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  #41 (permalink)   Report Post  
Damsel in dis Dress
Posts: n/a

Boron Elgar >, if that's their real name, wrote:

>I was just changed from albuterol to Xopenex, because the albuterol
>make me feel like I had 20 cups of espresso (that is the food
>reference that makes this post on topic). I do not know how new it
>is, but my doc offered it when I told her about the shakes after

A few months ago, I kept tipping over for no apparent reason. Went to the
doctor, and her first question was whether or not these incidents followed
use of my inhaler. Nope. Turns out I had fluid in my ears. From the way
she talked, there was a swimming pool on each side of my head. The point
of that little story is that my doctor's aware of that side-effect.

>The Xopenex gives a bit of a buzzy feeling, but nothing like the
>albuterol. The only trick is that albuterol is generic, and so it is
>much cheaper than Xopenex. If you have good med insurance coverage,
>ask your doc about it. It makes a big diff to me in how I feel after
>treatment. I am fortunate that my plan covers it. (I also got them to
>cover a portable, battery run nebulizer that is way smaller than a can
>of soda.)

I'll check these things out with her. My current nebulizer is about the
size of a car battery, and I have good medical coverage. But right now,
I'm paying $15 a pop for 14 prescriptions every month. I'll be glad when I
reach the cap on the co-pays for this year.

>What about Advair or Singulair? Tried either or both?

Advair has been a god-send for me. I've got to wait to refill it until
next Tuesday (see above). Thanks for the tip about Xopenex!

"Years ago my mother used to say to me... She'd say,
'In this world Elwood, you must be oh-so smart or oh-so pleasant.'
Well, for years I was smart.... I recommend pleasant. You may quote me."

*James Stewart* in the 1950 movie, _Harvey_
  #42 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

Damsel in dis Dress wrote:

> Wayne Boatwright >, if that's their real name, wrote:
>>I am SO happy and relieved to see you, Carol! Get a good rest, then come
>>join us.

> Thanks, Pookie! Doesn't look like I'm gonna get a nap in the immediate
> future. Those fumes didn't do much for my allergies or my asthma. It's
> easier to stay up and be dead on my feet than to lie down and start
> choking.

My sympathies. As an allergy and asthma sufferer, I can more than relate.
> So you're stuck with me NOW! <EG>

No prob! I love your posts
> Carol

  #43 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

Boron Elgar wrote:

> On Wed, 09 Mar 2005 15:05:16 -0600, Damsel in dis Dress
> > wrote:
>>Boron Elgar >, if that's their real name, wrote:
>>>Check with your insurance company about your policy and see if it
>>>covers smoke damage. There are companies that will come in & clean
>>>walls, carpets, drapes, upholstered pieces, etc., and get rid of the

>>Yeah, I'm sure it's covered, but we can take care of the surprisingly
>>little smoke damage. The main floor is just fine. No problem. What
>>really ****es me off (about myself) is that I had done a million loads of
>>laundry and stacked it all on a kitchen table I use for folding clean
>>clothes. I never brought the stuff upstairs and put it away. If I had, I
>>wouldn't have to re-wash 75% of our clothing. I think what we had was more
>>fumes than smoke. Visible fumes, but not smoke in the usual sense of the
>>word. I'm sure some electricity-savvy person will know what I'm talking
>>about and translate that statement into English.

> Sigh. This is a habit I have, too. You may have broken me of it.
>>>And call your MD to be sure you have your meds handy, just it case it
>>>really gets to you!

>>My nebulizer is plugged in and ready to be used at a moment's notice, and I
>>hoard inhalers, so there's at least one in every room of the house, and one
>>in my jacket pocket. I just took a couple Benadryl, and hope to be
>>drifting off to la-la land soon. Gotta be up in four hours, though.
>>American Idol is on. <G>

> What's in the nebulizer - albuterol or Xopenex?

Oh my gosh, I missed Carol's reply. I thought I was strange for
hoarding inhalers. I use the dry turbohalers and I do have bricanyl in
every room! I can't take any drugs that make me drousey like Benadryl
because I have brittle asthma. My neb is always ready to go for that
reason. I really feel for Carol as I know what she is going through.
Hang tough Carol and I hope you have no complications!
>>Both excellent pieces of advice. You're a good egg!

> Sunny side up!


  #44 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

Boron Elgar wrote:

> On Wed, 09 Mar 2005 15:20:46 -0600, Damsel in dis Dress
> > wrote:
>>>What's in the nebulizer - albuterol or Xopenex?

>>Albuterol. Gotta use that stuff where I plan on staying for awhile. Makes
>>me really woozy. Is Xopenex something new, something I just haven't heard
>>of, or both?

> I was just changed from albuterol to Xopenex, because the albuterol
> make me feel like I had 20 cups of espresso (that is the food
> reference that makes this post on topic). I do not know how new it
> is, but my doc offered it when I told her about the shakes after
> treatments

I use bricanyl as a reliever. It always gives me the shakes but no
where like albuterol!
> The Xopenex gives a bit of a buzzy feeling, but nothing like the
> albuterol. The only trick is that albuterol is generic, and so it is
> much cheaper than Xopenex. If you have good med insurance coverage,
> ask your doc about it. It makes a big diff to me in how I feel after
> treatment. I am fortunate that my plan covers it. (I also got them to
> cover a portable, battery run nebulizer that is way smaller than a can
> of soda.)
> What about Advair or Singulair? Tried either or both?

Singulair has been a godsend for me! It takes a little while to build
up in your system but once it does the difference is substantial. My
only complaint is that Singulair is not covered with my drug plan and
that's after my dr sent in a special form. I pay $100 a month for
Singulair but it is well worth it. It keeps me from weekly visits to
emerg, drastically reduces my neb use, and has dramatically improved my
quality of life. It is one great drug!
>>>>Both excellent pieces of advice. You're a good egg!
>>>Sunny side up!

>>All gold, like sunshine!

> By the grace of the God and Clairol.
> Boron

  #45 (permalink)   Report Post  
Boron Elgar
Posts: n/a

On Wed, 09 Mar 2005 17:30:29 -0600, Damsel in dis Dress
> wrote:

>Boron Elgar >, if that's their real name, wrote:
>> I am fortunate that my plan covers it. (I also got them to
>>cover a portable, battery run nebulizer that is way smaller than a can
>>of soda.)

>I'll check these things out with her. My current nebulizer is about the
>size of a car battery, and I have good medical coverage. But right now,
>I'm paying $15 a pop for 14 prescriptions every month. I'll be glad when I
>reach the cap on the co-pays for this year.

Hey! You sound like me! I wish my Rx meds would apply to the co-pay,

>>What about Advair or Singulair? Tried either or both?

>Advair has been a god-send for me. I've got to wait to refill it until
>next Tuesday (see above). Thanks for the tip about Xopenex!


Happy breathing!

(Just call me Wheezy)

  #46 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

"Damsel in dis Dress" wrote in message
> And now, through the miracle of modern technology, we're back online!

Great news, Dams!

> The Red Cross came and arranged for lodging for us (the lack of heat and
> the stench of burning electrical stuff prevented us from staying home the
> past two nights), gave us some "Clean-Up Kits" (toiletries so we wouldn't
> reek from the fumes), and a homemade quilt for each of us that are ours to
> keep. I will always cherish these tangible reminders of the goodness of
> other people when we needed it the most. Those quilts are priceless.

Aren't they great? With our fire, the Red Cross was there at 2:30 a.m., got
us into the Sleep Inn for five nights and handed us bags with all necessary
toiletries and an authorization slip for necessities. I had lost all my
clothes so that was a godsend. I'll never want to hear anyone fault the Red
Cross again.

> First thing I did when the power was restored was to check the meat in the
> freezer. It's all hard as a rock. Whew! I've been fretting over all
> that
> meat the entire time we were without power. There's a whole ham, a
> turkey,
> a huge slab of brisket, and a bunch of roasts and stuff. Thank goodness.
> I honestly thought that we were going to be roasting/grilling everything
> and freezing the cooked meat. I'm relieved. It's better when the stuff
> is
> freshly prepared.

Great news! That's one worry gone.

> In the past 36 hours, I've had 5 hours of sleep (not all at once). I'm
> gonna go through my e-mails and take a lonnnnnnnnnnng nap!
> Thanks for all the good wishes. We appreciate your kindness and concern.
> Carol

Sleep well, Carol.


  #47 (permalink)   Report Post  
Boron Elgar
Posts: n/a

On Wed, 09 Mar 2005 18:54:02 -0500, Serendipity >

>Boron Elgar wrote:
>> On Wed, 09 Mar 2005 15:20:46 -0600, Damsel in dis Dress
>> > wrote:
>>>>What's in the nebulizer - albuterol or Xopenex?
>>>Albuterol. Gotta use that stuff where I plan on staying for awhile. Makes
>>>me really woozy. Is Xopenex something new, something I just haven't heard
>>>of, or both?

>> I was just changed from albuterol to Xopenex, because the albuterol
>> make me feel like I had 20 cups of espresso (that is the food
>> reference that makes this post on topic). I do not know how new it
>> is, but my doc offered it when I told her about the shakes after
>> treatments

>I use bricanyl as a reliever. It always gives me the shakes but no
>where like albuterol!

That is a new one on me. I will check that out when I see the
>> The Xopenex gives a bit of a buzzy feeling, but nothing like the
>> albuterol. The only trick is that albuterol is generic, and so it is
>> much cheaper than Xopenex. If you have good med insurance coverage,
>> ask your doc about it. It makes a big diff to me in how I feel after
>> treatment. I am fortunate that my plan covers it. (I also got them to
>> cover a portable, battery run nebulizer that is way smaller than a can
>> of soda.)
>> What about Advair or Singulair? Tried either or both?

>Singulair has been a godsend for me! It takes a little while to build
>up in your system but once it does the difference is substantial. My
>only complaint is that Singulair is not covered with my drug plan and
>that's after my dr sent in a special form. I pay $100 a month for
>Singulair but it is well worth it. It keeps me from weekly visits to
>emerg, drastically reduces my neb use, and has dramatically improved my
>quality of life. It is one great drug!

It has made a difference to me, that's for sure. This is all
relatively new to me in the last year. How I went through 54 years
with no breathing problems & then got asthma symptoms is weird, I
guess, and it sure has been exciting (like the rush to the ER when I
can't breathe. Boy, I never thought people in the ER could run so
fast. Short of a heart attack, I don't think anything gets you waited
on faster than a barely squeaked out "I can't breathe."

Gotta keep those airways open, or we can't enjoy rfc & playing around
in the kitchen!


  #48 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

Damsel wrote:

And now, through the miracle of modern technology, we're back online!

Good to see you, Carol! Glad everybody is OK! You got back just in
time. We were getting ready to start rumors that all the smoke might
have been cooking related. <g>


  #49 (permalink)   Report Post  
maxine in ri
Posts: n/a

On Wed, 09 Mar 2005 14:38:20 -0600, Damsel in dis Dress
> connected the dots and wrote:

~Wayne Boatwright >, if that's their real name, wrote:
~>I am SO happy and relieved to see you, Carol! Get a good rest, then
~>join us.
~Thanks, Pookie! Doesn't look like I'm gonna get a nap in the
~future. Those fumes didn't do much for my allergies or my asthma.
~easier to stay up and be dead on my feet than to lie down and start
~So you're stuck with me NOW! <EG>

Can't think of many folks I'd rather be stuck with! You're a peach,
you trollop, you.

maxine in ri
  #50 (permalink)   Report Post  
maxine in ri
Posts: n/a

On Wed, 09 Mar 2005 15:16:23 -0600, Damsel in dis Dress
> connected the dots and wrote:

~ If I wrote an
~autobiography, no one would believe everything that one person had
~through. But, like I keep reminding Crash ... a lot of horrible
~happen to us, but they happen in the best way possible. I don't know
~but we're being watched over, and I'm very grateful for that love and

A friend once said that my guardian angel works overtime, because I
get into so many mudpuddles and come out looking like the end of a
Chlorox ad...<G>

maxine in ri

  #51 (permalink)   Report Post  
Damsel in dis Dress
Posts: n/a

"Michael" >, if that's their real name, wrote:

>Good to see you, Carol! Glad everybody is OK! You got back just in
>time. We were getting ready to start rumors that all the smoke might
>have been cooking related. <g>

LOL! We were very reassured at the Motel Hell when I overestimated the
time it would take to microwave a Pop-Tart. There was smoke billowing out
of the microwave (first and only time that this has ever happened), and it
didn't set off the smoke alarm, which is mounted directly above the oven.
The fun just never ends! Heehee!

"Years ago my mother used to say to me... She'd say,
'In this world Elwood, you must be oh-so smart or oh-so pleasant.'
Well, for years I was smart.... I recommend pleasant. You may quote me."

*James Stewart* in the 1950 movie, _Harvey_
  #52 (permalink)   Report Post  
Wayne Boatwright
Posts: n/a

On Wed 09 Mar 2005 06:35:13p, Damsel in dis Dress wrote in

> "Michael" >, if that's their real name, wrote:
>>Good to see you, Carol! Glad everybody is OK! You got back just in
>>time. We were getting ready to start rumors that all the smoke might
>>have been cooking related. <g>

> LOL! We were very reassured at the Motel Hell when I overestimated the
> time it would take to microwave a Pop-Tart. There was smoke billowing
> out of the microwave (first and only time that this has ever happened),
> and it didn't set off the smoke alarm, which is mounted directly above
> the oven. The fun just never ends! Heehee!
> Carol

If you have a commercial company come to eradicate the smoke odors and
they choose to use an ozone unit, make sure that no living thing remains
in the house while it's being treated. The high ozone levels can kill.

Wayne Boatwright

Give me a smart idiot over a stupid genius any day.
Sam Goldwyn, 1882-1974
  #53 (permalink)   Report Post  
maxine in ri
Posts: n/a

On Wed, 09 Mar 2005 14:56:03 -0600, Damsel in dis Dress
> connected the dots and wrote:

~Melba's Jammin' >, if that's their real
~>In article >,
~>> First thing I did when the power was restored was to check the
~>> in the freezer. It's all hard as a rock.
~>What'd I tell you! Hurrah!
~Yeppers! But the cranberries in the refrigerator freezer were mushy.
~bought ten bags of them when they were on sale after Christmas. I'm
~serious consideration into making a gigantic batch of
~relish and freezing it in small containers.

If they still had ice crystals in them, they can be refrozen with no
problem. If they were totally thawed, I've got a great recipe for
cranberry nut bread, cranberry muffins, things like that.

maxine in ri
  #54 (permalink)   Report Post  
Damsel in dis Dress
Posts: n/a

maxine in ri >, if that's their real name, wrote:

>A friend once said that my guardian angel works overtime, because I
>get into so many mudpuddles and come out looking like the end of a
>Chlorox ad...<G>

Wow! I usually come out looking like the beginning of a Shout commercial.

"Years ago my mother used to say to me... She'd say,
'In this world Elwood, you must be oh-so smart or oh-so pleasant.'
Well, for years I was smart.... I recommend pleasant. You may quote me."

*James Stewart* in the 1950 movie, _Harvey_
  #55 (permalink)   Report Post  
Damsel in dis Dress
Posts: n/a

maxine in ri >, if that's their real name, wrote:

thawed cranberries

>If they still had ice crystals in them, they can be refrozen with no
>problem. If they were totally thawed, I've got a great recipe for
>cranberry nut bread, cranberry muffins, things like that.

Lay 'em on me!
"Years ago my mother used to say to me... She'd say,
'In this world Elwood, you must be oh-so smart or oh-so pleasant.'
Well, for years I was smart.... I recommend pleasant. You may quote me."

*James Stewart* in the 1950 movie, _Harvey_

  #56 (permalink)   Report Post  
Rick & Cyndi
Posts: n/a

"Damsel in dis Dress" > wrote in message
> Wayne Boatwright >, if that's their real name, wrote:
>>I am SO happy and relieved to see you, Carol! Get a good rest, then come
>>join us.

> Thanks, Pookie! Doesn't look like I'm gonna get a nap in the immediate
> future. Those fumes didn't do much for my allergies or my asthma. It's
> easier to stay up and be dead on my feet than to lie down and start
> choking.
> So you're stuck with me NOW! <EG>
> Carol
> ====================

Holy Crap!

I'm happy to hear things are improving! Geez, I take a few days off to do
taxes and look what happens!

Thinking of you,

  #57 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

Damsel in dis Dress wrote:

> in my jacket pocket. I just took a couple Benadryl, and hope to be
> drifting off to la-la land soon. Gotta be up in four hours, though.
> American Idol is on. <G>

Ohh, you watch that too! :-)

I hope you got your much needed sleep.
  #58 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

Boron Elgar wrote:

> On Wed, 09 Mar 2005 18:54:02 -0500, Serendipity >
> wrote:
>>Boron Elgar wrote:
>>>On Wed, 09 Mar 2005 15:20:46 -0600, Damsel in dis Dress
> wrote:
>>>>>What's in the nebulizer - albuterol or Xopenex?
>>>>Albuterol. Gotta use that stuff where I plan on staying for awhile. Makes
>>>>me really woozy. Is Xopenex something new, something I just haven't heard
>>>>of, or both?
>>>I was just changed from albuterol to Xopenex, because the albuterol
>>>make me feel like I had 20 cups of espresso (that is the food
>>>reference that makes this post on topic). I do not know how new it
>>>is, but my doc offered it when I told her about the shakes after

>>I use bricanyl as a reliever. It always gives me the shakes but no
>>where like albuterol!

> That is a new one on me. I will check that out when I see the
> allergist.

The drug name for bricanyl is terbutaline, a short-acting beta2-agonist.
I also use symbicort which is anti-inflammatory corticosteroid
budesonide (Pulmicort®) and the rapid- and long-lasting bronchodilator
formoterol (Oxis®) in a single inhaler.
>>>The Xopenex gives a bit of a buzzy feeling, but nothing like the
>>>albuterol. The only trick is that albuterol is generic, and so it is
>>>much cheaper than Xopenex. If you have good med insurance coverage,
>>>ask your doc about it. It makes a big diff to me in how I feel after
>>>treatment. I am fortunate that my plan covers it. (I also got them to
>>>cover a portable, battery run nebulizer that is way smaller than a can
>>>of soda.)
>>>What about Advair or Singulair? Tried either or both?

>>Singulair has been a godsend for me! It takes a little while to build
>>up in your system but once it does the difference is substantial. My
>>only complaint is that Singulair is not covered with my drug plan and
>>that's after my dr sent in a special form. I pay $100 a month for
>>Singulair but it is well worth it. It keeps me from weekly visits to
>>emerg, drastically reduces my neb use, and has dramatically improved my
>>quality of life. It is one great drug!

> It has made a difference to me, that's for sure. This is all
> relatively new to me in the last year. How I went through 54 years
> with no breathing problems & then got asthma symptoms is weird, I
> guess, and it sure has been exciting (like the rush to the ER when I
> can't breathe. Boy, I never thought people in the ER could run so
> fast. Short of a heart attack, I don't think anything gets you waited
> on faster than a barely squeaked out "I can't breathe."

There is nothing like adult onset asthma I was diagnosed almost 8
years ago. Two of those years were pure hell as my then doctor treated
ineffectively and failed to see I was reacting to the propellant in the
inhalers. I finally saw a specialist who changed everything to dry
inhalers. I went through a few different meds before getting stabilized
on the turbuhalers. Finally, Singulair was added
> Gotta keep those airways open, or we can't enjoy rfc & playing around
> in the kitchen!

I hear you!
> Boron

  #59 (permalink)   Report Post  
Damsel in dis Dress
Posts: n/a

Denise~* >, if that's their real name, wrote:

>Damsel in dis Dress wrote:
>> Gotta be up in four hours, though. American Idol is on. <G>

>Ohh, you watch that too! :-)

Yup. I was disappointed that one of the women went through and that
another, with a much nicer voice, didn't. I'm not naming names.

>I hope you got your much needed sleep.

2 hours yesterday afternoon, and 3 hours tonight. I think I'm scared to
sleep. Rationally, I know that our home is much safer now, but I'm not
sure the emotional part of me has come to grips with that just yet. Crash
is doing the opposite. He's been awake for about as long as I've been
asleep this week.

"Years ago my mother used to say to me... She'd say,
'In this world Elwood, you must be oh-so smart or oh-so pleasant.'
Well, for years I was smart.... I recommend pleasant. You may quote me."

*James Stewart* in the 1950 movie, _Harvey_
  #60 (permalink)   Report Post  
Damsel in dis Dress
Posts: n/a

"Rick & Cyndi" >, if that's their real name, wrote:

>Holy Crap!
>I'm happy to hear things are improving! Geez, I take a few days off to do
>taxes and look what happens!

I told you. Taxes are evil.

"Years ago my mother used to say to me... She'd say,
'In this world Elwood, you must be oh-so smart or oh-so pleasant.'
Well, for years I was smart.... I recommend pleasant. You may quote me."

*James Stewart* in the 1950 movie, _Harvey_

  #61 (permalink)   Report Post  
rosie read n' post
Posts: n/a

: If they still had ice crystals in them, they can be refrozen with
: problem. If they were totally thawed, I've got a great recipe for
: cranberry nut bread, cranberry muffins, things like that.
: maxine in ri

please post!

  #63 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

Damsel in dis Dress wrote:
> Denise~* >, if that's their real name, wrote:
>>Damsel in dis Dress wrote:
>>>Gotta be up in four hours, though. American Idol is on. <G>

>>Ohh, you watch that too! :-)

> Yup. I was disappointed that one of the women went through and that
> another, with a much nicer voice, didn't. I'm not naming names.

I think know who you are thinking of, but why not name names?
Actually, I can never remember half the names of the contestants, but I
know which ones I like. I'm annoyed that the guy who sang "Georgia on
my mind" got kicked off, Grr.

>>I hope you got your much needed sleep.

> 2 hours yesterday afternoon, and 3 hours tonight. I think I'm scared to
> sleep. Rationally, I know that our home is much safer now, but I'm not
> sure the emotional part of me has come to grips with that just yet. Crash
> is doing the opposite. He's been awake for about as long as I've been
> asleep this week.

Well, you could start by sleeping when Crash is awake, just so you feel
safer having one person awake while you sleep.
  #64 (permalink)   Report Post  
Damsel in dis Dress
Posts: n/a

Denise~* >, if that's their real name, wrote:

>Damsel in dis Dress wrote:
>> Denise~* >, if that's their real name, wrote:
>>>Damsel in dis Dress wrote:
>>>>Gotta be up in four hours, though. American Idol is on. <G>
>>>Ohh, you watch that too! :-)

>> Yup. I was disappointed that one of the women went through and that
>> another, with a much nicer voice, didn't. I'm not naming names.

>I think know who you are thinking of, but why not name names?

Because I don't remember them! LOL! I liked the really thin brunette with
long, curly hair. She was fun. The one that went through that made me
cringe was the one that talks like Fran Drescher and sings through her

>Actually, I can never remember half the names of the contestants, but I
>know which ones I like. I'm annoyed that the guy who sang "Georgia on
>my mind" got kicked off, Grr.

I only remember four of the guys, and don't recall who sang that song.

>>>I hope you got your much needed sleep.

>> 2 hours yesterday afternoon, and 3 hours tonight. I think I'm scared to
>> sleep. Rationally, I know that our home is much safer now, but I'm not
>> sure the emotional part of me has come to grips with that just yet. Crash
>> is doing the opposite. He's been awake for about as long as I've been
>> asleep this week.

>Well, you could start by sleeping when Crash is awake, just so you feel
>safer having one person awake while you sleep.

Crash is rarely awake during the winter. He told me this morning that he
got up three times during the night to check on things in the basement.
This isn't going to go away overnight. <sigh>

"Years ago my mother used to say to me... She'd say,
'In this world Elwood, you must be oh-so smart or oh-so pleasant.'
Well, for years I was smart.... I recommend pleasant. You may quote me."

*James Stewart* in the 1950 movie, _Harvey_
  #66 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

"Dog3" wrote in message to Damsel:

I'll name a plant after you. Do
> you like a lilly?

Maybe a shamrock, Michael? Carol needs the luck of the Irish right now.

Hope you're coming along OK.


  #67 (permalink)   Report Post  
maxine in ri
Posts: n/a

On Thu, 10 Mar 2005 15:46:43 GMT, "rosie read n' post"
> connected the dots and wrote:

~: If they still had ice crystals in them, they can be refrozen with
~: problem. If they were totally thawed, I've got a great recipe for
~: cranberry nut bread, cranberry muffins, things like that.
~: maxine in ri
~please post!

from 11/18/98 projo food section
Cranberry Almond Bread

2 cups flour
1/2 cup sugar
2 teaspoons baking powder
1 teaspoon salt
1 egg
1/4 cup milk
1/2 cup butter, melted
2 tsp almond extract
1 1/2 cups fresh or frozen cranberries
1 tablespoon sugar
1/4 cup sliced almonds

Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Grease an 81/2-by-41/2-by-2-inch
loaf pan.

Combine flour, sugar, baking powder and salt in a medium mixing
bowl. Set aside.

Combine egg, milk, butter, almond extract and cranberries in a
medium mixing bowl. Add to dry ingredients, mixing just until
the dry ingredients are moist. Spread batter in loaf pan.
Sprinkle with sugar and almonds.

Bake for 45 minutes. Reduce heat to 350 degrees. Bake for 30
minutes or until a toothpick inserted into center of loaf comes
out clean. Makes one loaf.
  #68 (permalink)   Report Post  
maxine in ri
Posts: n/a

On Thu, 10 Mar 2005 15:46:43 GMT, "rosie read n' post"
> connected the dots and wrote:

~: If they still had ice crystals in them, they can be refrozen with
~: problem. If they were totally thawed, I've got a great recipe for
~: cranberry nut bread, cranberry muffins, things like that.
~: maxine in ri
~please post!

Cranberry Cornmeal Muffins
bon appetit 11/90
Makes 12

1-1/4 cups all-purpose flour
1/4 cup whole wheat flour
1/2 cup cornmeal
1/2 cup sugar
1 tablespoon baking powder
1 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
Pinch salt
1 cup cranberries
1 large egg
1 large egg white
1-1/4 cup buttermilk
1/4 cup vegetable oil
1/4 cup golden raisins

Preheat oven to 425F. Line 12 1/3 cup muffin tins with paper cups.
Combine first 8 ingredients in bowl of processor. Pulse to blend.
Add cranberries and process until coarsely chopped. Transfer to a

Beat egg and egg white in medium bowl to blend. Whisk in buttermilk
and oil. Add liquid ingredients to dry ones. Mix until just
combined. Stir in raisins. Divide mixture among muffin cups. Bake
until muffins are golden brown and toothpick inserted into center
comes out clean, about 20 minutes. Transfer to rack and cool

Serve warm or at room temperature.
  #69 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

"maxine in ri" > wrote in message
> from 11/18/98 projo food section
> Cranberry Almond Bread

That's a keeper. Can't wait to try it out.


  #70 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

"maxine in ri" > wrote in message
> Cranberry Cornmeal Muffins

Also a keeper.
Thank you for posting these.


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