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  #1 (permalink)   Report Post  
Bob (this one)
Posts: n/a
Default shopping trip - low carb

MisNomer wrote:

> So, I go to safeway to get some whole wheat flour, and fresh yeast, a fellow was
> there right near the flour. He says, "I'm looking for low carb flour"... so,
> thinking he was being funny I laughed and said "I wonder what low carb flour is
> - air? The guy looked at me all disgusted and walked away.

This will be with us far a while. Like people calling my radio program
asking for non-fat Alfredo recipes and eggless custards, but not fake
stuff for all the years that low-fat was THE answer. We have a new THE

> oh well, I picked up the flour and the yeast - both of which were almost half
> price! But on getting home - I am thinking what do they use to make "low carb"
> stuff out of? Anything I have seen advertised "low carb" is full of stuff I
> haven't heard of or its all really small things.

There are such things as "destarched" wheat flour, protein isolates
(from wheat, milk, soy, etc.), soy flour, flaxmeal, low-glycemic corn
starch and a lot of other things that make a bread-looking loaf.
Mostly they're not as good as one would hope.

> Is there such thing as low carb bread?

Low is in the eye of the beholder. There are breads that tout 6 or 7
net grams carb per slice (total carbs minus fiber = net carbs).
They're whole wheatish in appearance and texture, for the most part.
Best toasted.


  #2 (permalink)   Report Post  
Bob (this one)
Posts: n/a
Default shopping trip - low carb

MisNomer wrote:

> So, I go to safeway to get some whole wheat flour, and fresh yeast, a fellow was
> there right near the flour. He says, "I'm looking for low carb flour"... so,
> thinking he was being funny I laughed and said "I wonder what low carb flour is
> - air? The guy looked at me all disgusted and walked away.

This will be with us far a while. Like people calling my radio program
asking for non-fat Alfredo recipes and eggless custards, but not fake
stuff for all the years that low-fat was THE answer. We have a new THE

> oh well, I picked up the flour and the yeast - both of which were almost half
> price! But on getting home - I am thinking what do they use to make "low carb"
> stuff out of? Anything I have seen advertised "low carb" is full of stuff I
> haven't heard of or its all really small things.

There are such things as "destarched" wheat flour, protein isolates
(from wheat, milk, soy, etc.), soy flour, flaxmeal, low-glycemic corn
starch and a lot of other things that make a bread-looking loaf.
Mostly they're not as good as one would hope.

> Is there such thing as low carb bread?

Low is in the eye of the beholder. There are breads that tout 6 or 7
net grams carb per slice (total carbs minus fiber = net carbs).
They're whole wheatish in appearance and texture, for the most part.
Best toasted.


  #3 (permalink)   Report Post  
Peter Aitken
Posts: n/a
Default shopping trip - low carb

"MisNomer" > wrote in message
> So, I go to safeway to get some whole wheat flour, and fresh yeast, a

fellow was
> there right near the flour. He says, "I'm looking for low carb flour"...

> thinking he was being funny I laughed and said "I wonder what low carb

flour is
> - air? The guy looked at me all disgusted and walked away.
> oh well, I picked up the flour and the yeast - both of which were almost

> price! But on getting home - I am thinking what do they use to make "low

> stuff out of? Anything I have seen advertised "low carb" is full of stuff

> haven't heard of or its all really small things.
> Is there such thing as low carb bread?

Low carb baked good do exist but in my experience range from barely edible
to horrid. Bread and similar things are made from ingredients such as
toasted wheat bran, almond meal, soy protein, whey, and usually a little bit
of wheat flour.

Peter Aitken

Remove the crap from my email address before using.

  #4 (permalink)   Report Post  
Peter Aitken
Posts: n/a
Default shopping trip - low carb

"MisNomer" > wrote in message
> So, I go to safeway to get some whole wheat flour, and fresh yeast, a

fellow was
> there right near the flour. He says, "I'm looking for low carb flour"...

> thinking he was being funny I laughed and said "I wonder what low carb

flour is
> - air? The guy looked at me all disgusted and walked away.
> oh well, I picked up the flour and the yeast - both of which were almost

> price! But on getting home - I am thinking what do they use to make "low

> stuff out of? Anything I have seen advertised "low carb" is full of stuff

> haven't heard of or its all really small things.
> Is there such thing as low carb bread?

Low carb baked good do exist but in my experience range from barely edible
to horrid. Bread and similar things are made from ingredients such as
toasted wheat bran, almond meal, soy protein, whey, and usually a little bit
of wheat flour.

Peter Aitken

Remove the crap from my email address before using.

  #5 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a
Default shopping trip - low carb

"MisNomer" > wrote in message
> So, I go to safeway to get some whole wheat flour, and fresh yeast, a

fellow was
> there right near the flour. He says, "I'm looking for low carb flour"...

> thinking he was being funny I laughed and said "I wonder what low carb

flour is
> - air? The guy looked at me all disgusted and walked away.
> oh well, I picked up the flour and the yeast - both of which were almost

> price! But on getting home - I am thinking what do they use to make "low

> stuff out of? Anything I have seen advertised "low carb" is full of stuff

> haven't heard of or its all really small things.
> Is there such thing as low carb bread?
> take care
> Liz

Actually there is a low carb flour although it is a flour substitute:

See below:


Net Carbs:
3 grams

Atkins Quick QuisineTM Bake Mix

Bake Mix for flour in your favorite recipes and savor the delicious,
nutrient-rich results!

  #6 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a
Default shopping trip - low carb

"MisNomer" > wrote in message
> So, I go to safeway to get some whole wheat flour, and fresh yeast, a

fellow was
> there right near the flour. He says, "I'm looking for low carb flour"...

> thinking he was being funny I laughed and said "I wonder what low carb

flour is
> - air? The guy looked at me all disgusted and walked away.
> oh well, I picked up the flour and the yeast - both of which were almost

> price! But on getting home - I am thinking what do they use to make "low

> stuff out of? Anything I have seen advertised "low carb" is full of stuff

> haven't heard of or its all really small things.
> Is there such thing as low carb bread?
> take care
> Liz

Actually there is a low carb flour although it is a flour substitute:

See below:


Net Carbs:
3 grams

Atkins Quick QuisineTM Bake Mix

Bake Mix for flour in your favorite recipes and savor the delicious,
nutrient-rich results!

  #7 (permalink)   Report Post  
Julia Altshuler
Posts: n/a
Default shopping trip - low carb

I was going to ask about this today, but you beat me to the punch. In
the supermarket today, I saw "low carb tortillas." Always interested in
new products and new advertising techniques, I looked at the rest of the
package and realized that there was nothing special about the tortillas.
They're low carb because they're thin. I believe I remember this
coming up in the world of marketing once before. Many years ago, a
package bread manufacturer came up with the idea of slicing the bread
very thin and advertising that each slice had fewer calories than the
regular stuff. (Going from memory, details foggy.) New regulations had
to be put in place as far as what means could be used to call something
"low calorie." Apparently you couldn't call celery "lo cal" either
because celery is naturally low in calories. There's no such thing as a
high calorie celery stalk. (And one shudders to think of it should
someone invent it.) Perhaps new regulations will be coming out soon on
what's called "low carb" and what isn't.

Meanwhile, I should think there would be such a thing as low carb flour
in the health food store. There's soy flour and nut flour. You don't
use them as you use wheat flour, but they are flour and they aren't as
high in carbohydrate content so the word does make sense.


MisNomer wrote:
> So, I go to safeway to get some whole wheat flour, and fresh yeast, a fellow was
> there right near the flour. He says, "I'm looking for low carb flour"... so,
> thinking he was being funny I laughed and said "I wonder what low carb flour is
> - air? The guy looked at me all disgusted and walked away.
> oh well, I picked up the flour and the yeast - both of which were almost half
> price! But on getting home - I am thinking what do they use to make "low carb"
> stuff out of? Anything I have seen advertised "low carb" is full of stuff I
> haven't heard of or its all really small things.
> Is there such thing as low carb bread?

  #8 (permalink)   Report Post  
Julia Altshuler
Posts: n/a
Default shopping trip - low carb

I was going to ask about this today, but you beat me to the punch. In
the supermarket today, I saw "low carb tortillas." Always interested in
new products and new advertising techniques, I looked at the rest of the
package and realized that there was nothing special about the tortillas.
They're low carb because they're thin. I believe I remember this
coming up in the world of marketing once before. Many years ago, a
package bread manufacturer came up with the idea of slicing the bread
very thin and advertising that each slice had fewer calories than the
regular stuff. (Going from memory, details foggy.) New regulations had
to be put in place as far as what means could be used to call something
"low calorie." Apparently you couldn't call celery "lo cal" either
because celery is naturally low in calories. There's no such thing as a
high calorie celery stalk. (And one shudders to think of it should
someone invent it.) Perhaps new regulations will be coming out soon on
what's called "low carb" and what isn't.

Meanwhile, I should think there would be such a thing as low carb flour
in the health food store. There's soy flour and nut flour. You don't
use them as you use wheat flour, but they are flour and they aren't as
high in carbohydrate content so the word does make sense.


MisNomer wrote:
> So, I go to safeway to get some whole wheat flour, and fresh yeast, a fellow was
> there right near the flour. He says, "I'm looking for low carb flour"... so,
> thinking he was being funny I laughed and said "I wonder what low carb flour is
> - air? The guy looked at me all disgusted and walked away.
> oh well, I picked up the flour and the yeast - both of which were almost half
> price! But on getting home - I am thinking what do they use to make "low carb"
> stuff out of? Anything I have seen advertised "low carb" is full of stuff I
> haven't heard of or its all really small things.
> Is there such thing as low carb bread?

  #9 (permalink)   Report Post  
The Joneses
Posts: n/a
Default shopping trip - low carb

Julia Altshuler wrote:

> I was going to ask about this today, but you beat me to the punch. In
> the supermarket today, I saw "low carb tortillas." ... Meanwhile, I should think
> there would be such a thing as low carb flour in the health food store.

Walmart had some samples of the low carb tortillas a coupla weeks ago.
They taste very similar to the low carb breads around - like somebody
replaced half the wheat flour with sawdust. I was not impressed.

  #10 (permalink)   Report Post  
The Joneses
Posts: n/a
Default shopping trip - low carb

Julia Altshuler wrote:

> I was going to ask about this today, but you beat me to the punch. In
> the supermarket today, I saw "low carb tortillas." ... Meanwhile, I should think
> there would be such a thing as low carb flour in the health food store.

Walmart had some samples of the low carb tortillas a coupla weeks ago.
They taste very similar to the low carb breads around - like somebody
replaced half the wheat flour with sawdust. I was not impressed.

  #11 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a
Default shopping trip - low carb

i use KING ARTHUR'S WHOLE WHEAT (pastry) flour, in my LC WOE.
just not very often.

as for bread, if you have VILLAGE HEARTH bread, look for the LIGHT
it is LOW CARB and wonderful!


"To announce that there must be no criticism of the president, or
we are to stand by the president right or wrong, is not only
and servile, but is morally treasonable to the American public."
........................................T.Roosevel t

"Peter Aitken" > wrote in message
news : "MisNomer" > wrote in message
: ...
: > So, I go to safeway to get some whole wheat flour, and fresh
yeast, a
: fellow was
: > there right near the flour. He says, "I'm looking for low carb
: so,
: > thinking he was being funny I laughed and said "I wonder what
low carb
: flour is
: > - air? The guy looked at me all disgusted and walked away.
: >
: > oh well, I picked up the flour and the yeast - both of which
were almost
: half
: > price! But on getting home - I am thinking what do they use to
make "low
: carb"
: > stuff out of? Anything I have seen advertised "low carb" is
full of stuff
: I
: > haven't heard of or its all really small things.
: >
: > Is there such thing as low carb bread?
: >
: Low carb baked good do exist but in my experience range from
barely edible
: to horrid. Bread and similar things are made from ingredients such
: toasted wheat bran, almond meal, soy protein, whey, and usually a
little bit
: of wheat flour.
: --
: Peter Aitken
: Remove the crap from my email address before using.

  #12 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a
Default shopping trip - low carb

i use KING ARTHUR'S WHOLE WHEAT (pastry) flour, in my LC WOE.
just not very often.

as for bread, if you have VILLAGE HEARTH bread, look for the LIGHT
it is LOW CARB and wonderful!


"To announce that there must be no criticism of the president, or
we are to stand by the president right or wrong, is not only
and servile, but is morally treasonable to the American public."
........................................T.Roosevel t

"Peter Aitken" > wrote in message
news : "MisNomer" > wrote in message
: ...
: > So, I go to safeway to get some whole wheat flour, and fresh
yeast, a
: fellow was
: > there right near the flour. He says, "I'm looking for low carb
: so,
: > thinking he was being funny I laughed and said "I wonder what
low carb
: flour is
: > - air? The guy looked at me all disgusted and walked away.
: >
: > oh well, I picked up the flour and the yeast - both of which
were almost
: half
: > price! But on getting home - I am thinking what do they use to
make "low
: carb"
: > stuff out of? Anything I have seen advertised "low carb" is
full of stuff
: I
: > haven't heard of or its all really small things.
: >
: > Is there such thing as low carb bread?
: >
: Low carb baked good do exist but in my experience range from
barely edible
: to horrid. Bread and similar things are made from ingredients such
: toasted wheat bran, almond meal, soy protein, whey, and usually a
little bit
: of wheat flour.
: --
: Peter Aitken
: Remove the crap from my email address before using.

  #13 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a
Default shopping trip - low carb

>Julia Altshuler
>I was going to ask about this today, but you beat me to the punch. In
>the supermarket today, I saw "low carb tortillas." Always interested in
>new products and new advertising techniques, I looked at the rest of the
>package and realized that there was nothing special about the tortillas.
> They're low carb because they're thin. I believe I remember this
>coming up in the world of marketing once before. Many years ago, a
>package bread manufacturer came up with the idea of slicing the bread
>very thin and advertising that each slice had fewer calories than the
>regular stuff. (Going from memory, details foggy.) New regulations had
>to be put in place as far as what means could be used to call something
>"low calorie." Apparently you couldn't call celery "lo cal" either
>because celery is naturally low in calories. There's no such thing as a
>high calorie celery stalk. (And one shudders to think of it should
>someone invent it.) Perhaps new regulations will be coming out soon on
>what's called "low carb" and what isn't.
>Meanwhile, I should think there would be such a thing as low carb flour
>in the health food store. There's soy flour and nut flour. You don't
>use them as you use wheat flour, but they are flour and they aren't as
>high in carbohydrate content so the word does make sense.

Hey, use celery flour!
Nut flours consist of approximately:
45% Carbs
50% Fats
5% Protein

The one thing all low-carbers have in common is low brain cell count... make no
mistake about it, low carb dieting is in fact an eating disorder.

---= BOYCOTT FRENCH--GERMAN (belgium) =---
---= Move UNITED NATIONS To Paris =---
"Life would be devoid of all meaning were it without tribulation."

  #14 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a
Default shopping trip - low carb

>Julia Altshuler
>I was going to ask about this today, but you beat me to the punch. In
>the supermarket today, I saw "low carb tortillas." Always interested in
>new products and new advertising techniques, I looked at the rest of the
>package and realized that there was nothing special about the tortillas.
> They're low carb because they're thin. I believe I remember this
>coming up in the world of marketing once before. Many years ago, a
>package bread manufacturer came up with the idea of slicing the bread
>very thin and advertising that each slice had fewer calories than the
>regular stuff. (Going from memory, details foggy.) New regulations had
>to be put in place as far as what means could be used to call something
>"low calorie." Apparently you couldn't call celery "lo cal" either
>because celery is naturally low in calories. There's no such thing as a
>high calorie celery stalk. (And one shudders to think of it should
>someone invent it.) Perhaps new regulations will be coming out soon on
>what's called "low carb" and what isn't.
>Meanwhile, I should think there would be such a thing as low carb flour
>in the health food store. There's soy flour and nut flour. You don't
>use them as you use wheat flour, but they are flour and they aren't as
>high in carbohydrate content so the word does make sense.

Hey, use celery flour!
Nut flours consist of approximately:
45% Carbs
50% Fats
5% Protein

The one thing all low-carbers have in common is low brain cell count... make no
mistake about it, low carb dieting is in fact an eating disorder.

---= BOYCOTT FRENCH--GERMAN (belgium) =---
---= Move UNITED NATIONS To Paris =---
"Life would be devoid of all meaning were it without tribulation."

  #15 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a
Default shopping trip - low carb

: The one thing all low-carbers have in common is low brain cell
count... make no
: mistake about it, low carb dieting is in fact an eating disorder.
:: Sheldon


having worked with eating disorder clients i can tell you that your
statement is complete and total bullshit!

  #16 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a
Default shopping trip - low carb

: The one thing all low-carbers have in common is low brain cell
count... make no
: mistake about it, low carb dieting is in fact an eating disorder.
:: Sheldon


having worked with eating disorder clients i can tell you that your
statement is complete and total bullshit!

  #17 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a
Default shopping trip - low carb

> "rosie" sorry-****@contents splutters:
>>penmart01 wrote:

>: The one thing all low-carbers have in common is low brain cell
>count... make no
>: mistake about it, low carb dieting is in fact an eating disorder.
>having worked with eating disorder clients i can tell you that your
>statement is complete and total bullshit!

Hey, folks... see what I mean about the low brain cell count... your literacy
quotient is at the 4th grade level. So, did you get permission to use your
mommy's PC?

---= BOYCOTT FRENCH--GERMAN (belgium) =---
---= Move UNITED NATIONS To Paris =---
"Life would be devoid of all meaning were it without tribulation."

  #18 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a
Default shopping trip - low carb

> "rosie" sorry-****@contents splutters:
>>penmart01 wrote:

>: The one thing all low-carbers have in common is low brain cell
>count... make no
>: mistake about it, low carb dieting is in fact an eating disorder.
>having worked with eating disorder clients i can tell you that your
>statement is complete and total bullshit!

Hey, folks... see what I mean about the low brain cell count... your literacy
quotient is at the 4th grade level. So, did you get permission to use your
mommy's PC?

---= BOYCOTT FRENCH--GERMAN (belgium) =---
---= Move UNITED NATIONS To Paris =---
"Life would be devoid of all meaning were it without tribulation."

  #19 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a
Default shopping trip - low carb

In article >,
MisNomer > wrote:

> So, I go to safeway to get some whole wheat flour, and fresh yeast, a fellow
> was
> there right near the flour. He says, "I'm looking for low carb flour"... so,
> thinking he was being funny I laughed and said "I wonder what low carb flour
> is
> - air? The guy looked at me all disgusted and walked away.
> oh well, I picked up the flour and the yeast - both of which were almost
> half
> price! But on getting home - I am thinking what do they use to make "low
> carb"
> stuff out of? Anything I have seen advertised "low carb" is full of stuff I
> haven't heard of or its all really small things.
> Is there such thing as low carb bread?
> take care
> Liz

Yes. GNC sells a low carb bake mix.
It's not flour tho'.


Sprout the Mung Bean to reply...

"There are many intelligent species in the universe, and they are all owned by cats! -- Asimov

>,,<Cat's Haven Hobby Farm>,,<Katraatcenturyteldotnet>,,< id=katra
  #20 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a
Default shopping trip - low carb

In article >,
MisNomer > wrote:

> So, I go to safeway to get some whole wheat flour, and fresh yeast, a fellow
> was
> there right near the flour. He says, "I'm looking for low carb flour"... so,
> thinking he was being funny I laughed and said "I wonder what low carb flour
> is
> - air? The guy looked at me all disgusted and walked away.
> oh well, I picked up the flour and the yeast - both of which were almost
> half
> price! But on getting home - I am thinking what do they use to make "low
> carb"
> stuff out of? Anything I have seen advertised "low carb" is full of stuff I
> haven't heard of or its all really small things.
> Is there such thing as low carb bread?
> take care
> Liz

Yes. GNC sells a low carb bake mix.
It's not flour tho'.


Sprout the Mung Bean to reply...

"There are many intelligent species in the universe, and they are all owned by cats! -- Asimov

>,,<Cat's Haven Hobby Farm>,,<Katraatcenturyteldotnet>,,< id=katra

  #21 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a
Default shopping trip - low carb

arguing with anonymous strangers on the internet is a sucker's game
because they almost always turn out to be -- or to be
indistinguishable from -- self-righteous sixteen-year-olds
infinite amounts of free time.
................................ Neil Stephenson

or in your case, dirty, nasty, old men.

"PENMART01" > wrote in message
: Hey, folks... see what I mean about the low brain cell count...
your literacy
: quotient is at the 4th grade level. So, did you get permission to
use your
: mommy's PC?
: ---= BOYCOTT FRENCH--GERMAN (belgium) =---
: ---= Move UNITED NATIONS To Paris =---
: Sheldon
: ````````````
: "Life would be devoid of all meaning were it without tribulation."

  #22 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a
Default shopping trip - low carb

arguing with anonymous strangers on the internet is a sucker's game
because they almost always turn out to be -- or to be
indistinguishable from -- self-righteous sixteen-year-olds
infinite amounts of free time.
................................ Neil Stephenson

or in your case, dirty, nasty, old men.

"PENMART01" > wrote in message
: Hey, folks... see what I mean about the low brain cell count...
your literacy
: quotient is at the 4th grade level. So, did you get permission to
use your
: mommy's PC?
: ---= BOYCOTT FRENCH--GERMAN (belgium) =---
: ---= Move UNITED NATIONS To Paris =---
: Sheldon
: ````````````
: "Life would be devoid of all meaning were it without tribulation."

  #23 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a
Default shopping trip - low carb

>"rosie" sorry **** spat:
>or in your case, dirty, nasty, old men.

Complements are welcome.

---= BOYCOTT FRENCH--GERMAN (belgium) =---
---= Move UNITED NATIONS To Paris =---
"Life would be devoid of all meaning were it without tribulation."

  #24 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a
Default shopping trip - low carb

>"rosie" sorry **** spat:
>or in your case, dirty, nasty, old men.

Complements are welcome.

---= BOYCOTT FRENCH--GERMAN (belgium) =---
---= Move UNITED NATIONS To Paris =---
"Life would be devoid of all meaning were it without tribulation."

  #25 (permalink)   Report Post  
Julia Altshuler
Posts: n/a
Default shopping trip - low carb

MisNomer wrote:
> I remember those thinner sliced breads!
> Hmmm... nut flour sounds rather good doesn't it?

I'm not sure I've ever had true nut flour before. I've certainly ground
up walnuts or almonds in the cuisinart often enough. That produces
ground nuts. I use them in cookies. (I used to cook for vegan diets,
and nuts are a great tasty fat for those who don't eat meat or dairy.)
If you keep grinding, however, you get walnut butter or almond butter,
not flour. Maybe the problem is with definitions here. I've seen nut
flours for sale, but come to think of it, I'm not sure what defines a
nut flour.


  #26 (permalink)   Report Post  
Julia Altshuler
Posts: n/a
Default shopping trip - low carb

MisNomer wrote:
> I remember those thinner sliced breads!
> Hmmm... nut flour sounds rather good doesn't it?

I'm not sure I've ever had true nut flour before. I've certainly ground
up walnuts or almonds in the cuisinart often enough. That produces
ground nuts. I use them in cookies. (I used to cook for vegan diets,
and nuts are a great tasty fat for those who don't eat meat or dairy.)
If you keep grinding, however, you get walnut butter or almond butter,
not flour. Maybe the problem is with definitions here. I've seen nut
flours for sale, but come to think of it, I'm not sure what defines a
nut flour.


  #27 (permalink)   Report Post  
John Gaughan
Posts: n/a
Default shopping trip - low carb

rosie wrote:
> arguing with anonymous strangers on the internet is a sucker's game
> because they almost always turn out to be -- or to be
> indistinguishable from -- self-righteous sixteen-year-olds
> possessing
> infinite amounts of free time.
> ............................... Neil Stephenson
> or in your case, dirty, nasty, old men.

Arguing on the Internet is like racing in the special olympics -- even
if you win, you are still a retard.

John Gaughan

  #28 (permalink)   Report Post  
John Gaughan
Posts: n/a
Default shopping trip - low carb

rosie wrote:
> arguing with anonymous strangers on the internet is a sucker's game
> because they almost always turn out to be -- or to be
> indistinguishable from -- self-righteous sixteen-year-olds
> possessing
> infinite amounts of free time.
> ............................... Neil Stephenson
> or in your case, dirty, nasty, old men.

Arguing on the Internet is like racing in the special olympics -- even
if you win, you are still a retard.

John Gaughan

  #29 (permalink)   Report Post  
Julia Altshuler
Posts: n/a
Default shopping trip - low carb

MisNomer wrote:
> I would imagine that nut flour is ground - like you said - to just before
> getting butter. Some cheesecake recipes call for a ground nut crust, but then
> again, maybe the oils are taken out before the grinding process.

I'd guess something is done to remove the oil or some of the oil too.
That's the only way I can figure to get something with the consistency
of nut butter.

Changing the topic a bit. The vegan peanut cookies made with peanut
butter, added oil (soy, corn, whatever), maple syrup and whole wheat
flour are good enough to get by the folks who like eggs, butter and
sugar in their cookies. They're really peanutty. Use the same recipe
for almond cookies, and you've got something unusual and elegant.


  #30 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a
Default shopping trip - low carb

In article > ,
"Dimitri" > wrote:

> "MisNomer" > wrote in message
> ...
> > So, I go to safeway to get some whole wheat flour, and fresh yeast, a

> fellow was
> > there right near the flour. He says, "I'm looking for low carb flour"...

> so,
> > thinking he was being funny I laughed and said "I wonder what low carb

> flour is
> > - air? The guy looked at me all disgusted and walked away.
> >
> > oh well, I picked up the flour and the yeast - both of which were almost

> half
> > price! But on getting home - I am thinking what do they use to make "low

> carb"
> > stuff out of? Anything I have seen advertised "low carb" is full of stuff

> I
> > haven't heard of or its all really small things.
> >
> > Is there such thing as low carb bread?
> >
> > take care
> > Liz

> Actually there is a low carb flour although it is a flour substitute:
> See below:
> Dimitri
> Net Carbs:
> 3 grams
> Atkins Quick QuisineTM Bake Mix
> Bake Mix for flour in your favorite recipes and savor the delicious,
> nutrient-rich results!

This stuff actually works pretty good. I've tried it. ;-)
Made with soy products.

GNC carries a similar product for about 1/2 the price of Atkins brand.


Sprout the Mung Bean to reply...

"There are many intelligent species in the universe, and they are all owned by cats! -- Asimov

>,,<Cat's Haven Hobby Farm>,,<Katraatcenturyteldotnet>,,< id=katra

  #31 (permalink)   Report Post  
blake murphy
Posts: n/a
Default shopping trip - low carb

On Mon, 29 Mar 2004 10:14:41 GMT, MisNomer > wrote:

>Is there such thing as low carb bread?
>take care

if not, there will be soon.

your pal,
  #32 (permalink)   Report Post  
blake murphy
Posts: n/a
Default shopping trip - low carb

On Mon, 29 Mar 2004 17:01:14 -0600, John Gaughan
> wrote:
>Arguing on the Internet is like racing in the special olympics -- even
>if you win, you are still a retard.

  #33 (permalink)   Report Post  
Daniel R. Levy
Posts: n/a
Default shopping trip - low carb

"Julia Altshuler" > wrote in message
> There's no such thing as a
> high calorie celery stalk. (And one shudders to think of it should
> someone invent it.)

It would be 10 times as delicious as regular celery. That you can count on!

  #34 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a
Default shopping trip - low carb

"MisNomer" > wrote in message
> So, I go to safeway to get some whole wheat flour, and fresh yeast, a

fellow was
> there right near the flour. He says, "I'm looking for low carb flour"...

> thinking he was being funny I laughed and said "I wonder what low carb

flour is
> - air? The guy looked at me all disgusted and walked away.
> oh well, I picked up the flour and the yeast - both of which were almost

> price! But on getting home - I am thinking what do they use to make "low

> stuff out of? Anything I have seen advertised "low carb" is full of stuff

> haven't heard of or its all really small things.
> Is there such thing as low carb bread?
> take care
> Liz

There are low carb breads, yes...and remember that low carb is a very
subjective term.
As for the low carb flour, maybe he was referring to the Atkin's "flour"
that some stores carry.


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