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  #201 (permalink)   Report Post  
Wayne Boatwright
Posts: n/a

On Thu 01 Sep 2005 09:54:58p, sf wrote in

> On Thu, 01 Sep 2005 07:28:08 -0500, Andy wrote:
>> Ophelia wrote:
>> >
>> > "Andy" <q> wrote in message
>> > ...
>> >> sf wrote:
>> >>
>> >>> Sandi - you're absolutely right. Those who could leave, did
>> >>> leave. Those who stayed either couldn't leave or were fool hearty.
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> If I had a year's supply of food and water, I'd still leave for a
>> >> good while.
>> >>
>> >> In practical terms, New Orleans is dead.
>> >
>> > I was watching it on tv today. It is absolutely hellish

>> Agreed!
>> As for the looters, imho, they should simply have their wrists broken
>> on sight as punishment to fit the crime!
>> No mercy,
>> Andy

> Maybe there are looters who are out to make a profit, but I think most
> of them are just trying to survive.

Yeah, especially the ones with TVs and boomboxes, and no place to plug
them in. Get real, sf!

I certainly don't begrudge those taking food, baby formula, diapers,
medicines, etc., but really...everything else?

Wayne Boatwright *¿*

My doctor told me to stop having intimate dinners for four,
unless there are three other people.
  #202 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

Dee Randall wrote:
> "Ophelia" > wrote in message
> . uk...
>> "Desert Rainbow" > wrote in message
>> ...
>>> This is the same level of abject ignorance, prejudice and hatred of
>>> Americans that I would expect to be coming from the madrassas. But
>>> instead
>>> it is coming from Western Europeans. And aren't they the ones who
>>> have have
>>> run their own countries so well that they have 2-3 times the rate of
>>> unemployment in the US?

>> I am ashamed of those people who are calling themselves Western
>> European. I can assure you they are not the norm. The people I know
>> are very sad for you all. We have had some similar things and we
>> know the heartbreak and cost
>> Ophelia
>> Scotland

> I heard on the news earlier today that Germany has offered to help
> out.
> I hear them -- "Ride of the Valkyrie"
> Dee Dee

Need I keep reminding people, hurricanes, tsunamis, tornadoes, volcanic
eruptions, Atlantis sinking into the sea ! ... all happened well before GW
got into office? This isn't about politics, people, it's about *acts of
nature* and people helping people. Great balls of fire!


  #203 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

Sheldon wrote:
> -L. wrote:
>> Bob wrote:
>>> -L wrote:
>>>> What's your heritage, Sheldon? How how I suspect you are of
>>>> European descent as well...
>>> Sheldon's descended from German Jews.

>> I figured as much.

> My heritage has no connection to germany whatsoever.
>> I also noticed he chose the "black woman" icon for the RFC map.
>> Interesting. Maybe he secretly wants to be a black woman.

> I never put myself on your fercocktah map, never even went to that
> website.

> Sheldon

Okay, I deleted your entry.

  #204 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

jmcquown wrote:
> Sheldon wrote:
> > -L. wrote:
> >> Bob wrote:
> >>> -L wrote:
> >>>
> >>>> What's your heritage, Sheldon? How how I suspect you are of
> >>>> European descent as well...
> >>>
> >>> Sheldon's descended from German Jews.
> >>
> >> I figured as much.

> >
> > My heritage has no connection to germany whatsoever.
> >
> >
> >> I also noticed he chose the "black woman" icon for the RFC map.
> >> Interesting. Maybe he secretly wants to be a black woman.

> >
> > I never put myself on your fercocktah map, never even went to that
> > website.

> (snippage)
> >
> > Sheldon

> Okay, I deleted your entry.

You deleted THE entry, I didn't make any entry.


  #205 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

>No, Pandora. He lives in upstate New York.
Upstate as in Sing-Sing ? We can only hope.

  #206 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

In article >, Graphic Queen
> wrote:

> On Thu, 01 Sep 2005 04:40:32 -0500, Andy <q> wrote:
> >sf wrote:
> >
> >> Sandi - you're absolutely right. Those who could leave, did leave.
> >> Those who stayed either couldn't leave or were fool hearty.

> >
> >
> >
> >If I had a year's supply of food and water, I'd still leave for a good
> >while.
> >
> >In practical terms, New Orleans is dead.
> >
> >Imho,
> >
> >Andy

> And they should not rebuild in the same place at all.

What about all those Florida and East Coast habitats that are always
getting hit and the homes and beaches rebuilt, much of it with taxpayer
money. Maybe it's just the NO ghettos that shouldn't be rebuilt?
How about building only gated/leveed communities; I bet Donald Trump
might be interested.
  #207 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

"Terry Pulliam Burd" > wrote in message
| On Thu, 1 Sep 2005 08:55:15 -0400, "Debbie" >
| wrote:
| >The situation is getting worse down there. Hard to believe that it is
| >possible in a western civilized city, that such lawlessness is taking
| >I thank God that I have never known such desperation that is causing this
| >type of behaviour. I sure hope these people get the help they need soon.
| I think a large part of the looting is simple desperation. If you have
| not had food or drink for 2 or 3 days... As for the looters who are
| going for greed - may they rot in hell.

I agree. Dehydration can cause strange behaviours at the best of times.
Toss in this situation and.. well they need to cut some slack methinks.


  #208 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

It's not the force of nature that GW is to be blamed, but rather in
that the ACOE requested $240M for levee and flood control work, and the
administration (and Congress) saw fit to budget $40M. Meanwhile ...

" At $286.4 billion, the highway bill just passed by Congress is the
most expensive public works legislation in US history. ... The bill
funnels upward of $941 million to 119 earmarked projects in Alaska,
including $223 million for a mile-long bridge linking an island with 50
residents to a town of 8,000. Another $231 million is earmarked for a
new bridge in Anchorage, to be named -- this is specified in the
legislation -- Don Young's Way."

Half a billion for bridges in Alaska ? $40M to protect a major city ?
You don't see the problem with this ?

Never mind, GW taking his time to come off of vacation ....

  #209 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

On Fri, 2 Sep 2005 08:35:12 -0400, "Debbie" >

>"Terry Pulliam Burd" > wrote in message
.. .
>| On Thu, 1 Sep 2005 08:55:15 -0400, "Debbie" >
>| wrote:
>| >The situation is getting worse down there. Hard to believe that it is
>| >possible in a western civilized city, that such lawlessness is taking
>| >I thank God that I have never known such desperation that is causing this
>| >type of behaviour. I sure hope these people get the help they need soon.
>| I think a large part of the looting is simple desperation. If you have
>| not had food or drink for 2 or 3 days... As for the looters who are
>| going for greed - may they rot in hell.
>I agree. Dehydration can cause strange behaviours at the best of times.
>Toss in this situation and.. well they need to cut some slack methinks.

Absolutely. I don't hold it against people who are breaking into
stores to secure necessary items such as food, water, diapers, etc.;
if I were in their shoes, I'd do the same thing. The people who are
helping themselves to televisions and bling bling are another matter
entirely, of course.

Tracy R.
  #210 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

sf replied to Andy:

>> As for the looters, imho, they should simply have their wrists broken on
>> sight as punishment to fit the crime!
>> No mercy,
>> Andy

> Maybe there are looters who are out to make a profit, but I think most
> of them are just trying to survive.

Earlier today, I received this on an e-mail list:

My SO's bro just got orders and will be deployed to NO tonight.
What is significant and not neccessarily reported in the news is that,
essentially he is leading his unit there to shoot to kill. Most national
guards are trained to do crowd control, or rescue; but his is specifially
running the tactical unit (Bortac). He said he would prefer to arm
his units with rifles (shots than will scatter a wide area) than machine
guns right now...but we will see what he would sign out from the arsenal
for his men...they are gonan stay for a month as told.

Apparently the gangs had taken over Metrodome, and started moving across
town to the nice rich area in NO. Let just say that most of the really
rich people in the south live in that area, and there are a lot of
Picassos being left behind....I do not think that this is just about
shooting someone who try to steal a TV from Walmart.

Tonight we were making satellite maps for her bro while he was back with
his unit preparing to board the cargo plane. My SO went to school in NO
and gave her bro all the tips he needed...(which gangs, which building in
which district to hide, which projects, which buildings has hidden medical

This is going to be very messy before it will be OK again. NO will never
be the same. The Jesuit owned lands will probably be OK and restored, as
will the French Quarter, but the rest would probably be left to rot...


  #211 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

On 2005-09-02, Bob > wrote:

> Earlier today, I received this on an e-mail list:

.....which means it's more than likely a lotta bull.

  #212 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

notbob wrote:
> On 2005-09-02, Bob > wrote:
>>Earlier today, I received this on an e-mail list:

> ....which means it's more than likely a lotta bull.
> nb

Because you are there and know first hand?

Roberta (in VA)
  #213 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

Stark > wrote in

> In article >,
> Graphic Queen > wrote:
>> On Thu, 01 Sep 2005 04:40:32 -0500, Andy <q> wrote:
>> >sf wrote:
>> >
>> >> Sandi - you're absolutely right. Those who could
>> >> leave, did leave. Those who stayed either couldn't
>> >> leave or were fool hearty.
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >If I had a year's supply of food and water, I'd still
>> >leave for a good while.
>> >
>> >In practical terms, New Orleans is dead.
>> >
>> >Imho,
>> >
>> >Andy

>> And they should not rebuild in the same place at all.

> What about all those Florida and East Coast habitats that
> are always getting hit and the homes and beaches rebuilt,
> much of it with taxpayer money. Maybe it's just the NO
> ghettos that shouldn't be rebuilt? How about building only
> gated/leveed communities; I bet Donald Trump might be
> interested.

well, why *should* the people who are below poverty level get
stuck *back* in a below sealevel ghetto?
no one should be living on the Outer Banks of the Carolinas,
especially not in multi-million dollar mansions. no one should
be allowed to build cliffside homes in California, and no one
should be living on a sinking river delta. why is that so hard
to understand?
the French Quarter of NO is relatively ok, so keep the
tourist attraction & rebuild the actual city somewhere out of
the floodplains.
i wouldn't be overly surprised if those homeowners that had
insurance that covered hurricanes find out that they *don't*
cover floods...

war is peace
freedom is slavery
ignorance is strength
1984-George Orwell
  #214 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

On 2005-09-02, Roberta > wrote:

> Because you are there and know first hand?

Oh, you get reliable factual information from email lists? How nice
for you. Put your money in any Nigerian banks lately?

  #215 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

Seamus wrote:
> It's not the force of nature that GW is to be blamed, but rather in
> that the ACOE requested $240M for levee and flood control work, and
> the administration (and Congress) saw fit to budget $40M. Meanwhile
> " At $286.4 billion, the highway bill just passed by Congress is the
> most expensive public works legislation in US history. ... The bill
> funnels upward of $941 million to 119 earmarked projects in Alaska,
> including $223 million for a mile-long bridge linking an island with
> 50 residents to a town of 8,000. Another $231 million is earmarked
> for a new bridge in Anchorage, to be named -- this is specified in the
> legislation -- Don Young's Way."
> Half a billion for bridges in Alaska ? $40M to protect a major city ?
> You don't see the problem with this ?
> Never mind, GW taking his time to come off of vacation ....

I'm about to take a trip, too. I should feel bad about that, I suppose, but
I don't. WTF does this have to do with rescue efforts in a predicted but
nothing you can do to prevent it situation? An act of Congress (Congress,
you might recall, was originally the House of Burgess') takes months of
debate. A hurricane takes a matter of hours to figure out where it's going
and all the weather watching and warnings in the world can still only
vaguely predict where it was going. The legislation you cite was a long
time in the making, well before Katrina.

As for the highway bill, I really don't think much about Alaska but I was
once engaged to a man whose family was on an island in south Louisiana.
They didn't get a bridge to the mainland until 1973. Paddled a pirogue to
get to school. Hunted, fished, kitchen garden, wood stove, the whole
pioneer thing. So no, I don't object to some isolated folks in Alaska
getting a bridge. It will help them immensely


  #216 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

Sheldon wrote:
> jmcquown wrote:
>> Sheldon wrote:
>>> -L. wrote:
>>>> Bob wrote:
>>>>> -L wrote:
>>>>>> What's your heritage, Sheldon? How how I suspect you are of
>>>>>> European descent as well...
>>>>> Sheldon's descended from German Jews.
>>>> I figured as much.
>>> My heritage has no connection to germany whatsoever.
>>>> I also noticed he chose the "black woman" icon for the RFC map.
>>>> Interesting. Maybe he secretly wants to be a black woman.
>>> I never put myself on your fercocktah map, never even went to that
>>> website.

>> (snippage)
>>> Sheldon

>> Okay, I deleted your entry.

> You deleted THE entry, I didn't make any entry.
> Sheldon

Fiddle-Faddle... I deleted THE entry. Now I want some Fiddle-Faddle - kinda
like Cracker Jack with buttery toffee popcorn but with both peanuts and

  #217 (permalink)   Report Post  
Dee Randall
Posts: n/a

"Bob" > wrote in message
> sf replied to Andy:
>>> As for the looters, imho, they should simply have their wrists broken
>>> on
>>> sight as punishment to fit the crime!
>>> No mercy,
>>> Andy

>> Maybe there are looters who are out to make a profit, but I think most
>> of them are just trying to survive.

> Earlier today, I received this on an e-mail list:
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------
> My SO's bro just got orders and will be deployed to NO tonight.
> What is significant and not neccessarily reported in the news is that,
> essentially he is leading his unit there to shoot to kill.

Is this really true? Who told you that?
Dee Dee

  #218 (permalink)   Report Post  
Dee Randall
Posts: n/a

"Bob" > wrote in message
> sf replied to Andy:
>>> As for the looters, imho, they should simply have their wrists broken
>>> on
>>> sight as punishment to fit the crime!
>>> No mercy,
>>> Andy

>> Maybe there are looters who are out to make a profit, but I think most
>> of them are just trying to survive.

> Earlier today, I received this on an e-mail list:
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------
> My SO's bro just got orders and will be deployed to NO tonight.
> What is significant and not neccessarily reported in the news is that,
> essentially he is leading his unit there to shoot to kill. Most national
> guards are trained to do crowd control, or rescue; but his is specifially
> running the tactical unit (Bortac). He said he would prefer to arm
> his units with rifles (shots than will scatter a wide area) than machine
> guns right now...but we will see what he would sign out from the arsenal
> for his men...they are gonan stay for a month as told.
> Apparently the gangs had taken over Metrodome, and started moving across
> town to the nice rich area in NO. Let just say that most of the really
> rich people in the south live in that area, and there are a lot of
> Picassos being left behind....I do not think that this is just about
> shooting someone who try to steal a TV from Walmart.
> Tonight we were making satellite maps for her bro while he was back with
> his unit preparing to board the cargo plane. My SO went to school in NO
> and gave her bro all the tips he needed...(which gangs, which building in
> which district to hide, which projects, which buildings has hidden medical
> equipment..etc.)
> This is going to be very messy before it will be OK again. NO will never
> be the same. The Jesuit owned lands will probably be OK and restored, as
> will the French Quarter, but the rest would probably be left to rot...
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Bob

Oh, sorry, I thought it was a personal email.
Rumors in email. Hard to pin down, heh?
Dee Dee

  #219 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

Michel wrote:

> It would seem silly to put refineries near sources which themselves
> are constantly in the path of hurricanes. And you thought it was al-
> Qaeda; all this time it was Mater Natura...

Shhh....if this gets said too loudly, next thing you know, our
none-too-bright President will be declaring war on hurricanes...


  #220 (permalink)   Report Post  
S'mee [AKA Jani]
Posts: n/a

One time on Usenet, "jmcquown" > said:

> I was
> once engaged to a man whose family was on an island in south Louisiana.
> They didn't get a bridge to the mainland until 1973. Paddled a pirogue
> to get to school. ^^^^^^^

I had to look this up; had this image in my mind of you trying to stay
balanced on one of Barb's pierogi, while attempting to paddle...

Jani in WA (S'mee)
~ mom, VidGamer, novice cook, dieter ~

  #221 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

Dee asked:

>> My SO's bro just got orders and will be deployed to NO tonight.
>> What is significant and not neccessarily reported in the news is that,
>> essentially he is leading his unit there to shoot to kill.

> Is this really true? Who told you that?

The originator of that post was a guy named Vincent Ho, who lives in the San
Franciso area. If you want to ask him directly, his e-mail address is hbv
(at) I see no reason to doubt it; Vincent's always been a rather
no-nonsense kind of guy.

Moreover, the National Guard (and most other military organizations) are
*trained* to shoot at the center of body mass. They don't spend the
extensive amount of time training in marksmanship that others (e.g.,
Marines) do, so they're not the sharpshooters that you might think. They
don't really have the ability to shoot to wound or disable.


  #222 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

Dee wrote:

> Oh, sorry, I thought it was a personal email.
> Rumors in email. Hard to pin down, heh?

Well, this one ought to be EASY to pin down. There is only one degree of
separation: I've already posted the e-mail address of the originator, and he
says that he was in direct contact with the guy who's deploying.


  #223 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

Sheldon wrote:
> jmcquown wrote:
>>Sheldon wrote:
>>>-L. wrote:
>>>>Bob wrote:
>>>>>-L wrote:
>>>>>>What's your heritage, Sheldon? How how I suspect you are of
>>>>>>European descent as well...
>>>>>Sheldon's descended from German Jews.
>>>>I figured as much.
>>>My heritage has no connection to germany whatsoever.
>>>>I also noticed he chose the "black woman" icon for the RFC map.
>>>>Interesting. Maybe he secretly wants to be a black woman.
>>>I never put myself on your fercocktah map, never even went to that


>>Okay, I deleted your entry.

> You deleted THE entry, I didn't make any entry.
> Sheldon

So, you're gone from it, shaddup already.

  #224 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

"notbob" > wrote in message
| On 2005-09-02, Bob > wrote:
| > Earlier today, I received this on an e-mail list:
| ....which means it's more than likely a lotta bull.
Dunno about all that Bob wrote, but it was reported on CNN this am that the
National Guard had orders to shoot to kill.


  #225 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

Debbie wrote:
> "notbob" > wrote in message
> ...
> | On 2005-09-02, Bob > wrote:
> |
> | > Earlier today, I received this on an e-mail list:
> |
> | ....which means it's more than likely a lotta bull.
> |
> Dunno about all that Bob wrote, but it was reported on CNN this am that the
> National Guard had orders to shoot to kill.
> Debbie

Unless they are trained snipers, they can't help but shoot as best they
can - the best shot in the world, in a tense situation, cannot just
wound on purpose - any real officer will tell you that.

I heard this morning on CNN that yes, some Guard just arriving in N.O.,
had just come back from Iraq, and would not hesitate to shoot first and
ask later.


  #226 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

Nancy1 wrote:
> Debbie wrote:
> > "notbob" > wrote in message
> > ...
> > | On 2005-09-02, Bob > wrote:
> > |
> > | > Earlier today, I received this on an e-mail list:
> > |
> > | ....which means it's more than likely a lotta bull.
> > |
> > Dunno about all that Bob wrote, but it was reported on CNN this am that the
> > National Guard had orders to shoot to kill.
> >
> > Debbie

> Unless they are trained snipers, they can't help but shoot as best they
> can - the best shot in the world, in a tense situation, cannot just
> wound on purpose - any real officer will tell you that.

Ain't you ever heard of the Lone Ranger... and even a dumb dago knows
to shoot kneecaps.


  #227 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

In article >, jmcquown
> wrote:

> . . . . .So no, I don't object to some isolated folks in Alaska
> getting a bridge. It will help them immensely
> Jill

That's a noble, egalitarian thought, but with only 50 people on the
island, each person could have been given a million dollars, saving two
hundred million.
  #228 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

On 2 Sep 2005 06:02:20 -0700, Seamus wrote:

> Half a billion for bridges in Alaska ? $40M to protect a major city ?
> You don't see the problem with this ?

Here's more fodder for you:

The worst offense of all (I think) is that the hospital ship just left
port today and won't arrive until Thursday.

Hundreds of ambulances and busses were bottle necked too.

Do Not Self-Dispatch to Katrina

Aug. 30, 2005

In a release distributed yesterday, Michael D. Brown, under secretary
of Homeland Security for Emergency Preparedness and Response and head
of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), urged all fire and
emergency services departments to not respond to counties and states
affected by Hurricane Katrina without being requested and lawfully
dispatched by state and local authorities under mutual aid agreements
and the Emergency Management Assistance Compact. Personnel from
departments are to remain in their jurisdictions until affected states
request assistance.

Further, the U.S. Fire Administration asks that fire and EMS
organizations remain in contact with their local and state emergency
management agency officials for updates on requirements in the
affected areas.

Release Date: August 29, 2005

> Never mind, GW taking his time to come off of vacation ....

Don't get me started! He's not running for re-election, so he doesn't
feel any need to make a show of caring the way he did with 9-11. I
absolutely HATE his swagger. He walks around pretending he's got guns
strapped to his hips.... and he still doesn't know how to talk in
  #229 (permalink)   Report Post  
Joe Cilinceon
Posts: n/a

sf wrote:
> On 2 Sep 2005 06:02:20 -0700, Seamus wrote:
>> Half a billion for bridges in Alaska ? $40M to protect a major city
>> ? You don't see the problem with this ?

> Here's more fodder for you:
> The worst offense of all (I think) is that the hospital ship just left
> port today and won't arrive until Thursday.
> Hundreds of ambulances and busses were bottle necked too.
> Do Not Self-Dispatch to Katrina
> Aug. 30, 2005
> In a release distributed yesterday, Michael D. Brown, under secretary
> of Homeland Security for Emergency Preparedness and Response and head
> of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), urged all fire and
> emergency services departments to not respond to counties and states
> affected by Hurricane Katrina without being requested and lawfully
> dispatched by state and local authorities under mutual aid agreements
> and the Emergency Management Assistance Compact. Personnel from
> departments are to remain in their jurisdictions until affected states
> request assistance.
> Further, the U.S. Fire Administration asks that fire and EMS
> organizations remain in contact with their local and state emergency
> management agency officials for updates on requirements in the
> affected areas.
> Release Date: August 29, 2005
>> Never mind, GW taking his time to come off of vacation ....

> Don't get me started! He's not running for re-election, so he doesn't
> feel any need to make a show of caring the way he did with 9-11. I
> absolutely HATE his swagger. He walks around pretending he's got guns
> strapped to his hips.... and he still doesn't know how to talk in
> sentences.

A bureaucracy gone a muck. Florida wanted to send volunteer air boats with
crews to LA right after the storm but FEMA told them no until they could be
billed for it. I agree with you for sure on this one.


Joe Cilinceon

  #230 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

The funding cuts started in 2002 and went downhill from there. The most
recent cut is indicative of *attitude*. No one could have predicted
that a class 5 would hit in August 2005, but we knew there would be one
eventually. It was well known that the levee system would NOT hold up
under a class 5.
The *attitude* was such that NO's levees could remain in poor shape
while a bridge to nowhere @
250M should be built (that's 500K per capita on the target island *and*
they have a ferry, not pirogues or kayaks -- and an airport).

If a driver (Bush/Congress/DHS) is knowingly operating a vehicle (the
gov't) with faulty brakes (the Mississippi levee system) while
diverting the funds for repair to wine and caviar (bridge to nowhere),
and the brakes fail the driver is most certainly to blame for the
resulting accident.

By statute, the Federal Gov't is responsible for *all* navigable waters
within the US, and especially interstate routes such as the
Mississippi. The ACOE was given this responsibility under Section 10 of
the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899 (Chapter 33, Section 403 of the
United States Code). Funding cuts prevented the ACOE from doing its
work correctly. Work which was identified, funding requested and said
funding diverted to such pork as the "bridge to nowhere".

The rescue efforts were a problem. Local and state gov't's were
overwhelmed and in such cases the Federal gov't *must* pick up the
slack. Attitude and incompetance. FEMA director Brown being "unaware"
that there was a refugee problem at the Superdome, when anyone in the
world with a television set knew ! FEMA not allowing traffic carrying
food and water into the area ( excuse - no security as the Guard had
not shown; however Florida State troopers were ready to take
resposibility)."Mavericks" in a Air Force Reserve squadron took it upon
themselves to fly the supplies in by chopper , a job more
economically, safely and efficiently done by tractor-trailers).

Bush waiting two days to "end early" his vacation.

  #231 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

Corrections : thats 5M per capita

Also :
"Budget cuts delayed New Orleans flood control work"
"Everybody Knew" (but Bush didn't ?!?!?!?)

  #232 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

""Government at all levels failed," Sen. Susan Collins (news, bio,
voting record), R-Maine, said at the Capitol. She announced that the
Senate Governmental Affairs Committee would hold hearings, adding, "It
is difficult to understand the lack of preparedness and the ineffective
initial response to a disaster that had been predicted for years, and
for which specific, dire warnings had been given for days."

  #233 (permalink)   Report Post  
Bob (this one)
Posts: n/a

Seamus wrote:
> ""Government at all levels failed," Sen. Susan Collins (news, bio,
> voting record), R-Maine, said at the Capitol. She announced that the
> Senate Governmental Affairs Committee would hold hearings, adding, "It
> is difficult to understand the lack of preparedness and the ineffective
> initial response to a disaster that had been predicted for years, and
> for which specific, dire warnings had been given for days."

Here's the new Popular Science magazine. They have a 6 to 9 month lead
time. No excuses.

  #234 (permalink)   Report Post  
Bob (this one)
Posts: n/a

Bob (this one) wrote:
> Seamus wrote:
>> ""Government at all levels failed," Sen. Susan Collins (news, bio,
>> voting record), R-Maine, said at the Capitol. She announced that the
>> Senate Governmental Affairs Committee would hold hearings, adding, "It
>> is difficult to understand the lack of preparedness and the ineffective
>> initial response to a disaster that had been predicted for years, and
>> for which specific, dire warnings had been given for days."

> Here's the new Popular Science magazine. They have a 6 to 9 month lead
> time. No excuses.

My mistake. This was published last April.

  #235 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

>My mistake. This was published last April.
Even more damning, IMO.

  #236 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

In article .com>,
Seamus > wrote:

> The funding cuts started in 2002 and went downhill from there. The most
> recent cut is indicative of *attitude*. No one could have predicted
> that a class 5 would hit in August 2005, but we knew there would be one
> eventually. It was well known that the levee system would NOT hold up
> under a class 5.
> The *attitude* was such that NO's levees could remain in poor shape
> while a bridge to nowhere @
> 250M should be built (that's 500K per capita on the target island *and*
> they have a ferry, not pirogues or kayaks -- and an airport).
> If a driver (Bush/Congress/DHS) is knowingly operating a vehicle (the
> gov't) with faulty brakes (the Mississippi levee system) while
> diverting the funds for repair to wine and caviar (bridge to nowhere),
> and the brakes fail the driver is most certainly to blame for the
> resulting accident.
> By statute, the Federal Gov't is responsible for *all* navigable waters
> within the US, and especially interstate routes such as the
> Mississippi. The ACOE was given this responsibility under Section 10 of
> the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899 (Chapter 33, Section 403 of the
> United States Code). Funding cuts prevented the ACOE from doing its
> work correctly. Work which was identified, funding requested and said
> funding diverted to such pork as the "bridge to nowhere".
> The rescue efforts were a problem. Local and state gov't's were
> overwhelmed and in such cases the Federal gov't *must* pick up the
> slack. Attitude and incompetance. FEMA director Brown being "unaware"
> that there was a refugee problem at the Superdome, when anyone in the
> world with a television set knew ! FEMA not allowing traffic carrying
> food and water into the area ( excuse - no security as the Guard had
> not shown; however Florida State troopers were ready to take
> resposibility)."Mavericks" in a Air Force Reserve squadron took it upon
> themselves to fly the supplies in by chopper , a job more
> economically, safely and efficiently done by tractor-trailers).
> Bush waiting two days to "end early" his vacation.

Say "administration" vice "government" unless you're one of those
wishing to "kill the beast." Or "current government" if you must.
I fear eight years of the Bush administration's incompetence is going
to sour the nation on any government at all; then we'll be back to pre
Civil War mentality of states' rights and cultural secession. We
already have our quasi Kurds, Sunnis and Shias.
  #237 (permalink)   Report Post  
hubert liverman
Posts: n/a

> > Getting back to food, Katrina will change the economy/ecology of south
> > Mississippi,entire Louisiana delta country and further. All of the
> > hotels,restaurants,cab drivers,cooks,wait,
> > musicians,bartenders,fisherman,farmers,will be affected..etc. The

> > devastation of the area may cause many property,restaurant,home
> > owner/renters,etc to seek employment else. No place to work,no

> > to live,and no way how to hold on long enough.. This may the devastation
> > that can destroy an entire ambience,lifestyle,cuisine of an area that

> > be preserved at all cost. I am a fan of regional cuisine,however when we
> > loose the wonderful Creole Ladies and Mens that do their job so well,it

is a
> > sad loss indeed. This is not to denegrate in any way other regional
> > cuisines,but to exault them. Love it all..if you will.

I was close on this, however I forgot to include the barge,refinery,port of
NO workers etc. Time is just now beginning to tell its tale.


  #238 (permalink)   Report Post  
hubert liverman
Posts: n/a

> >
> > Those that understand Americans with all their faults as will as their
> > virtues,will respond as they can. From the sound of the Roman Legions
> > gradually approaching in the Pines of Rome (Respighi), to the Wagnerian
> > concept of the "Ladies From Hell", listen carefeully. The skirl of the
> > pipes,marching feet and bugle calls,indicate that in whatever manner,

> > cavalry is on the way for those in need.

I was close again...However it did take a little longer than anticipated on
my part.

Now, Back To Food.

Hubert Liverman
Opelika("Big Swamp" in Cherokee) Liverman

  #239 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

Sheldon wrote:
> Hey Jill, of course we'll weather this storm... but don't you find it
> kinda strange that not one other country has offered so much as
> condolences, let alone offered to lend a hand (I expect no money) but
> utility crews, rescue teams, medics, even kitchen crews to fix
> sammiches and tend the stew pots? I don't find that strange at all,
> they all hate us. What I do find strange is how the US is ALWAYS there
> to help with any country's disaster... I had anything to say I'd never
> send so much as cent anywhere for any reason whatsoever... were any
> other country had folks about to drown I'd offer to **** on them,
> maybe.

Total unadulterated bull shite in retrospect.

> I hate ALL of yoose filthy douche bags... I especially hate canadians,
> mexicans, and europeans... canadians are the worst garbage on the
> planet, bunch of friggin' takers/users, give nothing... PARASITES!
> Mexicans are lice/roaches, exterminate ALL of them. Europeans need
> drowning, ALL of them FILTHY-DIRTY *******s.
> Sheldon

Come down here and say that. My mother and fiance are Canadian, you
evil racist piglet.

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