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  #1 (permalink)   Report Post  
Patricia Aquino
Posts: n/a

Yes, Spamfree, you can count me in as someone who is tired of hearing
the words "low carb" or more irritating just the word "carbs".

While many of us would benefit from cutting the carbohydrates in our
diet, I am sick to death of friends and family alike spouting off about
their "low carb diets". I am sick of going to a restaurant with them
and having them completely revamp the menu as they smugly announce to
one and all that they are "counting carbs". I am tempted to tell the
waiter/waitress to just pile the "carbs" onto my plate.

The most irritating friend I have is one who toots her horn about her
Atkins diet as she's puffing on one cigarette after the other. She
brags about all the "weenies" she's had that day as she's chomping on a
bag of pork rinds. I would love to see what her cholesterol level
really is not to mention her blood pressure! This is also a person who
believes if you watch a work-out video it's as if you have done the full
work out. She might have her head examined while she's having her
cholesterol and blood pressure checked. If that were the case, I'd be
the fittest form walking...Lord knows I have "watched" my share of
exercise videos. I am out of breath just thinking of how hard it was to
watch them. Wonder if I were to walk around with a book on my head if it
would be the same as reading it?

To sum it up...I've got your "carbs" riighttt here!

  #2 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

Patricia Aquino wrote:
> Yes, Spamfree, you can count me in as someone who is tired of hearing
> the words "low carb" or more irritating just the word "carbs".
> While many of us would benefit from cutting the carbohydrates in our
> diet, I am sick to death of friends and family alike spouting off about
> their "low carb diets". I am sick of going to a restaurant with them
> and having them completely revamp the menu as they smugly announce to
> one and all that they are "counting carbs". I am tempted to tell the
> waiter/waitress to just pile the "carbs" onto my plate.
> The most irritating friend I have is one who toots her horn about her
> Atkins diet as she's puffing on one cigarette after the other. She
> brags about all the "weenies" she's had that day as she's chomping on a
> bag of pork rinds. I would love to see what her cholesterol level
> really is not to mention her blood pressure! This is also a person who
> believes if you watch a work-out video it's as if you have done the full
> work out. She might have her head examined while she's having her
> cholesterol and blood pressure checked. If that were the case, I'd be
> the fittest form walking...Lord knows I have "watched" my share of
> exercise videos. I am out of breath just thinking of how hard it was to
> watch them. Wonder if I were to walk around with a book on my head if it
> would be the same as reading it?
> To sum it up...I've got your "carbs" riighttt here!

Were you equally as upset when everyone was spouting "low fat?" If not,
your prejudice is showing.

  #3 (permalink)   Report Post  
Doug Freyburger
Posts: n/a

Patricia Aquino wrote:
> Yes, Spamfree, you can count me in as someone who is tired of hearing
> the words "low carb" or more irritating just the word "carbs".
> ... I would love to see what her cholesterol level
> really is not to mention her blood pressure!

Atkins reduces blood pressure in more people than it reduces weight
and it improves cholesterol in 80%, but don't let the facts hit you
on the head when you bash your way though the door leading out. I
know - It's not your fault the doctor dropped you on your head when
you were born.

> This is also a person who believes if you watch a work-out
> video it's as if you have done the full work out.

Chuckle. You aren't able to put in any mental work with tough
stuff like facts and your friend isn't able to put in any
physical work with tough stuff like weights. At least the two
of you add up to a whole person.

> To sum it up...I've got your "carbs" riighttt here!

Fortunately the carb count for a troll is zero.
  #4 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

I'm with you! I'm all for people trimming down but it's getting out of
hand about the 'carb counting'. Watching people freak out when you
even mention potato, bread or pasta is getting tiring. But I am
putting up with it just as I put up with my co-worker that downs a
whole package of Snackwell crakers and fat-free creamcheese at lunch.
Gross. (But fat-free!)

Can't wait for the next trend diet!

You still can eat well, just less of it and it works! (But I'm a
weight watcher disciple who has done well with it over the years)

Here's some fun:


(Patricia Aquino) wrote in message >...
> Yes, Spamfree, you can count me in as someone who is tired of hearing
> the words "low carb" or more irritating just the word "carbs".
> While many of us would benefit from cutting the carbohydrates in our
> diet, I am sick to death of friends and family alike spouting off about
> their "low carb diets". I am sick of going to a restaurant with them
> and having them completely revamp the menu as they smugly announce to
> one and all that they are "counting carbs". I am tempted to tell the
> waiter/waitress to just pile the "carbs" onto my plate.
> The most irritating friend I have is one who toots her horn about her
> Atkins diet as she's puffing on one cigarette after the other. She
> brags about all the "weenies" she's had that day as she's chomping on a
> bag of pork rinds. I would love to see what her cholesterol level
> really is not to mention her blood pressure! This is also a person who
> believes if you watch a work-out video it's as if you have done the full
> work out. She might have her head examined while she's having her
> cholesterol and blood pressure checked. If that were the case, I'd be
> the fittest form walking...Lord knows I have "watched" my share of
> exercise videos. I am out of breath just thinking of how hard it was to
> watch them. Wonder if I were to walk around with a book on my head if it
> would be the same as reading it?
> To sum it up...I've got your "carbs" riighttt here!

  #6 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

"Patricia Aquino" > wrote in message
> Yes, Spamfree, you can count me in as someone who is tired of hearing
> the words "low carb" or more irritating just the word "carbs".

Oh thank God it's not just me. It gets on my ever lovin' last nerve. It
can't be healthy. What happened to eating sensibly?? Most of my family is
on some sort of carb diet while I have been losing weight the old fashioned
way (balanced diet, counting calories and *some* but not enough exercise).
Guess who has lost the most weight. Teehee!!! I've lost 28 of the 30
pounds that I set out to lose and they can't figure out how I've done it.

  #7 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

"telmgren" > wrote in message
> "Patricia Aquino" > wrote in message
> ...
> > Yes, Spamfree, you can count me in as someone who is tired of hearing
> > the words "low carb" or more irritating just the word "carbs".

> Oh thank God it's not just me. It gets on my ever lovin' last nerve. It
> can't be healthy. What happened to eating sensibly?? Most of my family

> on some sort of carb diet while I have been losing weight the old

> way (balanced diet, counting calories and *some* but not enough exercise).
> Guess who has lost the most weight. Teehee!!! I've lost 28 of the 30
> pounds that I set out to lose and they can't figure out how I've done it.
> DUH!!!

Congratualtions! There aren't many in this thread that believe your way will

  #8 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

Doug Freyburger wrote:
> Patricia Aquino wrote:
>>Yes, Spamfree, you can count me in as someone who is tired of hearing
>>the words "low carb" or more irritating just the word "carbs".
>>... I would love to see what her cholesterol level
>>really is not to mention her blood pressure!

> Atkins reduces blood pressure in more people than it reduces weight
> and it improves cholesterol in 80%, but don't let the facts hit you
> on the head when you bash your way though the door leading out. I
> know - It's not your fault the doctor dropped you on your head when
> you were born.
>>This is also a person who believes if you watch a work-out
>>video it's as if you have done the full work out.

> Chuckle. You aren't able to put in any mental work with tough
> stuff like facts and your friend isn't able to put in any
> physical work with tough stuff like weights. At least the two
> of you add up to a whole person.
>>To sum it up...I've got your "carbs" riighttt here!

> Fortunately the carb count for a troll is zero.

I'm not sure where to step in here...

I think the Adkin's craze is idiotic -- at least the way I see most
people following it, where a Wendy's triple with cheese is considered
"heathy" if you don't eat the bun. And I'm getting tired of hearing
"LOW CARB" all the time. But...

My brother has lost close to 100 pounds by severely limiting carbohydrates.

My mother (a Registered Nurse) is doing Adkins and has lost a little
weight; her total cholesterol hasn't really moved much, but now it is
almost totally HDL. [I think this is weird]

So there is *something* to the diet, even if it is only for a temporary
measure to get an extremely obese person's weight down to where they can
start a more balanced diet and exercise program. And I suspect that the
high protein level in the diet helps preserve lean muscle mass when the
body is drawing on it's stores.

All the food companies and restaurants jumping the low-carb bandwagon is
a Godsend for diabetics, making it much easier for them to control their
glucose levels by diet and maybe not even needing insulin shots. I
suspect some of the diet's success comes from controlling hunger by
stabilizing glucose and insulin levels.

I was on a high-protein diet back in the 70's for a little while. The
mild ketosis it put's you in does supress your appetite. I lost weight,
but the diet was not maintainable. That was a long time ago, and I was
young, so I don't remember a lot of details.

I think the real nugget of goodness that I see in the low-carbohydrate
diet is that the USA diet gets most of its calories from carbohydrates
-- so that's the largest opportunity for calorie reduction. If you only
eat, say, 200 calories worth of carbohydrates in a day, it is difficult
to eat 2000 calories worth of protein and fat even though fat is over
twice as energy-dense as carbs. You can eliminate several hundreds of
calories of carbohydrate from your diet every day and not miss it.

Best regards,
  #9 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

"zxcvbob" > wrote in message
> I think the Adkin's craze is idiotic -- at least the way I see most
> people following it, where a Wendy's triple with cheese is considered
> "heathy" if you don't eat the bun. And I'm getting tired of hearing
> "LOW CARB" all the time. But...
> My brother has lost close to 100 pounds by severely limiting

> So there is *something* to the diet, even if it is only for a temporary
> measure to get an extremely obese person's weight down to where they can
> start a more balanced diet and exercise program.

This is the only recommended scenario for this type of diet. Under a doctors
supervision for extremely obese patients where its a matter of life and
death is this diet used my medical practictioners. Its not meant for the
casual dieters.

> Best regards,
> Bob

  #11 (permalink)   Report Post  
Dan Abel
Posts: n/a

In article >, zxcvbob > wrote:

> I think the Adkin's craze is idiotic -- at least the way I see most
> people following it, where a Wendy's triple with cheese is considered
> "heathy" if you don't eat the bun. And I'm getting tired of hearing
> "LOW CARB" all the time. But...
> My brother has lost close to 100 pounds by severely limiting carbohydrates.
> My mother (a Registered Nurse) is doing Adkins and has lost a little
> weight; her total cholesterol hasn't really moved much, but now it is
> almost totally HDL. [I think this is weird]
> So there is *something* to the diet, even if it is only for a temporary
> measure to get an extremely obese person's weight down to where they can
> start a more balanced diet and exercise program. And I suspect that the
> high protein level in the diet helps preserve lean muscle mass when the
> body is drawing on it's stores.

I'm glad you posted this. I feel kind of the same. Low-carb seems like a
complex solution to a simple problem, and I suspect people don't like the
simple solution because it isn't fun or easy. Yet again, reputable people
seem to support these diets, along with some wackos. I also hear lots of
people who say these diets work well.

Of course, I've also read that Atkins is a lot more than just low carb.

> I think the real nugget of goodness that I see in the low-carbohydrate
> diet is that the USA diet gets most of its calories from carbohydrates
> -- so that's the largest opportunity for calorie reduction. If you only
> eat, say, 200 calories worth of carbohydrates in a day, it is difficult
> to eat 2000 calories worth of protein and fat even though fat is over
> twice as energy-dense as carbs. You can eliminate several hundreds of
> calories of carbohydrate from your diet every day and not miss it.

Very interesting theory.

Dan Abel
Sonoma State University

  #12 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

"Tesoro" > wrote in message
. ..
> "telmgren" > wrote in message
> om...
> >
> > "Patricia Aquino" > wrote in message
> > ...
> > > Yes, Spamfree, you can count me in as someone who is tired of hearing
> > > the words "low carb" or more irritating just the word "carbs".

> >
> > Oh thank God it's not just me. It gets on my ever lovin' last nerve.

> > can't be healthy. What happened to eating sensibly?? Most of my family

> is
> > on some sort of carb diet while I have been losing weight the old

> fashioned
> > way (balanced diet, counting calories and *some* but not enough

> > Guess who has lost the most weight. Teehee!!! I've lost 28 of the 30
> > pounds that I set out to lose and they can't figure out how I've done

> > DUH!!!

> Congratualtions! There aren't many in this thread that believe your way

> work.

Thank you!

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