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  #81 (permalink)   Report Post  
Wayne Boatwright
Posts: n/a

On Sat 23 Apr 2005 06:07:09a, Edwin Pawlowski wrote in

> "Wayne Boatwright" > wrote in message
>>> I kinda like "Pope Pawl" and "Pope Pawli" ain't bad either. Yuk, yuk,
>>> yuk.

>> I kinda prefer "Pope Pawli" myself. Sounds a little more down to
>> earth. <g> That would be "Pope Pawli I", right?
>> --
>> Wayne Boatwright *¿*

> I like the name suggestions.
> My first plan was to change communion from that tiny wafer to something
> more substantial. I'm thing Foccocia (with some cheese and herbs) and a
> glass of Chianti.

And maybe a slice of salami or pepperoni to round it out?

> New Popemobile will be a yellow Lamborghini.

Yellow is so good with red and white! Quite a fashion statement!

Wayne Boatwright *¿*

Give me a smart idiot over a stupid genius any day.
Sam Goldwyn, 1882-1974
  #82 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

"Edwin Pawlowski" > wrote in message
> New Popemobile will be a yellow Lamborghini.

With white upholstery, papal colors.


  #83 (permalink)   Report Post  
Wayne Boatwright
Posts: n/a

On Sat 23 Apr 2005 07:22:19a, Edwin Pawlowski wrote in

> "kilikini" > wrote in message
>>> New Popemobile will be a yellow Lamborghini.

>> ROFL. oh god, that's too funny. LOL
>> kili

> No funny Kili, lots of serious work to do. Did you see all those old
> buildings over there? Some aluminum siding would certainly spruce up
> the neighborhood. Not to mentions some fresh asphalt over those old
> uneven bricks in the square.

Nice, sleek stainless steel sheathing would go a long way in modernizing
some of those old buildings

> Al the burning candles are sooting up the walls and ceilings in the
> church. They all need a couple of coats of good latex paint. Semi-gloss
> washes better IMO.

And lots of mirrors...they'd brighten up the place!

Wayne Boatwright *¿*

Give me a smart idiot over a stupid genius any day.
Sam Goldwyn, 1882-1974
  #84 (permalink)   Report Post  
Nancy Young
Posts: n/a

"Wayne Boatwright" > wrote
> On Sat 23 Apr 2005 07:22:19a, Edwin Pawlowski wrote in

>> No funny Kili, lots of serious work to do. Did you see all those old
>> buildings over there? Some aluminum siding would certainly spruce up
>> the neighborhood. Not to mentions some fresh asphalt over those old
>> uneven bricks in the square.

> Nice, sleek stainless steel sheathing would go a long way in modernizing
> some of those old buildings
>> Al the burning candles are sooting up the walls and ceilings in the
>> church. They all need a couple of coats of good latex paint. Semi-gloss
>> washes better IMO.

You know, the Sistine Chapel filled up with smoke during the ... well ...
smoke thing. For pete's sake, didn't they just spend a ton of money to
clean the ceiling?

I think they should have a garage sale. Rumor has it they have a ton of
stuff in the basement.


  #85 (permalink)   Report Post  
Wayne Boatwright
Posts: n/a

On Sat 23 Apr 2005 09:51:11a, Nancy Young wrote in

> "Wayne Boatwright" > wrote
> ...
>> On Sat 23 Apr 2005 07:22:19a, Edwin Pawlowski wrote in

>>> No funny Kili, lots of serious work to do. Did you see all those old
>>> buildings over there? Some aluminum siding would certainly spruce up
>>> the neighborhood. Not to mentions some fresh asphalt over those old
>>> uneven bricks in the square.

>> Nice, sleek stainless steel sheathing would go a long way in
>> modernizing some of those old buildings
>>> Al the burning candles are sooting up the walls and ceilings in the
>>> church. They all need a couple of coats of good latex paint.
>>> Semi-gloss washes better IMO.

> You know, the Sistine Chapel filled up with smoke during the ... well
> ... smoke thing. For pete's sake, didn't they just spend a ton of money
> to clean the ceiling?
> I think they should have a garage sale. Rumor has it they have a ton of
> stuff in the basement.

Bodies, too!

Wayne Boatwright *¿*

Give me a smart idiot over a stupid genius any day.
Sam Goldwyn, 1882-1974

  #86 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

Wayne Boatwright wrote:
> On Sat 23 Apr 2005 07:22:19a, Edwin Pawlowski wrote in
>>"kilikini" > wrote in message
>>>>New Popemobile will be a yellow Lamborghini.
>>>ROFL. oh god, that's too funny. LOL

>>No funny Kili, lots of serious work to do. Did you see all those old
>>buildings over there? Some aluminum siding would certainly spruce up
>>the neighborhood. Not to mentions some fresh asphalt over those old
>>uneven bricks in the square.

> Nice, sleek stainless steel sheathing would go a long way in modernizing
> some of those old buildings
>>Al the burning candles are sooting up the walls and ceilings in the
>>church. They all need a couple of coats of good latex paint. Semi-gloss
>>washes better IMO.

> And lots of mirrors...they'd brighten up the place!

Nah, they'd just get all sooted up. More work for the nuns to
clean up, poor dears.

gloria p
  #87 (permalink)   Report Post  
Michael Horowitz
Posts: n/a

"Brian Huntley" > wrote:

>I bet Bennedict X got a lot of kidding over his name at brunch.

<sound of groaning>
  #88 (permalink)   Report Post  
Stan Horwitz
Posts: n/a

In article .com>,

> Dimitri wrote:
> > "aem" > wrote in message
> >
> > >
> > > Dimitri wrote:
> > >>
> > >> Can we say the Gestapo of the church..
> > >>
> > > One hopes not. He was in the Hitler Youth as a youngster, but

> we're
> > > told he was forced into that involuntarily. And later when he was
> > > inducted into the German army, he deserted -- or escaped, or

> however
> > > you want to view it. -aem

> >
> > Actually the point is the Jesuits - usually highly educated but

> somewhat
> > inflexible. (Rigid)
> >
> > ;-)
> >
> > Dimitri

> That fits - Benedict XVI is known to be ultra-conservative (I'd call
> that rigid).
> A friend says, "After John-Paul, why not 'George-Ringo?'" At least a
> George-Ringo might be more liberal (IOW, just conservative, not
> ultra-conservative). (A Pope's name is indicative of his adherence to
> the tenets of the faith. I'm not Catholic, so I was hoping for someone
> more aware of the real world. I guess it won't be this one.)

Why does it matter who the Pope is in today's world? The Pope is really
little more than a figurehead now. People love to pile on platitudes to
Pope John Paul II, but no one in authority seems to take what JP II said
seriously, nor do private citizens.

Look at world leaders such as President Bush. Bush piled on the praise
for the late Pope, but he certainly did not allow any of the Pope's
teachings to influence his public policy. I am not saying that's a bad
thing, just that it seems most people love to discuss Pope JP II in
glowing terms, but most have not put his views to practice in their own
lives. For example, do you really think most Roman Catholic couples
eschew contraception just because the Pope says they should? I don't
think so.
  #89 (permalink)   Report Post  
Dave Smith
Posts: n/a

Stan Horwitz wrote:

> Look at world leaders such as President Bush. Bush piled on the praise
> for the late Pope, but he certainly did not allow any of the Pope's
> teachings to influence his public policy. I am not saying that's a bad
> thing, just that it seems most people love to discuss Pope JP II in
> glowing terms, but most have not put his views to practice in their own
> lives. For example, do you really think most Roman Catholic couples
> eschew contraception just because the Pope says they should? I don't
> think so.

Modern couples may not be paying much attention to the Pope about birth
control, but the church's withdrawal of support for organizations like UNICEF
that pushed for birth control were certainly affected.

  #90 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

Stan Horwitz > wrote:

> Why does it matter who the Pope is in today's world? The Pope is really
> little more than a figurehead now.

No, that's not true. Many many policies in many places are based on
what the Pope believes and passes down to the masses. There are still
countries -- whole countries -- where Roman Catholic dogma is a driving
force in the laws of the nation.


  #92 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

"Serene" > wrote in message
> Stan Horwitz > wrote:
>> Why does it matter who the Pope is in today's world? The Pope is really
>> little more than a figurehead now.

> No, that's not true. Many many policies in many places are based on
> what the Pope believes and passes down to the masses. There are still
> countries -- whole countries -- where Roman Catholic dogma is a driving
> force in the laws of the nation.
> serene

Although Catholic dogma certainly can influence mores within societies it is
importance to understand although the "church" is headed by the pope he is by no
means a dictator who is able to change that dogma at a whim. He is a spiritual
leader. The curia is in fact the power. The church is in fact a giant
government in and of itself.

In exercising supreme, full, and immediate power in the universal Church, the
Roman pontiff makes use of the departments of the Roman Curia which, therefore,
perform their duties in his name and with his authority for the good of the
churches and in the service of the sacred pastors.

Main Entry: dog·ma
Pronunciation: 'dog-m&, 'däg-
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural dogmas also dog·ma·ta /-m&-t&/
Etymology: Latin dogmat-, dogma, from Greek, from dokein to seem -- more at
1 a : something held as an established opinion; especially : a definite
authoritative tenet b : a code of such tenets <pedagogical dogma> c : a point of
view or tenet put forth as authoritative without adequate grounds
2 : a doctrine or body of doctrines concerning faith or morals formally stated
and authoritatively proclaimed by a church

  #93 (permalink)   Report Post  
Ranee Mueller
Posts: n/a

In article >, "Nancy Young"
> wrote:

> You can't get away from it. It takes up a whole section of my paper.
> It's pre-empting tv shows left and right, it's so annoying. Peter
> Jennings
> must be climbing the wall, this is right up his alley to bore people to
> death with repetative commentary about some event like this.
> Look, the smoke is white. No, it's not, oh bells are ringing.
> Very annoying.

I guess that's the benefit of getting rid of our television.


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"She seeks wool and flax, and works with willing hands." Prov 31:13

See my Blog at:
  #94 (permalink)   Report Post  
Nancy Young
Posts: n/a

"Ranee Mueller" > wrote in message
> In article >, "Nancy Young"
> > wrote:
>> You can't get away from it. It takes up a whole section of my paper.
>> It's pre-empting tv shows left and right, it's so annoying. Peter
>> Jennings
>> must be climbing the wall, this is right up his alley to bore people to
>> death with repetative commentary about some event like this.
>> Look, the smoke is white. No, it's not, oh bells are ringing.
>> Very annoying.

> I guess that's the benefit of getting rid of our television.

Unfortunately, then you are left with the newspapers.


  #95 (permalink)   Report Post  
Ranee Mueller
Posts: n/a

In article >, "Nancy Young"
> wrote:

> Unfortunately, then you are left with the newspapers.

I live in a tiny town. Our paper comes out weekly, and a story like
this isn't out of line for the papers, so the big deal who is the pope
story wasn't so extraordinary for me. We still have news about what new
family is doing what in town, and the founding families doing their
thing. I did hear some news on the radio, but mostly listen to
music in the car (which is where I hear the most radio) because I try
not to have the news on when the kids are with me, because so much of it
is violent and horrific.


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"She seeks wool and flax, and works with willing hands." Prov 31:13

See my Blog at:

  #97 (permalink)   Report Post  
Ranee Mueller
Posts: n/a

In article >, Dave Smith
> wrote:

> It was just about two weeks ago that JP II died and people were
> talking about how great he was, and that he should be canonized.
> Within 20 minutes of the selection of the new pope I heard scathing
> criticisms of JP II. According to his detractors, the only good thing
> he did was to travel. They claimed that he centralized too much of
> the power of the church and disenfranchises the dioceses, contrary to
> Catholic doctrine. Go figger.

It doesn't surprise me much at all. Secular media, dead person they
didn't like much anyway, but had to say nice stuff about him because he
was dead, new guy they really don't like and the criticisms flow.
Normal operations, IMO. They also called out on parade "catholic"
experts who are pretty obviously (even to secular media folk) not in
line with Vatican and Catholic teaching and interviewed them as though
they had the same authority as those who are still in full communion
with Rome.

> It was interesting to see a line up of the popeful hopefuls in the
> newspaper today. The columnists had a list of the top 10 candidates
> complete with names pictures, age, assets and weaknesses. Oddly,
> Uncle Ben was not among the top 10.

As I understand it, those who want to be pope or are seen as eager to
be pope are not trusted and generally not elected. Eagerness is seen as
making a candidate unfit. My guess is that there was a room full of men
who were voting for anyone but himself.


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"She seeks wool and flax, and works with willing hands." Prov 31:13

See my Blog at:
  #98 (permalink)   Report Post  
Ranee Mueller
Posts: n/a

In article >, "Gabby"
> wrote:

> That paper's columnists must have been living under rocks for the
> last year or so, because Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger has been named as
> "most likely to succeed JPII" for the last couple of years.

Of course they are surprised. After all he isn't who _they_ wanted.
As little media exposure as I get, even _I_ knew he was a front runner.
Remember though that they use people who speak blatantly against and in
opposition to Papal teaching, Scripture and Tradition as their "experts"
on Catholocism. Some of that may just be that the person identifies as
Catholic and has the right letters behind his name, but surely even they
paid _some_ attention to all those letters, speeches and encyclicals
from the Pope they reported on?


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"She seeks wool and flax, and works with willing hands." Prov 31:13

See my Blog at:
  #99 (permalink)   Report Post  
Ranee Mueller
Posts: n/a

In article .com>,
"aem" > wrote:

> 3. It might actually matter who the Pope is and what he tells his
> followers to believe. For example, if he says only Roman Catholics can
> go to heaven and everyone else will perish, then those folks will be
> arrayed directly against the radical fundamentalists of Islam. That
> caused a rather important series of conflicts a few centuries ago, and
> now the weapons at their disposal are a lot more powerful.

Again, though, there is nobody anywhere forcing anyone to become or
remain Roman Catholic. I'm not, and although I have friends who wish I
was, there is nothing they can do to make me submit to dogmas I cannot
submit to, likewise, if they decide to leave the church, nobody will
force them to stay. As for those conflicts a few centuries ago, it is
interesting that Jews, Christians and Muslims lived rather peacably
together even as Muslims held the holy land until a new fellow came into
town and declared that no Christian would be allowed access to their
holy sites. Doesn't make the results right, and I think they went about
dealing with it the wrong way, but it isn't quite as simple as declaring
Muslims infidels and sacking them everywhere they could.


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"She seeks wool and flax, and works with willing hands." Prov 31:13

See my Blog at:
  #100 (permalink)   Report Post  
Ranee Mueller
Posts: n/a

In article >, zxcvbob
> wrote:

> St. Paul was against women priests. The pope (any pope) doesn't have
> much descretion in that matter; while the qualifications for a church
> leader are subject to a *little* interpretative license, it's clear that
> women are disqualified -- I don't know why, that's just the way it is.
> The women were (are) free to participate in most other capacities, which
> was kind of radical in that era.

It's largely because the priest acts In Loco Christi, and Christ was
a man.

> I have no idea where the RC gets it's position on celebacy.

St. Paul and the passage about spiritual eunuchs from Jesus. As I
understand those passages, they support convents and monasteries, and
even some celibate priests, but not an enforced celibacy in the
priesthood. That contradicts directly I & II Timothy, Titus, and church
tradition as the Orthodox church has always had married priests.

> John Paul I was kind of a free thinker and perhaps was going to change
> the church policy on birth control. You see how long he lasted.

I guess I don't see why they need to change their position. All
people are free to change their church, religion, or worship and nobody
has to be Roman Catholic.


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"She seeks wool and flax, and works with willing hands." Prov 31:13

See my Blog at:

  #101 (permalink)   Report Post  
Dave Smith
Posts: n/a

Ranee Mueller wrote:

> Again, though, there is nobody anywhere forcing anyone to become or
> remain Roman Catholic.

Not anymore. I don't know if they still consider failure to attend mass as
the mortal sin it was when I was a kid.

  #102 (permalink)   Report Post  
Ranee Mueller
Posts: n/a

In article >, Dave Smith
> wrote:

> Ranee Mueller wrote:
> > Again, though, there is nobody anywhere forcing anyone to become
> > or remain Roman Catholic.

> Not anymore. I don't know if they still consider failure to attend
> mass as the mortal sin it was when I was a kid.

Don't know. Again, though, that is not forcing you to stay Catholic.
In fact, it would be grounds to kick you out, in some cases. There are
three-four major branches of Christianity: Catholocism, Orthodoxy,
Anglicanism, Protestantism. Within those are thousands upon thousands
of subsets. That's not even getting into Judaism or Islam, let alone
the non-monotheistic religions. If one wants to be religious in our
world, one certainly has a great range of choices. For me, the only
part that irritates me is when someone says "I'm ___, but I don't
believe in the holy book, what my religion teaches, etc" I figure, if
you can't buy it, fine, but don't call yourself by that religion. The
only exception to that is if someone is Jewish through his/her mother,
but not practicing, as Judaism is a family line as well as religion, but
I'd still rather hear, I'm a non-practicing Jew, rather than I'm Jewish,
but don't keep any of the law.

I am a convert, and thus was pretty picky and deliberate about what I
chose as my faith. I have since had to switch churches and know how
difficult and painful that is. There is no reason to stay within
religious frame work with which you cannot abide, unless you are truly
trying to submit yourself to the teachings and learn to love them.


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"She seeks wool and flax, and works with willing hands." Prov 31:13

See my Blog at:
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