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  #1 (permalink)   Report Post  
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The Bubbo
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Default Morning Coffee

My caffeine addiction....oh how I love thee

this morning I made 5 shots instead of the usual 4. It's almost to the point
where there's no room to add the water for the americano.

Then i drink tea most of the day.

anyone else addicted?
  #2 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Morning Coffee

>My caffeine addiction....oh how I love thee... anyone else addicted?

I drink probably six cups of Gevalia coffee on any given morning
(French roast, breakfast blend, dark roast, espresso roast etc.)
And when I get tired of drinking it hot, I cool it down, shake it in a
martini shaker with tons of ice and drink it out of a tea glass.

I'd say i'm addicted.. .yeah, addicted.. that's it... addicted...
addicted and bouncing off the walls... yeah, off the walls...
bouncing... addicted..... me... addicted


  #3 (permalink)   Report Post  
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The Bubbo
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Default Morning Coffee

kevnbro wrote:
>>My caffeine addiction....oh how I love thee... anyone else addicted?

> I drink probably six cups of Gevalia coffee on any given morning
> (French roast, breakfast blend, dark roast, espresso roast etc.)
> And when I get tired of drinking it hot, I cool it down, shake it in a
> martini shaker with tons of ice and drink it out of a tea glass.
> I'd say i'm addicted.. .yeah, addicted.. that's it... addicted...
> addicted and bouncing off the walls... yeah, off the walls...
> bouncing... addicted..... me... addicted
> Kev


I have a little tea station that I set up in my office. I have one of thoe
plug-in water boiler pots, loose leaf earl grey tea, a loose cocoa/maté,
teabags with everything from chamomile to green to maté to chai. People come
see me for tea. I should keep some cookies around too, but the security guards
wuld just eat them at night.

  #4 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Morning Coffee


HAHA!! I walked away with half a butt-cheek after my "pineapple
martini" scalding.
I'm sittin' sideways over here. Kev

  #5 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Morning Coffee

The Bubbo wrote:
> >>My caffeine addiction....oh how I love thee... anyone else addicted?

> >

If you ever try to get off that caffeine, your head will feel like it
is going to split in half from the pain. I suffered with a nagging
headache for about 2 days, some folks have to take to their beds
they're so sick. Now I just drink one 16 ounce mug per day and that's
more than enough for me.

Don't ask me how, but caffeine makes the body retain water. That's why
so many diet plans tell you to drink decaf coffee, caffeine-free colas,

  #6 (permalink)   Report Post  
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King's Crown
Posts: n/a
Default Morning Coffee

"The Bubbo" > wrote in message
> kevnbro wrote:
>>>My caffeine addiction....oh how I love thee... anyone else addicted?

>> I drink probably six cups of Gevalia coffee on any given morning
>> (French roast, breakfast blend, dark roast, espresso roast etc.)
>> And when I get tired of drinking it hot, I cool it down, shake it in a
>> martini shaker with tons of ice and drink it out of a tea glass.
>> I'd say i'm addicted.. .yeah, addicted.. that's it... addicted...
>> addicted and bouncing off the walls... yeah, off the walls...
>> bouncing... addicted..... me... addicted
>> Kev

> just...don'!
> I have a little tea station that I set up in my office. I have one of thoe
> plug-in water boiler pots, loose leaf earl grey tea, a loose cocoa/maté,
> teabags with everything from chamomile to green to maté to chai. People
> come
> see me for tea. I should keep some cookies around too, but the security
> guards
> wuld just eat them at night.
> --
> .:Heather:

Hi Heather,

About a month ago I bought one of those plug in water pots. The whistling
kettle on the stove was driving me INSANE! My husband would put the pot on
and go take a shower. This electric pot is great. It heats up a full pot
of water in less than 6 minutes and then shuts itself off. Hubby gets hot
water, I get sleep. Yeah!

Coffee... I make myself a Latte' every day. Just one, but I've got to have
that one or I'm craving it all day. So, I guess I'd have to say it's an


  #7 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Morning Coffee

"King's Crown" > ha scritto nel messaggio
> "The Bubbo" > wrote in message
> ...
>> kevnbro wrote:
>>>>My caffeine addiction....oh how I love thee... anyone else addicted?
>>> I drink probably six cups of Gevalia coffee

....I imagine your blood pression is OK! DDDD

  #8 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posted to
The Bubbo
Posts: n/a
Default Morning Coffee

King's Crown wrote:

> Hi Heather,
> About a month ago I bought one of those plug in water pots. The whistling
> kettle on the stove was driving me INSANE! My husband would put the pot on
> and go take a shower. This electric pot is great. It heats up a full pot
> of water in less than 6 minutes and then shuts itself off. Hubby gets hot
> water, I get sleep. Yeah!
> Coffee... I make myself a Latte' every day. Just one, but I've got to have
> that one or I'm craving it all day. So, I guess I'd have to say it's an
> addiction.
> Lynne

David NEEDS the whistling teapot! this is a guy who put eggs on to boil and
then went to watch his movie and forgot. I got home from the dog park to this
AWFUL stench and a guy with a sheepish look on his face (not to mention a
permanently stained pan).

I think it's funny to watch my coffee drinking evolution, starting in college
with regular coffee then mocha's then lattes, lattes with extra shots,
americanos, americanos with an extra shot and now just mostly espresso with a
bit of water to fill the cup.

I don't just crave the coffee, I get wicked bad headaches without it. If I
don't get it by about 10 or 11am I'm screwed. I'm sure it's psychological and
a matter of habit, but I hate those headaches so much I'm not willing to mess
with them.

  #9 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posted to
The Bubbo
Posts: n/a
Default Morning Coffee

kevnbro wrote:

> HAHA!! I walked away with half a butt-cheek after my "pineapple
> martini" scalding.
> I'm sittin' sideways over here. Kev

hmm sounds like a solid weight loss program, perhaps I will post the
ginger-martini recipe I have...

  #10 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posted to
The Bubbo
Posts: n/a
Default Morning Coffee

itsjoannotjoann wrote:
> The Bubbo wrote:
>> >>My caffeine addiction....oh how I love thee... anyone else addicted?
>> >

> If you ever try to get off that caffeine, your head will feel like it
> is going to split in half from the pain. I suffered with a nagging
> headache for about 2 days, some folks have to take to their beds
> they're so sick. Now I just drink one 16 ounce mug per day and that's
> more than enough for me.
> Don't ask me how, but caffeine makes the body retain water. That's why
> so many diet plans tell you to drink decaf coffee, caffeine-free colas,
> etc.

oh, believe me, I am well acquainted with this headache. Last winter I kept
getting pneumonia every time I got sick, and I got sick probably 4 or 5 times.
I didn't care about food or water or anything, i just wanted my coffee! I
begged my dad to come over one day to make it for me since I was too
weak/blurry eyed/ cough-ee to do it myself.


  #11 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posted to
Dave Smith
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Default Morning Coffee

The Bubbo wrote:

> David NEEDS the whistling teapot! this is a guy who put eggs on to boil and
> then went to watch his movie and forgot. I got home from the dog park to this
> AWFUL stench and a guy with a sheepish look on his face (not to mention a
> permanently stained pan).

Is there a comparable gizmo for frying pans. My wife is notorious for cooking
everything on high heat, some sometimes goes off to do something else. Last week
when her sister was visiting she headed off upstairs to look for something in the
middle of cooking scrambled eggs.... on High.

  #12 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Morning Coffee

"The Bubbo" > wrote in message
> My caffeine addiction....oh how I love thee
> this morning I made 5 shots instead of the usual 4. It's almost to the
> point
> where there's no room to add the water for the americano.
> Then i drink tea most of the day.
> anyone else addicted?
> --
> .:Heather:.

Hi, my name is Kimberly, and I am a coffeeholic.
Lately, it's hot coffee, being sick and all. But I do drink it every day,
and am not ashamed to say so. ;-)


  #13 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Morning Coffee

The Bubbo wrote:

> I don't just crave the coffee, I get wicked bad headaches without it. If I
> don't get it by about 10 or 11am I'm screwed. I'm sure it's psychological

> a matter of habit, but I hate those headaches so much I'm not willing to

> with them.
> --
> .:Heather:.

Those killer headaches ain't just psychological, babe! Caffeine is a
big-time vaso-constrictor, so it follows that attempts to go "on the wagon"
often result in withdrawal headaches, particularly for us heavy consumers.
In the days when I tried to wean myself off coffee, tea, etc., I used to
"cheat" and take Excedrin for the pain; original Excedrin contains caffeine,
a mighty good dose of it.

And whatdya know, it worked!

"Home, James, and don't spare the horses!"

  #14 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Morning Coffee

"The Bubbo" > wrote in message
> kevnbro wrote:
>>>My caffeine addiction....oh how I love thee... anyone else addicted?

>> I drink probably six cups of Gevalia coffee on any given morning
>> (French roast, breakfast blend, dark roast, espresso roast etc.)
>> And when I get tired of drinking it hot, I cool it down, shake it in a
>> martini shaker with tons of ice and drink it out of a tea glass.
>> I'd say i'm addicted.. .yeah, addicted.. that's it... addicted...
>> addicted and bouncing off the walls... yeah, off the walls...
>> bouncing... addicted..... me... addicted
>> Kev

> just...don'!
> I have a little tea station that I set up in my office. I have one of thoe
> plug-in water boiler pots, loose leaf earl grey tea, a loose cocoa/maté,
> teabags with everything from chamomile to green to maté to chai. People
> come
> see me for tea. I should keep some cookies around too, but the security
> guards
> wuld just eat them at night.
> --
> .:Heather:.

Tea too, me too.
I have a vast collection of teapots and my daughter and I pick on each
evening and make a pot of tea to share. It's a lovely tradition and we plan
to stick with it.
Have you tried Harney & Sons teas? They're awesome. They have the best Earl
Grey (The Earl Grey Supreme) that I've ever had, and I've tried them all
<g>. The Hot Cinnamon Sunset is my current favorite, though my daughter
prefers Citrus Blend. They have a terrific array of Oolong and green teas,
and a great selection of blends. White teas too.


  #15 (permalink)   Report Post  
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The Bubbo
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Default Morning Coffee

Spitzmaus wrote:
> The Bubbo wrote:
>> I don't just crave the coffee, I get wicked bad headaches without it. If I
>> don't get it by about 10 or 11am I'm screwed. I'm sure it's psychological

> and
>> a matter of habit, but I hate those headaches so much I'm not willing to

> mess
>> with them.
>> --
>> .:Heather:.

> Those killer headaches ain't just psychological, babe! Caffeine is a
> big-time vaso-constrictor, so it follows that attempts to go "on the wagon"
> often result in withdrawal headaches, particularly for us heavy consumers.
> In the days when I tried to wean myself off coffee, tea, etc., I used to
> "cheat" and take Excedrin for the pain; original Excedrin contains caffeine,
> a mighty good dose of it.
> And whatdya know, it worked!
> Spitz

David's always trying to get me to eat/live healthier. He's on a campaign to
get the caffeine and nicotine out of my life. Poor guy, has no idea how
stubborn I can be, but I assured him if I ever got the caffeine withdrawal
headach because of him I'd break his fingers for fun.


  #16 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Morning Coffee

On Sat, 10 Dec 2005 21:32:51 GMT, The Bubbo >
>oh, believe me, I am well acquainted with this headache. Last winter I kept
>getting pneumonia every time I got sick, and I got sick probably 4 or 5 times.
>I didn't care about food or water or anything, i just wanted my coffee! I
>begged my dad to come over one day to make it for me since I was too
>weak/blurry eyed/ cough-ee to do it myself.

I was a coffee addict in college. I drank it to the point I'd often
get sick from all the caffine... if's very flulike in nature. The
only way I could wean myself from coffee was to gradually add
decafinated coffee until I was drinking only decaf. It took years of
decaf to not have that nagging feeling something essential is missing
if you forget to make coffee in the morning.

Now, I just have one large travel mug of coffee on the way to work and
if I don't drink coffee on the weekend, I don't miss it.
  #17 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Morning Coffee

kevnbro wrote:
>>My caffeine addiction....oh how I love thee... anyone else addicted?

> I drink probably six cups of Gevalia coffee on any given morning
> (French roast, breakfast blend, dark roast, espresso roast etc.)
> And when I get tired of drinking it hot, I cool it down, shake it in a
> martini shaker with tons of ice and drink it out of a tea glass.

Now if you drank it out of a martini glass you could call it
a coffee martini, shaken, not stirred.

(Sorry, I couldn't help myself.)

gloria p
  #18 (permalink)   Report Post  
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The Bubbo
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Default Morning Coffee

sf wrote:
> On Sat, 10 Dec 2005 21:32:51 GMT, The Bubbo >
> wrote:
>>oh, believe me, I am well acquainted with this headache. Last winter I kept
>>getting pneumonia every time I got sick, and I got sick probably 4 or 5

>>I didn't care about food or water or anything, i just wanted my coffee! I
>>begged my dad to come over one day to make it for me since I was too
>>weak/blurry eyed/ cough-ee to do it myself.

> I was a coffee addict in college. I drank it to the point I'd often
> get sick from all the caffine... if's very flulike in nature. The
> only way I could wean myself from coffee was to gradually add
> decafinated coffee until I was drinking only decaf. It took years of
> decaf to not have that nagging feeling something essential is missing
> if you forget to make coffee in the morning.
> Now, I just have one large travel mug of coffee on the way to work and
> if I don't drink coffee on the weekend, I don't miss it.

I am so much like a junkie, I know I could quit if I tried but I honestly just
don't want to. At this point in my life I have given up almost all of my vices
or reduced them down to "socially". I just don't want to give up my coffee and

  #19 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Morning Coffee

On Sat, 10 Dec 2005 23:30:35 GMT, Puester >

>kevnbro wrote:
>>>My caffeine addiction....oh how I love thee... anyone else addicted?

>> I drink probably six cups of Gevalia coffee on any given morning
>> (French roast, breakfast blend, dark roast, espresso roast etc.)
>> And when I get tired of drinking it hot, I cool it down, shake it in a
>> martini shaker with tons of ice and drink it out of a tea glass.

>Now if you drank it out of a martini glass you could call it
>a coffee martini, shaken, not stirred.
>(Sorry, I couldn't help myself.)
>gloria p

Or you could stir in some cream and then have your coffee martini
stirred but not shaken.


  #20 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Morning Coffee

On Sat, 10 Dec 2005 20:06:42 GMT, The Bubbo >

>My caffeine addiction....oh how I love thee
>this morning I made 5 shots instead of the usual 4. It's almost to the point
>where there's no room to add the water for the americano.
>Then i drink tea most of the day.
>anyone else addicted?

Used to be but I found that I can drop it and not suffer withdrawal.
But you have to get down to a cup a day or so. I drink about 12 oz in
my am and have a couple of others at the most throughout the day.


  #21 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posted to
Bob Terwilliger
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Default Morning Coffee

Heather wrote:

> I think it's funny to watch my coffee drinking evolution, starting in
> college with regular coffee then mocha's then lattes, lattes with extra
> shots, americanos, americanos with an extra shot and now just mostly
> espresso with a bit of water to fill the cup.

The Navy got me started drinking coffee; I never could tolerate it before I
joined. Toward the end of my career, I stood watch as Officer of the Deck
underway, on the bridge of the ship. That's when I learned that the coffee
on the bridge of a ship is the most god-awful unholy brew known to man. To
alleviate its effects, I used to only quarter-fill a styrofoam cup with
coffee and then fill up the cup with water -- a *******ized version of an
Americano. The quip about this concoction was that I liked my coffee the
way I liked my women: cold, weak, and bitter.

Anymore, I've found that if I drink coffee every day I become dependent on
it: I'll get headaches if I don't have it. I'll also get headaches if I
drink too much of it. It's too much hassle for me to regulate my coffee
intake that way, so I only have coffee every once in a while, and enjoy it
when I do.


  #22 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Morning Coffee

The Bubbo wrote:
> itsjoannotjoann wrote:
>> The Bubbo wrote:

>> Don't ask me how, but caffeine makes the body retain water. That's why
>> so many diet plans tell you to drink decaf coffee, caffeine-free colas,
>> etc.

Bushwah! Caffeine does not cause water retention.

Caffeine has stimulant and diuretic effects. Over the counter diet aids
use caffeine for two purposes: 1) to decrease the appetite by
stimulating the nervous system, and 2) to give the appearance of
satisfyingly rapid weight loss through loss of water from the body.

Many diet plans advise abstaining from caffeine to wean the body off its
effects, including the effect of artificial weight loss.
  #23 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Morning Coffee

The Bubbo wrote:

David's always trying to get me to eat/live healthier. He's on a campaign
> get the caffeine and nicotine out of my life. Poor guy, has no idea how
> stubborn I can be, but I assured him if I ever got the caffeine withdrawal
> headach because of him I'd break his fingers for fun.
> --
> .:Heather:.

Well-meaning partners *always* seem to have these campaigns, do they not??!?
What they never fail to realize is that the ultimate motivation to quit (cut
back, whatever) can only come from within. Besides, caffeine is certainly
not, in and of itself, "bad"; nicotine, on the other hand, has a less than
stellar reputation when it comes to one's health. Still, if you're over
twenty-one and acting of your own free will . . .

It's your business. If you're like me, you despise being told what to do,
concerned partner notwithstanding!

"Home, James, and don't spare the horses!"

  #24 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Morning Coffee

On 10 Dec 2005 20:47:03 -0600, "Bob Terwilliger"
> wrote:

>Heather wrote:
>> I think it's funny to watch my coffee drinking evolution, starting in
>> college with regular coffee then mocha's then lattes, lattes with extra
>> shots, americanos, americanos with an extra shot and now just mostly
>> espresso with a bit of water to fill the cup.

>The Navy got me started drinking coffee; I never could tolerate it before I
>joined. Toward the end of my career, I stood watch as Officer of the Deck
>underway, on the bridge of the ship. That's when I learned that the coffee
>on the bridge of a ship is the most god-awful unholy brew known to man. To
>alleviate its effects, I used to only quarter-fill a styrofoam cup with
>coffee and then fill up the cup with water -- a *******ized version of an
>Americano. The quip about this concoction was that I liked my coffee the
>way I liked my women: cold, weak, and bitter.
>Anymore, I've found that if I drink coffee every day I become dependent on
>it: I'll get headaches if I don't have it. I'll also get headaches if I
>drink too much of it. It's too much hassle for me to regulate my coffee
>intake that way, so I only have coffee every once in a while, and enjoy it
>when I do.

I've always heard that there are five grades of coffee in the Navy:
java, joe, jamoke, jamaica and plain old carbon cleaner.


  #25 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posted to
Jessica V.
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Default Morning Coffee

The Bubbo wrote:
> My caffeine addiction....oh how I love thee
> this morning I made 5 shots instead of the usual 4. It's almost to the point
> where there's no room to add the water for the americano.
> Then i drink tea most of the day.
> anyone else addicted?
> --
> .:Heather:.

I doubt I've gone more than ten days total without coffee in the
fifteen years that I've been a coffee drinker. For years it was 2-3 22
ounce mugs of coffee a day, in the past five years I've pretty much
switched to 16 ounces of brewed coffee a day and 2-3 shots of espresso
alone or in lattes. When visiting friends that aren't coffee drinkers
the first thing I do is look for the coffee shops in the neighborhood.
I feel lousy if it passes 10am and I have yet to have any caffiene.


  #26 (permalink)   Report Post  
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The Bubbo
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Default Morning Coffee

Jessica V. wrote:
> The Bubbo wrote:
>> My caffeine addiction....oh how I love thee
>> this morning I made 5 shots instead of the usual 4. It's almost to the

>> where there's no room to add the water for the americano.
>> Then i drink tea most of the day.
>> anyone else addicted?
>> --
>> .:Heather:.

> I doubt I've gone more than ten days total without coffee in the
> fifteen years that I've been a coffee drinker. For years it was 2-3 22
> ounce mugs of coffee a day, in the past five years I've pretty much
> switched to 16 ounces of brewed coffee a day and 2-3 shots of espresso
> alone or in lattes. When visiting friends that aren't coffee drinkers
> the first thing I do is look for the coffee shops in the neighborhood.
> I feel lousy if it passes 10am and I have yet to have any caffiene.
> Jessica

I travel A LOT and I've discovered that there is a terrible lack of coffee
between Memphis and New Orleans! Say what you will about Starbuck, i don't
care, they're consistent and they open early. I could not believe the morning
I was in Memphis and had a list of local coffee shops to try. None of them
opened before 11am. Who needs coffee at 11am? I need coffee in the morning! I
had the same problem in Mississipi.

Get to New Orleans and there's coffee everywhere and it's available when I
need it.

When I travel I am always aware of where the coffee is.

  #27 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Morning Coffee

The Bubbo wrote:
> Jessica V. wrote:
> >
> > The Bubbo wrote:
> >> My caffeine addiction....oh how I love thee
> >>
> >> this morning I made 5 shots instead of the usual 4. It's almost to the

> point
> >> where there's no room to add the water for the americano.
> >>
> >> Then i drink tea most of the day.
> >>
> >> anyone else addicted?
> >> --
> >> .:Heather:.
> >>

> >
> > I doubt I've gone more than ten days total without coffee in the
> > fifteen years that I've been a coffee drinker. For years it was 2-3 22
> > ounce mugs of coffee a day, in the past five years I've pretty much
> > switched to 16 ounces of brewed coffee a day and 2-3 shots of espresso
> > alone or in lattes. When visiting friends that aren't coffee drinkers
> > the first thing I do is look for the coffee shops in the neighborhood.
> > I feel lousy if it passes 10am and I have yet to have any caffiene.
> >
> > Jessica
> >

> I travel A LOT and I've discovered that there is a terrible lack of coffee
> between Memphis and New Orleans! Say what you will about Starbuck, i don't
> care, they're consistent and they open early. I could not believe the morning
> I was in Memphis and had a list of local coffee shops to try. None of them
> opened before 11am. Who needs coffee at 11am? I need coffee in the morning! I
> had the same problem in Mississipi.
> Get to New Orleans and there's coffee everywhere and it's available when I
> need it.
> When I travel I am always aware of where the coffee is.
> --
> .:Heather:.

Every hotel I have stayed in over the last ten years or more, 2-star to
4-star, has had a coffee maker in the room. The only problem is they
are so stingy -- they give you one filter pack each of regular and
decaf each day! So I travel with a bag of my own coffee grounds and
a supply of filters that fit those "4-cup" (i.e. 2 mugs) pots.

Coffee makers in the rooms are as standard as hair dryers in the

  #29 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Pan Ohco
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Default Morning Coffee

On Sun, 11 Dec 2005 13:02:14 -0800, ensenadajim wrote:

>I've always heard that there are five grades of coffee in the Navy:
>java, joe, jamoke, jamaica and plain old carbon cleaner.

One type HOT.
I came down off wing of the bridge, in the arctic.
got coffee, ship rolled.
Went thru blue uniform, then thru blue jean uniform, long johns, sweat
shirt, tee shirt and still burnt my chest.

  #30 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Morning Coffee

On 11 Dec 2005 18:56:28 -0800, " >

>The Bubbo wrote:
>> Jessica V. wrote:
>> >
>> > The Bubbo wrote:
>> >> My caffeine addiction....oh how I love thee
>> >>
>> >> this morning I made 5 shots instead of the usual 4. It's almost to the

>> point
>> >> where there's no room to add the water for the americano.
>> >>
>> >> Then i drink tea most of the day.
>> >>
>> >> anyone else addicted?
>> >> --
>> >> .:Heather:.
>> >>
>> >
>> > I doubt I've gone more than ten days total without coffee in the
>> > fifteen years that I've been a coffee drinker. For years it was 2-3 22
>> > ounce mugs of coffee a day, in the past five years I've pretty much
>> > switched to 16 ounces of brewed coffee a day and 2-3 shots of espresso
>> > alone or in lattes. When visiting friends that aren't coffee drinkers
>> > the first thing I do is look for the coffee shops in the neighborhood.
>> > I feel lousy if it passes 10am and I have yet to have any caffiene.
>> >
>> > Jessica
>> >

>> I travel A LOT and I've discovered that there is a terrible lack of coffee
>> between Memphis and New Orleans! Say what you will about Starbuck, i don't
>> care, they're consistent and they open early. I could not believe the morning
>> I was in Memphis and had a list of local coffee shops to try. None of them
>> opened before 11am. Who needs coffee at 11am? I need coffee in the morning! I
>> had the same problem in Mississipi.
>> Get to New Orleans and there's coffee everywhere and it's available when I
>> need it.
>> When I travel I am always aware of where the coffee is.
>> --
>> .:Heather:.

>Every hotel I have stayed in over the last ten years or more, 2-star to
>4-star, has had a coffee maker in the room. The only problem is they
>are so stingy -- they give you one filter pack each of regular and
>decaf each day! So I travel with a bag of my own coffee grounds and
>a supply of filters that fit those "4-cup" (i.e. 2 mugs) pots.
>Coffee makers in the rooms are as standard as hair dryers in the

I'm suspicious as to what some kid may have put in one of those coffee
Chuck (in SC)

  #31 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posted to
Posts: n/a
Default Morning Coffee

The Bubbo wrote:

>> I doubt I've gone more than ten days total without coffee in the
>> fifteen years that I've been a coffee drinker. For years it was 2-3
>> 22 ounce mugs of coffee a day, in the past five years I've pretty
>> much switched to 16 ounces of brewed coffee a day and 2-3 shots of
>> espresso alone or in lattes. When visiting friends that aren't
>> coffee drinkers the first thing I do is look for the coffee shops in
>> the neighborhood. I feel lousy if it passes 10am and I have yet to
>> have any caffiene.
>> Jessica

> I travel A LOT and I've discovered that there is a terrible lack of
> coffee between Memphis and New Orleans! Say what you will about
> Starbuck, i don't care, they're consistent and they open early. I
> could not believe the morning I was in Memphis and had a list of local
> coffee shops to try. None of them opened before 11am. Who needs coffee
> at 11am? I need coffee in the morning! I had the same problem in
> Mississipi.
> Get to New Orleans and there's coffee everywhere and it's available
> when I need it.
> When I travel I am always aware of where the coffee is.
> --
> .:Heather:.

I don't drink coffee except at brunch, cause I can't brew a cup that
tastes like coffee.

But after yesterday's brunch and beers and football and all, even after
brushing my teeth, even a cup of MY coffee would taste like heaven right
about now.

Remember that Scope mouthwash commercial about an army trudging through
your mouth?

  #32 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posted to
maxine in ri
Posts: n/a
Default Morning Coffee

Chuck Wrote:

On 11 Dec 2005 18:56:28 -0800, " >
>The Bubbo wrote:
>> Jessica V. wrote:
>> > The Bubbo wrote:
>> >> My caffeine addiction....oh how I love thee
>> >> this morning I made 5 shots instead of the usual 4. It's almost to the

>> point
>> >> where there's no room to add the water for the americano.
>> >> Then i drink tea most of the day.
>> >> anyone else addicted?
>> >> --
>> >> .:Heather:.
>> >>

>> > I doubt I've gone more than ten days total without coffee in the
>> > fifteen years that I've been a coffee drinker. For years it was 2-3 22
>> > ounce mugs of coffee a day, in the past five years I've pretty much
>> > switched to 16 ounces of brewed coffee a day and 2-3 shots of espresso
>> > alone or in lattes. When visiting friends that aren't coffee drinkers
>> > the first thing I do is look for the coffee shops in the neighborhood.
>> > I feel lousy if it passes 10am and I have yet to have any caffiene.

>> > Jessica

>> I travel A LOT and I've discovered that there is a terrible lack of coffee
>> between Memphis and New Orleans! Say what you will about Starbuck, i don't
>> care, they're consistent and they open early. I could not believe the morning
>> I was in Memphis and had a list of local coffee shops to try. None of them
>> opened before 11am. Who needs coffee at 11am? I need coffee in the morning! I
>> had the same problem in Mississipi.
>> Get to New Orleans and there's coffee everywhere and it's available when I
>> need it.
>> When I travel I am always aware of where the coffee is.
>> --
>> .:Heather:.

>Every hotel I have stayed in over the last ten years or more, 2-star to
>4-star, has had a coffee maker in the room. The only problem is they
>are so stingy -- they give you one filter pack each of regular and
>decaf each day! So I travel with a bag of my own coffee grounds and
>a supply of filters that fit those "4-cup" (i.e. 2 mugs) pots.

>Coffee makers in the rooms are as standard as hair dryers in the

I'm suspicious as to what some kid may have put in one of those coffee
Chuck (in SC)

The heck with the kids. I've seen foodie suggestions for cooking fish
and making your morning cereal in them!

maxine in ri

  #33 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posted to
Nancy Young
Posts: n/a
Default Morning Coffee

> wrote

> Coffee makers in the rooms are as standard as hair dryers in the
> bathrooms.

However, if you're someone spoiled (me), it's useless
unless they also leave light cream or half and half.


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