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  #1 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a
Default So what are you making for Valentine's day?

I'm leaning toward either beef wellington or tenderloin steaks with a
port reduction sauce, asparagus on the side and either chocolate
covered strawberries or chocolate lava lava cakes for dessert. Still
need a salad or starter of some kind and I'm debating another side in
addition to the asparagus...

Tracy R.
  #2 (permalink)   Report Post  
Wayne Boatwright
Posts: n/a

On Tue 08 Feb 2005 12:45:31p, ravinwulf wrote in

> I'm leaning toward either beef wellington or tenderloin steaks with a
> port reduction sauce, asparagus on the side and either chocolate
> covered strawberries or chocolate lava lava cakes for dessert. Still
> need a salad or starter of some kind and I'm debating another side in
> addition to the asparagus...
> Regards,
> Tracy R.

Sounds like a great Valentine's Day (I was going to abbreviate it to VD, but
thought better of it) meal! We're going out for dinner as we both work all
day, and it would be a treat for both of us not to cook. A place where I
know they serve a great Steak Diane.

  #3 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

"ravinwulf" > wrote in message
> I'm leaning toward either beef wellington or tenderloin steaks with a
> port reduction sauce, asparagus on the side and either chocolate
> covered strawberries or chocolate lava lava cakes for dessert. Still
> need a salad or starter of some kind and I'm debating another side in
> addition to the asparagus...
> Regards,
> Tracy R.

Very nice however the purpose of Valentines day is not a cooking contest.

The purpose and focus is towards your SO. How can you spend the most time
with him/her and make them feel "special"


  #4 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

On Tue, 08 Feb 2005 20:18:38 GMT, "Dimitri" >

>Very nice however the purpose of Valentines day is not a cooking contest.
>The purpose and focus is towards your SO. How can you spend the most time
>with him/her and make them feel "special"

Wow. Feeling a bit snarky today, are we?

FWIW, I think that planning and preparing a really nice meal for
someone you love =is= a way to make him/her feel "special". It's
certainly not the only activity on the agenda for the evening, but it
happens to be the one I'm working on atm, as well as being the only
one that's really appropriate to discuss on this forum. <g>

Tracy R.
  #5 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

ravinwulf wrote in message >...
>I'm leaning toward either beef wellington or tenderloin steaks with a
>port reduction sauce, asparagus on the side and either chocolate
>covered strawberries or chocolate lava lava cakes for dessert. Still
>need a salad or starter of some kind and I'm debating another side in
>addition to the asparagus...
>Tracy R.

i have to work next monday, so i'm limited to what i can prepare ahead of
time, and cook fairly quickly.
pan-broiled ribeye steaks with crushed balinese peppercorns and chipotle
roasted wedges of red potatoes with olive oil, lime juice and fresh oregano
sauteed escarole with garlic
cherry pie with vanilla ice cream and chocolate shavings



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  #6 (permalink)   Report Post  
Vox Humana
Posts: n/a

"Saerah" > wrote in message
> ravinwulf wrote in message >...
> >I'm leaning toward either beef wellington or tenderloin steaks with a
> >port reduction sauce, asparagus on the side and either chocolate
> >covered strawberries or chocolate lava lava cakes for dessert. Still
> >need a salad or starter of some kind and I'm debating another side in
> >addition to the asparagus...
> >
> >Regards,
> >Tracy R.

> i have to work next monday, so i'm limited to what i can prepare ahead of
> time, and cook fairly quickly.
> thus:
> pan-broiled ribeye steaks with crushed balinese peppercorns and chipotle
> butter
> roasted wedges of red potatoes with olive oil, lime juice and fresh

> sauteed escarole with garlic
> cherry pie with vanilla ice cream and chocolate shavings

I hope someone makes reservations so I don't have to cook.

  #7 (permalink)   Report Post  
Melba's Jammin'
Posts: n/a

Nothing. I'll probably be having dinner out alone or with a couple
women -- we've got lecture series tickets and usually eat downtown
before attending the lecture.
<>; Sam pics added 2-7-05
"I got the motive, which is money; and the body, which is dead!" - Rod
Steiger as Sheriff Gillespie, "In the Heat of the Night," 1967.
  #8 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

As I'm working, and come home tired, I thought I would make something that
could cook on its own: perhaps crockpot chicken, with vegies and microwaved
potatoes. (Thanks for the tip about wrapping 'em in wet cloths!)

E. P.
  #9 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

"ravinwulf" > wrote in message
> On Tue, 08 Feb 2005 20:18:38 GMT, "Dimitri" >
> wrote:
> <snip>
>>Very nice however the purpose of Valentines day is not a cooking contest.
>>The purpose and focus is towards your SO. How can you spend the most time
>>with him/her and make them feel "special"

> Wow. Feeling a bit snarky today, are we?
> FWIW, I think that planning and preparing a really nice meal for
> someone you love =is= a way to make him/her feel "special". It's
> certainly not the only activity on the agenda for the evening, but it
> happens to be the one I'm working on atm, as well as being the only
> one that's really appropriate to discuss on this forum. <g>
> Regards,
> Tracy R.

Not at all snarky as you put it. More often than not I see posts about
dinners that are so involved one wonders what the hell the SO is doing
during all the prep and serving.


1 entry found for snarky.
snark·y ( P ) Pronunciation Key (snärk)
adj. Slang snark·i·er, snark·i·est
Irritable or short-tempered; irascible.

[From dialectal snark, to nag, from snark, snork, to snore, snort, from
Dutch and Low German snorken, of imitative origin.]
snarki·ly adv.

  #10 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

Dimitri wrote:
> >>Very nice however the purpose of Valentines day is not a cooking


Since there is no government approved purpose of Valentine's day most
people prefer to do whatever they feel like with it. Some people like
to cook a 10 course dinner, others prefer to go out and get drunk
together, some dress in leather and chains and yet others apply nail
polish to each others' feet.

The only tragic problem is when one person prepares a massively super
dinner while the other one comes home drunk, all dressed in leather and
chains and very much looking forward to some nice nail polishing.

  #11 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

Dimitri wrote:
> >>Very nice however the purpose of Valentines day is not a cooking


Since there is no government approved purpose of Valentine's day most
people prefer to do whatever they feel like with it. Some people like
to cook a 10 course dinner, others prefer to go out and get drunk
together, some dress in leather and chains and yet others apply nail
polish to each others' feet.

The only tragic problem is when one person prepares a massively super
dinner while the other one comes home drunk, all dressed in leather and
chains and very much looking forward to some nice nail polishing.

  #12 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

"Fifo" > wrote in message
> Dimitri wrote:
>> >>Very nice however the purpose of Valentines day is not a cooking

> contest.
> Since there is no government approved purpose of Valentine's day most
> people prefer to do whatever they feel like with it. Some people like
> to cook a 10 course dinner, others prefer to go out and get drunk
> together, some dress in leather and chains and yet others apply nail
> polish to each others' feet.
> The only tragic problem is when one person prepares a massively super
> dinner while the other one comes home drunk, all dressed in leather and
> chains and very much looking forward to some nice nail polishing.


Said the masochist to the sadist "beat me!"
No! answered the sadist....


  #13 (permalink)   Report Post  
Hag & Stenni
Posts: n/a

On Tue, 08 Feb 2005 13:45:31 -0600, ravinwulf >

>I'm leaning toward either beef wellington or tenderloin steaks with a
>port reduction sauce, asparagus on the side and either chocolate
>covered strawberries or chocolate lava lava cakes for dessert. Still
>need a salad or starter of some kind and I'm debating another side in
>addition to the asparagus...
>Tracy R.

Tuna steak with southwestern style chili lime crust
Asparagus grilled with bacon and butter
Green Salad tossed with fennel vinigrette
Pepper water soup
And a selection of fresh ripe local fruit to finish

Were collecting an odd grouping of folks for this meal, those of us
old married types (young kids/no life/no desire to fight our way
though the masses at local restraunts) and the geographicaly single
(spouses deployed/off to school or Medical treatments etc)...Shud be a
Very nice meal, easy to do, tastey, good company...Were looking
forward to it...Hag k

Pull a Loraine Bobit (cut of Waynes Penis) to reply
  #14 (permalink)   Report Post  
Kate B
Posts: n/a

"ravinwulf" > wrote in message
> On Tue, 08 Feb 2005 20:18:38 GMT, "Dimitri" >
> wrote:
> <snip>
> >Very nice however the purpose of Valentines day is not a cooking contest.
> >
> >The purpose and focus is towards your SO. How can you spend the most time
> >with him/her and make them feel "special"

> Wow. Feeling a bit snarky today, are we?
> FWIW, I think that planning and preparing a really nice meal for
> someone you love =is= a way to make him/her feel "special". It's
> certainly not the only activity on the agenda for the evening, but it
> happens to be the one I'm working on atm, as well as being the only
> one that's really appropriate to discuss on this forum. <g>
> Regards,
> Tracy R.

Gotta agree with Tracy on this one. My SO has been living in a hotel in
D.C. for the past several months (on business). He *really* wants a "extra
special" home cooked meal when he comes home this weekend. I've already
started getting ready for our Valentines day meal. I've got 2 different
stocks cooking as I type this. Chicken stock for a butternut squash and
apple soup and veal stock which will be made into a demi-glace that I need
for a port, shallot and balsamic reduction sauce that I will serve with beef
tenderloin. Starting with crac cakes with red bell pepper coulis followed
by the squash soup. Herbed Potatoes Anna with the grilled beef tenderloin
(I am testing the butter roasted brussel sprout recipe in the latest Fine
Cooking tonight to see if this might also be included). I haven't yet
decided on dessert.


  #15 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

I usually make my kids heart shaped pizza and even cut the pepperoni into heart

But this Valentine's I'm getting taken out for dinner and the kids are on their

"The children who need love the most will always ask for it in the most
unloving ways" ~ Words of a teacher quoted by Russell Barkley~

  #16 (permalink)   Report Post  
Ranee Mueller
Posts: n/a

In article >, ravinwulf
> wrote:

> I'm leaning toward either beef wellington or tenderloin steaks with a
> port reduction sauce, asparagus on the side and either chocolate
> covered strawberries or chocolate lava lava cakes for dessert. Still
> need a salad or starter of some kind and I'm debating another side in
> addition to the asparagus...

Reservations. We're going out.

However, I'll be making Valentine's Day sugar cookies with my eldest
son for his class.


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"She seeks wool and flax, and works with willing hands." Prov 31:13

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  #17 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

ravinwulf wrote:
> I'm leaning toward either beef wellington or tenderloin steaks with a
> port reduction sauce, asparagus on the side and either chocolate
> covered strawberries or chocolate lava lava cakes for dessert. Still
> need a salad or starter of some kind and I'm debating another side in
> addition to the asparagus...
> Regards,
> Tracy R.

If it were me I'd go with the steaks with the port sauce. Sounds tasty.
I'm going with grilled petit filets (rare), baked potatoes and steamed
asparagus. We don't do dessert but that's okay


  #18 (permalink)   Report Post  
Cindy Hamilton
Posts: n/a

ravinwulf wrote:
> I'm leaning toward either beef wellington or tenderloin steaks with a
> port reduction sauce, asparagus on the side and either chocolate
> covered strawberries or chocolate lava lava cakes for dessert. Still
> need a salad or starter of some kind and I'm debating another side in
> addition to the asparagus...

It's a Monday. Something extremely simple, like "defrost some
spaghetti sauce, boil some pasta, make a salad".

Nothing special over the weekend. We don't observe Hallmark Holidays.

Cindy Hamilton

  #19 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

Cindy Hamilton wrote:
> ravinwulf wrote:
>> I'm leaning toward either beef wellington or tenderloin steaks with a
>> port reduction sauce

> It's a Monday. Something extremely simple, like "defrost some
> spaghetti sauce, boil some pasta, make a salad".
> Nothing special over the weekend. We don't observe Hallmark Holidays.
> Cindy Hamilton

LOL we don't spend money on Hallmark cards; we make our own cards or
'coupons' for things like backrubs, foot massages, etc. What's wrong with a
little romance even if it isn't a "real" holiday? Doesn't have to be a
fancy meal. Spaghetti sounds good to me. Maybe you can do that Disney
thing from 'Lady & the Tramp' and slurp a strand of spaghetti between the
two of you LOL


  #20 (permalink)   Report Post  
Petey the Wonder Dog
Posts: n/a

Far as I can tell, asked:
>So what are you making for Valentines Day?

Love, of course...

  #21 (permalink)   Report Post  
Damsel in dis Dress
Posts: n/a

On Tue, 08 Feb 2005 13:45:31 -0600, ravinwulf >

>I'm leaning toward either beef wellington or tenderloin steaks with a
>port reduction sauce, asparagus on the side and either chocolate
>covered strawberries or chocolate lava lava cakes for dessert. Still
>need a salad or starter of some kind and I'm debating another side in
>addition to the asparagus...

Chicken Kiev with Rice Pilaf
Peas of the frozen persuasion
Coconut cake with lemon topping

And for dessert ... Crash!

"Years ago my mother used to say to me... She'd say,
'In this world Elwood, you must be oh-so smart or oh-so pleasant.'
Well, for years I was smart.... I recommend pleasant. You may quote me."

*James Stewart* in the 1950 movie, _Harvey_
  #23 (permalink)   Report Post  
Damsel in dis Dress
Posts: n/a

On Tue, 08 Feb 2005 22:30:55 GMT, "Dimitri" > wrote:

>More often than not I see posts about
>dinners that are so involved one wonders what the hell the SO is doing
>during all the prep and serving.

Okay, I confess. The only thing I'm cooking from scratch is the lemon
topping for the cake. See how much I love Crash? <EG>

"Years ago my mother used to say to me... She'd say,
'In this world Elwood, you must be oh-so smart or oh-so pleasant.'
Well, for years I was smart.... I recommend pleasant. You may quote me."

*James Stewart* in the 1950 movie, _Harvey_
  #24 (permalink)   Report Post  
Wayne Boatwright
Posts: n/a

On Thu 10 Feb 2005 03:05:29a, Damsel in dis Dress wrote in

> On Tue, 08 Feb 2005 22:30:55 GMT, "Dimitri" > wrote:
>>More often than not I see posts about
>>dinners that are so involved one wonders what the hell the SO is doing
>>during all the prep and serving.

> Okay, I confess. The only thing I'm cooking from scratch is the lemon
> topping for the cake. See how much I love Crash? <EG>
> Carol

Yeah, I was wondering about that Chicken Kiev! <g>

  #25 (permalink)   Report Post  
Cindy Hamilton
Posts: n/a

jmcquown wrote:
> Cindy Hamilton wrote:
> > ravinwulf wrote:
> >> I'm leaning toward either beef wellington or tenderloin steaks

with a
> >> port reduction sauce

> >
> > It's a Monday. Something extremely simple, like "defrost some
> > spaghetti sauce, boil some pasta, make a salad".
> >
> > Nothing special over the weekend. We don't observe Hallmark

> >
> > Cindy Hamilton

> LOL we don't spend money on Hallmark cards; we make our own cards or
> 'coupons' for things like backrubs, foot massages, etc. What's wrong

with a
> little romance even if it isn't a "real" holiday? Doesn't have to be

> fancy meal. Spaghetti sounds good to me. Maybe you can do that

> thing from 'Lady & the Tramp' and slurp a strand of spaghetti between

> two of you LOL
> Jill

We have romance every day. No need to set aside a special day for it.

He gets a foot massage almost every evening.

He often brings me flowers at work, for no particular reason.

Cindy Hamilton

  #26 (permalink)   Report Post  
Wayne Boatwright
Posts: n/a

On Thu 10 Feb 2005 07:38:06a, Dog3 wrote in

> Wayne Boatwright > wrote in
> :
>> On Thu 10 Feb 2005 03:05:29a, Damsel in dis Dress wrote in
>>> On Tue, 08 Feb 2005 22:30:55 GMT, "Dimitri" >
>>> wrote:
>>>>More often than not I see posts about
>>>>dinners that are so involved one wonders what the hell the SO is
>>>>doing during all the prep and serving.
>>> Okay, I confess. The only thing I'm cooking from scratch is the
>>> lemon topping for the cake. See how much I love Crash? <EG>
>>> Carol

>> Yeah, I was wondering about that Chicken Kiev! <g>
>> Wayne

> I am not going to cover up I will have to drag food to the hospital
> where SO works, soooooo... I'm buying 2 complete meals from Gourmet to
> Go. Green peppercorn crusted sirloin strip steaks with peppercorn sauce,
> twice baked potatoes and asparagus. I'm going to actually make either a
> Caesar or Spinach salad. Dessert is a white cake with fresh strawberries
> and whipped cream between the layers and whipped cream for icing. Maybe
> we will commission the interns sleeping quarters Valentine's Day
> Michael

Sounds like a nice surprise!

  #27 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

"Dimitri" > wrote in message
. com...
> "ravinwulf" > wrote in message
> ...
> > I'm leaning toward either beef wellington or tenderloin steaks with a
> > port reduction sauce, asparagus on the side and either chocolate
> > covered strawberries or chocolate lava lava cakes for dessert. Still
> > need a salad or starter of some kind and I'm debating another side in
> > addition to the asparagus...
> >
> > Regards,
> > Tracy R.

> Very nice however the purpose of Valentines day is not a cooking contest.
> The purpose and focus is towards your SO. How can you spend the most time
> with him/her and make them feel "special"
> Dimitri

All due respect Dimitri, but my husband works hard and is out of town
*alot*. For example, he's been gone and without a home cooked meal for 21 of
the last 24 days. Making a special home cooked meal does more than just make
him feel makes him feel loved and comforted and like he's truly
And making a special dinner doesn't have to mean spending hours in the
kitchen on that day, anyway.


  #28 (permalink)   Report Post  
Lena B Katz
Posts: n/a

On Thu, 10 Feb 2005, Nexis wrote:

> "Dimitri" > wrote in message
> . com...
>> "ravinwulf" > wrote in message
>> ...
>>> I'm leaning toward either beef wellington or tenderloin steaks with a
>>> port reduction sauce, asparagus on the side and either chocolate
>>> covered strawberries or chocolate lava lava cakes for dessert. Still
>>> need a salad or starter of some kind and I'm debating another side in
>>> addition to the asparagus...
>>> Regards,
>>> Tracy R.

>> Very nice however the purpose of Valentines day is not a cooking contest.
>> The purpose and focus is towards your SO. How can you spend the most time
>> with him/her and make them feel "special"

.... In Japan it is a cooking contest. More specifically, making homemade
chocolates for people that you care about.

And, In Japan, this is a "girls cook" holiday... boys don't get to give
out chocolates for a few months ('till White Day, where they reciprocate
with white chocolate).

  #29 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

"ravinwulf" > wrote in message
> I'm leaning toward either beef wellington or tenderloin steaks with a
> port reduction sauce, asparagus on the side and either chocolate
> covered strawberries or chocolate lava lava cakes for dessert. Still
> need a salad or starter of some kind and I'm debating another side in
> addition to the asparagus...
> Regards,
> Tracy R.

With some very strong wishes hopes and prayers that my husband makes it home
by Monday, here's what I'm planning to make:
Chicken Spiedini with Asiago
Asparagus with Lemon, Rosemary, and Pignoli
Cous Cous Pilaf
Mixed Greens with Citrus Vinaigrette
And for dessert... (insert drumroll here hehe) flourless chocolate mousse
torte with raspberry coulis

Although, I may go with soufflé instead of the torte. Bittersweet chocolate.
I'd change to espresso-kahlua crème anglais for the sauce in that case.

All of these are easy to make, can be prepped in advance, and cook rather
quickly. My man gets a home cooked meal which will make him happy and I'll
get to spend more time in his arms, which will make us both happy.


  #30 (permalink)   Report Post  
Damsel in dis Dress
Posts: n/a

On 10 Feb 2005 12:30:33 GMT, Wayne Boatwright > wrote:

>On Thu 10 Feb 2005 03:05:29a, Damsel in dis Dress wrote in
>> On Tue, 08 Feb 2005 22:30:55 GMT, "Dimitri" > wrote:
>>>More often than not I see posts about
>>>dinners that are so involved one wonders what the hell the SO is doing
>>>during all the prep and serving.

>> Okay, I confess. The only thing I'm cooking from scratch is the lemon
>> topping for the cake. See how much I love Crash? <EG>
>> Carol

>Yeah, I was wondering about that Chicken Kiev! <g>

Yeah, yeah, yeah. But at least it's from the butcher shop, and is made
with an actual hunk of chicken breast meat. Crash has never had that
before. Only the chopped and re-formed meat-like substance that's used in
the frozen ones.

Carol, mooning Wayne
"Years ago my mother used to say to me... She'd say,
'In this world Elwood, you must be oh-so smart or oh-so pleasant.'
Well, for years I was smart.... I recommend pleasant. You may quote me."

*James Stewart* in the 1950 movie, _Harvey_

  #31 (permalink)   Report Post  
Wayne Boatwright
Posts: n/a

On Thu 10 Feb 2005 01:46:00p, Damsel in dis Dress wrote in

> On 10 Feb 2005 12:30:33 GMT, Wayne Boatwright > wrote:
>>On Thu 10 Feb 2005 03:05:29a, Damsel in dis Dress wrote in
>>> On Tue, 08 Feb 2005 22:30:55 GMT, "Dimitri" >
>>> wrote:
>>>>More often than not I see posts about
>>>>dinners that are so involved one wonders what the hell the SO is doing
>>>>during all the prep and serving.
>>> Okay, I confess. The only thing I'm cooking from scratch is the lemon
>>> topping for the cake. See how much I love Crash? <EG>
>>> Carol

>>Yeah, I was wondering about that Chicken Kiev! <g>

> Yeah, yeah, yeah. But at least it's from the butcher shop, and is made
> with an actual hunk of chicken breast meat. Crash has never had that
> before. Only the chopped and re-formed meat-like substance that's used
> in the frozen ones.
> Carol, mooning Wayne

You do such ugly things! (I love Chicken Kiev!)

  #32 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

"Nexis" > wrote in message


> All due respect Dimitri, but my husband works hard and is out of town
> *alot*. For example, he's been gone and without a home cooked meal for 21
> of
> the last 24 days. Making a special home cooked meal does more than just
> make
> him feel makes him feel loved and comforted and like he's
> truly
> home.
> And making a special dinner doesn't have to mean spending hours in the
> kitchen on that day, anyway.
> kimberly

I understand the feeling quite well. I used to spend 3 weeks a year
(straight through) in NYC on some one else's money and when I was a buyer
there was no place that I had not been taken to. By the time I got home I
would have killed for a piece of Pot Roast and smushed potatoes (roasted
with the meat and mashed with a fork on the plate and drowned with gravy).
I also learned not to tell the wife about the great meals I had while she
had Kraft Mac and cheese with the kids. ;-)

I think the people here are missing part of the point or I did not explain
myself clearly. IMHO Romance involves 1 to 1 contact not standing in the
kitchen watching someone whisk the butter into the Hollandaise. In this life
we have precious little time with each other especially when we are involved
in the BUSINESS (yes, I know I'm yelling) of running a family especially
when the children come along. To me it's more important to look into the
SO's eyes and tell them what they really mean to me, or have them tell me
just what I mean to them.


  #33 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

"Dimitri" > wrote in message
. com...
> "Nexis" > wrote in message
> news:gpPOd.34206$Yu.5727@fed1read01...
> <snip>
> > All due respect Dimitri, but my husband works hard and is out of town
> > *alot*. For example, he's been gone and without a home cooked meal for

> > of
> > the last 24 days. Making a special home cooked meal does more than just
> > make
> > him feel makes him feel loved and comforted and like he's
> > truly
> > home.
> > And making a special dinner doesn't have to mean spending hours in the
> > kitchen on that day, anyway.
> >
> > kimberly

> I understand the feeling quite well. I used to spend 3 weeks a year
> (straight through) in NYC on some one else's money and when I was a buyer
> there was no place that I had not been taken to. By the time I got home I
> would have killed for a piece of Pot Roast and smushed potatoes (roasted
> with the meat and mashed with a fork on the plate and drowned with gravy).
> I also learned not to tell the wife about the great meals I had while she
> had Kraft Mac and cheese with the kids. ;-)

Now ya went and did it. You mentioned roast, and now I'm craving it. I make
a mean gravy. he he
I had to laugh when I read this part. It's kind of a running joke in our
family. My husband and his brother work together, and therefore travel
together. They love to call and tell my SIL and I what great new place they
discovered. It gets to the point where we're planning trips to go to certain
cities just to go to a round of restaurants! lol I don't mind too much
though. In fact, I'm usually the one who finds new places for them to try.
Living vicariously and all that.

> I think the people here are missing part of the point or I did not explain
> myself clearly. IMHO Romance involves 1 to 1 contact not standing in the
> kitchen watching someone whisk the butter into the Hollandaise. In this

> we have precious little time with each other especially when we are

> in the BUSINESS (yes, I know I'm yelling) of running a family especially
> when the children come along. To me it's more important to look into the
> SO's eyes and tell them what they really mean to me, or have them tell me
> just what I mean to them.
> Dimitri

Thanks for clarifying. I do understand what you're saying. The upside to my
husband's work is that he's also able to be home for long stretches at a
time and during that time we get to spend alot of time together. It's very
nice to be able to stay in bed in the morning after my daughter leaves for
school and spend time with one another. We have plenty of opportunity to say
how we feel and sometimes it's nice to do it in more than words.


  #34 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

Kimberly wrote:

> Chicken Spiedini with Asiago
> Asparagus with Lemon, Rosemary, and Pignoli
> Cous Cous Pilaf
> Mixed Greens with Citrus Vinaigrette
> And for dessert... (insert drumroll here hehe) flourless chocolate mousse
> torte with raspberry coulis
> Although, I may go with soufflé instead of the torte. Bittersweet
> chocolate. I'd change to espresso-kahlua crème anglais for the sauce in
> that case.
> All of these are easy to make, can be prepped in advance, and cook rather
> quickly. My man gets a home cooked meal which will make him happy and I'll
> get to spend more time in his arms, which will make us both happy.

I'd advise sticking with the torte. Soufflés are notorious for requiring
last-minute attention, and for failing to come out right for no discernible
reason at all. I hope everything goes as planned!


  #35 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

"Bob" > wrote in message
> Kimberly wrote:
> > Chicken Spiedini with Asiago
> > Asparagus with Lemon, Rosemary, and Pignoli
> > Cous Cous Pilaf
> > Mixed Greens with Citrus Vinaigrette
> > And for dessert... (insert drumroll here hehe) flourless chocolate

> > torte with raspberry coulis
> >
> > Although, I may go with soufflé instead of the torte. Bittersweet
> > chocolate. I'd change to espresso-kahlua crème anglais for the sauce in
> > that case.
> >
> > All of these are easy to make, can be prepped in advance, and cook

> > quickly. My man gets a home cooked meal which will make him happy and

> > get to spend more time in his arms, which will make us both happy.

> I'd advise sticking with the torte. Soufflés are notorious for requiring
> last-minute attention, and for failing to come out right for no

> reason at all. I hope everything goes as planned!
> Bob

Thanks for the advice Bob. The souffle recipe I use is last minute for the
baking part, but the batter can be done in advance, and it's pretty simple.
I know there's always all this talk about how difficult they are, but these
are some of the easiest desserts I've ever made! lol And alot less labor
intensive than the torte. On the other hand, the torte is sooooo decadent.
Oh decisions, decisions!


  #36 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

With all due respect Dimitri but I find your post highly prejudiced and
judgemental (see below)

Dimitri wrote:
> IMHO Romance involves 1 to 1 contact

While would you assume that 1 on None or 1 to many is not a legitimate

> not standing in the kitchen

Just because I am a guy doesn't mean that I have to spend all my time
in the kitchen - why not stand in the toolshed for example?

> watching someone whisk

Why not use a wooden spoon?
> the butter

What about the cholesterol-patient community?
> into the Hollandaise.

How come some countries get their sauce and others don't in your
> In this life

Not all of us are Buddists
> we

You keep assuming that multiple people are involved in this Romance
> have precious little time with each other

Same prejudice
> especially when we are involved in the BUSINESS (yes, I know I'm

yelling) of > running a family
Why do you assume we are married? Ha???
> especially when the children come along.

So now we have to have children to be a real family????
> To me it's more important to look into the SO's eyes

Completely ignoring the one-eyed community
> and tell them

Completely ignoring the deaf community
> what they really mean to me, or have them tell me
> just what I mean to them.

So much stereotyping - that's why I can;t stand Valentine's day.

  #37 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

"Nexis" > wrote in message


> Now ya went and did it. You mentioned roast, and now I'm craving it. I
> make
> a mean gravy. he he

I had a very different childhood - I was 12 before I had my first Hostess
Cupcake and about 19 before I had Pot Roast and gravy. Both times I thought
I had Died and gone to heaven. I am for lack of a better term a gravy

<More Snip>

> Thanks for clarifying. I do understand what you're saying. The upside to
> my
> husband's work is that he's also able to be home for long stretches at a
> time and during that time we get to spend alot of time together. It's very
> nice to be able to stay in bed in the morning after my daughter leaves for
> school and spend time with one another. We have plenty of opportunity to
> say
> how we feel and sometimes it's nice to do it in more than words.
> kimberly

No comment - but a smile.


  #38 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

"Fifo" > wrote in message
> With all due respect Dimitri but I find your post highly prejudiced and
> judgemental (see below)

<Drivel snipped>

> So much stereotyping - that's why I can;t stand Valentine's day.

Just think you have so much to look forward to; One you'll grow up and
learn to think in the abstract - it usually happens between the mental age
of 11 to 14.


  #39 (permalink)   Report Post  
Damsel in dis Dress
Posts: n/a

On 10 Feb 2005 21:06:12 GMT, Wayne Boatwright > wrote:

>On Thu 10 Feb 2005 01:46:00p, Damsel in dis Dress wrote in
>> Carol, mooning Wayne

>You do such ugly things! (I love Chicken Kiev!)

So now you're saying I don't have a cute ass?

Carol, walking her donkey down a dusty road
"Years ago my mother used to say to me... She'd say,
'In this world Elwood, you must be oh-so smart or oh-so pleasant.'
Well, for years I was smart.... I recommend pleasant. You may quote me."

*James Stewart* in the 1950 movie, _Harvey_
  #40 (permalink)   Report Post  
Damsel in dis Dress
Posts: n/a

On 10 Feb 2005 14:23:17 -0800, "Fifo" > wrote:

>So much stereotyping - that's why I can;t stand Valentine's day.

ROFLMAO! And you try to tell us you're not funny?

"Years ago my mother used to say to me... She'd say,
'In this world Elwood, you must be oh-so smart or oh-so pleasant.'
Well, for years I was smart.... I recommend pleasant. You may quote me."

*James Stewart* in the 1950 movie, _Harvey_
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