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  #1 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a
Default cherry tomatoes coming out of my A#@!!!!

Ok..i planted four cherry tomato plants and now i have so many cherry
tomatoes i dont know what to do with them..
Is there any thing i can do with them..i would hate to throw them out.

  #2 (permalink)   Report Post  
Dan Abel
Posts: n/a

In article >, "MJ"
> wrote:

> Ok..i planted four cherry tomato plants and now i have so many cherry
> tomatoes i dont know what to do with them..
> Is there any thing i can do with them..i would hate to throw them out.

Wash them, put them in a pretty bowl and put them on my kitchen table. I
guarantee they'll be gone in no time! My wife washed a huge bowl of
tomatoes and put them on our table. She put a few in the dinner salad but
there were a ton left. By the time I went to bed the bowl was empty!

Dan Abel
Sonoma State University

  #3 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

Somehow, those cherry tomatoes in my fridge don't hold the same
allure, now. :\

  #4 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

MJ wrote:
> Ok..i planted four cherry tomato plants and now i have so many cherry
> tomatoes i dont know what to do with them..
> Is there any thing i can do with them..i would hate to throw them out.
> MJ

Share with the neighbors.

gloria p
  #5 (permalink)   Report Post  
day dreamer@dream .com@
Posts: n/a

On Tue, 16 Aug 2005 16:18:15 -0400, "MJ" > wrote:

>Ok..i planted four cherry tomato plants and now i have so many cherry
>tomatoes i dont know what to do with them..
>Is there any thing i can do with them..i would hate to throw them out.

Well geeze, I don't want any after the mental picture I conjured up
after reading the title. I had a British friend that used to say "that
will happen when primates erupt from my nether region". I had the
same picture in my mind. Thanks pal.

  #6 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

MJ wrote:
> Ok..i planted four cherry tomato plants and now i have so many cherry
> tomatoes i dont know what to do with them..
> Is there any thing i can do with them..i would hate to throw them out.
> MJ

1. Share with neighbors and co-workers.

2. Learn some other expressions for bounty that don't turn people off.

gloria p
  #7 (permalink)   Report Post  
Dave Smith
Posts: n/a

MJ wrote:

> Ok..i planted four cherry tomato plants and now i have so many cherry
> tomatoes i dont know what to do with them..
> Is there any thing i can do with them..i would hate to throw them out.

I planted three tomato plants next to my flowers and herbs and they are
going nuts. They were billed as a variation of a Roma. It was puzzling to
watch them develop because a lot of them are long and tapered. If I
wasn't sure from the shape and colour of the leaf, I would have thought
that they were some sort of banana pepper. They finally started to ripen
the other day. They are pink inside, rather than the usual tomato red, and
they are delicious.

  #9 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

On Tue, 16 Aug 2005 16:18:15 -0400, "MJ" > wrote:

>Ok..i planted four cherry tomato plants and now i have so many cherry
>tomatoes i dont know what to do with them..
>Is there any thing i can do with them..i would hate to throw them out.

Toss with olive oil, basil, salt, and maybe a splash of vinegar. Add
some mozzarella if you like.

Slice and make a tomato sandwich.

Slice and toss with hot pasta, olive oil, garlic, basil, parmesan.

Mix with olives and a good splash of the olive marinade. Let it rest
a while so the tomatoes pick up some of the olive flavor and you will
have an addictive cocktail nibble or light supper with some good

Make bruschetta.

Slice and mix with sliced cucumbers and red onions. Marinate the mix
in Italian dressing.


  #10 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

MJ wrote:
> Ok..i planted four cherry tomato plants and now i have so many cherry
> tomatoes i dont know what to do with them..
> Is there any thing i can do with them..i would hate to throw them out.
> MJ

Take 2 Loperamide (Imodium, etc.) tablets, and call us back when you
have tomato paste coming out of your... whatever. HTH ;-)


  #11 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

On Tue, 16 Aug 2005 22:36:24 GMT, Tara wrote:

> On Tue, 16 Aug 2005 16:18:15 -0400, "MJ" > wrote:
> >Ok..i planted four cherry tomato plants and now i have so many cherry
> >tomatoes i dont know what to do with them..
> >Is there any thing i can do with them..i would hate to throw them out.

> Toss with olive oil, basil, salt, and maybe a splash of vinegar. Add
> some mozzarella if you like.
> Slice and make a tomato sandwich.
> Slice and toss with hot pasta, olive oil, garlic, basil, parmesan.
> Mix with olives and a good splash of the olive marinade. Let it rest
> a while so the tomatoes pick up some of the olive flavor and you will
> have an addictive cocktail nibble or light supper with some good
> bread.
> Make bruschetta.
> Slice and mix with sliced cucumbers and red onions. Marinate the mix
> in Italian dressing.
> Tara

YUM. All those ideas are hungryfying!
  #12 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

On 2005-08-16, Tara > wrote:

> Toss with olive oil, basil, salt, and maybe a splash of vinegar. Add
> some mozzarella if you like.....

.....and serve on a crisp bed of quilted Charmin.

  #13 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

If you really have a lot of them, you can halve them, put in a pot with
a few spoonsful of water and cook for a few minutes until soft.

Press through a sieve (or one of those cone shaped colander things that
has a wooden "masher"...can't think of the name of it) to remove skin
and seeds and then cook the resulting sauce with garlic, s&p, a bit of
sugar and some Italian seasoning.

Cook until desired consistency and then put in container and freeze.

I've made about 20 pints this summer and hope to do more before the end
of the season.

Roseville, CA

  #14 (permalink)   Report Post  
Denise in NH
Posts: n/a

My husband and I and our son all LOATHE tomatoes. Nevertheless, I have
12 cherry tomato plants, 6 Roma tomato plants, and 6 regular tomato

I can them for spaghetti sauce. I place all of the tomatoes, as they
become ripe, into my food processor and pulverize them till totally
mushed. Then I pour them into large ziploc bags and freeze. Later in
the fall I will take all of the tomato mush out of the freezer, add lots
of extra ingredients, such as, garlic, peppers, and onions, and I'll
raid my herb garden for chives, oregano, basil, marjoram, thyme and
simmer for a few hours, then put up a couple of dozen cans of spaghetti

It always comes out great.


  #15 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

WOW!! Never realized an expression would offend so many. To all who were
offended; it was just a matter of speech and i appoligize to all of you who
had to picture the idea....and i thank all of you who gave great ideas. I
will be sure to try some of them.
"Denise in NH" > wrote in message
> My husband and I and our son all LOATHE tomatoes. Nevertheless, I have
> 12 cherry tomato plants, 6 Roma tomato plants, and 6 regular tomato
> plants.
> I can them for spaghetti sauce. I place all of the tomatoes, as they
> become ripe, into my food processor and pulverize them till totally
> mushed. Then I pour them into large ziploc bags and freeze. Later in
> the fall I will take all of the tomato mush out of the freezer, add lots
> of extra ingredients, such as, garlic, peppers, and onions, and I'll
> raid my herb garden for chives, oregano, basil, marjoram, thyme and
> simmer for a few hours, then put up a couple of dozen cans of spaghetti
> sauce.
> It always comes out great.
> Denise

  #16 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

"MJ" > ha scritto nel messaggio
> Ok..i planted four cherry tomato plants and now i have so many cherry
> tomatoes i dont know what to do with them..
> Is there any thing i can do with them..i would hate to throw them out.
> MJ

In this period I Am canning cheery tomatoes for the winter.
In the winter you can use cherry tomatoes to make sauces for pasta or other
The procedure is very simple.
Clean perfectly some glass jars. Put inside the cherry tom. with 1-2 leaves
of basil and few slices of garlic.
Pour over the tomatoes some boiled water and close the plug.
Then sterilize the jars in cold water and count 30 minutes since the water
begin to boil. Let the jars in the water till become cold.
After the boiling, tomatoes tend to go toward the plug: it doesn't matter!
This effects is more visible with the 1litre jars.
If you use smaller jars, the tomatoes haven't sufficient space to "walk".
When in the winter you will use the tomatoes, you will see that the skin go
away very easily.
Here the photo of my cherry tomatoes in the jars.

  #17 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

MJ wrote:

> Ok..i planted four cherry tomato plants and now i have so many cherry
> tomatoes i dont know what to do with them..
> Is there any thing i can do with them..i would hate to throw them out.
> MJ

I have 27 tomato plants. Of those 6 of them are cherry tomatoes. I can
guarantee you I won't have enough tomatoes to do the canning and
freezing I want to do. Excess cherry tomatoes can be made into roasted
tomato sauce. We like them whole in lettuce type salads or halved in
pasta salad. I eat them as is for a snack especially when picking them
in the garden. Oh and don't put them in the fridge as it ruins their
flavour. Enjoy your bounty
  #18 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

Dave Smith wrote:

> MJ wrote:
>>Ok..i planted four cherry tomato plants and now i have so many cherry
>>tomatoes i dont know what to do with them..
>>Is there any thing i can do with them..i would hate to throw them out.

> I planted three tomato plants next to my flowers and herbs and they are
> going nuts. They were billed as a variation of a Roma. It was puzzling to
> watch them develop because a lot of them are long and tapered. If I
> wasn't sure from the shape and colour of the leaf, I would have thought
> that they were some sort of banana pepper. They finally started to ripen
> the other day. They are pink inside, rather than the usual tomato red, and
> they are delicious.

Interesting! The neat thing about gardening is you can plant varieties
of vegetables you can't easily buy in the stores. I planted a *mellow
yellow* tomato plant this year. I can't wait to taste the tomatoes! My
romas are the standard deep red, nice and meaty, just perfect for tomato

I want to try purple potatoes next year. I always put in a few plants
for the baby potatoes DH loves. This year I have reds and whites
started from store bought potatoes I left to sprout close to planting time.

So many vegetables and so little garden space and time
  #19 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

Tara wrote:

> On Tue, 16 Aug 2005 16:18:15 -0400, "MJ" > wrote:
>>Ok..i planted four cherry tomato plants and now i have so many cherry
>>tomatoes i dont know what to do with them..
>>Is there any thing i can do with them..i would hate to throw them out.

> Toss with olive oil, basil, salt, and maybe a splash of vinegar. Add
> some mozzarella if you like.

Fresh basil and I would use fresh grated parmesan instead of mozzarella.

> Slice and make a tomato sandwich.

Cherry tomatoes are almost too small to do this with. I'm rather
partial to beefsteak tomatoes for sandwiches as one slice fills the
sandwich. OTOH I'd eat just about any kind of tomato on a sandwich.

> Slice and toss with hot pasta, olive oil, garlic, basil, parmesan.
> Mix with olives and a good splash of the olive marinade. Let it rest
> a while so the tomatoes pick up some of the olive flavor and you will
> have an addictive cocktail nibble or light supper with some good
> bread.
> Make bruschetta.

If anyone is into canning, the recipe in Bernardin's "Tomatoes Canning &
Specialty Recipes" for bruschetta in a jar is excellent! The booklet is
well worth buying as all the recipes are quite good. I paid $4.99 CDN.
I'm not sure if it available on their website but you
could likely find out from there if there is a store in your area that
carries it.

> Slice and mix with sliced cucumbers and red onions. Marinate the mix
> in Italian dressing.
> Tara

  #20 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

Pandora wrote:

> "MJ" > ha scritto nel messaggio
> ...
>>Ok..i planted four cherry tomato plants and now i have so many cherry
>>tomatoes i dont know what to do with them..
>>Is there any thing i can do with them..i would hate to throw them out.

> In this period I Am canning cheery tomatoes for the winter.
> In the winter you can use cherry tomatoes to make sauces for pasta or other
> things.
> The procedure is very simple.
> Clean perfectly some glass jars. Put inside the cherry tom. with 1-2 leaves
> of basil and few slices of garlic.
> Pour over the tomatoes some boiled water and close the plug.
> Then sterilize the jars in cold water and count 30 minutes since the water
> begin to boil. Let the jars in the water till become cold.
> ......
> After the boiling, tomatoes tend to go toward the plug: it doesn't matter!
> This effects is more visible with the 1litre jars.
> If you use smaller jars, the tomatoes haven't sufficient space to "walk".
> When in the winter you will use the tomatoes, you will see that the skin go
> away very easily.
> Here the photo of my cherry tomatoes in the jars.
> Cheers
> Pandora

Nice looking tomatoes. I wouldn't have thought to can cherry tomatoes
because of their size but I do can a fair amount of the larger tomatoes.
I slip the skins before canning. Homecanned tomato juice is awesome!
Last year I made 4 - 1.5 L jars of tomato juice. Obviously this year
I'm going to have to make a lot more of it. It was a huge hit with my
family. I see you use the snap lids like I do but I also see you use
recycled jars that I don't. Canning standards here don't recommend
using recycled jars. I use recycled jars for dried foods though. I add
citric acid or lemon juice because some of the tomatoes here are acidic
enough for USDA or Canadian canning standards. The hybrids are the
problem for canning but they sure taste good I'm canning taco sauce
today and might do a batch of salsa if I get ambitious enough. I think
I will try canning tomato paste this year too.

  #21 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

"~patches~" > ha scritto nel messaggio
> Pandora wrote:
>> "MJ" > ha scritto nel messaggio
>> ...
>>>Ok..i planted four cherry tomato plants and now i have so many cherry
>>>tomatoes i dont know what to do with them..
>>>Is there any thing i can do with them..i would hate to throw them out.

>> In this period I Am canning cheery tomatoes for the winter.
>> In the winter you can use cherry tomatoes to make sauces for pasta or
>> other things.
>> The procedure is very simple.
>> Clean perfectly some glass jars. Put inside the cherry tom. with 1-2
>> leaves of basil and few slices of garlic.
>> Pour over the tomatoes some boiled water and close the plug.
>> Then sterilize the jars in cold water and count 30 minutes since the
>> water begin to boil. Let the jars in the water till become cold.
>> ......
>> After the boiling, tomatoes tend to go toward the plug: it doesn't
>> matter!
>> This effects is more visible with the 1litre jars.
>> If you use smaller jars, the tomatoes haven't sufficient space to "walk".
>> When in the winter you will use the tomatoes, you will see that the skin
>> go away very easily.
>> Here the photo of my cherry tomatoes in the jars.
>> Cheers
>> Pandora

> Nice looking tomatoes. I wouldn't have thought to can cherry tomatoes
> because of their size but I do can a fair amount of the larger tomatoes. I
> slip the skins before canning.

It is a long and hard work!!!

Homecanned tomato juice is awesome!
> Last year I made 4 - 1.5 L jars of tomato juice. Obviously this year I'm
> going to have to make a lot more of it. It was a huge hit with my family.
> I see you use the snap lids like I do but I also see you use recycled jars
> that I don't.

Oh yes! The important is the lid that must be in good condition.

Canning standards here don't recommend
> using recycled jars.

They don't recommend in orderer to increase the jar's industry ! )
But here in Italy we recicle every year the same bottles and jars; we only
change lids if they are used up. And I have never heard of persons who died
for a can of tomato )

I use recycled jars for dried foods though. I add
> citric acid or lemon juice because some of the tomatoes here are acidic
> enough for USDA or Canadian canning standards. The hybrids are the
> problem for canning but they sure taste good I'm canning taco sauce
> today and might do a batch of salsa if I get ambitious enough. I think I
> will try canning tomato paste this year too.

Ok! Could you please give me the recipe of your taco sauce? I want to do.
Thank you and cheers

  #22 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

notbob wrote:
> Somehow, those cherry tomatoes in my fridge don't hold the same
> allure, now. :\

Why are fresh tomatoes in your fridge?!?!?

Stuff, I mean put them in a warm place. hehe

I have a dozen cherry tomato plants, got enuff to keep a dozen asses
well supplied... I probably nosh a 100 a day... not an hour ago I ate
about thirty with a thinly sliced long cuke and ranch. Last night I
cooked about 5 pounds of string beans rough chopped, with olive oil,
onion, garlic, a small can tomato paste, s n' p, a little hot pepper
flakes, and about 200 cherry tomatoes... simmered about two hours till
nicely tender. Ate a good amount atop ziti with parmesean... got
plenty for tonight and the rest I'll freeze.

Cherry tomatoes are very tastey but just too juicy for sauce, they're
mostly water, skin, and seeds, not much flesh... I give a lot away...
it's good to have neighbors who grow different crops.


  #23 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

Pandora wrote:

> "~patches~" > ha scritto nel messaggio
> ...
>>Pandora wrote:
>>>"MJ" > ha scritto nel messaggio
>>>>Ok..i planted four cherry tomato plants and now i have so many cherry
>>>>tomatoes i dont know what to do with them..
>>>>Is there any thing i can do with them..i would hate to throw them out.
>>>In this period I Am canning cheery tomatoes for the winter.
>>>In the winter you can use cherry tomatoes to make sauces for pasta or
>>>other things.
>>>The procedure is very simple.
>>>Clean perfectly some glass jars. Put inside the cherry tom. with 1-2
>>>leaves of basil and few slices of garlic.
>>>Pour over the tomatoes some boiled water and close the plug.
>>>Then sterilize the jars in cold water and count 30 minutes since the
>>>water begin to boil. Let the jars in the water till become cold.
>>>After the boiling, tomatoes tend to go toward the plug: it doesn't
>>>This effects is more visible with the 1litre jars.
>>>If you use smaller jars, the tomatoes haven't sufficient space to "walk".
>>>When in the winter you will use the tomatoes, you will see that the skin
>>>go away very easily.
>>>Here the photo of my cherry tomatoes in the jars.

>>Nice looking tomatoes. I wouldn't have thought to can cherry tomatoes
>>because of their size but I do can a fair amount of the larger tomatoes. I
>>slip the skins before canning.

> It is a long and hard work!!!

It sure hurts my back some days. I do 10 bushels of tomatoes plus
whatever the garden produces. I like the sauces that I can put through
the food mill instead of having to slip the skins

> Homecanned tomato juice is awesome!
>> Last year I made 4 - 1.5 L jars of tomato juice. Obviously this year I'm
>>going to have to make a lot more of it. It was a huge hit with my family.
>>I see you use the snap lids like I do but I also see you use recycled jars
>>that I don't.

> Oh yes! The important is the lid that must be in good condition.
> Canning standards here don't recommend
>>using recycled jars.

> They don't recommend in orderer to increase the jar's industry ! )
> But here in Italy we recicle every year the same bottles and jars; we only
> change lids if they are used up. And I have never heard of persons who died
> for a can of tomato )

Me either. The canning standards have changed here over the years.
Even canning timing has changed for BWB and pressure canning.

> I use recycled jars for dried foods though. I add
>>citric acid or lemon juice because some of the tomatoes here are acidic
>>enough for USDA or Canadian canning standards. The hybrids are the
>>problem for canning but they sure taste good I'm canning taco sauce
>>today and might do a batch of salsa if I get ambitious enough. I think I
>>will try canning tomato paste this year too.

> Ok! Could you please give me the recipe of your taco sauce? I want to do.
> Thank you and cheers
> Pandora

No problem, enjoy

Taco Sauce

3 c tomato paste
5 c water
1 c cider vinegar
1/2 c corn syrup
2 tbsp chili powder
1 tbsp salt
1 tsp cayenne pepper (I used 1 1/2 tsp)
1/2 tsp hot pepper sauce (I used 1 tsp)

Combine all ingredients in large saucepan and bring to a boil. Reduce
heat and simmer about 1 hr or until thick. Stir frequently to prevent
sticking. Ladle hot sauce into hot jars leaving 1/4 inch headspace and
cap. Process 30 min in boiling water canner. Yield is 6 - 7 half pints
(250 ml jars for us Canucks)
  #24 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

"~patches~" > ha scritto nel messaggio
> Pandora wrote:
>> "~patches~" > ha scritto nel messaggio
>> ...
>>>Pandora wrote:
>>>>"MJ" > ha scritto nel messaggio
>>>>>Ok..i planted four cherry tomato plants and now i have so many cherry
>>>>>tomatoes i dont know what to do with them..
>>>>>Is there any thing i can do with them..i would hate to throw them out.
>>>>In this period I Am canning cheery tomatoes for the winter.
>>>>In the winter you can use cherry tomatoes to make sauces for pasta or
>>>>other things.
>>>>The procedure is very simple.
>>>>Clean perfectly some glass jars. Put inside the cherry tom. with 1-2
>>>>leaves of basil and few slices of garlic.
>>>>Pour over the tomatoes some boiled water and close the plug.
>>>>Then sterilize the jars in cold water and count 30 minutes since the
>>>>water begin to boil. Let the jars in the water till become cold.
>>>>After the boiling, tomatoes tend to go toward the plug: it doesn't
>>>>This effects is more visible with the 1litre jars.
>>>>If you use smaller jars, the tomatoes haven't sufficient space to
>>>>When in the winter you will use the tomatoes, you will see that the skin
>>>>go away very easily.
>>>>Here the photo of my cherry tomatoes in the jars.
>>>Nice looking tomatoes. I wouldn't have thought to can cherry tomatoes
>>>because of their size but I do can a fair amount of the larger tomatoes.
>>>I slip the skins before canning.

>> It is a long and hard work!!!

> It sure hurts my back some days. I do 10 bushels of tomatoes plus
> whatever the garden produces. I like the sauces that I can put through
> the food mill instead of having to slip the skins

Of course )
>> Homecanned tomato juice is awesome!
>>> Last year I made 4 - 1.5 L jars of tomato juice. Obviously this year
>>> I'm going to have to make a lot more of it. It was a huge hit with my
>>> family. I see you use the snap lids like I do but I also see you use
>>> recycled jars that I don't.

>> Oh yes! The important is the lid that must be in good condition.
>> Canning standards here don't recommend
>>>using recycled jars.

>> They don't recommend in orderer to increase the jar's industry ! )
>> But here in Italy we recicle every year the same bottles and jars; we
>> only change lids if they are used up. And I have never heard of persons
>> who died for a can of tomato )

> Me either. The canning standards have changed here over the years. Even
> canning timing has changed for BWB and pressure canning.

It's unbelievable!
>> I use recycled jars for dried foods though. I add
>>>citric acid or lemon juice because some of the tomatoes here are acidic
>>>enough for USDA or Canadian canning standards. The hybrids are the
>>>problem for canning but they sure taste good I'm canning taco sauce
>>>today and might do a batch of salsa if I get ambitious enough. I think I
>>>will try canning tomato paste this year too.

>> Ok! Could you please give me the recipe of your taco sauce? I want to
>> do.
>> Thank you and cheers
>> Pandora

> No problem, enjoy

Thank you very much
> Taco Sauce
> 3 c tomato paste
> 5 c water
> 1 c cider vinegar
> 1/2 c corn syrup
> 2 tbsp chili powder
> 1 tbsp salt
> 1 tsp cayenne pepper (I used 1 1/2 tsp)
> 1/2 tsp hot pepper sauce (I used 1 tsp)
> Combine all ingredients in large saucepan and bring to a boil. Reduce
> heat and simmer about 1 hr or until thick. Stir frequently to prevent
> sticking. Ladle hot sauce into hot jars leaving 1/4 inch headspace and
> cap. Process 30 min in boiling water canner. Yield is 6 - 7 half pints
> (250 ml jars for us Canucks)

I think it is a very good recipe. Only two questions:

1) What is tomato paste?
2) I think that here in Italy is very difficult to find the corn syrup; can
I change it with another similar ingredient?
Thank you very much for the answer.

  #25 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

Sheldon wrote:

> notbob wrote:
>>Somehow, those cherry tomatoes in my fridge don't hold the same
>>allure, now. :\

> Why are fresh tomatoes in your fridge?!?!?
> Stuff, I mean put them in a warm place. hehe
> I have a dozen cherry tomato plants, got enuff to keep a dozen asses
> well supplied... I probably nosh a 100 a day... not an hour ago I ate

Hand over mouth and biting teeth...I will not say anything

> about thirty with a thinly sliced long cuke and ranch. Last night I
> cooked about 5 pounds of string beans rough chopped, with olive oil,
> onion, garlic, a small can tomato paste, s n' p, a little hot pepper
> flakes, and about 200 cherry tomatoes... simmered about two hours till
> nicely tender. Ate a good amount atop ziti with parmesean... got
> plenty for tonight and the rest I'll freeze.
> Cherry tomatoes are very tastey but just too juicy for sauce, they're
> mostly water, skin, and seeds, not much flesh... I give a lot away...
> it's good to have neighbors who grow different crops.

I agree with you on the cherry tomatoes. They are too juicy for sauce
but if you have excess as I quite often do, tossing a few into the sauce
doesn't hurt. My neighbours were very fortunate last night. They got a
little care pack of tomatoes, cukes, and zucchini
> Sheldon

  #26 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

Puester wrote:
> MJ wrote:
> > Ok..i planted four cherry tomato plants and now i have so many cherry
> > tomatoes i dont know what to do with them..
> > Is there any thing i can do with them..i would hate to throw them out.

> 1. Share with neighbors and co-workers.
> 2. Learn some other expressions for bounty that don't turn people off.

How about cherry tomatoes comming out the 'kazoo'?

Some folks have no sense of humor... what a morbid trip their life,
exactly why there are terrorists... comedy is virtually non existant in
muslim culture. Only very recently are a few muslim comics emerging,
in the US of course... in the middle east they'd cut out their tongues,
or worse.


  #27 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

Pandora wrote:

> "~patches~" > ha scritto nel messaggio
> ...
>>Pandora wrote:
>>>"~patches~" > ha scritto nel messaggio
>>>>Pandora wrote:
>>>>>"MJ" > ha scritto nel messaggio
>>>>>>Ok..i planted four cherry tomato plants and now i have so many cherry
>>>>>>tomatoes i dont know what to do with them..
>>>>>>Is there any thing i can do with them..i would hate to throw them out.
>>>>>In this period I Am canning cheery tomatoes for the winter.
>>>>>In the winter you can use cherry tomatoes to make sauces for pasta or
>>>>>other things.
>>>>>The procedure is very simple.
>>>>>Clean perfectly some glass jars. Put inside the cherry tom. with 1-2
>>>>>leaves of basil and few slices of garlic.
>>>>>Pour over the tomatoes some boiled water and close the plug.
>>>>>Then sterilize the jars in cold water and count 30 minutes since the
>>>>>water begin to boil. Let the jars in the water till become cold.
>>>>>After the boiling, tomatoes tend to go toward the plug: it doesn't
>>>>>This effects is more visible with the 1litre jars.
>>>>>If you use smaller jars, the tomatoes haven't sufficient space to
>>>>>When in the winter you will use the tomatoes, you will see that the skin
>>>>>go away very easily.
>>>>>Here the photo of my cherry tomatoes in the jars.
>>>>Nice looking tomatoes. I wouldn't have thought to can cherry tomatoes
>>>>because of their size but I do can a fair amount of the larger tomatoes.
>>>>I slip the skins before canning.
>>>It is a long and hard work!!!

>>It sure hurts my back some days. I do 10 bushels of tomatoes plus
>>whatever the garden produces. I like the sauces that I can put through
>>the food mill instead of having to slip the skins

> Of course )
>>>Homecanned tomato juice is awesome!
>>>>Last year I made 4 - 1.5 L jars of tomato juice. Obviously this year
>>>>I'm going to have to make a lot more of it. It was a huge hit with my
>>>>family. I see you use the snap lids like I do but I also see you use
>>>>recycled jars that I don't.
>>>Oh yes! The important is the lid that must be in good condition.
>>>Canning standards here don't recommend
>>>>using recycled jars.
>>>They don't recommend in orderer to increase the jar's industry ! )
>>>But here in Italy we recicle every year the same bottles and jars; we
>>>only change lids if they are used up. And I have never heard of persons
>>>who died for a can of tomato )

>>Me either. The canning standards have changed here over the years. Even
>>canning timing has changed for BWB and pressure canning.

> It's unbelievable!
>>>I use recycled jars for dried foods though. I add
>>>>citric acid or lemon juice because some of the tomatoes here are acidic
>>>>enough for USDA or Canadian canning standards. The hybrids are the
>>>>problem for canning but they sure taste good I'm canning taco sauce
>>>>today and might do a batch of salsa if I get ambitious enough. I think I
>>>>will try canning tomato paste this year too.
>>>Ok! Could you please give me the recipe of your taco sauce? I want to
>>>Thank you and cheers

>>No problem, enjoy

> Thank you very much
>>Taco Sauce
>>3 c tomato paste
>>5 c water
>>1 c cider vinegar
>>1/2 c corn syrup
>>2 tbsp chili powder
>>1 tbsp salt
>>1 tsp cayenne pepper (I used 1 1/2 tsp)
>>1/2 tsp hot pepper sauce (I used 1 tsp)
>>Combine all ingredients in large saucepan and bring to a boil. Reduce
>>heat and simmer about 1 hr or until thick. Stir frequently to prevent
>>sticking. Ladle hot sauce into hot jars leaving 1/4 inch headspace and
>>cap. Process 30 min in boiling water canner. Yield is 6 - 7 half pints
>>(250 ml jars for us Canucks)

> I think it is a very good recipe. Only two questions:
> 1) What is tomato paste?

Tomato paste is really reduced tomato sauce. I have a recipe for it if
you need one.

> 2) I think that here in Italy is very difficult to find the corn syrup; can
> I change it with another similar ingredient?

Gosh, maybe someone else can help you out. The only thing I can come up
with off the top of my head is a very think sugar syrup solution. I do
think it would change the flavour though. Any ideas guys & gals?

> Thank you very much for the answer.
> Pandora

  #28 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

~patches~ wrote:
> Pandora wrote:
>> "~patches~" > ha scritto nel messaggio
>> ...
>>> Pandora wrote:
>>>> "~patches~" > ha scritto nel messaggio
>>>> ...
>>>>> Pandora wrote:
>>>>>> "MJ" > ha scritto nel messaggio
>>>>>> ...
>>>>>>> Ok..i planted four cherry tomato plants and now i have so many
>>>>>>> cherry
>>>>>>> tomatoes i dont know what to do with them..
>>>>>>> Is there any thing i can do with them..i would hate to throw them
>>>>>>> out.
>>>>>>> MJ
>>>>>> In this period I Am canning cheery tomatoes for the winter.
>>>>>> In the winter you can use cherry tomatoes to make sauces for pasta
>>>>>> or other things.
>>>>>> The procedure is very simple.
>>>>>> Clean perfectly some glass jars. Put inside the cherry tom. with
>>>>>> 1-2 leaves of basil and few slices of garlic.
>>>>>> Pour over the tomatoes some boiled water and close the plug.
>>>>>> Then sterilize the jars in cold water and count 30 minutes since
>>>>>> the water begin to boil. Let the jars in the water till become cold.
>>>>>> ......
>>>>>> After the boiling, tomatoes tend to go toward the plug: it doesn't
>>>>>> matter!
>>>>>> This effects is more visible with the 1litre jars.
>>>>>> If you use smaller jars, the tomatoes haven't sufficient space to
>>>>>> "walk".
>>>>>> When in the winter you will use the tomatoes, you will see that
>>>>>> the skin go away very easily.
>>>>>> Here the photo of my cherry tomatoes in the jars.
>>>>>> Cheers
>>>>>> Pandora
>>>>> Nice looking tomatoes. I wouldn't have thought to can cherry
>>>>> tomatoes because of their size but I do can a fair amount of the
>>>>> larger tomatoes. I slip the skins before canning.
>>>> It is a long and hard work!!!
>>> It sure hurts my back some days. I do 10 bushels of tomatoes plus
>>> whatever the garden produces. I like the sauces that I can put
>>> through the food mill instead of having to slip the skins

>> Of course )
>>>> Homecanned tomato juice is awesome!
>>>>> Last year I made 4 - 1.5 L jars of tomato juice. Obviously this
>>>>> year I'm going to have to make a lot more of it. It was a huge hit
>>>>> with my family. I see you use the snap lids like I do but I also
>>>>> see you use recycled jars that I don't.
>>>> Oh yes! The important is the lid that must be in good condition.
>>>> Canning standards here don't recommend
>>>>> using recycled jars.
>>>> They don't recommend in orderer to increase the jar's industry ! )
>>>> But here in Italy we recicle every year the same bottles and jars;
>>>> we only change lids if they are used up. And I have never heard of
>>>> persons who died for a can of tomato )
>>> Me either. The canning standards have changed here over the years.
>>> Even canning timing has changed for BWB and pressure canning.

>> It's unbelievable!
>>>> I use recycled jars for dried foods though. I add
>>>>> citric acid or lemon juice because some of the tomatoes here are
>>>>> acidic enough for USDA or Canadian canning standards. The hybrids
>>>>> are the problem for canning but they sure taste good I'm
>>>>> canning taco sauce today and might do a batch of salsa if I get
>>>>> ambitious enough. I think I will try canning tomato paste this
>>>>> year too.
>>>> Ok! Could you please give me the recipe of your taco sauce? I want
>>>> to do.
>>>> Thank you and cheers
>>>> Pandora
>>> No problem, enjoy

>> Thank you very much
>>> Taco Sauce
>>> 3 c tomato paste
>>> 5 c water
>>> 1 c cider vinegar
>>> 1/2 c corn syrup
>>> 2 tbsp chili powder
>>> 1 tbsp salt
>>> 1 tsp cayenne pepper (I used 1 1/2 tsp)
>>> 1/2 tsp hot pepper sauce (I used 1 tsp)
>>> Combine all ingredients in large saucepan and bring to a boil.
>>> Reduce heat and simmer about 1 hr or until thick. Stir frequently to
>>> prevent sticking. Ladle hot sauce into hot jars leaving 1/4 inch
>>> headspace and cap. Process 30 min in boiling water canner. Yield is
>>> 6 - 7 half pints (250 ml jars for us Canucks)

>> I think it is a very good recipe. Only two questions:
>> 1) What is tomato paste?

> Tomato paste is really reduced tomato sauce. I have a recipe for it if
> you need one.
>> 2) I think that here in Italy is very difficult to find the corn
>> syrup; can I change it with another similar ingredient?

> Gosh, maybe someone else can help you out. The only thing I can come up
> with off the top of my head is a very think sugar syrup solution. I do
> think it would change the flavour though. Any ideas guys & gals?
>> Thank you very much for the answer.
>> Pandora

Instead of the tomato paste, you could probably use 8 cups of tomato
puree and leave out the water, but you'd have to experiment with the
recipe to get it right. Or just chop and cook all those cherry tomatoes
and run them thru a food mill to remove the skins and most of the seeds.

Substitute granulated sugar for the corn syrup. You could also use
honey but it will change the flavor. The sweetener will be "to taste"
in this recipe anyway, so the amount is not really critical; start with
maybe 1/3 cup?

  #29 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

Can you freeze cherry tomatoes and how?
"~patches~" > wrote in message
> MJ wrote:
> > Ok..i planted four cherry tomato plants and now i have so many cherry
> > tomatoes i dont know what to do with them..
> > Is there any thing i can do with them..i would hate to throw them out.
> > MJ
> >
> >

> I have 27 tomato plants. Of those 6 of them are cherry tomatoes. I can
> guarantee you I won't have enough tomatoes to do the canning and
> freezing I want to do. Excess cherry tomatoes can be made into roasted
> tomato sauce. We like them whole in lettuce type salads or halved in
> pasta salad. I eat them as is for a snack especially when picking them
> in the garden. Oh and don't put them in the fridge as it ruins their
> flavour. Enjoy your bounty

  #30 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

"~patches~" > ha scritto nel messaggio
> Pandora wrote:
>> "~patches~" > ha scritto nel messaggio
>> ...
>>>Pandora wrote:
>>>>"~patches~" > ha scritto nel messaggio
>>>>>Pandora wrote:
>>>>>>"MJ" > ha scritto nel messaggio
. com...
>>>>>>>Ok..i planted four cherry tomato plants and now i have so many cherry
>>>>>>>tomatoes i dont know what to do with them..
>>>>>>>Is there any thing i can do with them..i would hate to throw them
>>>>>>In this period I Am canning cheery tomatoes for the winter.
>>>>>>In the winter you can use cherry tomatoes to make sauces for pasta or
>>>>>>other things.
>>>>>>The procedure is very simple.
>>>>>>Clean perfectly some glass jars. Put inside the cherry tom. with 1-2
>>>>>>leaves of basil and few slices of garlic.
>>>>>>Pour over the tomatoes some boiled water and close the plug.
>>>>>>Then sterilize the jars in cold water and count 30 minutes since the
>>>>>>water begin to boil. Let the jars in the water till become cold.
>>>>>>After the boiling, tomatoes tend to go toward the plug: it doesn't
>>>>>>This effects is more visible with the 1litre jars.
>>>>>>If you use smaller jars, the tomatoes haven't sufficient space to
>>>>>>When in the winter you will use the tomatoes, you will see that the
>>>>>>skin go away very easily.
>>>>>>Here the photo of my cherry tomatoes in the jars.
>>>>>Nice looking tomatoes. I wouldn't have thought to can cherry tomatoes
>>>>>because of their size but I do can a fair amount of the larger
>>>>>tomatoes. I slip the skins before canning.
>>>>It is a long and hard work!!!
>>>It sure hurts my back some days. I do 10 bushels of tomatoes plus
>>>whatever the garden produces. I like the sauces that I can put through
>>>the food mill instead of having to slip the skins

>> Of course )
>>>>Homecanned tomato juice is awesome!
>>>>>Last year I made 4 - 1.5 L jars of tomato juice. Obviously this year
>>>>>I'm going to have to make a lot more of it. It was a huge hit with my
>>>>>family. I see you use the snap lids like I do but I also see you use
>>>>>recycled jars that I don't.
>>>>Oh yes! The important is the lid that must be in good condition.
>>>>Canning standards here don't recommend
>>>>>using recycled jars.
>>>>They don't recommend in orderer to increase the jar's industry ! )
>>>>But here in Italy we recicle every year the same bottles and jars; we
>>>>only change lids if they are used up. And I have never heard of persons
>>>>who died for a can of tomato )
>>>Me either. The canning standards have changed here over the years. Even
>>>canning timing has changed for BWB and pressure canning.

>> It's unbelievable!
>>>>I use recycled jars for dried foods though. I add
>>>>>citric acid or lemon juice because some of the tomatoes here are acidic
>>>>>enough for USDA or Canadian canning standards. The hybrids are the
>>>>>problem for canning but they sure taste good I'm canning taco sauce
>>>>>today and might do a batch of salsa if I get ambitious enough. I think
>>>>>I will try canning tomato paste this year too.
>>>>Ok! Could you please give me the recipe of your taco sauce? I want to
>>>>Thank you and cheers
>>>No problem, enjoy

>> Thank you very much
>>>Taco Sauce
>>>3 c tomato paste
>>>5 c water
>>>1 c cider vinegar
>>>1/2 c corn syrup
>>>2 tbsp chili powder
>>>1 tbsp salt
>>>1 tsp cayenne pepper (I used 1 1/2 tsp)
>>>1/2 tsp hot pepper sauce (I used 1 tsp)
>>>Combine all ingredients in large saucepan and bring to a boil. Reduce
>>>heat and simmer about 1 hr or until thick. Stir frequently to prevent
>>>sticking. Ladle hot sauce into hot jars leaving 1/4 inch headspace and
>>>cap. Process 30 min in boiling water canner. Yield is 6 - 7 half pints
>>>(250 ml jars for us Canucks)

>> I think it is a very good recipe. Only two questions:
>> 1) What is tomato paste?

> Tomato paste is really reduced tomato sauce. I have a recipe for it if
> you need one.

Yes, Thank you.

>> 2) I think that here in Italy is very difficult to find the corn syrup;
>> can I change it with another similar ingredient?

> Gosh, maybe someone else can help you out. The only thing I can come up
> with off the top of my head is a very think sugar syrup solution. I do
> think it would change the flavour though. Any ideas guys & gals?

I hope that someone will give us an idea!
>> Thank you very much for the answer.
>> Pandora

  #31 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

"zxcvbob" > ha scritto nel messaggio
> ~patches~ wrote:
>> Pandora wrote:
>>> "~patches~" > ha scritto nel messaggio
>>> ...
>>>> Pandora wrote:
>>>>> "~patches~" > ha scritto nel messaggio
>>>>> ...
>>>>>> Pandora wrote:
>>>>>>> "MJ" > ha scritto nel messaggio
>>>>>>> ...
>>>>>>>> Ok..i planted four cherry tomato plants and now i have so many
>>>>>>>> cherry
>>>>>>>> tomatoes i dont know what to do with them..
>>>>>>>> Is there any thing i can do with them..i would hate to throw them
>>>>>>>> out.
>>>>>>>> MJ
>>>>>>> In this period I Am canning cheery tomatoes for the winter.
>>>>>>> In the winter you can use cherry tomatoes to make sauces for pasta
>>>>>>> or other things.
>>>>>>> The procedure is very simple.
>>>>>>> Clean perfectly some glass jars. Put inside the cherry tom. with 1-2
>>>>>>> leaves of basil and few slices of garlic.
>>>>>>> Pour over the tomatoes some boiled water and close the plug.
>>>>>>> Then sterilize the jars in cold water and count 30 minutes since the
>>>>>>> water begin to boil. Let the jars in the water till become cold.
>>>>>>> ......
>>>>>>> After the boiling, tomatoes tend to go toward the plug: it doesn't
>>>>>>> matter!
>>>>>>> This effects is more visible with the 1litre jars.
>>>>>>> If you use smaller jars, the tomatoes haven't sufficient space to
>>>>>>> "walk".
>>>>>>> When in the winter you will use the tomatoes, you will see that the
>>>>>>> skin go away very easily.
>>>>>>> Here the photo of my cherry tomatoes in the jars.
>>>>>>> Cheers
>>>>>>> Pandora
>>>>>> Nice looking tomatoes. I wouldn't have thought to can cherry
>>>>>> tomatoes because of their size but I do can a fair amount of the
>>>>>> larger tomatoes. I slip the skins before canning.
>>>>> It is a long and hard work!!!
>>>> It sure hurts my back some days. I do 10 bushels of tomatoes plus
>>>> whatever the garden produces. I like the sauces that I can put through
>>>> the food mill instead of having to slip the skins
>>> Of course )
>>>>> Homecanned tomato juice is awesome!
>>>>>> Last year I made 4 - 1.5 L jars of tomato juice. Obviously this year
>>>>>> I'm going to have to make a lot more of it. It was a huge hit with
>>>>>> my family. I see you use the snap lids like I do but I also see you
>>>>>> use recycled jars that I don't.
>>>>> Oh yes! The important is the lid that must be in good condition.
>>>>> Canning standards here don't recommend
>>>>>> using recycled jars.
>>>>> They don't recommend in orderer to increase the jar's industry ! )
>>>>> But here in Italy we recicle every year the same bottles and jars; we
>>>>> only change lids if they are used up. And I have never heard of
>>>>> persons who died for a can of tomato )
>>>> Me either. The canning standards have changed here over the years.
>>>> Even canning timing has changed for BWB and pressure canning.
>>> It's unbelievable!
>>>>> I use recycled jars for dried foods though. I add
>>>>>> citric acid or lemon juice because some of the tomatoes here are
>>>>>> acidic enough for USDA or Canadian canning standards. The hybrids
>>>>>> are the problem for canning but they sure taste good I'm canning
>>>>>> taco sauce today and might do a batch of salsa if I get ambitious
>>>>>> enough. I think I will try canning tomato paste this year too.
>>>>> Ok! Could you please give me the recipe of your taco sauce? I want to
>>>>> do.
>>>>> Thank you and cheers
>>>>> Pandora
>>>> No problem, enjoy
>>> Thank you very much
>>>> Taco Sauce
>>>> 3 c tomato paste
>>>> 5 c water
>>>> 1 c cider vinegar
>>>> 1/2 c corn syrup
>>>> 2 tbsp chili powder
>>>> 1 tbsp salt
>>>> 1 tsp cayenne pepper (I used 1 1/2 tsp)
>>>> 1/2 tsp hot pepper sauce (I used 1 tsp)
>>>> Combine all ingredients in large saucepan and bring to a boil. Reduce
>>>> heat and simmer about 1 hr or until thick. Stir frequently to prevent
>>>> sticking. Ladle hot sauce into hot jars leaving 1/4 inch headspace and
>>>> cap. Process 30 min in boiling water canner. Yield is 6 - 7 half
>>>> pints (250 ml jars for us Canucks)
>>> I think it is a very good recipe. Only two questions:
>>> 1) What is tomato paste?

>> Tomato paste is really reduced tomato sauce. I have a recipe for it if
>> you need one.
>>> 2) I think that here in Italy is very difficult to find the corn syrup;
>>> can I change it with another similar ingredient?

>> Gosh, maybe someone else can help you out. The only thing I can come up
>> with off the top of my head is a very think sugar syrup solution. I do
>> think it would change the flavour though. Any ideas guys & gals?
>>> Thank you very much for the answer.
>>> Pandora

> Instead of the tomato paste, you could probably use 8 cups of tomato puree
> and leave out the water, but you'd have to experiment with the recipe to
> get it right. Or just chop and cook all those cherry tomatoes and run
> them thru a food mill to remove the skins and most of the seeds.

Thank you! For the seeds and the skin there is no problem because I will use
a certain quality of dark red tomato called "Cuore di bue" (heart of ox)
which is very good: it is all pulp, without seeds and with a skin that
comes out very easily.
> Substitute granulated sugar for the corn syrup. You could also use honey
> but it will change the flavor. The sweetener will be "to taste" in this
> recipe anyway, so the amount is not really critical; start with maybe 1/3
> cup?

And what do you think about cane sugar? Perhaps it is better in this recipe.
> Bob

  #32 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

MJ wrote:

> Can you freeze cherry tomatoes and how?

I don't see why not but I wouldn't myself since I slip the skins off
tomatoes before freezing them. Once the skins are removed I put the
tomatoes into a ziploc bag and place them flat in the freezer. If you
don't mind the skins you could just wash the cherry tomatoes and put
them in a ziploc bag then freeze.

> MJ
> "~patches~" > wrote in message
> ...
>>MJ wrote:
>>>Ok..i planted four cherry tomato plants and now i have so many cherry
>>>tomatoes i dont know what to do with them..
>>>Is there any thing i can do with them..i would hate to throw them out.

>>I have 27 tomato plants. Of those 6 of them are cherry tomatoes. I can
>>guarantee you I won't have enough tomatoes to do the canning and
>>freezing I want to do. Excess cherry tomatoes can be made into roasted
>>tomato sauce. We like them whole in lettuce type salads or halved in
>>pasta salad. I eat them as is for a snack especially when picking them
>>in the garden. Oh and don't put them in the fridge as it ruins their
>>flavour. Enjoy your bounty


  #33 (permalink)   Report Post  
Wayne Boatwright
Posts: n/a

On Tue 16 Aug 2005 01:18:15p, MJ wrote in

> cherry tomatoes coming out of my A#@!!!!

This is probably not a good sign. I would see a doctor. :-)

Wayne Boatwright *¿*

Give me a smart idiot over a stupid genius any day.
Sam Goldwyn, 1882-1974

avast! Antivirus: Outbound message clean.
Virus Database (VPS): 0533-3, 08/17/2005
Tested on: 8/18/2005 7:22:58 AM
avast! - copyright (c) 1988-2005 ALWIL Software.

  #34 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

Pandora wrote:

> "~patches~" > ha scritto nel messaggio
> ...
>>Pandora wrote:
>>>"~patches~" > ha scritto nel messaggio
>>>>Pandora wrote:
>>>>>"~patches~" > ha scritto nel messaggio
>>>>>>Pandora wrote:
>>>>>>>"MJ" > ha scritto nel messaggio
>>>>>>>>Ok..i planted four cherry tomato plants and now i have so many cherry
>>>>>>>>tomatoes i dont know what to do with them..
>>>>>>>>Is there any thing i can do with them..i would hate to throw them
>>>>>>>In this period I Am canning cheery tomatoes for the winter.
>>>>>>>In the winter you can use cherry tomatoes to make sauces for pasta or
>>>>>>>other things.
>>>>>>>The procedure is very simple.
>>>>>>>Clean perfectly some glass jars. Put inside the cherry tom. with 1-2
>>>>>>>leaves of basil and few slices of garlic.
>>>>>>>Pour over the tomatoes some boiled water and close the plug.
>>>>>>>Then sterilize the jars in cold water and count 30 minutes since the
>>>>>>>water begin to boil. Let the jars in the water till become cold.
>>>>>>>After the boiling, tomatoes tend to go toward the plug: it doesn't
>>>>>>>This effects is more visible with the 1litre jars.
>>>>>>>If you use smaller jars, the tomatoes haven't sufficient space to
>>>>>>>When in the winter you will use the tomatoes, you will see that the
>>>>>>>skin go away very easily.
>>>>>>>Here the photo of my cherry tomatoes in the jars.
>>>>>>Nice looking tomatoes. I wouldn't have thought to can cherry tomatoes
>>>>>>because of their size but I do can a fair amount of the larger
>>>>>>tomatoes. I slip the skins before canning.
>>>>>It is a long and hard work!!!
>>>>It sure hurts my back some days. I do 10 bushels of tomatoes plus
>>>>whatever the garden produces. I like the sauces that I can put through
>>>>the food mill instead of having to slip the skins
>>>Of course )
>>>>>Homecanned tomato juice is awesome!
>>>>>>Last year I made 4 - 1.5 L jars of tomato juice. Obviously this year
>>>>>>I'm going to have to make a lot more of it. It was a huge hit with my
>>>>>>family. I see you use the snap lids like I do but I also see you use
>>>>>>recycled jars that I don't.
>>>>>Oh yes! The important is the lid that must be in good condition.
>>>>>Canning standards here don't recommend
>>>>>>using recycled jars.
>>>>>They don't recommend in orderer to increase the jar's industry ! )
>>>>>But here in Italy we recicle every year the same bottles and jars; we
>>>>>only change lids if they are used up. And I have never heard of persons
>>>>>who died for a can of tomato )
>>>>Me either. The canning standards have changed here over the years. Even
>>>>canning timing has changed for BWB and pressure canning.
>>>It's unbelievable!
>>>>>I use recycled jars for dried foods though. I add
>>>>>>citric acid or lemon juice because some of the tomatoes here are acidic
>>>>>>enough for USDA or Canadian canning standards. The hybrids are the
>>>>>>problem for canning but they sure taste good I'm canning taco sauce
>>>>>>today and might do a batch of salsa if I get ambitious enough. I think
>>>>>>I will try canning tomato paste this year too.
>>>>>Ok! Could you please give me the recipe of your taco sauce? I want to
>>>>>Thank you and cheers
>>>>No problem, enjoy
>>>Thank you very much
>>>>Taco Sauce
>>>>3 c tomato paste
>>>>5 c water
>>>>1 c cider vinegar
>>>>1/2 c corn syrup
>>>>2 tbsp chili powder
>>>>1 tbsp salt
>>>>1 tsp cayenne pepper (I used 1 1/2 tsp)
>>>>1/2 tsp hot pepper sauce (I used 1 tsp)
>>>>Combine all ingredients in large saucepan and bring to a boil. Reduce
>>>>heat and simmer about 1 hr or until thick. Stir frequently to prevent
>>>>sticking. Ladle hot sauce into hot jars leaving 1/4 inch headspace and
>>>>cap. Process 30 min in boiling water canner. Yield is 6 - 7 half pints
>>>>(250 ml jars for us Canucks)
>>>I think it is a very good recipe. Only two questions:
>>>1) What is tomato paste?

>>Tomato paste is really reduced tomato sauce. I have a recipe for it if
>>you need one.

> Yes, Thank you.

Tomato Paste

32 c chopped tomatoes (about 16 lb or 48 med - lg tomatoes)
1 1/2 c chopped red pepper
2 bay leaves
1 tsp salt
1 clove garlic (opt)

Combine tomatoes & red pepper in lg stainless steel pot. Cook slowly 1
hr sitirring occasionally. Press mixture through food mil. Return
mixture to saucepan. Add garlic, bay leaves, and salt. Cook slowly
stirring frequently until mixture is thick enough to mound on a spoon,
about 2 1/2 hr. Ladle past in hot sterilized jare leaving 1/2 in
headspace. Process in bwb 45 min.
>>>2) I think that here in Italy is very difficult to find the corn syrup;
>>>can I change it with another similar ingredient?

>>Gosh, maybe someone else can help you out. The only thing I can come up
>>with off the top of my head is a very think sugar syrup solution. I do
>>think it would change the flavour though. Any ideas guys & gals?

> I hope that someone will give us an idea!
>>>Thank you very much for the answer.


  #35 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

Pandora wrote:

> "zxcvbob" > ha scritto nel messaggio
> ...
>>~patches~ wrote:
>>>Pandora wrote:
>>>>"~patches~" > ha scritto nel messaggio
>>>>>Pandora wrote:
>>>>>>"~patches~" > ha scritto nel messaggio
>>>>>>>Pandora wrote:
>>>>>>>>"MJ" > ha scritto nel messaggio
>>>>>>>>>Ok..i planted four cherry tomato plants and now i have so many
>>>>>>>>>tomatoes i dont know what to do with them..
>>>>>>>>>Is there any thing i can do with them..i would hate to throw them
>>>>>>>>In this period I Am canning cheery tomatoes for the winter.
>>>>>>>>In the winter you can use cherry tomatoes to make sauces for pasta
>>>>>>>>or other things.
>>>>>>>>The procedure is very simple.
>>>>>>>>Clean perfectly some glass jars. Put inside the cherry tom. with 1-2
>>>>>>>>leaves of basil and few slices of garlic.
>>>>>>>>Pour over the tomatoes some boiled water and close the plug.
>>>>>>>>Then sterilize the jars in cold water and count 30 minutes since the
>>>>>>>>water begin to boil. Let the jars in the water till become cold.
>>>>>>>>After the boiling, tomatoes tend to go toward the plug: it doesn't
>>>>>>>>This effects is more visible with the 1litre jars.
>>>>>>>>If you use smaller jars, the tomatoes haven't sufficient space to
>>>>>>>>When in the winter you will use the tomatoes, you will see that the
>>>>>>>>skin go away very easily.
>>>>>>>>Here the photo of my cherry tomatoes in the jars.
>>>>>>>Nice looking tomatoes. I wouldn't have thought to can cherry
>>>>>>>tomatoes because of their size but I do can a fair amount of the
>>>>>>>larger tomatoes. I slip the skins before canning.
>>>>>>It is a long and hard work!!!
>>>>>It sure hurts my back some days. I do 10 bushels of tomatoes plus
>>>>>whatever the garden produces. I like the sauces that I can put through
>>>>>the food mill instead of having to slip the skins
>>>>Of course )
>>>>>>Homecanned tomato juice is awesome!
>>>>>>>Last year I made 4 - 1.5 L jars of tomato juice. Obviously this year
>>>>>>>I'm going to have to make a lot more of it. It was a huge hit with
>>>>>>>my family. I see you use the snap lids like I do but I also see you
>>>>>>>use recycled jars that I don't.
>>>>>>Oh yes! The important is the lid that must be in good condition.
>>>>>>Canning standards here don't recommend
>>>>>>>using recycled jars.
>>>>>>They don't recommend in orderer to increase the jar's industry ! )
>>>>>>But here in Italy we recicle every year the same bottles and jars; we
>>>>>>only change lids if they are used up. And I have never heard of
>>>>>>persons who died for a can of tomato )
>>>>>Me either. The canning standards have changed here over the years.
>>>>>Even canning timing has changed for BWB and pressure canning.
>>>>It's unbelievable!
>>>>>>I use recycled jars for dried foods though. I add
>>>>>>>citric acid or lemon juice because some of the tomatoes here are
>>>>>>>acidic enough for USDA or Canadian canning standards. The hybrids
>>>>>>>are the problem for canning but they sure taste good I'm canning
>>>>>>>taco sauce today and might do a batch of salsa if I get ambitious
>>>>>>>enough. I think I will try canning tomato paste this year too.
>>>>>>Ok! Could you please give me the recipe of your taco sauce? I want to
>>>>>>Thank you and cheers
>>>>>No problem, enjoy
>>>>Thank you very much
>>>>>Taco Sauce
>>>>>3 c tomato paste
>>>>>5 c water
>>>>>1 c cider vinegar
>>>>>1/2 c corn syrup
>>>>>2 tbsp chili powder
>>>>>1 tbsp salt
>>>>>1 tsp cayenne pepper (I used 1 1/2 tsp)
>>>>>1/2 tsp hot pepper sauce (I used 1 tsp)
>>>>>Combine all ingredients in large saucepan and bring to a boil. Reduce
>>>>>heat and simmer about 1 hr or until thick. Stir frequently to prevent
>>>>>sticking. Ladle hot sauce into hot jars leaving 1/4 inch headspace and
>>>>>cap. Process 30 min in boiling water canner. Yield is 6 - 7 half
>>>>>pints (250 ml jars for us Canucks)
>>>>I think it is a very good recipe. Only two questions:
>>>>1) What is tomato paste?
>>>Tomato paste is really reduced tomato sauce. I have a recipe for it if
>>>you need one.
>>>>2) I think that here in Italy is very difficult to find the corn syrup;
>>>>can I change it with another similar ingredient?
>>>Gosh, maybe someone else can help you out. The only thing I can come up
>>>with off the top of my head is a very think sugar syrup solution. I do
>>>think it would change the flavour though. Any ideas guys & gals?
>>>>Thank you very much for the answer.

>>Instead of the tomato paste, you could probably use 8 cups of tomato puree
>>and leave out the water, but you'd have to experiment with the recipe to
>>get it right. Or just chop and cook all those cherry tomatoes and run
>>them thru a food mill to remove the skins and most of the seeds.

> Thank you! For the seeds and the skin there is no problem because I will use
> a certain quality of dark red tomato called "Cuore di bue" (heart of ox)
> which is very good: it is all pulp, without seeds and with a skin that
> comes out very easily.
>>Substitute granulated sugar for the corn syrup. You could also use honey
>>but it will change the flavor. The sweetener will be "to taste" in this
>>recipe anyway, so the amount is not really critical; start with maybe 1/3

> And what do you think about cane sugar? Perhaps it is better in this recipe.
> Cheers
> Pandora

I think you are going to get a different taste if you do either. The
puree needs to be cooked down to become paste. It has a richer more
concentrated flavour than puree. I would lean towards using honey as a
substitute insead of cane sugar myself.


  #36 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

~patches~ wrote:
> Pandora wrote:
>> "zxcvbob" > ha scritto nel messaggio
>> ...
>>> ~patches~ wrote:
>>>> Pandora wrote:

>> Thank you! For the seeds and the skin there is no problem because I
>> will use a certain quality of dark red tomato called "Cuore di bue"
>> (heart of ox) which is very good: it is all pulp, without seeds and
>> with a skin that comes out very easily.
>>> Substitute granulated sugar for the corn syrup. You could also use
>>> honey but it will change the flavor. The sweetener will be "to
>>> taste" in this recipe anyway, so the amount is not really critical;
>>> start with maybe 1/3 cup?

>> And what do you think about cane sugar? Perhaps it is better in this
>> recipe.
>> Cheers
>> Pandora

> I think you are going to get a different taste if you do either. The
> puree needs to be cooked down to become paste. It has a richer more
> concentrated flavour than puree. I would lean towards using honey as a
> substitute insead of cane sugar myself.

But notice that the recipe calls for 3 cups of tomato paste and 5 cups
of water. You should be able to use all tomato puree and no water; it
won't be the same thing, and the recipe may need some adjusting, but it
will allow Pandora to use fresh tomatoes intead of canned paste.

Cane or beet sugar is what I meant by granulated sugar.

Best regards,
  #37 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

~patches~ wrote:
> Tomato Paste
> 32 c chopped tomatoes (about 16 lb or 48 med - lg tomatoes)
> 1 1/2 c chopped red pepper
> 2 bay leaves
> 1 tsp salt
> 1 clove garlic (opt)

That's not tomato paste, that's tomato sauce.
Tomato paste contains nothing but tomato.


  #38 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

"~patches~" > ha scritto nel messaggio
> Pandora wrote:
>> "~patches~" > ha scritto nel messaggio
>> ...
>>>Pandora wrote:
>>>>"~patches~" > ha scritto nel messaggio
>>>>>Pandora wrote:
>>>>>>"~patches~" > ha scritto nel messaggio
>>>>>>>Pandora wrote:
>>>>>>>>"MJ" > ha scritto nel messaggio
>>>>>>>>>Ok..i planted four cherry tomato plants and now i have so many
>>>>>>>>>tomatoes i dont know what to do with them..
>>>>>>>>>Is there any thing i can do with them..i would hate to throw them
>>>>>>>>In this period I Am canning cheery tomatoes for the winter.
>>>>>>>>In the winter you can use cherry tomatoes to make sauces for pasta
>>>>>>>>or other things.
>>>>>>>>The procedure is very simple.
>>>>>>>>Clean perfectly some glass jars. Put inside the cherry tom. with 1-2
>>>>>>>>leaves of basil and few slices of garlic.
>>>>>>>>Pour over the tomatoes some boiled water and close the plug.
>>>>>>>>Then sterilize the jars in cold water and count 30 minutes since the
>>>>>>>>water begin to boil. Let the jars in the water till become cold.
>>>>>>>>After the boiling, tomatoes tend to go toward the plug: it doesn't
>>>>>>>>This effects is more visible with the 1litre jars.
>>>>>>>>If you use smaller jars, the tomatoes haven't sufficient space to
>>>>>>>>When in the winter you will use the tomatoes, you will see that the
>>>>>>>>skin go away very easily.
>>>>>>>>Here the photo of my cherry tomatoes in the jars.
>>>>>>>Nice looking tomatoes. I wouldn't have thought to can cherry
>>>>>>>tomatoes because of their size but I do can a fair amount of the
>>>>>>>larger tomatoes. I slip the skins before canning.
>>>>>>It is a long and hard work!!!
>>>>>It sure hurts my back some days. I do 10 bushels of tomatoes plus
>>>>>whatever the garden produces. I like the sauces that I can put through
>>>>>the food mill instead of having to slip the skins
>>>>Of course )
>>>>>>Homecanned tomato juice is awesome!
>>>>>>>Last year I made 4 - 1.5 L jars of tomato juice. Obviously this year
>>>>>>>I'm going to have to make a lot more of it. It was a huge hit with
>>>>>>>my family. I see you use the snap lids like I do but I also see you
>>>>>>>use recycled jars that I don't.
>>>>>>Oh yes! The important is the lid that must be in good condition.
>>>>>>Canning standards here don't recommend
>>>>>>>using recycled jars.
>>>>>>They don't recommend in orderer to increase the jar's industry ! )
>>>>>>But here in Italy we recicle every year the same bottles and jars; we
>>>>>>only change lids if they are used up. And I have never heard of
>>>>>>persons who died for a can of tomato )
>>>>>Me either. The canning standards have changed here over the years.
>>>>>Even canning timing has changed for BWB and pressure canning.
>>>>It's unbelievable!
>>>>>>I use recycled jars for dried foods though. I add
>>>>>>>citric acid or lemon juice because some of the tomatoes here are
>>>>>>>acidic enough for USDA or Canadian canning standards. The hybrids
>>>>>>>are the problem for canning but they sure taste good I'm canning
>>>>>>>taco sauce today and might do a batch of salsa if I get ambitious
>>>>>>>enough. I think I will try canning tomato paste this year too.
>>>>>>Ok! Could you please give me the recipe of your taco sauce? I want to
>>>>>>Thank you and cheers
>>>>>No problem, enjoy
>>>>Thank you very much
>>>>>Taco Sauce
>>>>>3 c tomato paste
>>>>>5 c water
>>>>>1 c cider vinegar
>>>>>1/2 c corn syrup
>>>>>2 tbsp chili powder
>>>>>1 tbsp salt
>>>>>1 tsp cayenne pepper (I used 1 1/2 tsp)
>>>>>1/2 tsp hot pepper sauce (I used 1 tsp)
>>>>>Combine all ingredients in large saucepan and bring to a boil. Reduce
>>>>>heat and simmer about 1 hr or until thick. Stir frequently to prevent
>>>>>sticking. Ladle hot sauce into hot jars leaving 1/4 inch headspace and
>>>>>cap. Process 30 min in boiling water canner. Yield is 6 - 7 half
>>>>>pints (250 ml jars for us Canucks)
>>>>I think it is a very good recipe. Only two questions:
>>>>1) What is tomato paste?
>>>Tomato paste is really reduced tomato sauce. I have a recipe for it if
>>>you need one.

>> Yes, Thank you.

> Tomato Paste
> 32 c chopped tomatoes (about 16 lb or 48 med - lg tomatoes)
> 1 1/2 c chopped red pepper
> 2 bay leaves
> 1 tsp salt
> 1 clove garlic (opt)
> Combine tomatoes & red pepper in lg stainless steel pot. Cook slowly 1 hr
> sitirring occasionally. Press mixture through food mil. Return mixture
> to saucepan. Add garlic, bay leaves, and salt. Cook slowly stirring
> frequently until mixture is thick enough to mound on a spoon, about 2 1/2
> hr. Ladle past in hot sterilized jare leaving 1/2 in headspace. Process
> in bwb 45 min.

Thank you for this recipe, Pat.
What is "bwb"?


  #39 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

"~patches~" > ha scritto nel messaggio
> Pandora wrote:
>> "zxcvbob" > ha scritto nel messaggio
>> ...
>>>~patches~ wrote:
>>>>Pandora wrote:
>>>>>"~patches~" > ha scritto nel messaggio
>>>>>>Pandora wrote:
>>>>>>>"~patches~" > ha scritto nel messaggio
.. .
>>>>>>>>Pandora wrote:
>>>>>>>>>"MJ" > ha scritto nel messaggio
>>>>>>>>>>Ok..i planted four cherry tomato plants and now i have so many
>>>>>>>>>>tomatoes i dont know what to do with them..
>>>>>>>>>>Is there any thing i can do with them..i would hate to throw them
>>>>>>>>>In this period I Am canning cheery tomatoes for the winter.
>>>>>>>>>In the winter you can use cherry tomatoes to make sauces for pasta
>>>>>>>>>or other things.
>>>>>>>>>The procedure is very simple.
>>>>>>>>>Clean perfectly some glass jars. Put inside the cherry tom. with
>>>>>>>>>1-2 leaves of basil and few slices of garlic.
>>>>>>>>>Pour over the tomatoes some boiled water and close the plug.
>>>>>>>>>Then sterilize the jars in cold water and count 30 minutes since
>>>>>>>>>the water begin to boil. Let the jars in the water till become
>>>>>>>>>After the boiling, tomatoes tend to go toward the plug: it doesn't
>>>>>>>>>This effects is more visible with the 1litre jars.
>>>>>>>>>If you use smaller jars, the tomatoes haven't sufficient space to
>>>>>>>>>When in the winter you will use the tomatoes, you will see that the
>>>>>>>>>skin go away very easily.
>>>>>>>>>Here the photo of my cherry tomatoes in the jars.
>>>>>>>>Nice looking tomatoes. I wouldn't have thought to can cherry
>>>>>>>>tomatoes because of their size but I do can a fair amount of the
>>>>>>>>larger tomatoes. I slip the skins before canning.
>>>>>>>It is a long and hard work!!!
>>>>>>It sure hurts my back some days. I do 10 bushels of tomatoes plus
>>>>>>whatever the garden produces. I like the sauces that I can put
>>>>>>through the food mill instead of having to slip the skins
>>>>>Of course )
>>>>>>>Homecanned tomato juice is awesome!
>>>>>>>>Last year I made 4 - 1.5 L jars of tomato juice. Obviously this
>>>>>>>>year I'm going to have to make a lot more of it. It was a huge hit
>>>>>>>>with my family. I see you use the snap lids like I do but I also see
>>>>>>>>you use recycled jars that I don't.
>>>>>>>Oh yes! The important is the lid that must be in good condition.
>>>>>>>Canning standards here don't recommend
>>>>>>>>using recycled jars.
>>>>>>>They don't recommend in orderer to increase the jar's industry ! )
>>>>>>>But here in Italy we recicle every year the same bottles and jars; we
>>>>>>>only change lids if they are used up. And I have never heard of
>>>>>>>persons who died for a can of tomato )
>>>>>>Me either. The canning standards have changed here over the years.
>>>>>>Even canning timing has changed for BWB and pressure canning.
>>>>>It's unbelievable!
>>>>>>>I use recycled jars for dried foods though. I add
>>>>>>>>citric acid or lemon juice because some of the tomatoes here are
>>>>>>>>acidic enough for USDA or Canadian canning standards. The hybrids
>>>>>>>>are the problem for canning but they sure taste good I'm canning
>>>>>>>>taco sauce today and might do a batch of salsa if I get ambitious
>>>>>>>>enough. I think I will try canning tomato paste this year too.
>>>>>>>Ok! Could you please give me the recipe of your taco sauce? I want
>>>>>>>to do.
>>>>>>>Thank you and cheers
>>>>>>No problem, enjoy
>>>>>Thank you very much
>>>>>>Taco Sauce
>>>>>>3 c tomato paste
>>>>>>5 c water
>>>>>>1 c cider vinegar
>>>>>>1/2 c corn syrup
>>>>>>2 tbsp chili powder
>>>>>>1 tbsp salt
>>>>>>1 tsp cayenne pepper (I used 1 1/2 tsp)
>>>>>>1/2 tsp hot pepper sauce (I used 1 tsp)
>>>>>>Combine all ingredients in large saucepan and bring to a boil. Reduce
>>>>>>heat and simmer about 1 hr or until thick. Stir frequently to prevent
>>>>>>sticking. Ladle hot sauce into hot jars leaving 1/4 inch headspace
>>>>>>and cap. Process 30 min in boiling water canner. Yield is 6 - 7 half
>>>>>>pints (250 ml jars for us Canucks)
>>>>>I think it is a very good recipe. Only two questions:
>>>>>1) What is tomato paste?
>>>>Tomato paste is really reduced tomato sauce. I have a recipe for it if
>>>>you need one.
>>>>>2) I think that here in Italy is very difficult to find the corn syrup;
>>>>>can I change it with another similar ingredient?
>>>>Gosh, maybe someone else can help you out. The only thing I can come up
>>>>with off the top of my head is a very think sugar syrup solution. I do
>>>>think it would change the flavour though. Any ideas guys & gals?
>>>>>Thank you very much for the answer.
>>>Instead of the tomato paste, you could probably use 8 cups of tomato
>>>puree and leave out the water, but you'd have to experiment with the
>>>recipe to get it right. Or just chop and cook all those cherry tomatoes
>>>and run them thru a food mill to remove the skins and most of the seeds.

>> Thank you! For the seeds and the skin there is no problem because I will
>> use a certain quality of dark red tomato called "Cuore di bue" (heart of
>> ox) which is very good: it is all pulp, without seeds and with a skin
>> that comes out very easily.
>>>Substitute granulated sugar for the corn syrup. You could also use honey
>>>but it will change the flavor. The sweetener will be "to taste" in this
>>>recipe anyway, so the amount is not really critical; start with maybe 1/3

>> And what do you think about cane sugar? Perhaps it is better in this
>> recipe.
>> Cheers
>> Pandora

> I think you are going to get a different taste if you do either. The
> puree needs to be cooked down to become paste. It has a richer more
> concentrated flavour than puree. I would lean towards using honey as a
> substitute insead of cane sugar myself.

OK Bob. I will do like you say.
Thank you


  #40 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

"zxcvbob" > ha scritto nel messaggio
> ~patches~ wrote:
>> Pandora wrote:
>>> "zxcvbob" > ha scritto nel messaggio
>>> ...
>>>> ~patches~ wrote:
>>>>> Pandora wrote:

> [snip]
>>> Thank you! For the seeds and the skin there is no problem because I will
>>> use a certain quality of dark red tomato called "Cuore di bue" (heart of
>>> ox) which is very good: it is all pulp, without seeds and with a skin
>>> that comes out very easily.
>>>> Substitute granulated sugar for the corn syrup. You could also use
>>>> honey but it will change the flavor. The sweetener will be "to taste"
>>>> in this recipe anyway, so the amount is not really critical; start with
>>>> maybe 1/3 cup?
>>> And what do you think about cane sugar? Perhaps it is better in this
>>> recipe.
>>> Cheers
>>> Pandora

>> I think you are going to get a different taste if you do either. The
>> puree needs to be cooked down to become paste. It has a richer more
>> concentrated flavour than puree. I would lean towards using honey as a
>> substitute insead of cane sugar myself.

> But notice that the recipe calls for 3 cups of tomato paste and 5 cups of
> water. You should be able to use all tomato puree and no water; it won't
> be the same thing, and the recipe may need some adjusting, but it will
> allow Pandora to use fresh tomatoes intead of canned paste.
> Cane or beet sugar is what I meant by granulated sugar.

OK. So I leave honey for cane sugar
But please, you have to decide ))
> Best regards,
> Bob

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