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  #1 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Why does meat from a hoof cost so much?

As far as I know...cows and steers aren't an endangerd species.
Damn...I can't even find a good roast in the supermarket now.
Is it the grazing land that's no shrinking?

I suppose it's too many ppl and not enough animals.

  #2 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Why does meat from a hoof cost so much?

jdc1 wrote:
> As far as I know...cows and steers aren't an endangerd species.
> Damn...I can't even find a good roast in the supermarket now.
> Is it the grazing land that's no shrinking?
> I suppose it's too many ppl and not enough animals.

I'm not sure it's an issue to too many people (although there are too
many...) and not enough animals. And very few cattle that make it to
your neighborhood meglomart are grazed. They're all feed lot animals.

Meat production is a complex business involving complex economics.
There's feed costs, land use, transportation costs, processing costs,
insurance (meat processing is one of the most injury-prone jobs there
is), government regulatory overhead, built-in profit margins--lots of
factors go into the cost of meat.
  #3 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Why does meat from a hoof cost so much?

" jdc1" <" > wrote in message
> As far as I know...cows and steers aren't an endangerd species.
> Damn...I can't even find a good roast in the supermarket now.
> Is it the grazing land that's no shrinking?
> I suppose it's too many ppl and not enough animals.

deisel prices went up, shipping charges went up on feed, shipping charges
went up on hauling steers to slaughter then to market, hence the price of
meat has gone up to pay all those shipping charges due to the increase in
deisel fuels.

Truck drivers pay fuel surcharges in every state they travel thru. They pay
more for deisel fuel than we pay for cheap unleaded.

Have you noticed that toilet paper costs more as well? It's only going to
get worse at the market, because while gasoline may be coming down in price,
deisel is still up where it was weeks ago. This is the fuel with the least
amount of processing, yet Pa-Oil seems to think it should cost more?!?! I
wonder why (rhetorical)

so here's my twist as to why things are costing more, which may actually be
worth 2 cents of fuel <g>


  #4 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Why does meat from a hoof cost so much?

On 2005-11-06, lightlady > wrote:

> Truck drivers pay fuel surcharges in every state they travel thru. They pay
> more for deisel fuel than we pay for cheap unleaded.


Eighteen months ago diesel was $.50 cheaper than regular. Now it's
$.50 more than regular and big semis get less than 10mpg. This brings
us to the major factor in increased meat prices ....greed. The oil
companies and refiners are totally screwing this country over. I
about coughed up a kidney when Dubya recently stated we need to build
more refineries. Like the oil industry is not really creating
aritficial shortages just like the power companies did.

  #5 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Why does meat from a hoof cost so much?

In article >,
notbob > wrote:

> On 2005-11-06, lightlady > wrote:
> > Truck drivers pay fuel surcharges in every state they travel thru. They pay
> > more for deisel fuel than we pay for cheap unleaded.

> Bingo!
> Eighteen months ago diesel was $.50 cheaper than regular. Now it's
> $.50 more than regular and big semis get less than 10mpg. This brings
> us to the major factor in increased meat prices ....greed. The oil
> companies and refiners are totally screwing this country over. I
> about coughed up a kidney when Dubya recently stated we need to build
> more refineries. Like the oil industry is not really creating
> aritficial shortages just like the power companies did.
> nb

I know what you mean... but I think the idea is to build refineries away
from Hurricane alley.

The annual hurricane situation is only going to get worse.

"My mother never saw the irony in calling me a son-of-a-bitch." -Jack Nicholson

  #6 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Why does meat from a hoof cost so much?

On 2005-11-06, OmManiPadmeOmelet > wrote:

> I know what you mean... but I think the idea is to build refineries away
> from Hurricane alley.

The idea is to build them, period! None have been built for over 20
years. The gas shortage and resulting price increases are being
created by lack of refining capacity which refiners are puprposely
exploiting. At a recent convention of refiners the head wienie was
practically wetting his leg over all the windfall profits the industry
is making due to lack of capacity. The press caught him on camera
openly bragging about it.

  #7 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Alex Rast
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Default Why does meat from a hoof cost so much?

at Sun, 06 Nov 2005 08:59:22 GMT in >, "
( jdc1) wrote :

>As far as I know...cows and steers aren't an endangerd species.
>Damn...I can't even find a good roast in the supermarket now.
>Is it the grazing land that's no shrinking?
>I suppose it's too many ppl and not enough animals.

I think the question should rather be, why does meat from a hoof cost so
*little*? I know fairly well one of the local beef ranchers, who runs a
smaller operation, and I've seen the sorts of costs that go into the
operation, and how much the resultant beef costs (it's certainly more than
your typical supermarket bulk beef), and I can see that he's not exactly
getting rich off this. Calculating down to what the larger processors are
able to get by with charging I rather shudder to think at the level of
quality this must represent, to say nothing of humane animal treatment,
sanitation, etc.

It would seem consumers have gotten used to pricing that's unrealistic if
we expect to get decent-quality meat, raised under conditions that won't
make most of us somewhat queasy. I wouldn't think, for example, that it
should be at all unreasonable to expect $5.00/lb for a chuck 7-bone roast,
or $15.00/lb for a rib roast, or $25.00/lb for a tenderloin roast. From my
POV it's customer expectations that need to change.

Alex Rast

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