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GM GM is offline
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Default OT: John Kuthe + That Poor Ear Of Corn

So it's been mentioned that John has used a corncob to stick up his anus and so pleasure himself...

I mentioned this to Mike Duffy in the "L Suddenly LOVE Carpet Tape! :-)' thread. that John initiated...

cshenk aka "Ca-wole", immediately horned in, replying to Mike, saying - in reference to me - "No, that was obviously a troll"...

For some strange reason, Carol thinks it is great that John Kuthe is a nurse - go figure, she even congratulated John on National Nursing Day awhiles ago...


If one wonders why John can't find stable employment after someone googles him, here is why. Here is the link to John's posts in that thread. In fact he initiated the "I just checked out on NG tube insertion!!!" -the second post down is his infamous "ear of corn" post:

TOPIC: "I just checked out on NG tube insertion!!!"

John Kuthe

Jan 30, 2007, 12:43:10 PM

"Can I practice on ya? ;-)
So I can give IM and subQ injections, catheterize ya, and insert a
nasogastric tube in ya too! And enemas, suppositories and oral/ocular/
topical/inhalant meds too. Next we start IV stuff!

Too bad I'm not a junkie! Junkies have LOTS of IV experience! Hee hee!

John Kuthe.."

.................................................. ...............................

John kuthe
Feb 5, 2007, 3:54:23 PM
On Feb 5, 9:20 am, "Renee" < ssbbwre ... @ > wrote:

> Yeah I once heard a story about a guy that had a 40-watt light bulb
> stuck in his rectum. I still don't 'get the whole foreign object
> insertion fetish. Aren't there enough actual toys designed for just
> such a purpose on the market today? Do people really need to start
> shoving things like bottles and bedposts up their asses? It just
> boggles the mind.

I guess it could be an economic thing. Sexual toys can be rather
> expensive and I guess some people are willing to cut corners in the
> monthly budget anyway they can ..... Hey honey, we're tapped out this
> month, would you mind sticking a leg from the kitchen chair up my ass
> tonight?

It's DarwinBait! Ya GOTTA use some good sense when deciding what to
put up yer ass. Believe me, I know! And NOT from any male -experiences
either. I've enjoyed anal stimulation for many years, on and off, and
unless you want a trip to the ER, ya gotta be VERY careful what you
use to stimulate yourself or anyone else that way !!

One of my fave's was an ear of corn with a condom over it! Bumpy, so
it provided good stimulation, good diameter, and wrapped / w /
disposable watertight cover so it was reusable. Just had to be careful
not to get overly aggressive as to the depth of penetration, cause it
was longer than ya want to ... well, you get the idea. And it made an
interesting coffee table conversation piece too! Hee hee! ;-)

John Kuthe ..."


  #2 (permalink)   Report Post  
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external usenet poster
Posts: 837
Default OT: John Kuthe + That Poor Ear Of Corn

On Sat, 12 Jun 2021 13:07:05 -0700 (PDT), GM
> wrote:

>So it's been mentioned that John has used a corncob to stick up his anus and so pleasure himself...
>I mentioned this to Mike Duffy in the "L Suddenly LOVE Carpet Tape! :-)' thread. that John initiated...
>cshenk aka "Ca-wole", immediately horned in, replying to Mike, saying - in reference to me - "No, that was obviously a troll"...
>For some strange reason, Carol thinks it is great that John Kuthe is a nurse - go figure, she even congratulated John on National Nursing Day awhiles ago...
> <shrug>
>If one wonders why John can't find stable employment after someone googles him, here is why. Here is the link to John's posts in that thread. In fact he initiated the "I just checked out on NG tube insertion!!!" -the second post down is his infamous "ear of corn" post:
>TOPIC: "I just checked out on NG tube insertion!!!"
>John Kuthe
>Jan 30, 2007, 12:43:10 PM
>"Can I practice on ya? ;-)
>So I can give IM and subQ injections, catheterize ya, and insert a
>nasogastric tube in ya too! And enemas, suppositories and oral/ocular/
>topical/inhalant meds too. Next we start IV stuff!
>Too bad I'm not a junkie! Junkies have LOTS of IV experience! Hee hee!
>John Kuthe.."
>................................................. ..............................
>John kuthe
>Feb 5, 2007, 3:54:23 PM
>On Feb 5, 9:20 am, "Renee" < ssbbwre ... @ > wrote:
>> Yeah I once heard a story about a guy that had a 40-watt light bulb
>> stuck in his rectum. I still don't 'get the whole foreign object
>> insertion fetish. Aren't there enough actual toys designed for just
>> such a purpose on the market today? Do people really need to start
>> shoving things like bottles and bedposts up their asses? It just
>> boggles the mind.

>I guess it could be an economic thing. Sexual toys can be rather
>> expensive and I guess some people are willing to cut corners in the
>> monthly budget anyway they can ..... Hey honey, we're tapped out this
>> month, would you mind sticking a leg from the kitchen chair up my ass
>> tonight?

>It's DarwinBait! Ya GOTTA use some good sense when deciding what to
>put up yer ass. Believe me, I know! And NOT from any male -experiences
>either. I've enjoyed anal stimulation for many years, on and off, and
>unless you want a trip to the ER, ya gotta be VERY careful what you
>use to stimulate yourself or anyone else that way !!
>One of my fave's was an ear of corn with a condom over it! Bumpy, so
>it provided good stimulation, good diameter, and wrapped / w /
>disposable watertight cover so it was reusable. Just had to be careful
>not to get overly aggressive as to the depth of penetration, cause it
>was longer than ya want to ... well, you get the idea. And it made an
>interesting coffee table conversation piece too! Hee hee! ;-)
>John Kuthe ..."

Ask them, theyre here. "You can stop saying that now. Thank you."
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