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[email protected] 22-04-2021 02:54 PM

RATZ...!!! :-(
There is a serious rat infestation in our neighborhood. It started years ago thanks to all the diligent backyard gardeners, open compost piles and chickens. Ive had them in my house a couple of times. Im now as good as any pest control company in eliminating them from houses. But theyve still been in and under my garden shed complex. This year I decided to get serious.

Step one was installing strong 1/4€³ wire mesh over any openings, at the rafters, eves, windows, etc. Then I covered any holes in the wood and at any gaps with sheet metal. That should keep them out, which is really the key to dealing with rats in houses or any structures. But theyve also created a warren of tunnels to nest in the gavel under the concrete slab the shed sits on. Yes, Ive baited and trapped (I found two desiccated carcasses today). But theres always more under there. So I decided to gas them.

I covered up all the various openings to this warren with 3/8€³ minus gravel, except this one. I had an old 3€³ dryer vent laying around; one end went into the last hole, the other I cut and firmly attached wired on to the muffler of the recently found (at the curb) fresh B&S engine which I mounted on my beloved lightweight aluminum 60s Montgomery Ward mower, and let it run for almost half an hour.

Tomorrow morning I will check all the gravel-covered openings to see if anyone survived and dug themselves out. Im betting not.

This is one job an electric mower would not have been capable of.

Dr Bruce[_4_] 22-04-2021 10:03 PM

RATZ...!!! :-(

> There is a serious rat infestation in our neighborhood. It started
> years ago thanks to all the diligent backyard gardeners, open compost
> piles and chickens. Ive had them in my house a couple of times. Im
> now as good as any pest control company in eliminating them from
> houses. But theyve still been in and under my garden shed complex.
> This year I decided to get serious.
> Step one was installing strong 1/4€³ wire mesh over any openings, at
> the rafters, eves, windows, etc. Then I covered any holes in the wood
> and at any gaps with sheet metal. That should keep them out, which is
> really the key to dealing with rats in houses or any structures. But
> theyve also created a warren of tunnels to nest in the gavel under
> the concrete slab the shed sits on. Yes, Ive baited and trapped (I
> found two desiccated carcasses today). But theres always more under
> there. So I decided to gas them.
> I covered up all the various openings to this warren with 3/8€³ minus
> gravel, except this one. I had an old 3€³ dryer vent laying around;
> one end went into the last hole, the other I cut and firmly attached
> wired on to the muffler of the recently found (at the curb) fresh B&S
> engine which I mounted on my beloved lightweight aluminum 60s
> Montgomery Ward mower, and let it run for almost half an hour.
> Tomorrow morning I will check all the gravel-covered openings to see
> if anyone survived and dug themselves out. Im betting not.
> This is one job an electric mower would not have been capable of.

Facsinating. I fingered my ass for 30 minutes today.

The real Bruce posts with -

Hank Rogers[_4_] 22-04-2021 10:11 PM

RATZ...!!! :-(
Dr Bruce wrote:
> wrote:
>> There is a serious rat infestation in our neighborhood. It started
>> years ago thanks to all the diligent backyard gardeners, open compost
>> piles and chickens. Ive had them in my house a couple of times. Im
>> now as good as any pest control company in eliminating them from
>> houses. But theyve still been in and under my garden shed complex.
>> This year I decided to get serious.
>> Step one was installing strong 1/4€³ wire mesh over any openings, at
>> the rafters, eves, windows, etc. Then I covered any holes in the wood
>> and at any gaps with sheet metal. That should keep them out, which is
>> really the key to dealing with rats in houses or any structures. But
>> theyve also created a warren of tunnels to nest in the gavel under
>> the concrete slab the shed sits on. Yes, Ive baited and trapped (I
>> found two desiccated carcasses today). But theres always more under
>> there. So I decided to gas them.
>> I covered up all the various openings to this warren with 3/8€³ minus
>> gravel, except this one. I had an old 3€³ dryer vent laying around;
>> one end went into the last hole, the other I cut and firmly attached
>> wired on to the muffler of the recently found (at the curb) fresh B&S
>> engine which I mounted on my beloved lightweight aluminum 60s
>> Montgomery Ward mower, and let it run for almost half an hour.
>> Tomorrow morning I will check all the gravel-covered openings to see
>> if anyone survived and dug themselves out. Im betting not.
>> This is one job an electric mower would not have been capable of.

> Facsinating. I fingered my ass for 30 minutes today.

Hush yo mouf! Do yoose want to attract the real master doctor druce?

You won't have an ass left!

Jim Lahey 23-04-2021 12:12 AM

RATZ...!!! :-(
On Thu, 22 Apr 2021 15:11:16 -0500, Hank Rogers >

>Dr Bruce wrote:
>> wrote:
>>> There is a serious rat infestation in our neighborhood. It started
>>> years ago thanks to all the diligent backyard gardeners, open compost
>>> piles and chickens. Ive had them in my house a couple of times. Im
>>> now as good as any pest control company in eliminating them from
>>> houses. But theyve still been in and under my garden shed complex.
>>> This year I decided to get serious.
>>> Step one was installing strong 1/4€³ wire mesh over any openings, at
>>> the rafters, eves, windows, etc. Then I covered any holes in the wood
>>> and at any gaps with sheet metal. That should keep them out, which is
>>> really the key to dealing with rats in houses or any structures. But
>>> theyve also created a warren of tunnels to nest in the gavel under
>>> the concrete slab the shed sits on. Yes, Ive baited and trapped (I
>>> found two desiccated carcasses today). But theres always more under
>>> there. So I decided to gas them.
>>> I covered up all the various openings to this warren with 3/8€³ minus
>>> gravel, except this one. I had an old 3€³ dryer vent laying around;
>>> one end went into the last hole, the other I cut and firmly attached
>>> wired on to the muffler of the recently found (at the curb) fresh B&S
>>> engine which I mounted on my beloved lightweight aluminum 60s
>>> Montgomery Ward mower, and let it run for almost half an hour.
>>> Tomorrow morning I will check all the gravel-covered openings to see
>>> if anyone survived and dug themselves out. Im betting not.
>>> This is one job an electric mower would not have been capable of.

>> Facsinating. I fingered my ass for 30 minutes today.

>Hush yo mouf! Do yoose want to attract the real master doctor druce?
>You won't have an ass left!

Someone should tell Bruce about all the asses in Death Valley. Bruce
may, in his rush to get there, forget to bring water and die of

Leo[_4_] 23-04-2021 04:47 AM

RATZ...!!! :-(
On 2021 Apr 22, , wrote
(in >):

> Tomorrow morning I will check all the gravel-covered openings to see if
> anyone survived and dug themselves out. I´m betting not.

Good luck! I would have stayed with copious amounts of warfarin laced grain.
Then again, I´ve never had an infestation, just one here and there over the
It will be pretty hard to get rid of the rats if your neighbors don´t feel
the same way as you do about them. Eliminating a rat infestation should be a
city health department problem if the problem covers a neighborhood.
Gas them successfully, and their kids will be back if your neighbors don´t
2 cents.

Dave Smith[_1_] 23-04-2021 05:15 AM

RATZ...!!! :-(
On 2021-04-22 10:47 p.m., Leo wrote:
> On 2021 Apr 22, , wrote
> (in >):
>> Tomorrow morning I will check all the gravel-covered openings to see if
>> anyone survived and dug themselves out. I´m betting not.

> Good luck! I would have stayed with copious amounts of warfarin laced grain.
> Then again, I´ve never had an infestation, just one here and there over the
> years.
> It will be pretty hard to get rid of the rats if your neighbors don´t feel
> the same way as you do about them. Eliminating a rat infestation should be a
> city health department problem if the problem covers a neighborhood.
> Gas them successfully, and their kids will be back if your neighbors don´t
> care.
> 2 cents.

My son had a rat problem at his old house. His absentee landlord
neighbour had a big pile of crap in his back yard and there were signs
of rats in it. My son called the city to complain and they made the guy
clean up the pile. That left the rats with nowhere to live, so some of
them moved into his place. In a short time they made a hell of a mess,
getting into his cupboards and chewing holes in the drywall. He had to
call an exterminator. The city had a program to cover most of the cost
of the exterminator.

Sqwertz[_53_] 23-04-2021 06:14 AM

RATZ...!!! :-(
On Thu, 22 Apr 2021 05:54:03 -0700 (PDT), wrote:

> There is a serious rat infestation in our neighborhood. It started years ago thanks to all the diligent backyard gardeners, open compost piles and chickens. Ive had them in my house a couple of times. Im now as good as any pest control company in eliminating them from houses. But theyve still been in and under my garden shed complex. This year I decided to get serious.
> Step one was installing strong 1/4€³ wire mesh over any openings, at the rafters, eves, windows, etc. Then I covered any holes in the wood and at any gaps with sheet metal. That should keep them out, which is really the key to dealing with rats in houses or any structures. But theyve also created a warren of tunnels to nest in the gavel under the concrete slab the shed sits on. Yes, Ive baited and trapped (I found two desiccated carcasses today). But theres always more under there. So I decided to gas them.
> I covered up all the various openings to this warren with 3/8€³ minus gravel, except this one. I had an old 3€³ dryer vent laying around; one end went into the last hole, the other I cut and firmly attached wired on to the muffler of the recently found (at the curb) fresh B&S engine which I mounted on my beloved lightweight aluminum 60s Montgomery Ward mower, and let it run for almost half an hour.
> Tomorrow morning I will check all the gravel-covered openings to see if anyone survived and dug themselves out. Im betting not.
> This is one job an electric mower would not have been capable of.

That was really lame. Are you telling us you have rats in your
hovel apartment (other than you, that is)?

That's Chicago for you.


Bryan Simmons 24-04-2021 01:35 PM

RATZ...!!! :-(
On Thursday, April 22, 2021 at 11:15:13 PM UTC-5, Sqwertz wrote:
> On Thu, 22 Apr 2021 05:54:03 -0700 (PDT), wrote:
> > There is a serious rat infestation in our neighborhood. It started years ago thanks to all the diligent backyard gardeners, open compost piles and chickens. Ive had them in my house a couple of times. Im now as good as any pest control company in eliminating them from houses. But theyve still been in and under my garden shed complex. This year I decided to get serious.
> >
> > Step one was installing strong 1/4€³ wire mesh over any openings, at the rafters, eves, windows, etc. Then I covered any holes in the wood and at any gaps with sheet metal. That should keep them out, which is really the key to dealing with rats in houses or any structures. But theyve also created a warren of tunnels to nest in the gavel under the concrete slab the shed sits on. Yes, Ive baited and trapped (I found two desiccated carcasses today). But theres always more under there. So I decided to gas them.
> >
> > I covered up all the various openings to this warren with 3/8€³ minus gravel, except this one. I had an old 3€³ dryer vent laying around; one end went into the last hole, the other I cut and firmly attached wired on to the muffler of the recently found (at the curb) fresh B&S engine which I mounted on my beloved lightweight aluminum 60s Montgomery Ward mower, and let it run for almost half an hour.
> >
> > Tomorrow morning I will check all the gravel-covered openings to see if anyone survived and dug themselves out. Im betting not.
> >
> > This is one job an electric mower would not have been capable of.

> That was really lame. Are you telling us you have rats in your
> hovel apartment (other than you, that is)?

Even w/o the header it was obviously not John. It looked like it had
been written by a grownup.
The groundhog that has tunneled under my house has approximately
24 hours to live.
> That's Chicago for you.

It smells less like urine than New York City.
> -sw


jmcquown[_2_] 24-04-2021 06:06 PM

RATZ...!!! :-(
On 4/24/2021 7:35 AM, Bryan Simmons wrote:
> On Thursday, April 22, 2021 at 11:15:13 PM UTC-5, Sqwertz wrote:
>> On Thu, 22 Apr 2021 05:54:03 -0700 (PDT), wrote:
>>> There is a serious rat infestation in our neighborhood. It started years ago thanks to all the diligent backyard gardeners, open compost piles

>> That was really lame. Are you telling us you have rats in your
>> hovel apartment (other than you, that is)?

> Even w/o the header it was obviously not John. It looked like it had
> been written by a grownup.

Obviously. Not enough YELLING and he didn't tell the rats to **** OFF! ;)


GM 24-04-2021 07:14 PM

RATZ...!!! :-(
On Saturday, April 24, 2021 at 6:35:19 AM UTC-5, wrote:
> On Thursday, April 22, 2021 at 11:15:13 PM UTC-5, Sqwertz wrote:
> > On Thu, 22 Apr 2021 05:54:03 -0700 (PDT), wrote:
> >
> > > There is a serious rat infestation in our neighborhood. It started years ago thanks to all the diligent backyard gardeners, open compost piles and chickens. Ive had them in my house a couple of times. Im now as good as any pest control company in eliminating them from houses. But theyve still been in and under my garden shed complex. This year I decided to get serious.
> > >
> > > Step one was installing strong 1/4€³ wire mesh over any openings, at the rafters, eves, windows, etc. Then I covered any holes in the wood and at any gaps with sheet metal. That should keep them out, which is really the key to dealing with rats in houses or any structures. But theyve also created a warren of tunnels to nest in the gavel under the concrete slab the shed sits on. Yes, Ive baited and trapped (I found two desiccated carcasses today). But theres always more under there. So I decided to gas them.
> > >
> > > I covered up all the various openings to this warren with 3/8€³ minus gravel, except this one. I had an old 3€³ dryer vent laying around; one end went into the last hole, the other I cut and firmly attached wired on to the muffler of the recently found (at the curb) fresh B&S engine which I mounted on my beloved lightweight aluminum 60s Montgomery Ward mower, and let it run for almost half an hour.
> > >
> > > Tomorrow morning I will check all the gravel-covered openings to see if anyone survived and dug themselves out. Im betting not.
> > >
> > > This is one job an electric mower would not have been capable of.

> > That was really lame. Are you telling us you have rats in your
> > hovel apartment (other than you, that is)?
> >

> Even w/o the header it was obviously not John. It looked like it had
> been written by a grownup.
> The groundhog that has tunneled under my house has approximately
> 24 hours to live.
> >
> > That's Chicago for you.
> >

> It smells less like urine than New York City.

Wouldn't a groundhog make a nice fuzzy pet...???



Bryan Simmons 24-04-2021 08:15 PM

RATZ...!!! :-(
On Saturday, April 24, 2021 at 12:14:35 PM UTC-5, GM wrote:
> On Saturday, April 24, 2021 at 6:35:19 AM UTC-5, wrote:
> > On Thursday, April 22, 2021 at 11:15:13 PM UTC-5, Sqwertz wrote:
> > > On Thu, 22 Apr 2021 05:54:03 -0700 (PDT), wrote:
> > >
> > > > There is a serious rat infestation in our neighborhood. It started years ago thanks to all the diligent backyard gardeners, open compost piles and chickens. Ive had them in my house a couple of times. Im now as good as any pest control company in eliminating them from houses. But theyve still been in and under my garden shed complex. This year I decided to get serious.
> > > >
> > > > Step one was installing strong 1/4€³ wire mesh over any openings, at the rafters, eves, windows, etc. Then I covered any holes in the wood and at any gaps with sheet metal. That should keep them out, which is really the key to dealing with rats in houses or any structures. But theyve also created a warren of tunnels to nest in the gavel under the concrete slab the shed sits on. Yes, Ive baited and trapped (I found two desiccated carcasses today). But theres always more under there. So I decided to gas them.
> > > >
> > > > I covered up all the various openings to this warren with 3/8€³ minus gravel, except this one. I had an old 3€³ dryer vent laying around; one end went into the last hole, the other I cut and firmly attached wired on to the muffler of the recently found (at the curb) fresh B&S engine which I mounted on my beloved lightweight aluminum 60s Montgomery Ward mower, and let it run for almost half an hour.
> > > >
> > > > Tomorrow morning I will check all the gravel-covered openings to see if anyone survived and dug themselves out. Im betting not.
> > > >
> > > > This is one job an electric mower would not have been capable of.
> > > That was really lame. Are you telling us you have rats in your
> > > hovel apartment (other than you, that is)?
> > >

> > Even w/o the header it was obviously not John. It looked like it had
> > been written by a grownup.
> > The groundhog that has tunneled under my house has approximately
> > 24 hours to live.
> >
> > >
> > > That's Chicago for you.
> > >

> > It smells less like urine than New York City.

> Wouldn't a groundhog make a nice fuzzy pet...???

They're wild animals. If it had dug its hole anywhere but next to my
foundation, I'd have no problem with it. Well, until it started eating my
strawberries. Then I'd want to eliminate it.
> ;-D
> --
> Best
> Greg


Don Shenkenberger[_8_] 24-04-2021 09:10 PM

RATZ...!!! :-(
On 4/24/2021 12:06 PM, jmcquown wrote:
> On 4/24/2021 7:35 AM, Bryan Simmons wrote:
>> On Thursday, April 22, 2021 at 11:15:13 PM UTC-5, Sqwertz wrote:
>>> On Thu, 22 Apr 2021 05:54:03 -0700 (PDT), wrote:
>>>> There is a serious rat infestation in our neighborhood. It started
>>>> years ago thanks to all the diligent backyard gardeners, open
>>>> compost piles
>>> That was really lame. Are you telling us you have rats in your
>>> hovel apartment (other than you, that is)?

>> Even w/o the header it was obviously not John.Â* It looked like it had
>> been written by a grownup.

> Obviously.Â* Not enough YELLING and he didn't tell the rats to **** OFF! ;)
> Jill the douchebag

It was supposed to be year of rat, but it became the year of bat instead.

Hank Rogers[_4_] 25-04-2021 12:08 AM

RATZ...!!! :-(
Bryan Simmons wrote:
> On Saturday, April 24, 2021 at 12:14:35 PM UTC-5, GM wrote:
>> On Saturday, April 24, 2021 at 6:35:19 AM UTC-5, wrote:
>>> On Thursday, April 22, 2021 at 11:15:13 PM UTC-5, Sqwertz wrote:
>>>> On Thu, 22 Apr 2021 05:54:03 -0700 (PDT), wrote:
>>>>> There is a serious rat infestation in our neighborhood. It started years ago thanks to all the diligent backyard gardeners, open compost piles and chickens. Ive had them in my house a couple of times. Im now as good as any pest control company in eliminating them from houses. But theyve still been in and under my garden shed complex. This year I decided to get serious.
>>>>> Step one was installing strong 1/4€³ wire mesh over any openings, at the rafters, eves, windows, etc. Then I covered any holes in the wood and at any gaps with sheet metal. That should keep them out, which is really the key to dealing with rats in houses or any structures. But theyve also created a warren of tunnels to nest in the gavel under the concrete slab the shed sits on. Yes, Ive baited and trapped (I found two desiccated carcasses today). But theres always more under there. So I decided to gas them.
>>>>> I covered up all the various openings to this warren with 3/8€³ minus gravel, except this one. I had an old 3€³ dryer vent laying around; one end went into the last hole, the other I cut and firmly attached wired on to the muffler of the recently found (at the curb) fresh B&S engine which I mounted on my beloved lightweight aluminum 60s Montgomery Ward mower, and let it run for almost half an hour.
>>>>> Tomorrow morning I will check all the gravel-covered openings to see if anyone survived and dug themselves out. Im betting not.
>>>>> This is one job an electric mower would not have been capable of.
>>>> That was really lame. Are you telling us you have rats in your
>>>> hovel apartment (other than you, that is)?
>>> Even w/o the header it was obviously not John. It looked like it had
>>> been written by a grownup.
>>> The groundhog that has tunneled under my house has approximately
>>> 24 hours to live.
>>>> That's Chicago for you.
>>> It smells less like urine than New York City.

>> Wouldn't a groundhog make a nice fuzzy pet...???

> They're wild animals. If it had dug its hole anywhere but next to my
> foundation, I'd have no problem with it. Well, until it started eating my
> strawberries. Then I'd want to eliminate it.
> --Bryan

You need friends. Master druce could coax it out, and Popeye could
**** it to death.

Hank Rogers[_4_] 25-04-2021 12:12 AM

RATZ...!!! :-(
Don Shenkenberger wrote:
> On 4/24/2021 12:06 PM, jmcquown wrote:
>> On 4/24/2021 7:35 AM, Bryan Simmons wrote:
>>> On Thursday, April 22, 2021 at 11:15:13 PM UTC-5, Sqwertz wrote:
>>>> On Thu, 22 Apr 2021 05:54:03 -0700 (PDT), wrote:
>>>>> There is a serious rat infestation in our neighborhood. It
>>>>> started years ago thanks to all the diligent backyard
>>>>> gardeners, open compost piles
>>>> That was really lame. Are you telling us you have rats in your
>>>> hovel apartment (other than you, that is)?
>>> Even w/o the header it was obviously not John.Â* It looked like
>>> it had
>>> been written by a grownup.

>> Obviously.Â* Not enough YELLING and he didn't tell the rats to
>> **** OFF! ;)
>> Jill the douchebag
> >

> It was supposed to be year of rat, but it became the year of bat
> instead.

Mope. Year of the asshat.

Bryan Simmons 25-04-2021 12:20 AM

RATZ...!!! :-(
On Saturday, April 24, 2021 at 5:08:30 PM UTC-5, Hank Rogers wrote:
> Bryan Simmons wrote:
> > On Saturday, April 24, 2021 at 12:14:35 PM UTC-5, GM wrote:
> >> On Saturday, April 24, 2021 at 6:35:19 AM UTC-5, wrote:
> >>> On Thursday, April 22, 2021 at 11:15:13 PM UTC-5, Sqwertz wrote:
> >>>> On Thu, 22 Apr 2021 05:54:03 -0700 (PDT), wrote:
> >>>>
> >>>>> There is a serious rat infestation in our neighborhood. It started years ago thanks to all the diligent backyard gardeners, open compost piles and chickens. Ive had them in my house a couple of times. Im now as good as any pest control company in eliminating them from houses. But theyve still been in and under my garden shed complex. This year I decided to get serious.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Step one was installing strong 1/4€³ wire mesh over any openings, at the rafters, eves, windows, etc. Then I covered any holes in the wood and at any gaps with sheet metal. That should keep them out, which is really the key to dealing with rats in houses or any structures. But theyve also created a warren of tunnels to nest in the gavel under the concrete slab the shed sits on. Yes, Ive baited and trapped (I found two desiccated carcasses today). But theres always more under there. So I decided to gas them.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> I covered up all the various openings to this warren with 3/8€³ minus gravel, except this one. I had an old 3€³ dryer vent laying around; one end went into the last hole, the other I cut and firmly attached wired on to the muffler of the recently found (at the curb) fresh B&S engine which I mounted on my beloved lightweight aluminum 60s Montgomery Ward mower, and let it run for almost half an hour.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Tomorrow morning I will check all the gravel-covered openings to see if anyone survived and dug themselves out. Im betting not.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> This is one job an electric mower would not have been capable of.
> >>>> That was really lame. Are you telling us you have rats in your
> >>>> hovel apartment (other than you, that is)?
> >>>>
> >>> Even w/o the header it was obviously not John. It looked like it had
> >>> been written by a grownup.
> >>> The groundhog that has tunneled under my house has approximately
> >>> 24 hours to live.
> >>>
> >>>>
> >>>> That's Chicago for you.
> >>>>
> >>> It smells less like urine than New York City.
> >> Wouldn't a groundhog make a nice fuzzy pet...???
> >>

> > They're wild animals. If it had dug its hole anywhere but next to my
> > foundation, I'd have no problem with it. Well, until it started eating my
> > strawberries. Then I'd want to eliminate it.
> > --Bryan
> >

> You need friends. Master druce could coax it out, and Popeye could
> **** it to death.

Hank, the Master lives on the other side of the planet, and Sheldon is
in no condition to **** a groundhog. Think twice, post once.


teel 26-04-2021 09:48 PM

RATZ...!!! :-(
Dr Bruce wrote:
> I fingered my ass for 30 minutes today.

Buttplug got too far in again did it?

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