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  #1 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a
Default stupid people

everywhere you turn there are troublemakers with their warped thinking,
first off people this section is for food no one cares about how much
lint you have in your head, take you views and stick them, it only takes
one or two and it gets everyone off track, i hate everyone against
america, this is the best country in the world maybe your in another
land, stay there we dont need dopes like you, and if you in this country
i would love to get my hands on you, then we would see how you
sand-monkeys are so hated

  #2 (permalink)   Report Post  
The Ranger
Posts: n/a

ADAM S. > brayed in message
[snip mulishness]

Why does it not surprise me this is a WebTV'er?

ObTopic: The irony of the subject will be lost on Adam "Grumpy" S.

The Ranger

  #3 (permalink)   Report Post  
Dave Smith
Posts: n/a

"ADAM S." wrote:

> everywhere you turn there are troublemakers with their warped thinking,
> first off people this section is for food no one cares about how much
> lint you have in your head, take you views and stick them, it only takes
> one or two and it gets everyone off track, i hate everyone against
> america, this is the best country in the world maybe your in another
> land, stay there we dont need dopes like you, and if you in this country
> i would love to get my hands on you, then we would see how you
> sand-monkeys are so hated

If you are so concerned about staying on topic why did you launch into your
redneck spiel?

  #4 (permalink)   Report Post  
Curt Nelson
Posts: n/a

ADAM S. wrote:
> everywhere you turn there are troublemakers with their warped
> thinking, first off people this section is for food no one cares
> about how much lint you have in your head, take you views and stick
> them, it only takes one or two and it gets everyone off track, i hate
> everyone against america, this is the best country in the world maybe
> your in another land, stay there we dont need dopes like you, and if
> you in this country i would love to get my hands on you, then we
> would see how you sand-monkeys are so hated

This is the most amazing run-on sentence I've seen in awhile.

  #5 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

Ho-Hut!! Grampy Adams,
Not many people remember to respect those of us that served on land and
I served in the Merchant Marine and still
hold OLD GLORY higher than any other flag.
It's a shame the U.S.A. dosen't fly her untattered on every free
standing building as they do in Canada, and other nations.
These idiotic Liberals won't face reality we
her hit once before in New York during Clinton's administration and the
USS COLE was hit by them animals. They are modern day Kamikazees. No
Respect for life, no search for an answer.
Our men are fighting for freedom wtihout a frigging draft.
James M. Nemecky Cook - SS Armco


  #6 (permalink)   Report Post  
Dave Smith
Posts: n/a

"ADAM S." wrote:

> everywhere you turn there are troublemakers with their warped thinking,

Yep. Guys like Bush who get attacked by a group primarily from one country
but based in a second country, and then your president reacts by attacking a
third country that had nothing to do with it. It's a pity that there was so
much sympathy for the American people right after 9/11, but your president
squandered it, ****ed off most of his allies and turned the rest of the
civilized world against him and his country.

> first off people this section is for food no one cares about how much
> lint you have in your head, take you views and stick them, it only takes
> one or two and it gets everyone off track, i hate everyone against
> america, this is the best country in the world maybe your in another
> land, stay there we dont need dopes like you, and if you in this country
> i would love to get my hands on you, then we would see how you
> sand-monkeys are so hated

Yet, you remain the symbol of everything that is wrong with America, and you
will probably never see the irony.

  #7 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

ADAM S. wrote:

> everywhere you turn there are troublemakers with their warped thinking,
> first off people this section is for food no one cares about how much
> lint you have in your head, take you views and stick them, it only takes
> one or two and it gets everyone off track, i hate everyone against
> america, this is the best country in the world maybe your in another
> land, stay there we dont need dopes like you, and if you in this country
> i would love to get my hands on you, then we would see how you
> sand-monkeys are so hated

Oh great. Another poster child for ignorant,
uneducated webtv trailer trash. Look.. go back to
school, get your HS diploma (better take some
remedial English, ok?) and then come back and
present your off topic post again for critique.
We're happy to oblige.

  #8 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a


> Ho-Hut!! Grampy Adams,
> Not many people remember to respect those of us that served on land and
> sea.

Yo, dude? I don't know who you're thinking about
but I most certainly DO respect those (past and
present) who are in the service. What I don't
respect is lame Webtv'ers who whine about off
topic posts yet he fails to remain on topic
himself. His poor command of the English language

  #9 (permalink)   Report Post  
JeanineAlyse in 29 Palms
Posts: n/a

JeanineAlyse here, refusing to paste that idiot's insulting drivel.

To the group (and merely as an at-home WTV user for but a few more
months), I apologize for yet another WebTV-er with his little black box
and very insignificant puny browser that comes in here with a quite
uncalled for trash-mouth.

So, GrampyJerk, how can *your* post fall within what you deem to be the
r.f.c intention? The good cooking folks here talk about whatever may be
of interest to themselves and others, cooking or not. Many have become
good friends over the years, and most all have been posting within this
r.f.c venue far longer than _any_ WTV person.

Go hang out at one of the WTV-only "club" groups with your ignorance,
and be sure to pick a private one so that the owner can toss your
opinionated, off-topic rudeness. The r.f.c posting "rules," as well as
the breaking of same are best determined by the originators and longtime
faithful computer users of this group, certainly not by ANY WebTV
some-time spitter having less than brains.

Picky ~JA~

  #10 (permalink)   Report Post  
The Ranger
Posts: n/a

JAMES NEMECKY > eee-awwwed in message
[snip more webtv braying]

ObTopic: WebTV and the topic. My Ironometer is pegging.

The Ranger
Same ol', same ol'. The lack of imagination escaping with regularity
from Webtv's slimy puddle of cyberspace is palpable. Ooze away before
someone trains a magnifying glass over you and the hiss of your
evaporation is like some cheap scifi fx.

  #11 (permalink)   Report Post  
Wayne Boatwright
Posts: n/a

On Sat 26 Feb 2005 10:14:56a, ADAM S. wrote in

> everywhere you turn there are troublemakers with their warped thinking,
> first off people this section is for food no one cares about how much
> lint you have in your head, take you views and stick them, it only takes
> one or two and it gets everyone off track, i hate everyone against
> america, this is the best country in the world maybe your in another
> land, stay there we dont need dopes like you, and if you in this country
> i would love to get my hands on you, then we would see how you
> sand-monkeys are so hated

And you became the arbiter of this groups populace and content how and when?

I think it's safe to say that we don't want you here.

Wayne Boatwright

Give me a smart idiot over a stupid genius any day.
Sam Goldwyn, 1882-1974
  #12 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

> > everywhere you turn there are troublemakers with their warped


Oh lordie, it's twits such as this that give webtv people such a bad
reputation. (Joan who now owns a laptop with all the bells & whistles
but got to keep her webtv for the same monthly fee. Actually it is
even cheaper since I pay by the year now!)

  #13 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

Dave Smith wrote:
> "ADAM S." wrote:
> > everywhere you turn there are troublemakers with their warped

> Yep. Guys like Bush who get attacked by a group primarily from one

> but based in a second country, and then your president reacts by

attacking a
> third country that had nothing to do with it. It's a pity that there

was so
> much sympathy for the American people right after 9/11, but your

> squandered it, ****ed off most of his allies and turned the rest of

> civilized world against him and his country.

Not to mention at least half of us in the US as if we weren't
already ****ed off enough...

> >
> > first off people this section is for food no one cares about how

> > lint you have in your head, take you views and stick them, it only

> > one or two and it gets everyone off track, i hate everyone against
> > america, this is the best country in the world maybe your in

> > land, stay there we dont need dopes like you, and if you in this

> > i would love to get my hands on you, then we would see how you
> > sand-monkeys are so hated

> Yet, you remain the symbol of everything that is wrong with >America,

and you
> will probably never see the irony.

Yep. It's embarassing.


  #14 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a


  #15 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a


  #17 (permalink)   Report Post  
Doug Perkins
Posts: n/a

Is that the best you can come up with Ranger? I suggest you check out
some of the idiotic post from those computer people (like you).You don't
sound like the brightest star in the heavens.

  #18 (permalink)   Report Post  
Doug Perkins
Posts: n/a

Shows your lack of upbringing,Go buy a computer.

  #19 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

A question or two for you to answer. What does YOUR post have to do
with food? Who annointed YOU the RFC topic cop? I have a word for
people like you: ignoranus - both ignorant and an asshole. You can
remedy ignorance. Go back and finish your GED. It looks like you really
need to work on you English language skills. The asshole part? I=B4m
sorry. That=B4s not able to be fixed.

OB FOOD - I=B4m off to the the Sunday market to load up on fresh
vegetables and see if the lady with the coconut bread has done any
baking this weekend.. Tonight - a casserole with red beans, rice, green
peppers, raisins, pecans, and ground beef. Coconut bread if available.

Sandi -

I still love my country. I=B4m just not particularly proud of it at this

  #20 (permalink)   Report Post  
The Ranger
Posts: n/a

Doug Perkins > whined in message
> Is that the best you can come up with Ranger? I
> suggest you check out some of the idiotic post
> from those computer people (like you).You don't
> sound like the brightest star in the heavens.

These dorks make it easier and easier with every post.

Dougie, Dougie, Dougie... If I were to invest any more effort into
trying to educate you, the little sport you'd offer would be over too
quickly. Go over to your set, unplug that toy and stick to playing your

The Ranger
"Everyone is subject to the laws of Darwinism whether or not they
believe in them, agree with them, or accept them. There is no trial, no
jury, no argument, and no appeal."
-- Anonymous

  #21 (permalink)   Report Post  
Janet Bostwick
Posts: n/a

"Sandi" > wrote in message
OB FOOD - I´m off to the the Sunday market to load up on fresh
vegetables and see if the lady with the coconut bread has done any
baking this weekend.. Tonight - a casserole with red beans, rice, green
peppers, raisins, pecans, and ground beef. Coconut bread if available.

Sandi -
Is the coconut bread a quick bread or a yeast bread--sweet or savory?
Sounds really interesting whatever it is. Can you give me some more info so
that I can take a stab at it?

  #22 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

yeast bread but not very sweet. A flavor of coconut but otherwise just
a good homebaked white bread.


  #23 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

Addendum to my message. I=B4m not sure how the Garifuna ladies make the
bread. I=B4ve made an approximation of it by substituting canned coconut
milk for the liquid called for in my basic white bread recipe. You may
need several tries at it to get the exact flavor you want.


  #24 (permalink)   Report Post  
Dan Abel
Posts: n/a

In article > , Dog3
> wrote:

> Your casserole sounds yummy. I love read beans and rice. Never had coconut
> bread. Don't get me wrong, I've had plenty of different breads but I'm not
> a sweet type of person. I like savory.

I don't think a sweet bread would go well with this casserole. There are
a number of savory dishes using coconut. In particular, Thai food has
some good ones. I love the coconut soup. The local Thai place has a
lunch special which includes soup or salad, rice and one or two main
dishes, for US$6.95. The soup is vegetarian, so my daughter can eat it
also. It has tofu cubes and very fresh vegetables.

Dan Abel
Sonoma State University

  #25 (permalink)   Report Post  
Dan Abel
Posts: n/a

In article .com>, "-L."
> wrote:

> Not to mention at least half of us in the US as if we weren't
> already ****ed off enough...

Not a true statement. George Bush was elected with a majority just a few
months ago.

My daughter's best friend was telling me that the election of Dubyah is
why she decided not to become a citizen of this country. I can't blame

Dan Abel
Sonoma State University

  #26 (permalink)   Report Post  
Priscilla H. Ballou
Posts: n/a

Dan Abel wrote:
> In article .com>, "-L."
> > wrote:
> > Not to mention at least half of us in the US as if we weren't
> > already ****ed off enough...

> Not a true statement. George Bush was elected with a majority just a few
> months ago.

A majority of voters who actually got to the polls. Not a majority of
US citizens.

  #27 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

Dog3 wrote:
> "Sandi" > wrote in
> > A question or two for you to answer. What does YOUR post have to do
> > with food? Who annointed YOU the RFC topic cop? I have a word for
> > people like you: ignoranus - both ignorant and an asshole. You can
> > remedy ignorance. Go back and finish your GED. It looks like you

> > need to work on you English language skills. The asshole part? I=B4m
> > sorry. That=B4s not able to be fixed.
> >
> > OB FOOD - I=B4m off to the the Sunday market to load up on fresh
> > vegetables and see if the lady with the coconut bread has done any
> > baking this weekend.. Tonight - a casserole with red beans, rice,

> > peppers, raisins, pecans, and ground beef. Coconut bread if

> >
> > Sandi -
> >
> > I still love my country. I=B4m just not particularly proud of it at

> > time.
> >
> >

> Your casserole sounds yummy. I love read beans and rice. Never had

> bread. Don't get me wrong, I've had plenty of different breads but

I'm not
> a sweet type of person. I like savory.
> Michael

Baisc white yeast bread that uses coconut milk as the liquid. It=B4s not
sweet, it just has a coconut flavor.


  #28 (permalink)   Report Post  
Janet Bostwick
Posts: n/a

"Sandi" > wrote in message
Addendum to my message. I´m not sure how the Garifuna ladies make the
bread. I´ve made an approximation of it by substituting canned coconut
milk for the liquid called for in my basic white bread recipe. You may
need several tries at it to get the exact flavor you want.


O.k., the flavor of coconut, but no flakes or otherwise noticible pieces of
coconut in the crumb? Coconut milk seems like a brilliant idea. thanks

  #29 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

Janet Bostwick wrote:
> "Sandi" > wrote in message
> Addendum to my message. I=B4m not sure how the Garifuna ladies make

> bread. I=B4ve made an approximation of it by substituting canned

> milk for the liquid called for in my basic white bread recipe. You

> need several tries at it to get the exact flavor you want.
> Sandi
> O.k., the flavor of coconut, but no flakes or otherwise noticible

pieces of
> coconut in the crumb? Coconut milk seems like a brilliant idea.

> Janet

No...their bread has no coconut flakes or pieces in it. Just the flavor
od unsweetened coconut. Mine is a little softer crumb than theirs
was...but still ok.

BTW...we tried the coconut bread rolls as a base for biscuits and gravy
9no buttermilk and no soft wheat flour for flaky biscuits here in
Honduras) and it was great.


  #30 (permalink)   Report Post  
Janet Bostwick
Posts: n/a

"Sandi" > wrote in message
No...their bread has no coconut flakes or pieces in it. Just the flavor
od unsweetened coconut. Mine is a little softer crumb than theirs
was...but still ok.
Did you use bread flour? That might make the crumb less soft and more
chewy. Or make a lean white bread--no fat.

  #31 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

Janet Bostwick wrote:
> "Sandi" > wrote in message
> snip
> No...their bread has no coconut flakes or pieces in it. Just the

> od unsweetened coconut. Mine is a little softer crumb than theirs
> was...but still ok.
> snip
> Sandi
> Did you use bread flour? That might make the crumb less soft and

> chewy. Or make a lean white bread--no fat.
> Janet

I use bread flour such as it is here in Honduras. Bread flour varies
widely from brand to brand and even within brands. Plus...we have bread
flour for use with yeast and bread flour for use with baking
soda/baking powder and we have all purpose flour. I used canned coconut
milk. Betty, my bread lady, makes her coconut milk from scratch. I bake
mine in a bread machine. She bakes hers in a wood fired horno (oven).
So there are a whole lot of variables going on here.


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