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  #1 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

In article >,
"Orc General" > wrote:

> I remember reading somewhere once that says non-stick cooking equipment are
> toxic over the long term. Can't remember exactly what the article says but
> that the material for making it non stick is itself somewhat toxic. Did
> anyone else remember anything mention of this? What do you think of
> non-stick equipments?

I just use seasoned cast iron....

Works for me and I don't have to worry about toxicity.

They also last several lifetimes. ;-)

Sprout the MungBean to reply

"I don't like to commit myself about heaven and hell‹you
see, I have friends in both places." --Mark Twain
  #2 (permalink)   Report Post  
I-zheet M'drurz
Posts: n/a

Orc General spaketh thusly:

> I remember reading somewhere once that says non-stick cooking
> equipment are toxic over the long term. Can't remember exactly
> what the article says but that the material for making it non
> stick is itself somewhat toxic. Did anyone else remember
> anything mention of this? What do you think of non-stick
> equipments?

You need to realize that there are millions of people out there
who are deeply "set in their ways". ANYthing new and improved is
bad to them, from doing your banking on line, through plastic
bags for your groceries at the store, through non-stick cookware.

They "hear" things and pass them along. We used to call these
things "old wive's tales" now we call them Urban Legends. Trust
me, I hear them first hand everyday. I work and eat in the same
lunchroom with dozens of old biddies. Listening to them, you
would think I should die from cancer every month from the things
I use to heat food in the microwave ovens.

Non stick cookware has been around for about 40 years, best I
can remember. If it were unsafe, we would know by now, from The
Consumer Products Safety Commission, The Surgeon General, The
Food & Drug Administration, Etc. PLEASE do not indulge the Old
Biddies and their Urban Legends.

If u are gonna say that I said something,
please say what I REALLY said. ($1 Earl)
  #3 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

There is an article "Is Nonstick Cookware Dangerous" in the current
May/June 2005 issue of Cooks Illustrated if you are interested. They
have tips on how to keep your nonstick cookware away from the danger
zone and that the safe option is to use a seasoned cast iron pan.

Myself, I have a cast iron Indian-style wok to shallow and deep fry,
cast iron griddle to make chapatis/rotis/parathas/tortillas, an AllClad
nonstick skillet to make dosas/pancakes/crepes, an anodized aluminum
Calpalon wok for stir-frying/braising and other sundry stainless steel
pots and pans that are mostly cheap Revereware. The Allclad nonstick
griddle is really great with pancakes and such, I do try to use the
cast iron griddle but then the nonstick one is so convenient, I just
make sure I don't overheat or leave it on the stove too long.

- Kamala.

Orc General wrote:
> I remember reading somewhere once that says non-stick cooking equipment are
> toxic over the long term. Can't remember exactly what the article says but
> that the material for making it non stick is itself somewhat toxic. Did
> anyone else remember anything mention of this? What do you think of
> non-stick equipments?

  #4 (permalink)   Report Post  
Orc General
Posts: n/a
Default non-stick cooking pots/pans ?

I remember reading somewhere once that says non-stick cooking equipment are
toxic over the long term. Can't remember exactly what the article says but
that the material for making it non stick is itself somewhat toxic. Did
anyone else remember anything mention of this? What do you think of
non-stick equipments?

  #5 (permalink)   Report Post  
Larry G
Posts: n/a

"Orc General" > wrote in message ...
>I remember reading somewhere once that says non-stick cooking equipment are
> toxic over the long term. Can't remember exactly what the article says
> but
> that the material for making it non stick is itself somewhat toxic. Did
> anyone else remember anything mention of this? What do you think of
> non-stick equipments?

Throughout the years, the teflon always seems to breakapart and disappear. I
wonder often I am ingesting the stuff and endangering my health.

I'm tempted to just go out and buy a cast-iron skillet.


  #6 (permalink)   Report Post  
I-zheet M'drurz
Posts: n/a

Larry G spaketh thusly:
> "Orc General" > wrote...

>>I remember reading somewhere once that says non-stick cooking
>>equipment are toxic over the long term. Can't remember exactly
>>what the article says but that the material for making it non
>>stick is itself somewhat toxic. Did anyone else remember anything
>>mention of this? What do you think of non-stick equipments?

There is a worry-wart perpetuator of Urban Legends around every
corner who will add fuel to your fire. Oh my, here comes one

> Throughout the years, the teflon always seems to breakapart and
> disappear. I wonder often I am ingesting the stuff and
> endangering my health.

Or, could it be going down the drain with your dishwater?

> I'm tempted to just go out and buy a cast-iron skillet.

Nahhh. Better to endure the angst and drama resulting from
worrying endlessly over trivial fantasies!

If u are gonna say that I said something,
please say what I REALLY said. ($1 Earl)
  #7 (permalink)   Report Post  
Larry G
Posts: n/a

"I-zheet M'drurz" > wrote in message ...
> Or, could it be going down the drain with your dishwater?

Perhaps. I would indeed hope so. But, I have seen it flick off onto food as
well, so I know I've ingested at least some of it. Whether or not it's
dangerous, I don't know, which is why I posed the question.
>> I'm tempted to just go out and buy a cast-iron skillet.

> Nahhh. Better to endure the angst and drama resulting from
> worrying endlessly over trivial fantasies!

You're the only one with any "angst and drama". It's been happening for
years, and I'm still alive. I only wonder what use these pans are if the
material eventually dissipates over time. And, yeah I do wonder if teflon is
all that good for my health, but I don't lose any sleep over it. We're
exposed to far more dangerous chemicals simply by the air we breathe on a
day-to-day basis.


  #8 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

On Thu, 2 Jun 2005 22:24:57 -0700, "Orc General"
> wrote:

>I remember reading somewhere once that says non-stick cooking equipment are
>toxic over the long term. Can't remember exactly what the article says but
>that the material for making it non stick is itself somewhat toxic. Did
>anyone else remember anything mention of this? What do you think of
>non-stick equipments?

If you believe every magazine/news article,
then everything we eat, breathe, or touch will kill you.

I would take those announcements with a grain of salt....
( but not too much salt, 'cause it'll kill you too ;o) )

Remember; driving your car is a lot more dangerous
than using your teflon fry-pan.

  #9 (permalink)   Report Post  
Melba's Jammin'
Posts: n/a

In article >, "Orc
General" > wrote:

> I remember reading somewhere once that says non-stick cooking
> equipment are toxic over the long term. Can't remember exactly what
> the article says but that the material for making it non stick is
> itself somewhat toxic. Did anyone else remember anything mention of
> this? What do you think of non-stick equipments?

I think my 10" non-stick skillet is fine. Grocery store purchase. I
see no need for any other non-stick stuff. I replace it every few years
for about $20. I was just scoping them out yesterday, but don't really
have a need to replace it. I cook chops in heavy stainless - I don't
mind a little sticking -- I don't want burned, though.
-Barb, <> 5/8/05.
"Are we going to measure, or are we going to cook?" -Food Critic Mimi Sheraton
  #10 (permalink)   Report Post  
Melba's Jammin'
Posts: n/a

In article >, "I-zheet
M'drurz" > wrote:

> Non stick cookware has been around for about 40 years, best I
> can remember.

I was married in 1966 and Teflon was The Thing -- I was given a set of
pots and pans that I used for years. My late BIL who thought
Teflon-this and Teflon-that was getting to be too much found a
Teflon-lined chamberpot that he gave me. Every bride should have one.
-Barb, <> 5/8/05.
"Are we going to measure, or are we going to cook?" -Food Critic Mimi Sheraton

  #11 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

"Orc General" > wrote in message
. ..
>I remember reading somewhere once that says non-stick cooking equipment are
> toxic over the long term. Can't remember exactly what the article says but
> that the material for making it non stick is itself somewhat toxic. Did
> anyone else remember anything mention of this? What do you think of
> non-stick equipments?

Quite frankly I have never found a non-stack pan I like - I use Cast iron and
Stainless steel. I have owned several "non-stick" I just don't think they are
worth the effort and price.


  #12 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

"Orc General" > wrote in message
. ..
>I remember reading somewhere once that says non-stick cooking equipment are
> toxic over the long term. Can't remember exactly what the article says but
> that the material for making it non stick is itself somewhat toxic. Did
> anyone else remember anything mention of this? What do you think of
> non-stick equipments?

Here are the facts - from:


Teflon: Strong Indications That It's Toxic
Related Entries: Toxic Chemicals

Teflon contains a toxic chemical called C8 or PFOA which has been linked to
cancer and birth defects in animals. Its effects have never been formally tested
on humans.

The chemical, perfluorooctanoic acid, is a soaplike material. It is used to make
many widely used products, such as non-stick cookware, fast food containers,
clothing, Gortex outdoor gear, furniture, carpet treatments such as Stainmaster,
cleaning products and even cosmetics.

It is part of a family of perfluorated chemicals, or PFCs, that have been
detected in the blood of more than 90 percent of Americans and in Arctic Circle
polar bears. Recently PFCs were detected in the Great Lakes, the source of
drinking water for 33 million Americans and Canadians.

PFOA does not occur naturally, so researchers suspect that it is being spread
either in the manufacturing process or in the gradual release of the chemical
from products as they age and wear out.

Officials from the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) have expressed mounting
concern over PFOA because it has been found to contaminate human blood
pervasively and does not appear to break down in the environment. In 2000, the
EPA forced a chemical cousin of PFOA off the market. Known as PFOS, it was the
original chemical ingredient in 3M's Scotchgard products. PFOS has also been
found almost universally in human blood, does not decay in the environment and
is considered toxic.

The EPA has charged DuPont with illegally suppressing Teflon birth defect and
water pollution studies for 22 years. Du Pont allegedly knew that the tap water
at a community near a Teflon manufacturing site in West Virginia was
contaminated, and that a woman working at the plant who was exposed to Teflon
gave birth to a child with a facial defect.

Fluoropolymers, the class of plastics to which Teflon belongs, accounted for
nearly $800 million of the company's $24.1 billion in 2002 sales. Teflon,
DuPont's best-known brand, is worth considerably more through licensing to
products that don't necessarily contain the material but pay to use the name.
DuPont doesn't say how much money it gets from licensing the brand.

Further information on this issue can be found at the EWG web site, a Washington
Post article, and news articles from the U.K., China and Canada.

  #13 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

On 2005-06-03, Dimitri > wrote:
> Here are the facts....

> ....Strong Indications....

Since when do "Strong Indications" equate to "facts"? The same
accusations were, and in some cases continue to be, leveled against
flouride and saccharin. They are still unproven. Recently, a
nationally known newscaster had himself analyzed for all chemicals.
The toll was somewhere in excess of 30,000 man-made chemicals detected
in his blood.

While I'm by nature a naysayer and tend toward cynicism, it's
undeniable we are living longer than ever. Depleted geezers are
stacking up like cordwood in rest homes from coast to coast. Instead
of all these big bad chemicals accelerating our slide to the grave,
people have to take a number to get an appointment with the reaper!
Kinda makes one wonder if teflon coated bloodcells might be helping
rather than hindering.

  #14 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

Orc General wrote:

> I remember reading somewhere once that says non-stick cooking equipment are
> toxic over the long term. Can't remember exactly what the article says but
> that the material for making it non stick is itself somewhat toxic. Did
> anyone else remember anything mention of this? What do you think of
> non-stick equipments?

I recall reading similar reports. Eons ago as a young bride, I used
non-stick almost exclusively. As my cooking skills improved I branched
out. I now use stainless steel almost exclusively. My newest stainless
steel aquistions are a heavy copper bottom fry pan and a large roasting
pan big enough for a 23 lb turkey. My old enamelware (? classic black
with white specks) has be set aside for roasting on the barbeque. I
have a well seasoned cast iron fry pan. Despite the reports, I still
use two non-stick fry pans and a non-stick wok. My non-stick is fairly
new at about two years old. To my understanding, the non-stick is a
problem if heated at too high a temperature. Then it gives off fumes.
The second complaint I had with early non-stick is the coating flaking
off and sticking to food. I must say I like the silicone bakeware for
non-stick as well.
  #15 (permalink)   Report Post  
Monsur Fromage du Pollet
Posts: n/a

~patches~ wrote on 03 Jun 2005 in

> Orc General wrote:
> > I remember reading somewhere once that says non-stick cooking
> > equipment are toxic over the long term. Can't remember exactly
> > what the article says but that the material for making it non
> > stick is itself somewhat toxic. Did anyone else remember
> > anything mention of this? What do you think of non-stick
> > equipments?
> >
> >

> I recall reading similar reports. Eons ago as a young bride, I
> used non-stick almost exclusively. As my cooking skills improved
> I branched out. I now use stainless steel almost exclusively. My
> newest stainless steel aquistions are a heavy copper bottom fry
> pan and a large roasting pan big enough for a 23 lb turkey. My
> old enamelware (? classic black with white specks) has be set
> aside for roasting on the barbeque. I have a well seasoned cast
> iron fry pan. Despite the reports, I still use two non-stick fry
> pans and a non-stick wok. My non-stick is fairly new at about two
> years old. To my understanding, the non-stick is a problem if
> heated at too high a temperature. Then it gives off fumes. The
> second complaint I had with early non-stick is the coating flaking
> off and sticking to food. I must say I like the silicone bakeware
> for non-stick as well.

Ask a vet, any that treat birds, Teflon based non stick cookware gives
off toxic fumes/gases that will kill pet birds. I believe teflon off-
gases at around 500F.

Or do a google group search...this has been discussed to death before

As for the silicon bakeware...the softeners used to make plastic
pliable are suspect...they are the same chemicals that mess up frogs
giving them 3 legs, promote certain cancers in people, etc...

No Bread Crumbs were hurt in the making of this Meal.
Type 2 Diabetic Since Aug 2004
1AC- 7.2, 7.3, 5.5, 5.6 mmol
Weight from 265 down to 215 lbs. and dropping.
Continuing to be Manitoban

  #16 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

Melba's Jammin' wrote:

> In article >, "I-zheet
> M'drurz" > wrote:
>> Non stick cookware has been around for about 40 years, best I
>> can remember.

> I was married in 1966 and Teflon was The Thing -- I was given a set of
> pots and pans that I used for years. My late BIL who thought
> Teflon-this and Teflon-that was getting to be too much found a
> Teflon-lined chamberpot that he gave me. Every bride should have one.
> <8-)

There is a toilet cleaner with teflon in it to keep your toilets cleaner
longer. Seriously though, I don't think my non-stick fry pans or wok
are teflon coated. My fry pans are Lagostina and the label indicates
the non-stick coating is Quantum 2. I'm not sure if that is tefdlon but
it is guaranteed not to wear off, peel off, or scrape off for 25 years.
My wok has a Xlan non-stick coating. It looks and feels different
than the Quantum 2.
  #17 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

In article >,
"Orc General" > wrote:

> "Melba's Jammin'" > wrote in message
> ...
> > In article >, "I-zheet
> > M'drurz" > wrote:
> >
> > > Non stick cookware has been around for about 40 years, best I
> > > can remember.

> >
> > I was married in 1966 and Teflon was The Thing -- I was given a set of
> > pots and pans that I used for years. My late BIL who thought

> Whats a BIL ?

Brother In Law.....


Sprout the Mung Bean to reply...

There is no need to change the world. All we have to do is toilet train the world and we'll never have to change it again. -- Swami Beyondanada

>,,<Cat's Haven Hobby Farm>,,<Katraatcenturyteldotnet>,,< id=katra
  #18 (permalink)   Report Post  
Orc General
Posts: n/a

"Melba's Jammin'" > wrote in message
> In article >, "I-zheet
> M'drurz" > wrote:
> > Non stick cookware has been around for about 40 years, best I
> > can remember.

> I was married in 1966 and Teflon was The Thing -- I was given a set of
> pots and pans that I used for years. My late BIL who thought

Whats a BIL ?

  #19 (permalink)   Report Post  
Orc General
Posts: n/a

"I-zheet M'drurz" > wrote in message
.. .
> Larry G spaketh thusly:
> > "Orc General" > wrote...

> >>I remember reading somewhere once that says non-stick cooking
> >>equipment are toxic over the long term. Can't remember exactly
> >>what the article says but that the material for making it non
> >>stick is itself somewhat toxic. Did anyone else remember anything
> >>mention of this? What do you think of non-stick equipments?

> There is a worry-wart perpetuator of Urban Legends around every
> corner who will add fuel to your fire. Oh my, here comes one
> now!...

Actually I was just doing some research before adding some pots to my
kitchen. It was between Cast Iron or Stainless Steel or NonStick. Right
now I only have Lagostina Stainless which cost a fortune and I ended up only
using the big pots and frying pan instead of those little tiny pots they
included in the kit. Nonstick does have the easy clean no sticking merits.
But I think I will settle for some Cast Iron stuffs. Seems like from the
discussion that non-stick is just fine though.

  #20 (permalink)   Report Post  
I-zheet M'drurz
Posts: n/a

Melba's Jammin' spaketh thusly:

> In article >,
> "I-zheet M'drurz" > wrote:
>> Non stick cookware has been around for about 40 years, best
>> I can remember.

> I was married in 1966 and Teflon was The Thing -- I was given a
> set of pots and pans that I used for years.

Yep, that's what I remember, I would've been 10 then, and I recall
parents and relatives using it. It was *the* hot new thing,

> My late BIL who
> thought Teflon-this and Teflon-that was getting to be too much
> found a Teflon-lined chamberpot that he gave me. Every bride
> should have one. <8-)

He should've met my ex wife. She was a "suburban girl", never
a whole lot of experience "roughing it", and one weekend at my
family's cabin we had a load of people due for a cookout. Long
story short if it's not too late: She wanted to cook some pasta
for a side pasta salad, and was griping to nobody in particular
about the lack of pots and pans available. All of a sudden we
hear Cousin Patsy laughing her ass off inside the cabin, and when
a few of us "old campers" ran into see what the commotion was all
about, we joined right in. There on the old 2 burner hotplate
was a steaming pot of boiling water, awaiting the pasta. Of
course we had to break the news to my wife that what she "found"
for the job was actually the night-time **** pot! :-O

If u are gonna say that I said something,
please say what I REALLY said. ($1 Earl)

  #21 (permalink)   Report Post  
Michael L Kankiewicz
Posts: n/a

I really like our Circulon pans.

  #22 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

I-zheet M'drurz wrote:
> He should've met my ex wife. She was a "suburban girl", never
> a whole lot of experience "roughing it", and one weekend at my
> family's cabin we had a load of people due for a cookout. Long
> story short if it's not too late: She wanted to cook some pasta
> for a side pasta salad, and was griping to nobody in particular
> about the lack of pots and pans available. All of a sudden we
> hear Cousin Patsy laughing her ass off inside the cabin, and when
> a few of us "old campers" ran into see what the commotion was all
> about, we joined right in. There on the old 2 burner hotplate
> was a steaming pot of boiling water, awaiting the pasta. Of
> course we had to break the news to my wife that what she "found"
> for the job was actually the night-time **** pot! :-O

What's funny is the joke's on yoose hillybillys... how would she know
when your **** pot is marked Farberware... like yoose deliverance types
don't really use the same pot to shit as to eat.

It's no wonder she left you, your ex got tired of yoose fornicating
with your kin.


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