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  #1 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Posts: 3,559
Default Good news for vegans and Hindoos

On 4/6/2021 10:15 AM, Dave Smith wrote:
> On 2021-04-06 9:33 a.m., Ed Pawlowski wrote:
>> On 4/6/2021 12:24 AM, Allan Rogers wrote:
>>> On Mon, 5 Apr 2021 22:58:08 -0400, Ed Pawlowski > wrote:


>> Perhaps you should be smart enough to profit from these things.Â* No
>> matter how much he potentially makes, the fact that our natural
>> resources will run out and we can only support so many people does not
>> change.
>> What is your solution?

> It's a dicey situation. People in the west have clued into the problems
> we face from over-population so most of us have reduced family size.
> While we boomers came from families with four kids, and our great
> grandparentsÂ* bred themÂ* by the dozen, sthe younger generation seems to
> be limiting themselves to one or two. However, we are major consumers.
> Meanwhile, in the third world where so many people are desperately poor
> and often go hungry, they are multiplying like rabbits.
> I am not sure what is going on with the world wide distribution of
> Covid19 vaccine but there was a lot of talk about the importance of
> vaccine equity, that the richer countries should not be looking after
> only themselves first, that we are morally obliged to share it with
> poorer countries.Â* I appreciate that is the kind thing to do. I am not
> convinced it is the wisest.Â* Let's face it.Â* The wealthiest countries
> have long carried the poorer ones with investments and foreign aid.Â* If
> we don't look after our own our economies will suffer and we will not be
> able to help them at all.Â* If we give up our vaccines and loss even more
> lives here to save theirs, it's not like they are going to be in a
> position to help us.

I watched a Rick Steves show about Ethiopia. The big cities have what
looks to be a nice downtown area with public transit, plenty of cars,
tall buildings. Around the corner the locals are living in dirt floor

They are making some progress with schools and teaching trades like
welding, plumbing, sewing. They may eventually be the cheap labor
source replacing some of the Asian countries.

Some villages now have a well and can hand pump water locally instead of
walking five miles for drinking water.

  #2 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Posts: 33
Default Good news for vegans and Hindoos

On Tue, 6 Apr 2021 09:33:54 -0400, Ed Pawlowski > wrote:

>On 4/6/2021 12:24 AM, Allan Rogers wrote:
>> On Mon, 5 Apr 2021 22:58:08 -0400, Ed Pawlowski > wrote:
>>> On 4/5/2021 6:31 PM, Byker wrote:
>>>> Bill Gates urges fans to eat synthetic meat to save planet, dismisses
>>>> ‘crazy
>>>> conspiracies’ about vaccines & 5G
>>>> 20 Mar, 2021
>>>> Microsoft founder Bill Gates brushed away “crazy” conspiracy theories about
>>>> himself, 5G and coronavirus vaccines during an ‘Ask Me Anything’ session on
>>>> Reddit, where he promoted his new book and sung the praises of synthetic
>>>> meat.
>>>> Gates fielded questions from Redditors during the online Q&A on Friday,
>>>> doing his best to hawk his latest volume on climate change in the process.
>>>> However, it didn’t take long before netizens pressed him on
>>>> conspiracy-minded allegations that he is involved in a shadowy plot to
>>>> implant microchips in unwitting vaccine recipients.
>>>> “I am innocent!” Gates protested, adding “The whole thing about 5G and
>>>> microchips is pretty crazy. Why would I want to do that?”
>>>> Bill Gates wants ‘rich nations’ to switch to 100% SYNTHETIC beef to save
>>>> the
>>>> planet
>>>> Addressing a question about population growth and its effect on climate
>>>> change – another area where theories about Gates run rampant – the former
>>>> Microsoft exec said that “fortunately,” growth slows “when countries
>>>> improve
>>>> health and get to middle income levels.”
>>> He really does make some sense. We can't keep burning fossil fuels and
>>> expect to keep feeding more people.
>>> As a society we waste much of our limited resources.

>> People like you enable Gates. Do some independent research on the guy,
>> going back at least 30 years. He makes sense? Funny how he has
>> positioned himself in the past 20 years to profit from vaccines,
>> 'health' and buying up America's agricultural land.

>Perhaps you should be smart enough to profit from these things.

No, I have ethics.

> No
>matter how much he potentially makes, the fact that our natural
>resources will run out and we can only support so many people does not

I guess you're a blue pill guy.

>What is your solution?

To Covid? Herd immunity. Hiding from any Coronaviruses makes no sense
as it's utterly futile.

  #3 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Good news for vegans and Hindoos

On 4/6/2021 6:09 PM, Allan Rogers wrote:


>> Perhaps you should be smart enough to profit from these things.

> No, I have ethics.

Glad to hear it.

>> No
>> matter how much he potentially makes, the fact that our natural
>> resources will run out and we can only support so many people does not
>> change.

> I guess you're a blue pill guy.

You lost me on that one. You can still have erections and not make babies.

>> What is your solution?

> To Covid? Herd immunity. Hiding from any Coronaviruses makes no sense
> as it's utterly futile.

Ok, I understand. Those fools at the CDC, WHO, etc have no idea what to
do. You should tell them how wrong they are. Do you think all vaccines
should be eliminated?
  #4 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posted to talk.politics.misc,,,,
external usenet poster
Posts: 359
Default Good news for vegans and Hindoos

"Byker" > wrote in message
> "'You can get used to the taste difference,' Gates told an interviewer
> last
> month." You can HAVE your tofuburger on an oat-bran bun, militant
> vegetarians. I'll take a nice thick sirloin any day...
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Bill Gates urges fans to eat synthetic meat to save planet, dismisses
> 'crazy
> conspiracies' about vaccines & 5G
> 20 Mar, 2021
> Microsoft founder Bill Gates brushed away "crazy" conspiracy theories
> about
> himself, 5G and coronavirus vaccines during an 'Ask Me Anything' session
> on
> Reddit, where he promoted his new book and sung the praises of synthetic
> meat.
> Gates fielded questions from Redditors during the online Q&A on Friday,
> doing his best to hawk his latest volume on climate change in the process.
> However, it didn't take long before netizens pressed him on
> conspiracy-minded allegations that he is involved in a shadowy plot to
> implant microchips in unwitting vaccine recipients.
> "I am innocent!" Gates protested, adding "The whole thing about 5G and
> microchips is pretty crazy. Why would I want to do that?"
> Gates later said "fake news" and "disinformation" online is a "huge
> issue,"
> observing that "Some false information is more interesting than the truth
> so
> digital channels seem to magnify echo chambers with bad facts."
> =
> The billionaire also took the opportunity to extol the virtues of
> synthetic
> meat, promoting it in several different replies as a "green product" and a
> way to reduce one's "carbon footprint." He has repeatedly hailed
> artificial
> meats in the past, recently suggesting that "all rich countries" ought to
> move to "100-percent synthetic beef."
> "You can get used to the taste difference," Gates told an interviewer last
> month, in a slightly off-putting endorsement.
> Bill Gates wants 'rich nations' to switch to 100% SYNTHETIC beef to save
> the
> planet
> Addressing a question about population growth and its effect on climate
> change - another area where theories about Gates run rampant - the former
> Microsoft exec said that "fortunately," growth slows "when countries
> improve
> health and get to middle income levels."
> "So we should help moderate population growth with aid for health,
> education
> and good governance," he went on, forecasting that the world population
> would peak at 10 billion so long as world powers are "generous to the
> poorest countries."
> He later hinted at apocalyptic consequences if climate change is not
> tackled, saying "We won't be able to support a large population if it gets
> a
> lot warmer" while predicting an massive outflow of migration from areas
> made
> "unlivable" by the rising temperatures.

This has nothing to do with fast-food. Stop crossposting to alt-fast-food

  #5 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posted to talk.politics.misc,,,,
external usenet poster
Posts: 559
Default Good news for vegans and Hindoos

Jerry Sauk wrote:

> "Byker" > wrote in message
> ...
> > "'You can get used to the taste difference,' Gates told an
> > interviewer last month." You can HAVE your tofuburger on an
> > oat-bran bun, militant vegetarians. I'll take a nice thick sirloin
> > any day...
> > --------------------------------------------------------------------
> > ------------ Bill Gates urges fans to eat synthetic meat to save
> > planet, dismisses 'crazy conspiracies' about vaccines & 5G
> >
> > 20 Mar, 2021
> >
> > Microsoft founder Bill Gates brushed away "crazy" conspiracy
> > theories about himself, 5G and coronavirus vaccines during an 'Ask
> > Me Anything' session on Reddit, where he promoted his new book and
> > sung the praises of synthetic meat.
> > Gates fielded questions from Redditors during the online Q&A on
> > Friday, doing his best to hawk his latest volume on climate change
> > in the process. However, it didn't take long before netizens
> > pressed him on conspiracy-minded allegations that he is involved in
> > a shadowy plot to implant microchips in unwitting vaccine
> > recipients.
> >
> > "I am innocent!" Gates protested, adding "The whole thing about 5G
> > and microchips is pretty crazy. Why would I want to do that?"
> >
> > Gates later said "fake news" and "disinformation" online is a "huge
> > issue," observing that "Some false information is more interesting
> > than the truth so digital channels seem to magnify echo chambers
> > with bad facts." =
> > The billionaire also took the opportunity to extol the virtues of
> > synthetic meat, promoting it in several different replies as a
> > "green product" and a way to reduce one's "carbon footprint." He
> > has repeatedly hailed artificial meats in the past, recently
> > suggesting that "all rich countries" ought to move to "100-percent
> > synthetic beef."
> >
> > "You can get used to the taste difference," Gates told an
> > interviewer last month, in a slightly off-putting endorsement.
> >
> > Bill Gates wants 'rich nations' to switch to 100% SYNTHETIC beef to
> > save the planet
> >
> > Addressing a question about population growth and its effect on
> > climate change - another area where theories about Gates run
> > rampant - the former Microsoft exec said that "fortunately," growth
> > slows "when countries improve health and get to middle income
> > levels."
> >
> > "So we should help moderate population growth with aid for health,
> > education and good governance," he went on, forecasting that the
> > world population would peak at 10 billion so long as world powers
> > are "generous to the poorest countries."
> >
> > He later hinted at apocalyptic consequences if climate change is not
> > tackled, saying "We won't be able to support a large population if
> > it gets a lot warmer" while predicting an massive outflow of
> > migration from areas made "unlivable" by the rising temperatures.
> >
> >

> This has nothing to do with fast-food. Stop crossposting to
> alt-fast-food IMMEDIATELY.

This isnt alt-fast-food. In case you havent noticed, fool!

  #6 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posted to
external usenet poster
Posts: 8
Default Good news for vegans and Hindoos

On 4/7/2021 6:54 PM, cshenk wrote:
> Jerry Sauk wrote:
>> "Byker" > wrote in message
>> ...
>>> "'You can get used to the taste difference,' Gates told an
>>> interviewer last month." You can HAVE your tofuburger on an
>>> oat-bran bun, militant vegetarians. I'll take a nice thick sirloin
>>> any day...
>>> --------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> ------------ Bill Gates urges fans to eat synthetic meat to save
>>> planet, dismisses 'crazy conspiracies' about vaccines & 5G
>>> 20 Mar, 2021
>>> Microsoft founder Bill Gates brushed away "crazy" conspiracy
>>> theories about himself, 5G and coronavirus vaccines during an 'Ask
>>> Me Anything' session on Reddit, where he promoted his new book and
>>> sung the praises of synthetic meat.
>>> Gates fielded questions from Redditors during the online Q&A on
>>> Friday, doing his best to hawk his latest volume on climate change
>>> in the process. However, it didn't take long before netizens
>>> pressed him on conspiracy-minded allegations that he is involved in
>>> a shadowy plot to implant microchips in unwitting vaccine
>>> recipients.
>>> "I am innocent!" Gates protested, adding "The whole thing about 5G
>>> and microchips is pretty crazy. Why would I want to do that?"
>>> Gates later said "fake news" and "disinformation" online is a "huge
>>> issue," observing that "Some false information is more interesting
>>> than the truth so digital channels seem to magnify echo chambers
>>> with bad facts." =
>>> The billionaire also took the opportunity to extol the virtues of
>>> synthetic meat, promoting it in several different replies as a
>>> "green product" and a way to reduce one's "carbon footprint." He
>>> has repeatedly hailed artificial meats in the past, recently
>>> suggesting that "all rich countries" ought to move to "100-percent
>>> synthetic beef."
>>> "You can get used to the taste difference," Gates told an
>>> interviewer last month, in a slightly off-putting endorsement.
>>> Bill Gates wants 'rich nations' to switch to 100% SYNTHETIC beef to
>>> save the planet
>>> Addressing a question about population growth and its effect on
>>> climate change - another area where theories about Gates run
>>> rampant - the former Microsoft exec said that "fortunately," growth
>>> slows "when countries improve health and get to middle income
>>> levels."
>>> "So we should help moderate population growth with aid for health,
>>> education and good governance," he went on, forecasting that the
>>> world population would peak at 10 billion so long as world powers
>>> are "generous to the poorest countries."
>>> He later hinted at apocalyptic consequences if climate change is not
>>> tackled, saying "We won't be able to support a large population if
>>> it gets a lot warmer" while predicting an massive outflow of
>>> migration from areas made "unlivable" by the rising temperatures.

>> This has nothing to do with fast-food. Stop crossposting to
>> alt-fast-food IMMEDIATELY.

> This isnt alt-fast-food. In case you havent noticed, fool!

You just replied to five groups you stupid ****.
  #7 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posted to talk.politics.misc,,,,
external usenet poster
Posts: 559
Default Good news for vegans and Hindoos

Don Shenkenberger wrote:

> On 4/7/2021 6:54 PM, cshenk wrote:
> > Jerry Sauk wrote:
> >
> > >
> >>"Byker" > wrote in message
> > > ...
> > > > "'You can get used to the taste difference,' Gates told an
> > > > interviewer last month." You can HAVE your tofuburger on an
> > > > oat-bran bun, militant vegetarians. I'll take a nice thick
> > > > sirloin any day...
> > > > ----------------------------------------------------------------
> > > > ---- ------------ Bill Gates urges fans to eat synthetic meat
> > > > to save planet, dismisses 'crazy conspiracies' about vaccines
> > > > & 5G
> > > >
> > > > 20 Mar, 2021
> > > >
> > > > Microsoft founder Bill Gates brushed away "crazy" conspiracy
> > > > theories about himself, 5G and coronavirus vaccines during an
> > > > 'Ask Me Anything' session on Reddit, where he promoted his new
> > > > book and sung the praises of synthetic meat.
> > > > Gates fielded questions from Redditors during the online Q&A on
> > > > Friday, doing his best to hawk his latest volume on climate
> > > > change in the process. However, it didn't take long before
> > > > netizens pressed him on conspiracy-minded allegations that he
> > > > is involved in a shadowy plot to implant microchips in
> > > > unwitting vaccine recipients.
> > > >
> > > > "I am innocent!" Gates protested, adding "The whole thing about
> > > > 5G and microchips is pretty crazy. Why would I want to do that?"
> > > >
> > > > Gates later said "fake news" and "disinformation" online is a
> > > > "huge issue," observing that "Some false information is more
> > > > interesting than the truth so digital channels seem to magnify
> > > > echo chambers with bad facts." =
> > > > The billionaire also took the opportunity to extol the virtues
> > > > of synthetic meat, promoting it in several different replies as
> > > > a "green product" and a way to reduce one's "carbon footprint."
> > > > He has repeatedly hailed artificial meats in the past, recently
> > > > suggesting that "all rich countries" ought to move to
> > > > "100-percent synthetic beef."
> > > >
> > > > "You can get used to the taste difference," Gates told an
> > > > interviewer last month, in a slightly off-putting endorsement.
> > > >
> > > > Bill Gates wants 'rich nations' to switch to 100% SYNTHETIC
> > > > beef to save the planet
> > > >
> > > > Addressing a question about population growth and its effect on
> > > > climate change - another area where theories about Gates run
> > > > rampant - the former Microsoft exec said that "fortunately,"
> > > > growth slows "when countries improve health and get to middle
> > > > income levels."
> > > >
> > > > "So we should help moderate population growth with aid for
> > > > health, education and good governance," he went on, forecasting
> > > > that the world population would peak at 10 billion so long as
> > > > world powers are "generous to the poorest countries."
> > > >
> > > > He later hinted at apocalyptic consequences if climate change
> > > > is not tackled, saying "We won't be able to support a large
> > > > population if it gets a lot warmer" while predicting an
> > > > massive outflow of migration from areas made "unlivable" by
> > > > the rising temperatures.
> > > >
> > > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > This has nothing to do with fast-food. Stop crossposting to
> > > alt-fast-food IMMEDIATELY.

> >
> > This isnt alt-fast-food. In case you havent noticed, fool!
> >

> You just replied to five groups you stupid ****.

I did NOT, Mr AIOE forger.

  #8 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posted to
external usenet poster
Posts: 340
Default Good news for vegans and Hindoos

On Thursday, April 8, 2021 at 4:11:19 PM UTC-4, cshenk wrote:
> Don Shenkenberger wrote:
> > On 4/7/2021 6:54 PM, cshenk wrote:
> > > Jerry Sauk wrote:
> > >
> > > >
> > >>"Byker" > wrote in message
> > > > ...
> > > > > "'You can get used to the taste difference,' Gates told an
> > > > > interviewer last month." You can HAVE your tofuburger on an
> > > > > oat-bran bun, militant vegetarians. I'll take a nice thick
> > > > > sirloin any day...
> > > > > ----------------------------------------------------------------
> > > > > ---- ------------ Bill Gates urges fans to eat synthetic meat
> > > > > to save planet, dismisses 'crazy conspiracies' about vaccines
> > > > > & 5G
> > > > >
> > > > > 20 Mar, 2021
> > > > >
> > > > > Microsoft founder Bill Gates brushed away "crazy" conspiracy
> > > > > theories about himself, 5G and coronavirus vaccines during an
> > > > > 'Ask Me Anything' session on Reddit, where he promoted his new
> > > > > book and sung the praises of synthetic meat.
> > > > > Gates fielded questions from Redditors during the online Q&A on
> > > > > Friday, doing his best to hawk his latest volume on climate
> > > > > change in the process. However, it didn't take long before
> > > > > netizens pressed him on conspiracy-minded allegations that he
> > > > > is involved in a shadowy plot to implant microchips in
> > > > > unwitting vaccine recipients.
> > > > >
> > > > > "I am innocent!" Gates protested, adding "The whole thing about
> > > > > 5G and microchips is pretty crazy. Why would I want to do that?"
> > > > >
> > > > > Gates later said "fake news" and "disinformation" online is a
> > > > > "huge issue," observing that "Some false information is more
> > > > > interesting than the truth so digital channels seem to magnify
> > > > > echo chambers with bad facts." =
> > > > > The billionaire also took the opportunity to extol the virtues
> > > > > of synthetic meat, promoting it in several different replies as
> > > > > a "green product" and a way to reduce one's "carbon footprint."
> > > > > He has repeatedly hailed artificial meats in the past, recently
> > > > > suggesting that "all rich countries" ought to move to
> > > > > "100-percent synthetic beef."
> > > > >
> > > > > "You can get used to the taste difference," Gates told an
> > > > > interviewer last month, in a slightly off-putting endorsement.
> > > > >
> > > > > Bill Gates wants 'rich nations' to switch to 100% SYNTHETIC
> > > > > beef to save the planet
> > > > >
> > > > > Addressing a question about population growth and its effect on
> > > > > climate change - another area where theories about Gates run
> > > > > rampant - the former Microsoft exec said that "fortunately,"
> > > > > growth slows "when countries improve health and get to middle
> > > > > income levels."
> > > > >
> > > > > "So we should help moderate population growth with aid for
> > > > > health, education and good governance," he went on, forecasting
> > > > > that the world population would peak at 10 billion so long as
> > > > > world powers are "generous to the poorest countries."
> > > > >
> > > > > He later hinted at apocalyptic consequences if climate change
> > > > > is not tackled, saying "We won't be able to support a large
> > > > > population if it gets a lot warmer" while predicting an
> > > > > massive outflow of migration from areas made "unlivable" by
> > > > > the rising temperatures.
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > This has nothing to do with fast-food. Stop crossposting to
> > > > alt-fast-food IMMEDIATELY.
> > >
> > > This isnt alt-fast-food. In case you havent noticed, fool!
> > >

> > You just replied to five groups you stupid ****.

> I did NOT, Mr AIOE forger.

Both Pfizer last month. No problems. Got both at work. No drive, no wait, no scheduling hassle.
  #9 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posted to talk.politics.misc,,,,
external usenet poster
Posts: 43
Default Good news for vegans and Hindoos

cshenk wrote:
> Don Shenkenberger wrote:
>> On 4/7/2021 6:54 PM, cshenk wrote:
>>> Jerry Sauk wrote:
>>>> "Byker" > wrote in message
>>>> ...
>>>>> "'You can get used to the taste difference,' Gates told an
>>>>> interviewer last month." You can HAVE your tofuburger on an
>>>>> oat-bran bun, militant vegetarians. I'll take a nice thick
>>>>> sirloin any day...
>>>>> ----------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>> ---- ------------ Bill Gates urges fans to eat synthetic meat
>>>>> to save planet, dismisses 'crazy conspiracies' about vaccines
>>>>> & 5G
>>>>> 20 Mar, 2021
>>>>> Microsoft founder Bill Gates brushed away "crazy" conspiracy
>>>>> theories about himself, 5G and coronavirus vaccines during an
>>>>> 'Ask Me Anything' session on Reddit, where he promoted his new
>>>>> book and sung the praises of synthetic meat.
>>>>> Gates fielded questions from Redditors during the online Q&A on
>>>>> Friday, doing his best to hawk his latest volume on climate
>>>>> change in the process. However, it didn't take long before
>>>>> netizens pressed him on conspiracy-minded allegations that he
>>>>> is involved in a shadowy plot to implant microchips in
>>>>> unwitting vaccine recipients.
>>>>> "I am innocent!" Gates protested, adding "The whole thing about
>>>>> 5G and microchips is pretty crazy. Why would I want to do that?"
>>>>> Gates later said "fake news" and "disinformation" online is a
>>>>> "huge issue," observing that "Some false information is more
>>>>> interesting than the truth so digital channels seem to magnify
>>>>> echo chambers with bad facts." =
>>>>> The billionaire also took the opportunity to extol the virtues
>>>>> of synthetic meat, promoting it in several different replies as
>>>>> a "green product" and a way to reduce one's "carbon footprint."
>>>>> He has repeatedly hailed artificial meats in the past, recently
>>>>> suggesting that "all rich countries" ought to move to
>>>>> "100-percent synthetic beef."
>>>>> "You can get used to the taste difference," Gates told an
>>>>> interviewer last month, in a slightly off-putting endorsement.
>>>>> Bill Gates wants 'rich nations' to switch to 100% SYNTHETIC
>>>>> beef to save the planet
>>>>> Addressing a question about population growth and its effect on
>>>>> climate change - another area where theories about Gates run
>>>>> rampant - the former Microsoft exec said that "fortunately,"
>>>>> growth slows "when countries improve health and get to middle
>>>>> income levels."
>>>>> "So we should help moderate population growth with aid for
>>>>> health, education and good governance," he went on, forecasting
>>>>> that the world population would peak at 10 billion so long as
>>>>> world powers are "generous to the poorest countries."
>>>>> He later hinted at apocalyptic consequences if climate change
>>>>> is not tackled, saying "We won't be able to support a large
>>>>> population if it gets a lot warmer" while predicting an
>>>>> massive outflow of migration from areas made "unlivable" by
>>>>> the rising temperatures.
>>>> This has nothing to do with fast-food. Stop crossposting to
>>>> alt-fast-food IMMEDIATELY.
>>> This isnt alt-fast-food. In case you havent noticed, fool!

>> You just replied to five groups you stupid ****.

> I did NOT, Mr AIOE forger.

You really are as dumb as a stump!

This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

  #10 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posted to,,,
external usenet poster
Posts: 43
Default Good news for vegans and Hindoos

cshenk wrote:
> Jerry Sauk wrote:
>> "Byker" > wrote in message
>> ...
>>> "'You can get used to the taste difference,' Gates told an
>>> interviewer last month." You can HAVE your tofuburger on an
>>> oat-bran bun, militant vegetarians. I'll take a nice thick sirloin
>>> any day...
>>> --------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> ------------ Bill Gates urges fans to eat synthetic meat to save
>>> planet, dismisses 'crazy conspiracies' about vaccines & 5G
>>> 20 Mar, 2021
>>> Microsoft founder Bill Gates brushed away "crazy" conspiracy
>>> theories about himself, 5G and coronavirus vaccines during an 'Ask
>>> Me Anything' session on Reddit, where he promoted his new book and
>>> sung the praises of synthetic meat.
>>> Gates fielded questions from Redditors during the online Q&A on
>>> Friday, doing his best to hawk his latest volume on climate change
>>> in the process. However, it didn't take long before netizens
>>> pressed him on conspiracy-minded allegations that he is involved in
>>> a shadowy plot to implant microchips in unwitting vaccine
>>> recipients.
>>> "I am innocent!" Gates protested, adding "The whole thing about 5G
>>> and microchips is pretty crazy. Why would I want to do that?"
>>> Gates later said "fake news" and "disinformation" online is a "huge
>>> issue," observing that "Some false information is more interesting
>>> than the truth so digital channels seem to magnify echo chambers
>>> with bad facts." =
>>> The billionaire also took the opportunity to extol the virtues of
>>> synthetic meat, promoting it in several different replies as a
>>> "green product" and a way to reduce one's "carbon footprint." He
>>> has repeatedly hailed artificial meats in the past, recently
>>> suggesting that "all rich countries" ought to move to "100-percent
>>> synthetic beef."
>>> "You can get used to the taste difference," Gates told an
>>> interviewer last month, in a slightly off-putting endorsement.
>>> Bill Gates wants 'rich nations' to switch to 100% SYNTHETIC beef to
>>> save the planet
>>> Addressing a question about population growth and its effect on
>>> climate change - another area where theories about Gates run
>>> rampant - the former Microsoft exec said that "fortunately," growth
>>> slows "when countries improve health and get to middle income
>>> levels."
>>> "So we should help moderate population growth with aid for health,
>>> education and good governance," he went on, forecasting that the
>>> world population would peak at 10 billion so long as world powers
>>> are "generous to the poorest countries."
>>> He later hinted at apocalyptic consequences if climate change is not
>>> tackled, saying "We won't be able to support a large population if
>>> it gets a lot warmer" while predicting an massive outflow of
>>> migration from areas made "unlivable" by the rising temperatures.

>> This has nothing to do with fast-food. Stop crossposting to
>> alt-fast-food IMMEDIATELY.

> This isnt alt-fast-food. In case you havent noticed, fool!

STFU you dumb stump!

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Default Good news for vegans and Hindoos

On Wed, 7 Apr 2021 17:24:55 -0500, "Jerry Sauk"
> wrote:

>"Byker" > wrote in message
>> "'You can get used to the taste difference,' Gates told an interviewer
>> last
>> month." You can HAVE your tofuburger on an oat-bran bun, militant
>> vegetarians. I'll take a nice thick sirloin any day...
>> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Bill Gates urges fans to eat synthetic meat to save planet, dismisses
>> 'crazy conspiracies' about vaccines & 5G
>> 20 Mar, 2021
>> Microsoft founder Bill Gates brushed away "crazy" conspiracy theories
>> about
>> himself, 5G and coronavirus vaccines during an 'Ask Me Anything' session
>> on
>> Reddit, where he promoted his new book and sung the praises of synthetic
>> meat.
>> Gates fielded questions from Redditors during the online Q&A on Friday,
>> doing his best to hawk his latest volume on climate change in the process.
>> However, it didn't take long before netizens pressed him on
>> conspiracy-minded allegations that he is involved in a shadowy plot to
>> implant microchips in unwitting vaccine recipients.
>> "I am innocent!" Gates protested, adding "The whole thing about 5G and
>> microchips is pretty crazy. Why would I want to do that?"
>> Gates later said "fake news" and "disinformation" online is a "huge
>> issue,"
>> observing that "Some false information is more interesting than the truth
>> so
>> digital channels seem to magnify echo chambers with bad facts."
>> = The billionaire also took the opportunity to extol the virtues of
>> synthetic
>> meat, promoting it in several different replies as a "green product" and a
>> way to reduce one's "carbon footprint." He has repeatedly hailed
>> artificial
>> meats in the past, recently suggesting that "all rich countries" ought to
>> move to "100-percent synthetic beef."
>> "You can get used to the taste difference," Gates told an interviewer last
>> month, in a slightly off-putting endorsement.
>> Bill Gates wants 'rich nations' to switch to 100% SYNTHETIC beef to save
>> the planet
>> Addressing a question about population growth and its effect on climate
>> change - another area where theories about Gates run rampant - the former
>> Microsoft exec said that "fortunately," growth slows "when countries
>> improve health and get to middle income levels."
>> "So we should help moderate population growth with aid for health,
>> education
>> and good governance," he went on, forecasting that the world population
>> would peak at 10 billion so long as world powers are "generous to the
>> poorest countries."
>> He later hinted at apocalyptic consequences if climate change is not
>> tackled, saying "We won't be able to support a large population if it gets
>> a lot warmer" while predicting an massive outflow of migration from areas
>> made "unlivable" by the rising temperatures.

>This has nothing to do with fast-food. Stop crossposting to alt-fast-food

I know you aren't pretending to be stupid, but alt-fast-food
isn't in the list. In fact, no such group exists.

"Listen guv, I'm a ten-guv-a-day copper, always have been, always will
be. If you want me to work on this case, I'm going to be calling you
guv all day long. It's all I know and it's all you need to know, guv."
- Shouting George
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