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  #1 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Posts: 1,389
Default Bread and soup and PANIC!

* Making the bread and soup took up my whole day ... We were out of
everything but hoagie buns so I spent most of the day making loaves ,
dinner rolls , and buns . I also used a piece of that bottom round we
bought last week for a pot of beef and barley soup with veggies for our
dinner (and a couple of lunches). Fortunately we have enough food ,
medications , and other necessities to stay home for a month if we have
to . Our biggest worry is running out of 'shrooms ... Hobbits got
nothin' on our love of the tasty little fungi . Welllll actually we only
have enough TP for 27 days , but we have a large supply of newsprint !
We do plan on a trip to town tomorrow , mostly just to see how bad the
panic buying has been . We could use a few things but nothing is in dire
need here . I do hope there are still some fresh veggies available , and
I plan to fill my gas cans - I need to get the garden tilled and I want
to use the tractor and chainsaws some in the next month . I'll probably
also take both motorcycles to town and top off the tanks , never hurts
to have a backup to the backup - the truck has a full or very near full
tank and the car was topped off just a few miles from home returning
from our recent trip . Got plenty of likker , including some Everclear
and a little (real) 'shine in case we need to make some hand sanitizer -
and I have enough aloe plants to use fresh squeezed juice . I think my
wife quit Walmart (retired) at just exactly the right time , she left at
the end of January .
* And on Saturday I'll be back to house building , next up is the high
shelf in the laundry closet followed by finishing the walls and shelving
in my wife's craft room .

Yes , I'm old
and crochety - and armed .
Get outta my woods !

  #2 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Posts: 14,590
Default Bread and soup and PANIC!

On Friday, March 13, 2020 at 12:45:54 AM UTC-4, Terry Coombs wrote:
> * Making the bread and soup took up my whole day ... We were out of
> everything but hoagie buns so I spent most of the day making loaves ,
> dinner rolls , and buns . I also used a piece of that bottom round we
> bought last week for a pot of beef and barley soup with veggies for our
> dinner (and a couple of lunches). Fortunately we have enough food ,
> medications , and other necessities to stay home for a month if we have
> to . Our biggest worry is running out of 'shrooms ... Hobbits got
> nothin' on our love of the tasty little fungi . Welllll actually we only
> have enough TP for 27 days , but we have a large supply of newsprint !
> We do plan on a trip to town tomorrow , mostly just to see how bad the
> panic buying has been . We could use a few things but nothing is in dire
> need here . I do hope there are still some fresh veggies available , and
> I plan to fill my gas cans - I need to get the garden tilled and I want
> to use the tractor and chainsaws some in the next month.

I went for my usual Thursday grocery shop last night after work. I
can't decide if it reminded me of:

Any Christmas Eve rush at that grocery store
The Soviet Union on any given Tuesday
The Fall of Saigon

No packaged romaine hearts. Very little head lettuce. No carrots.
Very little in the way of apples. Almost no meat. No gallons of
water (limit 2 per customer). Plenty of milk, oddly enough.
No toilet paper (pity--I wanted to buy some but I've got an ample
supply for a few weeks anyway). Frozen vegetables pretty cleaned
out. Canned beans, ditto. No rice. Bread was in short supply.

I saw people whose carts were loaded with cases of canned vegetables,
etc. I just wanted to scream "Don't you people ever keep anything
in the house?" I'm no prepper, but if we were very careful we probably
could go a month on what's in the house. Vegetables would be short,
but I've got a 20-pound turkey, probably 10 pounds of venison, and
relatively small amounts of beef, chicken, shrimp, salmon in the freezer.

Just for grins, I went back this morning at 5 am and was able to
score carrots, frozen cauliflower, and a gallon of distilled water
(for my husband's CPAP humidifier). There was an amazing amount
of people there.

I'm done. The panic will blow over in a couple weeks and we'll all
be able to wipe our butts again. Meanwhile I'll just buy what
they've got.

Cindy Hamilton
  #3 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Posts: 11,356
Default Bread and soup and PANIC!

"Terry Coombs" wrote in message ...

Making the bread and soup took up my whole day ... We were out of
everything but hoagie buns so I spent most of the day making loaves ,
dinner rolls , and buns . I also used a piece of that bottom round we
bought last week for a pot of beef and barley soup with veggies for our
dinner (and a couple of lunches). Fortunately we have enough food ,
medications , and other necessities to stay home for a month if we have
to . Our biggest worry is running out of 'shrooms ... Hobbits got
nothin' on our love of the tasty little fungi . Welllll actually we only
have enough TP for 27 days , but we have a large supply of newsprint !
We do plan on a trip to town tomorrow , mostly just to see how bad the
panic buying has been . We could use a few things but nothing is in dire
need here . I do hope there are still some fresh veggies available , and
I plan to fill my gas cans - I need to get the garden tilled and I want
to use the tractor and chainsaws some in the next month . I'll probably
also take both motorcycles to town and top off the tanks , never hurts
to have a backup to the backup - the truck has a full or very near full
tank and the car was topped off just a few miles from home returning
from our recent trip . Got plenty of likker , including some Everclear
and a little (real) 'shine in case we need to make some hand sanitizer -
and I have enough aloe plants to use fresh squeezed juice . I think my
wife quit Walmart (retired) at just exactly the right time , she left at
the end of January .
And on Saturday I'll be back to house building , next up is the high
shelf in the laundry closet followed by finishing the walls and shelving
in my wife's craft room .


Well that should keep you out of mischief for a while <g>

You sound as though you are well prepped for whatever comes which is a
Good Thing!

We always keep a good store everything too! We are always well


  #4 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Posts: 1,389
Default Bread and soup and PANIC!

On 3/13/2020 6:32 AM, Ophelia wrote:
> --
> "Terry Coombs"* wrote in message ...
> *Making the bread and soup took up my whole day ... We were out of
> everything but hoagie buns so I spent most of the day making loaves ,
> dinner rolls , and buns . I also used a piece of that bottom round we
> bought last week for a pot of beef and barley soup with veggies for our
> dinner (and a couple of lunches). Fortunately we have enough food ,
> medications , and other necessities to stay home for a month if we have
> to . Our biggest worry is running out of 'shrooms ... Hobbits got
> nothin' on our love of the tasty little fungi . Welllll actually we only
> have enough TP for 27 days , but we have a large supply of newsprint !
> We do plan on a trip to town tomorrow , mostly just to see how bad the
> panic buying has been . We could use a few things but nothing is in dire
> need here . I do hope there are still some fresh veggies available , and
> I plan to fill my gas cans - I need to get the garden tilled and I want
> to use the tractor and chainsaws some in the next month . I'll probably
> also take both motorcycles to town and top off the tanks , never hurts
> to have a backup to the backup - the truck has a full or very near full
> tank and the car was topped off just a few miles from home returning
> from our recent trip . Got plenty of likker , including some Everclear
> and a little (real) 'shine in case we need to make some hand sanitizer -
> and I have enough aloe plants to use fresh squeezed juice . I think my
> wife quit Walmart (retired) at just exactly the right time , she left at
> the end of January .
> * And on Saturday I'll be back to house building , next up is the high
> shelf in the laundry closet followed by finishing the walls and shelving
> in my wife's craft room .
> * Snag
> ====
> **** Well that should keep* you out of mischief for a while <g>
> **** You sound as though you are well prepped for whatever comes which
> is a Good Thing!
> **** We always keep a good store everything too! We are always well
> prepped.
> ***** O

* My wife has suggested that the reason I like to stay stocked up is my
Mor(m)on upbringing ... I told her no , it's just a mild case of
paranoia . Seriously , I look at the condition of our world and , while
it ain't happenin' today or tomorrow , the likelihood of a SHTF event is
a possibility . Now I don't consider myself a prepper per se , but I
acknowledge the possibility and try to be as ready as I can . Living out
here in the woods is both a blessing and a curse , depending on how you
look at things , but whatever comes I think we're ready for an extended
stay at home if needed . As my wife said , there was a time when people
wiped their butt with small pieces of fabric and washed them for re-use
.. While we have a lot of cloth , I doubt it'll come to that . 'Sides ,
we have almost a years worth of newsprint that I was saving to shred and
put on the garden ... softer than the old Sears catalog too!
* You might be surprised at the things I have on hand just in case ,
like arrow making supplies , ingredients for black powder , lead for
balls and bullets , and the means to make percussion caps . If it gets
primitive ... I believe the means to keep what we've got is as important
as having the stuff .

Yes , I'm old
and crochety - and armed .
Get outta my woods !

  #5 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Posts: 14,590
Default Bread and soup and PANIC!

On Friday, March 13, 2020 at 8:43:24 AM UTC-4, Terry Coombs wrote:
> On 3/13/2020 6:32 AM, Ophelia wrote:
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > --
> >
> > "Terry Coombs"* wrote in message ....
> >
> > *Making the bread and soup took up my whole day ... We were out of
> > everything but hoagie buns so I spent most of the day making loaves ,
> > dinner rolls , and buns . I also used a piece of that bottom round we
> > bought last week for a pot of beef and barley soup with veggies for our
> > dinner (and a couple of lunches). Fortunately we have enough food ,
> > medications , and other necessities to stay home for a month if we have
> > to . Our biggest worry is running out of 'shrooms ... Hobbits got
> > nothin' on our love of the tasty little fungi . Welllll actually we only
> > have enough TP for 27 days , but we have a large supply of newsprint !
> > We do plan on a trip to town tomorrow , mostly just to see how bad the
> > panic buying has been . We could use a few things but nothing is in dire
> > need here . I do hope there are still some fresh veggies available , and
> > I plan to fill my gas cans - I need to get the garden tilled and I want
> > to use the tractor and chainsaws some in the next month . I'll probably
> > also take both motorcycles to town and top off the tanks , never hurts
> > to have a backup to the backup - the truck has a full or very near full
> > tank and the car was topped off just a few miles from home returning
> > from our recent trip . Got plenty of likker , including some Everclear
> > and a little (real) 'shine in case we need to make some hand sanitizer -
> > and I have enough aloe plants to use fresh squeezed juice . I think my
> > wife quit Walmart (retired) at just exactly the right time , she left at
> > the end of January .
> > * And on Saturday I'll be back to house building , next up is the high
> > shelf in the laundry closet followed by finishing the walls and shelving
> > in my wife's craft room .
> >
> > * Snag
> > ====
> >
> > **** Well that should keep* you out of mischief for a while <g>
> >
> > **** You sound as though you are well prepped for whatever comes which
> > is a Good Thing!
> >
> > **** We always keep a good store everything too! We are always well
> > prepped.
> >
> > ***** O

> * My wife has suggested that the reason I like to stay stocked up is my
> Mor(m)on upbringing ... I told her no , it's just a mild case of
> paranoia . Seriously , I look at the condition of our world and , while
> it ain't happenin' today or tomorrow , the likelihood of a SHTF event is
> a possibility . Now I don't consider myself a prepper per se , but I
> acknowledge the possibility and try to be as ready as I can . Living out
> here in the woods is both a blessing and a curse , depending on how you
> look at things , but whatever comes I think we're ready for an extended
> stay at home if needed . As my wife said , there was a time when people
> wiped their butt with small pieces of fabric and washed them for re-use

I doubt it'll get that bad. It's almost spring; there'll be plenty of
leaves available in a few weeks

> . While we have a lot of cloth , I doubt it'll come to that . 'Sides ,
> we have almost a years worth of newsprint that I was saving to shred and
> put on the garden ... softer than the old Sears catalog too!
> * You might be surprised at the things I have on hand just in case ,
> like arrow making supplies , ingredients for black powder , lead for
> balls and bullets , and the means to make percussion caps . If it gets
> primitive ... I believe the means to keep what we've got is as important
> as having the stuff .

It gets that bad, we're only going to need two bullets.

Cindy Hamilton

  #6 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Posts: 1,389
Default Bread and soup and PANIC!

On 3/13/2020 8:04 AM, Cindy Hamilton wrote:
> On Friday, March 13, 2020 at 8:43:24 AM UTC-4, Terry Coombs wrote:
>> On 3/13/2020 6:32 AM, Ophelia wrote:
>>> --
>>> "Terry Coombs"* wrote in message ...
>>> *Making the bread and soup took up my whole day ... We were out of
>>> everything but hoagie buns so I spent most of the day making loaves ,
>>> dinner rolls , and buns . I also used a piece of that bottom round we
>>> bought last week for a pot of beef and barley soup with veggies for our
>>> dinner (and a couple of lunches). Fortunately we have enough food ,
>>> medications , and other necessities to stay home for a month if we have
>>> to . Our biggest worry is running out of 'shrooms ... Hobbits got
>>> nothin' on our love of the tasty little fungi . Welllll actually we only
>>> have enough TP for 27 days , but we have a large supply of newsprint !
>>> We do plan on a trip to town tomorrow , mostly just to see how bad the
>>> panic buying has been . We could use a few things but nothing is in dire
>>> need here . I do hope there are still some fresh veggies available , and
>>> I plan to fill my gas cans - I need to get the garden tilled and I want
>>> to use the tractor and chainsaws some in the next month . I'll probably
>>> also take both motorcycles to town and top off the tanks , never hurts
>>> to have a backup to the backup - the truck has a full or very near full
>>> tank and the car was topped off just a few miles from home returning
>>> from our recent trip . Got plenty of likker , including some Everclear
>>> and a little (real) 'shine in case we need to make some hand sanitizer -
>>> and I have enough aloe plants to use fresh squeezed juice . I think my
>>> wife quit Walmart (retired) at just exactly the right time , she left at
>>> the end of January .
>>> * And on Saturday I'll be back to house building , next up is the high
>>> shelf in the laundry closet followed by finishing the walls and shelving
>>> in my wife's craft room .
>>> * Snag
>>> ====
>>> **** Well that should keep* you out of mischief for a while <g>
>>> **** You sound as though you are well prepped for whatever comes which
>>> is a Good Thing!
>>> **** We always keep a good store everything too! We are always well
>>> prepped.
>>> ***** O

>> * My wife has suggested that the reason I like to stay stocked up is my
>> Mor(m)on upbringing ... I told her no , it's just a mild case of
>> paranoia . Seriously , I look at the condition of our world and , while
>> it ain't happenin' today or tomorrow , the likelihood of a SHTF event is
>> a possibility . Now I don't consider myself a prepper per se , but I
>> acknowledge the possibility and try to be as ready as I can . Living out
>> here in the woods is both a blessing and a curse , depending on how you
>> look at things , but whatever comes I think we're ready for an extended
>> stay at home if needed . As my wife said , there was a time when people
>> wiped their butt with small pieces of fabric and washed them for re-use

> I doubt it'll get that bad. It's almost spring; there'll be plenty of
> leaves available in a few weeks
>> . While we have a lot of cloth , I doubt it'll come to that . 'Sides ,
>> we have almost a years worth of newsprint that I was saving to shred and
>> put on the garden ... softer than the old Sears catalog too!
>> * You might be surprised at the things I have on hand just in case ,
>> like arrow making supplies , ingredients for black powder , lead for
>> balls and bullets , and the means to make percussion caps . If it gets
>> primitive ... I believe the means to keep what we've got is as important
>> as having the stuff .

> It gets that bad, we're only going to need two bullets.
> Cindy Hamilton

* I'll fight to my last breath to protect my family .

Yes , I'm old
and crochety - and armed .
Get outta my woods !

  #7 (permalink)   Report Post  
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external usenet poster
Posts: 11,356
Default Bread and soup and PANIC!

"Terry Coombs" wrote in message ...

On 3/13/2020 6:32 AM, Ophelia wrote:
> --
> "Terry Coombs" wrote in message ...
> Making the bread and soup took up my whole day ... We were out of
> everything but hoagie buns so I spent most of the day making loaves ,
> dinner rolls , and buns . I also used a piece of that bottom round we
> bought last week for a pot of beef and barley soup with veggies for our
> dinner (and a couple of lunches). Fortunately we have enough food ,
> medications , and other necessities to stay home for a month if we have
> to . Our biggest worry is running out of 'shrooms ... Hobbits got
> nothin' on our love of the tasty little fungi . Welllll actually we only
> have enough TP for 27 days , but we have a large supply of newsprint !
> We do plan on a trip to town tomorrow , mostly just to see how bad the
> panic buying has been . We could use a few things but nothing is in dire
> need here . I do hope there are still some fresh veggies available , and
> I plan to fill my gas cans - I need to get the garden tilled and I want
> to use the tractor and chainsaws some in the next month . I'll probably
> also take both motorcycles to town and top off the tanks , never hurts
> to have a backup to the backup - the truck has a full or very near full
> tank and the car was topped off just a few miles from home returning
> from our recent trip . Got plenty of likker , including some Everclear
> and a little (real) 'shine in case we need to make some hand sanitizer -
> and I have enough aloe plants to use fresh squeezed juice . I think my
> wife quit Walmart (retired) at just exactly the right time , she left at
> the end of January .
> And on Saturday I'll be back to house building , next up is the high
> shelf in the laundry closet followed by finishing the walls and shelving
> in my wife's craft room .
> Snag
> ====
> Well that should keep you out of mischief for a while <g>
> You sound as though you are well prepped for whatever comes which is
> a Good Thing!
> We always keep a good store everything too! We are always well
> prepped.
> O

My wife has suggested that the reason I like to stay stocked up is my
Mor(m)on upbringing ... I told her no , it's just a mild case of
paranoia . Seriously , I look at the condition of our world and , while
it ain't happenin' today or tomorrow , the likelihood of a SHTF event is
a possibility . Now I don't consider myself a prepper per se , but I
acknowledge the possibility and try to be as ready as I can . Living out
here in the woods is both a blessing and a curse , depending on how you
look at things , but whatever comes I think we're ready for an extended
stay at home if needed . As my wife said , there was a time when people
wiped their butt with small pieces of fabric and washed them for re-use
.. While we have a lot of cloth , I doubt it'll come to that . 'Sides ,
we have almost a years worth of newsprint that I was saving to shred and
put on the garden ... softer than the old Sears catalog too!
You might be surprised at the things I have on hand just in case ,
like arrow making supplies , ingredients for black powder , lead for
balls and bullets , and the means to make percussion caps . If it gets
primitive ... I believe the means to keep what we've got is as important
as having the stuff .



Yes I absolutely agree! It is important to us as it is to you. I have
always kept a good store.

I love all the things you have on hand .. just in case) D has a lot of
'stuff' for such emergencies but we don't have a Muzzle loader, however he
does have all the gear and resources for reloading his cartridges.
I couldn't sleep at night if my store wasn't full

O the other paranoiac <g>

  #8 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Bread and soup and PANIC!

"Terry Coombs" wrote in message ...

On 3/13/2020 8:04 AM, Cindy Hamilton wrote:
> On Friday, March 13, 2020 at 8:43:24 AM UTC-4, Terry Coombs wrote:
>> On 3/13/2020 6:32 AM, Ophelia wrote:
>>> --
>>> "Terry Coombs" wrote in message ...
>>> Making the bread and soup took up my whole day ... We were out of
>>> everything but hoagie buns so I spent most of the day making loaves ,
>>> dinner rolls , and buns . I also used a piece of that bottom round we
>>> bought last week for a pot of beef and barley soup with veggies for our
>>> dinner (and a couple of lunches). Fortunately we have enough food ,
>>> medications , and other necessities to stay home for a month if we have
>>> to . Our biggest worry is running out of 'shrooms ... Hobbits got
>>> nothin' on our love of the tasty little fungi . Welllll actually we only
>>> have enough TP for 27 days , but we have a large supply of newsprint !
>>> We do plan on a trip to town tomorrow , mostly just to see how bad the
>>> panic buying has been . We could use a few things but nothing is in dire
>>> need here . I do hope there are still some fresh veggies available , and
>>> I plan to fill my gas cans - I need to get the garden tilled and I want
>>> to use the tractor and chainsaws some in the next month . I'll probably
>>> also take both motorcycles to town and top off the tanks , never hurts
>>> to have a backup to the backup - the truck has a full or very near full
>>> tank and the car was topped off just a few miles from home returning
>>> from our recent trip . Got plenty of likker , including some Everclear
>>> and a little (real) 'shine in case we need to make some hand sanitizer -
>>> and I have enough aloe plants to use fresh squeezed juice . I think my
>>> wife quit Walmart (retired) at just exactly the right time , she left at
>>> the end of January .
>>> And on Saturday I'll be back to house building , next up is the high
>>> shelf in the laundry closet followed by finishing the walls and shelving
>>> in my wife's craft room .
>>> Snag
>>> ====
>>> Well that should keep you out of mischief for a while <g>
>>> You sound as though you are well prepped for whatever comes which
>>> is a Good Thing!
>>> We always keep a good store everything too! We are always well
>>> prepped.
>>> O

>> My wife has suggested that the reason I like to stay stocked up is my
>> Mor(m)on upbringing ... I told her no , it's just a mild case of
>> paranoia . Seriously , I look at the condition of our world and , while
>> it ain't happenin' today or tomorrow , the likelihood of a SHTF event is
>> a possibility . Now I don't consider myself a prepper per se , but I
>> acknowledge the possibility and try to be as ready as I can . Living out
>> here in the woods is both a blessing and a curse , depending on how you
>> look at things , but whatever comes I think we're ready for an extended
>> stay at home if needed . As my wife said , there was a time when people
>> wiped their butt with small pieces of fabric and washed them for re-use

> I doubt it'll get that bad. It's almost spring; there'll be plenty of
> leaves available in a few weeks
>> . While we have a lot of cloth , I doubt it'll come to that . 'Sides ,
>> we have almost a years worth of newsprint that I was saving to shred and
>> put on the garden ... softer than the old Sears catalog too!
>> You might be surprised at the things I have on hand just in case ,
>> like arrow making supplies , ingredients for black powder , lead for
>> balls and bullets , and the means to make percussion caps . If it gets
>> primitive ... I believe the means to keep what we've got is as important
>> as having the stuff .

> It gets that bad, we're only going to need two bullets.
> Cindy Hamilton

I'll fight to my last breath to protect my family .



As would D.

  #9 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Bread and soup and PANIC!

On Fri, 13 Mar 2020 04:20:48 -0700 (PDT), Cindy Hamilton
> wrote:

>I went for my usual Thursday grocery shop last night after work. I
>can't decide if it reminded me of:
>Any Christmas Eve rush at that grocery store
>The Soviet Union on any given Tuesday
>The Fall of Saigon

>I'm done. The panic will blow over in a couple weeks and we'll all
>be able to wipe our butts again. Meanwhile I'll just buy what
>they've got.
>Cindy Hamilton

You went to the store just after all the sports venues announced they
were canceling their seasons. With that, all the non-believers
suddenly realized that maybe this wasn't a plot to get rid of rump,
that the virus wasn't a hoax as proclaimed by our dear president.
I went to Costco on Wednesday and all their shelves were loaded to the
brim. I'm sure they are having a rush today after all the Thursday
announcements of closures.
Shopping will even out in a couple weeks.
If you are over 60 and/or approaching 80, be well. Don't forget that
Walmart, Costco, Albertsons and many more do delivery now
Janet US
  #10 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Bread and soup and PANIC!

On Fri, 13 Mar 2020 06:04:41 -0700 (PDT), Cindy Hamilton wrote:

> It's almost spring; there'll be plenty of
> leaves available in a few weeks

You think so? Here is a picture I took of my BBQ after Steve's announcement
of first ribs, but before I decided not to become 'embroiled' in the
smoking thread:

  #11 (permalink)   Report Post  
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GM GM is offline
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Default Bread and soup and PANIC!

On Friday, 13 March 2020 06:20:54 UTC-5, Cindy Hamilton wrote:

> On Friday, March 13, 2020 at 12:45:54 AM UTC-4, Terry Coombs wrote:
> > * Making the bread and soup took up my whole day ... We were out of
> > everything but hoagie buns so I spent most of the day making loaves ,
> > dinner rolls , and buns . I also used a piece of that bottom round we
> > bought last week for a pot of beef and barley soup with veggies for our
> > dinner (and a couple of lunches). Fortunately we have enough food ,
> > medications , and other necessities to stay home for a month if we have
> > to . Our biggest worry is running out of 'shrooms ... Hobbits got
> > nothin' on our love of the tasty little fungi . Welllll actually we only
> > have enough TP for 27 days , but we have a large supply of newsprint !
> > We do plan on a trip to town tomorrow , mostly just to see how bad the
> > panic buying has been . We could use a few things but nothing is in dire
> > need here . I do hope there are still some fresh veggies available , and
> > I plan to fill my gas cans - I need to get the garden tilled and I want
> > to use the tractor and chainsaws some in the next month.

> I went for my usual Thursday grocery shop last night after work. I
> can't decide if it reminded me of:
> Any Christmas Eve rush at that grocery store
> The Soviet Union on any given Tuesday
> The Fall of Saigon
> No packaged romaine hearts. Very little head lettuce. No carrots.
> Very little in the way of apples. Almost no meat. No gallons of
> water (limit 2 per customer). Plenty of milk, oddly enough.
> No toilet paper (pity--I wanted to buy some but I've got an ample
> supply for a few weeks anyway). Frozen vegetables pretty cleaned
> out. Canned beans, ditto. No rice. Bread was in short supply.
> I saw people whose carts were loaded with cases of canned vegetables,
> etc. I just wanted to scream "Don't you people ever keep anything
> in the house?" I'm no prepper, but if we were very careful we probably
> could go a month on what's in the house. Vegetables would be short,
> but I've got a 20-pound turkey, probably 10 pounds of venison, and
> relatively small amounts of beef, chicken, shrimp, salmon in the freezer.

Same here, even as a singleton I have enough pantry and frozen items to last at least a month, including stuff like evaporated milk, etc. I'd miss fresh produce, but I've got plenty of frozen veg...

Yesterday saw the first reports of panic grocery buying in NYC, last night the local Chicawgo nooze had the first report of panic buying here. I buy most stuff via Amazon, they are short of a LOT of stuff. Forget cleaning supplies anywhere, I checked online and locally @ retail, no bleach, ammonia, vinegar, spray cleaners low, etc...

Just snagged an Amazon Fresh delivery date for Sunday evening, everything was in stock, the trouble was getting a time frame for delivery, then Sunday eve popped up...

> Just for grins, I went back this morning at 5 am and was able to
> score carrots, frozen cauliflower, and a gallon of distilled water
> (for my husband's CPAP humidifier). There was an amazing amount
> of people there.
> I'm done. The panic will blow over in a couple weeks and we'll all
> be able to wipe our butts again. Meanwhile I'll just buy what
> they've got.


We modern - day Americans and other First Worlders have never known true want, peeps would FREEK OUT if we had to resort to WWII - type rationing...


  #12 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Posts: 14,590
Default Bread and soup and PANIC!

On Friday, March 13, 2020 at 10:29:53 AM UTC-4, Terry Coombs wrote:
> On 3/13/2020 8:04 AM, Cindy Hamilton wrote:
> > On Friday, March 13, 2020 at 8:43:24 AM UTC-4, Terry Coombs wrote:
> >> On 3/13/2020 6:32 AM, Ophelia wrote:
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> --
> >>>
> >>> "Terry Coombs"* wrote in message ....
> >>>
> >>> *Making the bread and soup took up my whole day ... We were out of
> >>> everything but hoagie buns so I spent most of the day making loaves ,
> >>> dinner rolls , and buns . I also used a piece of that bottom round we
> >>> bought last week for a pot of beef and barley soup with veggies for our
> >>> dinner (and a couple of lunches). Fortunately we have enough food ,
> >>> medications , and other necessities to stay home for a month if we have
> >>> to . Our biggest worry is running out of 'shrooms ... Hobbits got
> >>> nothin' on our love of the tasty little fungi . Welllll actually we only
> >>> have enough TP for 27 days , but we have a large supply of newsprint !
> >>> We do plan on a trip to town tomorrow , mostly just to see how bad the
> >>> panic buying has been . We could use a few things but nothing is in dire
> >>> need here . I do hope there are still some fresh veggies available , and
> >>> I plan to fill my gas cans - I need to get the garden tilled and I want
> >>> to use the tractor and chainsaws some in the next month . I'll probably
> >>> also take both motorcycles to town and top off the tanks , never hurts
> >>> to have a backup to the backup - the truck has a full or very near full
> >>> tank and the car was topped off just a few miles from home returning
> >>> from our recent trip . Got plenty of likker , including some Everclear
> >>> and a little (real) 'shine in case we need to make some hand sanitizer -
> >>> and I have enough aloe plants to use fresh squeezed juice . I think my
> >>> wife quit Walmart (retired) at just exactly the right time , she left at
> >>> the end of January .
> >>> * And on Saturday I'll be back to house building , next up is the high
> >>> shelf in the laundry closet followed by finishing the walls and shelving
> >>> in my wife's craft room .
> >>>
> >>> * Snag
> >>> ====
> >>>
> >>> **** Well that should keep* you out of mischief for a while <g>
> >>>
> >>> **** You sound as though you are well prepped for whatever comes which
> >>> is a Good Thing!
> >>>
> >>> **** We always keep a good store everything too! We are always well
> >>> prepped.
> >>>
> >>> ***** O
> >> * My wife has suggested that the reason I like to stay stocked up is my
> >> Mor(m)on upbringing ... I told her no , it's just a mild case of
> >> paranoia . Seriously , I look at the condition of our world and , while
> >> it ain't happenin' today or tomorrow , the likelihood of a SHTF event is
> >> a possibility . Now I don't consider myself a prepper per se , but I
> >> acknowledge the possibility and try to be as ready as I can . Living out
> >> here in the woods is both a blessing and a curse , depending on how you
> >> look at things , but whatever comes I think we're ready for an extended
> >> stay at home if needed . As my wife said , there was a time when people
> >> wiped their butt with small pieces of fabric and washed them for re-use

> > I doubt it'll get that bad. It's almost spring; there'll be plenty of
> > leaves available in a few weeks
> >
> >> . While we have a lot of cloth , I doubt it'll come to that . 'Sides ,
> >> we have almost a years worth of newsprint that I was saving to shred and
> >> put on the garden ... softer than the old Sears catalog too!
> >> * You might be surprised at the things I have on hand just in case ,
> >> like arrow making supplies , ingredients for black powder , lead for
> >> balls and bullets , and the means to make percussion caps . If it gets
> >> primitive ... I believe the means to keep what we've got is as important
> >> as having the stuff .

> > It gets that bad, we're only going to need two bullets.
> >
> > Cindy Hamilton

> * I'll fight to my last breath to protect my family .

There are some kinds of worlds we don't want to live in.

Cindy Hamilton
  #13 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Bread and soup and PANIC!

On Friday, March 13, 2020 at 11:51:32 AM UTC-4, Mike Duffy wrote:
> On Fri, 13 Mar 2020 06:04:41 -0700 (PDT), Cindy Hamilton wrote:
> > It's almost spring; there'll be plenty of
> > leaves available in a few weeks

> You think so? Here is a picture I took of my BBQ after Steve's announcement
> of first ribs, but before I decided not to become 'embroiled' in the
> smoking thread:

I've got daffodils with early buds on them. In honor of COVID-19, I'm
thinking of trading in my winter coat for a spring jacket that's washable.

Cindy Hamilton
  #14 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Bread and soup and PANIC!

On Friday, March 13, 2020 at 11:36:06 AM UTC-4, U.S. Janet B. wrote:
> On Fri, 13 Mar 2020 04:20:48 -0700 (PDT), Cindy Hamilton
> > wrote:
> >
> >I went for my usual Thursday grocery shop last night after work. I
> >can't decide if it reminded me of:
> >
> >Any Christmas Eve rush at that grocery store
> >The Soviet Union on any given Tuesday
> >The Fall of Saigon
> >

> snip
> >
> >I'm done. The panic will blow over in a couple weeks and we'll all
> >be able to wipe our butts again. Meanwhile I'll just buy what
> >they've got.
> >
> >Cindy Hamilton

> You went to the store just after all the sports venues announced they
> were canceling their seasons. With that, all the non-believers
> suddenly realized that maybe this wasn't a plot to get rid of rump,
> that the virus wasn't a hoax as proclaimed by our dear president.


CDC: We have a problem, be careful.


NBA, NCAA: we're cancelling some games.

All is lost! All is lost! It's the end of the world as we know it!

Cindy Hamilton
  #15 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Posts: 1,389
Default Bread and soup and PANIC!

On 3/13/2020 11:25 AM, Cindy Hamilton wrote:
> On Friday, March 13, 2020 at 11:51:32 AM UTC-4, Mike Duffy wrote:
>> On Fri, 13 Mar 2020 06:04:41 -0700 (PDT), Cindy Hamilton wrote:
>>> It's almost spring; there'll be plenty of
>>> leaves available in a few weeks

>> You think so? Here is a picture I took of my BBQ after Steve's announcement
>> of first ribs, but before I decided not to become 'embroiled' in the
>> smoking thread:

> I've got daffodils with early buds on them. In honor of COVID-19, I'm
> thinking of trading in my winter coat for a spring jacket that's washable.
> Cindy Hamilton

* There are daffydills blooming all over Stone County right now . I
have at least 4 varieties in bloom with several more comin' on strong .
Peaches are also in bloom along with other trees which I don't know the
names of . My bees are very very busy ... by this time next week I hope
to have all 4 hives split . Gotta check drone brood progress first
though , won't do to have virgin queens and nobody for them to mate with .

Yes , I'm old
and crochety - and armed .
Get outta my woods !

  #16 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Posts: 1,389
Default Bread and soup and PANIC!

On 3/13/2020 10:35 AM, U.S. Janet B. wrote:
> On Fri, 13 Mar 2020 04:20:48 -0700 (PDT), Cindy Hamilton
> > wrote:
>> I went for my usual Thursday grocery shop last night after work. I
>> can't decide if it reminded me of:
>> Any Christmas Eve rush at that grocery store
>> The Soviet Union on any given Tuesday
>> The Fall of Saigon

> snip
>> I'm done. The panic will blow over in a couple weeks and we'll all
>> be able to wipe our butts again. Meanwhile I'll just buy what
>> they've got.
>> Cindy Hamilton

> You went to the store just after all the sports venues announced they
> were canceling their seasons. With that, all the non-believers
> suddenly realized that maybe this wasn't a plot to get rid of rump,
> that the virus wasn't a hoax as proclaimed by our dear president.
> I went to Costco on Wednesday and all their shelves were loaded to the
> brim. I'm sure they are having a rush today after all the Thursday
> announcements of closures.
> Shopping will even out in a couple weeks.
> If you are over 60 and/or approaching 80, be well. Don't forget that
> Walmart, Costco, Albertsons and many more do delivery now
> Janet US

* We just returned from a trip to WM , the only things they were truly
out of are TP and sanitizers/cleaning stuff . We went ahead and stocked
up some more on stuff we'd buy anyway just not right now . I'd lots
rather have it and not need it than need it and not have it ... will #4
shot be effective on zombies ?

Yes , I'm old
and crochety - and armed .
Get outta my woods !

  #17 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Bread and soup and PANIC!

On Fri, 13 Mar 2020 09:31:09 -0500, Terry Coombs >

>On 3/13/2020 8:04 AM, Cindy Hamilton wrote:
>> On Friday, March 13, 2020 at 8:43:24 AM UTC-4, Terry Coombs wrote:
>>> . While we have a lot of cloth , I doubt it'll come to that . 'Sides ,
>>> we have almost a years worth of newsprint that I was saving to shred and
>>> put on the garden ... softer than the old Sears catalog too!
>>> * You might be surprised at the things I have on hand just in case ,
>>> like arrow making supplies , ingredients for black powder , lead for
>>> balls and bullets , and the means to make percussion caps . If it gets
>>> primitive ... I believe the means to keep what we've got is as important
>>> as having the stuff .

>> It gets that bad, we're only going to need two bullets.
>> Cindy Hamilton

> * I'll fight to my last breath to protect my family .

You're panicking. That's bad. Keep your cool, man.
  #18 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Bread and soup and PANIC!

On Fri, 13 Mar 2020 09:22:04 -0700 (PDT), Cindy Hamilton
> wrote:

>On Friday, March 13, 2020 at 10:29:53 AM UTC-4, Terry Coombs wrote:
>> On 3/13/2020 8:04 AM, Cindy Hamilton wrote:
>> > On Friday, March 13, 2020 at 8:43:24 AM UTC-4, Terry Coombs wrote:
>> >> On 3/13/2020 6:32 AM, Ophelia wrote:
>> >>>
>> >>>
>> >>>
>> >>> --
>> >>>
>> >>> "Terry Coombs"* wrote in message ...
>> >>>
>> >>> *Making the bread and soup took up my whole day ... We were out of
>> >>> everything but hoagie buns so I spent most of the day making loaves ,
>> >>> dinner rolls , and buns . I also used a piece of that bottom round we
>> >>> bought last week for a pot of beef and barley soup with veggies for our
>> >>> dinner (and a couple of lunches). Fortunately we have enough food ,
>> >>> medications , and other necessities to stay home for a month if we have
>> >>> to . Our biggest worry is running out of 'shrooms ... Hobbits got
>> >>> nothin' on our love of the tasty little fungi . Welllll actually we only
>> >>> have enough TP for 27 days , but we have a large supply of newsprint !
>> >>> We do plan on a trip to town tomorrow , mostly just to see how bad the
>> >>> panic buying has been . We could use a few things but nothing is in dire
>> >>> need here . I do hope there are still some fresh veggies available , and
>> >>> I plan to fill my gas cans - I need to get the garden tilled and I want
>> >>> to use the tractor and chainsaws some in the next month . I'll probably
>> >>> also take both motorcycles to town and top off the tanks , never hurts
>> >>> to have a backup to the backup - the truck has a full or very near full
>> >>> tank and the car was topped off just a few miles from home returning
>> >>> from our recent trip . Got plenty of likker , including some Everclear
>> >>> and a little (real) 'shine in case we need to make some hand sanitizer -
>> >>> and I have enough aloe plants to use fresh squeezed juice . I think my
>> >>> wife quit Walmart (retired) at just exactly the right time , she left at
>> >>> the end of January .
>> >>> * And on Saturday I'll be back to house building , next up is the high
>> >>> shelf in the laundry closet followed by finishing the walls and shelving
>> >>> in my wife's craft room .
>> >>>
>> >>> * Snag
>> >>> ====
>> >>>
>> >>> **** Well that should keep* you out of mischief for a while <g>
>> >>>
>> >>> **** You sound as though you are well prepped for whatever comes which
>> >>> is a Good Thing!
>> >>>
>> >>> **** We always keep a good store everything too! We are always well
>> >>> prepped.
>> >>>
>> >>> ***** O
>> >> * My wife has suggested that the reason I like to stay stocked up is my
>> >> Mor(m)on upbringing ... I told her no , it's just a mild case of
>> >> paranoia . Seriously , I look at the condition of our world and , while
>> >> it ain't happenin' today or tomorrow , the likelihood of a SHTF event is
>> >> a possibility . Now I don't consider myself a prepper per se , but I
>> >> acknowledge the possibility and try to be as ready as I can . Living out
>> >> here in the woods is both a blessing and a curse , depending on how you
>> >> look at things , but whatever comes I think we're ready for an extended
>> >> stay at home if needed . As my wife said , there was a time when people
>> >> wiped their butt with small pieces of fabric and washed them for re-use
>> > I doubt it'll get that bad. It's almost spring; there'll be plenty of
>> > leaves available in a few weeks
>> >
>> >> . While we have a lot of cloth , I doubt it'll come to that . 'Sides ,
>> >> we have almost a years worth of newsprint that I was saving to shred and
>> >> put on the garden ... softer than the old Sears catalog too!
>> >> * You might be surprised at the things I have on hand just in case ,
>> >> like arrow making supplies , ingredients for black powder , lead for
>> >> balls and bullets , and the means to make percussion caps . If it gets
>> >> primitive ... I believe the means to keep what we've got is as important
>> >> as having the stuff .
>> > It gets that bad, we're only going to need two bullets.
>> >
>> > Cindy Hamilton

>> * I'll fight to my last breath to protect my family .

>There are some kinds of worlds we don't want to live in.

So, Americans have gone from "it's a Democrat" to "it's the end of
times!!!!" in no time? Hysteria.

Trump's funny though. He bans flights from Europe, except from the UK.
But the UK is the western European country that's doing the least
against corona.
  #19 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Posts: 15,279
Default Bread and soup and PANIC!

On Fri, 13 Mar 2020 09:31:09 -0500, Terry Coombs >

>On 3/13/2020 8:04 AM, Cindy Hamilton wrote:
>> On Friday, March 13, 2020 at 8:43:24 AM UTC-4, Terry Coombs wrote:

>>> . While we have a lot of cloth , I doubt it'll come to that . 'Sides ,
>>> we have almost a years worth of newsprint that I was saving to shred and
>>> put on the garden ... softer than the old Sears catalog too!
>>> * You might be surprised at the things I have on hand just in case ,
>>> like arrow making supplies , ingredients for black powder , lead for
>>> balls and bullets , and the means to make percussion caps . If it gets
>>> primitive ... I believe the means to keep what we've got is as important
>>> as having the stuff .

>> It gets that bad, we're only going to need two bullets.
>> Cindy Hamilton

> * I'll fight to my last breath to protect my family .

Drama queens are always the first to go
  #20 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Bread and soup and PANIC!

On Friday, March 13, 2020 at 8:03:42 AM UTC-10, Bruce wrote:
> On Fri, 13 Mar 2020 09:22:04 -0700 (PDT), Cindy Hamilton
> > wrote:
> >On Friday, March 13, 2020 at 10:29:53 AM UTC-4, Terry Coombs wrote:
> >> On 3/13/2020 8:04 AM, Cindy Hamilton wrote:
> >> > On Friday, March 13, 2020 at 8:43:24 AM UTC-4, Terry Coombs wrote:
> >> >> On 3/13/2020 6:32 AM, Ophelia wrote:
> >> >>>
> >> >>>
> >> >>>
> >> >>> --
> >> >>>
> >> >>> "Terry Coombs"* wrote in message ...
> >> >>>
> >> >>> *Making the bread and soup took up my whole day ... We were out of
> >> >>> everything but hoagie buns so I spent most of the day making loaves ,
> >> >>> dinner rolls , and buns . I also used a piece of that bottom round we
> >> >>> bought last week for a pot of beef and barley soup with veggies for our
> >> >>> dinner (and a couple of lunches). Fortunately we have enough food ,
> >> >>> medications , and other necessities to stay home for a month if we have
> >> >>> to . Our biggest worry is running out of 'shrooms ... Hobbits got
> >> >>> nothin' on our love of the tasty little fungi . Welllll actually we only
> >> >>> have enough TP for 27 days , but we have a large supply of newsprint !
> >> >>> We do plan on a trip to town tomorrow , mostly just to see how bad the
> >> >>> panic buying has been . We could use a few things but nothing is in dire
> >> >>> need here . I do hope there are still some fresh veggies available , and
> >> >>> I plan to fill my gas cans - I need to get the garden tilled and I want
> >> >>> to use the tractor and chainsaws some in the next month . I'll probably
> >> >>> also take both motorcycles to town and top off the tanks , never hurts
> >> >>> to have a backup to the backup - the truck has a full or very near full
> >> >>> tank and the car was topped off just a few miles from home returning
> >> >>> from our recent trip . Got plenty of likker , including some Everclear
> >> >>> and a little (real) 'shine in case we need to make some hand sanitizer -
> >> >>> and I have enough aloe plants to use fresh squeezed juice . I think my
> >> >>> wife quit Walmart (retired) at just exactly the right time , she left at
> >> >>> the end of January .
> >> >>> * And on Saturday I'll be back to house building , next up is the high
> >> >>> shelf in the laundry closet followed by finishing the walls and shelving
> >> >>> in my wife's craft room .
> >> >>>
> >> >>> * Snag
> >> >>> ====
> >> >>>
> >> >>> **** Well that should keep* you out of mischief for a while <g>
> >> >>>
> >> >>> **** You sound as though you are well prepped for whatever comes which
> >> >>> is a Good Thing!
> >> >>>
> >> >>> **** We always keep a good store everything too! We are always well
> >> >>> prepped.
> >> >>>
> >> >>> ***** O
> >> >> * My wife has suggested that the reason I like to stay stocked up is my
> >> >> Mor(m)on upbringing ... I told her no , it's just a mild case of
> >> >> paranoia . Seriously , I look at the condition of our world and , while
> >> >> it ain't happenin' today or tomorrow , the likelihood of a SHTF event is
> >> >> a possibility . Now I don't consider myself a prepper per se , but I
> >> >> acknowledge the possibility and try to be as ready as I can . Living out
> >> >> here in the woods is both a blessing and a curse , depending on how you
> >> >> look at things , but whatever comes I think we're ready for an extended
> >> >> stay at home if needed . As my wife said , there was a time when people
> >> >> wiped their butt with small pieces of fabric and washed them for re-use
> >> > I doubt it'll get that bad. It's almost spring; there'll be plenty of
> >> > leaves available in a few weeks
> >> >
> >> >> . While we have a lot of cloth , I doubt it'll come to that . 'Sides ,
> >> >> we have almost a years worth of newsprint that I was saving to shred and
> >> >> put on the garden ... softer than the old Sears catalog too!
> >> >> * You might be surprised at the things I have on hand just in case ,
> >> >> like arrow making supplies , ingredients for black powder , lead for
> >> >> balls and bullets , and the means to make percussion caps . If it gets
> >> >> primitive ... I believe the means to keep what we've got is as important
> >> >> as having the stuff .
> >> > It gets that bad, we're only going to need two bullets.
> >> >
> >> > Cindy Hamilton
> >>
> >> * I'll fight to my last breath to protect my family .

> >
> >There are some kinds of worlds we don't want to live in.

> So, Americans have gone from "it's a Democrat" to "it's the end of
> times!!!!" in no time? Hysteria.
> Trump's funny though. He bans flights from Europe, except from the UK.
> But the UK is the western European country that's doing the least
> against corona.

Why the heck would Chump ban flights to the UK? How the heck would people from the US get to his golf courses and hotels in the UK and Ireland? Iz yoose cwazy?

  #21 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posted to
external usenet poster
Posts: 14,590
Default Bread and soup and PANIC!

On Friday, March 13, 2020 at 2:03:42 PM UTC-4, Bruce wrote:
> On Fri, 13 Mar 2020 09:22:04 -0700 (PDT), Cindy Hamilton
> > wrote:
> >On Friday, March 13, 2020 at 10:29:53 AM UTC-4, Terry Coombs wrote:
> >> On 3/13/2020 8:04 AM, Cindy Hamilton wrote:
> >> > On Friday, March 13, 2020 at 8:43:24 AM UTC-4, Terry Coombs wrote:
> >> >> On 3/13/2020 6:32 AM, Ophelia wrote:
> >> >>>
> >> >>>
> >> >>>
> >> >>> --
> >> >>>
> >> >>> "Terry Coombs"* wrote in message ...
> >> >>>
> >> >>> *Making the bread and soup took up my whole day ... We were out of
> >> >>> everything but hoagie buns so I spent most of the day making loaves ,
> >> >>> dinner rolls , and buns . I also used a piece of that bottom round we
> >> >>> bought last week for a pot of beef and barley soup with veggies for our
> >> >>> dinner (and a couple of lunches). Fortunately we have enough food ,
> >> >>> medications , and other necessities to stay home for a month if we have
> >> >>> to . Our biggest worry is running out of 'shrooms ... Hobbits got
> >> >>> nothin' on our love of the tasty little fungi . Welllll actually we only
> >> >>> have enough TP for 27 days , but we have a large supply of newsprint !
> >> >>> We do plan on a trip to town tomorrow , mostly just to see how bad the
> >> >>> panic buying has been . We could use a few things but nothing is in dire
> >> >>> need here . I do hope there are still some fresh veggies available , and
> >> >>> I plan to fill my gas cans - I need to get the garden tilled and I want
> >> >>> to use the tractor and chainsaws some in the next month . I'll probably
> >> >>> also take both motorcycles to town and top off the tanks , never hurts
> >> >>> to have a backup to the backup - the truck has a full or very near full
> >> >>> tank and the car was topped off just a few miles from home returning
> >> >>> from our recent trip . Got plenty of likker , including some Everclear
> >> >>> and a little (real) 'shine in case we need to make some hand sanitizer -
> >> >>> and I have enough aloe plants to use fresh squeezed juice . I think my
> >> >>> wife quit Walmart (retired) at just exactly the right time , she left at
> >> >>> the end of January .
> >> >>> * And on Saturday I'll be back to house building , next up is the high
> >> >>> shelf in the laundry closet followed by finishing the walls and shelving
> >> >>> in my wife's craft room .
> >> >>>
> >> >>> * Snag
> >> >>> ====
> >> >>>
> >> >>> **** Well that should keep* you out of mischief for a while <g>
> >> >>>
> >> >>> **** You sound as though you are well prepped for whatever comes which
> >> >>> is a Good Thing!
> >> >>>
> >> >>> **** We always keep a good store everything too! We are always well
> >> >>> prepped.
> >> >>>
> >> >>> ***** O
> >> >> * My wife has suggested that the reason I like to stay stocked up is my
> >> >> Mor(m)on upbringing ... I told her no , it's just a mild case of
> >> >> paranoia . Seriously , I look at the condition of our world and , while
> >> >> it ain't happenin' today or tomorrow , the likelihood of a SHTF event is
> >> >> a possibility . Now I don't consider myself a prepper per se , but I
> >> >> acknowledge the possibility and try to be as ready as I can . Living out
> >> >> here in the woods is both a blessing and a curse , depending on how you
> >> >> look at things , but whatever comes I think we're ready for an extended
> >> >> stay at home if needed . As my wife said , there was a time when people
> >> >> wiped their butt with small pieces of fabric and washed them for re-use
> >> > I doubt it'll get that bad. It's almost spring; there'll be plenty of
> >> > leaves available in a few weeks
> >> >
> >> >> . While we have a lot of cloth , I doubt it'll come to that . 'Sides ,
> >> >> we have almost a years worth of newsprint that I was saving to shred and
> >> >> put on the garden ... softer than the old Sears catalog too!
> >> >> * You might be surprised at the things I have on hand just in case ,
> >> >> like arrow making supplies , ingredients for black powder , lead for
> >> >> balls and bullets , and the means to make percussion caps . If it gets
> >> >> primitive ... I believe the means to keep what we've got is as important
> >> >> as having the stuff .
> >> > It gets that bad, we're only going to need two bullets.
> >> >
> >> > Cindy Hamilton
> >>
> >> * I'll fight to my last breath to protect my family .

> >
> >There are some kinds of worlds we don't want to live in.

> So, Americans have gone from "it's a Democrat" to "it's the end of
> times!!!!" in no time? Hysteria.
> Trump's funny though. He bans flights from Europe, except from the UK.
> But the UK is the western European country that's doing the least
> against corona.

But it's where his golf courses are. Can't interfere with his profits.

Cindy Hamilton
  #22 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Posts: 6,365
Default Bread and soup and PANIC!

On Friday, March 13, 2020 at 8:20:56 AM UTC-10, Cindy Hamilton wrote:
> On Friday, March 13, 2020 at 2:03:42 PM UTC-4, Bruce wrote:
> > On Fri, 13 Mar 2020 09:22:04 -0700 (PDT), Cindy Hamilton
> > > wrote:
> >
> > >On Friday, March 13, 2020 at 10:29:53 AM UTC-4, Terry Coombs wrote:
> > >> On 3/13/2020 8:04 AM, Cindy Hamilton wrote:
> > >> > On Friday, March 13, 2020 at 8:43:24 AM UTC-4, Terry Coombs wrote:
> > >> >> On 3/13/2020 6:32 AM, Ophelia wrote:
> > >> >>>
> > >> >>>
> > >> >>>
> > >> >>> --
> > >> >>>
> > >> >>> "Terry Coombs"* wrote in message ...
> > >> >>>
> > >> >>> *Making the bread and soup took up my whole day ... We were out of
> > >> >>> everything but hoagie buns so I spent most of the day making loaves ,
> > >> >>> dinner rolls , and buns . I also used a piece of that bottom round we
> > >> >>> bought last week for a pot of beef and barley soup with veggies for our
> > >> >>> dinner (and a couple of lunches). Fortunately we have enough food ,
> > >> >>> medications , and other necessities to stay home for a month if we have
> > >> >>> to . Our biggest worry is running out of 'shrooms ... Hobbits got
> > >> >>> nothin' on our love of the tasty little fungi . Welllll actually we only
> > >> >>> have enough TP for 27 days , but we have a large supply of newsprint !
> > >> >>> We do plan on a trip to town tomorrow , mostly just to see how bad the
> > >> >>> panic buying has been . We could use a few things but nothing is in dire
> > >> >>> need here . I do hope there are still some fresh veggies available , and
> > >> >>> I plan to fill my gas cans - I need to get the garden tilled and I want
> > >> >>> to use the tractor and chainsaws some in the next month . I'll probably
> > >> >>> also take both motorcycles to town and top off the tanks , never hurts
> > >> >>> to have a backup to the backup - the truck has a full or very near full
> > >> >>> tank and the car was topped off just a few miles from home returning
> > >> >>> from our recent trip . Got plenty of likker , including some Everclear
> > >> >>> and a little (real) 'shine in case we need to make some hand sanitizer -
> > >> >>> and I have enough aloe plants to use fresh squeezed juice . I think my
> > >> >>> wife quit Walmart (retired) at just exactly the right time , she left at
> > >> >>> the end of January .
> > >> >>> * And on Saturday I'll be back to house building , next up is the high
> > >> >>> shelf in the laundry closet followed by finishing the walls and shelving
> > >> >>> in my wife's craft room .
> > >> >>>
> > >> >>> * Snag
> > >> >>> ====
> > >> >>>
> > >> >>> **** Well that should keep* you out of mischief for a while <g>
> > >> >>>
> > >> >>> **** You sound as though you are well prepped for whatever comes which
> > >> >>> is a Good Thing!
> > >> >>>
> > >> >>> **** We always keep a good store everything too! We are always well
> > >> >>> prepped.
> > >> >>>
> > >> >>> ***** O
> > >> >> * My wife has suggested that the reason I like to stay stocked up is my
> > >> >> Mor(m)on upbringing ... I told her no , it's just a mild case of
> > >> >> paranoia . Seriously , I look at the condition of our world and , while
> > >> >> it ain't happenin' today or tomorrow , the likelihood of a SHTF event is
> > >> >> a possibility . Now I don't consider myself a prepper per se , but I
> > >> >> acknowledge the possibility and try to be as ready as I can . Living out
> > >> >> here in the woods is both a blessing and a curse , depending on how you
> > >> >> look at things , but whatever comes I think we're ready for an extended
> > >> >> stay at home if needed . As my wife said , there was a time when people
> > >> >> wiped their butt with small pieces of fabric and washed them for re-use
> > >> > I doubt it'll get that bad. It's almost spring; there'll be plenty of
> > >> > leaves available in a few weeks
> > >> >
> > >> >> . While we have a lot of cloth , I doubt it'll come to that . 'Sides ,
> > >> >> we have almost a years worth of newsprint that I was saving to shred and
> > >> >> put on the garden ... softer than the old Sears catalog too!
> > >> >> * You might be surprised at the things I have on hand just in case ,
> > >> >> like arrow making supplies , ingredients for black powder , lead for
> > >> >> balls and bullets , and the means to make percussion caps . If it gets
> > >> >> primitive ... I believe the means to keep what we've got is as important
> > >> >> as having the stuff .
> > >> > It gets that bad, we're only going to need two bullets.
> > >> >
> > >> > Cindy Hamilton
> > >>
> > >> * I'll fight to my last breath to protect my family .
> > >
> > >There are some kinds of worlds we don't want to live in.

> >
> > So, Americans have gone from "it's a Democrat" to "it's the end of
> > times!!!!" in no time? Hysteria.
> >
> > Trump's funny though. He bans flights from Europe, except from the UK.
> > But the UK is the western European country that's doing the least
> > against corona.

> But it's where his golf courses are. Can't interfere with his profits.
> Cindy Hamilton

It's hard to believe that American are stupid enough to have a president that uses his name as a brand to sell/promote his business interests. Chump is literally selling out his presidency/country and that's okay - with stupid people.
  #23 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Bread and soup and PANIC!

On Fri, 13 Mar 2020 13:12:44 -0700 (PDT), dsi1
> wrote:

>On Friday, March 13, 2020 at 8:20:56 AM UTC-10, Cindy Hamilton wrote:
>> On Friday, March 13, 2020 at 2:03:42 PM UTC-4, Bruce wrote:
>> > On Fri, 13 Mar 2020 09:22:04 -0700 (PDT), Cindy Hamilton
>> > > wrote:
>> >
>> > >There are some kinds of worlds we don't want to live in.
>> >
>> > So, Americans have gone from "it's a Democrat" to "it's the end of
>> > times!!!!" in no time? Hysteria.
>> >
>> > Trump's funny though. He bans flights from Europe, except from the UK.
>> > But the UK is the western European country that's doing the least
>> > against corona.

>> But it's where his golf courses are. Can't interfere with his profits.
>> Cindy Hamilton

>It's hard to believe that American are stupid enough to have a president that uses his name as a brand to sell/promote his business interests. Chump is literally selling out his presidency/country and that's okay - with stupid people.

I just saw a bit of his press conference, for as long as I could
handle. It was embarrassing.
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On 3/13/2020 11:51 AM, Mike Duffy wrote:
> On Fri, 13 Mar 2020 06:04:41 -0700 (PDT), Cindy Hamilton wrote:
>> It's almost spring; there'll be plenty of
>> leaves available in a few weeks

> You think so? Here is a picture I took of my BBQ after Steve's announcement
> of first ribs, but before I decided not to become 'embroiled' in the
> smoking thread:

Do you live in Canada?

This is what I see at the back corner of my house:

Then again, it rarely gets cold here. This winter it's often been too
warm even for a sweater.

Jill <--in Southern South Carolina
  #25 (permalink)   Report Post  
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On 2020-03-13 2:19 p.m., dsi1 wrote:
> On Friday, March 13, 2020 at 8:03:42 AM UTC-10, Bruce wrote:

>>>> I'll fight to my last breath to protect my family .
>>> There are some kinds of worlds we don't want to live in.

>> So, Americans have gone from "it's a Democrat" to "it's the end of
>> times!!!!" in no time? Hysteria.
>> Trump's funny though. He bans flights from Europe, except from the
>> UK. But the UK is the western European country that's doing the
>> least against corona.

> Why the heck would Chump ban flights to the UK? How the heck would
> people from the US get to his golf courses and hotels in the UK and
> Ireland? Iz yoose cwazy?

Our prime minister's wife just returned from a speaking engagement in
the UK and has tested positive for Covid 19.

  #26 (permalink)   Report Post  
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On Thu, 12 Mar 2020 Terry (the girlie) Coombs wrote:

>Making the bread and soup took up my whole day ... We were out of
>everything but hoagie bun.

WTF are talking baking when you have a slew of hogie buns? DUH
In other words you never even walked into your furcocktah kitchen.
Ill bet you don't have a kitchen or a pot to **** in. No one has ever
seen anything you've cooked.
  #27 (permalink)   Report Post  
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On Fri, 13 Mar 2020 16:48:56 -0400, Dave Smith
> wrote:

>On 2020-03-13 2:19 p.m., dsi1 wrote:
>> On Friday, March 13, 2020 at 8:03:42 AM UTC-10, Bruce wrote:

>>>>> I'll fight to my last breath to protect my family .
>>>> There are some kinds of worlds we don't want to live in.
>>> So, Americans have gone from "it's a Democrat" to "it's the end of
>>> times!!!!" in no time? Hysteria.
>>> Trump's funny though. He bans flights from Europe, except from the
>>> UK. But the UK is the western European country that's doing the
>>> least against corona.

>> Why the heck would Chump ban flights to the UK? How the heck would
>> people from the US get to his golf courses and hotels in the UK and
>> Ireland? Iz yoose cwazy?

>Our prime minister's wife just returned from a speaking engagement in
>the UK and has tested positive for Covid 19.

Australian home affairs minister Dutton just tested positive for
corona virus. Last week, he met with Ivanka Trump. That means corona
virus is now only one pussy grab away from Donald Trump. Could it all
have been a Chinese/Australian ploy after all? Since Trump suffers so
much from hot air, corona might hit him extra hard.

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On 3/13/2020 3:47 PM, jmcquown wrote:
> On 3/13/2020 11:51 AM, Mike Duffy wrote:
>> On Fri, 13 Mar 2020 06:04:41 -0700 (PDT), Cindy Hamilton wrote:
>>> It's almost spring; there'll be plenty of
>>> leaves available in a few weeks

>> You think so? Here is a picture I took of my BBQ after Steve's
>> announcement
>> of first ribs, but before I decided not to become 'embroiled' in the
>> smoking thread:

> Do you live in Canada?
> This is what I see at the back corner of my house:
> Then again, it rarely gets cold here.* This winter it's often been too
> warm even for a sweater.
> Jill <--in Southern South Carolina

* Oooooh pretty ! Are there any honey bees working them ? The (feral?
orchard gone wild) peach trees up on top of the hill are blooming now ,
and I expect to see red maple any day now . Daffodils are bustin' out
all over the place , probably over a hundred roadside patches in the 10
miles between here and town . Depending on drone populations I'll
probably be splitting hives next week .

Yes , I'm old
and crochety - and armed .
Get outta my woods !

  #29 (permalink)   Report Post  
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On 2020-03-13 4:47 p.m., jmcquown wrote:


> Do you live in Canada?
> This is what I see at the back corner of my house:
> Then again, it rarely gets cold here.* This winter it's often been too
> warm even for a sweater.
> Jill <--in Southern South Carolina

Sure Jill. Rub it in. Just remember that when you have 100F and 100%
humidity, and can't last more than 10 minutes away from air
conditioning, we well be enjoying a balmy 75 degrees, and 75 degrees is
what we consider to be hot ;-)
  #30 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Bruce wrote:
> On Fri, 13 Mar 2020 09:31:09 -0500, Terry Coombs >
> wrote:
>> On 3/13/2020 8:04 AM, Cindy Hamilton wrote:
>>> On Friday, March 13, 2020 at 8:43:24 AM UTC-4, Terry Coombs wrote:
>>>> . While we have a lot of cloth , I doubt it'll come to that . 'Sides ,
>>>> we have almost a years worth of newsprint that I was saving to shred and
>>>> put on the garden ... softer than the old Sears catalog too!
>>>> * You might be surprised at the things I have on hand just in case ,
>>>> like arrow making supplies , ingredients for black powder , lead for
>>>> balls and bullets , and the means to make percussion caps . If it gets
>>>> primitive ... I believe the means to keep what we've got is as important
>>>> as having the stuff .
>>> It gets that bad, we're only going to need two bullets.
>>> Cindy Hamilton

>> * I'll fight to my last breath to protect my family .

> You're panicking. That's bad. Keep your cool, man.

Nope, you are panicking because of fear that folks won't stand
still long enough for you to get a good sniff.

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Bruce wrote:
> On Fri, 13 Mar 2020 09:31:09 -0500, Terry Coombs >
> wrote:
>> On 3/13/2020 8:04 AM, Cindy Hamilton wrote:
>>> On Friday, March 13, 2020 at 8:43:24 AM UTC-4, Terry Coombs wrote:

>>>> . While we have a lot of cloth , I doubt it'll come to that . 'Sides ,
>>>> we have almost a years worth of newsprint that I was saving to shred and
>>>> put on the garden ... softer than the old Sears catalog too!
>>>> * You might be surprised at the things I have on hand just in case ,
>>>> like arrow making supplies , ingredients for black powder , lead for
>>>> balls and bullets , and the means to make percussion caps . If it gets
>>>> primitive ... I believe the means to keep what we've got is as important
>>>> as having the stuff .
>>> It gets that bad, we're only going to need two bullets.
>>> Cindy Hamilton

>> * I'll fight to my last breath to protect my family .

> Drama queens are always the first to go

Your still here Fruce.

Have a pork chop while you wait.

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On Friday, March 13, 2020 at 11:10:39 AM UTC-10, Sheldon wrote:
> On Thu, 12 Mar 2020 Terry (the girlie) Coombs wrote:
> >Making the bread and soup took up my whole day ... We were out of
> >everything but hoagie bun.

> WTF are talking baking when you have a slew of hogie buns? DUH
> In other words you never even walked into your furcocktah kitchen.
> Ill bet you don't have a kitchen or a pot to **** in. No one has ever
> seen anything you've cooked.

I'll bet that guy doesn't wash his hands more than once or twice in half an hour. As we all know, good cooks will be washing their hands almost constantly. It's amazing that they have time to cook at all! 👨*🍳
  #33 (permalink)   Report Post  
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On 3/13/2020 5:20 PM, Terry Coombs wrote:
> On 3/13/2020 3:47 PM, jmcquown wrote:
>> On 3/13/2020 11:51 AM, Mike Duffy wrote:
>>> On Fri, 13 Mar 2020 06:04:41 -0700 (PDT), Cindy Hamilton wrote:
>>>> It's almost spring; there'll be plenty of
>>>> leaves available in a few weeks
>>> You think so? Here is a picture I took of my BBQ after Steve's
>>> announcement
>>> of first ribs, but before I decided not to become 'embroiled' in the
>>> smoking thread:

>> Do you live in Canada?
>> This is what I see at the back corner of my house:
>> Then again, it rarely gets cold here.* This winter it's often been too
>> warm even for a sweater.
>> Jill <--in Southern South Carolina

> * Oooooh pretty ! Are there any honey bees working them ?

All I've seen are bumblebees flitting around the blooms. Butterflies
and lots of birds, too. (No hummers yet.) I'm not sure about
honeybees. I have no idea if they are common on sea islands.

> The (feral? orchard gone wild) peach trees up on top of the hill are blooming now ,
> and I expect to see red maple any day now . Daffodils are bustin' out
> all over the place , probably over a hundred roadside patches in the 10
> miles between here and town . Depending on drone populations I'll
> probably be splitting hives next week .

I wish you well with them. And hopefully not having to use leaves or
old newspaper or leaves for toilet paper. Heh.


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On 3/13/2020 5:29 PM, Dave Smith wrote:
> On 2020-03-13 4:47 p.m., jmcquown wrote:

>> Do you live in Canada?
>> This is what I see at the back corner of my house:
>> Then again, it rarely gets cold here.* This winter it's often been too
>> warm even for a sweater.
>> Jill <--in Southern South Carolina

> Sure Jill. Rub it in.* Just remember that when you have 100F and 100%
> humidity, and can't last more than 10 minutes away from air
> conditioning, we well be enjoying a balmy 75 degrees, and 75 degrees is
> what we consider to be hot** ;-)

I don't mind the ribbing, Dave. I'll enjoy the mild weather while I
can! It's 72 degrees outside right now and I have the windows open and
ceiling fans running. Based on the winter temps I have no doubt it will
be an extremely hot summer. Then I'll run the AC, of course! At least
right now there is no humidity to speak of and it's very comfortable.
Also very pretty outside. Everything blooming and green.

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On 2020-03-13 3:59 p.m., dsi1 wrote:
> On Friday, March 13, 2020 at 10:41:06 AM UTC-10, GM wrote:
>> dsi1 wrote:

> Your transformation into a brainless, obedient, cutting n' pasting, robo-zombie is now complete. Chump is the first "president" to be wheeling and dealing and using the presidential office card, while he's in office. Kennedy and Reagan had a brand name before they became president but this is the first time a sitting president has used the office as leverage to make some dough while sitting within that office. There have probably been others in the past but not in recent memory. I'll leave that question to the researchers of history.
> In addition to being a liar, cheat, pussy-grabbing, money-laundering tax-evader, Chump is also one cheap ******* and opportunist. You, on the other hand, are just a simple sucker. I suppose that's more honorable, but it's still a relatively bad position to put oneself in.
> go

  #36 (permalink)   Report Post  
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On 2020-03-13 6:26 p.m., jmcquown wrote:
> On 3/13/2020 5:29 PM, Dave Smith wrote:

>> Sure Jill. Rub it in.* Just remember that when you have 100F and 100%
>> humidity, and can't last more than 10 minutes away from air
>> conditioning, we well be enjoying a balmy 75 degrees, and 75 degrees
>> is what we consider to be hot** ;-)

> I don't mind the ribbing, Dave.* I'll enjoy the mild weather while I
> can!* It's 72 degrees outside right now and I have the windows open and
> ceiling fans running.* Based on the winter temps I have no doubt it will
> be an extremely hot summer.* Then I'll run the AC, of course!* At least
> right now there is no humidity to speak of and it's very comfortable.
> Also very pretty outside.* Everything blooming and green.

Go ahead and run that AC. My furnace is running. Yesterday I used the AC
for 2 or 3 days.

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On 3/13/2020 7:17 PM, Dave Smith wrote:
> On 2020-03-13 6:26 p.m., jmcquown wrote:
>> On 3/13/2020 5:29 PM, Dave Smith wrote:

>>> Sure Jill. Rub it in.* Just remember that when you have 100F and 100%
>>> humidity, and can't last more than 10 minutes away from air
>>> conditioning, we well be enjoying a balmy 75 degrees, and 75 degrees
>>> is what we consider to be hot** ;-)

>> I don't mind the ribbing, Dave.* I'll enjoy the mild weather while I
>> can!* It's 72 degrees outside right now and I have the windows open
>> and ceiling fans running.* Based on the winter temps I have no doubt
>> it will be an extremely hot summer.* Then I'll run the AC, of course!
>> At least right now there is no humidity to speak of and it's very
>> comfortable. Also very pretty outside.* Everything blooming and green.

> Go ahead and run that AC. My furnace is running. Yesterday I used the AC
> for 2 or 3 days.

Nice here too. The AC did run a bit last night as I like it cooler for
sleeping but utility use has been very low.

Speaking of utilities, during the discussion of heating water I
mentioned that I don't pay enough for gas to justify a point of use
water heating system. I check my bill and while the total amount was
close, the actual gas use was incorrect. I multiplied the average
monthly bill by 12.

The breakdown is, I pay $19.01 a month for service, just to have the
meter. The actual gas use for the past twelve months was only $151.00
for hot water, clothes drying, cooking, grilling. I don't see making
any changes.
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> * We just returned from a trip to WM , the only things they were truly
> out of are TP and sanitizers/cleaning stuff . We went ahead and stocked
> up some more on stuff we'd buy anyway just not right now . I'd lots
> rather have it and not need it than need it and not have it ... will #4
> shot be effective on zombies ?

Assuming 12 gauge and a head shot, it should do alright at close range
with a full or modified choke. I once tested a wide assortment of 3" 12
gauge shells on an empty 55 gal. drum. The one that impressed me the
most was BB. It actually lifted the drum and threw it end over end
through the air for about 10 feet.

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On Fri, 13 Mar 2020 18:45:15 -0500, Nemo >

>> * We just returned from a trip to WM , the only things they were truly
>> out of are TP and sanitizers/cleaning stuff . We went ahead and stocked
>> up some more on stuff we'd buy anyway just not right now . I'd lots
>> rather have it and not need it than need it and not have it ... will #4
>> shot be effective on zombies ?

>Assuming 12 gauge and a head shot, it should do alright at close range
>with a full or modified choke. I once tested a wide assortment of 3" 12
>gauge shells on an empty 55 gal. drum. The one that impressed me the
>most was BB. It actually lifted the drum and threw it end over end
>through the air for about 10 feet.

Oh yeah, that'll teach them zombies! Or you could throw some smoked
brisket at them!
  #40 (permalink)   Report Post  
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On 3/13/2020 7:45 PM, Nemo wrote:
>> * We just returned from a trip to WM , the only things they were truly
>> out of are TP and sanitizers/cleaning stuff . We went ahead and stocked
>> up some more on stuff we'd buy anyway just not right now . I'd lots
>> rather have it and not need it than need it and not have it ... will #4
>> shot be effective on zombies ?

> Assuming 12 gauge and a head shot, it should do alright at close range
> with a full or modified choke. I once tested a wide assortment of 3" 12
> gauge shells on an empty 55 gal. drum. The one that impressed me the
> most was BB. It actually lifted the drum and threw it end over end
> through the air for about 10 feet.

A drum ain't a Zombie. Terry was making a joke. I think.

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