Cincinnati Style Chili - indi Garam Masala?
There seems to be a recipe for Cincinnati style chili for every chili eater. Most of them seem to use pretty much the same spices in varying quanities. I'm not one who likes a lot of the commercially made spice blends, I'd rather "play chemist" and make my own blend on the spot for the dish at hand BUT while touring a local indian (India indian, not cowboys-n-indians) grocery I found a mix called Garam Masala that contains the spices common to most cinci chilies. I use a heaping tablespoon of this stuff with a pound of ground beef, about a tablespoon of salt and a tablespoon or two of Sugar in the Raw. Cover the mass well with water, simmer a couple of hours... I also add an extra tablespoon of garlic... You know the presentation, ladled over spagheti, a layer of kidney beans, a palm of diced onion, topped with a mountain of fine shreaded mild chedar, a dash of red hot (or tabasco), oyster crackers... Makes a pretty close copy of Gold Star brand or Sykline brand Cincinnati style chili... Also good with a dog on a bun, a smear of mustard, some diced onion, shreaded cheese... Those parlors also serve it without the dog, just more chili! Visit their sites so see what I'm talking about... The meat sauce refrigerates well and seems to get a little hotter on the second or third day...