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  #41 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

rmg wrote:
> "Steelehtta" > wrote in message
> news:hf2ju01m11e2b04sbc2b715e1730851cbs@news...
>>Ah, this is one of my favorites. You have to understand where this
>>comes from. It all started with the women's magazines back in the
>>feminist heyday of the 70s and early 80s. There were all these
>>articles telling women that if they were over thirty and single their
>>train had left the station and there was a greater chance of being hit
>>by lightning than finding a man to marry them and impregnate them.
>>They gave all sorts of off the wall advice to women who had put the
>>careers first and their biological clocks were ticking so loud they
>>were suffering from hearing loss to dress provocatively and throw
>>themselves at men in public places. Two favorite ones were the gym
>>and the grocery store. Designing Women had a hilarious episode on
>>this. Ever since then the grocery store is considered a major
>>cruising park for busy successful people (read: desperate lonely
>>middle aged single people) whose battle gear seems to be bright
>>spandex that strategically calls attention to their reproductive

> Gee, feeling a little cynical and bitter today? LOL

Must be due to cross-posting disease.

gloria p
  #42 (permalink)   Report Post  
Tony P.
Posts: n/a

In article >, mrmiss2 says...
> TonyP. whined and whimpered:
> ">I don't know but it's things like there'll be an older person in front
> >of you that's got only a couple items and you've got a bag of cat
> >litter, a bag of cat food and 8 other items in one of those baskets"

> --------------------
> So, your point is ????

My point is the 20 something with two items wouldn't do that.

I should know better than to argue with anyone with an address that ends

  #43 (permalink)   Report Post  
Tony P.
Posts: n/a

In article >, mrmiss2 says...
> TonyP. whined and whimpered:
> ">I don't know but it's things like there'll be an older person in front
> >of you that's got only a couple items and you've got a bag of cat
> >litter, a bag of cat food and 8 other items in one of those baskets"

> --------------------
> So, your point is ????

My point is the 20 something with two items wouldn't do that.

I should know better than to argue with anyone with an address that ends

  #44 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

Siobhan Perricone wrote:

> And I love bitterballen! They're fantastic. It's sorta like deep fried
> balls of beef stew. Yum!

What, no recipe????

gloria p
  #45 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

"suzn" writes:
>"golamuh" wrote:
>> Well I hate kids anyplace. They are loud, rude, sniveling, carry disease

and stare at you.
>Funny you just described a large population of adults I know.....

You live in Texas.....

---= Move UNITED NATIONS To Paris =---
"Life would be devoid of all meaning were it without tribulation."

  #46 (permalink)   Report Post  
The Ranger
Posts: n/a

[alt.gossip.celebrities removed]

Rod Speed > wrote in message
> The Ranger > wrote in message

> > Melba's Jammin' > wrote George

> wrote
> >>> Abuse of Express X-items-or-less Lane elided

> >> Pity the checker-outer didn't speak first.

> > And get publicly reprimanded (or lose his/her job)
> > because the self-centered, Yes -- As A Matter of
> > Fact -- Your Universe Does Revolve Around Me,
> > "customer" chose to break an unenforceable policy?

> Mindless stuff. Of course its enforceable. No store
> has any legal obligation to accept a particular customer
> whose behaviour is unacceptible as long as that isnt
> done on the basis of race etc.

No store has a legal obligation to stay in business, either, and
negative press will assure that occurs. Negative "stories"
(experiences) are spread quicker than any positive experiences by a
10:1 ratio. Every person a manager or clerk ****es off will
immediately, and often indefinitely, go tell a twisted tale of woe
to everyone (friend and stranger, it won't matter) that doesn't
make haste trying to get away from them. And those same reluctant
listeners will spread that 2nd-hand tale of woe to another 10
people, personalizing it to draw in more listeners. Pretty soon the
store doesn't have enough customers to stay open because they
rigidly enforced some rules. That's why no one wants to be an ogre
about express lane enforcement. They _will_ miss that customer's
money -- and everyone that believed her story and stayed away.

> > The only time I saw a manager move a customer with
> > too many items from an express lane to the end of
> > another line was when he was moving on to another
> > job. He got a round of applause from those of us in
> > both express lanes. (Lucky's, 8/91, White and Alum
> > Rock.)

> Then that is obviously why arseholes have noticed
> they can get away with flouting the express lane rule.


The Ranger
"The Irish believe wiff a most-'oly furor that eatin' food shoul'
be a test of courage. If we can't boil it t' deff, fry it in a vat
o' grease, or stuff it in an animal intestine, we're posit've it
shouldn't be eaten."
-- John Woolery, London Underground, 1992

  #47 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

On Sun, 16 Jan 2005 12:56:19 -0500, Tony P.
> wrote:

> In article >, mrmiss2
> says...
> > TonyP. whined and whimpered:
> > ">I don't know but it's things like there'll be an older person in front
> > >of you that's got only a couple items and you've got a bag of cat
> > >litter, a bag of cat food and 8 other items in one of those baskets"

> > --------------------
> > So, your point is ????
> >
> >
> >

> My point is the 20 something with two items wouldn't do that.
> I should know better than to argue with anyone with an address that ends
> in

I'm still missing your point too. WHAT wouldn't a 20
something do?

  #48 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

On Sun, 16 Jan 2005 12:56:19 -0500, Tony P.
> wrote:

> In article >, mrmiss2
> says...
> > TonyP. whined and whimpered:
> > ">I don't know but it's things like there'll be an older person in front
> > >of you that's got only a couple items and you've got a bag of cat
> > >litter, a bag of cat food and 8 other items in one of those baskets"

> > --------------------
> > So, your point is ????
> >
> >
> >

> My point is the 20 something with two items wouldn't do that.
> I should know better than to argue with anyone with an address that ends
> in

I'm still missing your point too. WHAT wouldn't a 20
something do?

  #49 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

On Sun, 16 Jan 2005 09:08:45 -0800, Scott en Aztlán
> wrote:

> And then there are the people who stand AT the checkout to pack up all
> their shit, put their change into their wallet and/or coin purse, fold
> up their sales receipt and file it away, etc. etc., forcing the
> customer behind them to wait unnecessarily to begin checking out.
> Walking forward a couple of steps and THEN pack up their crap never
> occurs to these self-centered, inconsiderate assholes.

Perhaps you should keep a receipt book with you and hand
them a bill for wasting your oh, so precious time.

  #50 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

On Sun, 16 Jan 2005 09:08:45 -0800, Scott en Aztlán
> wrote:

> And then there are the people who stand AT the checkout to pack up all
> their shit, put their change into their wallet and/or coin purse, fold
> up their sales receipt and file it away, etc. etc., forcing the
> customer behind them to wait unnecessarily to begin checking out.
> Walking forward a couple of steps and THEN pack up their crap never
> occurs to these self-centered, inconsiderate assholes.

Perhaps you should keep a receipt book with you and hand
them a bill for wasting your oh, so precious time.


  #51 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

>Dave Smith
>>EskWIRED wrote:
>> IMO, the policy shoud be enforced by making those particular registers
>> ring up no more than the stated number of items. So if someone with 20
>> items goes to a 12 or less aisle, the only 12 can be rung up and a total
>> would be required before any more could be rung up.
>> "I'm sorry, but this register only rings up 12 items or less. There's
>> oting I ca do."

>Let's face it. Those numbers are arbitrary. Some say 8 items or less, some
>10 items or less, or 12 items or less. There are codes on everything these
>days, and a few extra items is no big deal, just a matter of a few seconds
>extra to pass them over the scanner. There are some things that aren't
>worth fighting over, and even if you are inclined to fight, you have to pick
>your battles. The stores want to come out ahead too.

Why can't yoose pinheads keep yer friggin' eyes on your own plate...

Ever notice how those so concerned with how many items never seem to have their
cash ready to pay, and then the inconsiderate *******s wanna pay by swiping
plastic or even worse, by check... and worst of all, food stamps... unless it's
cash ONLY it ain't express anyway, so who gives a rat's b-hind how many.

---= Move UNITED NATIONS To Paris =---
"Life would be devoid of all meaning were it without tribulation."
  #52 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

On Sun, 16 Jan 2005 08:55:55 -0500, George
> wrote:

> The guy in front of me says to the women "you must have 150 items in
> that cart" then I also reinforce that with a similar comment.

What made you think it was okay to create a scene in the
checkout line? Why didn't you leave it up to the checkout
clerk to point out she was in the wrong line? It's part of
their job. If the clerk allowed it, which I doubt, you
could have then complained to the manager.

  #53 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

On Sun, 16 Jan 2005 08:55:55 -0500, George
> wrote:

> The guy in front of me says to the women "you must have 150 items in
> that cart" then I also reinforce that with a similar comment.

What made you think it was okay to create a scene in the
checkout line? Why didn't you leave it up to the checkout
clerk to point out she was in the wrong line? It's part of
their job. If the clerk allowed it, which I doubt, you
could have then complained to the manager.

  #54 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

On Mon, 17 Jan 2005 04:11:44 +1100, "Rod Speed"
> wrote:

> Mindless stuff. Of course its enforceable.

And they DO enforce it... to bad the complainers come from
areas that train their staff so poorly.

  #55 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

On Mon, 17 Jan 2005 04:11:44 +1100, "Rod Speed"
> wrote:

> Mindless stuff. Of course its enforceable.

And they DO enforce it... to bad the complainers come from
areas that train their staff so poorly.


  #56 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

"Edwin Pawlowski" > wrote in message
> "The Ranger" > wrote in message
>>> Pity the checker-outer didn't speak first.

>> And get publicly reprimanded (or lose his/her job) because the
>> self-centered, Yes -- As A Matter of Fact -- Your Universe Does
>> Revolve Around Me, "customer" chose to break an unenforceable
>> policy?

>> The Ranger

> The checker outer should be given a reward, not a reprimand. The manager
> and at least some of the clerks at our local Stop & Shop have the balls to
> tell a customer "no". I'm not saying 14 items in the 12 and fewer, but
> a full cart just won't go.
> It can be an enforceable policy if the store wants it to be.

What often happens is the express cashier has no customers for a couple of
minutes, while non-express lines are long. A customer with a several items
too many makes a move toward the express lane, and the cahiser, thinking
she's being nice, waves her in. Then, immediately, 2 or 3 legitimate express
customers show up at once, and the cashier is caught. She can't tell the
first lady to leave.


  #57 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

On Sun, 16 Jan 2005 10:58:54 -0500, "Drew" >

> Usually they're like me, they go with a list, are well
> planned, know where everything is, get what they need,

That's what I hate about my husband doing the shopping. If
it's not on the list, he doesn't buy it. Not very flexible.

  #58 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

On Sun, 16 Jan 2005 10:58:54 -0500, "Drew" >

> Usually they're like me, they go with a list, are well
> planned, know where everything is, get what they need,

That's what I hate about my husband doing the shopping. If
it's not on the list, he doesn't buy it. Not very flexible.

  #59 (permalink)   Report Post  
The Ranger
Posts: n/a

On Sun, 16 Jan 2005 12:45:56 -0800, sf > wrote:
> > Mindless stuff. Of course its enforceable.

> And they DO enforce it... to bad the complainers come from
> areas that train their staff so poorly.

And of course you can provide the store name with its generic
address to back up your claims of "properly trained staff" that do
enforce the express lane counts? ("Safeway" alone doesn't count;
"Andronico's in Diablo" would.)

I've shopped at several Andronico's, Lunardi's, and Molly Stones,
BTW. While the clerks at each are very helpful, they wouldn't dare
tell a customer to get out of line and into the correct one. Same
with Gene's and Cosentino's, although the customers at both might
pelt the offenders with jeering comments; both chains have large
grey fox populations for clientele.

The Rangers
  #60 (permalink)   Report Post  
The Ranger
Posts: n/a

On Sun, 16 Jan 2005 12:45:56 -0800, sf > wrote:
> > Mindless stuff. Of course its enforceable.

> And they DO enforce it... to bad the complainers come from
> areas that train their staff so poorly.

And of course you can provide the store name with its generic
address to back up your claims of "properly trained staff" that do
enforce the express lane counts? ("Safeway" alone doesn't count;
"Andronico's in Diablo" would.)

I've shopped at several Andronico's, Lunardi's, and Molly Stones,
BTW. While the clerks at each are very helpful, they wouldn't dare
tell a customer to get out of line and into the correct one. Same
with Gene's and Cosentino's, although the customers at both might
pelt the offenders with jeering comments; both chains have large
grey fox populations for clientele.

The Rangers

  #61 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

sf wrote:
> On Sun, 16 Jan 2005 10:58:54 -0500, "Drew"
> > wrote:
>> Usually they're like me, they go with a list, are well
>> planned, know where everything is, get what they need,

> That's what I hate about my husband doing the shopping.
> If it's not on the list, he doesn't buy it. Not very
> flexible.
> sf

Is he a mind reader? If you needed it so badly, why wasn't it on the

  #62 (permalink)   Report Post  
Dave Smith
Posts: n/a

sf wrote:

> On Sun, 16 Jan 2005 10:58:54 -0500, "Drew" >
> wrote:
> > Usually they're like me, they go with a list, are well
> > planned, know where everything is, get what they need,

> That's what I hate about my husband doing the shopping. If
> it's not on the list, he doesn't buy it. Not very flexible.

You should have tried shopping with my late brother in law. A
mere list was not good enough for him. He had maps of the layout
of the grocery stores in his town. The list was written in the
order of location.

  #63 (permalink)   Report Post  
Edwin Pawlowski
Posts: n/a

"skoonj" > wrote in message
> What often happens is the express cashier has no customers for a couple of
> minutes, while non-express lines are long. A customer with a several items
> too many makes a move toward the express lane, and the cahiser, thinking
> she's being nice, waves her in. Then, immediately, 2 or 3 legitimate
> express customers show up at once, and the cashier is caught. She can't
> tell the first lady to leave.
> -T

I've seen that and even done that with a few items over. I also bag and
have my money ready to speed things up. . But I'd not get in the existing
line like some people do.

  #64 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

> Barbara Llorente

"Drew" wrote:
>> Usually they're like me, they go with a list, are well
>> planned, know where everything is, get what they need,

>That's what I hate about my husband doing the shopping. If
>it's not on the list, he doesn't buy it. Not very flexible.

Yeah, but... then you'd castrate/castigate him.... can't win for losing.

---= Move UNITED NATIONS To Paris =---
"Life would be devoid of all meaning were it without tribulation."
  #65 (permalink)   Report Post  
Rod Speed
Posts: n/a

The Ranger > wrote in
message ...
> Rod Speed > wrote
>> The Ranger > wrote
>>> Melba's Jammin' > wrote
>>>> George > wrote

>>>>> Abuse of Express X-items-or-less Lane elided

>>>> Pity the checker-outer didn't speak first.

>>> And get publicly reprimanded (or lose his/her job)
>>> because the self-centered, Yes -- As A Matter of
>>> Fact -- Your Universe Does Revolve Around Me,
>>> "customer" chose to break an unenforceable policy?

>> Mindless stuff. Of course its enforceable. No store
>> has any legal obligation to accept a particular customer
>> whose behaviour is unacceptible as long as that isnt
>> done on the basis of race etc.

> No store has a legal obligation to stay in business, either,

No store is gunna go out of business enforcing express
lane rules, as long as that is done sensibly and isnt done
when the customer is only an item or two over the limit.

> and negative press will assure that occurs.

Complete and utter drivel. Its likely to ATTRACT
customers to that store when they know that the
express lane wont have arseholes that are well
over the limit in it except when its empty etc.

> Negative "stories" (experiences) are spread quicker
> than any positive experiences by a 10:1 ratio.

True in spades when the express lane limits ARENT enforced, stupid.

> Every person a manager or clerk ****es off will immediately,
> and often indefinitely, go tell a twisted tale of woe to
> everyone (friend and stranger, it won't matter) that
> doesn't make haste trying to get away from them.

Mindless silly stuff, like the original.

> And those same reluctant listeners will spread that 2nd-hand tale of
> woe to another 10 people, personalizing it to draw in more listeners.

They're MUCH more likely to spread the word that the
express lane rules are adhered to in the particular store.

> Pretty soon the store doesn't have enough customers
> to stay open because they rigidly enforced some rules.

Never said a word about rigidly.

> That's why no one wants to be an
> ogre about express lane enforcement.

Never said a word about an ogre either.

> They _will_ miss that customer's money -- and
> everyone that believed her story and stayed away.

And they'll gain the customers who use the express lanes and
like to see them used only by customers who are in a hurry.

>>> The only time I saw a manager move a customer with
>>> too many items from an express lane to the end of
>>> another line was when he was moving on to another
>>> job. He got a round of applause from those of us in
>>> both express lanes. (Lucky's, 8/91, White and Alum
>>> Rock.)

>> Then that is obviously why arseholes have noticed
>> they can get away with flouting the express lane rule.

> Right...

Fraid so.

  #68 (permalink)   Report Post  
The Ranger
Posts: n/a

Rod Speed > wrote in message
> > and negative press will assure that occurs.

> Complete and utter drivel. Its likely to ATTRACT
> customers to that store when they know that the
> express lane wont have arseholes that are well
> over the limit in it except when its empty etc.

When was the last time you said something positive about a
business? And how many people did you tell about it? Now think
about the number of times within the last week where the buying
experience was less than what you thought it should be: How many
people did you tell about those experiences? How often? Did the
listeners have similar stories of woe?

It's almost laughable that you would think enforcement of express
lane useage would bring in a higher customer count. Customers that
use express lanes regularly don't go to stores out of their way...
These min-max shoppers go to stores that are convenient,
affordable, and don't **** them off _too_ much. A customer that's
purchasing a cart of groceries every week is going to be given a
lot more slack -- whether it's deserved or not -- and that's not
going to happen if staff and managers torque them by enforcing the
express lane rule.

The Ranger
"Life should NOT be a journey to the grave with the intention of
arriving safely, in an attractive and well-preserved body. Rather
one should skid in sideways, chocolate in one hand, martini in the
other, body thoroughly used up, totally worn out while screaming
'WOO HOO! What a ride!'"

  #69 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

On Sun, 16 Jan 2005 12:59:09 -0800, The Ranger
> wrote:

> On Sun, 16 Jan 2005 12:45:56 -0800, sf > wrote:
> > > Mindless stuff. Of course its enforceable.

> >
> > And they DO enforce it... to bad the complainers come from
> > areas that train their staff so poorly.

> And of course you can provide the store name with its generic
> address to back up your claims of "properly trained staff" that do
> enforce the express lane counts? ("Safeway" alone doesn't count;
> "Andronico's in Diablo" would.)

The Safeway on Monterey Ave. for starters. While they
aren't going to bat an eye at 2 items over, they certainly
do tell customers who are grossly over the limit which isle
they should be standing in.... and I've never witnessed a
confrontation over it.

  #70 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

PENMART01 wrote:
> Ever notice how those so concerned with how many items never seem to have their
> cash ready to pay, and then the inconsiderate *******s wanna pay by swiping
> plastic or even worse, by check... and worst of all, food stamps... unless it's
> cash ONLY it ain't express anyway, so who gives a rat's b-hind how many.

Plastic is faster than cash; the minimum-wage cashiers can't count
change. But that's a rant for another day...

Best regards,

  #71 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

PENMART01 wrote:
> Ever notice how those so concerned with how many items never seem to have their
> cash ready to pay, and then the inconsiderate *******s wanna pay by swiping
> plastic or even worse, by check... and worst of all, food stamps... unless it's
> cash ONLY it ain't express anyway, so who gives a rat's b-hind how many.

Plastic is faster than cash; the minimum-wage cashiers can't count
change. But that's a rant for another day...

Best regards,
  #72 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

On Sun, 16 Jan 2005 16:05:49 -0500, Dave Smith
> wrote:

> You should have tried shopping with my late brother in law. A
> mere list was not good enough for him. He had maps of the layout
> of the grocery stores in his town. The list was written in the
> order of location.

That would drive me absolutely bananas!

  #73 (permalink)   Report Post  
Rod Speed
Posts: n/a

The Ranger > wrote in
message ...
> Rod Speed > wrote

>>> and negative press will assure that occurs.

>> Complete and utter drivel. Its likely to ATTRACT
>> customers to that store when they know that the
>> express lane wont have arseholes that are well
>> over the limit in it except when its empty etc.

> When was the last time you said
> something positive about a business?

Just recently, actually.

> And how many people did you tell about it?

Impossible to quantify since I did it in usenet.

> Now think about the number of times within
> the last week where the buying experience
> was less than what you thought it should be:

None, actually.

> How many people did you tell about those experiences?


> How often?


> Did the listeners have similar stories of woe?


> It's almost laughable that you would think enforcement of
> express lane useage would bring in a higher customer count.

Only for pig ignorant fools like you. A number have said in
here already that they would patronise stores that they know
do stomp on the worst abuse of express lanes like arseholes
ramming in with full trolleys when there are customers with
below the limit number of items. And thats only in hours yet.

> Customers that use express lanes
> regularly don't go to stores out of their way...

They may well have a choice of store available tho.

> These min-max shoppers go to stores that are convenient,
> affordable, and don't **** them off _too_ much.

And they may well have a choice between a store that is known
to stop arseholes with full trolleys using the express lanes, just
like they may well choose to use stores that have express lanes too.

> A customer that's purchasing a cart of groceries
> every week is going to be given a lot more slack
> -- whether it's deserved or not

Only by fools like you who havent got
a clue about what customers care about.

Those other customers likely do have cart fulls a well and
are likely just getting what they forgot to get in the full cart.

> -- and that's not going to happen if staff and managers
> torque them by enforcing the express lane rule.

No surprise that so many stores are badly run with fools like you involved.

Presumably thats a result of the fact that anyone
with a clue aint silly enough to end up store manager.

  #74 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

skoonj wrot
> What often happens is the express cashier has no customers for a couple of
> minutes, while non-express lines are long. A customer with a several items
> too many makes a move toward the express lane, and the cahiser, thinking
> she's being nice, waves her in. Then, immediately, 2 or 3 legitimate express
> customers show up at once, and the cashier is caught. She can't tell the
> first lady to leave.
> -T

Bingo! This happens to me frequently when things are slow at
the store. I've shopped at the same Albertson's for 20 years
since moving here and most of the cashiers know me.

I shop often so rarely have many items in the cart.
I usually think that if all my groceries fit in the child-seat
part of the cart, chances are I don't have more than the limit
of 14 items anyway.

Whenever I have more than one or two items if there's someone
behind me with fewer I always ask if they want to go ahead.
It's no big deal, I rarely grocery shop when I'm in a hurry.

gloria p
  #75 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

>Barbara Llorente

>>(PENMART01) wrote:
>> Yeah, but... then you'd castrate/castigate him.... can't win for losing.

>No, actually - I like it when he gets everything on the list
>and uses some common sense about what might be needed in the
>near future.

Hmm, "some" common sense... how much is "some"?

His common sense picks probably wouldn't jibe with your common sense picks....
so as long as there's no castigating...

But the thing is if the shopper is sensitive to pick unlisted items for both...
like a couple boxes Cheese-Its and a case of brewski for him but to bring you
an assortment of Cadbury's bars and a jug of sherry... one sided common sense
is what defines "some".

---= Move UNITED NATIONS To Paris =---
"Life would be devoid of all meaning were it without tribulation."

  #76 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

>Barbara Llorente

>>(PENMART01) wrote:
>> Yeah, but... then you'd castrate/castigate him.... can't win for losing.

>No, actually - I like it when he gets everything on the list
>and uses some common sense about what might be needed in the
>near future.

Hmm, "some" common sense... how much is "some"?

His common sense picks probably wouldn't jibe with your common sense picks....
so as long as there's no castigating...

But the thing is if the shopper is sensitive to pick unlisted items for both...
like a couple boxes Cheese-Its and a case of brewski for him but to bring you
an assortment of Cadbury's bars and a jug of sherry... one sided common sense
is what defines "some".

---= Move UNITED NATIONS To Paris =---
"Life would be devoid of all meaning were it without tribulation."
  #77 (permalink)   Report Post  
The Ranger
Posts: n/a

sf > wrote in message
> On Sun, 16 Jan 2005 12:59:09 -0800, The Ranger

> wrote:
> > On Sun, 16 Jan 2005 12:45:56 -0800, sf >

> > > > Mindless stuff. Of course its enforceable.
> > >
> > > And they DO enforce it... to bad the complainers come from
> > > areas that train their staff so poorly.

> >
> > And of course you can provide the store name with its generic
> > address to back up your claims of "properly trained staff"

that do
> > enforce the express lane counts? ("Safeway" alone doesn't

> > "Andronico's in Diablo" would.)
> >

> The Safeway on Monterey Ave. for starters. While they
> aren't going to bat an eye at 2 items over, they certainly
> do tell customers who are grossly over the limit which isle
> they should be standing in.... and I've never witnessed a
> confrontation over it.

Wow. Two things amaze me over this: 1) That a clerk at Safeway
would have the backbone to say ANYTHING negative to a customer and
2) that none of the customers being reminded of what an express
lane is got huffy over being reminded by that clerk... Good for
those clerks, on both counts.

I, OTOH, have seen just the oppostive, to the point that I don't
shop in Safeway without a specific loss-leader list. Andronico's
sees my money a lot less, too, nowadays.

The Ranger

  #78 (permalink)   Report Post  
Bob Myers
Posts: n/a

"sf" > wrote in message
> On Sun, 16 Jan 2005 00:07:18 -0500, Tony P.
> > wrote:
> > Why is it that in the places where it's sunny and warm for 80% of the
> > year, 99% of the people who already live there are assholes.

> They aren't complaining, but you are - so stay put. You
> can't handle life in the fast lane.

The funny bit about this is that you seem to actually
believe that this IS "life in the fast lane" - or that there's
a fast lane in the first place, for that matter...

Bob M.

  #79 (permalink)   Report Post  
Dave Smith
Posts: n/a

sf wrote:

> > You should have tried shopping with my late brother in law. A
> > mere list was not good enough for him. He had maps of the layout
> > of the grocery stores in his town. The list was written in the
> > order of location.

> That would drive me absolutely bananas!

Yep. And that was only the tip of the ice berg :-)

  #80 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

>zxcvbob writes:
>>PENMART01 wrote:
>> Ever notice how those so concerned with how many items never seem to have

>> cash ready to pay, and then the inconsiderate *******s wanna pay by swiping
>> plastic or even worse, by check... and worst of all, food stamps... unless

>> cash ONLY it ain't express anyway, so who gives a rat's b-hind how many.

>Plastic is faster than cash; the minimum-wage cashiers can't count

I've never yet found that to be true... I find myself inevitably waiting for
those plastic swipers, who can't remember PINs, haven't enough balance
remaining so have to put stuff back, *and they want cash back too anyway*
(blows your counting theory).... plus the friggin' low life food stampers who
split orders; the milk, OJ, and bread for stamps, the beer and cigs they pay by
check and want cash back yet (food stamps should be redeemed only at food stamp
redemption centers, embarrass the *******s, maybe the worthless dreck will get
a JOB... probably not).

Today's registers totally total and indicate exact change, and I've not
encountered any checker who couldn't count back the change indicated.... maybe
you live in some hillybilly state, where counting doesn't turn out so good on
six fingers.

I always pay for groceries with cash. I have a debit card. I also have an ATM
card. Bank sent both years ago. But I've never used either, don't even know
if they work. I do have a credit card, that I do use when need be... but after
using it for more than 30 years I've never yet paid even 1¢ in interest.

Cash is fastest... generates no paper, no mail, NO DEBT!

---= Move UNITED NATIONS To Paris =---
"Life would be devoid of all meaning were it without tribulation."
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