a cord, it added to about that much.
>>> So far so good but it seems to get a lot hotter than my old one. The
>>> burners have more settings than my old on and even on the lowest
>>> setting, the food continues to boil. Can't get a low simmer. Oven
>>> seems hotter too and different proportions. Wider but not as high
>>> from top to bottom.

>> You probably need something like this:
>> Thats a simple one and I have 2 of them that reside on my gas stove top
>> all the time for various uses. Not expensive and works well.

>Not sure it would work with these burners.

Your stove is electric, a flame tamer won't work with an electric

Sheldon 22-02-2020 04:39 PM

New stove/range
On Fri, 21 Feb 2020 23:25:14 -0600, "cshenk" > wrote:

>dsi1 wrote:
>> On Wednesday, February 19, 2020 at 3:38:26 PM UTC-10, Julie Bove
>> wrote:
>> > "Ed Pawlowski" > wrote in message
>> > ...
>> > > On 2/19/2020 12:11 AM, Julie Bove wrote:
>> > >> My mom bought me a new one from Lowe's. The choices were few as
>> > I needed >> electric and didn't want a flat top. I could not get
>> > bisque to match my >> other appliances. Although it appeared to be
>> > available online, I was told >> they could not order it and I
>> > should go with white and when needed, >> replace my other
>> > appliances in white as well. This is the one I got:
>> > > >
>> > >>
>> > > >
>> > >> It has buttons in the centers of the burners that prevent the
>> > burners >> from being turned on with no pan there. They also
>> > prevent the burners >> from overheating. My mom didn't pay that
>> > price but after adding a 3 year >> warranty, delivery and a cord,
>> > it added to about that much.
>> > > >
>> > >> So far so good but it seems to get a lot hotter than my old one.
>> > The >> burners have more settings than my old on and even on the
>> > lowest setting, >> the food continues to boil. Can't get a low
>> > simmer. Oven seems hotter too >> and different proportions. Wider
>> > but not as high from top to bottom.
>> > > >
>> > >> There's a push to get away from the use of natural gas here.
>> > That could >> be why Lowes had so few gas ones on display. Mostly
>> > they had the flat top >> and I freaking hate those things.
>> > > >
>> > >> Made pot roast for dinner. Did the meat on top of the stove and
>> > roasted >> the veggies in the oven with a little beef broth. Should
>> > have cooked the >> meat a bit longer but we were hungry so we ate
>> > it as is. Good but could >> be a touch more tender.
>> > >
>> > > The button idea is a good one. I agree, I don't like the flat
>> > > tops. I'm glad we have gas here though.
>> >
>> > They're trying to outlaw gas here. Soon nobody will be able to use
>> > it.

>> That's weird. I guess it's because it's a fossil fuel. Interesting.
>> The US has an abundance of natural gas and now we can't use it. Are
>> they trying to get rid of propane gas usage too?

>Land of Julie. Most places are pushing Gas as a cheap resource, less
>harmful to the environment than the sources used to generate
>electricity. Less expensive too.

To date Julie has not shown any newspaper article supporting her
claim, so I really don't believe her.

Dave Smith[_1_] 22-02-2020 04:51 PM

New stove/range
On 2020-02-22 4:35 a.m., Julie Bove wrote:
> "Ed Pawlowski" > wrote in message

>> Why should we really care?Â* Mom bought her a new stove.Â* Oven door
>> broke, burner broke, getting old.Â* Probably time to replace for little
>> more than all the repairs.
>> New stove, Julie is happy, mom is happy, life is good.

> Yes! And we have brownies!

Yep. And they are full of all the things you aren't supposed to eat or
can't eat.

Dave Smith[_1_] 22-02-2020 04:54 PM

New stove/range
On 2020-02-22 6:37 a.m., Janet wrote:
> In article >, says...
>> "Dave Smith" > wrote in message
>> ...
>>> On 2020-02-21 7:46 a.m., Julie Bove wrote:
>>>> "Dave Smith" > wrote in message
>>>>> When is a stove burner on it's last legs? She said that one burner was
>>>>> shot and that the door was just a side bar issue. When I pointed out how
>>>>> cheap and easy it is to replace a burner the story changed to all four
>>>>> needing to be replaced. This is part of Julie's MO. she offers some
>>>>> details but then completely changes the situation.
>>>> As I said... I paid $29 plus postage some years ago to replace one
>>>> burner. I'm sure they cost more now despite what you claim. Also the drip
>>>> pans needed replaced and there were parts broken off under the top of the
>>>> stove that lifts up for cleaning. The stove was 16 years old. It was a
>>>> cheap stove. It was time for a funeral.
>>> Then why were you whining so much about your special needs gardener
>>> breaking the door?

>> I wasn't. I merely mentioned that it broke

> Liar, you blamed the gardener/"he who no longer lives here"
> Here's what you posted in a thread called shattered oven door, Nov 17
> "Had an incident with he who longer lives here (Just me and the cats
> now)where the oven door shattered. The claim is he slipped on oil on the
> floor,his knee hit the door and it shattered. I did not buy this story
> as there was no oil on the floor. I had Angela double check this. Yes,
> there had been oil on the floor two days prior and it took me a long
> time to clean it up.So that part, I don't buy. Then there was the fact
> that other things in the kitchen were damaged and he claimed those
> damages were related to the shattered oven door, but they couldn't
> possibly be."

But.... did she not go on and talk about how the broken door was just a
side issue because one burner was kaput and the others all needed
replacement. Oh.... that's right. She never mentioned those things at
the time.

Dave Smith[_1_] 22-02-2020 04:56 PM

New stove/range
On 2020-02-22 7:17 a.m., Julie Bove wrote:
> "Janet" > wrote in message

>> Â*"Had an incident with he who longer lives here (Just me and the cats
>> now)where the oven door shattered. The claim is he slipped on oil on the
>> floor,his knee hit the door and it shattered. I did not buy this story
>> as there was no oil on the floor. I had Angela double check this. Yes,
>> there had been oil on the floor two days prior and it took me a long
>> time to clean it up.So that part, I don't buy. Then there was the fact
>> that other things in the kitchen were damaged and he claimed those
>> damages were related to the shattered oven door, but they couldn't
>> possibly be."
>> Â*Janet UK

> As I said... I only know what he said. I didn't witness what happened.
> He is back here now until he gets his stuff moved out. There is a story
> to that too but I'm not getting into that here.

I am sure you will soon enough. Maybe you should write it down while
the facts are fresh in your mind so you won't have to make them up later.

Dave Smith[_1_] 22-02-2020 05:37 PM

New stove/range
On 2020-02-22 9:29 a.m., cshenk wrote:
> Cindy Hamilton wrote:

>> The "Land of Julie" uses quite a bit of hydro power, so electricity is
>> generated without burning fossil fuels.
>> The costs, both monetary and to the environment, of those dams are
>> sunk.
>> Cindy Hamilton

> Yes, where gas in earthquake areas isn't a great idea. It's more
> popular in larger concentration areas where laying gas lines pays for
> itself in a few years or so.

A guy down the road wanted gas but it was going to cost about $10,000 to
have a line installed from the main line about 1/4 mile to his house.
About the same time my insurance company made me replace my oil tank.
That was pricey. Within a few weeks of spending all that money for the
new tank and installation the gas company brought a line down the road
for the house being built across the road and it ended up in the middle
of my front yard. They offered to hook me up for free. I wanted to get
some use out of that oil tank before switching. Quite frankly, I would
have been better off to have just eaten the loss and switched to gas
immediately. I would have saved almost that much in heating costs in
the first year.

Ophelia[_11_] 22-02-2020 05:45 PM

New stove/range
"Bruce" wrote in message ...

On Fri, 21 Feb 2020 10:41:14 -0000, "Ophelia"
> wrote:

>"Bruce" wrote in message
.. .
>On Fri, 21 Feb 2020 10:11:55 -0000, "Ophelia"
> wrote:
>>"Bruce" wrote in message
. ..
>>On Fri, 21 Feb 2020 09:48:13 -0000, "Ophelia"
> wrote:
>>>"Bruce" wrote in message
>>>On Thu, 20 Feb 2020 15:15:49 -0800 (PST), dsi1
> wrote:
>>>>On Thursday, February 20, 2020 at 12:59:52 PM UTC-10, Bruce wrote:
>>>>> On Thu, 20 Feb 2020 14:54:14 -0800 (PST), dsi1
>>>>> > wrote:
>>>>> >On Thursday, February 20, 2020 at 12:11:43 PM UTC-10, Ed Pawlowski
>>>>> >wrote:
>>>>> >> On 2/20/2020 4:12 PM, Sheldon wrote:
>>>>> >> > On Wed, 19 Feb 2020 "Julie Bove" wrote:
>>>>> >> >>
>>>>> >> >> They're trying to outlaw gas here. Soon nobody will be able to
>>>>> >> >> use
>>>>> >> >> it.
>>>>> >> >
>>>>> >> > Why? Are you saying that outdoor gas grills will be outlawed?
>>>>> >> > Are
>>>>> >> > you willing to share the reason for outlawing gas for cooking
>>>>> >> > etc.
>>>>> >> > or
>>>>> >> > is it just more of your idiotic BS?
>>>>> >> >
>>>>> >> It has been in the news. They what to eliminate greenhouse gasses.
>>>>> >> In
>>>>> >> some towns in CA no new natural gas. No mention of grills that I
>>>>> >> saw.
>>>>> >>
>>>>> >>
>>>>> >>
>>>>> >>
>>>>> >
>>>>> >When we moved into our new home in Kailua back in the 1962, much ado
>>>>> >was
>>>>> >made about the kitchen and water heating and dryer being natural gas.
>>>>> >It
>>>>> >seemed so modern. That was the latest thing. 60 years later, there's
>>>>> >nothing modern about it.
>>>>> >
>>>>> >I'm not a fan of gas, it takes so long to heat up the pans and it
>>>>> >made
>>>>> >the kitchen an uncomfortable place to be in. My memories of how it
>>>>> >felt
>>>>> >to be in the kitchen are not good. My parents did save a large amount
>>>>> >of
>>>>> >money by using gas.
>>>>> I never had a problem being in a kitchen where gas was used. Maybe
>>>>> you're highly sensitive?
>>>>I live in a warm and humid tropical environment. Adding more water vapor
>>>>the air as well as heat is not ideal. If one lives in a cool/cold, dry
>>>>environment gas cooking can be a comforting pleasure. OTOH, an induction
>>>>range is faster and is so efficient that waste heat is minimal i.e.,
>>>>there's no heat at all radiating into your face.
>>>It's subtropical here and very humid at the moment. But we've switched
>>>from gas to electric. It was a hassle hoisting those gas containers
>>>around and they would always be empty when I'd least want to go
>>>outside to swap them over.
>>> That is what we have:) No gas in this area:) Fortunately I am not
>>> the
>>>one to have to 'hoist' the containers:))

>>Sorry, sometimes my English is experimental.
>>Apparently, this hoisting is a man's job, universally, also when it's
>>raining hard :)
>> 'Particularly' when it is raining hard .... ;)

>Yes :)
>> Incidentally, there is nowt wrong with your English .. Now Yorkshire
>>might be a wee bit more difficult! (See how I dropped a bit of Scottish
>>there) ;)

>Does Yorkshire happen to be what the Hairy Bikers speak? Do you know
> I don't know. I can't remember hearing them.
> Watch this:
> ""
> I have been away for too many years but I still understand it all. I
>do still have some but now If I speak to a Yorkshire person they accuse me
>of being posh LOLOL


She's quite easy to understand, but if she was a toothless old

When my father would talk to his mother he'd speak the dialect of her
village that he left in the 50s. She'd tell him off for talking


Heh <g>

Ophelia[_11_] 22-02-2020 05:46 PM

New stove/range
"Bruce" wrote in message ...

On Fri, 21 Feb 2020 10:52:42 -0000, "Ophelia"
> wrote:

>"Bruce" wrote in message
.. .
>Does Yorkshire happen to be what the Hairy Bikers speak? Do you know
> Ahhh I gave you the usual Yorkshire accent. BUT I come from HULL and
>it is a bit different LOL
> Just so you know I don't actually speak like this any more LOL

This is a bit harder to follow. I think that women tend to be easier
to understand than men. Or maybe it's just the Hullian factor.


Even I have difficulty following him. I think he is using words I have
never heard of.

Probably modern stuff:))

Ophelia[_11_] 22-02-2020 05:49 PM

New stove/range
"S Viemeister" wrote in message ...

On 2/21/2020 7:34 AM, S Viemeister wrote:
> On 2/21/2020 4:48 AM, Ophelia wrote:
>> People will not be allowed to buy coal here from next February.

> I'd better stock up, then - that's my backup for heat during power
> failures.

Just did some more reading on this - the ban only applies to England
(not Scotland) as this is a devolved matter.

I'll still be stocking up on coal, though.


Ahhh good!! I am very pleased! I think you are doing the right thing.
As I said, she has been grumbling about the oil we use so you can bet your
life yours could be next!! Best safe then sorry!!!

Ophelia[_11_] 22-02-2020 05:50 PM

New stove/range
"Bruce" wrote in message ...

On Fri, 21 Feb 2020 10:41:14 -0000, "Ophelia"
> wrote:

>"Bruce" wrote in message
.. .
>>Sorry, sometimes my English is experimental.
>>Apparently, this hoisting is a man's job, universally, also when it's
>>raining hard :)
>> 'Particularly' when it is raining hard .... ;)

>Yes :)
>> Incidentally, there is nowt wrong with your English .. Now Yorkshire
>>might be a wee bit more difficult! (See how I dropped a bit of Scottish
>>there) ;)

>Does Yorkshire happen to be what the Hairy Bikers speak? Do you know
> I don't know. I can't remember hearing them.
> Watch this:
> ""
> I have been away for too many years but I still understand it all. I
>do still have some but now If I speak to a Yorkshire person they accuse me
>of being posh LOLOL

I've listened a bit more and I now know how to say "Better put the
kettle on" in a Yorkshire accent:

Bè pú kè on.


LOL I bet you would do ok:))))

Ophelia[_11_] 22-02-2020 05:50 PM

New stove/range
"Julie Bove" wrote in message ...

"Ophelia" > wrote in message
> "Leo" wrote in message
> vidual.Net...
> On 2020 Feb 21, , Bruce wrote
> (in >):
>> You don't believe in man made global warming. Does that also mean
>> you're in favour of burning as much coal as we want? Because it
>> doesn't have an effect anyway?

> Dude! (see how I did that?) Were running out of coal. Its a
> diminishing resource. We were supposed to be out of oil long before now. I
> dont believe Jack from environmental €œscientists€. Its lucky for
> you that old men like me expire, so €œwoke€ people inherit the Earth. I
> blame Marco Polo for the mess that you suppose were in.
> leo
> ===
> LOL I still haven't come to terms with the word 'woke'!!! Do you use
> it??
> BTW 'Dude' is still not something I know:))

Wow! My step-grandpa used "dude" but not in the same way that we do today.
As in, "Ain't he a dude!" Meaning that the man was quite well dressed and a
show off to the ladies.


Oh that was nice! Probably not the meaning these days, eh?

GM 22-02-2020 05:52 PM

New stove/range
Sheldon wrote:

> On Fri, 21 Feb 2020 23:25:14 -0600, "cshenk" > wrote:
> >dsi1 wrote:
> >
> >> On Wednesday, February 19, 2020 at 3:38:26 PM UTC-10, Julie Bove
> >> wrote:
> >> > "Ed Pawlowski" > wrote in message
> >> > ...
> >> > > On 2/19/2020 12:11 AM, Julie Bove wrote:
> >> > >> My mom bought me a new one from Lowe's. The choices were few as
> >> > I needed >> electric and didn't want a flat top. I could not get
> >> > bisque to match my >> other appliances. Although it appeared to be
> >> > available online, I was told >> they could not order it and I
> >> > should go with white and when needed, >> replace my other
> >> > appliances in white as well. This is the one I got:
> >> > > >
> >> > >>
> >> > > >
> >> > >> It has buttons in the centers of the burners that prevent the
> >> > burners >> from being turned on with no pan there. They also
> >> > prevent the burners >> from overheating. My mom didn't pay that
> >> > price but after adding a 3 year >> warranty, delivery and a cord,
> >> > it added to about that much.
> >> > > >
> >> > >> So far so good but it seems to get a lot hotter than my old one.
> >> > The >> burners have more settings than my old on and even on the
> >> > lowest setting, >> the food continues to boil. Can't get a low
> >> > simmer. Oven seems hotter too >> and different proportions. Wider
> >> > but not as high from top to bottom.
> >> > > >
> >> > >> There's a push to get away from the use of natural gas here.
> >> > That could >> be why Lowes had so few gas ones on display. Mostly
> >> > they had the flat top >> and I freaking hate those things.
> >> > > >
> >> > >> Made pot roast for dinner. Did the meat on top of the stove and
> >> > roasted >> the veggies in the oven with a little beef broth. Should
> >> > have cooked the >> meat a bit longer but we were hungry so we ate
> >> > it as is. Good but could >> be a touch more tender.
> >> > >
> >> > > The button idea is a good one. I agree, I don't like the flat
> >> > > tops. I'm glad we have gas here though.
> >> >
> >> > They're trying to outlaw gas here. Soon nobody will be able to use
> >> > it.
> >>
> >> That's weird. I guess it's because it's a fossil fuel. Interesting.
> >> The US has an abundance of natural gas and now we can't use it. Are
> >> they trying to get rid of propane gas usage too?

> >
> >Land of Julie. Most places are pushing Gas as a cheap resource, less
> >harmful to the environment than the sources used to generate
> >electricity. Less expensive too.

> To date Julie has not shown any newspaper article supporting her
> claim, so I really don't believe her.

That is because Julie is all a-busy with fellating her gardener's humungous juicy un-cut Mexi - cock...she prefers his dick cheeze to chihuahua cheeze...!!!


cshenk 22-02-2020 06:31 PM

New stove/range
Gary wrote:

> Bruce wrote:
> > I like(d) that you can literally see how hard it's going with gas by
> > looking at the flame. With electric, you have to trust the dial/knob
> > and ours don't seem very reliable. All or nothing.

> That's what I like about my old (mid 1960's) gas stove.
> The burner dials have numbers on them for a guideline but they
> don't click to each one. You can do all the inbetween the set
> numbers.

Mine has no numbers but agree, I know what I want for flame. More
intuitive if you ask me.

> When I make rice in a pot (and never a fail), I bring the
> water to a boil, add the rice, stir and put on a lid.
> I then turn the burner way down below the 1 setting to where
> it starts to flicker and go out, then back it just a nip
> higher to a very, very low flame.
> Perfect rice every time.

I don't make rice on the stove (except emergency if rice maker died and
only until I get a new one) but then I'm probably making a different
sort than you. Fluffy rice is almost unaviodable on the stove top and
I like a more sticky sort of product. Just all in what you are used to!

> I can also make yogurt overnight in my oven with it turned off.
> The pilot light keeps it the perfect low temp.
> Don't think they sell gas stoves with pilot lights anymore.
> Mine is under that "grandfather" law. Fine to use it but if
> I ever get the stove replaced, it will have to have an
> electronic starter.

I had to replace mine about 2011 but other than had a major party so
had to take what they had (wanted a black one, ended up white because
the black one wouldn't arrive until mid-party), they were all
electronic then. You can still light the stove top with a match if
electric is out, but probably not the oven (that I have noticed).

They loved the new then oven too at the 'party'. It's a 30 year
history now of a group in Fidonet, to have an annual 'cooking party'.
Folks drive or fly in from all over the country including Canada,
occasionally Australia and Europe. They generally start on Thursday
and end on Monday. People bring things to try or get scratch
ingredients and cook up a storm at the hosting home. Mega 'eat-fest'
and lots of good company. Memorable meals were Ruth's eggplant dish,
and Michael's various pork bits as well as my own Don's fried squid (a
unique dish, served chilled works really nice but hot from the fryer is
fine). My main offering was local live blue crabs which were unique to
all but one member of the 12 there.

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