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  #1 (permalink)   Report Post  
Bob (this one)
Posts: n/a
Default Katrina: Another way to help.

This is a note from Bud Royer and isn't spam. I can vouch for him.
Another way to help. His pies are brilliant. He's a genuine character,
and his heart is absolutely in the right place.


-------- Original Message --------
Subject: N.O. Memories, Lab. Day Hours, Ant. Wk. Details,AUSTIN IS OPEN!!!
Date: Fri, 2 Sep 2005 18:51:53 -0500
From: bud royer >
To: Bob Pastorio >

Sept. 2, 2005

Dear Bob:

In the midst of the despair and devastation in the Gulf coast we
are so reminded of the importance of the many, many relationships that
we have built through the café and want to express our gratitude and
thankfulness for your friendship. We like many of y'all have numerous
relationships that we are concerned about that lived in the N. O.'s
area. We think about "JB & Bud's 36-hour New Orleans" trip that they
made in May and all of the wonderful memories. Memories, which so many
of us have about trips to New Orleans over the years. We'd love for you
to share with us your favorite N. O. memory and if you have any pictures
that you have to share. We'll figure out a way to post them on our
website and at the café. " all the
memories of the Big Easy!"

SURVIVORS...the café will be responsible for providing meals several
times a week for 40-60 survivors that have been given a place to stay in
the area. We'll give you a whole café pie when you make a $35 donation
toward this effort. Make your check out to the café and $30 will go
directly to paying for the food cost with $5 helping to pay for the cost
of the pie. We'll be donating our time and your $30 will pay for the
cost of the food. Thanks for helping us make "pie the ultimate comfort
food!" Please mail your check to Royers Round Top Café, PO 207, Round
Top, Tx 78954.

It has been a couple of months since we have sent out an
enewsletter and it sure wasn't because we didn't have anything to share
or say. No but, we have been tied down to getting the Austin takeout
market up and running. Checkout the menu at ~ and be sure to tell your Austin friends
about the market and how they can get the café's pies and OMG menu items
now in Austin! The market is located at 1601 W. 38th in Jefferson
Square, 512-467-6700. Open Monday through Saturday.
A quick update about the family ~ Micah will begin his final year
in law school and he and Ashley have several job offers to contemplate.
JB is operating the Austin market. Todd is planning to go back to UT to
work on his masters in the social school to be able to work with cancer
kids. Tara is making things happen in Round Top and getting ready for
the holiday mail order pie season. And Karen is getting the Round Top
house ready to sell in addition to taking her last class at the Bush
School on Homeland Security.
And in the midst of all this...yes, it is Labor day weekend and we
have extended our hours on Sunday 11-8 and also will be open on Labor
Day Monday from 12-3. We look forward to getting to see you and visit
with you.

ANTIQUE WEEK is coming up at the end of the month Sept. 28 through
October 8, Wednesday through the following Saturday. At 2PM on Wednesday
Sept. 28th, we'll begin taking dinner reservations for the evenings of
Saturday Oct. 1st through Saturday. Oct. 8th with seatings at 5, 6:20,
7:50 & 9:15pm. These reservations will be guaranteed with a credit card
and can ONLY BE MADE BY PHONE (979-249-3611) OR IN PERSON....SORRY, NO
And you may think it is too early but we are gearing up for the
2005 holiday mail order pie business and holiday catering. Pleas keep us
in mind as you begin to make your plans. Call us at the café
979-249-3611 and let us be apart of your holiday plans!

bless, the royer family!!!


  #2 (permalink)   Report Post  
Ray Haddad
Posts: n/a

On Sat, 03 Sep 2005 23:26:48 -0400, I said, "Pick a card, any card"
and "Bob (this one)" > instead replied:

>This is a note from Bud Royer and isn't spam. I can vouch for him.
>Another way to help. His pies are brilliant. He's a genuine character,
>and his heart is absolutely in the right place.

And, not surprisingly, he's not some poor woman who doesn't like
your choice of spices.
  #3 (permalink)   Report Post  
Bob (this one)
Posts: n/a

Ray Haddad wrote:

> On Sat, 03 Sep 2005 23:26:48 -0400, I said, "Pick a card, any card"
> and "Bob (this one)" > instead replied:
>>This is a note from Bud Royer and isn't spam. I can vouch for him.
>>Another way to help. His pies are brilliant. He's a genuine character,
>>and his heart is absolutely in the right place.

> And, not surprisingly, he's not some poor woman who doesn't like
> your choice of spices.

Oh, look. It's the Australian stage magician who argues with rocket
scientists. And rational people. And honest people.

See, Ray is a mentally constipated right wingnut blowhole "Bush is
perfect" - all-ideology, all the time - American living in Australia who
can't seem to master logic, fact and integrity. Otherwise, as a
balancing condition and in all fairness, he's also a fatuous,
unintelligent buffoon. But I say that with all the respect he deserves.

Note that he has nothing to say about helping Katrina victims. Just
another Haddad cheapie from a panorama of others just like it.

I think that should be a verb. Whenever anyone says something more than
usually stupid or more than usually inane or more than usually
ass-covering and diversionary, it may be said that they're "haddading."

So, Ray, did you send a few bucks to Bud Royer to help the victims of
Katrina? Or are you promoting that they pull themselves up by their own
bootstraps and quit whining? Splash their ways to the dry land and just
get on with it? Or are you going to tell a tall one about all the help
you've offered already?

Like when you say you give blood every time there's an emergency. What a
guy. The rest of the time, no blood for nobody. But in an emergency,
Ray's the go-to guy for his too-too generous single pint of blood. That,
too, is haddading.

And here's the part that anusmouth Ray struck -
SURVIVORS...the café will be responsible for providing meals several
times a week for 40-60 survivors that have been given a place to stay in
the area. We'll give you a whole café pie when you make a $35 donation
toward this effort. Make your check out to the café and $30 will go
directly to paying for the food cost with $5 helping to pay for the cost
of the pie. We'll be donating our time and your $30 will pay for the
cost of the food. Thanks for helping us make "pie the ultimate comfort
food!" Please mail your check to Royers Round Top Café, PO 207, Round
Top, Tx 78954. <>

  #4 (permalink)   Report Post  
Ray Haddad
Posts: n/a

On Sun, 04 Sep 2005 10:17:51 -0400, I said, "Pick a card, any card"
and "Bob (this one)" > instead replied:

>Oh, look. It's the Australian stage magician who argues with rocket
>scientists. And rational people. And honest people.

There's only one rational and honest person in this thread so far
and it's not you, Boob Pastupido.

But do press on. Go castigate some woman for not liking your French
fry recipe.

Better yet, go back to your day job. Repeat after me: "Would you
like fries with that, sir?"
  #5 (permalink)   Report Post  
Bob (this one)
Posts: n/a

Ray Haddad wrote:
> On Sun, 04 Sep 2005 10:17:51 -0400, I said, "Pick a card, any card"
> and "Bob (this one)" > instead replied:
>>Oh, look. It's the Australian stage magician who argues with rocket
>>scientists. And rational people. And honest people.

> There's only one rational and honest person in this thread so far
> and it's not you, Boob Pastupido.

Res ipsa loquitur.


The header here is "Katrina: Another way to help."

Poor Ray's Almanac doesn't have a section for that. Just more of this
kind of adult discourse. Some sunny day when birds are singing and the
sky is a wonderful, bright blue, Ray will post something intelligent. It
could happen.

Oh, look. A singing pig.


> But do press on. Go castigate some woman for not liking your French
> fry recipe.
> Better yet, go back to your day job. Repeat after me: "Would you
> like fries with that, sir?"
> --
> Ray

  #6 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

Bob (this one) wrote:

< major snip >

How about you knock off the constant cross-posting and bringing your
personal, petty spats into groups that aren't interested. Mmmkay?

  #7 (permalink)   Report Post  
Bob (this one)
Posts: n/a

jinym wrote:

> Bob (this one) wrote:
> < major snip >
> How about you knock off the constant cross-posting and bringing your
> personal, petty spats into groups that aren't interested. Mmmkay?

How about bite me? Mmmkay?

See the header? I posted about helping people and Boner Haddad decided
to pee on his shoes and snide the place up for some reason. Talk to Ray.

  #8 (permalink)   Report Post  
Ray Haddad
Posts: n/a

On Sun, 04 Sep 2005 12:10:24 -0400, I said, "Pick a card, any card"
and "Bob (this one)" > instead replied:

>Ray Haddad wrote:
>> On Sun, 04 Sep 2005 10:17:51 -0400, I said, "Pick a card, any card"
>> and "Bob (this one)" > instead replied:
>>>Oh, look. It's the Australian stage magician who argues with rocket
>>>scientists. And rational people. And honest people.

>> There's only one rational and honest person in this thread so far
>> and it's not you, Boob Pastupido.

>Res ipsa loquitur.
>The header here is "Katrina: Another way to help."

You lose lots of respect in this world, Bob, when you attack someone
as visciously as you did the poor woman who didn't find your ideas
to her liking and then pretend to have hope and mercy in your heart
for people who shoot at rescuers. In short, you are sleazy, Bob.
Very sleazy.

Repeat after me, heart attack boy: "Do you want fries with that,
sir?" Don't forget the "sir" bit. You may get to keep the change.
  #9 (permalink)   Report Post  
Bob (this one)
Posts: n/a

Ray Haddad wrote:
> "Bob (this one)" > wrote:
>>Ray Haddad wrote:
>>>"Bob (this one)" > wrote:
>>>>Oh, look. It's the Australian stage magician who argues with rocket
>>>>scientists. And rational people. And honest people.
>>>There's only one rational and honest person in this thread so far
>>>and it's not you, Boob Pastupido.

>>Res ipsa loquitur.
>>The header here is "Katrina: Another way to help."

> You lose lots of respect in this world, Bob, when you <splat>

<LOL> Rational and honest. It doesn't matter what you think of me, Ray.
You've already demonstrated yourself to be simply a mental cripple. You
keep cutting out the part about helping and reasserting your inane
insulting rants. I note no effort from you to help Katrina victims. Let
me post a way to help while you demonstrate your credibility by cutting
it out. Again. Here, blowhole. Send your check here. They will
undoubtedly accept Australian dollars from Americans hiding out down there.

SURVIVORS...the café will be responsible for providing meals several
times a week for 40-60 survivors that have been given a place to stay in
the area. We'll give you a whole café pie when you make a $35 donation
toward this effort. Make your check out to the café and $30 will go
directly to paying for the food cost with $5 helping to pay for the cost
of the pie. We'll be donating our time and your $30 will pay for the
cost of the food. Thanks for helping us make "pie the ultimate comfort
food!" Please mail your check to Royers Round Top Café, PO 207, Round
Top, Tx 78954. <>

> Repeat after me, <crack>

So, Ray. Did you give your precious one pint of blood yet? Bust loose
with a buck yet or is it just the same old hot air from down under (heh,
heh). Did the header get past you? It's about helping people in trouble.
While you carry on like an infant. Like always.

  #10 (permalink)   Report Post  
Ray Haddad
Posts: n/a

On Sun, 04 Sep 2005 20:17:31 -0400, I said, "Pick a card, any card"
and "Bob (this one)" > instead replied:


Only you could laugh at helping victims, sleazy boy.

  #11 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

Ray Haddad wrote:
> On Sun, 04 Sep 2005 12:10:24 -0400, I said, "Pick a card, any card"
> and "Bob (this one)" > instead replied:
> >Ray Haddad wrote:
> >> On Sun, 04 Sep 2005 10:17:51 -0400, I said, "Pick a card, any card"
> >> and "Bob (this one)" > instead replied:
> >>
> >>>Oh, look. It's the Australian stage magician who argues with rocket
> >>>scientists. And rational people. And honest people.
> >>
> >> There's only one rational and honest person in this thread so far
> >> and it's not you, Boob Pastupido.

> >
> >Res ipsa loquitur.
> >
> >Q.E.D.
> >
> >The header here is "Katrina: Another way to help."

> You lose lots of respect in this world, Bob, when you attack someone
> as visciously as you did the poor woman who didn't find your ideas
> to her liking and then pretend to have hope and mercy in your heart
> for people who shoot at rescuers. In short, you are sleazy, Bob.
> Very sleazy.
> Repeat after me, heart attack boy: "Do you want fries with that,
> sir?" Don't forget the "sir" bit. You may get to keep the change.
> --
> Ray

hey're the one who started this little hissy fit with your
initial posting after Bob's "Another way to help" post. Grow up.


  #12 (permalink)   Report Post  
Ray Haddad
Posts: n/a

On 4 Sep 2005 18:12:18 -0700, I said, "Pick a card, any card" and
"SD" > instead replied:

>Ray Haddad wrote:
>> On Sun, 04 Sep 2005 12:10:24 -0400, I said, "Pick a card, any card"
>> and "Bob (this one)" > instead replied:
>> >Ray Haddad wrote:
>> >> On Sun, 04 Sep 2005 10:17:51 -0400, I said, "Pick a card, any card"
>> >> and "Bob (this one)" > instead replied:
>> >>
>> >>>Oh, look. It's the Australian stage magician who argues with rocket
>> >>>scientists. And rational people. And honest people.
>> >>
>> >> There's only one rational and honest person in this thread so far
>> >> and it's not you, Boob Pastupido.
>> >
>> >Res ipsa loquitur.
>> >
>> >Q.E.D.
>> >
>> >The header here is "Katrina: Another way to help."

>> You lose lots of respect in this world, Bob, when you attack someone
>> as visciously as you did the poor woman who didn't find your ideas
>> to her liking and then pretend to have hope and mercy in your heart
>> for people who shoot at rescuers. In short, you are sleazy, Bob.
>> Very sleazy.
>> Repeat after me, heart attack boy: "Do you want fries with that,
>> sir?" Don't forget the "sir" bit. You may get to keep the change.

>hey're the one who started this little hissy fit with your
>initial posting after Bob's "Another way to help" post. Grow up.


Thanks for your input. Boob Pastupido and I have a long history.
Blame him for cross posting. He deserves all he gets.

He's a sleazy fry cook with a bad heart. He picks on women who don't
like his little recipes. You know what I mean. Personal choice is
not allowed by the short order guy with food spatter and boogers on
his tee shirt if they go counter to his greasy spoon offerings. If
it's a woman complaining, so much the better for Boob.
  #13 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

"Ray Haddad" wrote:
> ... He's a sleazy fry cook with a bad heart ...

I'm sorry, but when did it become kosher to mock people with medical
conditions? At least if he has a heart condition it's a positive
demonstration that he has a heart. The same cannot be said for you.

  #14 (permalink)   Report Post  
Ray Haddad
Posts: n/a

On Sun, 4 Sep 2005 21:25:41 -0500, I said, "Pick a card, any card"
and "w.d.greene" > instead replied:

>"Ray Haddad" wrote:
>> ... He's a sleazy fry cook with a bad heart ...

>I'm sorry, but when did it become kosher to mock people with medical
>conditions? At least if he has a heart condition it's a positive
>demonstration that he has a heart. The same cannot be said for you.

Oh, knock it off, Bill. You're way out of your league here.
  #15 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

B (

his heart is absolutely in the right place

on the left side?

at least we don't have any middle-class guilt goin' on here

  #16 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

I agree, jinym, and will killfile this thread immediately.


On 4 Sep 2005 14:50:36 -0700, jinym wrote:

> Bob (this one) wrote:
> < major snip >
> How about you knock off the constant cross-posting and bringing your
> personal, petty spats into groups that aren't interested. Mmmkay?

  #17 (permalink)   Report Post  
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Posts: n/a

Ray Haddad wrote:
> On Sun, 04 Sep 2005 20:17:31 -0400, I said, "Pick a card, any card"
> and "Bob (this one)" > instead replied:
> ><LOL>

> Only you could laugh at helping victims, sleazy boy.

"Written laughter is silent despair."

It would be wiser to pray that the Lord continues to give the victims
their daily bread. We are thankful for these opportunities to help our
neighbors and will be collecting money to help with disaster relief
efforts he

In Christ's love and service,


Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Board-Certified Cardiologist

Suggested Reading:
  #18 (permalink)   Report Post  
Bob (this one)
Posts: n/a

Ray Haddad wrote:
> "w.d.greene" > wrote:
>>"Ray Haddad" wrote:
>>>... He's a sleazy fry cook with a bad heart ...

>>I'm sorry, but when did it become kosher to mock people with medical
>>conditions? At least if he has a heart condition it's a positive
>>demonstration that he has a heart. The same cannot be said for you.

> Oh, knock it off, Bill. You're way out of your league here.

<LOL> Says the stage magician to the honest to God rocket scientist.


  #19 (permalink)   Report Post  
Bob (this one)
Posts: n/a

Ray Haddad wrote:

> On Sun, 04 Sep 2005 20:17:31 -0400, I said, "Pick a card, any card"
> and "Bob (this one)" > instead replied:

> Only you could laugh at helping victims, sleazy boy.

This may be the shabbiest one from you yet. You know perfectly well that
I'm laughing at you and your trivial antics.

And you know perfectly well that I started this thread about helping
people and you keep cutting that part out. Here's what I put in:

I note no effort from you to help Katrina victims. Let me post a way to
help while you demonstrate your credibility by cutting it out. Again.
Here, blowhole. Send your check here. They will undoubtedly accept
Australian dollars from Americans hiding out down there.

SURVIVORS...the café will be responsible for providing meals several
times a week for 40-60 survivors that have been given a place to stay in
the area. We'll give you a whole café pie when you make a $35 donation
toward this effort. Make your check out to the café and $30 will go
directly to paying for the food cost with $5 helping to pay for the cost
of the pie. We'll be donating our time and your $30 will pay for the
cost of the food. Thanks for helping us make "pie the ultimate comfort
food!" Please mail your check to Royers Round Top Café, PO 207, Round
Top, Tx 78954. <>

The plain and simple fact remains, I've posted about helping people and
you've posted gratuitous insult and tried to prevent people from seeing
the message about helping by deleting it. You're getting in the way and
deleting the message about helping people for your own dizzy malice.
Maybe do something constructive for a change.

Ray, you are a liar. And why you would choose to do that when your words
are right here for anyone to see shows your desperate need to score some
insult irrespective of how it finally makes you look.

Shabby, shabby show.

  #20 (permalink)   Report Post  
Bob (this one)
Posts: n/a

Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD wrote:
> Ray Haddad wrote:
>>On Sun, 04 Sep 2005 20:17:31 -0400, I said, "Pick a card, any card"
>>and "Bob (this one)" > instead replied:

>>Only you could laugh at helping victims, sleazy boy.

> "Written laughter is silent despair."

Hey, Chung. Meet Ray Haddad,. He's a liar and fraud just like you. You
have a lovely bunch of characteristics in common.

Chung likes to quote himself, as here, and enclose his sappy homilies
and inventions between quotation marks so they seem somehow more
substantial than merely the inane prattlings of a demented
hyperreligious fanatic. Sometimes he uses quotes around things he says
for the first time. When he finds one he especially likes (like the one
above) he uses it again and again and again...

Like Ray's one-note insults. Birds of a similar mental feather. Let's
hear you quack in unison.

a-one and a-two and a-three...


  #21 (permalink)   Report Post  
Ray Haddad
Posts: n/a

On Mon, 05 Sep 2005 01:10:03 -0400, I said, "Pick a card, any card"
and "Bob (this one)" > instead replied:

>Ray Haddad wrote:
>> On Sun, 04 Sep 2005 20:17:31 -0400, I said, "Pick a card, any card"
>> and "Bob (this one)" > instead replied:

>> Only you could laugh at helping victims, sleazy boy.

>This may be the shabbiest one from you yet. You know perfectly well that
>I'm laughing at you and your trivial antics.

When you become a big man like me, you'll understand, Boob
Pastupido. You're an absolute mockery of a human being pretending to
care for one group of people while stepping all over a helpless
female who had the misfortune of not liking the French fry recipe
you posted.
  #22 (permalink)   Report Post  
Bob (this one)
Posts: n/a

Ray Haddad wrote:
> On 4 Sep 2005 18:12:18 -0700, I said, "Pick a card, any card" and
> "SD" > instead replied:
>>Ray Haddad wrote:
>>>On Sun, 04 Sep 2005 12:10:24 -0400, I said, "Pick a card, any card"
>>>and "Bob (this one)" > instead replied:
>>>>Ray Haddad wrote:
>>>>>On Sun, 04 Sep 2005 10:17:51 -0400, I said, "Pick a card, any card"
>>>>>and "Bob (this one)" > instead replied:
>>>>>>Oh, look. It's the Australian stage magician who argues with rocket
>>>>>>scientists. And rational people. And honest people.
>>>>>There's only one rational and honest person in this thread so far
>>>>>and it's not you, Boob Pastupido.
>>>>Res ipsa loquitur.
>>>>The header here is "Katrina: Another way to help."
>>>You lose lots of respect in this world, Bob, when you attack someone
>>>as visciously as you did the poor woman who didn't find your ideas
>>>to her liking and then pretend to have hope and mercy in your heart
>>>for people who shoot at rescuers. In short, you are sleazy, Bob.
>>>Very sleazy.
>>>Repeat after me, heart attack boy: "Do you want fries with that,
>>>sir?" Don't forget the "sir" bit. You may get to keep the change.

>>hey're the one who started this little hissy fit with your
>>initial posting after Bob's "Another way to help" post. Grow up.

> Sandi,
> Thanks for your input. Boob Pastupido and I have a long history.
> Blame him for cross posting. He deserves all he gets.

Right. Blame me for crossposting a way to help Katrina victims. Blame
Ray for haddading his gratuitous insults and flames while deleting the
information about helping.

Distorting people's names is Ray's way to show the great wit and depth
of inventive cleverness he possesses. Unfortunately he has to work with
what little he has.

> He's a sleazy fry cook with a bad heart.

I'm a former chef who had a heart attack 16 years ago. Ray can't stand
it that others might be educated, trained and skilled. At anything. He
performs for birthday parties and supermarket openings.

> He picks on women who don't
> like his little recipes.

I flamed a person who posted things I didn't like in misc.writing. Poor
Ray keeps bringing it up but has it all wrong, as always. The most
hilarious part of it is that Ray is constantly battling, always, always
battling. And he's always getting his as kicked. Always.

> You know what I mean.

<LOL> Ray's recruiting desperately here.

> Personal choice is
> not allowed by the short order guy with food spatter and boogers on
> his tee shirt if they go counter to his greasy spoon offerings.

<LOL> Such detailed frenzy and such glorious imagery. Why he could
almost be a professional writer. It could happen.

Oh, look, a yodeling emu.

> If it's a woman complaining, so much the better for Boob.

And then he just falls off the intelligent world...

Ray is so frantic, so desperate to score insult points that it no longer
matters if it has even a nucleus of truth. He'll say anything he thinks
will convince a single soul that he's not utterly nuts and consumed with
this mission. Poor guy...

  #23 (permalink)   Report Post  
Ray Haddad
Posts: n/a

On Mon, 05 Sep 2005 01:25:32 -0400, I said, "Pick a card, any card"
and "Bob (this one)" > instead replied:

>Poor guy...

I like your new sig, Boob. It fits.
  #24 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a


Allow me, as a former helpless female, to offer you my "translation" of
what's going on with women on the foodie newgrooups, Bobs and French
fries (pick one all caps or not fercrossake).

It's my reading that the women who exchange bitter words with Bobs over
French fries don't really care what he dusts the fries with...

What they're really after is to get fried by Bobs himself.


And you just don't get it. (I guess).

  #25 (permalink)   Report Post  
Bob (this one)
Posts: n/a

Ray Haddad wrote:
> On Mon, 05 Sep 2005 01:10:03 -0400, I said, "Pick a card, any card"
> and "Bob (this one)" > instead replied:
>>Ray Haddad wrote:
>>>On Sun, 04 Sep 2005 20:17:31 -0400, I said, "Pick a card, any card"
>>>and "Bob (this one)" > instead replied:
>>>Only you could laugh at helping victims, sleazy boy.

>>This may be the shabbiest one from you yet. You know perfectly well that
>>I'm laughing at you and your trivial antics.

> When you become a big man like me,

*IF* I become remotely like you, I'll jump off a bridge. For the sake of
the rest of humanity.

> you'll understand, Boob
> Pastupido. You're an absolute mockery of a human being pretending to
> care for one group of people

Sure. <LOL> I posted a way for others to help, but I'm only pretending.
Does this pass for logic on your planet?

BTW, I still note nothing from you to help Katrina victims. Still.
Again. Nothing. I guess you can't even bring yourself to pretend you
care. More Ray logic. It's easy and fun and truth not necessary.

> while stepping all over a helpless
> female who had the misfortune of not liking the French fry recipe
> you posted.

Ray, start here. I never posted a recipe about this. It had nothing to
do with a recipe. If you're going to try to slam me with some past
event, at least get *near* the facts. And why didn't you do your white
knight and rush in to defend the poor dear when it was happening? Didn't
think to offer help then either? Didn't think of it at all? Knew you'd
get blown away, as usual? Were perfectly willing to let others take care
of it? Like with Katrina-victim help? Silent on aiding others; loud in
assaulting others.

It's really funny how this seems to be the only thing you can pull up to
try to assail me with. You mock yourself when you get the basic facts so
wrong and yet go on and on with them.

Silly, silly, Ray. Foaming at the mouth, urgently flaming but with a
tiny little fire...


  #26 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

Bob (this one) wrote:

> Ray Haddad wrote:

>> He picks on women who don't
>> like his little recipes.

> I flamed a person who posted things I didn't like in misc.writing. Poor
> Ray keeps bringing it up but has it all wrong, as always. The most
> hilarious part of it is that Ray is constantly battling, always, always
> battling. And he's always getting his as kicked. Always.

I like Beth. She and Bob disagreed about her criticisms of fast food
franchises. He said, "Nuh uh!" She said, "Is so!"

Somehow all this hoo-hah from Ray and Nancy about Pastorio being a
mean-un who picks on folk (especially girl-folk) who don't agree with
his foodie views is just so much hoo-hah.

ohmighod am I really cross-posting to and


Ye olde swarm of links: thousands of links for writers, researchers and
the terminally curious <>
  #27 (permalink)   Report Post  
Ray Haddad
Posts: n/a

On Mon, 05 Sep 2005 01:36:08 -0400, I said, "Pick a card, any card"
and "Bob (this one)" > instead replied:

>Ray Haddad wrote:
>> On Mon, 05 Sep 2005 01:10:03 -0400, I said, "Pick a card, any card"
>> and "Bob (this one)" > instead replied:
>>>Ray Haddad wrote:
>>>>On Sun, 04 Sep 2005 20:17:31 -0400, I said, "Pick a card, any card"
>>>>and "Bob (this one)" > instead replied:
>>>>Only you could laugh at helping victims, sleazy boy.
>>>This may be the shabbiest one from you yet. You know perfectly well that
>>>I'm laughing at you and your trivial antics.

>> When you become a big man like me,

>*IF* I become remotely like you, I'll jump off a bridge. For the sake of
>the rest of humanity.

You'd be able to look at someone besides yourself in the mirror if
you ever became more like me, Boob.

>> you'll understand, Boob
>> Pastupido. You're an absolute mockery of a human being pretending to
>> care for one group of people

>Sure. <LOL> I posted a way for others to help, but I'm only pretending.
>Does this pass for logic on your planet?

It's not the message, Pastupido. It's the messenger I take exception
to. Haven't you figured that out yet? You're just as sleazy as they
come, Boob. You harp on me about deleting the message and plea.
Well, I delete it because I find nothing wrong with it. I do find it
disgusting that you can muster up pity and generosity for people you
have never had an exchange with but a woman you abused on USENET
doesn't even register on your pity meter. You're a sleazy man, Boob.

>BTW, I still note nothing from you to help Katrina victims. Still.
>Again. Nothing. I guess you can't even bring yourself to pretend you
>care. More Ray logic. It's easy and fun and truth not necessary.

Then you haven't been reading my posts. Not that I expect you to but
since you mentioned it here as you did, you clearly missed it.

>> while stepping all over a helpless
>> female who had the misfortune of not liking the French fry recipe
>> you posted.

>Ray, start here. I never posted a recipe about this. It had nothing to
>do with a recipe.

I'm using hyperbole, Boob. I'm trying to infuriate you. It's
working. You can't help but try to explain your pitiful actions. I
read the thread that was cited. I don't frequent the food group or
the cardiac groups so I had to rely on a second hand copy. Guess
what? It looked exactly like the intimidation tactics you use on MW.
You're a sleazy character, Boob.

>If you're going to try to slam me with some past
>event, at least get *near* the facts. And why didn't you do your white
>knight and rush in to defend the poor dear when it was happening?

Then you admit she needed it. That's a good first step, Boob. Work
up to an apology and then one for Geno while you're at it.

>think to offer help then either? Didn't think of it at all? Knew you'd
>get blown away, as usual? Were perfectly willing to let others take care
>of it? Like with Katrina-victim help? Silent on aiding others; loud in
>assaulting others.

Aw, Boob. You got me. I only donated cash this time around but next
disaster I'll do my blood donor thing again.

>It's really funny how this seems to be the only thing you can pull up to
>try to assail me with. You mock yourself when you get the basic facts so
>wrong and yet go on and on with them.

I mock myself? Good grief, Boob. Do you realize how last ditch that
is? You are the model of desperation. Do you want all this to stop?
Then all you have to do is ask.

Do I need to repeat that for you? All you have to do is ask me to
stop and I will.

>Silly, silly, Ray. Foaming at the mouth, urgently flaming but with a
>tiny little fire...

Odd you should regard it that way since you cannot seem to help
responding to me with more excuses for treating others like dirt
because they don't leap onto the "I love Pastupido" bandwagon. All
anyone has to do is fawn over your every word when it comes to
nutrition no matter how asinine your latest pet theory happens to
be. You are so needy, Boob. So desperately needy.
  #28 (permalink)   Report Post  
Ray Haddad
Posts: n/a

On Sun, 04 Sep 2005 23:42:40 -0700, I said, "Pick a card, any card"
and Towse > instead replied:

>ohmighod am I really cross-posting to and

Scary, isn't it?
  #29 (permalink)   Report Post  
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Posts: n/a

Ray Haddad wrote:
> On Mon, 05 Sep 2005 01:36:08 -0400, I said, "Pick a card, any card"
> and "Bob (this one)" > instead replied:
> >Ray Haddad wrote:
> >> On Mon, 05 Sep 2005 01:10:03 -0400, I said, "Pick a card, any card"
> >> and "Bob (this one)" > instead replied:
> >>
> >>>Ray Haddad wrote:
> >>>
> >>>>On Sun, 04 Sep 2005 20:17:31 -0400, I said, "Pick a card, any card"
> >>>>and "Bob (this one)" > instead replied:
> >>>>
> >>>>><LOL>
> >>>>
> >>>>Only you could laugh at helping victims, sleazy boy.
> >>>
> >>>This may be the shabbiest one from you yet. You know perfectly well that
> >>>I'm laughing at you and your trivial antics.
> >>
> >> When you become a big man like me,

> >
> >*IF* I become remotely like you, I'll jump off a bridge. For the sake of
> >the rest of humanity.

> You'd be able to look at someone besides yourself in the mirror if
> you ever became more like me, Boob.
> >> you'll understand, Boob
> >> Pastupido. You're an absolute mockery of a human being pretending to
> >> care for one group of people

> >
> >Sure. <LOL> I posted a way for others to help, but I'm only pretending.
> >Does this pass for logic on your planet?

> It's not the message, Pastupido. It's the messenger I take exception
> to. Haven't you figured that out yet? You're just as sleazy as they
> come, Boob. You harp on me about deleting the message and plea.
> Well, I delete it because I find nothing wrong with it. I do find it
> disgusting that you can muster up pity and generosity for people you
> have never had an exchange with but a woman you abused on USENET
> doesn't even register on your pity meter. You're a sleazy man, Boob.
> >BTW, I still note nothing from you to help Katrina victims. Still.
> >Again. Nothing. I guess you can't even bring yourself to pretend you
> >care. More Ray logic. It's easy and fun and truth not necessary.

> Then you haven't been reading my posts. Not that I expect you to but
> since you mentioned it here as you did, you clearly missed it.
> >> while stepping all over a helpless
> >> female who had the misfortune of not liking the French fry recipe
> >> you posted.

> >
> >Ray, start here. I never posted a recipe about this. It had nothing to
> >do with a recipe.

> I'm using hyperbole, Boob. I'm trying to infuriate you. It's
> working. You can't help but try to explain your pitiful actions. I
> read the thread that was cited. I don't frequent the food group or
> the cardiac groups so I had to rely on a second hand copy. Guess
> what? It looked exactly like the intimidation tactics you use on MW.
> You're a sleazy character, Boob.
> >If you're going to try to slam me with some past
> >event, at least get *near* the facts. And why didn't you do your white
> >knight and rush in to defend the poor dear when it was happening?

> Then you admit she needed it. That's a good first step, Boob. Work
> up to an apology and then one for Geno while you're at it.
> >Didn't
> >think to offer help then either? Didn't think of it at all? Knew you'd
> >get blown away, as usual? Were perfectly willing to let others take care
> >of it? Like with Katrina-victim help? Silent on aiding others; loud in
> >assaulting others.

> Aw, Boob. You got me. I only donated cash this time around but next
> disaster I'll do my blood donor thing again.
> >It's really funny how this seems to be the only thing you can pull up to
> >try to assail me with. You mock yourself when you get the basic facts so
> >wrong and yet go on and on with them.

> I mock myself? Good grief, Boob. Do you realize how last ditch that
> is? You are the model of desperation. Do you want all this to stop?
> Then all you have to do is ask.
> Do I need to repeat that for you? All you have to do is ask me to
> stop and I will.
> >Silly, silly, Ray. Foaming at the mouth, urgently flaming but with a
> >tiny little fire...

> Odd you should regard it that way since you cannot seem to help
> responding to me with more excuses for treating others like dirt
> because they don't leap onto the "I love Pastupido" bandwagon. All
> anyone has to do is fawn over your every word when it comes to
> nutrition no matter how asinine your latest pet theory happens to
> be. You are so needy, Boob. So desperately needy.
> --
> Ray

"Penalties are prepared for mockers, and beatings for the backs of
fools." -- King Solomon

It is clear that Bob Pastorio is now reaping these penalties and

Nonetheless, he remains in my prayers to God, in Lord Jesus' most
precious and holy name.

May the Lord continue to touch Bob's life in ways that draw him closer
to the inevitable conclusion that He is "the way, the truth, and the

In Christ's love and service,


Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Board-Certified Cardiologist

Suggested Reading:
  #30 (permalink)   Report Post  
Jack Campin - bogus address
Posts: n/a

>> ohmighod am I really cross-posting to and

> Scary, isn't it?

I've set followups to the only one of these groups I read. Where
Bob has been posting interesting and constructive messages for a
long time.

Whereas you and your fellow-****wit Chung have posted nothing but
wittering negativistic crap. To the extent that now you are trying
to attack a fundraising effort for people in desperate need. That,
****, is morally no different from shooting at ambulances.

Get lost.

============== j-c ====== @ ====== purr . demon . co . uk ==============
Jack Campin: 11 Third St, Newtongrange EH22 4PU, Scotland | tel 0131 660 4760
<> for CD-ROMs and free | fax 0870 0554 975
stuff: Scottish music, food intolerance, & Mac logic fonts | mob 07800 739 557

  #31 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

"Bob (this one)" > wrote in message
> This is a note from Bud Royer and isn't spam. I can vouch for him. Another
> way to help. His pies are brilliant. He's a genuine character, and his
> heart is absolutely in the right place.

Of course it isn't spam. It's someone using his talents to help people in

Thanks Bob.

~ ~


  #32 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

"Ray Haddad" > wrote in message
> On Sat, 03 Sep 2005 23:26:48 -0400, I said, "Pick a card, any card" and
> "Bob (this one)" > instead replied:
>>This is a note from Bud Royer and isn't spam. I can vouch for him. Another
>>way to help. His pies are brilliant. He's a genuine character, and his
>>heart is absolutely in the right place.

> And, not surprisingly, he's not some poor woman who doesn't like your
> choice of spices.

No matter what you do or don't think of Bob, you intentionally derailed his
thread for the sole purpose of taking a swipe at him--a thread that was
started as an effort to help victims of a devastating catastrophe.

In a different thread on misc.writing you said, "All I care about is how do
we as Americans bring about the maximum number of surviving victims of this
monumental tragedy?"

So here's a way. Stop using a humanitarian threat to take potshots at

~ ~


  #33 (permalink)   Report Post  
Ray Haddad
Posts: n/a

On Mon, 05 Sep 2005 15:03:22 +0100, I said, "Pick a card, any card"
and Jack Campin - bogus address > instead

>>> ohmighod am I really cross-posting to and

>> Scary, isn't it?

>I've set followups to the only one of these groups I read. Where
>Bob has been posting interesting and constructive messages for a
>long time.

Now THAT's a ringing endorsement.

>Whereas you and your fellow-****wit Chung have posted nothing but
>wittering negativistic crap. To the extent that now you are trying
>to attack a fundraising effort for people in desperate need. That,
>****, is morally no different from shooting at ambulances.

I have consistently left the message alone by snipping it without
comment. All of my comments have been directed towards Boob
Pastupido because he has earned them.

>Get lost.

Not likely.
  #34 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

"Towse" > wrote in message
> Bob (this one) wrote:
> > Ray Haddad wrote:

> >> He picks on women who don't
> >> like his little recipes.

> >
> > I flamed a person who posted things I didn't like in misc.writing. Poor
> > Ray keeps bringing it up but has it all wrong, as always. The most
> > hilarious part of it is that Ray is constantly battling, always, always
> > battling. And he's always getting his as kicked. Always.

> I like Beth. She and Bob disagreed about her criticisms of fast food
> franchises. He said, "Nuh uh!" She said, "Is so!"

I like both Beth and Bob.

> Somehow all this hoo-hah from Ray and Nancy about Pastorio being a
> mean-un who picks on folk (especially girl-folk) who don't agree with
> his foodie views is just so much hoo-hah.

I agree with that.


> ohmighod am I really cross-posting to and
> --
> Sal
> Ye olde swarm of links: thousands of links for writers, researchers and
> the terminally curious <>

  #35 (permalink)   Report Post  
Bob (this one)
Posts: n/a

Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD wrote:
> Ray Haddad wrote:
>>"Bob (this one)" >wrote:
>>>Ray Haddad wrote:
>>>>"Bob (this one)" >" wrote:
>>>>>Ray Haddad wrote:
>>>>>>"Bob (this one)" > wrote:
>>>>>>Only you could laugh at helping victims, sleazy boy.
>>>>>This may be the shabbiest one from you yet. You know perfectly well that
>>>>>I'm laughing at you and your trivial antics.
>>>>When you become a big man like me,
>>>*IF* I become remotely like you, I'll jump off a bridge. For the sake of
>>>the rest of humanity.

>>You'd be able to look at someone besides yourself in the mirror if
>>you ever became more like me, Boob.
>>>>you'll understand, Boob
>>>>Pastupido. You're an absolute mockery of a human being pretending to
>>>>care for one group of people
>>>Sure. <LOL> I posted a way for others to help, but I'm only pretending.
>>>Does this pass for logic on your planet?

>>It's not the message, Pastupido. It's the messenger I take exception
>>to. Haven't you figured that out yet?

<LOL> Could you, even in your most fevered imaginings, think that
there's even a scintilla of subtlety to anything you post?

There's nothing to "figure out" when you write, Ray. The whole trifling
message is right there at the surface, graspable with a swiping glance,
dismissable with not more thought than swatting any other insect.

>>You're just as sleazy as they
>>come, Boob. You harp on me about deleting the message and plea.
>>Well, I delete it because I find nothing wrong with it.

You delete it because you find nothing wrong with it. The bizarre
self-excusing illogicality of this is stunning.

You deleted it repeatedly so you could take this same misinformed shot,
also repeatedly.

You deleted a plea for help from hundreds of thousands of victims on the
greatest natural or man-made disaster in American history because you
find nothing wrong with it.

>>I do find it
>>disgusting that you can muster up pity and generosity for people you
>>have never had an exchange with but a woman you abused on USENET
>>doesn't even register on your pity meter. You're a sleazy man, Boob.

Ray, you don't even know what the subject of my "abuse" is even though
it's been explained to you. You're merely picking up Gekko's complaint
without knowing what it refers to. As demonstrated below.

>>>BTW, I still note nothing from you to help Katrina victims. Still.
>>>Again. Nothing. I guess you can't even bring yourself to pretend you
>>>care. More Ray logic. It's easy and fun and truth not necessary.

>>Then you haven't been reading my posts. Not that I expect you to but
>>since you mentioned it here as you did, you clearly missed it.

You deleted a plea for help from hundreds of thousands of victims on the
greatest natural or man-made disaster in American history because you
find nothing wrong with it.

>>>>while stepping all over a helpless
>>>>female who had the misfortune of not liking the French fry recipe
>>>>you posted.
>>>Ray, start here. I never posted a recipe about this. It had nothing to
>>>do with a recipe.

>>I'm using hyperbole, Boob. I'm trying to infuriate you. It's
>>working. You can't help but try to explain your pitiful actions. I
>>read the thread that was cited.

Ray, you didn't read the thread that was cited or you wouldn't have
posted this. You lie.


>>I don't frequent the food group or
>>the cardiac groups so I had to rely on a second hand copy. Guess
>>what? It looked exactly like the intimidation tactics you use on MW.
>>You're a sleazy character, Boob.

See, Ray, here's where you demonstrate that you're a liar. The encounter
in question *happened in misc.writing*, not any food or cardiology
groups. Misc.writing where you regularly post your inanities and lies.
Like this one. You don't have any idea what Gekko means and you're too
stupid and frothing at the mouth to bother to check the facts.

You deleted a plea for help from hundreds of thousands of victims on the
greatest natural or man-made disaster in American history because you
find nothing wrong with it.

>>>If you're going to try to slam me with some past
>>>event, at least get *near* the facts. And why didn't you do your white
>>>knight and rush in to defend the poor dear when it was happening?

>>Then you admit she needed it. That's a good first step, Boob. Work
>>up to an apology and then one for Geno while you're at it.

<LOL> Nice try, spin-boy. I admit you're trying to resurrect a non-event
for the sheer sake of insult. But you don;'t even know what the
reference is to. <LOL> Geno deserves all the contempt he gets. As do
you. And you certainly get your share of it. From huge numbers of target

>>>think to offer help then either? Didn't think of it at all? Knew you'd
>>>get blown away, as usual? Were perfectly willing to let others take care
>>>of it? Like with Katrina-victim help? Silent on aiding others; loud in
>>>assaulting others.

>>Aw, Boob. You got me. I only donated cash this time around but next
>>disaster I'll do my blood donor thing again.

Good. And remember, there's no need for blood except when there's a
disaster you decide is worth your precious blood. No other time, as
you've said.

You deleted a plea for help from hundreds of thousands of victims on the
greatest natural or man-made disaster in American history because you
find nothing wrong with it.

>>>It's really funny how this seems to be the only thing you can pull up to
>>>try to assail me with. You mock yourself when you get the basic facts so
>>>wrong and yet go on and on with them.

>>I mock myself? Good grief, Boob. Do you realize how last ditch that
>>is? You are the model of desperation. Do you want all this to stop?
>>Then all you have to do is ask.

Why would I want your continuing embarrassment to stop? You've shown
that you're so desperate to try to wreak insult that it doesn't even
matter what to you whether what you say is true, accurate, or not. You
just picked up Gekko's complaint and have tried to run with it. Except
you have no idea what it actually was. You show yourself to be the fraud
I've led you to show. You have no idea what the supposed abuse is.


Next time you try to pin this abuse business on me, do at least try to
understand what the original poster meant. It's very funny watching you
try to spin it when you don't even know what it was.

Hilarious. Self-mocking.

>>Do I need to repeat that for you? All you have to do is ask me to
>>stop and I will.
>>>Silly, silly, Ray. Foaming at the mouth, urgently flaming but with a
>>>tiny little fire...

>>Odd you should regard it that way since you cannot seem to help
>>responding to me with more excuses for treating others like dirt
>>because they don't leap onto the "I love Pastupido" bandwagon.

<LOL> Ray, I once asked if you could be more stupid. Thank you for
answering. Good job of "show, don't tell."

Only you could see excuses in anything I've written. Of course I treat
you like dirt, but it's from that old-fashioned value. You earn it.

>>anyone has to do is fawn over your every word when it comes to
>>nutrition no matter how asinine your latest pet theory happens to

<LOL> And on it goes. Make it up when there's nothing to actually say.
The single event you're trying to capitalize on had nothing to do with
recipes. Nothing to do with nutrition. And the fact that Google could
straighten it out and the fact that you've been told by others that
you've wrong makes no difference to you. It's "Impeccable Ray" doing the
same old, same old. If you get caught lying and distorting and spinning
and fabricating, just write more and more. Faster and faster, more and
more spurious. Caught lying? Then haddad it by lying more.

>>You are so needy, Boob. So desperately needy.

Oh, look. A professional diagnosis from a guy who makes a living finding
coins in the ears of 10-year-olds.

You deleted a plea for help from hundreds of thousands of victims on the
greatest natural or man-made disaster in American history because you
find nothing wrong with it.

> "Penalties are prepared for mockers, and beatings for the backs of
> fools." -- King Solomon
> It is clear that Bob Pastorio is now reaping these penalties and
> beatings.

And here's the fraud, quack, charlatan, wacko fundamentalist,
hyperreligious, fired-for-cause bird of a feather for Ray. What a
perfect pair. Neither one concerned for truth. Neither one concerned for
anything but their own shabby egos. Neither one with any hint of
rationality left.

Sad shadows of normal people.

So, Ray. How much money did you send? How generous are you? And you say
you deleted my plea for help for Katrina victims because you saw nothing
wrong with it? Really? There was nothing wrong with it, so you deleted
it each time I posted it? And you say you know right from wrong? And
that's right for you to do? Nothing wrong with it?

Morally bankrupt, you and Chung. Your parched souls, dry as any desert
would kill a cactus. Both of you only want your songs sung. No thoughts
for others, no generosity. No charity. Drier than the dust of ancient


  #36 (permalink)   Report Post  
Bob (this one)
Posts: n/a

>>Ray Haddad wrote:

>>You harp on me about deleting the message and plea.
>>Well, I delete it because I find nothing wrong with it.

You delete it because you find nothing wrong with it. The bizarre
self-excusing illogicality of this is stunning.

You deleted a plea for help from hundreds of thousands - millions - of
victims on the greatest natural or man-made disaster in American history
because you find nothing wrong with it.

Your corruption is beyond merely egotistical, it's up at mentally ill.

Here's another small way some people in food processing can help. There
are millions of people in need. Anything can be useful. A note from a
person on a mailing list I subscribe to:

I was approached by a chef that I know yesterday with what I consider a
good idea of how we can help the displaced residents with future food
needs. He suggested that we dry as much fresh produce as we can so that
it can be easily bagged and sent to those in need. Here in Northern
California we still have lots of production – from tomatoes, corn and
peppers to apples and Asian pears that can all be dried and sent. He
suggested that we set up a grass roots effort locally to get it going. I
agree that it can be effective and it will keep a lot of our local food
supply from becoming compost. Ask the farmers you know to donate their
excess and in exchange donate your time and dehydrators or ovens for
this cause (if you want to go beyond giving money and helping in other

Jill Nussinow, MS, RD
The Vegetarian Connection - Edible Vegetable Experiences
The Veggie Queen TM
  #37 (permalink)   Report Post  
Bob (this one)
Posts: n/a

Ray Haddad wrote:
> Jack Campin - bogus address > wrote:
>> Whereas you and your fellow-****wit Chung have posted nothing but
>> wittering negativistic crap. To the extent that now you are trying
>> to attack a fundraising effort for people in desperate need.
>> That, ****, is morally no different from shooting at ambulances.

> I have consistently left the message alone by snipping it without
> comment.

"Left the message alone by snipping it."

>>Ray Haddad wrote:

>>You harp on me about deleting the message and plea.
>>Well, I delete it because I find nothing wrong with it.

You delete it because you find nothing wrong with it. The bizarre
self-excusing illogicality of this is stunning.

You deleted a plea for help from hundreds of thousands - millions - of
victims on the greatest natural or man-made disaster in American history
because you find nothing wrong with it.

Your corruption is beyond merely egotistical, it's up at mentally ill.

  #38 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

Bob (this one) wrote:
> How about bite me? Mmmkay?
> See the header? I posted about helping people and Boner Haddad decided
> to pee on his shoes and snide the place up for some reason. Talk to Ray.
> Mmmkay?
> Pastorio

Yet you perpetuate this bullshit by cross-posting your replies. I don't
care if you have a problem with this person, and I doubt most others
here in RFC do. But your constant insistance on polluting various
unrelated NG's with your personal squabbles is annoying as hell, and
makes you look like an ass.
Thanks for the smarmy non-answer, though.

"Some people are like Slinkies. They really aren't much good for
anything, but they still bring a smile to your face when you push them
down a flight of stairs."

  #39 (permalink)   Report Post  
Bob (this one)
Posts: n/a

jinym wrote:
> Bob (this one) wrote:
>>How about bite me? Mmmkay?
>>See the header? I posted about helping people and Boner Haddad decided
>>to pee on his shoes and snide the place up for some reason. Talk to Ray.

> Yet you perpetuate this bullshit by cross-posting your replies. I don't
> care if you have a problem with this person, and I doubt most others
> here in RFC do. But your constant insistance on polluting various
> unrelated NG's with your personal squabbles is annoying as hell, and
> makes you look like an ass.
> Thanks for the smarmy non-answer, though.
> Jim

Poor Jim. No delete key. No filtering capability. Try Jockeys, they
don't get quite as twisted as boxers.

You know, look as I might in Google, I can't find much in the way of
contribution from you here - 6 posts since May.

I know we all need net nannies to keep all us unruly folks in line and
give preachy lectures, but that job is already effectively being done by
a few others who also contribute stuff.

But thank you very much for your feedback. Your gift certificate for all
the mulch you can shovel should arrive soon.

  #40 (permalink)   Report Post  
Ray Haddad
Posts: n/a

On Mon, 05 Sep 2005 17:24:56 -0400, I said, "Pick a card, any card"
and "Bob (this one)" > instead replied:

>Good. And remember, there's no need for blood except when there's a
>disaster you decide is worth your precious blood. No other time, as
>you've said.

I donate regularly, Bob. I have for the past 35 years now. I do an
extra unit by signing a waiver whenever an emergent need is evident.
Once, during a major eruption in Mexico City, I actually donated two
units in one day. I did get part of one back after the plasma was
extracted. Now THAT was a weird process.

>You deleted a plea for help from hundreds of thousands of victims on the
>greatest natural or man-made disaster in American history because you
>find nothing wrong with it.

It wasn't your writing, Bob. It was someone else's. Why would I
shred it like I did yours? This is all about you, Bob, not Mr Royer,
his message or his cause.

Say, here's an idea for you! Start a recipe contest with a $5.00
PayPal entry fee. Offer a prize of $100.00 to the winner and donate
the extra to the American Red Cross. That would actually be
something YOU could do personally. I might even enter.
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