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  #1 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a
Default France calls for fresh start w/ USA--(Ha! it worked!)

Ha! It worked! Our boycott of French products. In today's Drudge
Report there was a headline "France calls for fresh start in
relationship with USA."
I haven't bought French wine, or other products for a year and a
half. I even found a Canadian Brie cheese. And "Rouge & Noir" Brie and
Camembert cheeses are made in Petaluma, California, (despite their
French name) and are rated equal to, and even better than French
cheeses. I won't forget the image of the French president hugging the
German Prime Minister and laughing. (Middle Eastern money planted in
French banks is said to be one reason.)
My daughter and I used to spend 2 weeks in France every year. No
more. And she and her husband are world travelers, and they skip
France now, too.
NY City restaurants have made pleas to customers to please help them
unload French wines that are just sitting on their shelves. Good!
Now they want to be "friends". Hm-m-m!

  #2 (permalink)   Report Post  
Nathalie Chiva
Posts: n/a

On 7 Feb 2005 20:19:37 -0800, "nancree" > wrote:

>Ha! It worked! Our boycott of French products.

ROTFLMAO. That's priceless. No it didn't work. Exports to the US are a
tiny portion of French export. What did work was GWB needing all the
help he can get in Iraq, and so conveniently "forgiving" the

Nathalie in Switzerland (both Swiss and French)
  #3 (permalink)   Report Post  
Rona Yuthasastrakosol
Posts: n/a

nancree wrote:
> Ha! It worked! Our boycott of French products. In today's Drudge
> Report there was a headline "France calls for fresh start in
> relationship with USA."
> I haven't bought French wine, or other products for a year and a
> half. I even found a Canadian Brie cheese.

You should have been boycotting Canadian products, as well. Canada also
declined to take part in the "war" your oh-so-great president started.


***For e-mail, replace .com with .ca Sorry for the inconvenience!***

"[America] is filled with people who decided not to live in Europe. We
had people who really wanted to live in Europe, but didn't have the
energy to go back. We call them Canadians." ---Grover Norquist in
Newsweek, November 22, 2004

  #4 (permalink)   Report Post  
Dave W.
Posts: n/a

In article . com>,
"nancree" > wrote:

> Ha! It worked! Our boycott of French products. In today's Drudge
> Report there was a headline "France calls for fresh start in
> relationship with USA."

> Nancree

You appear to be delusional. Seek help.


Living in the Ozarks
For email, edu will do.

During times of universal deceit, telling the truth
becomes a revolutionary act. - George Orwell, (1903-1950)
  #5 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

>Ha! It worked! Our boycott of French products. In today's Drudge
>Report there was a headline "France calls for fresh start in
>relationship with USA."
> I haven't bought French wine, or other products for a year and a
>half. I even found a Canadian Brie cheese. And "Rouge & Noir" Brie and
>Camembert cheeses are made in Petaluma, California, (despite their
>French name) and are rated equal to, and even better than French
>cheeses. I won't forget the image of the French president hugging the
>German Prime Minister and laughing. (Middle Eastern money planted in
>French banks is said to be one reason.)
> My daughter and I used to spend 2 weeks in France every year. No
>more. And she and her husband are world travelers, and they skip
>France now, too.
> NY City restaurants have made pleas to customers to please help them
>unload French wines that are just sitting on their shelves. Good!
> Now they want to be "friends". Hm-m-m!
> Nancree

I'm with you Nan. At first I didn't boycott anything , but as the voices got
louder and nastier, I decided I can spend my dollars where I like.

Have made an effort to not buy French products or German either. I have not
suffered one bit !! LOL

We make semi frequent trips to Europe but have put them on hold, at least to
certain countries.

I am very interested in where the Oil for Food investigation will take us..

  #6 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

> I haven't bought French wine, or other products for a year and a
>half. I even found a Canadian Brie cheese.

"Freedom Cheese" ?
  #7 (permalink)   Report Post  
Dave Smith
Posts: n/a

nancree wrote:

> Ha! It worked! Our boycott of French products. In today's Drudge
> Report there was a headline "France calls for fresh start in
> relationship with USA."

That's an interesting take on it, since it was Rice who went to Europe to
try to mend the rift that happened after Germany and France refused to
participate in Bush's war on Saddam when they remained unconvinced that
there was enough evidence of WMDs to justify an invasion. I realize that
it is hard for some people to admit that they were wrong, but it's been
almost two years and no WMDs were found. France and Germany had every
reason not to participate in this dirty little war. Friends try no to let
their friends make fools of themselves.

> I haven't bought French wine, or other products for a year and a
> half. I even found a Canadian Brie cheese. And "Rouge & Noir" Brie and
> Camembert cheeses are made in Petaluma, California, (despite their
> French name) and are rated equal to, and even better than French
> cheeses.

Perhaps this is where the genius of Bush's economic program makes itself
clear. By running the economy into the ground he has forced the value of
the US dollar to plummet. As a result, many Americans can no longer afford
to buy European imports or to travel. They can now afford only to travel
and buy within in their own country.

> I won't forget the image of the French president hugging the
> German Prime Minister and laughing. (Middle Eastern money planted in
> French banks is said to be one reason.)

That sounds like the sort of comment one would hear from FOX news. Perhaps
it also alluded to all the supplies and equipment for WMD plants that are
alleged to have been provided to Saddam by France and Germany. Do a little
web surfing to find out what American companies and their foreign
subsidiaries have been selling him. Talk about the pot calling the kettle

> NY City restaurants have made pleas to customers to please help them
> unload French wines that are just sitting on their shelves. Good!
> Now they want to be "friends". Hm-m-m!

Look at the big picture. It's the US that has egg on its face over Iraq,
and it's going to take a long time to get over.

  #8 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

nancree wrote:
> Ha! It worked! Our boycott of French products. In today's Drudge
> Report there was a headline "France calls for fresh start in
> relationship with USA."

Actually, the U.S. has been calling for quite some time for a new
start, a rapproachment, with France and Germany. One of the major
goals of Ms. Rice's visit to Europe is to start mending the fences of
those friendships strained by the invasion of Iraq. Haven't you read
that Bush and company now admit that the French and German position was
correct, that there are/were no WMDs in Iraq? One has to read a good
newspaper, not the Drudge Report, if one wants to stay informed about
current affairs.

> I haven't bought French wine, or other products for a year and a
> half.

I hope you've been buying domestic (U.S.) wines from CA, OR, WA.
Terrific wines. But the French wine industry hasn't noticed anyone's
absence from the market; sales have increased, including sales to the

I even found a Canadian Brie cheese. And "Rouge & Noir" Brie and
> Camembert cheeses are made in Petaluma, California, (despite their
> French name) and are rated equal to, and even better than French
> cheeses.

I don't know who would have rated Rouge & Noir cheeses better than the
best French brie and camembert cheeses. Rouge & Noir cheeses aren't bad
but don't come close, for example, to Brie de Meaux.

I won't forget the image of the French president hugging the
> German Prime Minister and laughing. (Middle Eastern money planted in
> French banks is said to be one reason.)

Then why is Chirac hugging the *German* PM.? According to your
position, Chirac ought to be hugging and laughing it up with the Saudi
King....oh dear, now there is a nation that probably doesn't buy much
French wine.

> My daughter and I used to spend 2 weeks in France every year. No
> more. And she and her husband are world travelers, and they skip
> France now, too.

Well, the U.S. dollar has tanked against the euro. Actually, while you
and your daughter obviously enjoyed France, perhaps it's good that
you're free now to visit other countries. Travel is supposed to be a
broadening experience. But did you know that it's very difficult to
find a good rental in France? Hotels, pension, country inns, cottages
in the South of France, are booked tightly....not all that many
travelers are staying away, except possibly low-budget travelers whose
dollars have shrunk against the euro.

> NY City restaurants have made pleas to customers to please help

> unload French wines that are just sitting on their shelves.

That's not right. Sales of French wine in NYC have increased. Are
those restauranteurs giving away that wine on the shelves? (Besides
good wine isn't stored on *shelves*.) I bet not. I have no doubt that
a waitron or sommelier will encourage the purchase of a bottle of wine,
but *pleading* with a customer to take a forsaken bottle of Chateau
Margaux or Chateau Petrus?

Now they want to be "friends". Hm-m-m!

As mentioned above, it's the U.S. which wants to renew the friendship
of France and Germany. I hope Ms. Rice's pilgrimage is successful and
France and Germany overlook the idiocy that has led, so far, to over
1400 pointless deaths of U.S. military, over 100,000 Iraqi civilian
deaths, the destruction of the Iraqi infrastructure, the revitalization
of fanatic terrorists, and cost of hundreds of billions of dollars.


  #9 (permalink)   Report Post  
Vox Humana
Posts: n/a

"nancree" > wrote in message
> Ha! It worked! Our boycott of French products. In today's Drudge
> Report there was a headline "France calls for fresh start in
> relationship with USA."

Like Matt Drudge has any credibility.

  #10 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

>Ha! It worked! Our boycott of French products. In today's Drudge
>Report there was a headline "France calls for fresh start!

Fresh Start... is that like a brand of soap... nah, don't tell me, the filthy
frogs are gonna begin to bathe.... sacre bleu!

---= Move UNITED NATIONS To Paris =---
"Life would be devoid of all meaning were it without tribulation."

  #11 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

"Dog3" > wrote in message
> "Rona Yuthasastrakosol" > wrote in
> :
> > nancree wrote:
> >> Ha! It worked! Our boycott of French products. In today's Drudge
> >> Report there was a headline "France calls for fresh start in
> >> relationship with USA."
> >> I haven't bought French wine, or other products for a year and a
> >> half. I even found a Canadian Brie cheese.

> >
> > You should have been boycotting Canadian products, as well. Canada also
> > declined to take part in the "war" your oh-so-great president started.
> >
> > rona
> >

> He is not *my* great president ;(

Nor mine. He seems to be Nancree's, though. Whatever...


  #12 (permalink)   Report Post  
Default User
Posts: n/a

nancree wrote:

Another off-topic political scree from Nancree. What, taking a break
from whinging about people not putting their cities in their posts?



  #13 (permalink)   Report Post  
Peter Aitken
Posts: n/a

"Dog3" > wrote in message
> "nancree" > wrote in
>> Ha! It worked! Our boycott of French products. In today's Drudge
>> Report there was a headline "France calls for fresh start in
>> relationship with USA."
>> I haven't bought French wine, or other products for a year and a
>> half. I even found a Canadian Brie cheese. And "Rouge & Noir" Brie and
>> Camembert cheeses are made in Petaluma, California, (despite their
>> French name) and are rated equal to, and even better than French
>> cheeses. I won't forget the image of the French president hugging the
>> German Prime Minister and laughing. (Middle Eastern money planted in
>> French banks is said to be one reason.)
>> My daughter and I used to spend 2 weeks in France every year. No
>> more. And she and her husband are world travelers, and they skip
>> France now, too.
>> NY City restaurants have made pleas to customers to please help them
>> unload French wines that are just sitting on their shelves. Good!
>> Now they want to be "friends". Hm-m-m!
>> Nancree

> Oh Puhleeze Nancree. Why would you deny yourself French items that you may
> like? The boycott was absurd IMO. And cancelling a vacation? Sheesh...
> Michael

Isn't the silliness of some people astounding? Given that we now know that
France was right about Iraq and the invasion in almost every particular you
would think that the boycott bozos might just learn something, but I am not
holding my breath.

Peter Aitken

Remove the crap from my email address before using.

  #14 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

Some people certainly choose to not have sex before marriage and some
even choose never to have any (not to be confused with those who don't
get any but would very much like to). Some people also choose to not
drink wine because it is alchohol. Some people only eat salads with
diet Ranch dressing. So it certainly doesn't surprise me that someone
will choose to drink fine wine from Iowa, vacation in Minetonka and eat
process cheese in an effort to hurt the French. What irritates me a lot
certainly seem to be fine with the issue of sex, they drink wine like
crazy, they have the best food and now they even got rid of the
annoying tourists. How is that fair??

  #15 (permalink)   Report Post  
Gregory Morrow
Posts: n/a

Fifo wrote:

> Some people certainly choose to not have sex before marriage and some
> even choose never to have any (not to be confused with those who don't
> get any but would very much like to). Some people also choose to not
> drink wine because it is alchohol. Some people only eat salads with
> diet Ranch dressing. So it certainly doesn't surprise me that someone
> will choose to drink fine wine from Iowa, vacation in Minetonka and eat
> process cheese in an effort to hurt the French. What irritates me a lot
> certainly seem to be fine with the issue of sex, they drink wine like
> crazy, they have the best food and now they even got rid of the
> annoying tourists. How is that fair??

But the frogs are the biggest America - wannabees on the face of the earth,
that is a fact. The fact that they are merely French and not American
really has to rankle them.

Nobody's jealous of the French but the French are jealous of everybody.


  #16 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

Amen. Frankly, I was embarrassed at the childish rudeness visited upon
the French and Germans by the President, Vice President and their
supporters in Congress in the spring of 2003. Let diplomats disagree,
but is it too much to ask that they do it like adults and statesmen
rather than with all the puerile hostility of 7th graders at recess?
They represent us, and they made us look terrible. Given the way
things have been going in Iraq, I don't blame the French and the
Germans for one minute for not wanting to sink their troops and money
into GWB's ridiculous war. Many people in the UK probably wish Blair
had not supported Bush.

I will say, I found it moving and courageous to see the Iraqis go to
the polls on Jan 30th. They paid a hell of a price for that election
with all the death, blood, and chaos going on in their country, though,
and it's about time they got some benefit out of this whole mess.The
trick will be to see if there's a second Iraqi election, and whether
the candidates for office will dare to run openly at that time. But I
do not forget or excuse for one minute that we were lied to about those
Weapons of Mass Destruction that turned out not to be there. I will
never forgive a President who lies to start a war.


  #17 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

Gregory Morrow wrote:
> Fifo wrote:
> > Some people certainly choose to not have sex before marriage and

> > even choose never to have any (not to be confused with those who

> > get any but would very much like to). Some people also choose to

> > drink wine because it is alchohol. Some people only eat salads with
> > diet Ranch dressing. So it certainly doesn't surprise me that

> > will choose to drink fine wine from Iowa, vacation in Minetonka and

> > process cheese in an effort to hurt the French. What irritates me a

> > certainly seem to be fine with the issue of sex, they drink wine

> > crazy, they have the best food and now they even got rid of the
> > annoying tourists. How is that fair??

> But the frogs are the biggest America - wannabees on the face of the

> that is a fact. The fact that they are merely French and not

> really has to rankle them.
> Nobody's jealous of the French but the French are jealous of


You are missing the point. What I am saying is that if we want to
really punish the French we should all go over there on vacation, drink
all of their wine and eat all of their cheese so there's none left for
them. Then we should probably proceed to insist that they replace the
wine with Bud Light, eat process cheese pizza, not drink untill they
are 21, and start wearing full body armour at the beach.

  #18 (permalink)   Report Post  
Arri London
Posts: n/a

nancree wrote:
> Ha! It worked! Our boycott of French products. In today's Drudge
> Report there was a headline "France calls for fresh start in
> relationship with USA."


You do realise that the US is *not* France's largest trading partner in
either volume or monetary value?
  #19 (permalink)   Report Post  
Michel Boucher
Posts: n/a

"Fifo" > wrote in

> Some people certainly choose to not have sex before marriage and
> some even choose never to have any (not to be confused with those
> who don't get any but would very much like to). Some people also
> choose to not drink wine because it is alchohol. Some people only
> eat salads with diet Ranch dressing. So it certainly doesn't
> surprise me that someone will choose to drink fine wine from Iowa,
> vacation in Minetonka and eat process cheese in an effort to hurt
> the French. What irritates me a lot is WHY IS IT ALWAYS THE FRENCH
> THAT GET THE BEST DEAL???? They certainly seem to be fine with the
> issue of sex, they drink wine like crazy, they have the best food
> and now they even got rid of the annoying tourists. How is that
> fair??

No one ever said that life was fair.


[...] remember when you're feeling very small and insecure,
How amazingly unlikely is your birth
And pray that there's intelligent life somewhere up in space,
'Cause there's bugger all down 'ere on Earth!

Monty Python's Universe Song
  #20 (permalink)   Report Post  
Michel Boucher
Posts: n/a

"Gregory Morrow"

> Fifo wrote:
>> Some people certainly choose to not have sex before marriage and
>> some even choose never to have any (not to be confused with those
>> who don't get any but would very much like to). Some people also
>> choose to not drink wine because it is alchohol. Some people only
>> eat salads with diet Ranch dressing. So it certainly doesn't
>> surprise me that someone will choose to drink fine wine from
>> Iowa, vacation in Minetonka and eat process cheese in an effort
>> to hurt the French. What irritates me a lot is WHY IS IT ALWAYS
>> THE FRENCH THAT GET THE BEST DEAL???? They certainly seem to be
>> fine with the issue of sex, they drink wine like crazy, they have
>> the best food and now they even got rid of the annoying tourists.
>> How is that fair??

> But the frogs are the biggest America - wannabees on the face of
> the earth, that is a fact. The fact that they are merely French
> and not American really has to rankle them.

I think you're confusing longtime Anglophilia of *some* Frenchmen
with USAphilia, which is non-existent, at least not under the current

[...] remember when you're feeling very small and insecure,
How amazingly unlikely is your birth
And pray that there's intelligent life somewhere up in space,
'Cause there's bugger all down 'ere on Earth!

Monty Python's Universe Song

  #21 (permalink)   Report Post  
Steve Calvin
Posts: n/a

oh gawd... I'm REALLY trying to shut up here... can't this be taken to
something like alt.politics or some shit like that?

Yeah, I know I can kill the thread but jeaasus this is getting asinine


Ever wonder about those people who spend $2.00 apiece on those little
bottles of Evian water? Try spelling Evian backwards...
  #22 (permalink)   Report Post  
The Wolf
Posts: n/a

Dave Smith > wrote:

> nancree wrote:
> > Ha! It worked! Our boycott of French products. In today's Drudge
> > Report there was a headline "France calls for fresh start in
> > relationship with USA."

> That's an interesting take on it, since it was Rice who went to Europe to
> try to mend the rift that happened after Germany and France refused to
> participate in Bush's war on Saddam when they remained unconvinced that
> there was enough evidence of WMDs to justify an invasion. I realize that
> it is hard for some people to admit that they were wrong, but it's been
> almost two years and no WMDs were found. France and Germany had every
> reason not to participate in this dirty little war. Friends try no to let
> their friends make fools of themselves.

France and Germany lost BILLIONS in business they were doing with

That's the only reason they wanted to let him stay in power.

> > I haven't bought French wine, or other products for a year and a
> > half. I even found a Canadian Brie cheese. And "Rouge & Noir" Brie and
> > Camembert cheeses are made in Petaluma, California, (despite their
> > French name) and are rated equal to, and even better than French
> > cheeses.

> Perhaps this is where the genius of Bush's economic program makes itself
> clear. By running the economy into the ground he has forced the value of
> the US dollar to plummet.

What is it currently vis a vis the Canadian dollar Einstein?

As a result, many Americans can no longer afford
> to buy European imports or to travel. They can now afford only to travel
> and buy within in their own country.
> > I won't forget the image of the French president hugging the
> > German Prime Minister and laughing. (Middle Eastern money planted in
> > French banks is said to be one reason.)

> That sounds like the sort of comment one would hear from FOX news.

How would you know? You're not allowed to watch it........

> it also alluded to all the supplies and equipment for WMD plants that are
> alleged to have been provided to Saddam by France and Germany. Do a little
> web surfing to find out what American companies and their foreign
> subsidiaries have been selling him. Talk about the pot calling the kettle
> black.
> > NY City restaurants have made pleas to customers to please help them
> > unload French wines that are just sitting on their shelves. Good!
> > Now they want to be "friends". Hm-m-m!

> Look at the big picture. It's the US that has egg on its face over Iraq,
> and it's going to take a long time to get over.

  #23 (permalink)   Report Post  
Gregory Morrow
Posts: n/a

Michel Boucher wrote:

> "Gregory Morrow"
> in
> > Fifo wrote:
> >
> >> Some people certainly choose to not have sex before marriage and
> >> some even choose never to have any (not to be confused with those
> >> who don't get any but would very much like to). Some people also
> >> choose to not drink wine because it is alchohol. Some people only
> >> eat salads with diet Ranch dressing. So it certainly doesn't
> >> surprise me that someone will choose to drink fine wine from
> >> Iowa, vacation in Minetonka and eat process cheese in an effort
> >> to hurt the French. What irritates me a lot is WHY IS IT ALWAYS
> >> THE FRENCH THAT GET THE BEST DEAL???? They certainly seem to be
> >> fine with the issue of sex, they drink wine like crazy, they have
> >> the best food and now they even got rid of the annoying tourists.
> >> How is that fair??

> >
> >
> > But the frogs are the biggest America - wannabees on the face of
> > the earth, that is a fact. The fact that they are merely French
> > and not American really has to rankle them.

> I think you're confusing longtime Anglophilia of *some* Frenchmen
> with USAphilia, which is non-existent, at least not under the current
> terms.

I was just casting a bit of fishy bait around in any case ;---p


  #24 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

"Vox Humana" > wrote in message
> "nancree" > wrote in message
>> Ha! It worked! Our boycott of French products. In today's Drudge
>> Report there was a headline "France calls for fresh start in
>> relationship with USA."

> Like Matt Drudge has any credibility.

Actually, all Drudge did was link to this Reuter's story. But if you read
it, it hardly merits the OP's triumphalism. It's pretty bland, actually.


  #25 (permalink)   Report Post  
Ariane Jenkins
Posts: n/a

On 7 Feb 2005 20:19:37 -0800, nancree > wrote:
> Ha! It worked! Our boycott of French products. In today's Drudge
> Report there was a headline "France calls for fresh start in
> relationship with USA."
> I haven't bought French wine, or other products for a year and a
> half. I even found a Canadian Brie cheese. And "Rouge & Noir" Brie and
> Camembert cheeses are made in Petaluma, California, (despite their
> French name) and are rated equal to, and even better than French
> cheeses. I won't forget the image of the French president hugging the
> German Prime Minister and laughing. (Middle Eastern money planted in
> French banks is said to be one reason.)
> My daughter and I used to spend 2 weeks in France every year. No
> more. And she and her husband are world travelers, and they skip
> France now, too.
> NY City restaurants have made pleas to customers to please help them
> unload French wines that are just sitting on their shelves. Good!
> Now they want to be "friends". Hm-m-m!
> Nancree

Oh, dear. I guess I will have to increase our brie and camembert consumption
to make up for your absence, then-- good thing you informed the whole
newsgroup of your deadly boycott!

The trip to France is already scheduled for this spring. I expect we'll have
a wonderful time.


  #26 (permalink)   Report Post  
Terry Pulliam Burd
Posts: n/a

On Tue, 08 Feb 2005 16:49:08 GMT, Dog3 >

>He is not *my* great president ;( Please do not think all Americans support
>him. I support the troops, not the ridiculous, unnecessary war the current
>president pursued with the utmost vigor and has egg all over his face. The
>egg is not scrambled either

Double freakin' ditto, Michael. I voted against the maroon twice,
although I'd gladly vote *for* him...out of office.

I have never actually abhorred a sitting president before in my life
- Dubyuh is the exception. I absolutely loathe him.

Terry "Squeaks" Pulliam Burd

"Just what kind of jackassery do I have to put up with today?" Danae
in "Non Sequitur"

To reply, replace "spaminator" with "cox"
  #27 (permalink)   Report Post  
Rona Yuthasastrakosol
Posts: n/a

Gregory Morrow wrote:
> But the frogs are the biggest America - wannabees on the face of the
> earth, that is a fact. The fact that they are merely French and not
> American really has to rankle them.
> Nobody's jealous of the French but the French are jealous of
> everybody.

Hmmm, are you sure you aren't talking about Filipinos?

rona (half Flip, so I can say things like that :-))

***For e-mail, replace .com with .ca Sorry for the inconvenience!***

"[America] is filled with people who decided not to live in Europe. We
had people who really wanted to live in Europe, but didn't have the
energy to go back. We call them Canadians." ---Grover Norquist in
Newsweek, November 22, 2004

  #28 (permalink)   Report Post  
Vox Humana
Posts: n/a

"Terry Pulliam Burd" > wrote in message
> On Tue, 08 Feb 2005 16:49:08 GMT, Dog3 >
> wrote:
> >He is not *my* great president ;( Please do not think all Americans

> >him. I support the troops, not the ridiculous, unnecessary war the

> >president pursued with the utmost vigor and has egg all over his face.

> >egg is not scrambled either
> >

> Double freakin' ditto, Michael. I voted against the maroon twice,
> although I'd gladly vote *for* him...out of office.
> I have never actually abhorred a sitting president before in my life
> - Dubyuh is the exception. I absolutely loathe him.

It's pretty bad when you can't find a negative descriptor that is intense
enough to express you reaction to a president. For me, it is a physical

  #29 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

nancree > wrote:
> NY City restaurants have made pleas to customers to please help them
> unload French wines that are just sitting on their shelves. Good!

So, care to name some of these restaurants that are looking
to unload their French wines? I could always use a good
deal on some Cote du Rhone.

Bill Ranck
Blacksburg, Va.
  #30 (permalink)   Report Post  
Gregory Morrow
Posts: n/a

Rona Yuthasastrakosol wrote:

> Gregory Morrow wrote:
> >
> >
> > But the frogs are the biggest America - wannabees on the face of the
> > earth, that is a fact. The fact that they are merely French and not
> > American really has to rankle them.
> >
> > Nobody's jealous of the French but the French are jealous of
> > everybody.

> Hmmm, are you sure you aren't talking about Filipinos?
> rona (half Flip, so I can say things like that :-))

Yes, Filipinos strive more than anybody I know to be truly "American"...


  #31 (permalink)   Report Post  
Rona Yuthasastrakosol
Posts: n/a

Gregory Morrow wrote:
> Yes, Filipinos strive more than anybody I know to be truly
> "American"...

I think Filipinos still lament losing the chance to become a US state.
Filipinos tend to suffer from the greatest inferiority complex of any other
ethnicity, imo. Even the hoity-toity old-rich ones like to pretend they're
not Filipino.


***For e-mail, replace .com with .ca Sorry for the inconvenience!***

"[America] is filled with people who decided not to live in Europe. We
had people who really wanted to live in Europe, but didn't have the
energy to go back. We call them Canadians." ---Grover Norquist in
Newsweek, November 22, 2004

  #32 (permalink)   Report Post  
Rona Yuthasastrakosol
Posts: n/a

Dog3 wrote:
> He is not *my* great president ;( Please do not think all Americans
> support him.

But don't all Americans think alike? You're either with us, or against us,
doncha know. Hee, hee :-)!

rona (making more pirohy tonight, I think)
***For e-mail, replace .com with .ca Sorry for the inconvenience!***

"[America] is filled with people who decided not to live in Europe. We
had people who really wanted to live in Europe, but didn't have the
energy to go back. We call them Canadians." ---Grover Norquist in
Newsweek, November 22, 2004

  #33 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a


If you're going to flog all the old tired, lame criticisms you
shouldn't leave any out.

Also, Nixon was a genius and Kennedy was a drug addict. Plus the
beatles weren't that great.

Greg Zywicki, Hippie baiter

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