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  #1 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a
Default Tomato Paste Pics

Here are pics of the tomato paste I made yesterday. The paste has a
very intense, rich tomato flavour.

Washed tomatoes are put through the food mill. Many of my sauces start
out this was since the food mill is such a time saver.

The tomato puree was reduced on the bbq.

I ended up with 8 - 250 ml jars of canned tomato paste with about 500 ml
left over to be froze.
  #2 (permalink)   Report Post  
Margaret Suran
Posts: n/a

~patches~ wrote:
> Here are pics of the tomato paste I made yesterday. The paste has a
> very intense, rich tomato flavour.
> Washed tomatoes are put through the food mill. Many of my sauces start
> out this was since the food mill is such a time saver.
> The tomato puree was reduced on the bbq.
> I ended up with 8 - 250 ml jars of canned tomato paste with about 500 ml
> left over to be froze.

Hey, that looks delicious. If it is one tenth as tasty as it looks,
you have created something very special. Thank you for the pictures
and the instructions that went with them.
  #3 (permalink)   Report Post  
Dee Randall
Posts: n/a

"~patches~" > wrote in message
> Here are pics of the tomato paste I made yesterday. The paste has a very
> intense, rich tomato flavour.
> Washed tomatoes are put through the food mill. Many of my sauces start
> out this was since the food mill is such a time saver.
> The tomato puree was reduced on the bbq.
> I ended up with 8 - 250 ml jars of canned tomato paste with about 500 ml
> left over to be froze.

The tomatoes look like real tomatoes! Not the puny little runty things we
see here in Virginia. If I put them in soup, they hardly make a dent in the
color of the broth.
Dee Dee

  #4 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

~patches~ wrote:

> Here are pics of the tomato paste I made yesterday. The paste has a
> very intense, rich tomato flavour.

Very good work! Just how many tomato plants did you have in your garden
this year?
I only have sun and space enough for one roma and one cherry tomato
plant but I enjoy my small harvest fresh all the same.
  #5 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

Dee Randall wrote:

> "~patches~" > wrote in message
> ...
>>Here are pics of the tomato paste I made yesterday. The paste has a very
>>intense, rich tomato flavour.
>>Washed tomatoes are put through the food mill. Many of my sauces start
>>out this was since the food mill is such a time saver.
>>The tomato puree was reduced on the bbq.
>>I ended up with 8 - 250 ml jars of canned tomato paste with about 500 ml
>>left over to be froze.

> The tomatoes look like real tomatoes! Not the puny little runty things we
> see here in Virginia. If I put them in soup, they hardly make a dent in the
> color of the broth.
> Dee Dee

Yes we are very fortunate to live in an area where we can get nice
tomatoes. The ones I'm using right now are grown by a relative and
travel by large wagons to a canning factory (Heinz). They will be made
into ketchup and canned as whole or stewed and likely whatever else they
can make. Romas make a very good sauce tomato because they are so meaty.

I grow tomatoes as well but only home garden amounts. Here's a pic of a
few tomatoes from my garden - these are tiny tims, mellow yellows, and
romas - Don't let the amount fool you as
this is only a pic of the smallest basket. I have enough romas and
mellow yellows to make a batch of salsa. I also have beefsteak and
brandywines. The brandywines are rather pretty as they are more of a
pinky red with green shoulders - stem end of the tomato. Beefsteaks are
always a pleasure noted for their size and flavour.

  #6 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

Goomba38 wrote:

> ~patches~ wrote:
>> Here are pics of the tomato paste I made yesterday. The paste has a
>> very intense, rich tomato flavour.

> Very good work! Just how many tomato plants did you have in your garden
> this year?
> I only have sun and space enough for one roma and one cherry tomato
> plant but I enjoy my small harvest fresh all the same.
> Goomba

Thankyou! These weren't tomatoes I grew but they were grown by a
relative who grows them for Heinz. I get the tomatoes free by the
hamper full. This year I will do between 8 and 10 hampers. I have 5
varieties of tomatoes I grew this year - 31 plants in the garden and
most of them started from seed by me. There are a few more in the
greenhouse just to see how well they do and to harvest seeds from. Of
these some of the romas and mellow yellows will be canned as a very mild
salsa. I think it will look really pretty. I've roasted some of the
tiny tims because they are ripening faster than I can eat them. Who
needs breakfast when you can eat tiny tims while harvesting in the
morning Can you tell we love tomatoes? Any homegrown tomato tastes
better than store bought if you ask me. I'm glad you are enjoying your
harvest. Even one plant is better than none

  #7 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

In article >, ~patches~ > wrote:
>Yes we are very fortunate to live in an area where we can get nice
>tomatoes. The ones I'm using right now are grown by a relative and
>travel by large wagons to a canning factory (Heinz). They will be made
>into ketchup and canned as whole or stewed and likely whatever else they
>can make. Romas make a very good sauce tomato because they are so meaty.

G'day Patches,

I'm not sure if this is the right question as the subject is "paste"
and your note above is "sauce". Be that as it may, the local
supermarket has Roma tomatoes on special at the moment and I'd be
interested in trying your *paste*, if they're suitable for that.

So can I prevail on you to post the recipe, please? (Or a link to a
similar one if you don't want ot spill the authentic beans. ;-)

Cheers, Phred.


  #8 (permalink)   Report Post  
Nancy Young
Posts: n/a

"~patches~" > wrote

> I grow tomatoes as well but only home garden amounts. Here's a pic of a
> few tomatoes from my garden - these are tiny tims, mellow yellows, and
> romas - Don't let the amount fool you as
> this is only a pic of the smallest basket. I have enough romas and
> mellow yellows to make a batch of salsa. I also have beefsteak and
> brandywines. The brandywines are rather pretty as they are more of a
> pinky red with green shoulders - stem end of the tomato. Beefsteaks are
> always a pleasure noted for their size and flavour.

Patches, the picture is so pretty I printed it. Gorgeous. You make
me want to finally take up canning.


  #9 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

"~patches~" > wrote in message
| Here are pics of the tomato paste I made yesterday. The paste has a
| very intense, rich tomato flavour.

All your canning pics are giving me pleasant memories of when I used to do
all this. I had a pantry about 8' x 10' with shelves from floor to sealing
and a freezer at one end. The shelves held mostly tomatoes, sauces, pickles
and various relishes and veggies that I had canned.


  #10 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

Phred wrote:

> In article >, ~patches~ > wrote:
> [...]
>>Yes we are very fortunate to live in an area where we can get nice
>>tomatoes. The ones I'm using right now are grown by a relative and
>>travel by large wagons to a canning factory (Heinz). They will be made
>>into ketchup and canned as whole or stewed and likely whatever else they
>>can make. Romas make a very good sauce tomato because they are so meaty.

> G'day Patches,
> I'm not sure if this is the right question as the subject is "paste"
> and your note above is "sauce". Be that as it may, the local
> supermarket has Roma tomatoes on special at the moment and I'd be
> interested in trying your *paste*, if they're suitable for that.
> So can I prevail on you to post the recipe, please? (Or a link to a
> similar one if you don't want ot spill the authentic beans. ;-)
> Cheers, Phred.

Phred, the recipe is very simple as it only involves tomatoes. I run
the tomatoes through a food mill that removes the skins and seeds. I do
this for other sauces like roasted tomato sauce as well. If you don't
have a food mill you will have to peel (shudder) and core the tomatoes
then run through a food processor or blender for a puree. I use an old
graniteware roasting pan because I like reducing sauces on the bbq so it
doesn't heat up the house and I don't have to deal with splatters
everywhere. You can do the same in an oven and I've been told but
haven't tried it that to prevent burning you can use a slow cooker set
to high with lid off during the final stages to get it to the right
consistency. Once the roasting pan is filled with tomato puree I put it
on the bbq set on med-low and let it go until the tomato paste humps up
on a spoon. Since I do a hamper at a time I add any puree that couldn't
fit in the pan with the first filling. I aim for the same type of
consistency as store bought tomato paste. FWIW, one hamper resulted in
12 - 250 ml plus 500 ml left over. When the tomato paste reaches that
consistency I remove it from the bbq and do one of a few things.

To use right away - I put in a ziploc container and put in the fridge
then use as needed. I only do the left-overs from the following two

To freeze - I spoon the tomato paste into muffin tins then freeze. This
will result in about 4 oz frozen pucks of tomato paste. You can freeze
them in ice cube trays for smaller amounts but I don't because I use at
least 4 oz at a time. Once froze pop the tomato paste pucks out and
store in a ziploc baggie.

To can - (using proper canning techniques of course) - spoon tomato
paste into 250 ml jars. This is ~ 8 oz. Remove air bubbles with rubber
spatula. Clean rim and cap. Place in bwb, cover and bring to boil.
Leave for 20 min then remove jars and allow to cool 24 hrs before storing.

A couple of notes - I both can and freeze tomato paste and other things
because I was taught not to put all my eggs in one basket and I prefer
to keep freezer space for those things that are more expensive or don't
can well. Thankfully we don't live in a area prone to hurricanes where
I could lose both. IMO the frozen tomato paste is just as good as the
canned and easy to use if you are cooking something that will be
simmering for awhile. I find the canned tomato paste easier to use for
those dishes that won't be cooking a long time but I want the flavour
right now.

Once you've made tomato paste this way you will never buy commercially
canned tomato paste! There is just something about the richness and
intensity in the homecanned that the commercial ones don't match.

  #11 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

Nancy Young wrote:

> "~patches~" > wrote
>>I grow tomatoes as well but only home garden amounts. Here's a pic of a
>>few tomatoes from my garden - these are tiny tims, mellow yellows, and
>>romas - Don't let the amount fool you as
>>this is only a pic of the smallest basket. I have enough romas and
>>mellow yellows to make a batch of salsa. I also have beefsteak and
>>brandywines. The brandywines are rather pretty as they are more of a
>>pinky red with green shoulders - stem end of the tomato. Beefsteaks are
>>always a pleasure noted for their size and flavour.

> Patches, the picture is so pretty I printed it. Gorgeous. You make
> me want to finally take up canning.
> nancy

What a compliment <blushing> Thank-you so much. Mellow yellows are new
to be this year. Their flavour is sweet and mellow, no acidy taste at
all. I'll post a pic of the beefsteaks and brandywines as soon as a few
are ripe. Brandywines are an age old variety and their flavour is
wonderful. Canning can add so much more to your cooking experience
especially when local grocery store have little in the way of variety.
I do a lot and have never regretted it. I even do things like beef stew
and kidney beans because sometimes I just don't feel like cooking right
from scratch, they taste better than store bought, and I *know* what's
in them. If you decide to start canning check out
George is the leading expert on hot sauce and Melba is the jamming
queen. I'm kind of a jack of all trades since if it fits in a jar it's
fair game. It is really a lovely newsgroup!
  #12 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

Debbie wrote:

> "~patches~" > wrote in message
> ...
> | Here are pics of the tomato paste I made yesterday. The paste has a
> | very intense, rich tomato flavour.
> All your canning pics are giving me pleasant memories of when I used to do
> all this. I had a pantry about 8' x 10' with shelves from floor to sealing
> and a freezer at one end. The shelves held mostly tomatoes, sauces, pickles
> and various relishes and veggies that I had canned.
> Debbie

I'm glad it is bringing back good memories I can't imagine a time
when I can do this but I'm sure it will come with Father Time marching
on. I have a huge canning rack since whoever designed this kitchen
didn't add a pantry. The rack is stuffed to overflowing but we'll go
through it all. I haven't had much luck with pickles other than bread &
butter, beans, and cauliflower plus the dreade b**t pickles. I have a
really nice freezer pickle recipe if anyone wants it. They are very good.
  #13 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

"~patches~" > wrote in message
> Here are pics of the tomato paste I made yesterday. The paste has a very
> intense, rich tomato flavour.
> Washed tomatoes are put through the food mill. Many of my sauces start
> out this was since the food mill is such a time saver.
> The tomato puree was reduced on the bbq.
> I ended up with 8 - 250 ml jars of canned tomato paste with about 500 ml
> left over to be froze.

Did you add anything? Or is it straight tomatoes?
I'm impressed!


  #14 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

"~patches~" > wrote in message
> Nancy Young wrote:
>> "~patches~" > wrote
>>>I grow tomatoes as well but only home garden amounts. Here's a pic of a
>>>few tomatoes from my garden - these are tiny tims, mellow yellows, and
>>>romas - Don't let the amount fool you as
>>>this is only a pic of the smallest basket. I have enough romas and
>>>mellow yellows to make a batch of salsa. I also have beefsteak and
>>>brandywines. The brandywines are rather pretty as they are more of a
>>>pinky red with green shoulders - stem end of the tomato. Beefsteaks are
>>>always a pleasure noted for their size and flavour.

>> Patches, the picture is so pretty I printed it. Gorgeous. You make
>> me want to finally take up canning.
>> nancy

> What a compliment <blushing> Thank-you so much. Mellow yellows are new
> to be this year. Their flavour is sweet and mellow, no acidy taste at
> all. I'll post a pic of the beefsteaks and brandywines as soon as a few
> are ripe. Brandywines are an age old variety and their flavour is
> wonderful. Canning can add so much more to your cooking experience
> especially when local grocery store have little in the way of variety. I
> do a lot and have never regretted it. I even do things like beef stew and
> kidney beans because sometimes I just don't feel like cooking right from
> scratch, they taste better than store bought, and I *know* what's in them.
> If you decide to start canning check out George is
> the leading expert on hot sauce and Melba is the jamming queen. I'm kind
> of a jack of all trades since if it fits in a jar it's fair game. It is
> really a lovely newsgroup!

How do you can the stew? Does it have to be processed in a water bath? I'm
very intrigued by this, as I love stew but have time to prepare it very


  #15 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

Nexis wrote:

> "~patches~" > wrote in message
> ...
>>Here are pics of the tomato paste I made yesterday. The paste has a very
>>intense, rich tomato flavour.
>>Washed tomatoes are put through the food mill. Many of my sauces start
>>out this was since the food mill is such a time saver.
>>The tomato puree was reduced on the bbq.
>>I ended up with 8 - 250 ml jars of canned tomato paste with about 500 ml
>>left over to be froze.

> Awesome
> Did you add anything? Or is it straight tomatoes?
> I'm impressed!
> kimberly

Straight tomatoes with no additives

  #16 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

Nexis wrote:

> "~patches~" > wrote in message
> ...
>>Nancy Young wrote:
>>>"~patches~" > wrote
>>>>I grow tomatoes as well but only home garden amounts. Here's a pic of a
>>>>few tomatoes from my garden - these are tiny tims, mellow yellows, and
>>>>romas - Don't let the amount fool you as
>>>>this is only a pic of the smallest basket. I have enough romas and
>>>>mellow yellows to make a batch of salsa. I also have beefsteak and
>>>>brandywines. The brandywines are rather pretty as they are more of a
>>>>pinky red with green shoulders - stem end of the tomato. Beefsteaks are
>>>>always a pleasure noted for their size and flavour.
>>>Patches, the picture is so pretty I printed it. Gorgeous. You make
>>>me want to finally take up canning.

>>What a compliment <blushing> Thank-you so much. Mellow yellows are new
>>to be this year. Their flavour is sweet and mellow, no acidy taste at
>>all. I'll post a pic of the beefsteaks and brandywines as soon as a few
>>are ripe. Brandywines are an age old variety and their flavour is
>>wonderful. Canning can add so much more to your cooking experience
>>especially when local grocery store have little in the way of variety. I
>>do a lot and have never regretted it. I even do things like beef stew and
>>kidney beans because sometimes I just don't feel like cooking right from
>>scratch, they taste better than store bought, and I *know* what's in them.
>>If you decide to start canning check out George is
>>the leading expert on hot sauce and Melba is the jamming queen. I'm kind
>>of a jack of all trades since if it fits in a jar it's fair game. It is
>>really a lovely newsgroup!

> How do you can the stew? Does it have to be processed in a water bath? I'm
> very intrigued by this, as I love stew but have time to prepare it very
> seldom.
> Thanks!!
> kimberly

I make the stew then pressure can it at 10 lbs pressure 75 min. I don't
add any thinkeners for stews.
  #17 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

On Tue, 27 Sep 2005 10:36:54 -0400, ~patches~ wrote:

> Here are pics of the tomato paste I made yesterday. The paste has a
> very intense, rich tomato flavour.
> Washed tomatoes are put through the food mill. Many of my sauces start
> out this was since the food mill is such a time saver.
> The tomato puree was reduced on the bbq.
> I ended up with 8 - 250 ml jars of canned tomato paste with about 500 ml
> left over to be froze.

those are absolutely gorgeous and the color is spectacular.

red with envy
  #18 (permalink)   Report Post  
Wayne Boatwright
Posts: n/a

On Tue 27 Sep 2005 07:36:54a, ~patches~ wrote in

> Here are pics of the tomato paste I made yesterday. The paste has a
> very intense, rich tomato flavour.
> Washed tomatoes are put through the food mill. Many of my sauces start
> out this was since the food mill is such a time saver.
> The tomato puree was reduced on the bbq.
> I ended up with 8 - 250 ml jars of canned tomato paste with about 500 ml
> left over to be froze.

It's simply beautiful! Tomato paste is so thick, how do you keep it from

Wayne Boatwright *¿*

  #19 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

Wayne Boatwright wrote:
> Popie-In-The-Bowl


You may want to submit Popie's pic he

My Jilly is the last pic in Gallery 22
My Blackie is the last pic in gallery 23


  #20 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

On 27 Sep 2005 19:22:03 -0700, Sheldon wrote:

> Wayne Boatwright wrote:
> >
> >
> >
> > Popie-In-The-Bowl

> Cutie.
> You may want to submit Popie's pic he
> My Jilly is the last pic in Gallery 22
> My Blackie is the last pic in gallery 23

They are adorable! I love tuxedo cats.

  #21 (permalink)   Report Post  
Wayne Boatwright
Posts: n/a

On Tue 27 Sep 2005 07:22:03p, Sheldon wrote in

> Wayne Boatwright wrote:
>> Popie-In-The-Bowl

> Cutie.
> You may want to submit Popie's pic he
> My Jilly is the last pic in Gallery 22
> My Blackie is the last pic in gallery 23
> Sheldon

Thank you, Sheldon. Jilly and Blackie are both sweethearts. I remember
all you posts about Jilly.

I went to the website to submit Popie's pic, but they're not accepting new
pictures for the present. I'll take note and try again.

Wayne Boatwright *¿*

  #22 (permalink)   Report Post  
Dee Randall
Posts: n/a

"Wayne Boatwright" > wrote in message
> On Tue 27 Sep 2005 07:22:03p, Sheldon wrote in
>> Wayne Boatwright wrote:
>>> Popie-In-The-Bowl

>> Cutie.
>> You may want to submit Popie's pic he
>> My Jilly is the last pic in Gallery 22
>> My Blackie is the last pic in gallery 23
>> Sheldon

> Thank you, Sheldon. Jilly and Blackie are both sweethearts. I remember
> all you posts about Jilly.
> I went to the website to submit Popie's pic, but they're not accepting new
> pictures for the present. I'll take note and try again.
> --
> Wayne Boatwright *¿*

I used to go everyday to a website to these sites. Have you gone there?
Dee Dee

  #23 (permalink)   Report Post  
Wayne Boatwright
Posts: n/a

On Thu 29 Sep 2005 05:48:25a, Dee Randall wrote in


Yes, my Mr. Bailey is on there somewhere, but I found it tiresome that the
host kept asking for more stories that made him "interestiing". Zeeesh! :-)

Wayne Boatwright *¿*

Give me a smart idiot over a stupid genius any day.
Sam Goldwyn, 1882-1974
  #24 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

"~patches~" > wrote in message
> Here are pics of the tomato paste I made yesterday. The paste has a very
> intense, rich tomato flavour.
> Washed tomatoes are put through the food mill. Many of my sauces start
> out this was since the food mill is such a time saver.
> The tomato puree was reduced on the bbq.
> I ended up with 8 - 250 ml jars of canned tomato paste with about 500 ml
> left over to be froze.

Great pics! I'm hoping once we are settled in to do just small batches for
Jim and I.


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